Title: Angels, Ghosts, and Roads {-:More music fic:-} Author: Well Manicured Wife Rating:17+ (at the end) Keywords: MSR/Angst/Original characters Spoilers: Nope Summary: After the death of a fellow agent, Scully reflects on life...or the brevity of it. Shout-outs:*Sheryl Martin* wrote me a very flattering feedback message on my first fanfic. I am in awe of this extremely talented, sensitive, and experienced fanfic writer, so imagine my surprise and delight upon reading her encouraging words. This one is for her, also Jan, Sister Zooey (always), Plausible Deniability, and the rest of you who sent me such honest and truly helpful criticisms. Musical Notes (ha-ha): "Roads" is available on Portishead's album Dummy and on their 1997 live album PNYC. The version in this fic is from the live album. If you haven't heard it, do yourself a favor and check it out. So... Lit Notes: "Look Homeward, Angel" is written by Thomas Wolfe and is available from Simon and Schuster Press. Like Portishead, you should invest some time in it if ever you have enough. It is a long, but worthwhile read. I promise. Roads by The Well Manicured Wife ****** St. Marys Catholic Cemetery Washington D.C. 4:23 p.m. The rain had just started to pelt heavily against the windshield of the bureau's Taurus when Dana Scully slid into the seat. She brought with her the last vestiges of the funeral they were leaving: a thin layer of raspy soil on her boot-bottoms, the misty droplets on her black trench, and the cool, windy smell of February air. Immediately, she pulled off her leather gloves and held her palms in front of the full blown heat radiating from the dash. Mulder gave her a moment to settle before pulling into the line of dark, government vehicles leaving the cemetery. He watched her out of the corner of his eye, noting the pinkness in her cheeks and nose, no doubt a product of the cold and grief that had been shared today. As he pulled into highway traffic, she sniffled and he broke the silence at last. "Want to stop and get some coffee, Scully?" She shook her head. "I don't feel much like being in the public eye right now, Mulder." He pursed his lips in understanding. Agent Nathan Caldwell's funeral had been nothing if not...emotional. Not that the emotion wasn't deserved. Nate had been a very popular and outgoing agent, perhaps a bit hotheaded at times but... ‘Well, we all have our moments,' Mulder mused silently. ‘I certainly have mine.' Then he glanced over at his partner who was far from hotheaded and doubted the validity of his generalization. ‘Maybe not *all* of us,' he acceded. Scully, for her part, had relaxed against the seat and appeared to be trying to forget the whole ordeal. She said, "It was a lovely ceremony." And she was prepared to leave it at that. "Yeah," Mulder agreed. He drummed the steering wheel for a moment. "Caldwell's partner - what's her name?" Scully swallowed. "McDaniels. Sandra McDaniels." "Right. She seemed pretty broken up." Mulder looked over at her. "I saw her talking to you after the service." Scully tensed again, sensing that Mulder was hinting at something, digging for something. "Yes," was all she gave him. "Is she all right?" Scully sighed heavily. "What do you think, Mulder?" At his surprised expression, Scully softened her tone. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just..." She didn't finish the thought - didn't have to. "No, Mulder, she's not doing very well. She's on suicide watch." Mulder licked his lips and nodded right-of-way to a mini van at the four-way stop. "I didn't know that," he said. "Skinner told me you two had worked together before." "At the forensics lab," Scully answered. "Back when we were students at Quantico." She toyed with the belt on her coat. "I gave her my numbers today. Just in case she needs to talk." Mulder glanced at his partner. "That's good," he said. And he meant it. Dana smiled at his sincerity. "They were together for five years, Mulder. It would have been five years for them next month. That's...that's a long time, I think." Mulder turned the windshield wipers onto high power. "I doubt it felt that long to them," he said. "Maybe it didn't even seem long enough." Looking at him now, Scully waited for her partner's eyes to meet her own. When they did, she looked at his arm, and put her hand on it. There was silence for the duration of the drive to Scully's building. When Mulder pulled up to the main entrance, he parked the car as if intending to turn it off and walk his partner in. But Scully stopped him. "I'm fine, Mulder. Go on home and get some rest. I'll see you at work in the morning." Mulder started to protest but thought better of it. Instead, he forced a reassuring smile. "Right, Scully. You get some sleep, too." Scully was