From: Vger Date: 3/19/98 Subject: MSR/Mythology Story Title: Birth Right Author: Vger Reply to: Rated: NC-17 Spoilers: Season 5 through the Red and the Black, and loosely on movie rumors Summary: A mythology story involving romance between Mulder and Scully in the midst of season five enigmas. Archive: MSR & mythology sites anywhere. DISCLAIMER: The X-files and all related characters, and plot references belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and FOX, Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. I borrowed them for personal amusement having become intrigued with recent movie rumors and potential scenarios between the characters. It has also been maddeningly necessary to keep updating my plot as season 5 has unfolded since it has taken me so long to find time to write this piece to its conclusion. Any small similarity to any upcoming plots from Fox would be an x-file in itself, however, I would suggest reading up on "remote viewing" as employed by our government's intelligence operations should any such trespass possibly occur! BIRTH RIGHT Prologue Bear & Company Publishing Santa Fe, New Mexico 1995 "Greetings, dear friends, we are here. It is our intention to assist you in creating a new vision - a vision that inspires you to live and love on planet Earth. Like a priceless jewel, buried in dark layers of soil and stone, Earth radiates her brilliant beauty into the caverns of space and time. As a value yet to be realized and discovered, she patiently awaits her coronation by her people. She creates you and sustains you, and without her, as you now know yourselves, you could not be. We ask you, as seekers of the great stories, to proclaim an allegiance to Earth. Pledge the transformation of yourselves, which is the journey through light and dark, and honor Earth's momentous role in setting you free. As threads unravel to reveal your celestial heritage, do not become entrapped by a glamour from the heavens, for you too are on a star, reflecting and radiating light to worlds seeking the solutions to their own creations." - The Pleiadians as channeled by Barbara Marciniak, from Earth: The Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library "Who is the visitor on this shimmering, watery orb we call Earth? Look around you, for it is I. I am a descendant of the universe destined to return full circle to my home as I begin to recall my celestial roots." Washington D.C. 11:02 PM The insistent ringing of the telephone brought Special Agent Dana Scully hurrying out of her bathroom as she finished pulling a flannel nightshirt over her head. She mumbled irritably at the phone thinking she should be letting the machine pick it up, except that it was probably her mother calling. She hadn't called Margaret in a couple of weeks now with the hectic pace she and her partner at the FBI had been keeping. Besides, serial killings always depressed her and she was reluctant to call anyone in that state of mind. This time they had spent a fruitless two weeks in Georgia before learning that the "phantom" killer was a local with very earthly means of harming others. They had immediately turned it over to the violent crime section to tie up. It hadn't turned out to be an X-file after all, and their bureau colleagues had naturally ribbed them that it was much too "normal" for the two of them to be working on. Everyone in the FBI knew the X-file division specialized in the macabre and paranormal, by the personal design of her partner, Fox Mulder. In reality the assignment's ending had been a relief since neither she or Mulder could stop thinking about the unexplained phenomenon of the recent UFO contacts and mass burnings at reported abductee sites. Dana snatched the phone out of its cradle and breathlessly answered. "Scully?" queried the familiar voice of her partner. "You sound like you've been running." "Yes, well, in a manner of speaking I was!" She snorted. "What's wrong, Mulder?" "Does a guy have to be calling his favorite partner for a problem always?" He intoned feigned hurt. "Mulder!" she growled humorlessly. It didn't bother her that he was calling her already, but she had learned to expect that some unplanned event was about to follow. "Okay, okay, Scully!" He admitted laughing. "I was hoping you were still up. I wanted to show you something." He listened to her silence a moment, guessing she was gunning for her bed any time now. "Can't it hold off until I see you at the office tomorrow, Mulder?" she sighed. "You dropped me off only 3 hours ago!" "Look, I'm sorry, you're right, but it's important," he pleaded ever so slightly. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "Okay, but I'm going to bed immediately after you show me," she conceded. "How close are you?" "Promises, promises, Scully," he teased. "Is outside your door close enough?" Scully carried her phone over to her front door and peered out the peephole. Mulder was standing on the other side with his cell phone and a toothy grin. She hung up the phone decisively, setting it aside as she opened the door. "Is that any way to end a phone conversation, Agent Scully?" He asked with mock indignation. "I think we are going to need to review your bureau manners again. " He stopped to eye her as she closed the door then winked at her. "Flannel. Very sexy." She crossed her arms in front of her and tried to adopt her most intimidating gaze. He smiled regarding her with warm hazel eyes, thinking to himself how much younger she looked with her red hair pulled back in a ponytail, wearing her plaid nightshirt and fuzzy socks. "What've you got, Mulder?" She asked pointedly while he shrugged off his coat. Mulder stood head and shoulders taller than she did and at the close proximity she found it annoyingly necessary to strain her neck looking up at him. He turned to her and produced a photo of a half-buried aircraft, lodged in a snowy embankment. What she could make out of it did not lend itself to any familiar make of ship or plane, however, she reasoned that much of it still lay below the surface of the terrain. "What am I looking at?" She asked handing it back to him with a frown. "Do you recognize it?" He asked watching her face intently as he ran a hand through his dark hair. "No, should I?" She replied drawing a smile from him. "Possibly," he nodded. "My source indicates that this craft was stumbled onto by a couple of Canadian geologists during a recent seismic expedition. As you may know, there has been an increase in earth tremors in the Yukon of late, and they theorized that perhaps this was just unearthed by the largest quake. When they tried to match it with potential missing aircraft they drew a blank on anything catalogued world wide." "Yes, but that could mean that they have seen too little data yet, based on how much is still underground, or its possibly a military make not released to the private sector to date," she surmised taking the photo from him again. "You'll have to admit that there isn't much to go on from this photo." "Yes, but the kicker is that my informant claims that this craft bears some markings, which you can't see in the photo," he told with animation. "Markings which indicate a relationship with our mysterious faceless men - the same faceless men you described at the mass burning you witnessed." Scully made a face at him. "Come on, Mulder!" She spat. "Who gave you this lead?" She eyed him sternly, as he ran his hands through his hair again. "I know it's a stretch, Scully, " he agreed. "I got this tip from an anonymous envelope that was left under my door when I got in. I'm not saying that it's the real thing, but someone out there wanted me to know about this. Someone intended that I check it out, and I think we both know that the truth may actually be much more bizarre than a link with a so-called alien." Scully stared at him a moment, pondering his words before turning to sink into a nearby chair. Mulder held his breath a second settling himself onto the floor beside her. He knew her so well by now; he could've predicted this entire conversation. What he loved about her was that she had followed his logic flawlessly. "So you intend to go there yourself to chase the men or whomever behind this," she concluded. He smiled nodding slowly. "Yes, but I need you to stall Skinner a couple of days until I can get there and back." Scully visualized their supervisor, imagining him tolerantly listening to yet another spotty explanation for Agent Mulder's current absence from her side. God she hated it when Mulder left her to back up his stories! "I'm going with you, Mulder," she informed him coolly. "You'll have to distract Skinner another way." "Scully," Mulder shook his head indulgently, "you're not going to run off to the frozen wilderness of Canada for something we both know might be a dangerous waste of time. Besides, when have we ever gone camping that we didn't have some pretty miserable conditions?" She pushed him aside as she rose to her feet. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you go uncovered on this wild goose chase," she emphasized, standing with her hands on her hips. "Anyway, you didn't come over here to keep me up just to tell me you're taking off without me, buddy, so shut up and tell me when we leave!" Mulder started laughing, amused that she was so predictable. He knew he should protest, but Scully was not a fainting flower. She would not take a backseat for safety, and while he cared about her, he also respected her enough to accept her wishes. Scully had chosen a life in the FBI and no amount of affection he held for her should be allowed to interfere with her choice, regardless how much harder it was growing for him each day. "I've arranged things for tomorrow. I want to get over there as early as possible ahead of others that may've intercepted this information. I also understand that the weather is pretty unpredictable. If we don't get in before the snow it could be much longer before this thing can be uncovered. Someone may have it conveniently removed at any time anyway, if it exists at all." They looked at each other steadily, the silence falling between them. Scully thought he looked annoyingly handsome, then turned her eyes away from him. She needed to get out more! Mulder was becoming her whole life these days, and it frightened her. The scary part was that she understood that she had become his as well. Not a healthy arrangement for co-workers she decided. "Well, then maybe we could get some sleep before it's time to get started again," she sighed. "I don't suppose I could borrow a couch tonight, could I?" He ventured cautiously. She studied him a moment before replying. "What about your things?" She asked raising her eyebrows at him. "Out in the car. I'm ready to go," he answered readily. She laughed and shook her head. "Okay, I'll get you some blankets, but if you start snoring I'm not promising I won't shoot you!" "Scully, that's a threat I take to heart!" he grinned, comfortable with the exchange. Scully was definitely his closest friend. For that matter she was his closest anything. Once he had told her that he had his work and her, besides having himself. It was no less true today. He watched her disappear in search of the bedding, thinking they should just drop this ritual. He didn't even bother trying to give reasons anymore as to why he didn't want to make the extra trip back to his own apartment, and he knew where the blankets were if he wanted to get them himself. Scully would deposit them in a heap on the couch along with a pillow and wish him goodnight, padding off to her bedroom. Tomorrow he would make the coffee while she showered and wait for his turn in the bathroom. It was a familiar routine, and as he thought about it he couldn't quite recall when they had dispensed with some of the usual boundaries. When was it that they had exchanged apartment keys anyway? When had she started packing their things at those nameless hotels after those god-awful cases, invading his life like no other woman since his mother? He sighed and shrugged to himself. It really didn't matter. It was comfortable and he had no intention of changing things. Scully returned with his bedding and slipped away to her room. She, too, had been pondering the familiarity she shared with her partner. It was comforting to be "family" she reasoned, although her real family would probably have a few words about her choice of companions. She laughed quietly as she crawled into her bed and tried to imagine her older brother, Bill, stopping by for a visit. It was unfortunate that he was so disapproving of Mulder. It would almost be worth seeing the look on his face should a sleepy Mulder answer her door! She smiled again and closed her eyes, pushing the thoughts of tomorrow's snowy trip far from her. D.C. Area 11:30 PM The heavy-set man barely acknowledged his visitor who had just been shown into the poolroom by a manservant. He sat quietly in the hot tub contemplating the swirling water as the man approached him slowly with unease. When the younger man stopped near the tub he paused before clearly his throat audibly. Was he just going to be ignored, he wondered? Finally the host shifted in the water, and turned an uncaring gaze on him. "Was it delivered?" He asked in a monotone, his face devoid of expression. The younger man nodded slowly. "It was delivered and received as planned," he replied trying to guess his current standing with his employer. The heavy man remained impassive, however, continuing his steady gaze. "And did it have the desired effect?" He asked studying the messenger's reaction. "It appears so. Mulder is consulting his partner as we speak, no doubt arranging his trip." There was a silence following this answer, causing the visitor to shift uncomfortably. When would he be brought into the details of this plan further? "I will let our associates know of this outcome," stated the solemn man as he moved slightly in the tub. "That is all then. You will await further instructions." For a moment the onlooker hesitated as if he might question this directive, but noting the older man's raised eyebrow he reconsidered the challenge. He allowed his face to harden, but said nothing, turning abruptly to go. He could feel that cold stare following him to the door yet did not look back. It would be dangerous to appear affected, so he chose instead to keep walking. The large man waited until he could be sure that his recruit was safely gone before reaching for the phone on the nearby deck. He dialed without apparent haste, his face remaining as unreadable as before. When he heard the intended party he spoke. "It's done," he reported flatly, then waited. "Then you should make the necessary arrangements for the interception while I finish my portion here." He listened for another moment before hanging up. Reaching for his bathrobe he heaved himself up and out of the water, wrapping himself comfortably once he had exited the water. Unruffled by the appearance of yet another gentleman, the large man poured himself a glass of the wine that awaited him on the nearby table. He turned to his new companion and raised his glass slightly. "Our visitor tonight must be taken care of. I trust you will see to this properly." The new man tipped his head silently and exited fluidly from the poolroom. Sipping his wine the big man stared off into space as he imagined the sound of the man in question dying. He was satisfied with the smooth execution of his plan thus far. Canadian Northwest Territory / Day Two 3:20 PM The helicopter touched down on a small clearing in the mountain range, high above the frigid waters of the river in the distance. From his window Mulder scanned the rugged, snowy terrain of the hillside, trying to determine the approximate location of their target, while Scully peered out at the cold environment skeptically. The man in the pilot's seat shifted uncomfortably shooting her a furtive