TITLE: A IS FOR ATONEMENT AUTHOR: DONNILEE RATING: 17+ WARNING: Descriptive sex. Smut. Please, no one under 17. CATEGORY: MSR /ANGST POSTING: ANYWHERE - But Please make sure my name and e-mail address are on it and inform me by e- mail of the location. Thank you. donnilee@snet.net DISCLAIMER: Nope. Not mine. Used shamelessly and without remorse. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 and Fox, and god knows who else, but not me. SUMMARY: We all say things we regret sometimes. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Mulder says a mouthful, forgetting that it's not always what you say, but it's HOW you say it. And making amends can turn out to be lots of fun. AUTHOR'S NOTE: WEBSTER'S NINTH COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY -- n 1 obs : RECONCILE 2: the reconciliation of God and man through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ 3 : reparation for an offense or injury : SATISFACTION 4 Christian Science : the exemplifying of man's oneness with God. A IS FOR ATONEMENT PART 1 - PG-13 BLUE RIDGE HOTEL/MOTEL 8:00 AM SATURDAY MORNING "Mulder, this time, you are going to PAY ... BIG TIME!" I hold the cell phone away from my ear as one thought flashes through my mind. I have gone and offended my partner big time. Again. Now pissing her off is not unusual. I exasperate and befuddle my partner on a regular basis. Our work demands a lot of us. And being that we are entrenched firmly on two different sides of the paranormal issue, it is only natural that we debate, exasperate each other and even anger each other. But somehow, this has become personal. She is making it that way. My partner is a small bundle of fury when she is pissed off. She is a redhead after all. I always thought that belief about redheads having a temper was all a crock. After all, what did hair color have to do with temperament? That was before I met Dana Scully. She usually keeps a pretty tight rein on it. But not this time. It started out innocently enough. I wanted to pursue a lead on a report in the newspaper of three little girls gone missing in a small town in West Virginia. I had flown into Richmond and rented a car from there and traveled out to the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now you may have heard the stories of the mountain men that reside in the mountains of West Virginia. The Annette Peatie case had made us aware of that little known fact, although he was hidden away in the Appalachia Mountains. I suspected one of these 'Census Escapees' to be the culprit. The thing that was strange about this one was that all the parents reported the children being taken from their houses and a big flash of bright white light that blinded and paralyzed them which occurred at the time of the abductions. I knew that Scully would scoff and I didn't really want to waste her time. We'd been in the basement a little too often lately and I was restless to get out. So I did it again. I left without her to spare her the anger and exasperation that goes with coming along on these little adventures that have little or nothing to do with work. They are just a hobby of mine, sort of. A way for me to know as much as possible about the paranormal in all it's forms. You never know when some little nugget of information was going to come in handy. Plus I enjoyed investigating these cases. They were fun sometimes. There was some good old fashioned gum shoe work involved without the stress of global alien conspiracies or running for my life from people who were determined to keep me from finding out something they didn't want me to know. I had, of course, promised her that I would never leave her behind again. And I meant it at the time. But I was thinking about cases that we were assigned at work, or cases that were sanctioned by work. This one was not. It just had too many things I liked. Bright lights, missing little girls, small town, and no explanation. So, I arrived last night, checked into the only hotel for miles around in the wee hours of the morning, a dump with thread bare carpet and collapsed for the night. I'd called and left a quick message on her cell phone voice mail so as not to wake her. I told her about the situation I was checking out. I didn't want her to panic if she tried to reach me. Now, I'm laying here in bed in nothing but my boxers, trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes and concentrate on the direction of this conversation. I'd better pay attention, because if I don't, there is going to be hell to pay. She is waiting for a response. I tried to school my voice to a calm timber. "Scully, I'm doing this on my own time. It has nothing to do with work." "It is a case involving little girls, Mulder. I know how you get on these cases and ... " "And?" He heard a deep sigh on the other end of the phone. She was trying to return this to a discussion as well, rather than escalating it into a fight. But what the hell was she trying to say? I get upset on cases like this. Sometimes I did. So what? What else is new? Why should I drag her into it? Her voice was surprisingly defeated and somber when she finally replied. "And I want to be there for you." Excuse me. My entire brain just went on PAUSE. Did I just hear what I think I just heard? Dana Scully telling me that she cares and wants to be with me just because she wants to be there for me. Not for a professional reason. Not for work. Just for me. This bears some further investigation. "I don't know what to say. I didn't think you would want ... would want anything to do with cases that were outside of work. This is just for me, Scully." "I know." "And you still want to be here? Dragging yourself to another 'ass-end of nowhere' town so you can mother me in case I freak out?" Oops. That was the wrong thing to say. I knew it the second the words were out of my mouth. "Mothering you? MOTHERING YOU? Is that what you think I'm doing? Is that what you think this is? I thought we were FRIENDS, Mulder! I thought being friends meant that you watched each others' back and you were there for each other when the chips were down. Apparently, I'm under a gross misconception." She was back to yelling. Milk toast Mulder to the rescue. "No, you're not. Scully, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. I'm getting defensive and I shouldn't because you're 100 percent right. I just didn't think you cared about me that way." This last was said more softly than the rest. "Oh, Mulder, for Christ's sake, you can be dense sometimes. How many times have we been there to comfort each other?" "I wish you would LET me comfort you, but you rarely do. You've comforted me a LOT of times Scully and I appreciated it, but I thought you did it because ... " "Because?" she prompted. "I thought you did it because you couldn't have your partner falling apart on you in the middle of a case, or ... or ... " "For a brilliant man, you are thick as a tree stump sometimes, Mulder." This was said without humor. She was serious. Sarcastic Mulder, have a seat. "Gee, thanks, Scully." "Don't get all martyr on me, now. You really don't get it, do you?" "I guess I don't. I thought I was sparing you the aggravation. Why don't you explain it to me." My brain simply cannot process data at this hour. I was up until 4:00 AM despite my exhaustion and I am still on auto pilot. "O.K., I will." Her voice is clipped. Oh boy, here it comes! "Did it ever occur to you that ditching me is incredibly insulting?" "I am not insulting you, Scully, I'm trying to ..." "Protect me?" I know she hates that. Think fast. "No, I'm trying not to selfishly involve you in something that is just for my own sake." "Well, stop it. It's insulting. We are partners but we are friends too, Mulder, and if it interests and concerns you then it interests and concerns me even if I don't agree with you." Her voice is rising in volume again as her agitation increases. "And you could give me a choice, Mulder! You could ASK me if I wanted to go and let me decide for myself whether it's worthwhile, or whether I want to go along." 'Ask her? I already knew her answer to the question.' Angry Mulder is about to make a command appearance. All of a sudden I was tired of defending myself about these things. She was such a hypocrite. "Ask you? Let YOU decide if it's worthwhile? You NEVER think it's worthwhile! Pardon me, Scully, but the last few times I did bring you along on one of these ... cases ... you were incredibly uptight and irritated the whole time. I believe questions you had were: "'What are we doing here, Mulder? Where is the X-File, Mulder? Why did you drag me out here, Mulder?' Comments. Well, let's see if I can remember. Some comments were: 'This is ridiculous, Mulder. There is no X-File here, Mulder? Mulder, you're crazy! I hate these motels, Mulder. Taking off like this is totally unprofessional Mulder. Mulder, this is against the rules.' Are you sensing a pattern here, Scully? Because you were not in the fun category at those times. Not even in the 'take it in stride' category'. You were downright bitchy." Silence. She knows I'm right. That's the only time she is silent, or when she is processing. Maybe she's just building up to the big blow out. So I continued. "Your questions and comments led me to believe that if it wasn't an X- File relating to work then you wanted nothing to do with it. Your own statements made me think that you hated being taken along for these trips where I was chasing a hunch and that would probably turn out to be nothing or another dead end. You were fed up and nothing but unpleasant ... because I had ... 'dragged you out on another ones of these stupid cases.' You didn't think they were worth investigating and you were mad at me for waking you and asking you to come and not telling you where we were going." I was really angry now and at the moment I didn't care. Sudden rage can be a cleansing experience if used wisely. I knew this was not a wise use of my anger but couldn't stop myself. I was sick and tired of NOT saying what was on my mind to keep the peace. She made me feel like a juvenile sometimes and I was beginning to realize the resentment was well hidden but deep seeded. "Wanna know why I don't tell you where we're going Scully? Huh? Huh? BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR IMMEDIATE SKEPTICISM BEFORE WE'RE EVEN OUT OF THE FUCKING DRIVEWAY! You think to yourself, 'Uh, oh, my nutty partner is off on another ridiculous tear, probably another goose chase.' Before you've even looked at the case. I don't want to see you roll your eyes at me like I'm sort of ... IDIOT ... for wanting to look into something! I swear if I see you roll your eyes at me one more time I'm gonna scream! And because of this cursed memory of mine, I can't even forget it! I'm tired of it, Scully! Yes, I see you rolling your eyes. I hear every one of your exasperated sighs that you think you're letting out behind my back. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT FUCKING HURTS ME WHEN YOU DO THAT, SCULLY? DO YOU?" I had lost it and raised my voice to her. What a schmuck. How the hell does she get under my skin so easily? Damn her! She wasn't being fair! But that was not excuse to yell at her. I could have told her these things. I didn't need to yell them at her. But I was just realizing how much it really did hurt me. I had a mental image of myself, stamping my feet like a little kid and was instantly contrite, trying to regroup my thoughts for the full frontal attack I was sure was coming. But just when I think I have her figured out, she surprises me. I hear her sob. She breaks out SOBBING on the other end of the phone, sucking noisy lungfuls of air. I can hear her sniffling. Oh god, what the fuck have I done? She's the last person on earth that I ever want to hurt or make angry and it seems that I have an incredible knack for doing just that. Why? Well, because my emotions run high where Scully is concerned. Now 'Guilty Mulder' takes over and once again has to backpedal for dear life and try to save another fucked up situation that he has created for himself. "Oh God, Scully, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. Please don't cry. I don't know what's the matter with me. I'm such a jackass. I never want to make you cry. You call here because you're worried about me and I attack you. I am such an asshole. I didn't mean it. Please, Scully, don't hate me. Can we start over? Please." Silence. "Scully, PLEASE!" Finally, quietly, "You're right, Mulder." Pause. "And I could never hate you." O.K. Forget Pause, my brain just had a cramp. Now it's my turn to be speechless. Have I ever heard these words come out of my partner's mouth? 'You're right, Mulder?' She continued. "I give you mixed signals all the time and I didn't even realize it. So busy trying to protect myself and I expected you to know what was going on in my head, and that's not fair." She is breathing little gaspy puffs as she talks as though trying to keep her tears in check. "Protect yourself? From what? Look, neither of us is being fair, Scully. We're both burnt out and stressed out. That's no excuse to yell at you. I'm so sorry. I sounded like a little kid. I should have '1-800-Whaa, Whaa' tattooed on my forehead." She actually chuckled a bit at that. "I was yelling at you. Why shouldn't you yell back?" "No, I twisted this. I didn't mean it." "Yes, Mulder, you did. But that's all right. I've hurt you and I didn't even know it." "It's O.K., Scully, really, I made it sound worse than it is." "No, it's not O.K. I never want to hurt your feelings and I'm sorry too. I tell you I trust you and believe in you and I do. I tell you that I want to be there for you and then bitch when you ask me to be. And now I'm surprised that you left without me. What a dope I am! All this time I thought it was because I didn't measure up or you had some he-man thing going on where you thought you had to protect me. But that's not it all, is it? I tease you or dismiss something out of hand that might be important to you because we think so differently. You're right, I make assumptions based on history and I shouldn't. I say one thing and do another. No wonder you're confused." "Why shouldn't you make assumptions? My track record speaks for itself. I'm not blameless here, Scully. I could have told you these things and not let them build up. Friends are supposed to do that too." I started yanking my clothes on while talking to her. "No, when talking about our trust and our friendship; I talk the talk but I don't walk the walk." "Nobody can practice what they preach ALL the time. Scully, you are my best friend; the best friend I've ever had and ... you're so much more. And I would never hurt you intentionally. You know that don't you?" "Yeah, same here." She paused. "Ya know, you asked me if I knew how much those things hurt you. I didn't even think about it if you want to know the truth. But I know now and it will stop. But what I want to know is 'Why?'" "Why what?" "Why it hurts you. You said you didn't know that I cared for you 'that way.' Well, I didn't think my opinion of these cases meant that much to you. Maybe I resented that it didn't and was being defensive myself. I don't know. That doesn't make sense either. You've always respected my opinion. I'm the one who has disrespected yours. Or maybe I just misunderstood the purpose behind your need to check these things out." Her voice was raspy from crying but it was calm now. "Scully ... yours is the ONLY opinion that matters to me." "Don't interrupt, Mulder, let me finish. It's time for me to get honest with myself, and with you. I need to say some things." She paused again. "Lately ... no, not lately, for a while now. Something has been shifting when it comes to dealing with these age-old differences and arguments between us." "Scully, I've lost you already." She chuckled without mirth. "No, Mulder, I'm the one who loses you, remember? Hold on, I'm getting to the point. We've always dismissed, ignored or side stepped some of these arguments. We hardly ever talk about personal stuff and I want that to change We're both good at pushing things to the back burner. But I'm not comfortable with these unresolved issues between us anymore. It's not O.K. anymore for things to stay the same. I care about us too much now. I don't think I can do it anymore." "Do what, Scully?" "Ignore this." "Ignore what?" Geez, this was a little like pulling teeth! "The way I feel." I'm silent again trying to figure out just where she is headed with this. I'm anxious for no apparent reason. Maybe it's the reflective quality in her voice as though she is speaking to herself rather than to me. I hear it seldom. I know she's about to drop an emotional bomb. And I'm scared. I want to know. Really I do. I'm fascinated by these little glimpses of the 'real Dana', always have been. I want to know the 'personal Dana', not just the professional one. BRAIN SEIZURE! Oh my God. Did I just 'think' that word in the same sentence as my partner, my best friend? You bet I did. Revelation time. I've known that I love her as a friend. I've known that for ages. But I just realized that I am IN LOVE with her. It's so obvious all of a sudden. It's like somebody just flicked a light bulb on in my brain. Why I get so upset when she dismisses me. Why I get angry when she thinks a case is nonsense. Why I feel so wounded when she disapproves of something I've said or done. All the 'Whys?' are suddenly answered by six little words. 'I am in love with her.' I give a damn what she thinks. I care about how she feels. I want her approval. I don't have her heart, so her rejection of my work feels like a rejection of me. I want her acceptance. Oh my God! Obvious. Obvious. Obvious. I start throwing things into my suitcase as I cradle the phone between my ear and shoulder. I'm a psychologist for Christ's sake! Why didn't I figure this out sooner? I've been in love with her for a long, long time. BUT, I've never been in love before. Another revelation. I've thought that I was but I wasn't really, just like I had said about Diana. I wanted to be so badly. But I was more in love with the idea of being in love. And Phoebe, well, we won't even go there. That was the dysfunctional relationship of the century! No love there. Just power of sex and old fashioned control issues. So I've never been in love before. So I didn't recognize all the symptoms. God, I make it sound like a disease. Try again. I didn't recognize the signs! Now that I've figured it out, I want to tell her. When I realize neither of us is talking and the silence is stretching, I prompt her again. Maybe she will show me more. "Scully ... tell me how you feel ... please." But alas, it's all my poor little shocky brain can come up with right now. "Mulder, I think that ..." "No, not what you 'think'. Tell me what you 'feel'. You said you can't ignore the way you feel anymore." I cringe again, knowing that I sound like a therapist rather than a friend. I wait patiently while she gathers her thoughts. I know how hard this is for her, but now, having had my light bulb moment, I NEED to know how she feels. Finally, after what seems like hours but is actually only minutes, she starts to speak again. "I feel ... rudderless when you aren't with me. I miss you. I feel ... scared when I don't know where you are. I feel ... so lonely sometimes ... except when I'm with you." She pauses again. My heart rate is accelerating now. I move the mouthpiece of the phone away from my mouth so that she can't hear my erratic, shallow breathing. I'm about to encourage her to continue when she starts talking again. "I feel ... your pain. When you hurt, I hurt. When I see you happy and you smile that mega-watt smile at me when I've done something right ... well, that makes my whole damn day worthwhile." My voice surprises me with it's own raspy tone. "Scully, I wish you were here. I wish I could see your face right now." "There's more." "More?" I can't believe the things she is saying! "Yeah, and that was the easy stuff to tell you." "Oh God, Scully, I'll come home right now and we'll talk." "No, I have to tell you now while I have the courage. If I see your face. I might not be able to get it out." "Oh, O.K. Keep going then. And Scully?" "Yeah?" "I really like what I've heard so far. I feel the same things about you." The sound of her chuckle this time is slow and sultry. It's a tone I know I have never heard before and my body starts to react, just to the sound of her voice. "Oh really? Do you now?" Pause. "You know what? I hated Diana." I don't' have a chance to voice my question before she starts filling in the blanks. "I didn't hate her because she's