nodding, forehead slightly creased, leaning there in the car door left ajar. That fickle February smell was closing in on him, sort of pricking and sticking like the minuscule drops of rain on Dana's slightly tousled hair. Something was hanging there in the heaviness, made buoyant by the wind and visible by the rain. "I..." Scully started, then stopped. Mulder looked up at her expectantly, chewing a little on his lower lip, then followed her gaze to the leaf-clogged rain grate embedded in the curb. Her mouth was working exquisitely to form some secret incantation it seemed, but the words never coalesced. Instead, fake smile firmly reinstated, she said, "Well, sleep well, Mulder." He wondered if she even heard him reply as she shut the door and walked away. ****** Scully's apartment was warm. As soon as she closed the door and pulled off her boots, her stockinged feet began to tingle with the warmth. She hung up her coat, and walked into the kitchen...where she just stood. She stood there for some fifteen minutes maybe, with her hand on the refrigerator handle, and her eyes on a grocery list, until she tasted sharp, hot tears stinging the back of her throat. So she wandered back to her couch, sat down, put her suddenly heavy head in her hands and cried. ****** Fox Mulder dropped his keys onto his coffee table. His cell phone followed, along with FBI badge and holster. His gun he placed in the drawer of his desk, where he paused to look out his slightly frosty window. Sighing, lost in some fleeting personal concern, he turned to search for his remote control. Bravo was airing a concert series all day – modern, progressive artists singing moodily into solitary microphones on dim, stark soundstages. At the moment, Ani DiFranco was rasping something about being a joyful girl. Mulder snorted ironically and let his head fall against the back of his leather couch. He wondered what Scully was doing. ****** Her phone was ringing. It was seven o'clock and her phone was ringing. Scully sat up, groping around in the dark for the portable phone she had seen beside her earlier. She found it lodged between two of the cushions she had fallen asleep on, and pressed the talk button. "Scully," she said, expecting Mulder or maybe her mother. When there was no immediate response, her tired eyes opened fully in anticipation. "Hello?" "Agent Scully?" It was a hoarse, exhausted female voice. "Yes," Dana answered. "Who's speaking?" "This is Sandra McDaniels, Dana...you gave me your number at the funeral today and I..." She trailed off, then: "I'm sorry. You sound like I woke you. I can call back later." "No,"Scully said quickly. "I did take a little nap it seems, but I'm glad you called." She paused somewhat nervously. "How are you?" Sandra laughed a mirthless laugh and Scully winced. "I'm all right, I guess. I just wanted to talk to someone. Not a psychologist,"she amended. "So, I..." She sighed. "I know it's been a while since we were students together, Dana, and...I know we don't know each other very well, but...I don't know." Scully heard rustling on the other line – the sound of a coat or jacket being removed. Was it possible that Sandra was just now returning from the cemetery? She did sound a bit congested. "Truth be told," McDaniels continued, "I'm not very good at this...just talking thing, I guess." ‘Neither am I,' Scully thought and smiled. But she was secretly glad this grieving woman had called her. Some nurturing and understanding chord had been struck on the ever-stoic Scully violin at the funeral that afternoon, and Dana was more than willing to alleviate a burden of grief that she herself knew too well. "Are you busy right now?" There was a hint of almost desperation in Sandra's voice, like she nearly hoped Scully *was* busy. Then, she would just hang up the phone and find something to do – maybe go to the office, clean out Nate's desk – anything to avoid this alien intimacy with a near stranger. "No," Scully answered quietly. "I'm not busy at all." Another uncertain pause. "Would you like for me to come over?" The other woman's reply was quick and firm, though, surprising Scully. "No, no," she said. "I'm...I'm a mess, I'm afraid." "I understand," Scully said. "I mean, I don't *understand,* not really, but...I can imagine." She bit her lip. "I know you and Caldwell were close." There was silence on the other line for a time, and Scully worried she had touched the issue too quickly, too closely. "Yes," Sandra finally replied. She sounded a bit more relaxed. "We were...very close." Scully nodded and closed her eyes, trying to relate without relating. ‘I will *not* think of Mulder,' she repeated in her head like a chant. "We weren't lovers, Dana. I know that there were... rumors in the bureau about us, and now, in