From: clair rutherford To: Subject: First Time is Always the Worst - FIC Date: Thursday, November 08, 2001 5:43 PM xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx Title: First time is always the worst Author: Clair Rating: NC17 Category: MSR Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me…I am just borrowing them for a little while. Keeping myself in my pre season nine world, where Mulder and Scully live happily ever after J…as if he would ever let that happen. So unfortunately they are the sole property of Chris Carter, 1013 productions and twentieth century fox. Summary: Scully is forced to spend time away from Mulder and William, how does she cope without them. Spoilers: Existence I guess but it is all purely fiction after that. XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX It was a cold December morning the phone began to ring uncontrollably, startling William making him scream. At just seven months old he was the light of his parents eyes. The bureau had adopted him as their own, AD Skinner taking his role as godfather very seriously indeed. "Fox Mulder" "Fox its Maggie, can you put Dana on please" Her voice was quiet and you could sense the tension in it. "You okay Maggie?" "Not really, can I speak to Dana." "Sure one second she is just trying to calm Will down he got a fright when the phone rang." Mulder climbed out of bed still holding tightly onto the phone, Maggie wasn't speaking. This was unusual and very unnerving…he held the phone out towards Scully. She was busy cradling her son to her chest rocking him back and forth to soothe him back to sleep. Mulder mouthed to Scully: "It's your mom" "Mulder tell her I'll call her back in ten minutes once I have William sorted." Mulder moved towards her placing his free hand on her shoulder, while the other covered the mouthpiece of the phone. "Scully I think it is important she seems upset. I'll take William and you talk to your mom." Scully kissed the tot on the crown of his head, running her fingers through his wavy brown hair. "William go see Daddy, Mommy will feed you soon." Mulder smiled he loved to watch the way Scully interacted with their son, she was a natural, born to be a mother. William murmured a little at the loss of contact but soon settled into Mulder's firm chest. "Hey Mom sorry about the wait, Will got himself all upset when the phone rang. You know what he is like when he gets woken up suddenly all hell breaks loose." "Sorry to wake you Dana. I thought you might be up now for William's feed." "Yeah I would normally be but he went down late last night. You sound tired mom everything alright." Maggie began to fill up the concern in her daughters voice was evident: "Dana its Charlie" The tears began to flow before she could even get the rest of the words out: "Mom what about Charlie…you're starting to worry me, he's okay isn't he?" Mulder's attention was drawn to Scully, whose colour was draining fast from her face. If he hadn't just settled William he would have jumped right of the bed and been by her side in no time. Instead he sat there and watched the drama unfold trying to get her attention: "Dana…Charlie was in a road accident early this morning. Louise called me and told me that he had been taken to the base hospital, but they were going to transfer him to Johns Hopkins" "How bad is he mom?" "He has not regained consciousness but they believe he is stabilised enough to be moved." "Mom what time will he be in Baltimore?" Her voice had begun to crackle as the realisation hit that Charlie was badly hurt. "Not sure yet Dana, Louise said she would be in touch." "Mom I'll pick you up and we'll meet them there." "Dana I can go by myself…. you have William to think of now." "Mulder is more than capable of looking after his son, and we need to stick together. I'll be there in a few hours." "Dana…thank you" "Mom don't thank me … do we know what is the matter with Charlie yet?" "No just that he is suffering from severe head injuries and that they had to perform emergency surgery as he was bleeding internally." Scully gasped she had been hoping that it wasn't that bad. "Okay Mom I'll be there as soon as I can, get some clothes together…enough for a few days just to be on the safe side." Scully placed the phone back in the cradle, and as soon as she did so her guard was down. She didn't have to be strong in front of Mulder or brave for her mom's sake. The tears began to flow uncontrollably, tracing the contours on her porcelain skin. Mulder so wanted to hold her to comfort her, but William had just closed his eyes. Instead he beckoned her to come and sit next to him on the bed. She was freezing cold, probably a culmination from the shock and the fact that she was wearing nothing but one of Mulder's trademark grey t-shirts. Scully climbed in alongside Mulder, she needed to feel skin-to-skin contact. Tears still streaming Mulder placed his arm around her and pulled her into his chest. William still sleeping in his other arm, she looked into his eyes and saw something she could have only dreamed of. He loved her with all his heart and she knew it. "Scully I'm going to put William back down in his crib, and then you can tell me what is going on." Her silent tears turned to sobs as she moved