Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur Disclaimer: The characters included within belong to the Fox Network, the creative people over at 1013, Chris Carter, David Duchovny, and Gillian Anderson. No infringement is intended. Classification: Story; MSR; A little ScullyAngst Rating: NC-17 for violence and sexual situations Time line: Season 5 Spoilers: The End Archive: Gossamer: Yes. Anywhere else: Yes, as long as my name stays attached. If you have the time, please drop me a line so I can see my name in lights. Also, you can find this and my other works on my website, which is beautifully maintained by Kat: Feedback: Will be answered quickly and gratefully. Summary: The X-Files are closed, but Mulder and Scully find a way to work together. What transpires when Scully suspects that Diana Fowley's motives are less than honorable? This story was written directly after the Season 5 finale and does not fit in with the events of the movie. Dedication: This story is dedicated to Jill, who mistakenly believes that I can handle writing plot. Jill, this will teach that smarmy friend of yours to say stupid things like, "I think that Diana Fowley would make a good love interest for Mulder!" Acknowledgements: I'd like to thank several people: Lisa, without whom this fic wouldn't exist--literally and figuratively; Amanda, whose editing work goes above and beyond the call of duty; my Primal Screamers (and Honoraries), who continue to amuse and inspire me; and my husband, who loves me unconditionally. ********************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 1/9 The business had been doing well so far. The small space that constituted their office was spacious enough for the two of them to each have a desk, with room left over for other requisite office supplies: a copier, fax machine, filing cabinets, and a lone palm plant that, between the two of them, barely managed to survive. The initial start-up costs had been covered by the profit made from the dissolution of some of Scully's assets. She had moved quickly after the destruction of the X-Files office, and was glad for the effort that she had taken since joining the FBI to invest her money carefully. They had agreed that she would cover the cost of supplies, and Mulder would use his inheritance from his father to pay the lease until the company was self-sufficient. At that point, all profits would be split fifty-fifty. Their private investigation enterprise became a reality within weeks of the FBI's receipt of the resignations of Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. After the destruction of their work and the ensuing news of reassignment, Mulder and Scully determined over pasta and Chianti that they would no longer be Their pawns. They would forego their government credentials in favor of working for themselves. Their attorneys had been put to work the next morning, and within two weeks, all of the paperwork had been filed and they were moving into their modest downtown office. This particular morning had been spent taking on new clients. Unfortunately, the majority of the cases thus far had involved tedious investigative work, mainly consisting of following suspected adulterous spouses and researching insurance fraud. If it paid the bills, however, they took it on. Both former agents realized that this venture was merely a way to bide their time. Once the dust settled and they were on their feet financially, they would resume the search that they had only temporarily abandoned. As they had anticipated, no leads were found as to the nature of the FBI basement fire. They had spent the night of the fire at Scully's apartment, entwined in each other's arms under the heavy quilt on her bed. They'd slept fitfully, both in mild shock, neither one willing to lose immediate contact with the other. No words were spoken over the coffee that Scully made the next morning, and after returning to the Hoover Building, only to determine that nothing could be salvaged, they had each gone to their respective apartments for showers and sleep. Two days later Mulder invited Scully out to dinner to ask her to become his partner again. And while the notion was never given voice, the understanding was there. When the time came, they would resume the quest that now belonged to both of them. ************************************ Mulder rushed through the office door, a stack of files tucked under his arm and a skinny latte in each hand. "Sorry I'm late," he offered, as he deposited Scully's morning fix from the corner coffee shop on her desk. "They're releasing Diana from the hospital today, and I offered to help her get squared away." =Lovely,= Scully thought, as she yanked the lid off of her styrofoam cup. Help her get squared away? What exactly does that entail in your world, Mulder? "What help does she need?" Dana knew that Mulder had been visiting Diana Fowley during her recovery period. What she'd tried not to think about, however, was what would happen when Agent Fowley was no longer confined to a bed. Would she launch an all out attack to get back into bed, only this time not in a hospital, and with Fox Mulder in it to keep her company? "Nothing much. Just get her things together; help with paperwork.... I'm picking her up when I'm done here at the office. I'll take her to her place and help her get settled in." With an air of nonchalance that Scully found annoying, he asked, "So, what's on the agenda for today?" ***************************** "Mulder, I'm ready for lunch. How does Max's sound?" "Sounds good." Once at their favorite lunch spot, Scully surprised Mulder by ordering a Max's Special burger, with a side of fries. True to her enigmatic nature, she then proceeded to order a diet soda to drink. "Hungry, Scully?" he asked, a slight teasing sound in his voice. "For what specifically, Mulder?" He choked a little on his turkey club, and washed it down with a gulp of his water. Momentarily pleased with herself, she chalked one up on her mental scoreboard. The night of the fire that had been spent in bed together was still vivid in her mind. It had been strictly platonic, as there was nothing sexual about watching your job, or in Mulder's case, your life's work burn to the ground. They had each merely wanted the comfort and contact of the other. But something had shifted that evening for Scully. Due either to the nature of the events of the night and her subsequent vulnerability or to the simple fact that she had slept in her partner's arms, she'd become hyper-aware of his presence--and of her repressed feelings toward him. And since then, she'd found herself more and more comfortable lightly pushing his buttons to see if perhaps her feelings were reciprocated. However, she quickly cast those thoughts aside and broached the subject of the case that she had taken on that morning. This could be their biggest case yet, outside of their FBI work, and it was the first time in weeks that she had actually felt the stirrings of work-related excitement. "Mulder, this woman who called me this morning.... This could be a major opportunity for us. Her husband is not only a senator; he also has international ties around the world. Anna Lawrence has spoken her fears to no one but me; she's afraid to go into details over the phone. She's paranoid that every room in her home is bugged." Biting off the tip of a french fry, she went on. "When she called from the pay phone earlier today, she said that if her husband even =sensed= her doubts or her disloyalty... Well, she's afraid of the consequences. I'm meeting with her at 4:30, while she gets her nails done." His eyes met hers as he brushed his napkin over his mouth. "You're right, this could be our first big case. But it could also be a setup. Just be careful." "Always." He reached across the table and grabbed her hand. "No, Scully, I mean it. The timing is a little coincidental. I want you to call me if anything seems strange. We don't work for the FBI any longer; we are no longer a phone call away from backup. It's just you and me, now more than ever." He held her gaze as his thumb trailed over her knuckles. "I know that, Mulder." After giving his fingers a soft squeeze, she broke contact by reaching for the check and putting a $20 bill down. "May I have a receipt for that?" she asked the waitress, as she attempted to push out of her mind the memory of Mulder's eyes and hand on her, as well as the impact of his words. They returned to the office in silence. ******************************** The meeting had been short. Mrs. Lawrence had been able to meet with Scully only briefly in the lobby of her styling salon. The details, however, seemed viable, and the woman's motive simple: she feared for the life of herself and her twin six-year- old daughters. She felt that the information on the disk that she'd given to Scully might help her get out from under the suffocating life that she lived. She'd risked copying the information from her husband's laptop in order that she might soon be able to flee the hell that she and her children were enduring. Scully decided to stop by Mulder's apartment to brief him on her meeting. He'd made her promise before they'd left the office to call as soon as she was finished, but since she had to pass his place on the way from the salon to her home, she figured that stopping by would even better. She was wrong. Mulder opened the door after the second knock and invited her in. Unfortunately, he wasn't alone. "Agent Fowley, good to see that you're doing better," Scully managed, trying not to show her displeasure. "You're looking well yourself, Dana." "Scully, Diana is anxious to get out and about, so we decided we'd go out and grab a bite to eat," Mulder explained, still holding the door open. So this is how it's going to be, thought Scully. She'd sensed a positive shift in her relationship with Mulder lately, but now that Diana was back in his life she feared that the steps taken forward might be lost. "Do you want to join us? How did the meeting go? Does the case look good?" His line of questioning only irked Scully further. Here he was standing with his ex-partner (and ex- lover, although he'd not admitted it to Scully yet), assuming that Scully wouldn't be bothered at all to have dinner with the two of them. Diana didn't waste any time interjecting her own opinion. "Fox, I'm sure that Dana has had a long day and her business meeting has left her exhausted. She probably doesn't want to be bored with two old friends and partners getting reacquainted." With a sharp look toward Scully, she added, "Would you, Dana?" Mulder was still looking at Scully expectantly, but she replied, "Actually, Mulder, she's right. I'll pass on dinner, and the details of the case can wait