look, which added to her sense of foreboding. Mulder had used agency connections to seek out prospective guides, and this man had been identified as one of the best local guides for the area. While he had checked out well, Scully had sensed his tension around them from the beginning. She wondered if someone had gotten to him before they had connected for the flight. "This is it," the pilot named Brent told her. "I hope you guys are prepared for this weather. It's a helluva time to be chasing wildlife photos." Mulder leaned forward and smiled at him. Internally he felt great impatience having been delayed until late afternoon for their arrival. It would be of no use to hike to the site tonight and attempt a search. Another day was going to be lost. "Yes, well you have to come to their habitat in the appropriate season if you want to get realistic shots," he explained innocently, concealing his true feelings well. The pilot studied him as if he were an idiot then shook his head. "What? You guys trying to get these for National Geographic or something?" He questioned as he undid his harness. "If we're lucky, who knows?" Scully chimed in reaching for her gear. The pilot grunted and raised the hood of his parka. The two FBI agents climbed out of their seats and set about making camp with the help of their guide. Mulder instructed Scully that they would share a tent as they started working to erect one. She took this to mean that he shared some of her concern about their companion also, so she agreed with him readily. Under other circumstances, there might be some humorous banter between them about it, but given the harsh environment around them, and their current dependence on this guide, they found themselves grimly setting about their work to prepare for the oncoming night. Scully finally allowed herself to relax a bit once the camp was set and Brent suggested they all seek their own shelter for the night. She had crawled into the tent where Mulder had started their camping heater, and perused their food supply for the evening. Mulder followed her in and busied himself with adjusting the lantern before seating himself beside her. For a moment he held her gaze without words. "So Brent may be a liability, hmm?" He quietly asked her at last. She smiled at him, tossing him a bagged sandwich. "And I thought you just wanted to get me alone in your tent!" She shot back sarcastically. He laughed, opening the sandwich. "That too!" He began eating his food, stopping to gesture at her with his sandwich as he chewed. "I don't know what the locals would've been privy to. You never know who's leaked out what." "He certainly seems paranoid, not to mention being a pirate!" Scully remarked dryly. "He's robbing us for this trip." "Well, a guy's gotta live, Scully," replied Mulder mocking indignation. "If there's a craft up there, I doubt we're the first to be looking for it. The question will be what's waiting for us." Scully nodded thoughtfully, hesitating before she spoke again. "You know this may be another wild goose chase we're on, meant to further the deception they seem to want to feed us," she warned him. "I've been thinking that another possibility may be that this is a trap, Mulder. We're out here totally exposed if someone intends to harm us." "I've thought about that," he answered grimly. "I've already tried the cell phone, but I'm out of range, as I'm sure you are too." "He certainly seems paranoid, not to mention being a pirate!" Scully remarked dryly. "He's robbing us for this trip." "The helicopter is the only hope to call help if we need it then. Maybe we should've brought Skinner into this more this time," she sighed, picking at her food. Mulder studied her a moment wondering if she was regretful to have come along with him this time. It reminded him of how much harder it was becoming to work together. He was torn inside between his growing fear that she would be harmed, and his hopeless inability to work without her companionship. "I suppose we should take watch shifts," he mused, gesturing for a can of soda. "I'll take the first one. I feel pretty wired." He opened the can and drank deeply. Scully watched him while deciding if she should protest or not. She doubted if she would sleep much herself with the gnawing anxiety that had been growing in her belly. At first she had listened to Mulder's proposed plan with the familiarity of having heard many such itineraries over the years. As this trip had unfolded, however, she began to believe they were being teased out for a more malicious purpose. The information about the proposed spacecraft had fallen into their hands too easily. Granted, the reports of recent seismic activity in the Canadian terrain could explain for this recent geological revelation, however, Scully was unconvinced that this finding would make its way to Mulder so directly. She also knew that while her partner would not be unaware of this, he would still feel compelled to search out the lead and it's ultimate intent. It was unwise to walk into this, and yet she refused to allow him to go after it alone. Scully re- wrapped the remainder of her food and sipped at her drink. "I don't usually retire quite so early myself," she sighed. "I don't suppose you brought a deck of cards. " He smiled shaking his head. "Maybe spin the pop can?" he asked innocently drawing an evil look from her. "I know. It just isn't the same as a bottle is it? Or maybe you never had the pleasure of playing it as a kid, Scully." He threw the mild challenge out without looking at her while he rummaged in his knapsack. She grunted. "Don't goad me, Mulder," she warned playfully, stretching out on her side on a sleeping bag. "You might find that I have a much more interesting childhood than you think!" "I've always heard that about catholic girls, Dana Katherine Scully," he replied with a wicked grin. Scully flung her gloves at him, and he laughed as he dodged her shot. "Now Scully, stop distracting me here. I'm trying to formulate our plan for tomorrow!" Scully rolled her eyes at him as she tried to arrange her bedding more comfortably. "Fine," she said holding up her hands. "Kill that light when you're done, okay?" "What? Did I offend you?" he asked smiling. "No," she grinned. "I don't know what else to do with myself, so I might as well get some rest before it's my turn, okay?" Mulder nodded watching her slide into the sleeping bag enviously. Neither of them heard the footsteps of their pilot as Brent neared their tent, pausing in the cold to listen for a moment, before retreating back to his own tent. What little he had overheard had sounded benign enough, but he was unready to let go of the warning he had received about these two. His benefactor had promised him that they were armed and dangerous, not to be trusted at any cost. He didn't see how that little red head posed much threat, but then he doubted that anyone would've feared Clyde's Bonnie, either. He would be glad when tomorrow's work was done. This promised to be a long sleepless night ahead for him, and he had wished the other man could've been convinced to move on them sooner. "Don't worry," the man had said in an well-enunciated tone. "You are valuable to them. They need your help to reach their destination, and we need them to succeed before anything is disclosed. I assure you that you will be compensated well for your trouble." Brent thought about the older man with some disgust. Damned rich guys were always ready to put your ass on the line, and they knew they had you by the balls as they waved their money under your nose. This guy probably never broke a sweat in his entire icy life. Brent sniffed angrily. If everything went right on this deal, he wouldn't be sweating much more himself. One night more and then it was pay dirt. He settled into his bedding after rechecking his rifle, and waited for morning. Day Three 9:00 AM The trip up the mountain's snowy slope was somewhat arduous, however, Brent pressed them on as if unaware of it. Scully was more winded than she cared to admit, silently forcing herself on since Mulder hiked along eagerly beside their guide as if unaffected. She was thinking of hot baths and tropical vistas, as her camera bag bounced heavily around her neck. She wished the next alien aircraft would choose to turn up in some exotic vacation area. The hell of it was that after trudging through these conditions she was could only expect to find either nothing or some unpleasant reception. She was hard pressed to say that the rousing campfire breakfast that Brent had helped supply this morning was adequate to offset this predictable outcome. She watched him periodically marking their trek with fluorescent red streamers atop metal rods. Had there not been a gradual thickening of trees she would have found this behavior unnecessary. A quick glance over her shoulder told her that the unfamiliar terrain had quickly blended together as they made a curving journey upward. Even if she followed the slope downward at this point she might never find the exact location of the base camp. The thought sent another tremor of apprehension through her. Mulder felt invigorated as his lungs refilled with the cold air despite his usual disdain for the winter. He looked around the beautiful landscape trying to remain mindful of the peacefulness of this moment. He too expected disappointment or danger, and his restless night had not produced any dazzling scenarios should the latter be the case. Perhaps he should've risked taking Brent into his confidence since their arrival, possibly constructing an escape plan if needed. He still felt uneasy about him, though, and decided it was wiser that he and Scully roll with the events as they unfolded. He had purposely asked Brent to take them within the proximity of the ship's estimated location without actually exposing the site completely to his view. Once they were able to set up the warming tent he expected that he and Scully would have freedom to wander from their guide's watchful eyes. They arrived at their intended destination shortly, Brent helping them to erect the temporary shelter with a heater, before pausing to study the sky intently. All three of them could detect the slight darkening in the distant eastern sky. Brent pointed to the sky shaking his head slowly. "I was afraid of the snow rolling in," he told them. "You're going to have to get your pictures early today, and get out of here, before we get buried." "How long do we have, do you think?" Mulder asked, adjusting his ski glasses. Even in the gray morning light the intense whiteness was hard on his eyes. Brent frowned as he thought about the question before answering. "I think you'd better plan on working up here for another couple of hours or so before starting back." Brent rubbed the back of his neck half-expecting some argument, but Mulder nodded thoughtfully. "It doesn't allow much time to the award winning shots," he commented. "What are the chances of flying out and coming back to camp after the snow breaks?" In the back of his mind he was recalling the die-hard photographers who lived in their intended environs for months looking for those hard to get shots. He wondered how spotty his cover appeared to Brent just now. "If you like, for the right price." Brent smiled thinly. In that moment Scully decided she didn't like him at all. "You'll get your money," she responded dryly before glancing at Mulder in warning. "Good," he shrugged. "I think I'll hike back to the bird and check her out, then. You saw the trail marks but here's a flare gun if you somehow get off track coming back." He eyed them carefully, as he thumbed a hand back at their pathway. "When the wind picks up there may not be much left of our footprints later." "You're not coming back?" Scully asked cautiously. She could feel Mulder assessing the same thing. "No. I'll wait for you at the camp, and start breaking us down when it's time to go. You two use your two hours and then get your asses back to camp. I won't wait for you on account of the snow. If it looks like I need you to come sooner I'll send up a flare myself." Brent turned to go abruptly, then paused as if aware of his two companions staring at him suspiciously. "Don't worry," he said laughing. "I'm not going to leave you up here without getting the rest of my damn money unless you fuck with me about leaving before the snow!" Neither Mulder nor Scully spoke as they watched Brent start down the trail. After a moment Mulder placed a guiding hand on Scully's back herding her into the tent. "Probably not good," he said quietly. She nodded furrowing her brow. "Well, at least we have a flare gun, I suppose," she countered flatly. He began to laugh. "Do you suppose they'll see it all the way back at Washington, and get word to Skinner?" "Yeah, about the time this heater runs out of fuel, and we're sitting here like coyote bait," she smirked. "Or worse," he added under his breath. "Well, let's conserve the fuel and take a look around before we head out after him. We'll tell him that we got spooked by a mountain lion!" Scully raised her eyebrows and got to her feet. "The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned," she agreed, pulling the tent flap back and exiting. Mulder and Scully began searching the perimeter of the shelter carefully keeping their directions marked, while Mulder used his compass to move them towards the coordinates he believed to be their goal. Systematically they searched the coordinates, returning to the warming tent for short reprieves before continuing again in the cold. After more than an hour's fruitless search they had decided to return to the shelter when the not too distant sound of the helicopter's engine echoed through the quiet terrain. The pair of agents stood holding their breath straining to tell if the sound was travelling away from them. At first it appeared that the engine had fired up but had remained stationary, indicating that Brent might be checking on things as he had described. To their dismay, however, the helicopter began to rise out of the tree line, until their could see it clearly in the sky to the right of them. Suddenly the air was filled with an ear-splitting explosion. A column of fire spread across the sky while they watched the exploding aircraft in disbelief. They stood wide-eyed as the echo of the boom died away into absolute nothingness. Ten to one, Brent would not be getting his money, Mulder thought grimly feeling Scully grip his arm. The worse case scenario was about to unfold, and he had to find protection immediately. Mulder grabbed Scully's arm tightly, urging her to jog with him away from the shelter and in a different direction than they had come from the base camp. Part of Scully's mind wished to argue his actions but then she also knew that he feared being discovered. Whoever had seen to the helicopter's destruction could be intent on theirs as well, and there was no where to turn. Fluorescent red markers were leading the way to their exact location, not to mention that their tracks in the daylight pointed the way wherever they might seek hiding. There was nowhere to turn. They ran breathlessly against the snow for nearly a half-mile until Mulder spotted a large indentation in the ledge to their right. He had practically dragged his partner inside the hole hoarsely whispering to her to draw her weapon. He strained to hear over their panting breath, imagining he had heard the echo of distant voices. Scully leaned against him with her gun held tightly, the metal still warm from her body beneath her coat. She stood in tension, as time seemed to stretch on into forever. She heard the second boom at the same time Mulder flinched in surprise, guessing this had been their kerosene heater. They waited silently, poised to shoot, watching the first of the large snow flakes begin to fall. The world around them became deathly silent, as if all life had ceased