over onto her side of the bed, letting Mulder get up with their son. Mulder moved slowly so not to wake the sleeping miracle he cradled lovingly in his muscular arms. Scully's eyes didn't move form the picture playing in front of her eyes; the two most important things in her world were safe and well. She was still taken aback by how well Mulder was coping with the changes and how he had settled into fatherhood so easily. William adored him and Mulder couldn't do enough to help Scully with him. Just watching Mulder tenderly tucking William into his crib, silenced her tears. Mulder placed a small kiss on the child's forehead before returning his attention back to Scully. Scully was sat on her side of the bed, her knees tucked up inside the t-shirt, rocking herself gently. Mulder climbed in alongside wrapping his arms so tightly around her that she was finding it hard to breathe. He took over the rhythmic movement rocking them back and forth; it had a somewhat soothing effect. "Scully…do you want to talk about it?" "Uhmmm not really I have so much to do." "Scully how bad is he? Charlie?" Her voice began to falter: "Mulder I think he is real bad…they're transferring him to Johns Hopkins. They have a specialist neuro facility and he must be bad to need to be transferred. Mom doesn't have any details though, and by the sounds of things neither did Louise. I told her I would go to Baltimore, but…" "Scully you have to go, you would just be sat here wondering what was going on if you weren't there. Plus you will be able to find out much quicker than your mom what is wrong with Charlie." "I'll miss William Mulder but there is no way I can take him with me. I've never been apart from him for more than a few hours and then mom was looking after him and he wasn't far away." "Scully we'll be fine and I'll call you all the time so you can check on us." "I know…" Mulder pulled her in for a hug kissing her softly: "Scully it will only be for a day or two and if it is longer me and William will get some time off work and come to Baltimore as well." "God Mulder what about work…you've only just got your job back at the bureau." "Skinner will understand and in any case Kimberley dotes on William, she'll be more than happy to give me a hand." "I'm sure you'll have all the women in the Hoover building giving you a helping hand." "Scully I will not I am more than capable and you known it." "I know but it made us both smile didn't it…okay I'm going to express some milk and get my stuff together." "You going to be okay" "I'll be fine once I am there and I know what is going on." XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX 8am Maggie Scully's residence Scully fidgeted all the way there while William gurgled at her from his car seat. His fingers were wrapped tightly around her thumb, while she spoke to him about what was going on outside. He seemed to listen to her intently and even murmured when she stopped as the car came to a halt in her mother's driveway. Maggie was ready and waiting, she had packed a small case and was on her way down the driveway before Mulder had a chance to pop the trunk. "Morning Fox" "Morning" "Didn't expect to see you." "Let me take your case, while you get in the car." Mulder took his time with the trunk giving mother and daughter just enough time alone. He opened his door slowly signalling to Scully that he was ready to go. "Mom Mulder is going to drop us off at Union Station, he can use the car, it's better for William as his safety seat is in here." "That's not the only reason though Maggie. There was no way I was letting either you or her drive when you both have so much on your mind. I need you both back here safe and sound and in one piece, so the train it is." The journey into Union Station seemed to take forever, even though there was little or no traffic on the route. No one spoke except to William and it was only in response to his constant gurgling, if he had been asleep the car would have been completely silent with everyone in his or her own little world. After what seemed like an eternity Mulder pulled into a parking bay right at the front of the station, one of the advantages of being an FBI agent you could leave your car almost anywhere. Mulder got out of the car and retrieved the overnight bags from the trunk; Maggie was right behind him taking hers from his hand. She was on her way into the station before Scully was even out of the car: "Come on Scully time to go, your mom has already gone in to pick the tickets up." "It's just…." Mulder moved towards her and kissed her gently on the lips, it was a kiss filled with passion and emotion. "C'mon Scully Charlie will be fine, even though I know you are worried as much about leaving William as you are Charlie. We'll be fine as well, we'll miss you like hell but we'll live. Take Will out of his seat and we'll go and wave bye to you and grandma…won't we Wills?" Scully scooped him up into her arms and walked into the station in pursuit of her mother, with Mulder hot on her heels. The train was already on its platform so the goodbye was brief to say the least. That was probably better in the long run; no time to dwell on leaving them behind…plus Maggie would keep her mind off Mulder and William on the journey