different than me. I didn't hate her because she believed like you believed. I didn't even hate her for being a two-faced, lying, scheming bitch." My eyes are wide at the is glowing observation of Diana in a clear, calm voice. I knew my partner did not like her, didn't trust her. But she hates her? That's a harsh thing to say considering she was murdered not so long ago for helping Scully to save me. I realized she was on the other side but she redeemed herself in the end. "Do you want to know why I hated her?" "Yes." I wasn't going to defend her. Not now. There was no point. "I hated her because of something you don't even know about." "What?" "You weren't around one day and she came to the office looking for you." "What did she want?" "I don't know, we didn't get that far." "What happened? I gather something happened?" "Yes. She asked where you were and I said, 'OUT'. She asked where and I wouldn't tell her. She got angry, knew I was defying her and challenging her to try and go around me." "Go around you?" "It's a female territorial thing Mulder. We tend to want to protect the men in our lives from any threat or manipulation. She knew she had to get through me first to get to you." "Oh." "She knew I was trying to protect you from her. Mama Bear was coming out of her cage. She knew I saw through her lies and her duplicity and you didn't. But then she went too far, did something women in the good old boy network just don't do." I was breathless with anticipation. Nothing like the a little peek into the female psyche. "What?" I whispered. I was truly curious what this unwritten law was that Diana had broken. "She attacked my womanhood, my sexuality and belittled me. She threw down a gauntlet and put us in direct competition with one another. Let me explain something. Women work very hard to succeed in a man's world. It's difficult to do. And it's difficult to maintain your femininity and measure up. "So you never imply that a fellow female is less than a woman, even if you hate her. She's probably worked just as hard as you to make it to where she is. And women co-workers are often the only ones that still recognize that a woman can be professional and competent and still be feminine. If a man notices it, they want to use it to come on to you and manipulate you. She crossed the line. "And using relationships to further your career is an insult to those of use who do it the right way, climb up on our merits and talents. Diana used her femininity to get where she was. Women who don't look at women like her and think one thing: Slut. We can't help but think that we deserve better than they do because we have managed our accomplishments without having to fuck anybody to achieve them." "What did she say, Dana?" I was getting antsy now. Scully wasn't a flag waving feminist but this was really serious. The tone of her voice was deadly. She cleared her throat. "I may mess up the exact wording. I don't have your memory, but my memory is pretty vivid of this incident. It went something like this." She paused again. [You little bitch, you think you're so high and mighty, so important to him. You're so smug and secure in your relationship with him, in your righteous belief that you are the only woman in his life. Well, he doesn't need your cold bitchiness poking holes in his cases all the time. He needs someone who believes in him. He's a passionate man, something you will never understand or experience. Well, I have experienced that passion and I intend to experience it again and no little snotty Barbie doll is going to stop me. You may be book smart, but you're stupid, Agent Scully. [You could have it all and you don't even know it if you'd just show a little more cleavage and a little more leg. You could have all of HIM, but you won't because little Miss Goody Two Shoes won't break the rules. And that's why I will win, every time. I can't decide if you're so cold because you are so repressed or if you're a lesbian. I don't think you're a lesbian so that leaves repressed, unimaginative and uninspired. Everything that stifles Fox Mulder. When was the last time you got laid anyway? You're not important to him Agent Scully, just a means to an end. In the long run, he'll keep ditching you until you leave out of sheer frustration. Why do think he leaves you behind? You'll give up eventually, and I'll be waiting.] She was silent for a full thirty seconds. I could hear her swallowing hard, battling the tears again. For someone without a memory like mine, she was doing a good job of repeating the conversation verbatim. Damn Diana for implying that Scully would even THINK of trying to manipulate me with sex. I'd had no idea Diana could be so vicious. She was right again. What a bitch! I wasn't sure if she was finished but I had to say something at this point. "Oh my God, Scully, you didn't believe her, did you?" Silence. "Ah, Scully, no, none of that is right. You've done nothing but help my career and cases, give me credibility. And I know you. You are not cold and you're very feminine, downright sexy. She was just jealous, Scully. You are the warmest, most compassionate person in my life." "She shook me, Mulder, but I might have been able to walk away at that point, with my dignity in tact. I might have dismissed her as just petty and insecure, but then she said ... oh god, she said ... I heard her breath hiccup. "Scully, please tell me." Her voice was a whisper and laced with the tears she was trying to hold back. I was finished throwing things into my suitcase and paused by the door to listen. "This is the hard part, Mulder." She paused again. "She said," [You don't fool me. I know you're in love with him. But guess what princess? You're not woman enough for him, so drop out of the game while you still can, before you get hurt trying to play in the big leagues. You play with me, you'll lose. You can't compete with my history with him, so get out, and walk away before you really get hurt.] She had stopped talking but I could hear her sniffling as I walked to the car, throwing my suitcase in the backseat, phone tucked between my head and shoulder still, as I slid behind the wheel. I stopped and realized that she was waiting for me to respond again. "Scully, surely you didn't take her seriously? She didn't hold a candle to you, no one does. We have our own history and it's stronger and more valuable to me than anything I EVER had with her. And besides, her thinking that you were acting that way because you were in love with me just proves she was jealous and didn't know you at all. I mean, that's ridiculous. How could someone as beautiful and sexy and talented as you fall in love with a fuck up like me?" "Mulder..." "No, Scully, my turn." She quieted. "She was jealous that I listened to you now instead of her. Jealous that you were my partner. But it probably wasn't even so much about me, either. She didn't care about ME. Not that way, no anymore. I had no idea she was so catty. She just couldn't stand to lose, in anything. She was always that way, and so she fought dirty, something you would never do. You would never use me to get to her the way she was trying to use me to get to you. You were a threat, in her way and keeping her from getting what she wanted, that simple. And she didn't want me, Scully, she just wanted control." "Oh God, Scully, you forget how beautiful and sexy you are. I'm sure she couldn't stand it that you look 10 years younger than you are; that you're so petite and stunning." "You think I'm beautiful ... and sexy?" I was on a roll now, trying to reassure her. It couldn't quite believe that she needed reassurance, from me, anyway. But it seemed that she did and I was determined to give it to her. I was almost impressed with myself the way the compliments were rolling off my tongue. I should have told her these things a long time ago. "Of course I think you're beautiful and sexy. Every man with eyes in his head thinks you are beautiful and sexy! You not feminine, MY ASS. That's ridiculous. I mean, ah shit, Scully, she'd known me in the past, the way I acted when I ... the way I behaved when I ..." I paused, unsure how far to go as something occurred to me as I was saying it. I was sure Diana had noticed my behavior towards Scully and it was probably the thing that set her off. She dismissed Dana in the beginning, but if her radar was up, she would have caught on and then seen her as a serious threat. Her voice was a timid squeak that I was sure I'd never heard before. "When you what, Mulder?" Something inside me said: 'Go for broke. Now is your chance. It's no coincidence that you just figured all this out.' My voice was low too, but I was glad it came out even and didn't crack. "She knew how I acted when I loved someone. I didn't act that way around her anymore." "So she thought she'd lost you for good?" "No. She KNEW she had. She KNEW I wouldn't touch her again and it made her angry. She'd lost her biggest tool to control the men around her. I simply didn't find her attractive anymore. She couldn't accept it, so she blamed you. That was the easy thing to do. "How?" "How did she know you wouldn't give in?" "Because the way I used to act around her ... toward her ... " "When you loved her?" "When I THOUGHT I loved her. Turns out that I didn't. I was just in love with the idea of being in love. But if you think it's true, then I guess that makes it true for you at that time anyway. And I thought I loved her so, yeah, when I loved her ... um ..." "What about it?" It was my turn to whisper. I was afraid of her reaction but I knew I had to tell her. "Scully, the way I acted with her when I thought I loved her; that was the way I was acting around you, and she saw it and recognized it for what it was. Her hold on me was gone." "You mean you? ... !" A beat of silence was followed by some quick breaths as she took in the implications of what I'd just said. I could hear the air being blown through pursed lips. I decided that maybe continuing to talk would soften the blow. "Scully, I'm sorry she said those things to you. I wish you'd told me. I would have set her straight. I can't believe you didn't tell me! But you probably didn't feel you could because I'd been defending her. Shit, Scully, I would have changed my tune in instant if you'd told me. I had no idea she could be that vicious. Business is