until tomorrow." With a slightly icy tone, she finished. "The two of you have an enjoyable evening together." There was no mistaking the purr of Diana Fowley's voice when she answered, "Oh, we will." Scully gave the agent one last look from the doorway. On Diana's face was clearly a triumphant smirk, one that Scully would have happily slapped off, if given the opportunity. However, there was something else showing on the woman's visage. Something dark and sinister. Something that Dana Scully couldn't place a finger on, but disturbed her nonetheless. *************************** I am not going to put Mulder or myself through this, Scully decided over her Chinese tofu and vegetables. The thought of Diana Fowley and Mulder casually deciding to go out to dinner together rattled her, but she made the choice that she would get past it. She and Mulder were partners, no longer just in the investigative realm, but also in business. As a grown woman, she knew that she must respect his choices, and she refused to allow herself to dwell on this petty jealousy any longer. And, as in the past, she would not allow her feelings for him to jeopardize their working relationship. Having reached that conclusion, albeit reluctantly, she now faced an even greater hurdle. What to do about the nagging suspicion she had about Agent Fowley's motives toward Mulder. Scully had initially blamed her ill feelings regarding the woman on professional and personal jealousy. That, coupled with the fact that she resented Mulder for holding back this part of his past from her, made it perfectly sensible that she not like Diana Fowley. However, what she had seen today chilled her. Diana Fowley was most definitely dangerous and harboring an ulterior motive. Perhaps bagging Fox Mulder was all just part of a bigger plan. Or, worse yet, maybe harming him was her ultimate goal. Scully remained slightly perplexed by Mulder's actions regarding Fowley. He'd visited her regularly during her hospital stay, and yet he never seemed to stay longer than etiquette would deem the appropriate amount of time. But, Scully had witnessed the two of them holding hands, and there was an unmistakable bond that they shared. If Mulder wanted to be with Diana Fowley, Scully would not stand in their way. She would rise above her own sense of loss and allow them their happiness, if it was what he truly wanted. But she would not step aside until she was thoroughly convinced that his former partner had only the best intentions. Pulling on her Keds, Scully headed out the door to see what the Lone Gunmen could help her dig up on the woman who was, at that very moment, most likely sipping coffee over dessert with Fox Mulder. *********************************** End 1/9 Feedback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1 ************************* Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 2/9 The twelve hours that the Gunmen claimed they needed had since passed. They were able to find nothing on Agent Fowley that might indicate the true nature of her return to the DC area. The guys had promised Scully that they would keep looking, but their initial results found that Diana Fowley's Bureau record was nothing less than exemplary. Scully felt slightly guilty for working with the Gunmen behind Mulder's back, but she'd long ago learned to trust her investigative instinct, so she tried to push the feelings aside. "Scully." Mulder pulled her out of her thoughts. "I'm going to go over these phone records again. There's a connection in here somewhere. Senator Lawrence certainly has some interesting friends, and he definitely doesn't mind staying up all hours of the night in order to phone them." "Good. Mrs. Lawrence is working on getting another zip disk of some of his personal files. She thinks she can have them to us in the next couple of days. Hopefully, the information, paired with phone records, will put us on to some better leads." While the work on this case was tedious and mundane, both agents had dedicated themselves to the task. Compared to their work on the X-Files, the job was dull, to say the least. However, it did hold the promise of resolution, which would offer closure often denied them while working for the FBI. Scully sighed. "Mulder, I'm going to take this paperwork home with me. Let's call it a day." She hadn't slept much the night before, and between the Lawrence case and her covert research on Diana Fowley, her mind was begging for a slight reprieve. "Scully, you look worn out today. I wish you could've joined us last night, you seem as if you could use some down time. And I'd like it if you and Diana got to know each other a little better. I think you'd like her." Go to hell, Mulder, Scully thought. Instead of speaking those words, though, she asked, "What do you know of Agent Fowley's return to the States? More specifically, her return to DC?" "Not too much, really. I only know that she requested the transfer citing personal reasons. I assume that anyone living that far away from home would eventually have the desire to return." Looking her in the eyes, he asked, "Why, is there something on your mind?" "Nothing, Mulder. I was just curious." Letting it go at that, she stuffed her folders into her briefcase and said, "Come on, let's go. I'll let you walk me to my car." ********************************** The red rose was in dire need of water. Scully looked up and down the hallway, looking for any sign of the individual who had left it. Seeing no one, she picked it up and carried it into her apartment. After depositing her keys and briefcase on her couch and locking the door, she carried the wilting bud into the kitchen. As she unwrapped the flower, a piece of paper fluttered to the floor. 'Meet me at the park around the corner at 10 tonight. I have information that you seek. Come alone.' Scully felt her color rise. What was this all about? Who had left the flower, and what information did this person have? And in regards to what? Most importantly, Scully wondered if this was some sort of game. Perhaps she should call Mulder and fill him in, let him know what was going on, just to be safe. No, she dismissed that idea. The note said to come alone, and Mulder would adamantly insist on joining her. She couldn't risk losing valuable knowledge if he made a rash move and scared off the informant. She made her decision. She would go alone. **************************** The park was dark by 10:00, and the springtime air was cool. Scully felt the weight of her Sig underneath her jacket, its presence reassuring. She sat on the lone bench nestled in between two huge lilac bushes, both of them fragrant and in full bloom. Her senses were on full alert, and she sprang to her feet a millisecond after hearing one of the bushes rustle. "Who's there?" she demanded, her hand instinctively reaching for her gun. "Agent Scully, I'm not going to hurt you. I've risked everything to come here." The voice sounded oddly familiar to Dana, and it took her eyes a moment to adjust to the figure standing before her in the darkness. Agent Pendrell. "Oh my God," she whispered, her hands falling to her sides. Holstering her gun, she said, "I thought you were dead." "Officially, I am. But, as you well know by now, very few things are what they seem." Scully moved toward him, and he pulled her further into the shadows of the bushes. "I have to say, I'm happy to see you," he said, his hand still wrapped around her elbow. "I'm aware of what's been going on in your life; the X-Files closing, the business that you've started with your partner. I'm not ashamed to admit that I've been keeping tabs on you and your work." Scully looked into his eyes, and saw open affection for her on his face. "Agent Pendrell, what is this about? What's your position, and why have you called me here? You said that you had some information that I need..." "I'm no longer a Special Agent with the FBI, Dana. My position is one that is not openly acknowledged by any government agency, and that's all I can tell you on that topic." He allowed his hand to fall from her elbow to her hand. "I'm aware of the Lawrence case that you've taken on." Seeing her quizzical look, he continued. "Regarding the case, all that I have to offer is that you should continue on the path that you've started. With the trust that Anna Lawrence has placed in you and the data that she is able to supply, you'll find answers that men who have been following the Senator for the past two years have been unable to locate." The moon was now high overhead, and Scully saw intensity on Pendrell's face. His handsome features glowed with a maturity that Scully had not seen in him before. She wondered what he had witnessed since his "death" that would cause this change. "Brian, I certainly appreciate you risking what you have to come here tonight. I hope I haven't put you in any danger." "There's more that I need to tell you, Dana. Agent Fowley... Her motives are not what they appear to be." "And you know this how...?" "You won't find anything, regardless of where you look and who you ask for help. I can lead you to a database, however, that will give you all that you need to prove her guilt." "Her guilt? What is she guilty of, exactly?" "Let's just say that her sudden reappearance in Fox Mulder's life and the closing of the X-Files are not unrelated. She's working for the very men who have been your enemies for the past six years. Dana, she may have loved Mulder at one time, but for whatever reason, her mission is now to make sure that his work does not go on, even outside of the X-Files." Scully pressed on. "What do you have for me? How can I get this information?" "I have an address for you, an abandoned marina on the river. Once there, you'll find the mainframe for the computer. Inside, you'll find a file with the code that I've written down. It should supply you with the data that you need. What you do with it is your own choice." He handed her a neatly folded piece of paper. Inside she found both an address and a file number, as well as an alarm code to the building. Looking back up to him, Scully said, "I'm not quite sure how to thank you. How can I reach you if I need to?" His fingers closed around hers. "Seeing you here tonight is thanks enough. And you can't reach me. But I'll be in touch again. I promise." Scully put the folded paper in her jacket pocket, and reached both of her hands up to Pendrell's face. She pulled it toward her own, and placed a warm, chaste kiss on his lips. "Thank you, Brian." Glancing cautiously around the park, she walked away, leaving him standing alone behind the lilac bush. ********************************** End 2/9 ****Note: I used "Brian" as Pendy's first name in honor of the always witty and entertaining