the wake of Nate's...demise..." A small silence here. "I just want you to know that none of it was true." "Oh, Sandra," Scully said. "None of that matters. I know how difficult it can be being the object of gossip and assumption. But, you know the truth – the essence of your relationship with your partner – and that's all that ever really matters." "Yeah," McDaniels agreed quietly. "But...God, this is hard to say." She groaned, and Scully could envision her on her couch, hand over her eyes, biting her bottom lip, struggling to speak whatever it was. "This is just between you and me, Sandra," Scully reassured her. "I was in love with him, Dana." The truth spilled out quickly, on a wave of immense relief. "I know that's wrong, but...God, I tried so hard. Worked for years to keep it a big secret..." Sandra had started crying again, softly, and Dana felt her heart fill up with a hot, spongy substance. It was the reservoir that held all of her own secrets, her complex and forbidden feelings for Mulder. "It's all right, Sandra. You couldn't help those feelings. You're human...just like you're feeling sadness right now...and loss." Scully tried to remember the things Dr. Kossoff had told her after her father's death, but none of it was coming back, so she just said the things she thought herself. "We...forget sometimes," she continued, "in the midst of tough cases and strict regulations. But we're still human beings, we're still women. And..." She picked her keys up off the coffee table, fingering the keychain Mulder had given her for her birthday a few years before. "They get to us sometimes." Scully heard static going in and out on Sandra's end of the line. She was probably pacing about the house, listening, collecting her own muddled thoughts. "Yeah," she said. "They do get to you." She laughed quietly, and Scully smiled. ‘She's laughing,' Dana thought. ‘That's good. She's relaxed and coming to terms with this thing.' "Are...are you and Mulder close?" Sandra asked timidly. Dana sighed and leaned back into the couch again. *That* was a tangled barrel of monkeys to open. "Yes." She hesitated. "We're very close...in a weird, kind of complicated way, I guess. We don't always...get along...when it comes to cases mostly." She'd never realized how difficult to explain her relationship with Mulder really was. "Oh, I know," McDaniels breathed. "Nate and I used to argue like two worst enemies." Scully heard her take a swallow of something. "But we always made up before pizza and beer night." "That's good," Scully told her. "It's good that you two had time together outside of work...to just be friends." "He was like a brother to me sometimes, Dana. I guess that's why it was always so hard for me to come to terms with my more...romantic feelings for him." Scully made herself comfortable under the quilt she kept across the sofa and turned on the lamp just above her. In the soft light, she said, "Tell me about him, Sandra." There was silence again, but it was a good silence. The silence that speaks volumes of shimmery recollection, like remembering the compassionate grandmother who passed away when you were six – the one who buckled you cold, patent leather shoes in the warm, pancake-smelling kitchen as you all bustled about, preparing for church on November mornings. "Mmmm..." Sandra began. "Well, Nate was.... intelligent. I don't mean just FBI intelligent. Anyone can learn that stuff. I mean he had a sweet sort of sensitive intelligence. See, he was an English major when he first started college, so he read all of these...you know...high intellect books, I guess. And he still read a lot, even after he changed to a criminal justice major. This one guy he read – Thomas Wolfe – wrote this enormous book..." She broke off, trying to remember the title. "Nate must have read it like a hundred times. He was always trying to figure out the meaning of it. That was one of his favorite stakeout topics. Look Homeward, Angel. That's what it's called. He could talk about it all night." Scully smiled, thinking of Mulder reading those stupid tabloids in Tauruses littered with Burger King bags and empty Styrofoam cups til she had to laugh and tell him to put it down. "There was this line. I'll never forget it as long as I live." Sandra's voice sounded far away now. "‘A stone, a leaf, an unfound door,'" she quoted. "Nate always came up with a different meaning for that quote. He said it was about self-discovery one time, then that it was about finding our destinies...I don't know. He said a lot of things about it. Always trying to get me to read the damn thing..." She laughed. ‘Laughing to keep from crying,'Scully thought. "Thing is, it's long as fuck." Sandra yawned. "I was always saying Nate, I don't have time to read that thing...But