to the hospital. XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX J. Edgar Hoover Building Mulder had just returned to work after Skinner had had him reinstated once Kersch was out of the bureau. However the passion he once had for the x-files had long past, he saw them as secondary to his life with Scully and William. He believed he had found what he was looking for; he had closure over his sister Samantha. Therefore he had found his truth and now he didn't want to endanger his family in anyway by pursuing the group of men behind the global conspiracy. It wasn't just him now, he had Scully and William to think about and their future together. "Okay William … now this is where mommy and daddy work. You've been here before when you were very small. This is where we disappear to when grandma looks after you…you have to be on your best behaviour as you shouldn't really be here." Mulder looked deep into his son's eyes it was as if he was waiting for some response. Stepping into the elevator he pressed the button to take them to Skinner's office, better sooner than later. Kimberley grinned when she saw Mulder's familiar frame walk into the office, but instead of a briefcase he was carrying a diaper bag, and William was strapped to his chest in a papoose. "Morning Agent Mulder" "Morning Kimberley can I go through and speak to AD Skinner?" "One minute I'll check……………………………. sure he is in the office and he isn't busy." "Thanks Kimberley" "Agent Mulder … do you want me to take William from you before you go in there." "Oh Yeah … Sorry I kind of forget he was there." "Is Agent Scully okay?" Kimberley questioned looking very concerned: "Yes she is fine, just a few family problems at the moment" Mulder had skilfully removed William from the papoose and placed his pacifier in his mouth before passing him to Kimberley. "There you go sweetie, be good for auntie Kimberley daddy will be right back." Kimberley smiled and took William from him: "Just go in Agent Mulder AD Skinner is waiting for you." "Thanks" XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX Skinner's office "What can I do for you Agent Mulder?" "Sir! Agent Scully received some bad news this morning. Her brother Charles was in a road accident and he is being transferred to Johns Hopkins." "Is he okay?" "We don't know sir, we just don't know." "Tell Agent Scully to take of as much time as she needs and that my thoughts are with her." "Sir!" Both men were stopped in their tracks by the sound of William protesting about being left with Kimberley: "Mulder?" "You see Sir that is the problem, Maggie usually looks after William and well we wouldn't leave him with anyone." "I know but…" "Well I have two choices I too can take some time off or I can just do paper work, and god those files could do with a clearing out. Doggett and Reyes are more than capable of doing the fieldwork." Much to Mulder's surprise Skinner got up and left the office returning with a squirming William in his arms. "Okay Buddy…if you're going to be working in my department I don't want to hear any more of this crying. You listening to me William…you have work to do." Mulder suppressed a laugh, as Skinner handed William back to him: "Paper work it is then!" "Let's just see how it goes, hopefully Dana and Maggie will be back soon." XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX Home of the FBI's most unwanted Reyes was already sat behind the desk, and Doggett was leafing threw some old case files in the filing cabinet. The look on their faces was priceless when Mulder walked in with William under one arm, diaper bag under the other. "Hey guys hard at work I see…Scully is going to be off for a few days, so we thought we'd start William's training early." Reyes and Doggett were both completely gob smacked, lost for words in fact. "Is Agent Scully okay?" Reyes managed to spit out: "Yes! But her brother has been in an accident and she accompanied her mother to the hospital" "Oh" "So me and William here will be spending the next day of so in the office, while you lucky people get to go and do the fieldwork." "Did Skinner ok this Mulder?" "He certainly did John…we'll try not to cramp your style." They all laughed, as it was a strange sight seeing a baby in an FBI office. Especially one that was going to be there all day, he wasn't simply visiting for a few minutes. XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore 10.32am (in Scully's head) I hope my boys are okay…I'm sure they are fine. Mom keeps telling me that the first time is always the worst. I have left William longer than this before but we have always been in the same town. Now he is back in DC and I am here in Baltimore. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to William or Mulder they are my life. Scully lifted her head to see her mom walking towards her with Charlie's wife Louise, they both looked tired and withdrawn. Scully stood up and began to walk towards them meeting them half way: "Any news yet mom?" "Not yet Dana they are running some tests on him now, we'll know more in an hour or so." "We do know that the surgery was a success they managed to stop the internal bleeding and repair the damage to his liver." "Well that's something I guess." Louise looked dreadful; she obviously hadn't slept since the news. Scully didn't see much of Charlie or Louise but they had always been quite close, keeping in regular contact on the phone and through letters. Louise was of similar stature to her, petite probably about 5'3"; she was a marine biologist that had graduated from Harvard. She had met Charlie on board the USS Victory in 1997 and their relationship had blossomed from there. Scully liked her she was good for her little brother…and it was obvious how much she loved Charlie. "Mom, Lou I am going to go outside and ring Mulder, come and get me if there is any news." "You're checking up on him sweetie" "I know…but he knows I will phone" "Uh huh" Scully sat in the gardens of the hospital taking out her cell phone, she sat for a minute and thought about what she was going to say. Would Mulder be offended that she was checking up on him, did she really need to phone? She began to dial his number not using the speed dial for once normally she would just hit one but this time dialling was almost a comfort to her, and it gave her time to think about what she was going to say. The phone rang for what seemed like forever: "Mulder" "Mulder it's me" "Scully" Tears built up at the sound of his voice, she no longer had the ability to form a sentence. God she needed him now more than ever, her whole world was falling apart it was like loosing Melissa all over. "Scully?" Her sniffling could be heard down the phone line. (in Mulder's head) Oh Jesus please don't let it be true…please let Charlie be okay. "Scully you're frightening me. Is everything okay?" "Mulder I just needed to hear your voice…" "Charlie is he okay?" "He's as well as can be expected…surgery went well but he is still unconscious." "Thank God for that I expected the worst" "Is William okay?" "Of course he's sleeping in the corner of the office…I think he likes the 'I want to believe poster', he can't take his eyes off it." Mulder heard a faint giggle "That's better Scully this isn't like you" "I know Mulder…it's just my mom always told me I was the strong one. I am trying to be strong for her sake, but all I keep thinking of what if I was mom and William was Charlie." "Scully stop right now…William is just fine. You are bound to feel emotional, it is the first time you have had to deal with anything since having our little miracle." "Maybe" "Trust me on this, it is the culmination of you trying to be strong, stressing about Charlie and worrying about William." "Mulder this just isn't like me at all…I'm a nervous wreck. I don't want mom or Louise to see me like this." "Scully they'll understand…don't build up those walls again…listen closely I have something that will make you feel better." Mulder moved towards William and slowly removed his pacifier, hoping and praying he wouldn't cry he would simply mutter a little. Mulder held the cell to his son's mouth, William began to suck furiously searching form the pacifier, and he started to moan a little until Mulder placed it back in his mouth. "You hear that Scully? William is fine taking is normal midday nap." "Thanks Mulder I needed that." "We've booked into the Clarion hotel in Baltimore room 216, if you need to get in touch with me and my cell isn't on. Mom is sharing a room with Louise and I have the adjoining room. I can't see us spending much time at the hotel, but we will need to sleep." "We'll be okay Scully I'll call you when I finish work, if you want me you know where I am. Give your mom and Louise a huge hug from me and William and we'll see you soon." "Love you Mulder … give William a kiss from mommy." "We love you too Scully… bye" "Bye" XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX 8pm Mulder had just finished feeding William, changed him and put him down for the night. He propped his feet up on the coffee table lay back with a copy of 'The Lone Gunmen' and the remote control in his free hand, channel surfing as always. (in Mulder's head) Scully must be really busy I thought she would have phoned again by now. Although I guess it was only a few hours since she phoned last, maybe I'll phone her. She said she would call after 8 now that Charlie was awake she had him to take her mind off home. Scully had called about two hours ago leaving Mulder a message saying that Charlie had woken up and his prognosis was good. Reaching for his cell phone he paused for a split second, he almost dropped it when the phone began to ring just as he was about to press the speed dial. "Mulder" "Mulder it's me" "Hey Sweetie…missing you heaps. How's Charlie coming along?" "Missed you too…Charlie is going to be okay. He has been very lucky…his head injuries were not as severe as first suspected. The surgery stopped the internal bleeding and all his internal organs were saved. A lot of bruising and a few broken bones but the main thing is he'll live. He should be out of the hospital in the next few weeks." "You'll be coming home soon then?" "Yeah I'm going to get the train out tomorrow lunchtime. Mom is going to stay here with Louise they can cope without me now. I want to be at home with my boys." "Scully I've missed you so much, you'd think you had been away for months it isn't even a day yet. But I had gotten it into my mind that you would