CiCi Lean. Feedback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1. *********************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 3/9 A quick stop at home to change into black jeans, a long- sleeved black t-shirt, and black boots, and Scully was on her way to the address that Pendrell had given her. The marina was deserted, and the only building on the lot was dilapidated. She hid her car behind the dumpster, pulled her flashlight out, and made her way around the old gray building. Scully found the alarm pad and carefully punched in the code. Holding her breath, she pushed the Enter key. Bingo. The door, which appeared to be on its last hinge, silently slid open to allow her entry. As she stepped inside, Scully noted the empty room. Damn. There seemed to be nothing but open space previously used for boat storage. She made her way across the floor to a small office in the corner. She pushed the door open, finding only more empty space. Undaunted, she pulled the filing cabinet away from the wall, as well as the desk. It was under the desk that she found the trap door. The passageway was small, but Scully had no problem making her way down. What she found was no surprise to her. An entire catacomb of underground office space. Filing cabinets lined the walls, and a huge computer system sat before her, its lights blinking and beckoning for her to discover its deepest secrets. Sitting before the screen and keyboard, Scully once again pulled the slip of paper from her jeans pocket. Typing in the necessary passwords, she was quickly taken deep into the mainframe. The file code caused several beeps and blips from the system, but soon the computer was asking her for a disk. She slipped one of three zip disks she had brought with her into the drive, and watched quietly as the machine began to download information that she would later decipher. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to get the files and get the hell out of here. Just as the last of the information was downloading, Scully heard a scuffling noise above her. Shit. Shitshitshit. She willed the system to finish its job. Once done, she quickly pulled out the disk. Pocketing it, she closed out the computer program and moved to the stairs of the passageway. She knew that her cover would be blown if whoever was upstairs made it to the office and noticed the desk out of place. After a few moments, however, it grew silent. She had to chance her getaway now, in case her visitor came back with guests. The passage was dark, and she quietly pushed the trap door open. No sight of anyone in the office. Scully heaved her compact body out of the door, and silently pushed the desk back to its original position. Taking a deep breath, she opened the office door and peered out over the expanse of the building. Again, nothing. She made her way along the wall, and made it to the main entryway with no interruptions. Obviously, whoever had been there had not been tipped off to her presence, and had left. Probably a guard of some sort, surveying the premises. Apparently not a very astute one, she thought to herself. Not that she was complaining. Once in her car, she made one last visual sweep of the grounds, and with her lights off, pulled out from behind the dumpster and drove cautiously out of the marina. From behind an overgrown tree, a lone figure watched Dana Scully depart. ***************************** Scully drove straight to the Gunmen. They didn't seem the least bit surprised to see her. As a matter of fact, they happily informed her that she had been spending more time with them lately than Mulder. "Gentlemen," she began, "I believe Mulder's life to be in danger, and I'm willing to risk whatever it takes in order to prove it." Taking a deep breath, she informed them, "I have been told that you will find information on these disks implicating Diana Fowley in a plan to discredit and perhaps even destroy Mulder. I need to access this information and determine what I am going to do with it before she has her opportunity." The three Gunmen exchanged dubious glances amongst each other. "Agent Scully," Byers said, "Diana Fowley was =with= Mulder when he found the X-Files. If anything, she would have a vested interest in seeing the X-Files reopened and thriving." "What makes you so suspicious of her, if I may ask?" Frohike chimed in. "As Mulder would say, 'Just call it a hunch.' Are you gonna help me here, guys? I can find someone else to decode the information. It will take me more time, which I can't really afford right now, but I can do it." Again, the three friends shared looks, silently coming to a unanimous agreement. "We'll help you," Langley offered. "No matter what you need from us." To his friends, he said, "Let's get started." ***************************** Dead on her feet, Scully fell into a fitful sleep around 2 a.m. She dreamt of deceit and betrayal, and woke several times out of various nightmares. Finally, at 5:30, she decided to just get out of bed and begin her day. With the coffee brewing, she stepped into the shower, letting the steam and heat cascade over her tired and aching back. What am I going to do with the information I found, she pondered. Confront Agent Fowley? Demand that she leave Fox Mulder's life in exchange for silence regarding her involvement? Or should she be turned over to the authorities? And what if I don't find anything at all, she thought further. What if nothing exists on Diana Fowley, nothing that points to any guilt whatsoever? Or, worse yet, what if she =is= guilty, but no trace of evidence can be found? Heavy with thought, Scully made her way to the office, looking more tired, she'd determined, than the day before. Mulder's 'Up And At 'Em!' aura threatened to permanently damage the retinas of her eyes. She normally tried to benefit from his healthy morning attitude, but today she felt unable to muster the strength. "G'morning, Partner! Have a restful evening?" He plunked her coffee down in front of her, removing the plastic lid with a small flourish. "Mulder, =must= you be so damn cheerful this early in the day?" "Aw, come on, Scully. It's a beautiful day outside, the coffee is hot... And things are looking good on this case. I'm meeting Anna Lawrence over lunch. She has some information that she thinks we'll find useful. "I have to say, I think that we are on the verge of something big here. It's starting to look as if Senator Lawrence might be involved in some high-stakes sales of some sort. Based upon his position and his connections, I'm betting on the traffic of chemical weapons. We'll know more after my meeting." "I'm going to order lunch in, I think," she replied. "I need to follow up on some phone calls and get caught up on some of my own paperwork." Mulder nodded his head, looking intently at his partner. "Scully, I hope you don't think that I'm prying, but you really do look tired again today. You're not going to break my heart and tell me that you're staying out all night with another guy, are you?" he asked in a joking manner, but with a serious undertone. Scully was slightly taken aback by his innuendo, but played it off. "No, Mulder. Just haven't been sleeping well, I guess. And trust me, when I start staying up all night with a guy, you'll be the first to know," she added, with an arched eyebrow that made the corner of his mouth turn up in a smile. Just then, the phone on Scully's desk rang. It was Byers on the other end of the line, informing her that he had bad news. *************************** End 3/9 Feedback: See disclaimer, etc. in Part 1. ********************* Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 4/9 True to form, the Gunmen refused to give any information out over the phone. So Scully found herself once again knocking on their door. "What do you have for me, guys? You said that you had bad news." "Actually," Frohike began, "we have both good and bad news." "The good news is," Langley continued, "there is a veritable =feast= of information on the disks that you brought us. We're talking times, dates, bank account numbers... There's even an overview of the mission of this particular 'employee'." "And you think that there is a good chance that said 'employee' is Diana Fowley?" she inquired. Byers pulled a hard copy of a memo from the desk and handed it to Scully. "You tell us." 'Dear Friend, Your mission is to return to the Subject. The Subject is to cease work on his current project, and must not pursue his interests outside of the FBI. The Partnership must be destroyed. Employ any means necessary. You will see to it that the Subject's attention is diverted until further notice. Terms of payment to be discussed at a later time.' Scully read the memo twice, its intent clear. Mulder's work on the X-Files was to be terminated, and the two of them were to be separated. And what better way for Diana Fowley to redirect Mulder's attention than by working her way back into his life, as well as into his bed? Was he stupid enough to fall for this? Scully didn't think so. But if he were still in love with Fowley, his judgement would surely be clouded. "This is clearly Diana Fowley. She must've been shot by someone in opposition to this plan. Is her name in the file anywhere?" "That's the bad news. You were able to download the majority of the files, but somehow the very end of the last file was cut off. The part that listed the names of those involved." "Damn it!" Scully realized that she must have cut the download short when she'd heard the noise coming from above her in the underground facility. She had no other choice but to return to the facility and retrieve the remaining data. ********************************* Scully's cell phone rang just as she was starting the car engine. "Scully," she answered. "Hey, Scully, it's me. Where are you?" "I'm in my car," she told him, not ready to give away that fact that she was spending her free time hanging out with the Gunmen, conducting research on his ex-lover. "How soon can you get to my place? I have pizza on the way and we need to discuss the latest information on this case. My meeting proved to be quite informative today." Scully cursed inwardly. The trip to the marina would have to wait. "Give me ten minutes. Do I need to bring something to drink? Your refrigerator contents frighten me." "No need. In honor of your presence this evening, I picked up some Pellegrino." Wonders will never cease, Scully decided. ******************************** The pizza was just arriving when she got to Mulder's place. "Here, Mulder, you pay, I'll give the tip." He eyed her suspiciously, and she said, "Your tipping habits are less than desirable. For someone with a genius IQ, you certainly have plenty of difficulty figuring out twenty