now, I've got a few weeks off, so I guess I do." She was quiet. "That um, engraving? On his headstone? That was from that book. He was always saying it was one of the greatest lines ever penned. ‘O lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again.'" Scully recalled the marble etching, scrolled out intricately beneath a small, stone angel. "It is beautiful," she breathed. "Yes. I thought it was...appropriate." The two women shared a comfortable silence before Sandra spoke again, saying wearily, "But he isn't coming back, is he Dana?" Scully could only shake her head. Her throat felt tight with unshed tears. "That's the hardest part." McDaniels' voice was wet and thready. "I know it's true. I just don't want to believe it." She was weeping anew. Swallowing her own selfish tears, Scully soothed the woman. "I know, Sandra. I know it's hard to accept. All I can tell you is that you have to be strong." But that sounded cliched even to Scully's own ears, so she said the things that had kept her sane upon Mulder's numerous disappearances and near-death-experiences. "And you have to remember that he cared about you, too. So no matter how permanently - how completely - he's taken away from you...there are some things he gave you that can never be taken away." There was no response for some time. "Sandra?" "I'm still here, Dana." She took a deep breath. "You're right, you know. Nate and I...we shared things no one else shared. He...balanced me, I think. He kept me rational most of the time." Scully was slowly rising at every one of Sandra's words, recognizing them as words that had been spoken to her by her own mysterious ghost. "I just..." Sandra was breaking down again. "I just wish I'd told him..." "Sandra," Scully interrupted urgently. "I think...No, I'm willing to bet that he knew. The same way you knew the things you just told me, he knew the things you couldn't tell him." There was controlled sobbing on the other line for a moment, then, "I know, Dana. I Know he knew something. But I still just wish I'd told him just the same. I wish he'd heard it from me. When I think of him, lying shot in that alley, wondering where I was at....Oh, God, Dana!" More crying. "I could have told him then. If I'd been there, I could have told him then." "Sandra, stop blaming yourself! You got there as soon as you could. You can't..." "He told me he loved me." At those quiet words, Scully froze. "Blood was pouring out of his mouth," Sandra went on recklessly. "It felt hot and sticky all over my hands and my thighs and I kept saying ‘Hush, hush' over and over again and he said... ‘I love you." She was strangely calm as she continued. "Those warm, brown eyes were struggling to stay open, looking at me...and he said, ‘I love you.' Then...he just slipped away. Me sitting there with my mouth open." "Sandra," Scully whispered. "I don't think he heard me say it back, Dana." Scully wiped the tears from her face. "Oh, he did, Sandra. I'm sure he did." It was all she could say, and it sufficed. McDaniels' weeping sounded less pained at that moment, more relieved and...even joyous. "God, I hope he did," she said. Scully sat quietly while Sandra calmed. She heard the woman sniffing against a tissue, clearing her throat, collecting her thoughts again. "Thank you for your patience, Dana," she said. Scully, smiling, was about to reply when the sound of a door opening on McDaniels' end stopped her. "Oh, my sister's here," Sandra said. In the background, a woman was calling gently, "Sissy?" "In here!" Sandra's answering call was muffled by a hand over the receiver. "Thank you again, Dana....I needed this." "Anytime," Scully answered. "I hope you'll call me again tomorrow?" Sandra hesitated. "I'd really like to hear from you again," Scully added. "Yes," McDaniels said. "I'll call you again." Dana was relieved to hear that. "Good," she said. "Sleep well, Sandra." "You too, Dana." With that, the line went dead. And Dana Scully was left holding it in her lap, staring at the glowing digits with something akin to wonder, and something akin to need taking shape in her heart. ****** Fox Mulder was nearly asleep. A half-eaten pizza rested on the table before him, and on the TV, a group called Portishead was urging him to relax. The singer, a lanky, attractive British woman, was singing about love in a most painful way. "Take a ride Take a shot now Cuz nobody loves me It's true Cuz nobody loves me It's true Not like you do" He was slowly nodding his head to the beat, closing his eyes and envisioning Scully on her couch. Sleeping? Watching TV, too? Sipping a mug of steamy hot cocoa? "Oh, these sour times.... Cuz nobody loves me It's true Nobody loves me It's true Not like you do..." A sudden series of sharp knocks at his door roused