business, but she actually attacked you personally and that's unforgivable. Seems I have an awful lot to make up for." Silence. "Scully, why didn't you tell me?" Silence. "Scully?" In a clear voice she stated. "Because she was right." "NO! Scully she was NOT right." "Yes, Mulder. She was right, it's true, about part of it anyway and I hated her for it." I think my heart just stopped there for a second, but it's started up again now. I find my voice and croak out, "Which part is true?" My heart was now threatening to crash its way through my rib cage. We so rarely talked like this and now here we were talking like normal people, actually sharing our feelings and it was scary as hell, but wonderful at the same time. Almost as if she was speaking to herself again, she finally dropped the bomb, ya know, the big one I'd been waiting for since the beginning of this conversation. Remember that one? "I hated her because she was right. I WAS in love with you, Mulder. I still am. I was afraid you didn't need me like I had grown to need you. She voiced my biggest fears and I played right into them. I knew I wasn't your type." "I wasn't a tall brunette like her with big boobs and brown eyes, like her, ... like Phoebe ... like Detective White." She paused. "I wasn't woman enough for you. It's true." "Scully, ... " She kept talking as though I hadn't tried to interrupt. "I lost sight of my femininity trying to play with the boys' toys in the boys' world. I panicked. Then I buried it like all my other fears and threw myself into our work trying to prove myself to you all over again. I couldn't go after you personally, so I tried to make the work better. The more I worried about measuring up professionally, the more I repressed the woman inside me, and the closer I came to losing what I really wanted. And she made realize that. And I hated her for it." "You panicked?" "I was losing you. Or it felt like it at the time and I realized that wasn't what I wanted. I was losing you and I'd never even really had you to lose. I mean, you were my partner and I could lose that. But I was terrified of losing your friendship, your PRESENCE in my life. It was a sobering time. I had been arrogant and too secure of my place in your life. That is sort of ironic, isn't it? Because you didn't even know I wanted to be a part of your personal life." "Oh Scully, you never had anything to prove to me. I wish you'd told me." "And suddenly, I couldn't deny how I felt anymore. So I just stood there in shock as she turned on her heel and left." "You could never lose me." "Can't I?" "Not possible." "You ran off without me again." "I always come back," Even I knew that was lame. "I really did think I was sparing you, but now that I knew how you feel, I promise it won't happen again." "Don't make promises you can't keep, it only makes it hurt worse." "I'm not. Knowing you want to be here just to be here with me as opposed to being here just to keep me out of trouble or protect your reputation, well that makes a world of difference, Scully." I put the car in gear and headed for the airport. "Look, I can't promise you that I can stop wanting to protect you and keep you safe, but I can promise to keep you by my side." "I'm sorry for confusing you all this time. I have a lot of feelings for you Mulder, but motherly isn't one of them." "I'm glad to hear it! Sometimes you've confused me but there is nothing to apologize for. I haven't exactly been forthcoming in the total honesty department myself. But you know how I feel now and you're not screaming or calling me crazy, so that's a good sign. I can't believe I'm hearing this. I can't believe that you ... love me. You know how I feel now, and I was so afraid to tell you." "You haven't actually said it." Oh, duh. She was referring to those three little words every woman needs to hear. I had said, 'that's the way I act around you now' but that wasn't exactly a solid declaration now, was it? "Scully?" "Yeah, Mulder, look, it's all ri..." "I love you, Scully. I'm crazy about you. There's no one else, hasn't been for a long, long time." My entire chest cavity just squeezed into a space the size of a pea while waiting for her response. Deep sigh. Tentatively, "I love you too, Mulder." Pause. "Whew." I released the breath I was holding and felt my chest melt with relief. "Weird huh?" "Yeah." "I'm on my way home." "You don't have to leave." "I'm already in the car." "What about the case?" "What case? Screw the case." "Screw the case? Who are you and what have you done with the real Mulder?" I chuckled. "This is not the way I imagined us getting together and getting honest with each other, hundreds of miles apart across a telephone." "You imagined this?" "I've imagined a lot of things." My tone was suggestive. "Look, you really don't have to come running home, Mulder." "I know I don't. I choose to come home. You're more important, Scully. WE are more important than any case." "You think so?" "I know so. My relationship with you means everything to me, even if I suck at showing it. I'll try to do better." "Well, you just racked up some brownie points with that statement. That's exactly what I needed to hear." "Whew. I said something right? Well, what do you know?! Good. I was beginning to think I wasn't going to recover from this one without a heart attack or at least a tongue lashing!" She laughed a little then. "Come see me when you get home." "I'll come straight to your door." "Mulder, are we really saying these things?" She sounded a bit bewildered. "Yeah, I think we really are." "Miraculous." "Bizarre." Taking on my best radio announcer voice, I said, "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's amazing! The King and Queen of denial, both masters at passive/aggressive avoidance tactics have managed to have a real live conversation. About FEELINGS, no less. Do miracles never cease, Bob? And what's in store for them next. Tune in tomorrow ... " She was laughing now, an honest to goodness belly laugh. It was a hell of a lot better feeling than making her cry, that's for sure. I'd have to do this more often. My playful side never knew it had permission to come out and play with Scully, except for my occasional innuendo. It does now. Look out, Scully. You've never seen me in full courtship mode, either. I felt giddy. Scully loves me! I'll be damned. I could get addicted to the sound of her laughter. She didn't do it nearly enough. "See you soon, Mulder," she said, still stifling her laughter. "Yeah, Scully?" "What?" "When I get there, I have some serious atonement to take care of." "For your sins?" "For my stupid attitudes and insecurities and insensitivity and..." "Whoa, whoa. We've both got work to do, Mulder. Let's not start beating ourselves up now. O.K.?" "I'll see you in four hours, Scully." "I'll be waiting." "I'm counting on it." He disconnected the call and threw the phone on the passenger seat and pressed the accelerator to the floor. PART 2 - R DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT 10:00 AM An hour after she hung up the phone, the door bell rang. It was a short flight but even he couldn't get here that quick. She really was not in the mood for company. Dana looked through her peephole, a big smile forming on her face. She opened the door to a kid who stuck a long white box with a ribbon on it into her hands and held out his clipboard for her to sign for the delivery. She set the box down on the floor, signed and closed the door. She picked up the box and trotted into the kitchen. The small card on top read: "For the ONLY woman in my life. Love, M." God, he must have called to have these sent from the airport. She ripped open the box and as she suspected, a dozen red roses were nestled in a tangle of green tissue paper. She arranged them in a vase and carried them to the coffee table in the living room. It gave her a little thrill of anticipation. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT 11:00 AM BING BONG! What now? Was it going to be Grand Central Station in here? She opened the door to another delivery boy holding a gigantic basket with fruit, wine, cheese, crackers and two red candle sticks. She signed and made the trip to the kitchen. The card read: "To celebrate getting honest. Love, M." She put the wine in the fridge to chill and dug out two candle holders and put them on the dining room table with the fruit. She laid out the cheese and crackers on a platter and set them on the coffee table. All this mindless activity was good to pass the time, but it didn't shut her brain down. Nope, that noisy little instrument on top of her shoulders just kept spinning like a top. All those childish behaviors were my defense mechanism, my way of shielding my emotions, keeping my distance. And so, Wonder Girl, what has that gotten you? Lonely, tired, depressed, no fun, AND as a bonus, you hurt your partner's feelings, made him feel 'less than'. You did this to the man you are in love with. He was everything to her. All this honesty was tiring but it was also cathartic. Hundreds of things whirled through her head. All the times he had been her rock, defended her, watched her back, and almost got himself killed to save her. Why couldn't she see it? Because she was too busy being insecure and making assumptions rather than talking to him and being honest. How weird would it be to be a couple? Difficult, but not impossible. They're relationship was so complicated and it was about to get even more so. Nothing about their lives was ever easy but that's what made it so interesting and gratifying. They were both masters at keeping secrets and they would be able to keep this one too She shivered. She flushed hot, feeling warmth spread out over her neck and face. Her eyes closed and her nipples pebbled up at the thought of his large hands on her body. He is an incredibly passionate, incredibly uninhibited, incredibly experienced man. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT 12:00 PM Time to get showered and dressed. She stood in front of the mirror, examining her body after she came out of the shower. She turned sideways, pleased to see that her abdomen was still flat and toned, but soft and feminine. She was in good shape. She exercised. But her hips were narrow, boyish. Her breasts were not large but they were good size compared to the rest of her body. Proportional. They didn't sag but she wished they were bigger. She certainly didn't have boobs like the women she thought Mulder liked. She towel dried her hair to let it dry naturally and hurried into the bedroom to pick out some clothes. She decided not to wear makeup. Hopefully, she would be sweating later! DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT 01:00 PM I'm ready, been ready. He's not here yet. No, she'd already changed three times in the last hour, finally settling for soft blue cotton pants and a crew neck tee shirt. No need to dress to impress. She wasn't competing with anyone here, thank God. Just herself and her own lousy self-esteem when it came to men. She looked at the clock again. 1:05 PM. This was ridiculous, she had to stop pacing and calm down. Maybe read a book? As she headed for the bookshelf, the door bell sounded again. She didn't question that little phenomenon that had been going on for some time now. She always knew when he was close. She could feel it. She walked to the door, resisting the urge to run. After a deep breath, she opened the door to his smiling face. "Hey, Scully." "Hey. Come in." She stepped aside and he brushed past her, but then stopped before entering the living room and pivoted to her, waiting for her to catch up. He rolled his neck on his shoulders, making an audible popping sound that made her cringe. "Oh, I'm so glad I'm here. It felt like I was never going to get here." "You must be exhausted Mulder. Go have a seat. I got your flowers and the other supplies. Thank you." "You're welcome. Supplies?" His smile let her know it was a tease. "Well, I assume by the contents you were planning on being here a while." "Is that O.K.?" He sounded suddenly concerned. She smiled. "Of course it's O.K." She could see him visibly relax. He strolled to the couch and sat down. He was wearing black jeans and a gray tee-shirt with running shoes. Nothing special, but at the moment he looked good enough to eat. "Are you hungry?" "A little." She pointed to the crackers and cheese. "Help yourself while I get us some of that wine." He nodded. She grabbed the wine and glasses from the kitchen and returned. Instead of the crackers, he was peeling an orange from the bowl off the dining room table. She poured the wine and retreated again, returning with a paper plate for the rinds. She was grateful to have a few busy tasks. She was hovering in that weird, awkward place between nervous and excited. He seemed pretty relaxed which surprised her. He was normally the high-strung one in this relationship. He was tired though, she could see it in the lines of his face and his eyes. He broke off a piece of the orange and sucked it lightly to catch the juice before popping it into his mouth. She suddenly became entranced watching him chew. The way his lips moved even though his mouth was closed. The lines of his throat as he swallowed. He tilted his head a little toward her and smiled a lazy smile, catching her staring. "What?" "Nothing." "What are you looking at?" "Just watching you, is that O.K.?" "Sure. I like it when you watch me." "You do?" "I live for it." This was said in the same velvet tone that always gave her a shiver. "I always know when you're eyes are on me. I can feel it, even now, dead tired." She didn't know what to say to that so she just continued to watch while he ate another slice. His eyes returned to hers after swallowing. He looked slightly amused and it made her feel embarrassed so she looked down at her lap. "No, don't do that. You can look at me." She returned her eyes to his and was caught, snared by the color, now deep green with floating gold flecks. "Want some?" he inquired. He held out a slice to her between his fingers. She couldn't help herself, she had to touch him, even it was superficially. She reached out and grabbed his wrist lightly. She gently pulled it closer. She moved slow so she could gauge his reaction. He watched as his fingers drew up to her mouth, seemingly as fascinated as she was by this little contact. He rubbed the slice over her lips, tracing them with the juice and then holding still. His eyes were lit with anticipation. The shades of color swirling as she looked at him. She licked her lips. He said quietly, "I've always loved your lips. You have lips that beg to be kissed." Hearing this from him was a shock. She wasn't used to him saying what was on his mind when he looked at her. Although she knew this would change now, she was unprepared for the effect it was having on her. He was being so forthright about his feelings, so unselfconscious. She opened her mouth and oh so slowly slid them over the orange slice, capturing his finger tips. She dragged her teeth gently across his fingertips as she retreated with his offering. He didn't look away, but instead blinked almost in slow motion. And then he groaned. Deep, resonating vibrations from it slammed into her chest and she felt her body grow warm and soft in response to the sound. She was suddenly very aroused, just like that, in an instant. She chewed her slice and swallowed. He continued to stare, now breathing heavily. His sleepy lids had grown even heavier and his pupils dilated to almost black. It was a heady feeling have Fox Mulder's undivided attention. She had it now and again where work was concerned, but it was nothing to the intensity of this moment. Should she be the one to break this tableau? He saved her the trouble. "Scully. I want to touch you." She stared for another moment before her brain processed the words. Then she stood and saw him look down, defeated as though she were pulling away. With that she took a step and stood in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders. He looked up abruptly at her touch and went still, waiting to see what she was going to do. She gently but firmly pushed him back so that he his back reclined on the back of the sofa and she slid into his lap, straddling his hips. He sucked in a quick breath and she made eye contact again. "Then touch me." "Oh God Scully." "Do it, touch me." His hands tentatively reached up to her waist and his thumbs began drawing circles on her hip bones. She smiled at him. He was being so careful. "O.K.?" he asked. He was obviously unsure how far she wanted to take this on their first night being able to touch as more than friends. They knew how each other felt now but there was still a lot to discuss and iron out. But it could wait. Tonight, she wanted to 'feel' him, his body, explore it. It had been way too long and she needed the physical contact. "Yes. More." A small smile played with the corners of his mouth but didn't fully form. "Do you want to touch me, Scully?" "Yes." "Then touch me." PART 3 - NC-17 DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT 1:30 PM She is so beautiful, you figure it must be a mirage. Her breasts are perfect. Round, full on her tiny frame. She is stripping in front of me and all I can do is stare and breath heavy like a bull about to rut. I'm extremely hard and my jeans have become restrictive. But I make no move to remove them. She is to be in control. She is dropping her pants now and standing before me in nothing but French cut panties. So much leg, Scully leg. I utter the one word I seem to be able to produce. "Oohh ... " My eyes do the breasts, crotch, legs, face rotation several times. She stands still, letting me look my fill. I end up staring at her panties and the few auburn curls I can see peaking out around the elastic. She murmurs, "I know what I want." There is a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What do you want Scully?" "You. Naked." I gulp quite nosily and this brings a smile to her face. "Stand up." I do. "Undress for me.? Oh Boy. It's to be her turn to ogle me now. God, I hope she likes what she sees. I'm not exactly the incredible Hulk here. I drag my shirt over my head while toeing off my sneakers. I work steadily but not too fast. I can't believe how nervous I am. I've never worried about my body before. But this is Scully. She is raking my chest with her eyes. I hear an, "Mmm, hmm," sound come from her and find that encouraging. So I quickly yank off my socks and unbutton my fly. She actually looks eager I pull my jeans down over my hips, taking my boxers with them and kick them off the ends of my feet. My groin feels better instantly, having been given some freedom. It springs up and out to full mast, throbbing almost painfully with anticipation, despite my niggling fear of measuring up. "Ooo, ooo, ooo," she coos, a predatory smile on her face. She lifts her head to meet my eyes after sweeping hers over my body a couple of times and I stand still, waiting, nervous, throbbing. She sheds her panties in one quick jerk and takes a step to me. We are not touching yet and the anticipation is killing me. It's a sweet torture though. "Turn around," she commands. I slowly pivot around and face the couch, trying to stand nonchalantly and only succeeding in feeling goofy. I hear a rustle and then feel her tiny hands run over my rear end. I gasp at the contact. Her hands are hot, really hot. "I love your ass, Mulder, it's perfect." I gulp again, feeling incredulous. Her hands slide around my waist and proceed to caress my abdomen, sweeping up my chest and back down again. Christ, I'm panting now. My fists are clenching and unclenching in an effort not to grab her and pin her to the floor. "Your beautiful, Mulder," she whispers. I feel more tension drain out of me at that declaration. "But this is the best part." With that statement her hands slide down over my navel. One hand grasps my shaft firmly and the other smoothes down the inside of my thigh as far as she can reach and then comes back up to capture my sacs in her palm. The groan that ripped from my throat startled even me. My just felt my thighs melt and my knees turn to jelly. She seems to sense my dilemma when my knees bob slightly. She lets go and gently turns me around to face her. "Sit down." I sit on the edge of the couch, my balls hanging over the edge of the cushion and my penis stretching for the ceiling. She gently pushes my shoulders until I recline, just my head and shoulders supported by the back of the couch. She wraps one hand around me again and squeezes gently but firmly. I grunt and feel my fluid ooze of the head of my cock. I can't help the shudder that