percent." With a chuckle, Mulder closed the door and put the pizza on the table. "Well, maybe someday you can teach me the finer points of tipping, Scully." She arched her eyebrow teasingly, "I'm sure that I could teach you a =lot= of things." Once again, she'd managed to catch him off guard. He turned slowly toward her. "Should I get that in writing?" With a snicker, she walked into the kitchen to get the water out of the refrigerator. "So, what did you find out from Anna Lawrence tonight?" Sitting down on the couch and putting slices of pizza on two separate plates, he filled her in. "I'm convinced now that the Senator has an American contact working for him in the Middle East. The information that we have points to chemical weapons. He's been dealing with these countries in exchange for large amounts of money. The cash is being deposited into various bank accounts, none of which are easily traceable." Scully sat down next to him. Taking the proffered plate, she continued with his train of thought. "But things started heating up, so he needed someone to act as a liaison, someone who would be willing to help diffuse the direct contact between himself and his buyers, in exchange for part of the profit." "Exactly. Most likely an American, someone with whom his correspondence would seem less suspicious." They ate in silence for a few moments. Scully had worked through lunch, and hadn't realized how hungry she was until the smell of the pizza had wafted from the box. "The key," she continued, "is to find the liaison. Once we find that missing link, we should be able to expose the senator's treason." "All that Mrs. Lawrence could tell me today was that she knew it was a female. Initially, she'd assumed that her husband was having an affair. But the more she dug around, the more she realized that what he was involved in was much deeper, and consequently, much more dangerous than adultery." He looked in the box on the table. "Do you want that last piece?" he asked, his hand poised over the vegetable laden slice. "No thanks, it's all yours," she said, as she relaxed against the back of his couch, her stomach finally content. "All that we can do now is wait," Mulder pointed out, devouring the last of his dinner. "Mrs. Lawrence has nothing else to offer us. I've pulled in some favors, and I have Danny working on the phone records. Hopefully, he should have some answers soon." He closed the empty cardboard box, and got up to put it in the trash. Scully followed him into the kitchen. "Mulder, how is Diana feeling?" "She's doing much better. The doctors tell her that she's nearly 100 percent. She's been following all of the medical guidelines, and she's bounced back quickly. Still no leads on the shooter, though." Scully nodded her head thoughtfully. She wondered if this would be the time to bring up her suspicions and let Mulder in on her findings. She considered whether or not she should bring up the issue with her partner at all. No, she decided, better to wait until she had more information on Fowley and her ties. There was no need to alienate Mulder unnecessarily, based solely upon conjecture. She decided to let it go for now. Soon she would have the remaining information from the database at the marina. She hated doing this behind Mulder's back; she felt as if it was a step backward from the honest communication that they had been striving for. However, if Diana Fowley was indeed innocent, Scully couldn't be responsible for placing doubts about her integrity in Mulder's mind. She'd only appear petty and jealous, and she had vowed not to stand in between the two of them. As much as it hurt her to do so, she had to stick by her decision. "I'm glad she's feeling better." With a sigh, she added, "I guess I'd better get going." "Are you sure you don't want to stay and wait with me for Danny's call? He thought it would most likely be sometime tonight. I'm sure we can find something on TV to watch." He seemed to genuinely want her to stay, to have her there for the remainder of the evening. These were the moments that made Scully wonder what exactly the depth of his feelings were for her. Sometimes their relationship was so damn frustrating, she concluded. Rather than risk making a mistake, she decided not to put herself in a position in which she might be tempted to test the fates. Better to know more about Fowley and her role in Mulder's life before she made time to sit side by side with him on the couch with the television turned down low in front of them. "No, I need to wrap up a few things. But call me if you hear anything." "Will do." "Thanks for the pizza, Mulder. If I don't hear from you tonight, then I'll see you at the office in the morning." "I'll be there, Scully, skinny latte in hand." With that, she left his apartment, and headed toward the marina. ************************************ End 4/9 Feeback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1. ***************************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 5/9 Still in her navy suit from work, Scully pulled her black boots out of the trunk. Quickly pulling her pumps off, she replaced them with the sturdier footwear. Her clothing was both comfortable and dark enough to wear on her trip to the underground facility, so she didn't bother taking the time to change. She fingered the slip of paper that she'd slipped into her jacket pocket. Luckily, she'd had the forethought to stash the information that Pendrell had given her in her briefcase. As before, the marina was deserted. It really was the perfect cover-up, she realized. Abandoned riverfront property existed all around the region. Anyone who was curious would just assume that the owner was sitting on the property until the day it could be sold for a huge profit. Leaving the car behind the dumpster, Scully retraced her steps from her previous visit. Once inside, she went directly to the office, and pulled the desk away from the hidden door. The underground area looked as if it had not been touched, and Scully wondered how often this site was actually used. It was obviously not the heart of the mainframe, and she questioned whether there were other satellite locations such as this. She needed less time during this visit to download, since she knew exactly what she needed and where to look. Confident that she had what she'd come for, she unbuttoned her suit jacket and placed the disk in her inside pocket. Once up to the main level again, the desk was replaced and Scully made her way to the entrance. Her heart was pounding wildly; she knew that she was so close to finding the answers she needed. There was still time to get this disk to the Gunmen, and by the early morning, the data would be deciphered and she could go to Mulder with her findings. Scully pulled the door closed behind her. Just as she watched the alarm button turn from green to red, she heard it. The sound of movement behind her. She reached for her gun behind her as she spun around, but before she could unholster it, the words hit her. "Don't bother, bitch." Scully dropped her hand as she turned all the way around. In the light of the moon, she saw Diana Fowley standing before her, with her gun pointed directly at her head. "I'm so sorry that it had to come to this, =Dana.=" Fowley's voice dripped sarcasm. "I'd really hoped we could become friends." "Would that be before or after you destroyed my partner's life?" Scully asked, her voice flat. "Well, it certainly has been more difficult than I'd anticipated. They told me that the two of you were close, but I had no idea. I'd venture to guess that you yourself are unaware of the depth of Mulder's feelings for you. Pity you won't live long enough to find out." Diana reached under Scully's jacket, and pulled her gun from its holster. "Out onto the pier, Dana," Fowley ordered. "There's no need to make this look like an accident; there will be no way to trace your death to me. But I do need to make sure that you aren't discovered for some time. No one will ever think to look for you here, so by the time your body is found--if it ever is--I will be comfortably situated back in Fox's life, and you will be but a mere memory to him." She pushed Scully ahead of her, directing her toward one of the long wooden piers. "Why are you doing this, Diana? Your name is on the disk, right? So, you can have the disk, and I'll have no proof. You can move on, out of Mulder's life, and no one will ever be the wiser." Scully walked out onto the landing, her mind assessing the situation. If she could just catch Fowley off- guard, she could seize the gun from her... Fowley snickered. "Nice try, but I'm familiar with your record. The former Agent Scully would =never= stand for such injustices going unpunished. You'd continue your hunt for me, in the same manner that I'm sure you intend to resume your quest for "the truth" at Mulder's side. Besides, my involvement goes deeper than you can imagine, and I can't risk having you betray my intentions. I can avoid all of those situations by simply removing you from the picture right now." As the two women neared the end of the pier, Fowley's plan became clear to Scully. On the edge of the wooden platform was a short rope tied into a small noose. The other end was attached to a huge concrete block. It would be light enough to be lifted off of the dock and thrown in, but heavy enough to drag Scully's slight weight to the bottom of the marina. She estimated the depth of the water to be 8 to 12 feet at the end of the wharf, easily deep enough for her to drown in once her body was dragged to the bottom by the cement. "Why?" Scully queried. "Why now?" "Dana, you've underestimated the power of the Consortium. Their control reaches into every part of our society, as well as internationally. They can't afford to have Fox Mulder and Dana Scully snooping around anymore. It was not their intent to kill either of you, only to separate and dissuade you. That's where I came back in. I simply intended to take my portion of that power, to get what I have earned. In the process, I'd be aiding The Project." Before Fowley continued, she prodded Scully to begin walking again. "Unfortunately for you, you couldn't let it go. You had to stick your nose where it doesn't belong, and you've threatened my cover. I'm killing you for my own reasons, not because I'm getting paid to." Scully's heart constricted with the thought of Mulder and the betrayal that he was going to suffer at the hand of Fowley. She needed to know. "Did you at =any= time love Mulder? Or has this been a game from the beginning?" "Love is such a meaningless emotion, Dana. When I met Fox, I was young and naive about the concept of power. I =thought= I loved him. I realize now that it was merely lust. I