in the falling snow. They could not make out anything, not even the sound of the intruder's retreat, as they waited anxiously. After what seemed to be enough time for their enemies to find them Mulder began to relax. "They should've found us by now," he mused aloud. Scully also moved out of her firing position and nodded. "If they intended to corner us they've had ample opportunity," she agreed. "Unless they prefer to leave us to freeze, of course." Mulder turned his gaze from the entrance of their hiding place and studied her face. "I have matches this trip, Scully," he offered with a crooked grin. "Great! Now if you have an axe or hunting knife we can gathered some green wood for a fire!" She retorted gloomily. "Now who's the cynic?" he teased. She tilted her head and shrugged. "The reality is that if we try to stay in this spot we will die from exposure before we can get help. Our only real hope is to find better shelter." She imparted this information in her Dr. Scully voice causing him to sigh. The chances of finding better shelter were.He looked at the snow, which was falling harder now. Brent had not been lying about that point anyway. "We can't be sure that our friends aren't nearby. We'll just have to take our chances," he decided. "Maybe we can find a cave or something." Scully nodded thinking a cave could not offer them much more help than this ledge, following Mulder out of hiding as he motioned her to do so. Silently, he pointed to head downward and away from their point of arrival, and potential guests. FBI Headquarters 2:00 PM Assistant Director Skinner punched his intercom button with frustration bringing the calm reply of his secretary. "Yes sir?" "Have agents Mulder or Scully reported in yet?" he demanded gruffly. "No, sir, not yet," she answered without emotion. "I want you to hunt down Andrews and Sidney to get on this. Tell them I want them to dig around until they turn up something on those two. They can call me if they have questions," he barked. "Yes, sir, " she replied steadily. Skinner flipped off the intercom button and ran a hand over his balding head. Damn them! When were they going to learn to trust him enough to bring him in on their movements? Any other agents he would've nailed to the wall for such blatant disrespect and insubordination. He grudgingly admitted to himself that he trusted their instincts above all others, but it did not mean that they were invincible. At this moment their C.E.O. felt a pang of uneasiness about their absence. Mulder was like a shooting star that threatened to burn brightly and die, with Scully traveling along in his wake. If their bizarre cases didn't bring them to harm then surely a dark figure in their own government was always waiting in the wings to silence their search for the truth. Skinner shifted his chair around towards the window and sighed. It occurred to him that while he didn't miss the bastard sneering and smoking in the corner of his office at whim, he did miss the option of picking Cancerman's brain for information. Cancerman always knew about Mulder and Scully. While the older man's deviance had been unhelpful to Mulder, there was still some unnamed interest there. It seemed as if this foul man had both protected and deceived Mulder simultaneously, albeit he had had some unforgivable role in Scully's abduction and cancer. Now that he was gone, Skinner was pressed to know whom he might pump for some inside information. An image of an encounter with Mulder flashed into his mind leading to the true source of his present preoccupation. It had been after the capture of Modell's sister as he tried to commend Mulder's work. He had known Mulder was angry with him when he had placed him on suspension, but he was even more aware of Mulder's angry resignation when Scully had agreed. Any lack of faith in him on her part seemed to cut Mulder to the core. Her opinion was so much more valuable to Mulder. Mulder had seen through Linda's deception despite everyone's doubt in his theory, and had pursued this truth. Skinner had wanted Mulder to know that he recognized his value, too, that day, although Mulder had stood there unimpressed. Skinner hadn't personalized it, though, knowing that Mulder's statement about feeling he had lost Linda's game had been full of deeper meaning. Skinner sighed, turning back to his desk and picking up his pen. Once he had told Mulder that he saw him as someone unafraid to go into paranormal places that he himself could not explore. He knew that many men would blanch at the things Mulder had faced down, but as in all great warriors, there was a vulnerability to be discovered. He was well aware that any agent would be shaken if he or she had nearly killed a partner. Partners with any amount of time together in law enforcement became as close as any family - in some cases closer than family. Maybe if they hadn't been through so much with Scully's cancer, he might not have see into Mulder so clearly. Mulder's behavior at the hospital had been revealing, however, through the vigils he had proceeded to keep near her room and the joy on his face when he learned of her cancer's remission. If Skinner had ever doubted what Mulder's weakness was, he need only recall the young agent's face as Mulder contemplated nearly shooting Scully in the confusion. The difference this time was that he saw the recognition of it in Mulder's eyes as well. He suspected that Mulder was grasping that he was in love with Scully. The loss of her then, especially at his own hands, was enough to bring him to his knees. Mulder also must have known that Modell's sister had been able to read his vulnerability clearly enough to play it. He had no doubt felt suddenly exposed. Skinner had suspected their feelings for quite some time. He knew that Scully's cool facade rarely slipped except where Mulder was concerned. She was like a barometer for him to read on the state of Mulder's welfare. Mulder unquestionably had given all of his trust and protection to her in return. So this partnership continued on some delicate balance that appeared to indicate that there was either denial or fear that prevented further proclamations between them. At least that was how he saw it for himself. More than once he had received mild complaints on his desk from subordinates who questioned the propriety of their relationship. Even the agents he had recently sent them with on a training seminar appeared to raise an eyebrow about the "closeness" of the two. Always when Skinner had questioned the offended parties further, however, no one could say specifically that agents Scully and Mulder had ever demonstrated any misconduct. Of course he was not surprised. If he were honest he would hail the two of them as the best agents in the bureau, especially in light of the strength they formed in balancing their opposing styles - pragmatism and romanticism dancing together in delicate precision. He knew what the others picked up on as he recalled watching Mulder bend close to Scully at numerous meetings and crime scenes as he talked to her. He was aware of the intimate touches that Mulder saved only for his partner and the secret communication that transpired between them often in long glances. He also recognized the evolution of male/female partnerships as well. Most mixed partners had sex stereotyped behavior that seemed to carry over into their relationships, and it was a hard line to draw between what was predictable behavior and what was impropriety. Mulder and Scully were unmarried and seemingly unattached, and, like many mixed teams, they had fallen into a quasi-marital response with one another. Hell, that vampire case in Texas was a perfect example of how those two could stand together against unbelievable scenarios while bantering back and forth like two spouses. Still, he believed that any deeper feelings between them had never been allowed to interfere with the work before them. Skinner mindlessly skimmed his memos while thinking about Mulder's unspoken realization of his feelings for Scully. Was that somehow going to inhibit him from thinking clearly when she was at his side now? He hoped to God it wouldn't. He would loath being the one to separate them again. He also felt a secret dread, for he knew that Mulder's weakness made it easier for their enemies to harm them. If he could read it then there was no doubt that the men inside this government conspiracy would soon know as well. Irritated, by his train of thought, Skinner shoved his papers roughly aside. He needed to seek out Andrews and Sidney himself to put a little pressure on their search. He had a bad feeling about this absence. The Assistant Director expelled another angry sigh, and headed for his office door. Where were Andrews and Sidney anyway? Sitting with these thoughts at his desk right now was not productive. Shelter 3:40 PM "There's a cabin ahead!" he shouted. Mulder glanced at his partner's tiny form beside him, the cry of relief ripping out of his mouth. She gazed out of her hooded parka with a pinched face, nearly beyond reaction at this point in their trek in this snowstorm. He felt his stomach tense as he allowed himself to contemplate how close to freezing she might be, and involuntarily tightened his arm around her nearly dragging her ahead to the cabin entrance. The generous porch ran the length of the cabin's front, although it was now covered in the blowing snowdrifts. The windows appeared dark with no sign of smoke from the stone chimney. Scully did her best to mount the steps with him although her legs had felt heavy and numb for a long time now. She wanted to close her eyes and stop caring about the cold, but her eyes flew open at Mulder's insistent knocking on the door. When there was no answer he tried the knob, then drew his weapon and fired on the lock. The door gave easily under his weight, and Scully found herself pulled inside, once again under his protective arm. Part of her thought she should stand on her own, but she was too weary to protest. They had been walking for an eternity she believed. Having kicked the door closed Mulder stood hugging her against him as he stood breathing in gasps, surveying the dimly lit room. There were windows all around that offered the last illumination of the gray afternoon sky. In less than an hour there would be total darkness. Absently rubbing Scully's back as if to warm her he noted to fireplace with ample wood supply, and overstuffed furniture placed around it. The downstairs room was open and rambled into a kitchen/dining area. A stairway led up to a loft floor that appeared to be another den area, although it could not be completely viewed from his vantagepoint. Quickly his attention turned again to Scully who stood leaning against him quietly shaking. "Scully?" he breathed lifting her chin to study her face. She still looked winded, and could not control her chattering teeth though she was trying very hard to. "I'm fine," she mumbled predictably with a dull expression. "I juss needa cash my breath." She shoved herself away from him a bit but he noticed her unsteadiness that accompanied her slurred words. She was no longer leaning on his chest but had not released his arms as his hands continued to hold her by the shoulders. He knew that she was avoiding his gaze, which meant she was feeling more vulnerable and afraid than she cared to own up to. He was worried about her as he observed her shallow breathing. She was so small these days despite the remission of her cancer, and the cold was no doubt taking its toll on her. She began to tug at her coat as if to remove it but he restrained her hands, causing her to sag back against him. "Don't. Let me get us a fire here and then we'll get thawed out," he directed, gently depositing her on the floor before joining her. He pulled off her boots like undressing a small child before removing his own, talking the whole time as if to distract her from his actions. "You know we're damned lucky we found this place, and obscenely lucky that there's no wood to chop!" He smiled at her drawing a slight curving of her mouth. Satisfied, he pulled off his gloves and moved to the hearth. The mantle held long matches and there was ample fire starter material with the woodpile. Laying the fire was quick work and his heart felt grateful as the dry wood flamed up easily. Soon they would have warmth as opposed to smoldering disappointment. Scully was rubbing her legs slowly as she watched him, having stayed where he had left her. Mulder unzipped his coat and approached her. "Do they hurt?" he inquired stooping down beside her. "Mmm," she nodded. He eyed her considering the possibility of hypothermia. Now what was the manual's procedure for treating someone for those symptoms? "Come over by the fire," he instructed as he lifted her to her feet. She seemed to wobble again and he found himself afraid to let her walk alone. He frowned then swept her up into his arms without warning. "Mulder!" she gasped weakly. "Shhh!" he scolded. He sat her down on the floor in front of the fire and studied her closely. She was much more exhausted than she wanted him to know. "I want to see if there are candles before the light is all gone." He left her briefly to search the kitchen, while she studied the fire feeling somewhat dazed. "This is a nice place," he commented from the other side of the room as he fortified the front door with a wooden chair from the dining table. "I wonder if its owners are gone long. It doesn't look like it sits empty long, and it's pretty up to date." He looked back at her briefly to check on her before continuing his search. In the back of his mind he was formulating a plan. "Scully! This place is amazing! There are water fixtures and there is water!" He called. She pondered this tidbit with some confusion. "Scully, there are baseboard registers along the floor of this room! Can it be that there is some sort of heating system?" He was instantly searching the room while she watched him dully. Surely there was no furnace here. "Here's the thermostat!" he called to her as he turned it up from its very low setting. Immediately the baseboard fixtures began to rattle with the sounds of flowing water. "Must be hot water heat, but how." His voice trailed off as he rejoined her. ." Scully could see him returning with a glass jar in one hand, and a kitchen towel in his other, but could only stare somewhat dumbly. "Maybe solar units utilizing a natural water supply? I've read about some naturalists who generate their own utilities. We didn't cover that much ground today, and you know we were too many miles from anything civilized to really explain the conveniences. I seem to remember that there was this guy who retired from the bureau a while back who built a house like this in the Rockies with his wife. It was totally solar." He grabbed the matches as he spoke, lighting the candle that occupied the jar. She watched him sniff it deeply then raise his eyebrows. "Nice." He handed it to her and she looked at the label before smelling it in her trembling hands. `Yankee, Sugared plums,' she read to herself. "Thatz nice," she said aloud. She handed it back to him and almost dropped it. Silently she appreciated Mulder's ability to notice a candle scent. He was good that way, being both courageous but in many ways sensitive too. Must be that FBI agent dash psychologist paradox she thought tiredly. "Looks like our host enjoys candles so I think we'll have plenty of light and good atmosphere! I don't think using any other lights is a good idea even if there 's electricity. The less we advertise that we're here the better." He sat the candle on a nearby end table, and shed his jacket. He could feel the fire some now and while his skin still felt deadly cold he was also beginning to feel the wetness of clothes. Scully tried with no success to tug off her jacket, grumbling a bit when Mulder gently moved her hands to unzip and remove