be away for quite a while therefore it seems much longer." "I know Mulder…me too" "So what you doing now?" "I'm having an early night, I'm lying on the bed watching some crap on the box." "An early night sounds good, would be even better if you were here." "I know … god I could do with feeling your skin against mine, hot and slick with small beads of perspiration. The feel of your abs under my fingertips…it feels so good Mulder." Scully almost purred his name sending Mulder into a frenzy, he was squirming on the couch his work pants becoming very restraining. His erection was rubbing up against the zip, making him harder than ever. "Sccchhhuuullleeeee" "Yes Mulder" Scully replied in a quiet fluid tone, the voice of an angel with the intention of a devil. "I need you right now" "Mulder that is going to be hard" "I am hard" "You know what I mean…I'm no where near you. Although I have fantasised about this" Mulder nearly choked…his brain began the mental thought process… 'Scully…fantasy…fantasy…Scully' "Scully" "I used to lie in my bed after you had called thinking about you" "Did…you…touch…yourself…thinking…of…me?" Mulder spoke slowly pausing to catch his breath after every word. "Uhmmm" "Jesus" "Mulder is William asleep?" "Uh huh" She had rendered him speechless even from this distance he was putty in her hands. "Okay lets go to bed then." Mulder didn't need telling twice he almost fell off the couch tripping over a discarded bottle as he went. Mulder listened to Scully talking to him about everything and nothing while he moved into the bedroom. "You in our room yet?" "Uh huh" "Strip" Scully listened intently to him getting out of his work clothes. The tie, the shirt, socks the unloosening of the belt and off with the pants, allowing his erection a little bit more room to move. "You on the bed yet Mulder" "I am now and I am at your disposal." "Oh now that is too tempting" "Scully I have no idea what you have in mind or how his is going to work." "We'll just give it a go, just follow me" Mulder got himself into the bed, his head so close to Scully's pillow he could smell her scent. A sensual mix of vanilla and citrus filled his nostrils, he could almost feel her there with him. "Mulder" "Huh" "You in bed?" "Yes" "Okay close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine I am right there beside you. My hands are moving through your silky smooth hazel hair, fingertips tracing the contours of your face. Can you feel me?" "Jesus Scully" Scully could feel the heat rising with her, starting a familiar pool between her legs. Her breathing was becoming shallow and erratic as the immense feelings of desire swept through her every being. The way her voice had changed was proving to be very distracting for Mulder. His hands were moving in circular motions over his chest mimicking the way Scully teased him. His touches were nowhere near feather like but Scully's purring was deepening his arousal. "Mulder imagine my hands working their way across your chest, nipping gently at each nipple, before continuing their journey south. Fingers exploring your stomach smoothing over the raised muscles of your abdomen, I've stopped briefly at your belly button. I want to taste you…" "Jesus Christ" "My lips have stolen your mouth, my tongue brushing against your lips. That plump lower lip is heaven to me; I take it gently into my mouth, my tongue still probing for entrance. You open your mouth slowly giving my tongue the opportunity to dance with yours, touching, tasting, feeling." "OhhhmmmyyyygggoooddddSSCCCuuulllllEEEE" "My hands are making light work of your boxers, fingers pushing under the elastic shimmying them down … lift of the bad just a little" Mulder sighed as he did exactly as was instructed; he was lost in the moment. The more she spoke to him the more he truly believed it to be Scully's hands on his body not his own. His own thumbs were moving his boxers slowly down off his hips, over his growing erection and down his muscular thighs. The slightest touch of skin against skin was sending shivers spiralling down his spine. "Mulder you feel good, I want no I need you inside me right now. But this is for you not for me tonight. My lips remain on yours, my hands in between our bodies they find what they are looking for. Jesus Christ Mulder you're really hard…. I am taking both hands placing them firmly around your cock. Stroking up and down in firm continuous movements, circling my forefinger round your head, collecting the pre- cum. I am moving my fingers towards my lips, your eyes are wide in anticipation, I am licking my fingers tasting you on me, I could savour this taste forever. Mulder talk to me what would you like to do?" "Uhmmmm uhhhh ummmm" "I know what I want to do." "I…want…. to…position myself between your legs, I can smell your arousal now, you're dripping wet for me. I'm flicking my tongue out, lapping up your juices, plunging one then two fingers into your hot steamy core. You are beginning to writhe underneath me, begging for more." Scully's hands were mimicking the movement of Mulder's, touching herself exactly how he said. "Oohhhhh ggoodddd that's good" "Your clit is a throbbing bundle of nerves, hard to the touch. My tongue is massaging your most sensitive area; I