mean, my God, that man is simply =amazing= in the bedroom." She stepped closer to Scully, digging the gun sharply into her back. "Oh, but then again, I guess you wouldn't know that, would you?" Scully took a deep breath in an attempt to refocus her attention away from her feelings for Mulder and back to getting out of this predicament. But then, perhaps she could combine the two... "How do you what our relationship entails? We share something that you could never understand," Scully spat out, her voice full of the rage of a jilted lover. She knew that she needed to play this up, but she didn't want to push too hard and make Fowley suspicious. "Mulder and I are partners on a level that you can't possibly comprehend, Diana. If you think that he's going to forget about me easily, you are mistaken." "Dana, spare me the Romeo and Juliet routine. Admit it. You can't stand the fact that I've possessed Fox Mulder mind, body, and soul and you've never so much as kissed those perfect lips. It's eating you up inside." Scully hitched her shoulders slightly before going on. "Mulder respects me on a level which transcends sexuality. You've done nothing more than use and manipulate him from the beginning. I respect his work and his journey, even when I've disagreed with his methods. He's not a stupid man, Fowley, he will figure this out. And in the process, he'll figure you out." "Perhaps he will. But not until after you are long dead, my friend. And regardless of how intelligent he is, Fox is still nothing but a mere man. Men are not always wise when it comes to matters of the heart, now are they?" Scully made a show of wrapping her arms around her stomach before Diana continued. "When he discovered the X-Files, he just assumed that I would stay with him, be his partner in work, as well as in love." Fowley let out a deep sigh. "How foolish he was. And I thought that =I= was naive! I had higher ambitions than sitting in the basement for the rest of my life. I disassociated myself from Spooky Mulder so fast that I'm sure his head didn't stop spinning for months. Based upon my move, the Consortium wasted no time in beginning their courtship of me." Diana nudged Scully in the back again with the gun. "Pick up the noose end of the rope, and put it around your hands. There is no way you'll be able to pull out of the rope." She paused as Scully slowly bent down to grasp the rope. "This is quite tragic, isn't it? But rest assured, I'll be there to comfort Mulder and help him pick up the pieces. He won't be alone during his time of grief. I'll help him get over his =feelings= for you, and I'll make a small fortune in the process. Fucking that perfect body again will merely be the icing on my cake." Scully's rage threatened to surface, but she knew she had to play possum for just a moment longer. With a loud sniffle, Scully proceeded. "All that I ask of you, Diana, is one small favor." When Diana did not protest, Scully continued, the small noose of the rope dangling from the tips of her fingers, her voice low and soft. "Don't hurt him too deeply. Leave him some form of dignity when you're through with him. He deserves that much, at the very least." "Ah, unrequited love." Fowley had leaned closer to take in Scully's softly spoken words. "The two of you really are meant for each--" Fowley's sentence was cut off by the sudden pressure of Scully's hand wrapping around her wrist. The rope had slipped from her fingers, and Scully took her opportunity when Fowley leaned in closer to her. While Diana was busy mocking her, Scully had pivoted on her foot and grabbed hold of Fowley's shooting hand. Diana held onto the Sig as Scully rushed her. The women fell to the dock, the wood creaking loudly beneath them. "You little bitch!" Fowley yelled. "Don't even =think= about it!" "Fuck you," Scully ground out between clenched teeth. If she could just get the gun out of Fowley's hand and into her own... Scully kept Fowley's body covered with hers, and raising her fist in the air, she brought it down onto the wrist of the hand holding the gun. Fowley's fingers sprang open, releasing the weapon. Still holding Diana's body down on the wharf, Scully watched as the Sig bounced off the rotting wood and plunked into the river. ***************** End 5/9 Feedback: See disclaimer in Part 1. *************************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 6/9 Shit. So much for the gun. Diana found leverage, and rolled herself over on top of Scully. She wrapped her hands around Scully's throat and said, "I thought you were an intelligent woman." Her fingers tightened around Scully's windpipe, and Scully gulped for air. "Apparently, I was wrong." Scully's hands were on top of Diana's, but she removed both of them to grab onto the pilings on each side of their bodies. Pulling with her arms, she used the strength of her upper body to push Fowley off. They both scrambled to their feet, but Scully was faster. With her foot, she delivered a blow to Diana's midsection, causing her to double over. Scully took advantage of Fowley's position and grabbed her arm. She turned Diana away, bending her arm up behind her back. "If you knew so much about me, =Diana,= you'd know that I would never go down without a struggle." Scully twisted Fowley's arm tighter, causing the agent to gasp in pain. "And you'd also know," Scully went on, "that I'd =never= settle for a woman of your ilk taking my place in Mulder's life." Pushing Fowley forward, Scully said, "Let's go, Agent Fowley." However, Fowley resisted, and their bodies swayed slightly. Diana brought the heel of her boot down on Scully's instep, causing them to lose their balance. She pushed Scully up against a wooden pole behind them, where a rusty nail punctured her back. Scully heard the unmistakable =crack= of Fowley's arm being snapped in between their bodies. Diana moved forward, away from Scully, stumbling to the left, toward the end of the pier. Scully felt the blood from her injured back soaking her blouse. "Forget about escaping, Diana. You're hurt.... I heard your arm break. I know it's got to be bad. Just come with me, and we'll head back into town. Let's end this." Fowley backed down the wharf, holding her arm to her side. "I'll see you in hell, first." As Scully moved toward Diana, her stance was defensive. "Let's go get that arm set. My cell phone is in the car, we can get you some help right away." Scully ignored the pain from her own wound, as she had no intention of letting Fowley know that she was impaired. "Do you really think I'm that stupid? Sure, I'll just let you drive me to the nearest hospital, let the doctors set my arm, and we can act as if none of this ever happened. Is that what you have in mind? I don't think so!" Fowley lunged at Scully, intending to drive the shoulder of her uninjured arm into the smaller woman's chest and shove her into the water. Dana was prepared, though, and met Diana full on, with a fist to the chin. Scully watched as the agent stumbled backward, further on down the landing. She then watched with horror as Fowley tripped over the concrete block tied to the rope. Her feet tangled in the rope, and she finally lost her balance, falling over the edge of the pier. Scully began running toward the edge, pulling her jacket off. In the split second that it took her to throw her suit coat down, she realized what else had happened. The noose on the rope in which Fowley's feet had been entangled had slipped over her ankle, and her body weight had pulled the cement block over the pier. Not only had she fallen into several feel of water, she was now being dragged down to the bottom by fifty pounds of concrete. Scully didn't doubt that the noose had been pulled too tight for escape. She pulled her boots off, and by the moon's reflection on the water, she looked for the bubbles rising to the surface. Once she saw them, she dove in, using her arms to feel around in the murky river for Diana. She'd gone about 9 feet when her arm struck the agent's back. She was hunched over, grappling with the rope around her ankle. Scully knew that if she could pull Diana's body downward, they could most likely get enough slack to pull her ankle out of the noose. As Dana moved to position herself below Fowley, she tried desperately not to think about the fact that if things had gone according to Diana's plan, =she= would be the one now being held at the bottom of the river. Only no one would be there attempting to help her free herself. She made her way down Diana's body, and yanked her downward by her unattached leg. Instead of working with her, though, Diana threaded her fingers through Scully's hair and held her down. Scully felt her feet sticking in the slimy mud of the riverbed. She knows she's not going to make it, Scully's mind screamed, and she's going to take me with her. Scully could feel her oxygen running out. She had two choices. Spend what was left of her energy releasing Fowley from the rope, or spend it on freeing herself from Fowley's clenching fingers. Visions of her past, with her family and with Mulder, raced through her mind. Self-preservation beat out ethics in a heartbeat, and Scully reached up to Fowley's broken arm and pulled as hard as she could. Diana was already slipping into unconsciousness, and the pain caused her to let go of Scully. Pushing off the bottom of the river, Scully angled herself away from Fowley's reach. She broke the surface of the water, still next to the pier. Gasping, she gulped in large amounts of air, feeling the pain in her lungs as they filled. Scully knew that she had lost a large amount of blood, and her hands were shaking as she pulled her body along the pilings, up toward the shore. She managed to pull her torso onto the shoreline before her world turned black. *********************** End 6/9 Feedback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1. ******************************* Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 7/9 She felt hands tugging at her arms, pulling her legs and feet out of the water. So dark.... Too cold.... Need to open my eyes, her foggy voice inside of her head was telling her. "She'll be okay. Someone get a blanket. We only need an hour." Who is that talking? She didn't recognize the voice. Mulder! Her mind was calling his name, but her eyes and mouth would not cooperate. She let the darkness claim her once again. ******************************** She awoke in a hospital bed, one of the transient types found in the ER. After her initial disorientation wore off, she was able to sit up and take in her surroundings. She was still in her navy pants, but her blouse had been replaced by a green surgical scrub top. The curtain was drawn around the bed, and she determined that she was well enough to