him from his revery just as the singer was getting particularly passionate with the microphone. Hitting the volume control on the remote, he called out, "Coming." In the rectangle of light produced by the hallway, Scully stood. That's all she did. Stood, dripping a little from the rain that had fallen all day, and looked at him. The streaks on her face didn't look like just rain, though. "Scully," the surprise showed in his voice. "Come in here and get a towel." She stepped in slowly, almost mechanically, and he touched her arm as he shut the door. Taking her coat from her limp form, he asked her if she was okay. At her nod, he hurried through his bedroom to the bathroom, returning with a white, slightly worn towel. Scully mussed her hair with it. "Were you asleep?" She asked. "Almost," he confessed. "But it's nothing I can't catch up on later. What's up, Scully?" She walked over to the couch and sat, giving the TV a curious glance. Mulder followed her back. "Sandra McDaniels called me," Scully finally offered. "We talked for a while." Mulder nodded, understanding now. "How is she?" He asked. "As well as can be expected," Scully answered. "Her sister is with her." "Good." "Mulder?" He looked at his partner. In the weird light from the television, her profile was apparition-like. "Yeah, Scully?" She took a deep breath and looked up from the towel twisted in her grasp. "I don't have to tell you..." She licked her lips. "Mulder, you know..." Her forehead creased with her frustration and he reached out to touch her cold hand. Some awkwardness drained away. "What, Scully?" His words were quiet, as if he feared they might disturb the magical connection that had formed here. Her blue eyes were glistening clear with moisture. "You know I love you, right?" The words were choked out. "Ah, Scully." He pulled her to him. "Jesus, I know." He placed kisses in her hair, tasting the wetness of the rain as she cried against his chest. Her arms felt like two angel arms wrapping around him, and when he rubbed her back comfortingly, he expected to feel ethereal wings there. "You know I love you, too," he whispered, realizing how hard those words had been for her. They were some other language on his tongue, a spell he was concocting for the first time. "Yes," she murmured against his neck. "Yes." Mulder took her head in his heads, tilted it up to kiss her brow, her left eyelid. "Scully, I'm not going to leave you," he said. She looked at him, lips trembling. "You don't know that, Mulder. We never know...I had to tell you so..." He kissed her. He kissed her lovely, swollen, tear-flavored lips until she kissed him back mindlessly. Until they knew only the desperate, searing taste of each other. In the silence, only the voice of the singer on television could be heard, narrating their joining. "Oh... Can't anybody see? We've got a war to fight. We've gotta find a way, regardless of what they say. How can it feel this wrong? From this moment, how can it feel this wrong?" Scully broke the kiss first, distracted by Mulder's firm hands massaging the small of her back. His fingers had inched underneath the black blouse she wore, and the tips were raising goosebumps on her flesh. "Mulder," she gasped. He was kissing her neck, humming encouragement as she returned his caresses, easing her own hands beneath his grey tee. Feeling the muscles in his back, the living, straining, moving muscles, brought fresh tears to her eyes. He was life! He was her life! He was bringing her to life! "Oh, God," she hissed at the sensation of his hands closing over her shoulders. Brought back to reality perhaps by her words, or the feel of her jerking against him in shock, Mulder pulled away. Placing his forehead to hers to steady them both, he breathed, "I'll stop, Scully. Just say the words." So she did. "Touch me, Mulder." And she took his lips with her own again. "Stoned, in the morning light. I feel no more. Can't say it – from self to myself. I've got nobody on my side and surely that ain't right...." Mulder lowered Scully onto the couch til she lay stretched beneath him, their legs entwined like their souls. He slowed their kisses as he unbuttoned her blouse, touching the expanses of exposed skin as it appeared. She was so pale... "Surely that ain't right..." Switching the arms that helped poise him above her, Mulder helped her pull his shirt over his head, and Scully reached behind her to release the hooks on her bra. They had to stand to work one another's pants off, putting Scully's lips level with Mulder's rapidly rising and falling chest. "Oh Can't anybody see? We've got a war to fight We'll never find our way, regardless of what they say. How can it feel this wrong? From this moment, how can it feel this wrong?" In the back of her