the coat for her. She gave a shiver as he laid it across her legs, and began rubbing her hair with the kitchen towel. "Scully, I'm worried that you may be experiencing some hypothermia," he admitted looking her in the eyes seriously. She stared at him thinking this over. "We sh-should probbly find d-dry clothes, Muller," she observed in her slurred but clinical voice. He nodded. "I think there is a room upstairs where I can look for some." He paused a second holding her eyes. "Scully, you're going to have to let me help you though." She blinked slowly as if weighing his words, then nodded wearily. "Good. Now try to walk with me. Let's get some blood pumping in you." He helped her up and she awkwardly leaned on him. Together they slowly ascended the stairs in the growing darkness, Mulder balancing the candle in one hand while holding up Dana with his other arm. The loft was a comfortable room with lounge furniture at the front of the area and a large rustic bed near the other end. A doorway led into one last chamber at the far back of the room. Mulder guessed it was a bathroom. Near the bed they could make out large armoire and a nightstand. Mulder eased Scully into a chair before investigating the armoire's contents. To his disappointment there were more blankets and linens instead of clothing, however, as he opened one of the drawer compartments he found neatly folded stacks of satiny white material. Pulling the garment from the drawer he realized he was holding a pajama top. Tossing it to the bed he emptied out the remaining contents which proved to be the bottoms for the shirt and a matching larger set of pajamas. "His and hers, Scully," he quipped absently. "I have a feeling our refuge may be a little get away, like a time share or something for the couple who wants privacy." He turned to her holding the satin P.J.'s up with a mischievous look. She eyed him skeptically. "N-not too w-warm," she chattered back. He shook his head in agreement. "True, but nevertheless much drier," he replied. "Come on. Time to get personal." Mulder dropped the nightclothes on the chair arm and watched Scully start to struggle with the hem of her sweater. The routine movements seemed so hard for her to coordinate. Once again Mulder checked off his symptom list for hypothermia, sighing. "Let me help," he said quietly. She let a long breath out but acquiesced as he slipped the sweater the rest of the way over her head. He leaned in and reached behind her back, deftly unfastening her bra and sighing when she shot him her famous raised eyebrow. "No wet layers," he stated, "I remember the handbook." He picked up the night shirt, pausing a moment before looking her dead in the eyes before reaching for the garment that now loosely covered her chest. Their eyes remained locked as he slid it off her shoulders, running a hand down her right arm first to remove it from the bra, repeating his action again on her left side. Her lips trembled slightly, and his expression softened as he recognized her vulnerability. He helped her arms into the shirt gently, allowing her to pull the front closed over her breasts before looking down at her to button the buttons. Her skin was tantalizing against his fingertips, as was sight of the valley between her breasts that he was covering. "Stand up, Scully," he commanded when he was done, thinking that this was the tricky part. "Hold onto my neck," he instructed as he placed her arms over his shoulders. "Mul.Mulderrr.. I." she started to quietly protest. He hesitated looking at her pensively before touching his fingers to her lips. "Shhh. You can shoot me tomorrow," he smiled. "Your aim should be better then anyway." Her expression was one of reluctant gratitude. Part of her knew Mulder well enough to know he would not take advantage of her weakened state, although another part of her was beyond caring at the moment. He unfastened her jeans then allowed her to lean against him as he slid his hands down the sides of each hip, his thumbs catching the clothing to pull it down. He would have been lying if he denied ever wondering what it would be like to perform this act on Scully, albeit under different circumstances. He noticed that the pajama top was large on her, hanging low enough for modesty on one end while dangling loosely at the top to reveal her small shoulder and the slope of one breast. Easing her back down on the chair he pushed aside his growing interest in her body, and tugged off the pants smoothly. In a moment he had her feet inside the pajama bottoms, and was lifting her back to her feet. When he shifted he to his left arm to free his right-hand to pull up the garment, he felt his left hand cup her breast inadvertently. While he occupied himself with the pants he kept thinking about how nice she felt to him. Stop it, Mulder, he thought. He shifted her again and eased the pants up to her waist, before carrying her to the bed and depositing her under the covers. She pulled the comforter up around her chin still trying to suppress the trembling lips. "You change, M.. Mulder," she urged him. "You're c-cold, too. We need to w-warm ourselles." He nodded before padding off to the chair. He was stripping off his shirt as she lay watching him, and it occurred to her that she had rarely seen his lean body except in times of illness or injury. She considered that she should probably turn her head out of courtesy when he began unfastening his pants, but she was too tired to move. Clinically speaking, she had seen much more of him than one might expect of partners, but when she was a doctor. Some part of her mind acknowledged the view of his derriere as he dropped his pants and donned the pajama bottoms. Most of her mind was becoming preoccupied with a growing sense that she was starting to freeze again. She pondered this phenomenon idly deciding that Mulder was right about the hypothermia. Through the fogginess of her mind she sorted through the basic treatment for exposure to the cold. Mulder was correct to try to get her to walk upstairs to stimulate her muscles and to remove all wet layers. Foods, carbohydrates, warm liquids, and external heat sources - a fire, and body to body contact with a normothermic person wearing lightweight, dry clothing. Mulder was standing next to the bed now wearing the shimmering pajamas. They looked incongruent with his personality. He ran a warm hand along her face and brushed back her hair. He had been aware of her watching him dress but felt somehow undisturbed. Sometimes he forgot that there was any separation between them. In so many ways their lives had become one shared life, no less committed and stormy than most marriages he knew of. He had nothing to hide from her or to feel shame about. She had argued with him and questioned him, but always respected and accepted him for who he was. "I'm going to get some of these blankets downstairs by the fire where it's warmer, and see if I can't find us some food, Scully," he explained while Scully mentally commended his treatment procedures. He threw off the comforter and crossed the room, tossing it easily over the loft railing and onto the floor below. "Up you go girl," he said as he returned to her. He hoisted her to her feet walking her to the stairway, then grunted to himself, sweeping her back up into his arms as he descended. Scully faintly recalled that no one had carried her since she was a little girl and that had been her father. Now she rested in Mulder's arms like a child again. Absently she wondered if Ahab would've approved of Mulder's protectiveness of the youngest Scully daughter. Somehow she doubted that he would've have been so unforgiving toward Mulder as her brother Bill had been. Mulder settled her in front of the fire and wrapped her in a blanket. For the first time she noticed his hands were trembling. Startled, she reached out and grabbed his in her own hands tightly. "Mulder! You're freezing, too!" She tugged him toward herself weakly, but he resisted. "Not yet,' he patted her. "Let me find some food and then we'll work on staying warm." He hurried away to the kitchen returning with a pan holding a slab of bread, a block of creamy cheese, and a bottle of wine with two cups. "I know that the wine is not good for helping hold body heat," he apologized, "but there aren't many choices in there." She nodded as he sat the tray in front of her. "Here, I'll stir the fire." Watching him move to the hearth she shakily broke the bread and cheese in hunks onto the tray. He did not hesitate to join her under the blanket when he was done with the fire, moving very close against her as he wearily expelled his breath. He then poured the wine into the cups, handing her one. "Ugh! I feel so helpless!" she complained handing him some food. "You know it will pass when you get warm enough," he nodded. "Let's just hope for no related illnesses." She drank deeply, before nibbling at her food. Mulder ate his hungrily, drinking the wine slowly while he studied the fire first and then the room quietly. When he finished his food he slid an arm around her again and pulled her close to his side. "Do you think we are safe here?" She ventured, not looking at him. "I don't know," he answered truthfully. "I'm guessing that we've been left to die rather than trying to pursue us in the snow. Even though this cabin looks like it's regularly used it may be that the storm is preventing the occupants from returning. Still, I'm hoping we'll have help sooner than later." "Mulder, I'm not sure if there was a craft that someone didn't want us to find or if there never was one and someone wanted us out of the way." She sighed and absently placed her hand over his. "Yeah. I'd rather believe it was the first options and not the latter, although any sign of what was there is no doubt long gone," he replied looking down at her. "You sound better. The food must be helping." He did not add that he wished she had eaten more. She looked up at him quietly with one of her unreadable looks, thinking she felt mixed feelings about their resent closeness. His body was invitingly warm, and she felt unable to resist leaning against him. It was the first promise of being warm again that she had experienced in many hours, not to mention the odd sense of security that accompanied it. She noticed that his face looked very tired and lined, and wondered if the stress had kept him going to the expense of his body. "Mulder, you look tired," she told him. He nodded once again and turned his eyes to the fire. For a moment he was silent. "I am reminded of a trip to the woods minus some matches and a sleeping bag, although on that occasion we were being supervised by a moss man," he said with dry humor. "I had not planned to be saying this to you this morning, Agent Scully, but I sincerely hope you're planing to sleep with me tonight. This time I am truly freezing my ass off." "Body to body contact in a sleeping bag with a normothermic person wearing lightweight, dry clothing," she quoted with a wry smile. "Do you usually resort to FBI emergency guidelines to pick up women?" "I find it highly useful," he grinned. "It's also useful to use the bureau's regs as a defense. I would hope that dealing with hypothermia would not be considered `consorting' with my female partner while on a case." She could feel the effects of the alcohol on her already depleted system as she stared at him with hazy eyes. She was willing to sort out this more fully tomorrow. All she knew was that tonight she wanted to sleep peacefully and warmly. Right now she felt like she could crawl inside Mulder's skin and still not be warm enough. Maslow's hierarchy of needs, she mused. Tonight she would indulge in finding warmth and consider her pride tomorrow. "I don't think we'll die, but we could become very sick if we don't stay warm," she commented smiling but feeling serious. No cell phones and little chance of being traced could leave them out of reach from adequate medical care too long should things get worse. "In that case, ma'am, how `bout we try to get some sleep in that bed that is calling my name." He stood up and held out his hand to her, leaving her suddenly feeling relieved and shy at the same time. "Okay, but your ass is mine if you try to hold this over my head any time in the future!" His only response was a wicked gleam in his eyes as she took his hand and let him help her up the stairs. The candlelight greeted them warmly in the loft. "I think I would like to live in a place like this," he commented. "Although I would put it just a tad bit closer to town." She smiled and nodded as he deposited her at the bathroom door. He quickly went back and retrieved the blanket, leaving her to the bathroom momentarily. She hurried to avoid having him feel obligated to help her in some way, but smiled as he retrieved her right on cue outside the door to help her to slide under the bedcovers. Once he arranged the bed to his satisfaction he extinguished the candle, and made for the bathroom himself. She laid there thinking about other times they had shared rooms during their travels, but this was the first time she had lain awaiting him to lay beside her at the end of a harrowing day. Her mind felt jumbled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. In the darkness he returned and crawled under the blankets and reached for her automatically. He did not speak as he pulled her half onto himself, letting her cheek rest on his bare chest. The pajama top had not suited him anyway she mused silently. She could feel his hands absently stroking her back, and had she not been completely exhausted she might have started to cry from the shear pleasure of being caressed. It had been so long since she had felt cherished by anyone, and in her weariness she could almost imagine that Mulder felt this way for her. Mulder was very aware of the woman he was holding, feeling thankful that he was too tired to act on the sensual burn beginning to grow in his groin. A little voice in his head reminded him that she was definitely unique, and there was no question that this FBI man would not likely be curled up with any other partner this way, hypothermia or not. Scully was everything to him, but he could not afford to entertain the forbidden fruit that could ultimately destroy their partnership. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, for a moment pretending he was any other man just lying down in his little home with his wife nestled safe in his arms. This was a small pleasure he could allow himself for a night he thought before drifting off into nothingness. Washington D.C. 10:00 PM The heavy man answered the phone as he held a restraining hand up to his business associate. Silence fell over the interior of the limousine, as his companion complied, watching him. He felt disdain for the expressionless bastard as he watched him breathing into the cell phone, relatively sure he knew what the caller would be sharing. When the call was finished he raised a speculative eyebrow. "And did they arrive at our intended destination?" he queried with his perfect enunciation. The fat man nodded an assent. "We can complete our plan as scheduled. Mulder has proven to be as resourceful as ever," he replied. "His unfortunate discovery of the alien rebel will soon be dealt with." The thin, elegantly dressed man pondered this quietly. He and his undesirable companion were growing older, tied together by years of mutual projects destined to subverted from the knowledge of the mainstream. He wondered if he still believed in his mission anymore, although it mattered very little. At this point in his life it had become a question of survival; survival from the colonists, the rebels and his ruthless associates. "We must be careful to execute the final phase," he said at last. "Don't worry. Mulder and his partner will provide the missing ingredient if given enough time." "You had better be right," shot the well-manicured man. The two eyed eachother in stony silence as the sleek, black car passed the Washington Monument nearby, on its way to the White House. Suddenly it abruptly swerved to the side of the road and halted, much to the surprise of the two men. Before they could respond to this unexpected event, the car door swung open, revealing a dark figure. "Good evening gentlemen," greeted the intruder with mock cheer before taking a long drag on his Morley. The cigarette glowed brightly at the two dumbfounded occupants of the car drawing a sneering laugh from the smoker. "I thought perhaps you might be able to spare a ride for an old..friend." "You!" spat the heavy man as the smoker slid into the car unruffled. He continued to smoke with an icy smile on his face, enjoying the unusual display of emotion on his host's face. "You're probably surprised to see me," He shared with delight. "I trust you heard about my recent misfortune." "What is it that you want?" asked the well-manicured man calmly ignoring his outraged companion. Cancerman raised his eyebrows as if surprised. "Why, what I've always wanted. What we have always wanted," he replied pleasantly. "I realize that I have been away since that miscalculated gunshot, so I have not helped out as I should." He paused to take another long drag on his smoke before speaking again. "Mulder has been most useful in promoting the selective information you have desired, not to mention the more concrete...contributions of his lovely partner," He continued. "Now I am to believe that you see him as too close to the truth, and a danger to your goals. This is not true, though. Your plan is too short sighted." "What do you know of our plans?" demanded the large man shifting his eyes briefly to his ally next to him. This drew another satisfied smile from the smoking man as he blew out a blue cloud leisurely. "Come now! Surely you must know that I would not be here had I not found solace for my injustices from those in your own organization," he mocked. "I am told that you need a shorter leash which they intend to provide." It was the well-manicured man's turn to widen his eyes. Could it be true that this smoking snake had found a method to contain this overweight menace? He felt his interest growing suddenly. "And what would you propose we do?" He asked Cancerman with glittering eyes. His guest inhaled his last puff, and smiled widely. Everything was going as he had predicted. The Cabin 1:40 AM Mulder stirred in his sleep groggily becoming aware of the extreme arousal he felt. Another erotic dream about Scully he hoped. His hand was moving lazily over the warm breasts of the woman who lay with her back to him, having found its way under the loose satin shirt. He was lying pressed up against her back, his erection pressing into her tiny bottom through the thin material of his pajamas. The satin crawled over him sensually adding to his desire as he buried his face in the soft red hair on Scully's head. Sleepily he wondered how she had come to be in his bed, while he continued to gently tease her erect nipples with his fingers. Small sounds were coming from her now and to his delight she rubbed her bottom against him firmly while placing a hand over his arm draped busily around her middle. He always loved this dream. Scully was vaguely aware of the pleasurable feeling that was creating a tingling and very wet sensation between her legs. She was dreaming that Mulder's hand was caressing her - inviting her to love him, as she became aware of his arousal moving against her behind. It felt good to have him want her; her own need for him was so strong. She slid her hand up over his and directed it into the waistband of her pants, pressing his fingers into her wetness. It had been too long since she had been made love to. "Scully," he gasped hardly audible and slurred from sleepy desire. He began to move his fingers deftly causing her to moan and push her hips forward. He breathed her name again into her ear hotly, becoming more awake. A shudder passed through him as he began to realize she was really there with him, knowing he felt both afraid of what he was doing as well as incredibly pleased. Was she awake enough to understand what she was inviting him to do? Scully fought the desire to come as he touched her slowly realizing that the sensations she was feeling were very real. Confused about how she had found herself in bed with him, the vulnerability of her sleepiness was allowing her desire for him to spill out. Mulder was not an uncommon visitor to her arousing dreams, although in her waking hours she generally fought the admission that she would think of him in such a way. Now he lay beside her kissing her neck warmly, pushing her pajamas down over her hips. She rolled over on her back, to be immediately covered by him, his lips hot from sleep seeking hers. The kiss was soft and moist at first, and then he hungrily thrust his tongue into her mouth while he ran his hands through her hair. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him. She kissed him with the force of a woman who had been holding back her desire for too damned long, the floodgates finally opening. Somewhere in the back of his mind Mulder was tantalized by the cool Dr. Scully's capacity for passion. He had always believed her to be this way despite her clinical demeanor. It pleased him to be the one destroying her composure. "Scully," he whispered. "Let me please you." Before she could answer he was undoing her shirt trailing hot kisses across her chest, finally exposing her nipples to his probing mouth. Scully gasped blissfully, tangling her hands in his hair. She ran her hand just under his waistband, unable to reach him, but he shifted in response to bring his throbbing penis to her hand. He groaned at her touch and thrust against her fingers for more, while he returned his fingers to her hot center. They continued to touch one another more aggressively as each felt more aroused by the other. Mulder had kicked of his bottoms, and was kissing Scully's breasts again. She felt she would not be able to wait despite a part of her that had always fantasized that if they ever made love it would be slow and deliberate. This was incredibly hot and out of control. Mulder broke away from her touch and ran his tongue over her clitoris skillfully. She nearly came and had to force him from her as she breathed raggedly. He had turned in such a way that his penis was near her face, and impulsively she caught him in her mouth, drawing a gasp from him. They lay there teasing one another, growing more vigorous as their own arousal grew out of what was being done to them. "God, Mulder! I want you!" she groaned huskily at last drawing a smile as he planted a kiss on her belly. "Make love to me," she groaned again rubbing her hands over his head. He was already pulling her pants the rest of the way off as she spoke. Didn't she know he had no intention of denying her? He felt his control had slipped beyond stopping long ago, and his sole mission was to join with her the way he believed they had been wanting to for so very long. Damn the consequences! He was not going to lose the chance to make her know what she meant to him at last. He thrust into her easily. She was wet because of him he thought happily. She moaned and clung to him, kissing his neck greedily. They moved together in the ancient dance of lovers until they at last found blinding release. Scully felt as if she had shattered into a million pieces giving him her all to have him follow shuddering against her. She had cried out hearing him gasp out her name at the same time. She had head him call to her on so many occasions under all types of circumstances, but had never thought she would hear her name torn from him in such passion. He lay against her heavily, spent and breathing shallowly. One hand stoked her hair gently. Absently, she ran her fingers across his back trying to decide what to say to him. Everything seemed so trite and unnecessary. She knew two things clearly. One was that Mulder had made love to her because of what she meant to him as surely as she had given herself to him for the same reason. The second was that if they talked they would have to have the dreaded conversation about what happens next. She was loath to think of it yet, as he also must be judging from his silence. For a while they cuddled until she got up unsteadily to go to the bathroom at last. When she returned to the bed she hesitated a moment in the moonlight, suddenly unsure of him, but he quickly held out his hand to her. She allowed him to pull into his arms again, remembering she had fallen asleep this way only hours before. He was caressing her back again, and this time she relished the knowledge that he cherished her. "We'll talk tomorrow, Scully," he said softly, then added, "I do love you." "I know," she answered running her fingers across his chest thoughtfully. "I love you, too." Neither spoke again but lay awake considering this turn of events carefully. It was much later before either of them slept again. Southern Canada / Day Four 8:00 AM The man in the lab coat peered into the microscope barely breathing as he examined the petri dish contents. Cell division was evident, causing the man to expel a sigh as he allowed himself to relax. He had not doubted his skill in performing this task, of course, it was all very basic. There was more tension residing in him from the pressure his employer was placing on him, which naturally trickled down from the powers above. This particular assignment strayed from his usual routine, though, and its long- range affects were unclear. He thought of the woman he had probed for the biologicals, recognizing her from before. He had tried not to think of her tiny, vulnerable appearance lying there unaware on the examining table, and coaxed himself into thinking that this act he would perform might undo his former damage. Twice in a lifetime she had unwittingly crossed his path - two times more than he imagined she would have chosen. He sighed suddenly saddened. Five years ago he would not have believed in this secret government that seemed to have been birthed around the second world war. Some of the players and their particular covers had no doubt changed throughout recent history, but their function had insidiously remained intact. Whatever the date or the game one could be assured that these individuals would be deciding the fate for the nation as innocent people slept unaware in their beds, imagining safety for their children. The scientist sighed again somewhat sadly. Not even he could conceive of what his superiors had done, nor was he sure he wanted to understand it completely. He always had a sickening feeling in his stomach that threatened to overtake him if he allowed too much thought about the deviance he had been a part of. "Is it ready?" came the unexpected question from the doorway. Dr. Manning stepped away from the microscope anxiously as if the other man had read his thoughts. The older gentleman just stood there eyeing him, inhaling deeply on his smoke. He held it for a speculative moment before slowly breathing it out again. "Yes, yes I have it just now," replied the scientist hurriedly. "Is the woman ready?" "Everything is set, Dr.," he nodded slightly. "Time is of the essence and there must be no mistakes." Dr. Manning glanced involuntarily at the small dish, shaking his head. "All right," he agreed. "We can proceed." "Very good, Dr.," smiled the smoking man as he gestured the way through the doorway. Cautiously covering the dish, Dr. Manning exited the room as his companion had instructed. He hoped to God that there were no complications as the other man followed behind him like a predator. It had come down to a question of survival for him really. He would survive and she would serve an involuntary purpose. He knew secretly, however, that should his work succeed this purpose might help others to survive as well. He was careful not to smile as he arrived at his destination. So much depended on his ability to remain serene. D.C. Area Hospital / Day Five 12:00 PM Mulder opened his eyes slowly, wincing at the bright florescent light that invaded them sharply. His mouth felt numb and pasty causing him to swallow hard, while he rolled his head slowly from side to side heavily. It was a struggle to make sense of the sensations and sights beginning to filter into his mind. Where was he? "Agent Mulder!" Boomed Skinner at his bedside. "Glad to see you're still among the living!" Mulder turned his eyes to focus on his supervisor's slight smile, licking his lips with effort before replying. "Where am I, sir?" he asked in a scratchy whisper that sounded odd to his own ears. "You're under medical care for your stint in the cold, Mulder, although I don't know what in the hell you and Scully thought you were doing up there!" Skinner tried to appear angry, but the younger man could read the assistant director's relief to see him. The reference to Scully, however, nagged at him. There was something... "Where is Scully?" He asked anxiously. If only he could remember. "She's fine. She's right next door still asleep," he answered. "You both were recovered from the Northwest Territory early this morning, and flown in for emergency treatment. You're lucky the two of you didn't freeze to death!" Mulder considered this carefully as pieces of memories eluded him. He did remember that he and Scully had been fleeing someone, and that there had been a snowstorm. "What were you looking for, Agent Mulder?" Queried Skinner now more business-like as his initial concern faded. Mulder shook his head frowning. "I received an anonymous tip about a potential alien craft that was uncovered at that location. We had suspicions that it might be a set-up, but by whom I have no idea." Mulder sighed, rubbing his hand over his forehead. "Our pilot was apparently blown up, and we had to escape. Everything is pretty fuzzy after that. How did you say you found us?" Skinner raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to one side. "I had sent a couple of operatives out to find you, and we were able to trace you to Canada," he replied then shrugged. "Before we could get an exact fix on your location you were picked up by a local rescue team that was working the area for snow emergency services. Apparently there are some naturalists who homestead in that area, occasionally needing evacuation during avalanche threats." Mulder's frown deepened while he rolled this information around in his cloudy mind. He was about to comment when the nurse appeared to beckon Skinner. "The young woman appears to be coming around," she informed him, causing Skinner to rise to his feet. "I need to check on Scully," he told Mulder briefly. "We'll talk more when you're up to it." Mulder watched Skinner's retreating back, biting his lower lip between his teeth absently. He wanted to go to Scully himself, feeling suddenly more protective than ever, but the sight of the IVs attached to his arm deterred him. There was something else, also - something he couldn't quite name that was holding him back. It didn't seem to ring true to him as he thought about Skinner's explanation of their rescue, but then he felt drugged by whatever treatment he was receiving. Even the act of holding his eyelids seemed taxing to him, so he allowed them to slide shut. He felt himself begin to drift off again involuntarily, his thoughts growing more jumbled. The last conscious thought he had was a vision of Scully appearing at his bedside with the moonlight gleaming on her beautiful bare skin. Day Six 5:00 PM Scully sighed sadly as she pulled off her coat and flung it over the chair near her desk. She gazed around her apartment wistfully thinking that it usually held a sense of peaceful refuge for her. Tonight, however, it seemed cold and empty. She and Mulder had left the hospital nearly an hour ago, after they