ripples through me. I look at her face and wonder at the sight of it. Her eyes are alight with mischief. I know I have never seen this look. Will she be playful in bed. I would have suspected that. She licks the palm of her hand thoroughly and returns it to my shafts, sliding up and down. I push my hands into the cushions in an effort to keep still. She lifts her head to make eye contact and smiles like the cat that just ate the canary. "Oh God," is all I utter at that look. Without warning, she drops her head quickly and engulfs me in her mouth, swirling her around the head and then descending as far as she can go. Involuntarily, my hips buck slightly off the couch but I pull them back immediately, knowing most women hate that. But Christ, what the hell? It feels so good. Unbelievably good. She begins sliding up and down, her soft hair tickling my stomach and thighs. One hand comes up to fondle my sac and I simply degenerate into a constant moaning sound that is slightly embarrassing. "Ahhh, Ohhh, Ahhh, Ohhh." She leaves my balls and slides that hand under me to clasp right butt cheek and squeezes. She retreats to the top of my shaft, teasing me with her tongue again, rubbing that sensitive spot just below the ridge of my head on the underside. She pauses for all of a second and then plunges herself down my shaft, pulling me into her with her hand on my butt. The room spins and tilts sideways as I feel myself slide down her throat. "Whhooaa," I shout. I totally did not expect that. She raises herself up as high as she can go on her knees and begins bobbing up and down, swallowing me with every stroke until her lips touch my pubic hair. At the top of each stroke she swirls her tongue on my head and sucks hard on the head quickly and descends again. I feel my balls draw up tight. The sensations are ripping through me now. I've never gotten a blow job this good. How can she coordinate all that? I'm in awe. All I can do is moan and sneak her name in there once in a while. "Ahhh, yeah, Ahhh, Scully, yeah, yeah." I decide I better warn her because I don't know if she will want me to come. And I'm very close. I'm holding on by a thread. "Scully, gonna come ... if you don't ... stop." "Cuumbb," she mumbles around my shaft. Then she resumes her rhythm and starts humming. That's it. The vibrations from her vocal cords rip through my shaft and seize my balls in a violent gripping sensation and I explode into her throat, bucking up with every wave of pleasure that races out of my body and into hers. I collapse into a heap, all my muscles melting into the couch. My neck aches slightly from the awkward angle and I sit up slightly to roll my head on my shoulders as she laps me clean. She didn't lose a drop. She swallowed it all. She settles back, sitting on her heels and looks me straight in the eyes and ... licks her lips. "Mmmm." I choke on the gasp that rushes out of me and begin to cough. She giggles. Actually giggles at my reaction. I can't help the answering smile that is plastered on my face. "I believe that I have just increased my debt, Agent Scully, rather than lessened it." She shook her head, making her hair bounce around on her cheeks. She was flushed and beautiful. "No. That was as much for me as it was for you." I scrunched my brow in confusion. "How do you figure?" She grinned that 'I know something you don't' grin and declared, calm as can be. "I absolutely love giving head." Now I bark out laughter that simply can't be contained. I feel absolutely giddy and this whole situation has taken on a surreal quality. "You are amazing, Scully, absolutely amazing. Shocking really. I'm having trouble processing all of this." "Well, G-Man, it's going to get worse before it gets better." "What is that supposed to mean?" "I'm not done with you yet." My eyebrows shot up at this. "What else can this slave do for you, Mistress?" I teased her. "Are you my slave?" she quipped. I became totally serious. "I am now." She slinked up my body, and I mean slinked. Rubbing her breasts up my legs and over my groin. Her hardened nipples dragged across the skin of my chest, slightly damp with my drying sweat. Her legs straddled my hips again and she wiggled her hips, finding a comfortable spot. I placed my hands on her hips to steady her. She leaned into kiss me, slowly and thoroughly and began kneading the muscles of my neck. I moaned into her mouth. Her kiss was slow and soothing and calming. Her magic fingers were working the tension out of my muscles and it felt divine. I broke the kiss briefly, "That feels so great, Scully." She smiled and resumed kissing and stroking me. I relaxed into her. "Are you too tired, we could nap if you need to," she mumbled. I moaned out, "Nooo, I'm wide awake now." She chuckled and began her ministrations again. After a couple of minutes and a leisurely pace, her kiss became a little more urgent. I continued to let her lead, kissing her back with the same cadence she gave to me. It was escalating and I could feel myself relaxing and becoming aroused again. I never recovered this quickly. I had been a little worried about that when she said she wasn't done with me yet. But she seemed to understand that it would take some time. Of course, she was a doctor after all. But much to my surprise, only about 15 minutes had gone by since my orgasm and I was already stirring again. Not bad for a guy hugging 40. She felt it too, and wiggled her bottom against me. She murmured, "Touch me again." I raised my hands up her sides, brushing the sides of her breasts. She hummed in the back of her throat. I gently pushed her back from my chest enough to slide my hands in and began kneading her firm globes. The filled my palms perfectly and I increased the pressure as her humming and mewling sounds got louder. I finally grasped her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand at the same time and rolled them gently, feeling them swell and harden even further. Now it was my turn to moan, and she broke the kiss and leaned her head back, her hair falling between her shoulder blades and letting out a deep moan. My brain was a little fuzzy at this point, still not believing that this playful, sensual creature in my arms was the Scully that I knew and loved. Her moan was muffled to my ears around the rushing of blood surging in my eardrums. But my cock heard it and immediately sprang to attention from half erect to full throttle. I loved that feeling, that first real rushing wave of sensation that stiffened my flesh and set up that throbbing ache. She looked down at my hands, gently rolling her nubs and grunted, "Mmm, Mulder, squeeze harder." Holy shit! She was so beautiful. She was aroused because of what I was doing to her and it was a powerful feeling. I increased the pressure and pinched her nipples firmly as I continued to roll them. She resumed kissing me. She was hungry now and her teeth clashed against mine and her tongue plunged into my mouth devouring my tongue. She raised herself up on her knees, one hand falling between us to grab the monster that was now straining between her legs and guided me to her folds. I could feel the heat and moisture flooding over my shaft and realized I hadn't even touched her there yet. My hand dropped between us, but then I paused. She was in control. I'd promised. "Scully, can I?" She nodded and held herself still as I rubbed the sides of my fingers along her cleft and felt a sense of wonder at the incredible swollen wetness I found there. She squeaked out these little mewling sounds that were driving me crazy. She was so wet. The insides of her thighs were coated with her stickiness. She smelled incredible. Her hips began moving back and forth against my fingers and I stiffened two of them and slid them inside. Heat! Soft, swollen, hot, quivering heat! I moaned at the feeling of her little muscles messaging my fingers and began moving in and out, my thumb going to the top of her lips and seeking out that small, little hidden spot of pleasure. I knew I'd found it when her hips bucked into my stomach and her head was thrown back again. She hissed, "Yeess, right there." I kept left my fingers inside now and swirled them in circles so I could concentrate on moving my thumb in quick, every tightening circles around her erect little nub. This was incredible. She panted. She moaned. She grunted. She thrust her crotch into my hand. Her chest flushed red. Her nipples were hard as little pebbles, even the one I was not still touching. I felt like a God. I could do this to Scully. I finally pressed my thumb on top of her bud and pressed down, grinding it into her public bone in little tight circles. Without warning, she exploded. That's the only word for it. Her head snapped up to meet my eyes. Her eyes were wide with wonder as her body began convulsing. It would start at her knees and a wave of muscle movement would send her toward my body. First her legs, then her hips, then her chest. She shrieked a wordless sound as I felt her internal muscles grab my fingers and suck them inside, clenching me over and over. I concentrated on keeping the pressure and movement, wanting to keep watching this incredible display of Scully in full blown orgasm. It was the eighth wonder of the world. And then she wailed. "Muullldddeeerrrr! Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, Whoa, Whoa, Ohmygod, Yeeesss! Sogood. OhGooodddd!" Her insides were still quivering around my fingers as she went slack and fell against me, her hands sliding from my shoulders where her nails had dug in and wrapping around the back of my neck. I slid my fingers out and grasped her hips firmly. Her face was buried in my neck and sucking on my pulse at my collarbone in appreciation. I couldn't wait for her to fully recover. I was aching too badly now and I was stiff as a rail. I tipped my hips up and slowly lowered her down until I was buried inside the depths of her hot swollen folds. She groaned as I slowly pushed her walls wide, opening her to accommodate me. She was so small! Even having just had an orgasm, her walls were hugging my shaft exquisitely. She groaned but kept sucking on my pulse, flicking her tongue against it and driving me mad. My head was thrown back now. I didn't move. Just held her with my arms banded around her waist, letting us both revel in the feeling of being joined at last. AT LAST! When her mouth finally disengaged from my skin after scraping it with her teeth and sounded an audible pop, I started to move. I knew she had probably just given me a hickey, but I didn't care. If Scully wanted to mark me that was fine with me. I intended to do the same to her at some point. I started to move slowly, lifting her gently, taking the weight off her legs as best I could. She anchored her hands on my shoulders again and stared at me as I thrust up slowly and retreated, over and over again. Good thing I had come once already or I probably wouldn't have made it this far. Maybe she knew that and that was why she had given me a blow job first. I don't know, but it worked in any case. I was incredibly aroused, aching, but still able to control myself. My orgasm was building slowly, a languorous, slow slide up to the peak. She was humming in the back of her throat again. God, I loved that sound. It was so erotic. And knowing I was causing it was just the icing on the cake. Her eyes kept sliding shut but they would open again to meet mine. She was as awestruck as I was that we were making love. I could tell. And we were making love. I was raw, open and totally vulnerable. I knew all the love, joy, wonder and arousal was showing on my face and I continued to slide in and out of her. And it was O.K. I felt safe at last to show her these things that were inside me. I was seeing the same thing in her face and it was making me feel high, unbelievably at peace. I never denied having my sexual fantasies about her, even before I loved her as a friend, but I had always pictured a wild, frothy, fucking explosion of lust. Not this slow, rapturous exploration of each other. But those fantasies had been envisioned without the love and need I felt for her now after so many years together. The love made all the difference. And the still truly astonishing thing was, she loved me back. The circle was complete. I was whole, I was healed, and there would never be anyone else. I reached down to tease her where we joined, still keeping my pace slow and watched her heavy eyelids slide shut and open over and over with each pass of my fingers. She began to murmur again. "So good, Mulder, you feel so good. Oh god, I'm drowning in you. So good." I felt my heart swell in my chest at her words. Could any woman be any more incredible. I looked down to watch us. We were beautiful, the love we were making and it was my undoing. "Look, Scully, look at us. Her head dropped down and watched with me as I slid slowly in and out of her. Her compact little body undulating on my shaft was the most arousing beautiful thing I had ever seen. Apparently she thought so too, because she gripped my shoulders. Her thighs tightened on the outside of my legs and she began to speed up, pumping herself now without much help from me. I met her thrusts. Within seconds she was practically bouncing up off the cushions, almost disengaging only to slam down again with the full weight of her body, impaling herself on me over and over. Her breathing was heavy, erratic. I could feel my head bumping into her cervix at the end of each race into her tunnel. I felt her clamp down on me once, hard. Then she let go and I followed right behind her, emptying myself inside in a series of hard drawn out ejaculations that left me gasping for breath as her walls vibrated against me. We held each other tightly, our bodies sliding against each other's sweaty skin as we came back to reality. She sighed, then shivered with the last of her aftershocks and went still. "This is unreal," she whispered. "I never dreamed I'd actually get to be with you." "Same here. Was it worth the wait?" "Huuhh, yeah, you might say that! No one's ever excited me like that. I knew you would be able to though." "Is that so? How did you know that?" "A lot of reasons. I knew I would never be as comfortable with anyone else as I was with you. I knew that I had never loved anyone as much as I loved you. And not the least reason, I've never met anyone so fucking sexy in my whole life. I got turned on just looking at you sometimes, so I knew that if you touched me I would be a goner." I pulled her back to look at her face. "I'm stunned." She giggled again. "I'm love you so much, Scully. I think ... no, I'm sure ... that was the first time I've ever made love to anyone." She knew what I meant. Her sparkling blue eyes filled with tears and she leaned forward to kiss me softly. And whispered. "Tomorrow night, it's your turn to exact your pound of flesh." I chuckled. "I think I'll keep your flesh just as it is, silky, smooth. But you're in trouble, Agent Scully." "How's that?" "Tonight I kept my hands to myself pretty much, let you lead." She nodded. "Tonight I got to hear you moan with arousal for the first time." "Yeah, you did." I grabbed her face in my palms firmly. "But tomorrow I'm gonna make you scream." Then I kissed her. We kissed for another minute before she finally broke away. "Oh, Mulder, I can't wait for my turn to atone." THE END. EMAIL WELCOME AT: donnilee@snet.net FOR OTHER STORIES BY ME, GO TO: http://www.angelfire.com/ak3/kimpa/ http://books.dreambook.com/fanficrecs/gertie.sign.html GO HERE TO RECOMMEND THIS STORY TO GERTIE'S "VIEWER'S CHOICE". http://chroniclex.simplenet.com GO HERE TO RECOMMEND THIS STORY TO CHRONICLE X. TITLE: A IS FOR ATONEMENT (PART 4&5) (CONTINUATION OF PREVIOUS STORY BY REQUEST.) AUTHOR: DONNILEE RATING: NC-17 WARNING: Descriptive sex. Smut. Please, no one under 17. CATEGORY: MSR /ANGST POSTING: ANYWHERE - But Please make sure my name and e-mail address are on it and inform me by e-mail of the location. Thank you. DISCLAIMER: Nope. Not mine. Used shamelessly and without remorse. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 and Fox, and god knows who else, but not me. SUMMARY: After a refreshing nap, it's Mulder turn to exact his atonement from Scully. She pays in spades. GRATITUDE BLURB: Thanks to WYVERN for her helpful hints on everyday household items that can be used in mild bondage scenarios. I would especially like to thank her for sharing an item on her wish list - tooth brush as a sexual aide. Well, I probably didn't do the idea justice. But I tried. And since she wanted to know what Mulder had in store for Scully and requested that I write a Part 4, it was only fair that I try to incorporate one of her wishes. So this one's for you, Wyvern, enjoy! Hope you like it. AUTHOR'S NOTE: WEBSTER'S NINTH COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY -- a-tone-ment - n 1 obs : RECONCILE 2: the reconciliation of God and man through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ 3 : reparation for an offense or injury : SATISFACTION 4 Christian Science : the exemplifying of man's oneness with God. A IS FOR ATONEMENT PART 4 - R DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT SATURDAY AFTERNOON 3:00 PM He was so tired. I could see it in the lines of his face. I was still straddling his lap. His still semi-erect penis was still inside me. His arms encircled my waist, squeezing me periodically as if to make sure I was really there. It was a bit unreal. I'd just told him that I didn't think I'd ever get to be with him. Apparently, he had the same thoughts about me. Now, despite all the arguments and differences, we were at peace. All the misunderstandings suddenly made sense now. I felt a sense of peace I can't ever remember feeling, like all was right with the world. I sighed and leaned back, letting him slip out of me. He grunted and looked up at me. "Want to shower?" "Mmm, yeah." We clumsily stood and made our way tot he shower. We lathered each other and explored each other's bodies at a leisurely pace without the urgency of arousal to interfere. Our passion having been satisfied for the moment, we could touch and look without having other priorities. I realized he was swaying slightly and looked up with concern to see his yes closed and his head tilted back. "Mulder?" "Yeah? Hmm? Oh sorry, Scully." "Nothing to be sorry for, let's put you to bed before your collapse." He smiled. "You mean I can sleep here?" He sounded surprised. "What? Did you think I was going to kick you out now that I had my way with you?" "Just because we made love doesn't mean you want me to stay overnight I wasn't sure that you wouldn't want some down time to process this. I don't know what I thought." "I don't think you can think at all at this point." He chuckled as I turned off the water and steered him out of the stall, toweling him off. I dried my hair quickly with a towel and then wrapped it around me. I steered him into the bedroom, pulling back the covers, pushing him down to sit on the bed. He collapsed backwards and I lifted his legs onto the bed, pulling the covers up. "Sorry, Scully, know we still need to talk," he mumbled. "It's O.K., later." I brushed that errant lock of hair off his forehead and scratched his scalp lightly. He hummed in the back of his throat. "Scul ... love ..." he murmured, and he was out like a light. I smiled softly at the look of utter innocence on his face. He looked boyish and vulnerable in his sleep. His message for me was left at 3:30 AM so I knew he couldn't have gotten more than four hours sleep before I woke him up and started screaming at him. God, I felt so guilty about that now. But he would make me atone for my mistakes. He'd promised and I was looking forward to it. I sat on the bed and watched him sleep for almost an hour before getting up and returning to my clothes. I folded his and set them on the bed with some fresh boxers he kept at my place for emergencies. I dressed in my leggings and tee, foregoing my underwear and went to the kitchen. I was starved and thirsty. I ate some pot roast and potatoes and downed two glasses of orange Gatorade. Oh, electrolyte heaven! I went out to his car after finding the keys in his jacket and retrieved his suitcase. I brought it into the bedroom. I knew he would have at least three days worth of clothes in here. I didn't intend to let him out of my sight for at least the next 24 hours. I watched him again sleeping so peacefully. He was on his side now. I knew he rarely slept well and was glad that he was comfortable enough here to sleep peacefully. I couldn't resist finally and I stripped and slid under the covers, sliding up to his back and draping my arm over his waits, careful not to jostle and wake him. Apparently he was aware of me even in his sleep, because he murmured again, "Mmm, Scully..." I smiled and relaxed, enjoying the feeling of my bare skin against his back. I wasn't tired but his just felt too good and besides, I didn't have anywhere to be just now. DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT SATURDAY NIGHT 9:00 PM I came awake slowly. I had a moment of panic until I felt a warm little body squirm against my side. It all came rushing back. I had made love to Dana Scully on her couch and then fell asleep in her bed. There was something wrong with that picture, but that was par for the course with us. I don't remember her getting into bed. I was on my back. I looked down at the crown of red hair splayed across my chest. Her arm was draped over my stomach, one leg thrown over mine. She was so beautiful. I glanced at the alarm clock and was slightly shocked that I had slept for five hours straight. That's rare for me. No nightmares either. I don't want to wake her so I just watch her for a few minutes, feeling her breath stir the hairs on my chest. Christ, she's so tiny. She's such a powerful presence that I forget that she is a small woman. This is so unreal. I'm in love with her. I'm in love for the first time in my life. But she loves me! That's even more unreal. All this time and I never knew. What a dope! Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. I will just have to make up for lost time! I drop a light kiss on top of her head and she stirs but doesn't wake. There is light filtering in from the living room and I spy my suitcase on the floor by her closet. She must have brought it up from my car. Does that mean I can stay longer? She said that I could but it's still hard to wrap my mind around it. I realize I have to pee and I'm hungry too. I carefully slide out from under her, slipping a pillow under her head to replace my chest. She makes an adorable little sound of protest but then settles back down. I tiptoe into the bathroom and do my business. I grab the boxers she left on the end of the bed when I emerge and slip into them. Then I make my way to the kitchen nearly feeling dizzy when the smell of pot roast hits me. I salivate immediately and realize I've eaten nothing but a couple of orange slices since dinner Friday night. I follow my nose to the crock pot and shake my head in wonder when I see the plate and utensils she left for me on the counter. I fill up my plate, grab a glass of milk and sit at the dining room table. I try not wolf down this delicacy. It's been a long time since I had a good meal. When my hunger was sated, I sit and relive the events of the afternoon. I close my eyes and I can feel it all over again. Her sweaty warm skin sliding over mine, the feel of her pebble hard nipples between my fingers. The exquisite pleasure of her snug heat wrapped around my aching hard-on. I was angry with Diana, even though she was dead. I was angry she had caused my Scully so much anguish and pain. My Scully? I could say that now couldn't I? I realized that I had been thinking of her as 'My Scully' for a long time, never realizing the implications of such a possessive thought. Well, my eyes were wide open now and there was no point in dwelling on how vicious Diana had been. There was nothing to be done about it now. All I could do was try my best to make up for lost time. With that thought, my mind drifted back to the tiny, naked, sexy creature asleep in the next room She said that tomorrow I would get my turn to do 'whatever I wanted.' I smiled, feeling my groin stir at the thought of arousing her again. Christ, I already come three times today; once watching that tape, once with her lips wrapped around me and once inside her. This was ridiculous. But there's nothing like fresh water after a long draught. And my soul was still slightly dehydrated from having no physical human contact or intimacy for so long. that thought has me up and on my feet in an instant, carrying me into the bedroom. I use the bathroom and steel some of her toothpaste. I brush my teeth quickly and run wet hands through my hair. I am careful to rinse the sink of all the paste. I know how fastidious she is and I don't need to have her irritated with my bad habits on my first sleep over. I'm going to need others though and I make my way back into the bedroom to wake up my partner. PART 5 (NC-17) DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT SATURDAY EVENING 10:30 PM I awake on my stomach feeling languid and warm. I don't want to open my eyes. I can't believe I fell asleep! Oh lord, Mulder! I realize what woke me up now and I startle slightly. There is a pool of intense heat hovering over my back. Mulder! I raise my butt for leverage as I go to push up on my hands and feel his weight descend on me slowly, gently pushing me back to the mattress. He lifts up again on all fours, straddling my back. He is naked and his body heat is warm and close. "Mulder?" "Shhh, don't talk yet. Relax." He kisses my neck and shoulders, darting his tongue out to taste my flesh and making me shiver. His voice is low, raspy and incredibly sexy, still whispering. "I'm not waiting until tomorrow. I want what I'm owed now." His hot breath poured over me. We weren't touching anywhere, but my entire body was alert with anticipation, the hairs all over my body standing on end. I could feel the heat of his body above me and I wanted to feel him. I lifted my torso wanting to make contact with that smooth skin again. The contact made his breath hiss out between his teeth as I pressed my butt into his pulsing erection. He murmured, "Careful, Scully, it's your turn to atone. My turn to lead, remember? Now lie down." I gently lowered myself to the bed turning my head sideways on the pillow. He leaned over into my line of vision and traced my eyes, nose, cheek bones and lips , with the tip of his finger. To himself, "so beautiful." To me, "Did you mean it?" "Mean what?" My tone is hushed to match his. "That I can do anything I want?" "Yes." "You trust me?" "Yes." "Good." He lowered himself to press me into the mattress again, still bearing most of his weight on his legs. His hands slid from my shoulder down my arms, lifting them gently above my head. "Because I'm gonna talk to you through the whole thing." "I love your voice when you are aroused." "Shhh. Good, I'm glad, but from here on out, you can't talk, O.K.?" I nodded. Curious. "You can make all the noise you want to, and you can say my name but no conversation, all right?" I nodded again and he smiled. "Very good. Feel free to make all the noises you want." He tipped his hips forward and pressed his shaft down between my butt cheeks. I could feel it throb. It was hot. He swiveled his hips while thrusting forward and then backing off, causing him to slide up and down in the crack between my cheeks, brushing my back door and causing sharp stabs of arousal to spike from there up into my chest, hardening my nipples. I groaned. "Ahhh, yeah." I felt rather than heard his amused chuckle. "You like that?" I nodded. "good, I'm going to do a lot of things that I hope you like." He showered my neck and shoulders with kisses, dragging his tongue and those soft lips over my skin. He didn't stop moving his hips against me and I began to shake from the ripples of pleasure that were skittering over my body. I was actually trembling just from this contact. "Oh, Scully, you feel so good. You're skin is so soft." His hands slid under me and cupped my breasts, kneading gently in time with his hip movement. He hadn't even entered me yet and I was quivering like a leaf in a wind storm. My breathing was quick and shallow. Obviously, he wasn't going to rush this. He seemed content to keep slowly stoking my fire. "You're breasts are perfect. I'll suck on them a little later for you." I moaned in response, a sort of "Awww," sound. His words were incredibly arousing. I couldn't believe how much the sound of his voice telling me what he thought was turning me on. It was my turn to hiss as his fingers found my nipples and pinched them both at the same time, making them swell even more and harden almost painfully. "Ooohoo, ooohoo, ooohoo," was all the response I could give. I was incoherent already. "Yeah, that's it, let me hear what I'm doing to you. That's how I learn what you like." He stared to roll them between his thumbs and forefingers, perfectly in sync, both nipples at the same time. I was wet already but this caused a rush of fluid to rush out between my legs and trickle down my thighs. I tried to press my legs together to ease the ache at my juncture. His foot immediately slid out and caught my calf muscle and he pushed my leg out. "No." That's all he said. His other foot scooted over to my other leg and he pushed them both out suddenly, spreading my legs as wide as they would go with his own. This also, by necessity made his weight descend on me, pressing his shaft harshly between my cheeks. I whimpered. "Oh, don't worry, love, I'll take care of you. But, first you have to atone. Remember. I'm going to torture you first. After all, there would be no penance done unless you had to suffer a little." "Ohhh," was the only sound I could make now. He resumed stimulating his shaft on my ass and pinching my nipples. "Do you want to know what I'm going to do?" "Ummm, hmmm." "I want to build you up, over and over again. Take you to edge as many times as I can without letting you come." I made sound that could only be described as a whine, an unspoken plea. I have no idea where it came from. I'm sure I'd never made that sound before. "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna lick you everywhere." "Oh God." He started at my neck, slowly swirling his tongue behind my ear. That tongue! It lapped slowly, making it's way down over my shoulder blades. His hips slid away from mine as he moved own to continue on his mission. It was causing tingling sensations to chase each other all over my body. I brought my arms down and reached back, trying to touch him, anywhere, any way. I felt him shift quickly before his hands pulled out from underneath my breasts to capture my wrists and return my arms out to the sides of my head. "Naughty, naughty, Scully, not unless I tell you to." I whimpered a protest. "No. Now be good or I'll have to tie you."