stand. Pulling back the curtain, she saw her former boss deep in conversation with what looked to be a doctor. "Sir?" she asked. She had never given up the title of respect for him. "Scully." He rushed towards her, and taking her by the elbow, led her back to the bed. "You shouldn't be up just yet, you need to take it easy." Her brow furrowed, she inquired, "How did I get here? And what are you doing here?" The doctor came up behind them, and Skinner gave him a look over his shoulder before leaning in closer to Scully. "I received an anonymous phone call early this morning, stating that you were in need of assistance. I was given the address of the marina, where I found you on the ground, wrapped in a blanket, unconscious. I called the authorities, and you were brought here immediately. What do you remember, Scully?" "Oh my God!" she said under her breath, the realization of the previous night's events dawning on her. "Fowley!" she exclaimed, pushing herself off the bed. "Scully," Skinner put his hands on her shoulders, pinning her back to the bed. "Agent Fowley is dead. I came here to the hospital with you, but the local authorities stayed behind. They found Agent Fowley's car, and began combing the area. They found her body shortly before sunrise." Scully buried her head in her hands, and stated, "I need to talk to Mulder." Skinner stood up straighter, glancing once again at the doctor standing behind him. "He's on his way. I called him once we arrived at the hospital; he should be here any minute. I suggest that you rest until he arrives." He walked out, leaving Scully and the doctor alone. The physician began going over the details of her injuries and prognosis. "Whoever called your friend there took the time to superficially dress your wound and made sure to guard against shock. You're actually lucky. Things could be much worse. As it stands, your back wound will heal without surgery, and the amount of blood you lost was relatively minimal. You're free to leave any time. Just be certain to change your dressings after bathing, drink plenty of fluids, and get some rest. Take ibuprofen or Tylenol for any pain." "Thank you," she said, dismissing him. He walked away, drawing the curtain behind him. Scully sighed. This doesn't look good, she thought. She'd need the information on the disk to prove-- The disk. What happened to the damn disk? She was jolted out of her thoughts by the sound of a familiar panic-stricken voice coming from the Emergency Room. "Where is she?!" Skinner's calming voice answered, "Mulder, if you'll just relax for a moment--" "Don't give me that 'relax' shit! Where is she?" Scully stood and pulled the curtain aside. He reached her in four long strides, blatantly wrapping his arms around her in front of everyone in the room. "Scully," he murmured into her hair, burying his face in it. She hesitantly brought her arms up around his waist, ignoring the pain in her back. "I'm fine, Mulder." After a moment, she added, "But we have a problem." He pulled away from her, taking the warmth he'd infused into her body with him. "What problem?" She walked up to Skinner, with Mulder right on her heels. "There was a disk in my suit jacket. The inside pocket. I need it. There is a very good chance that it contains information on Diana Fowley. Information that she was willing to kill me for." Skinner looked at Scully incredulously. "Scully, are you aware of what you are suggesting?" "Sadly, sir, yes I am. Do you know where the disk is? And the abandoned marina.... Was it searched? It was a satellite location for a mainframe. It held a computer system that had access to important information, most of which is being held by reliable sources at the moment. I had returned for the rest of the data, and was on my way out when Fowley confronted me." Skinner looked intently at her. "There was no evidence found at that site. The building was searched thoroughly, and no suit jacket, let alone a disk, was found." She took a step backward, right into Mulder. He placed his hands on her shoulders as she said, "They did it again. They cleaned the place out, and they took the disk." She said nothing more, just stood there looking past Skinner with Mulder's hands still on her. After a long silence, she said flatly, "I'm ready to leave, Mulder." ******************************** End 7/9 Feedback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1. **************************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 8/9 Dana was anxious to get home. She was wound tightly; her emotions were still on edge from the events of the early morning. On top of that, she felt like shit; her hair was matted to the side of her head, and she was covered in mud from the riverbed. As she finished the last of the obligatory paperwork, she approached Mulder and Skinner, who were talking quietly. "Let's go, Mulder. You can drop me off at my apartment, if you don't mind." To Skinner, she added, "Thank you for everything, Sir." The car ride to her apartment was made in silence, both partners lost in thought. Scully didn't come out of her reverie until Mulder stopped the car and got out. She pulled the door handle and he met her there, closing the car door behind her. Wordlessly, he followed her into her apartment. "I'm going to take a bath, Mulder. Can you stick around? I need help with the bandages on my back." "Sure. Can I make you some coffee?" She took a moment to think as she walked toward the bedroom. "Actually, Mulder, I'd like a glass of wine." "Scully... It's 8:30 a.m." "I've been up for the past 24 hours, and I've had a hell of a night. I want a glass of wine." The look she gave him told him that the discussion was over. Mulder headed toward the kitchen, while Scully gathered up her effects from the bedroom. Once in the bathroom, she left the door open a crack, and she heard him ask over the running water, "Hey, Scully? Do you want the Pomerol or the Margeaux?" "Open the Margeaux," she called, easing her aching body into the mounds of steaming bubbles. She could hear him searching for the corkscrew as she began washing. "How did you get this bottle? I've heard it's practically impossible to keep them on the shelves these days." She didn't acknowledge his attempt at idle chit-chat, she merely allowed the warmth of the bath to envelop and soothe her. Soon she heard a soft tapping on the door. "Scully?" He eased the door open. Her head was leaning against the back of the tub; her hair was slicked back and she had her eyes closed. "Scully, here's your wine," he tentatively stated. She didn't speak, nor did she open her eyes. The only sign that she was still awake was the hand she raised for the globe-shaped glass. He placed it in her hand, and took the opportunity to admire her clean face and wet hair. Her tresses were darkened from the water, and he almost never got to see her devoid of makeup. When she opened her eyes to bring the glass to her lips, she caught him staring. Embarrassed, he moved to the foot of the tub and knelt down. He rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt, submerged his hand into the bubbles, and pulled her foot out. Without speaking, he asked the question and she answered. He began at the heel of her foot, his fingers making small but strong circular movements toward her toes. When he reached her instep, he heard her let out a contented sigh, and she brought the wine goblet to her lips once again. "Scully, Skinner told me about Diana," he offered quietly, his fingers still moving. He felt her foot tense under his ministrations, and looked up to see her eyeing him. "Mulder, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you myself." She paused, and he felt her foot relax. "There are things about her that I learned, things that you don't know about.... Things that would have ended up hurting you in the long run." Still massaging her foot, he continued. "I know what you were searching for, Scully." She looked at him, surprise etched in her features. "When the Gunmen didn't hear from you, Frohike called me. He tried to be as obtuse as possible, but his concern for you won out. I was able to coax the information out of him." He watched as she took another sip of her wine. He carefully placed her foot back into the water, and sat back on his heels, watching as the Beaujolais made its way down her throat. Her hand came down, the wineglass dangling from her fingers over the side of the tub. Letting her head fall back, she sighed, "I needed the proof on that disk, Mulder. I didn't want to come to you with my suspicions until I was certain." Meeting his eyes, she said, "I know that you love her, Mulder. I didn't want to hurt you unnecessarily. I'm sorry to do this to you." "Scully... What happened out there?" he inquired, reaching back into the tub to bring her other foot out. "Diana found out what I was doing. She either followed me, or the underground structure was monitored. She confronted me and admitted to her part in an elaborate scheme to break up our partnership and direct your attention away from anything related to the X-Files. She knew that I had information that could incriminate her, and she wanted me dead and out of her way." His hands felt wonderful on her feet, and she enjoyed the sensation as she watched him absorb this information. "Scully, there's something else that you need to know." She drained her wineglass, and handed it to Mulder, who set it next to him on the tile floor. "Danny called me while you were... While you were with Diana." He took a deep breath. "He completed the trace on the phone records. The phone calls between Senator Lawrence and his contact in the Middle East were traced to Diana Fowley." Both of Scully's eyebrows rose in unison, her face a mask of incredulity. "So, it seems that Agent Fowley was quite a busy woman," she commented. "That's the way it looks. It also looks as if there won't be any inquiries into the situation. We would have prosecuted her even without the information you had on the disk. As it stands, her work with the Consortium will never be uncovered, but we have plenty of proof to arrest the senator and to incriminate Diana." "Again, Mulder, all I can say is that I'm sorry." "Don't be," he assured her, placing her foot back on the bottom of the tub. He let his arms rest on the rim, water dripping from his now empty hands. "We solved our first big case. Skinner is going to personally oversee the arrest of Senator Lawrence. He has the necessary information, and he assured me that we would receive the credit. He also promised me that Mrs. Lawrence and her daughters will be treated well." He stuck the tip of his finger into the now dissolving bubbles and swirled it around. "On top of that, you exposed Diana. Despite the fact