had completed the routine tests to show their fitness for release. She still felt lethargic as if she had been drugged, but her chart had not indicated the introduction of narcotics for her treatment. To her medical mind the whole thing seemed odd, considering the fact that they had supposedly been discovered poorly sheltered from the cold on some hillside, hardly conscious. She would have expected more damage from the cold, and felt irritated by her lack of memories regarding the last events prior to their rescue. The ride home had been oddly quiet, as a bureau designee in an unmarked sedan escorted them to their homes. They had agreed that their circumstance was due to the actions of some unknown party, but had not continued to debate the details since neither of them felt they had command over what had eventually happened. Although having already expressed his concern for her earlier, she had caught Mulder looking at her thoughtfully more than once during the ride. She had had an unusual desire to lean against his chest and weep at one point, which left her feeling uneasy. Then, when they had pulled up in front of her apartment, she had slipped out of the car hurriedly, offering a clipped goodbye. She felt relieved to be parting with him and yet strangely saddened at the same time. Unaware that she had released another long sigh, Scully made her way to the bathroom. When in doubt take a long bath she thought. She only hoped that she would not become too drowsy and fall asleep in the tub, as she began to run the steamy water, now scented with her favorite bath oil. She stripped off the offending clothing and settled into water carefully, its heat prickling her skin at first. She thought about her return from her snowy trip contemplating the warmth she had so craved a day before as she let her back sink against the shockingly cold surface of the tub behind her. What was it that had happened she pondered intently. She had been beyond caring about the cold, and she did remember trudging beside Mulder in the snow for ages. Then the picture became unclear. They were reported to have found some shelter in the rocks of the cliffs and huddled together staying warm until they had been discovered shortly afterwards. This made no logical sense to her, but she also could not retrieve her own memories to offer a better explanation. After her bath, Scully found her flannel gown and donned it happily, before seeking the warmth of her bed. Some part of her seemed to retain the memory of the cold, and she longed for more warmth. Her bed felt strange and cold tonight - more than usual. To her surprise she actually dropped off to sleep very quickly, but soon began to have restless dreams of her partner. Mulder was kissing her and stroking her, and she was weeping as she called out his name over and over. She awoke with a gasp, setting up in her bed startled. Her mind was suddenly full of thoughts of Mulder, tending to her and making love to her in a quaint cabin in the mountains. It seemed so vivid and yet how could this be? Scully sat blinking away tears for the longest time as she sorted through these odd memories. This must be a response to the trauma. She was unable to remember the last 24 hours, and her mind must therefore be construing its own web of reality to fill the void. But why Mulder? Why this sexual fantasy? She felt pricked by the guilt of knowing she entertained an attraction for him despite their friendship, and also felt worried that it appeared more active in her unconscious mind than she would've desired. Lying back on her pillows and she rubbed her head wearily. The clock said 12:15 am. It looked like the mandatory day off that Skinner had insisted on tomorrow would be a blessing after all. Unexpectedly, the phone rang shrilly in the darkness, causing Dana to jump before reaching to answer it. "Hello," she mumbled into the receiver, knowing it would be him. "It's me, Scully," breathed Mulder in a tired voice. "Did I wake you?" Scully sighed, staring into the darkness. "No.I was awake again," she answered honestly. "I keep having strange dreams." Mulder was quiet for a moment as if weighing the meaning of her answer. "Me, too," he offered finally. "I still feel very confused about what happened to us. I've been out for a drive trying to sort it out." "I know, Mulder. It just doesn't make sense to me," she said with frustration. "What's going on here?" "I don't know, but I think it has to do with what we may or may not remember from our trip." Neither of them spoke for a moment, each searching for something meaningful to add to this. Mulder was the first to break the silence. "Scully," he began tentatively. "How tired are you?" Dana crinkled her brow skeptically. "Why, Mulder?" she demanded dryly. "Well, I don't really want to get you up," he said slowly as she heard a suspicious noise in her living room, "and I hope you don't sleep naked.. well, let me just say that if you're naked it's fine with me, but I really don't want you to shoot me or anything." "Mulder!?" she threatened as she sat up in bed to see a dark form moving to the bedroom doorway. "Did I ever tell you how sexy you look in flannel?" he added into the cell phone as he came to stand at the foot of her bed. Scully let the phone droop from her hand as she stared at him with her famous Scully glare. Through the darkness he could sense her expression watching him as he pocketed his phone in his jacket, then slipped it off onto her bed. "You're supposed to call first, Mulder, not as you're walking in the door," she instructed. "What are you doing?" She made a move to get up but he moved quickly to stop her from pulling the covers back. "Don't," he whispered, his hand still clasping hers as he settled the blankets back against her. She looked at him wordlessly with sudden confusion, his face now clear to her in the dim light from the street outside the bedroom window. His expression was unusual, as if pleading with her in some way. "We've known each other for a long time, Scully, and I think by now you know you can trust me." "Mulder, why do I get the feeling I'm about to hear a cheap pick up line?" She asked sarcastically, trying to relieve the tension she was feeling. What she expected was a typically witty come back from her partner, but what she got was an uncharacteristically deep, searching look, as he continued to stroke his thumb across her hand. "I can't sleep and I can't turn off my brain tonight. I don't want my misery to be yours, but I was beginning to feel like the only comfort I could get tonight was to be with you. It's crazy I know but I haven't been able to shake it since I came around today in the hospital." He spoke softly but emphatically, as Scully watched him intently. Slowly she began shaking her head. "I don't know what to say," she shrugged helplessly. "I feel relieved that you're here, too, but in a confusing way," She gestured as she finished speaking allowing her hand to fall lightly against his chest. He sat with his head bowed studying it art first without replying, then slowly kicked off his shoes. "Scoot over," he said lifting the blankets and crawling in beside her. He pulled her into his arms and sighed as he allowed himself to relax into the pillows. So familiar he thought as he stroked her hair absently. He wondered what she thought of his unusual behavior. "I have been having flashes of a cabin in the mountains, Scully. I keep thinking I have crossed some line with you in our relationship and now I don't know how to go back again." He felt rather than heard her catch her breath. Scully lay cradled against him warmly, realizing that her bed was no longer so cold or foreign. She felt vulnerable and afraid while wanting to bury herself deeper. When had she gone so soft for him she wondered? But then his words were shocking her. How could he know her dreams? Was it possible that they had actually violated that unspoken boundary? "What do you mean?" she asked cautiously. He drew in a deep breath then expelled it heavily. "I don't know," he answered tiredly. "I can't really remember everything but it's like I somehow left with you as my partner and came back feeling like, like some kind of a lover." He sighed heavily rubbing his forehead with his free hand. "I'm sorry, Scully. I don't mean to scare you. I didn't come here to..." "No, Mulder, don't explain," she interrupted. "I'm confused but not afraid... well, at least not exactly." She rolled onto her back beside him and stared at the ceiling. "I have been having dreams about a cabin, too." She paused and swallowed hard feeling Mulder's stare fasten onto her now as she spoke. "Mulder, I, I'm having dreams about us.. sexual dreams that are very realistic." She stopped and held her breath, not daring to look at him. He did not move or speak either, frightening her more. "Somehow if I told you I had fantasized about this moment, Scully, I doubt if you'd be inclined to believe me," he said finally with a fraction of his usual humor. She tried to smile but failed. "I would've hoped it to be more memorable," she tried to offer. Mulder lay in silence again, his arm still under her head, his hand toying with her sleeve. "Well, either we have violated bureau policy, potentially jeopardizing our work together on the x-files, or we have been deceived in some way for an undisclosed purpose that may yet unfold," he concluded. Scully immediately frowned. "Mulder, surely you can't believe that anyone would go to the trouble of planting memories in our minds about sex! For what possible reason would anyone benefit from such a crazy thing?" she spat. "It's just as possible that in response to our recent trauma we could be manufacturing some shared delusion based on primitive survival needs, not to mention our close friendship." Mulder's eyes softened as he looked at the woman beside him. He moved to lay on his side facing her, softly touching her face with his hand. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much," he whispered. Then he leaned over and covered her mouth tenderly with his own, savoring the sweet contact before reluctantly pulling away from her. She had not protested, as if curious to know what truth his kiss might reveal about this situation. She had not expected to be shaken by it, however. "I think I should go," he said softly. He felt overcome by emotion and desire, and was deciding that he could not afford to stay so near to her - not yet. "I think we need some time to sort this out. I'll try to do some checking into what we may have stumbled across." Scully wanted to scream at him to stay but allowed her rational side to speak for her instead. "Right. Maybe I can retrace our rescue and turn up some leads in the morning," she replied solemnly. She was sitting up in bed now, watching as he put on his shoes. When he was done he reached for his jacket and turned back to face her. For a brief moment he searched her eyes, then he tangled one hand through the back of her hair, pulling her towards him to kiss her one last time. It was a hard and brief kiss, and he was suddenly out of the room before she could think of another thing to say. She stared after him sadly, and realized her night was definitely shaping up to be sleepless. One Week Later The tall, elegant man paced impatiently, shooting furtive looks at the entrance of bungalow. He was cold, despite the fire that burned brightly in hearth, and he found himself rubbing his hands together in annoyance. He was unaccustomed to be kept waiting, particularly by his intended companion. There was a time when that smoking snake would not have dreamed to be so bold. Now it was all changed, and while he tried to deny it his blood ran cold from the fear that was taking root as the colonists were being challenged. The others were so complacent - so willing to be led, leaving him no alternative but to turn to Krychek as an uneasy ally. They were all fools, every one of them. Perhaps too late he was realizing his need of Mulder, and, grudgingly, he had to admit that the smoking man had possibly been right. It had once seemed that the man's interest in Mulder had lost objectivity - that perhaps he gained some vicarious sense of pride in Mulder's persistent uncovering of the truth. Now he could see that Mulder was one of the very few potential hopes left for maintaining the world as he knew it. The man's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a soft knock on the door before it was opened. "Hello again," greeted the new arrival, pulling his Morley from his lips. "You're late," sneered the older man. The smoking man smiled and tilted his head. "I'm here now, as you asked," he answered calmly. "Yes, but of what benefit? I wish to know about Mulder." The well-enunciated man narrowed his eyes as he stared at his guest. He was disappointed to read little reaction. "Mulder is well, and no doubt frustrated by now. He will not find relief easily, as our plan has been well-concealed." "Will you go to him?" "Soon," replied the smoking man pausing to inhale. "It must be handled carefully so that there is little doubt." "He is not ready to have the full implications of this event disclosed to him," stated the gray-headed man. "Are you certain that this experiment will succeed?" "Dr. Manning is quite capable. The organization should be pleased with the results." The two men eyed one another for a silent moment, the one man smoking thoughtfully. Finally the gray- headed man broke the stony silence. "I want to know what your intention is." The smoking man chuckled, flicking the cigarette butt into the fire. "My intention?" he asked. "Perhaps the same as yours, and then again perhaps not. I daresay that our route may be different although we share the same goal. I have an investment in a future that protect us from extinction." The well-enunciated man nodded with a grim smile. "As do I. Perhaps it is time that we find common ground." The smoking man watched him thoughtfully, fairly sure he would never divulge his true plan for the sake of all involved. It would be bad enough to have the risk of this alien rebellion becoming interested in his project, without the colonist becoming suspicious as well. Thank God Mulder could persevere. He pulled out another smoke and lit up. "Perhaps." The Bureau Basement / Week Seven 8:00 AM Scully sat leaning on the desk miserably, wishing she could right herself and go on with work this morning. Almost seven weeks had passed already with no significant leads on the incident in Canada. To top that off was the uneasy tension that had been growing between Mulder and herself as this mystery seemed to hang over head like a ominous storm cloud that might erupt at any time. It was as if they were out of step and unable to return to the exact rhythm of their partnership, while also unable to move ahead to something less defined. She had been in the middle of hitting yet another dead end in her computer search this morning when the queasiness began. It was so strange to start her day out normally and then slowly become more and more ill. She sighed loudly, trying to expel her fears with the breath. Okay, this shouldn't be the cancer, right? This is nausea, probably the flu, she told herself firmly. Of course the medical doctor inside responded with diagnostic uncertainty. If the tumor had begun to grow again there could be some dizziness with related nausea. Oh God! Another wave of sickness gripped her, and she buried her head in her hands. "Morning, Scully!" Boomed Mulder as he burst into the doorway in his usual rush. "I have some new information that might help us." Mulder stopped abruptly in the middle of shedding his coat, growing instantly silent. His eyes were locked on his partner's slumped form - an unfamiliar sight in the morning, which alarmed him. Immediately he came to her side and knelt down. "What is it, Scully?" he whispered with concern. "What happened?" Scully shook her head