mind, Scully's thoughts were churning. She knew that technically, what they were about to do was wrong – or at least dangerous. Threatening to consummate a beautiful seven-year relationship with sexual insubordination....But that's only what her superiors would say – what the Bureau code book would say. To Dana, no moment had ever felt so right before... Moving to his bedroom without losing contact with one another proved difficult, but they managed, supporting each other as always. Mulder's bed clothes were cold to Dana's over heated skin, so she jumped a bit when she lay on them. But Mulder's warm body soon covered her own, and she was warm beyond belief. Free from clothes, from eyes, grief, and bureau rules, their hands explored each other's bodies, finding the supple places and the firm ones. Making each other gasp and giggle until Scully was pressing her hips against his impatiently. Mulder looked at her face. Eyes closed tightly, lip clenched between sharp, white teeth, she was his fantasy come true. His Scully, his life, was yearning for his touch, to feel him inside her. Wondrously, he touched her face, and she turned her head to meet his gaze. "Oh, Mulder," she breathed. "I love you, Scully." She threaded her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. "I know," she said wetly against his lips. "Make love to me." Mulder moaned in reply and sought out another unexplored territory, testing Scully's physical readiness with his fingers. She gasped and thrust against his hand. "Ah, Scully," he breathed. Scully, feeling her partner's readiness against the inside of her thigh, wrapped her right leg higher over his hip. She bent the other against his thigh, and he put a hand on it as he nudged his way inside her body. "Ow!" She couldn't help but cry out at the size of him, the unexpected pain of his entry. Mulder caught her cry in his mouth, wanting to soothe her, needing to move within her. He curled his fingers possessively around her raised knee, tugging it, urging her to wrap it too around his waist. Scully complied, lost in a haze of sensation; Mulder thrusting slowly inside her, one of his large hands at the small of her back, the other moving jerkily up her hip as their bodies began to move less smoothly against each other. "Scully..." Mulder groaned as one of her hands made its sticky way between them to touch herself. She needed to catch up to him, seeing the closeness in his dilated pupils and sweaty brown. "Yes, Mulder,"she gasped in reply. Feeling her fingers moving against his pelvic bone as he thrust into her was too much for Mulder. His warning dissipated into a series of grunts and growls as he spilled helplessly into her, feeling the wonder of rippling woman muscles as she followed him much more gracefully. He watched her face contort most beautifully and felt like weeping at the sight. Their breathing steadied synchronously. Scully was gently kissing Mulder's shoulderblade as he did her hairline. "Mulder," she said. "Shhh," he replied. "Let's sleep." Dana smiled at his weary murmur, feeling the smile deep in her heart. She helped him pull blankets up and over their bodies. Mulder moved lethargically between the sheets til he spooned against her back. His arm dropped heavily over her midsection, and he gave that last sigh before sleep in her hair. Scully was not so quick to sleep though. For a while, she watched her fingers travel the length of Mulder's forearm. She marveled at the complexities of his body, solid and yet spirit. He was alive. His chest was rising rhythmically against her back, and his pulse was passing strongly between those delicate muscles in his wrist. Happy with these things, Dana closed her eyes at last. ****** Sandra McDaniels' sleep had not come easily. It had been 1:13 a.m. before the pills her sister gave her kicked in, but now, her eyes moved peacefully behind her lids in a dream. In her dream, Sandra watched Nate step out of their stakeout vehicle. His tan trenchcoat fluttered in the warm wind, and he gave her a wide, welcoming smile. "Sandra," he said, and his arms were welcoming, too. She stepped into them as if greeting him at the airport after one of his week-long trips somewhere. "Oh, I miss you," she said, laughing lightly. "I know," he said. "But I'm here aren't I?" She touched his upper arms in wonder. "Yes. Are you real?" Nate's brown eyes sparkled and he bent his head an inch to kiss her forehead. "It doesn't matter." "Oh, Nate." She looked at him again, the desperation showing only slightly in her happy gaze. "I love you." He kissed her nose this time. "I know," he said. He kissed her lips this time. "I know," he repeated. He kissed her lips again. "I know." He kissed her lips.... ****** THE END ****** esther_greenwood@hotmail.com