stop for a second and suck long and hard. I can feel the sensation of your orgasm starting to build." Scully's hands were moving fast and furious and Mulder's were engaging in the same sort of rhythmic movement, they could hear each other getting aroused. Breathing fast, erratic, sighs and groans…. all symbols of their impending orgasms. "I won't let go Scully, your hands are in my hair, trying to regulate my movement. I feel your body harden and spasm, I stay with you riding out your orgasm." "Jesus Christ Mulder" Mulder began pumping harder and harder at his own throbbing organ; he could feel the blood rushing through his cock. The intense burning sensation in his balls as they tightened signalling his release, he knew it wasn't going to be long now. Within moments while he listened to Scully scream his name as her orgasm ripped through her entire being, he came hard and fast. There was no one there to lap up the evidence, as he lay there sated, but was Scully whispering in his ear. Only his Scully could have thought if something like that to make her first time away from them more bearable, if that were the worst then she would have little problem leaving William and Mulder again. "I know" "That was definitely the best masturbatory experience I have ever had. I need you here with me now Mulder, I love you." Mulder's voice was breathy and he almost purred making Scully melt: "Me too Scully that was unbelievable…. Love you" Before Scully could say good night she heard the familiar sound of Mulder breathing slow and even signalling he had fell asleep the phone still in his hand. XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX 6.10am Mulder residence William had just gone down after his morning feed, Mulder was surprised at how well he had taken to the bottle when he was used to the breast. With William taken care of, Mulder could turn his attention to himself and getting ready. He jumped into the shower scrubbed his body clean, grinning to himself as he removed the traces of last night's activities from his stomach. Dressed in just a towel he made his way back to the bedroom stopping only at the phone on the coffee table as it was flashing with a new message. William began to stir he thought things were too good to be true. Now he was torn, he was in a state of undress, needed to check the message to see if it was of any importance and see to his son. He was only just beginning to realise how difficult this whole parenthood thing can be. Mulder's decision was made for him as William's small murmur turned into a high pitched shrill. Mulder almost ran into the bedroom scooping the crying baby into his arms, soothing him instantly: "Okay Buddy Daddy is here and Mommy will be back soon, no need to worry. We're going to take a trip into work again soon, so you can go play with uncle John and Auntie Monica. If we're really good maybe Uncle Walter will come and pay us a visit…yes you like uncle Walter don't you." Mulder still talking to William made his way into the living room to check his messages: 'Beep Morning sunshine…hope my two boys slept well. That was the best way to spend a night apart Mulder…you were wonderful it felt like you were here with me all night long. Charlie is a little better so I should be home soon. Love you both.' "You hear that William? Mommy will be back soon. I've missed her and I know you have too." XxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxXxxxX 1.02pm J. Edgar Hoover Building Doggett and Reyes had jus left on a case, that looked more like a teenage prank than an x-file but nonetheless they had left to look into it further. Mulder wasn't sure if they were doing this because William was with him or if they genuinely wanted to be out in the field, either way he wasn't bothered. Kimberley had just taken William out for a walk in his stroller during her lunch break; they both needed a breath of fresh air. Mulder thought he was hearing things when he heard a sound he could never misplace, 3" fuck me pumps attached to a petite 5'1" redhead. Scully peered into the office her eyes glazed and dressed to kill. "Hey stranger" Mulder looked up from his desk and realised that he wasn't imagining it his Scully was stood right in front of his desk with an almost animalistic look in her eyes as if she could devour him in one go. "Hey to you too" Eye contact was all they needed to communicate their inner most feelings to each other and at this time that was a food thing as the thoughts they were having should definitely not be verbalised in the work place or any other place other than the privacy of their own home. "Where's William?" Scully questioned looking a little worried: "Kimberley just took him out for lunch about ten minutes ago you just missed them." "Really?" Scully replied in a mischievous tone and a glint in her eye "They'll be at least an hour" Scully could hardly contain her excitement and obvious arousal: "Doggett, Reyes" "They're out as well" "Really?" "Uh huh" "Does this place have a lock Mulder?" "Yes" No invitation was necessary the click of the door could be heard down the corridor, as now they could act out last night's events in person. "Mulder I fantasised about this" "What?" Mulder almost choked "Right here in this office" END