and tried to gently push him back from her. "Nothing happened," she croaked unhappily. "I'm just feeling sick! Oh!" Another strong wave of nausea assailed her and she grabbed the wastebasket by her feet. To her dismay she heaved ungraciously into the can, unable to stop herself. Mulder sat back on his heals with wide eyes, contemplating her more alarm. He shook himself and reached for the tissues on her desk, handing them to her for her face as she quieted. He rubbed her shoulder, watching her as she self-consciously used the tissues. "Scully?" He asked softly. "I'm, I'm okay," She said finally, slowly shaking her head. "How embarrassing!" Mulder sighed and smiled slightly. "What? Tossing your cookies, or is there a party in the recent past you'd like to forget?" Scully tried to laugh a little, breaking the tension. "No, no party," she smiled weakly. "Maybe the flu, huh?" She glanced quickly at him, then averted her eyes. Mulder's eyes narrowed in response to this and he found himself reaching to grasp her chin, turning her face back to look at him. Deja vu. Scully's eyes filled slightly with tears not unlike they had after he had rescued her from Pfaster. "What is it?" he probed gently. "What if it's the cancer, Mulder?" She murmured sadly. "I know it's not rational, but what if it is?" Mulder made a sympathetic sound and gathered her into his arms. "Oh, Scully," he sighed sadly. "Surely that's not it." He rubbed her back and then added, "I'm sorry you have to have that in the back of your mind now." He felt her tremble. "I know I'm just being emotional! I'm sorry!" She sobbed. He chuckled affectionately, tightening his embrace slightly. "I know!" he teased, although thinking this was a little more emotional than she tended to be with him. "You're starting to sound like some girl!" She laughed at that. "Maybe you'd feel better if you gave the doctor a call and just clarified things. You probably need to just go home and rest today." She pulled away from him and nodded. "You're right. I'll give him a call to put my fears to rest, and see what he says." She wiped her eyes with another tissue and blew her nose nosily. There weren't too many people in her life she felt she could be sick around, and it comforted her that Mulder seemed to be one of them. "Okay," he replied patting her knee. "I'll get out of your way." He stood up and moved over to his desk, keeping a covert eye on her. She seemed to be temporarily righted as she reached for her phone, flipping through her Rolodex with her free hand. It was early still so Dana had to leave a message with the answering service, and await a return call. Both of them busied themselves, he with work and she with tying up the offending bag in the waste can. She was relieved and surprised that the nausea was gone for the moment, as she returned to her desk. After what seemed an eternity, the phone finally rang. Mulder heard her accept the call from the operator, catching enough from her words to ascertain it was the physician's call. He tried to concentrate on his computer monitor while she spoke to the doctor in the background, but found himself distracted as she arranged for an appointment. If he were honest he would admit that any illness Scully might have these days brought up the memories of her recent cancer. He was trying to repress that for her sake, but he wanted reassurance for himself. "Well, Mulder, he told me to come in for precaution but agreed that it's probably something that's going around during the cold weather." Scully had walked over to his desk, while he attempted to appear surprised by her approach. He's a bad actor, she thought with amusement, aware that he probably listened to every word. "Okay, good," he replied nodding. "Do you want me to go with you?" "No, no," she quickly answered. "I'm fine. I'm sure I'll have no problem getting there. I'm already feeling better." "Good," he clipped slightly disappointed that she declined his offer. Oh well. He knew he would be reluctant to have her join him for a trip to his doctor for a routine illness. "Are you leaving now?" "Yes, he's going to squeeze me in early," she answered as she got her coat from the tree. "I'll be back soon I hope." "You don't need to come back in, Scully," admonished Mulder. "Go home and rest for God's sake. I promise to call if anything exciting happens." She flashed him a warning look as she walked over to the door. "I don't think I'm feeling that bad," she cautioned him, now fully composed and cool. "I'll call you if I change my mind." She smiled and slipped out of the door, leaving him to stare mindlessly at the computer. How the hell was he supposed to concentrate now? A small part of him was beginning to worry about the dreaded disease, and he realized how much he had been deluding himself into thinking it was gone now for good. He angrily wadded a nearby memo on office safety and flung it across the room. Rural Indiana / Week Eight 1:00 PM Dr. Manning walked across the campus of the naval weapons depot considering the sun over head. The cold weather was beginning to break, and the first signs of spring were emerging. It was nearly warm enough to go without a coat today, and he felt enlivened as he surveyed the rural hillsides around the base. What a contrast he thought, considering the immense destructive capabilities of the storage lying within this sleepy forest area. No one knew just what the military still authorized and produced there really. In this part of the country people were just happy to still work as civilian employees in the factory portion, although government cutbacks and proposed elimination of stockpiled weaponry were constant threats to job security. It was a known fact among the locals, however, that this part of the state was subject to strange sights in the skies at night, and low flying fighter squads by day. Residents of this sleepy area were either apt to dismiss unusual sights as military functions, or to believe in some sort of UFO mythology. Of course there were just as many who believed their solace would be found in the pews of a fire and brimstone church house, safely tucked away from the unexplained, and possibly evil visitors in the deeply quiet nights. Dr. Manning was greeted curtly by a semi-casually dressed man at the entrance of one of the grassy bunkers. The building was undetectable by air laying burrowed into the hillside like the hundreds of other naturally formed knolls. Dr. Manning wondered idly how long the Soviets had known about such locations given the intense spy networking over the last 30 years. He was quite sure that these details were better known to foreign spectators than to the American people, although he highly doubted that anyone would guess the contents of this particular locale. The doctor's eyes adjusted slowly to the dimmer light as he followed his host down the corridor. Finally he arrived at another doorway, and was shown in without preamble. The small grayish creature looked at him with large almond shaped eyes as he approached. As was common, Dr. Manning felt the surge of warmth and love flood over him from the creature. He would never quite be prepared for this sensation, although he longed for in their absences from one another, and laughed with pleasure as he began to sense its thoughts. He was also happy to come prepared with a new plan that had been taking root since the recent implantation he had performed in Canada. He was eager to share his ideas with this companion, and trembled as the shiver of electrical stimulation flowed through him. How wonderful to be connected once again, he thought happily Scully's Apartment 6:20 AM Scully slammed her hand down on the snooze button and slowly opened her eyes. She was so tired this morning, having hit the snooze twice already. She groaned to herself wondering why she hated to get up today, finally managing to sit up and survey her room apathetically. She flipped the alarm off grumpily and hauled herself out of bed and towards the shower. It wasn't so bad when the hot water began running over her calling her to life, until she reached for the shampoo bottle and caught a nose full of citrus scent. Her eyes flew open in surprise as her stomach knotted, and she let out a gasp of repulsion. What was wrong with that stuff today? Before she could shove it back into the shower caddy another bout of queasiness came over her. Shit! She was going to vomit again! Stumbling out of the tub, she throw open the toilet and heaved, uncaring that she dripped water everywhere. When she was done, she wiped her face and wearily shut off the shower. Her face felt flushed as she viewed herself in the mirror, wrapping her towel around herself with trembling hands. This was not good. More than a 24-hour bug, she thought unhappily. The lab results would not be any too soon in coming. It would be a relief to know what was going on. Sufficiently dried, Scully fastened the towel around herself and headed for her phone. The nausea had abated but this time it was not gone entirely. She quickly dialed Mulder's number. "Yeah?" came his breathless answer. He must've been out for a run already. "Hi, it's me." She said. "What's up?" He asked, as he searched his empty refrigerator in vain for some juice. "Well,' she breathed. "I'm feeling sick again this morning and I'm thinking I'll just stay home until this passes." "Again?" He asked furrowing his brow as he slammed the fridge closed. "I thought you said you were better." "Yeah, I thought I was, but I'm having a repeat of last week here." "When is the doctor calling about the rest of those tests?" he asked feeling a growing concern. "Later today," she answered, then added, "I'm sure it's nothing." "Well call me when you hear from them, okay?" "Sure," she agreed. "I'm going to call the bureau and let them know I'll be home. I'll talk to you later." She replaced the receiver and quickly pulled on clean sweats from her drawer before calling in. Maybe some hot tea would settle her stomach. Mulder's Apartment 12:10 PM Mulder stood in the middle of his living room stretching his arms above his head. With Scully gone he had become distracted, and since it was Friday he had finally taken the afternoon off. He hadn't done that in ages, and felt a little guilty since he could not think of one useful thing to do. More and more he was beginning to hate being here alone in this quiet. Too damn quiet, he thought. He literally jumped when the knock came on his door at the next instance. Peering out the peephole, Mulder blinked as an array of emotions swept over his face, finally settling on disgust. He threw the door open. Part of him was shocked to hell to see the smoking bastard standing there in front of him, while another part of him sneered at the predictability of good fortune for the evil. "Whatever you're selling, I don't want any," he smirked and moved to close the door. The Cigarette Smoking Man laughed lowly, as he stopped the door with his foot. "Of course you do, Agent Mulder! Why else did you bother to open the door?" he mocked. Mulder paused feeling irritated. "So you've come back from the dead to deceive me with some more lies, I presume," sneered Mulder. His visitor continued to smile. "You seem unappreciative of my help with your pretty partner, although I see she is well. Now I've come to offer some important information to you," he cooed proudly as he pulled out his package of smokes. "Walk with me." Mulder frowned and pulled his door closed behind him as he reluctantly followed his foe. They entered the elevator in silence, the older man lighting up, attentive to his Morley. "So enough cloak and dagger," asserted Mulder impatiently. "What's this about?" The smoking man nodded as he took a drag, reaching into his suit coat he produced a legal sized envelope, and handed it to Mulder. Fox opened it curiously as the elevator hit ground floor, and unfolded the contents while he followed his smoking companion out. His steps slowed and his brow furrowed as he hurriedly scanned the document. He looked up at the other man with a puzzled face as his lips moved wordlessly at first. "I don't understand what I'm supposed to be looking at here," he shook his head extending the papers out in front himself. "This looks like a DNA report of some sort, but..." Cancerman's smile deepened in a mocking manner, seeming somewhat pleased. "Yes, it is," he confirmed. "Yours, is it not?" Mulder nodded slowly, examining the remainder of the document more closely. They had come to a stop just outside the apartment building in the hot midday sun. "Mine..and Scully's." he murmured then froze. "You bastard!" Mulder gritted his teeth and glared at the other man with hate. "What is this about?" The smoking man tilted his head slightly with a gleam in his eyes as he regarded Mulder. It was a pity that Mulder did not comprehend his affection for him, he thought. In fact, Mulder had no idea of the extent his favor had gone. "You tell me, Mulder," he quipped. "Two very dedicated partners, one of which is now very pregnant. I suspect you can fill in the blanks." Mulder was wild-eyed and furious, but his voice remained low and menacing. "I should have killed you when I had the chance," he hissed. "We both know Scully can't have children. You took that from her a long time ago! What possible gain could you find in spreading this lie, and attempt to involve me?" "You are the one who is deceived, my friend," said the Cigarette Smoking Man as he stamped out his butt on the ground. "I am informing you of a fact that is of great importance to you. How you handle that is up to you." "And I suppose you had hoped to generously share this with me for my own benefit," replied Mulder with narrowing eyes. "Of course. And also to ascertain your interest in this matter. If this were to become public knowledge it would no doubt create certain...problems for you and your lovely partner," her smiled, thrusting his hands into his pockets. "Of course there are ways to prevent that from happening, if you so desire." "What? To eliminate a pregnancy that doesn't exist to save my good name, I suppose," sneered Mulder. "What kind of fool do you think I am?" "A fool in love perhaps," sighed the older man, suddenly solemn. "There is time for decisions later on, Agent Mulder. Go find your truth out, and then I will see you again." He drew out another smoke and lit it up as Mulder watched dismally. What Fox knew in his heart was that this man would not go to this trouble without some card to play. The brief scenarios he was just reviewing in his head did not comfort him in this moment given that fact. Cancerman nodded and turned away from him as he walked away, leaving Mulder with the reports in his hand looking after him. 4:00 PM Scully had settled into the sofa with a neglected novel, feeling much better as well as somewhat guilty for being at home. When the phone finally rang, the book had fallen onto her chest and she was dozing lightly. She found herself shaking the daze and stumbling to the nearby cordless, sinking back onto the couch heavily. Why hadn't she remembered to move that thing closer to the couch? "Hello?" She responded. "Hello, Miss Scully please." "This is her speaking." "Hello, Miss Scully. This is Dr. Roman's office calling. Just a moment and we'll put him on." Dana held her breath unconsciously as she awaited his voice. "Hello, Dana?" came his voice shortly. "Yes, Dr. Roman." "Well I have good news. Your tests indicate that the cancer is still in remission and in fact the tumor is gone, which is incredible." Scully breathed a sigh of thankful relief. "That's a relief!" she admitted. "But doctor, I am still ill. The vomiting never returned after the first episode in the morning last week, but then this morning I was having it again. The nausea stayed with me a bit longer although I'm feeling better now." "Well, I'm not surprised." he said empathetically. "I ran a full battery of