that it can never be proven, without your perseverance, we'd never know about her involvement with the Consortium and their plans for us." She nodded once, silently accepting his compliment. "There is one thing that you were mistaken about, though," he continued. "Oh? What's that?" He looked from his finger to her. "I don't love Diana. I may have years ago, but then someone else walked into my life and taught me the meaning of true commitment, and the type of honest love that accompanies it." She held his gaze for a long moment, and then simply said, "Do you mind helping me with my back?" "Sure, no problem," he replied, slightly take aback. He got up and set the wineglass on the sink basin, and when he turned toward the tub again, Scully had drawn her legs up and was leaning forward. Her head was resting on the tops of her knees, and her back was exposed. He knelt down again, this time at the side of the tub. He carefully pulled away the tape that held the wet bandages in place. He tossed all of it into the small bathroom trashcan, and was able to get a better look at the wound on her back. "Scully, that looks pretty bad. I'm going to wash it and you need to make sure that it's good and dry before we dress it again." He soaked her sponge with the soapy water, and he carefully squeezed it out over her. He saturated the sponge several more times, allowing the water to trickle down over her shoulders and back. Her breasts were pushed against her thighs, but she could feel them responding to his attention. Jesus, she absently thought to herself. Mulder is in my bathroom with me while I'm in a tub full of bubbles, washing my back. Fantasy number 574 fulfilled. After several minutes, she noted that he was no longer sponging her back. She turned her head to look at him. The first thing she noticed was the sponge in his hand, hanging loosely at his side. The second thing she noticed was the outline of his erection through his pleated suit pants. She allowed her eyes to linger on the bulge for just a moment, before she brought her eyes up to meet his. Letting the sponge fall to the floor, his voice faltered before stating, "You should probably get out, Scully. The water is cooling, and we need to get that injury bandaged." He got up off his knees, and turned toward the towel rack. "Here, I'll just give you the towel, and I'll meet you in the--" He turned back around, towel in hand, to see Scully standing in the tub. The only thing covering her body were thin traces of bubbles. "--living room." What am I doing? part of her mind demanded. It must be the wine and the stress. No, another part told her. Stop making excuses. There is nothing that can come between the two of you now. You both know it. She watched him swallow slowly, and walk to her. He extended his hand to help her out of the tub, and she noticed with slight amusement that he was trying desperately to try and pretend that his partner, who happened to be responsible for giving him a raging hard-on, wasn't standing before him. Absolutely and totally naked. "Here's your towel, Scully." He extended his hand, offering the thick white towel. "If you don't mind, I think it'd be easier if you did it for me. I don't want to break the skin on my back again." "Of course," he replied, his voice thick and his color rising. As she stood on the bath mat, Scully watched Mulder dry her body with attempted clinical detachment. She could almost imagine what was going through his mind, how he must be trying desperately to act as professionally as possible under the circumstances. He fumbled slightly, she noted, when he ran the towel over her wiry pubic hair, and again when he covered each of her breasts. He patted her carefully, making sure that each portion of her body was dry, except for her back. There, he used extra caution, making sure not to touch the actual wound. "Okay, there you go Scully. All dry." He moved to hang the towel on the rack, and she asked, "Mulder, think you could help me put my nightgown on? It's behind you, on the other rack." He moved toward her again, peach satin in hand, and she watched his throat bob as she lifted her arms above her head in preparation to don the gown. It fell to mid-thigh, was held up by thin spaghetti straps, and had matching panties. However, as Mulder reached for the panties and held them out for her to step into, she said with quiet resolve, "I don't think I'll be needing those." ************************** End 8/9 Feedback: See disclaimer, etc., in Part 1. ****************** Beneath the Surface, by Jennifer Arthur 9/9 Scully watched the part in Mulder's hair disappear as his head fell forward. This must be what he sees of me so often, her mind randomly interjected. His hands went lax and landed on his bent knees, the flimsy piece of peach silk dangling from his fingers before falling onto the bath rug. He took a deep, shuddering breath, and Scully desperately hoped that he could not see her knees trembling. His eyes still cast downward, he asked, "What's going on here, Scully? Is this what I think it is?" She gently touched his cheek, beckoning him to look at her. When he did, she put forth her own question. "Is this what you want?" Without taking his eyes from hers, he stood and placed his hand so that his fingers wrapped lightly around her neck. As his thumbs gently stroked the line of her jaw, he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yes." Despite his dilated pupils and the flush of his cheeks, Scully could tell that he was uncertain. He looked as if he feared she might change her mind any second. She stood up on her toes and reached behind his head, pulling him down to her until their lips were barely touching. She looked at him briefly once more, before purposefully closing her eyes and pressing her lips tentatively against his. She could feel their hearts beating, the rhythms out of sync. She pulled his body closer to hers as he deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue over her teeth and into her mouth. They stood in front of the now bubble-less water, sharing their first intimate kiss. Mulder pulled away first. With his hands still holding her head, he bent to place a chaste kiss on the mole above her lip, now obvious without the makeup she used to deliberately cover it. He murmured her name as his lips hovered over hers. Oh God, she thought, that Did He or Didn't He Smoke One Too Many Joints in Grad School voice.... She moved her hands around his waist, pulling his erection into her belly, causing a low moan to escape him. "Mulder...Bedroom...." She punctuated each word with a kiss. "Mmmmphf," he retorted, easing his tongue back into her mouth. Still joined, Scully began moving back out the bathroom door, leading Mulder. So intent were they on their early explorations of each other's bodies that they were near the kitchen before Mulder realized they had overshot the bedroom. "Scully," he panted, breaking contact. "We missed our exit, I think." Undaunted, she replied, "So we'll improvise." This comment elicited a mischievous grin from him, until she reached down and ran her hand slowly up and down his length. His breath caught in his throat, and he grabbed her wrist and brought it to his lips. Against her pulse, he whispered, "Better be careful, Scully. I can be rather creative." She watched, mesmerized, as his tongue darted out and touched the throbbing skin covering her pulsating blood. "So can I," she replied, pulling him with her. She moved into the kitchen, stopping to pull one of the solid oak chairs out from the table. She flipped it around, so that it sat sideways next to the large table. "Sit," she instructed her partner. Mulder sat in the chair unceremoniously, and Scully moved behind him to begin unknotting his tie. As she started to unbutton his shirt, a realization hit her. This is it. No turning back. Are you ready for this, she silently asked herself. Are you ready to make the commitment to Mulder, one that will take much energy and will last a lifetime? As she finished with the last button, she concluded that yes, regardless of how difficult it might be, she was ready to commit. Though she might not be ready to say the words, in her heart she knew that she needed this man. Loved him. She spread her fingers wide and ran them down Mulder's chest and across his abdomen. He gently grasped her hand to pull her around to face him, and she lifted her leg over both of his to straddle him. She leaned in to kiss him, but he cut her off. "Scully," he began, looking at her seriously. "There's so much to talk about, so many questions formed over the years that I think are ready be answered now." Scully leaned in to press her lips lightly against his before replying. "Mulder, I understand you wanting to express yourself. But I'm not one who can easily verbalize her feelings and emotions." She gave him another kiss before pulling back and meeting his gaze. "I'd much rather show you." His pupils dilated further with her implication. The slight nod of his head quickly turned into a shake, however. "I don't want to hurt you." She gave him a quizzical look, and he said with a sheepish grin, "Your back, I mean. I don't want to disturb your wound." "Why don't you let me worry about that." With a twitch of her eyebrow, she added, "Besides, I was actually planning on being quite sore when we're finished." "Oooooohgod," he moaned. She plunged her tongue into his mouth, forcing his head back, which only served to give her greater access. As their tongues glided across each other, she pulled him forward slightly to get his shirt off. "Don't let that get too far away," he said. "I think I can find good use for that tie later." She chuckled as she began making her way down his jaw toward his torso. She planted wet kisses across his chest, and reveled in the sound of his sharp intake of breath as she sucked his nipple into her mouth and let it drag across her teeth as she released it. Scully slid further off of his lap until she was on her knees before him. She licked a little trail down to his navel as she began working the buckle on his belt. When it was undone, she sat up on her knees and watched his face as she slowly undid his zipper. His eyes were almost totally black, with only hints of gold and green visible, and she was intoxicated by the way that he was watching her. He lifted his hips a little off the chair as she pulled his dark gray wool trousers from his hips and threw them to the side. He continued to watch her intensely as she dragged her hand across his erection over the silk of his boxers. She could feel the heat radiating from his body as she outlined him, running her fingers lightly up and down his length. Mulder's hands, still grasping the seat of the chair, pushed his body up once again as Scully slid the burgundy boxers over his trim hips and thighs. She noticed his legs quivering slightly and saw her own hand shaking as she moved toward him to run her tongue from the base of his cock to the tip. God, she thought to herself. We're as nervous as a couple of teenagers. But it's been a long time coming, she knew, and she wanted it to be worth the wait. She raised herself higher on her knees and gently took the very tip of him into her mouth. His head fell back and he emitted a load groan as she began taking more of him into the heat of her mouth. Her hand joined in the ministrations, alternating with her mouth to create a slow rhythm that seemed to be driving him crazy. She could tell it was taking all of his self control to keep his hips from thrusting himself more deeply into her parted lips. Pleased with herself, she took her mouth off of him completely with a soft =pop= but continued pumping him with her hand. When she began delicately running her tongue over the ridges his engorged head, he blurted out, "Jesus, Scully, stop!" She lessened the force of her hand and looked up at him. "I've got =some= control, but I'm only human. I'm not going to last much longer if you keep going like that." He pulled one of his hands away from their tight grip on the chair and touched her shoulder. He pulled her onto her feet and she straddled him again, but rather than letting her sit on him, he pulled her to his chest and placed her head on his shoulder. He held her for moment before she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Mulder let his hands wander down Scully's sides and felt the rasp of her nightgown as he made his way down her hips. He pulled the gown up until he could place his hands directly on her ass, which he began to caress. "Scully, you have the greatest ass. I've wanted to do this for the longest time." She smiled into his shoulder. "I've caught you staring at my ass plenty of times." "When," he asked, shocked that he'd been busted. "Mulder, I've seen you do it hundreds of times. You do it so often anymore that you aren't even aware of it." "I think it's become a habit which is now only going to get worse," he replied, slowly moving his fingers down the curve of her rear until he reached her center. He gently began rubbing his finger around the opening of her vagina, spreading the wetness he found there in small circles. Scully arched her back to give him better access, at which point he slowly inserted his finger into her. He felt her breathing quicken as he repeated the action several times. He murmured in her ear, "I want you, Scully." She pulled away from him to kiss him, causing his hands to move back up to her hips. "I want you too, Mulder," she stated in between kisses. He stopped her and brought his hands to her face. "No, I =want= you. All of you. Everything that you have to offer." She stared into his eyes, imagining that she could read his soul. "Me too," she whispered, her voice full of emotion. Mulder pulled the nightgown up and over Scully's head and let it flutter to the floor. He drew his hands across her shoulders and down over her breasts, brushing his palms over her nipples in the process. He continued down over her ribs and hips, and as she used her feet for leverage, he grabbed his erection and placed it at the apex of her legs. Scully carefully began to lower herself onto him, stopping halfway to pull herself back up and begin the descent again. As soon as her pelvic bone rested fully against his, the sensation of being totally filled by Mulder hit her. She grabbed his shoulders quickly to steady herself as she let out a sharp gasp. He held her for an instant as her heart rate attempted to regulate itself. He let a long, slow groan. "Jesus, Scully.... You feel =so= incredible. I could honestly die a happy man right now." Taking a deep breath, she said, "You can't die now, Mulder. I'm not finished with you yet." With that, she began rocking her hips. She found their tempo, letting the throbbing between her legs set the cadence. Mulder began toying with her nipples with one hand, and he slid the other between their bodies to reach her clitoris. Scully's eyes snapped shut and her rhythm faltered when he swirled the tip of his index finger around her. White sparks appeared behind her eyelids from his light touch. "Stay with me, Scully," Mulder coaxed. She nodded her head and began moving her hips again, but her eyes remained closed. Mulder continued to gather the wetness from their joined bodies and rub it over her engorged sex. When he finally settled on one spot, the most sensitive area at the tip of her clit, Scully could feel her body begin to build tension. With his other hand still caressing and pinching her nipples, Mulder commanded her to open her eyes. "Scully, I want to see you, I want to watch you come." Scully wasn't sure she had the capacity to do anything at this point short of obeying her body's immediate need for release. Nonetheless, she somehow found the ability to open her eyes and found herself staring once again into the depths of Mulder's soul. He leaned forward to plant several kisses on her lips, but she was breathing so hard and so lost in other sensations that she simply couldn't respond. He sat back and quietly said, "You are so beautiful, Scully. You have no idea.... I want you to come for me...." Her eyes shut once again with a small whimper, and as her orgasm overcame her, her head fell back. She began gasping and moaning, digging the tips of her nails into the flesh of Mulder's shoulders. Every nerve in her body was on fire; not a single one was being spared. Mulder's hands on her hips helped her to keep moving. Overwhelmed, she placed one hand on the oak table next to her and kept the other on his shoulder for balance as he took over keeping their pace. They both had their feet planted firmly on the hardwood floor and it only took another moment of them grinding wildly for Mulder to join her in climax. She looked up in time to see his face grimace in ecstasy, and thought that of all the things she'd seen over the years, this was probably the most wondrous sight yet. As the intensity of his orgasm subsided, Mulder sat forward on the chair and pulled Scully toward him. She pulled her feet up from the floor and brought her knees tight around his waist. He held her again as he had earlier, her head on his shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around her. Scully turned her head inward and caught his earlobe between her teeth. She suckled it gently, then whispered his name. Moments passed, the only sound filling the room that of their breathing returning to normal. Mulder's voice softly broke the silence. "Scully, I'm going to say something, and I don't want you to reply. At least not right now." He waited for the sensation of her head nodding against his shoulder before he went on. "I just want you to know that what happened today... I mean, what just happened between the two of us.... I guess I--I just need for you to know that I love you." The words were soft and low, his voice sweet and confident. Scully felt her face crumble not only because of his admission, but also because of the honestly behind his words. How long had she desired to hear this? How much energy had she spent worrying that Diana Fowley would come between them, afraid that not only would they never have the chance to become lovers but that she might lose his friendship, as well? And here she was unable to say the three damn little words. She loved him. She had just admitted it to herself before she'd made the decision to make love to him. So why couldn't she just say it? Just blurt it out like any other normal woman in love? But Mulder knew it would be difficult for her, she'd even told him as much. Just in case he hadn't picked up on her inability to express herself over the past six years. That's why he didn't want a reply at the moment. He knew that she would tell him, but in her own time. And she realized that she loved him even more for not wanting her to feel pressured into admitting her feelings just because he needed to. He must have felt her body tense as silent tears ran down her face. He pulled her to face him and said, "Scully, no tears now. We've had enough sorrow in our lives, let's try to enjoy a little happiness for a change." Fresh tears fell as she admitted, "I'm not sad, Mulder." "Good. Because my ass is killing me, and I need to get up." Scully laughed before standing up. He stood as well, and held her face in his hands. He bent down to kiss each of her tear-stained cheeks and said, "C'mon, let's go bandage your back." He followed her into the bathroom, where he dressed her wound. Scully stood with her face to the mirror and when he was finished he stood behind her. Looking at her reflection, he stated, "I love your freckles and your beauty mark. You should go without makeup more often." "Mulder," she said as a warning. "No, I'm serious. And I think that the way your hair dries naturally is very sexy. I like the waves." He reached around and began testing the weight of her breasts with his hands, both of them watching her nipples immediately harden from the attention. "Hey Scully, I just thought of something. I wonder what our company's policy is on fraternization among employees." She laughed again and said, "Mulder, we =own= the company. We =make= the policies." He leered at her reflection and said, "I know, that's my point." With a sigh she glanced away from the mirror to the now cold water in the tub. "I guess I should clean up in here. Would you mind going to get my nightgown from the kitchen?" "Yes, actually, I would. It's one of my twisted fantasies to watch Dana Scully clean the bathroom totally naked." "Mulder, why do I have the feeling that you have =many= twisted fantasies?" she asked with a wry grin. "Because you know me so well?" He watched the reflection of his hands trail over her breasts again and then said excitedly, "Oooo, wait right here, Scully. Don't move. I'll be right back." Scully continued to look at herself in the mirror. Yes, she reaffirmed; I'm ready for this. As difficult as the road will be at times, I am ready for the joys and the trials of a life with Fox Mulder. He suddenly reappeared behind her. His eyes glinted in the looking glass as he walked up behind her and dragged his silk tie across her full breasts. Oh yes, she thought, I am definitely ready. THE END ********************************* Thank you for sticking with me this far, folks! Thanks again to my editors, and special thanks to Nic Perry for giving it the pre-posting once over. Hey, it ain't gonna win any awards, but as I like to say, at least it's =mine=!!!!! I'd love to hear what you think. Email me at