tests as you know and the one obvious thing we were of course overlooking was a normal case of pregnancy." "What?" she spat. "Doctor surely you remember my records. I have been infertile for quite some time!" "I'm sorry, Dana. I don't intend to be upsetting, but as a doctor yourself, you know that the test is always ran for women your age as a precaution before administering other treatments. Yours happened to unexpectedly turn up positive." There was a silence on the phone line as Scully pondered his words with irritation. Finally her doctor broke the silence. "Look, we can rerun the test, but we both know that there are cases of apparently infertile women who become pregnant for whatever reason. You do not have damage to your ovaries despite the absence of ovulation. At least consider this possibility to be safe, no matter how extreme it may seem." Scully nearly laughed at the absurdity of this statement. If he had any idea about extreme possibilities. "Okay, I do want to rerun the test," She stated firmly. "I can do that myself, though, tomorrow morning. I'm afraid this is a false positive, and that we're going to miss the real culprit." "All right then,' he agreed. "But keep me informed. We need to start good prenatal care as soon as possible, and watch for the presence of the cancer. And, we need to keep checking this if it doesn't bear out to be the pregnancy as I'm suspecting." When Dana hung up the phone her mind flew in a thousand directions. This was crazy! Her medical mind acknowledged the symptom checklist, and leaped to diseases mimicking pregnancy. Simultaneously she thought of her missing time in the mountains and the recurring sexual dreams. Could it be that they had slept together? But even so, it was impossible for her to be pregnant. That would require that she be ovulating or at least implanted with a fertile egg. Unbidden, the memories of Emily flooded over her painfully. Emily had been hers without the benefit of her body as the host. Surely it couldn't be as twisted as that..Surely she would not be allowed to be impregnated with her consciously becoming aware she that was having such a baby... She sat very still on the sofa as she was flooded with the implications of this new consideration. What would she tell Mulder? Worse yet, what if she allowed herself to believe in this only to find it was a cruel mistake, leaving her once again with the reality of childlessness? What if it would be another abnormal child that would soon be taken from her? How would she work? Suddenly the idea of chasing vampires or a ruthless artificial intelligence was appalling. When was enough going to be enough? In that moment Scully began to weep mournfully, not hearing the soft knock on the door or Mulder's entrance into the room. Her heart jumped when his arms were suddenly around her, cradling her against his chest. Outside FBI Headquarters / Week Nine "Agent Spender!" called the elegant older man from his limousine window. The young FBI agent stopped abruptly on the sidewalk and stared at the man without recognition. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" he responded furrowing his brow. "I doubt that, but what matters is that I know you." The well- enunciated man's eyes gleamed as he stared provocatively at Spender. The younger man was drawn to the car still appearing puzzled. "What's this about?" he asked cautiously. "It's about the truth about your mother's whereabouts," answered the gentleman. "And, I'm afraid this concerns your father as well." He could see the muscles in Spender's face begin to work but admired him for not giving in so easily. "I'm afraid I still don't know what you mean," replied Agent Spender. This brought a smile to the old man's face and he gestured towards the car door. "Get in and I will be pleased to fill you in," he invited. Spender paused a moment, eyeing him suspiciously before finally deciding to comply. Once he had entered the car it pulled away from the curb smoothly, but not without being observed from a short distance away by Assistant Director Skinner. Skinner pondered the scene he had inadvertently witnessed, while remembering the unusual and powerful support being exercised from above on Spender's behalf. He had felt suspicious of it then, and now felt reinforced for his uneasiness. Maybe it was time to do some checking on this young agent himself. FBI Headquarters / Week Ten 12:00 PM Skinner stood up as Mulder entered the room, extending his hand to indicate that Mulder should sit down. Fox nodded curtly, and seated himself before making eye contact with his superior. For a moment both men eyed one another as if they might be two challengers about to spar. Skinner was the first to break the silence. "So, Mulder," he began classically. "What's this about?" "It's about Agent Scully, sir..and myself," he replied tersely. "Go on," he said without blinking. "As you know, we were recovered from Canada over nearly two months ago, and have been unable to find a satisfactory explanation for parts of this trip that neither she nor I can clearly recall," summarized Mulder. "What I feel certain of is that it was no accident that we were teased out on this mission with no apparent validity regarding the alleged craft." "What are you saying, Mulder?" questioned Skinner quietly as he toyed with his pen. "I'm saying that I believe that Scully and I were set up to go to this location for another reason that has been conveniently wiped out of our memories. I believe something happened to us while we were there." Mulder grew quiet and appeared more troubled. "What do you mean?" demanded Skinner as he leaned into his desk further. "Why would anyone lure you to Canada and find it necessary to block your memory of what took place?" Skinner's eyes bore into Mulder's, and the younger man shook his head slowly. "I don't know yet, sir," he breathed wearily. "What I do know is that the smoking man has paid me a visit recently, and dropped off something of interest." Skinner's jaw dropped open. "It can't be!" he exclaimed incredulously. "He's dead!" "Oh no! He is alive and very well, I assure you," smirked Mulder as he tossed the reports onto Skinner's desk. "He also apparently knew that Agent Scully is pregnant before she knew this herself." Now Skinner sat frozen in his chair, studying Mulder's face as if in shock. "Scully is pregnant?" He gasped out finally. "How can that be? I understood her to say that she has been barren after her disappearance with Duane Barry." "Exactly," agreed Mulder shifting in his chair. "So how is it that she is suddenly in a family way with that bastard acting as if he had knowledge prior to the fact?" Skinner slowly rubbed his head and furrowed his brow. Then, remembering the papers, he picked them up. "So what's this?" He asked as he started to skim them. "A gift from the smoking man to me," he replied dryly. "It would seem that I am the father of this miracle child." Skinner shot him a searching look before hurriedly skimming the documents over to confirm what had just been said to him. This report indicated that a zygote comprised of the DNA of two of his best agents was now incubating in Scully's uterus. He didn't know whether to chastise Mulder for an unbelievable story designed to explain an unplanned pregnancy, or to be boggled by this science fiction. How the hell would the Cigarette Smoking Man have access to Scully's medical information before she herself had gathered such a result? "We're positive that she's pregnant?" "I'm afraid the proverbial rabbit has died, sir," shrugged Mulder with a hint of a sarcastic smile. Skinner stared him down a moment then sighed loudly, tipping his head to the side with raised eyebrows. "And there is no chance that you have fathered this baby?" he asked abruptly. Mulder hung his head. "I can neither confirm nor deny that, sir," he answered honestly. "I know that prior to my trip to Canada I had not crossed boundaries with Dana sexually. As you know, I can't remember all the events after that. I sometimes think that perhaps I have, but then I can't even be sure that someone else hasn't created even those doubts in my head. "Mulder, do you realize what you're asking me to believe?" Sighed Skinned as he leaned back into his chair. "I know it sounds impossible, sir, but I'm telling you this because I need your help. You yourself know the lengths our own government has gone to in dabbling in this alien material, which is quite unbelievable in itself. I can't see too many people for she and I to turn about this, much less seek help in understanding what's truly happening here." Skinner sat quietly contemplating this for a moment then nodded. It occurred to him that he might share his thoughts with Mulder regarding Agent Spender and his mother, but thought better of it. He would wait until he knew more. "Okay," he said. "What have you turned up about this trip so far?" Mulder nodded gratefully, the proceeded to fill the A.D. in. The Bureau Canteen 12:30 PM Scully had sought the restroom after irritably surveying the staring faces in the cafeteria. If she was feeling better these days she might feel more thick-skinned about the apparent idle gossips. Why did any educated person have to think in such a narrow scope anyway? She took a dampened paper towel with cold water and patted her flushed face. Tossing it aside she entered one of the stalls. When the restroom door opened she could her the laughing female voices before the women came in. "Yeah, they call her the ice princess!" laughed one loudly. "No shit?" came another voice. A third woman laughed lowly. "Doesn't look like the label fits, does it girls?" She smirked. "Of course I'm guessing Agent Mulder could charm the pants off of any woman!" A trio of giggles ensued. Dana remained quiet in the stall. She marveled at how high school this all seemed. Who were these women anyway? "Sounds like Mrs. Spooky was a more fitting name, given the circumstances, doesn't it?" Dana heard the click of the lighter, followed by the acrid smell of cigarettes. Naturally. The building had gone to non-smoking so it was back to smoking in the bathrooms on the sly. "How do you know he got her knocked up?" asked the girl with the softer voice. "Oh, God, girl! Where have you been? For five years people have been talking about those two! It was just a matter of time!" "Yeah, Elaine up in Skinners office was just telling us about how she was fussing over his tie like some wife a few months ago. She said Dana was all over him. And don't forget what Ellen said about the morning sickness. She said Scully has been bad with it for a couple of weeks now!" "Geesh!" spat another. "I don't get it! She's supposed to have all these brains. Doesn't she know how to use a rubber?" The three women burst out in laughter. Dana Scully was furious. She flushed the toilet and felt more than heard the deadly hush fall over the room. With her head high, she exited the stall, and walked among the women to the sink. They stood there flustered at the sight of her, unable to move or speak. "You know I never cared for those things, did you?" she offered coolly. "Too uncomfortable. And, after all, when you have a real man instead of just dreaming about it, you want to enjoy every inch of him. Don't you agree?" She turned to face them down and noted with pleasure that they all dropped their eyes in silence. Smiling, she walked out of the room and headed straight to her desk. Once in the office, however, she slumped her shoulders and allowed the shame and rage to consume her. Thank God Mulder was out. Impulsively she flung open her desk drawer and searched through the file folders rapidly. Finally she found what she was looking for, and stuffed the form into the typewriter with force. When she was done she sealed it in the manila enveloped and hastily headed for Skinner's office. It was time that she handled this mess in a sensible way. When she arrived at the A.D.'s outer office she encountered the infamous Elaine who smiled sweetly at her approaching form. "Elaine, will you see that Assistant Director Skinner gets this please?" Clipped Scully impatiently. "Of course, Dana. He should be out of his meeting soon. He's with Mulder, as I'm sure you know." Elaine continued to smile sweetly. Dana sighed irritably. "No, as a matter of fact I didn't know, but thank you for alerting me. And Elaine." "Yes?" "Just for the record all I did was fix his tie. I was not all over him. I would appreciate that you report fact not fiction in the future." Elaine's smile evaporated as her eyes widened. Scully, however, did not remain to observe her further, as she walked decisively out of the room. Mulder's Apartment 6:00 PM "You did what?" clipped Mulder irritably pacing the floor in front of his sofa where Scully now sat quietly. "I've resigned from the X-files effective immediately. I am asking to return to Quantico to teach," she repeated without looking at him. Mulder felt his anger building. "You're transferring just like that? No discussion, just up and go?" He ran his hand through his hair with exasperation. What was she doing? "Mulder, I am making a logical choice given these circumstances. You cannot afford to have a partner you can't rely on or with whom the agency questions the propriety of your relationship!" Mulder continued to pace, throwing his arms around in the air. "Don't you think I should be the judge of that?" he argued. "Are there other decisions you may be considering for me that I'm not aware of?" Scully dropped her head and did not answer. Part of her was hurt by his tone, and still another part of her felt convicted. Mulder noticed her response immediately, halting in front of her now. "Dana?" he asked angrily. "What else is there?" "Mulder, it's about this baby. I..." She swallowed without relief feeling the walls of her throat go dry. "I'm thinking of running some tests to check for anomalies. I'm not sure I'm going to carry it to term if there are abnormalities." There, she had said it, feeling sick as the words left her mouth. Mulder's face fell flat and he turned away from her. Silence fell over the room and she could almost imagine she could physically feel him withdrawing from her. Fox Mulder slowly came to stand by the window, staring out with unseeing eyes. What did he feel he wondered, as if he were somehow detached from his own body? How could he reconcile the fear, the pain, the desolation he felt at the idea of her parting from him after so long, not mention the complication of this child. Did he imagine he wanted to father it, or was it merely macabre curiosity that drove him to want to see the end product of a potentially quasi-human-alien being? He could not blame Scully for her choices and yet he did. How dare she choose this for him without talking about it first? "Mulder, I'm sorry if this upsets you," she began tentatively. "When we discussed the pregnancy at first neither of us knew how to feel about it. While I'm eager to be a mother I refuse to be someone's lab rat, only to fear that my offspring will be snatched away or die or be killed if it survives birth! And you can't honestly say you are ready yourself for this to happen!" Scully had come over to stand beside him, starting to reach her hand out to touch his arm, then dropped it away as she sensed his remote coldness. "I don't know what to say to you, Scully," he said lowly. "You're right, it's your body, and you have in many ways been down this road before with Emily. The longer you carry this baby the harder it will be for you if something is not right with it. Your impulsivity is unacceptable, however. What drives you to fly away so quickly before you even have all of the facts?" "What other facts do I need, Mulder?" she cried in frustration. "Somebody implanted my body with a fertilized egg with an unknown agenda, and given the things we have witnessed in the recent past I don't feel too damned confident about this!" She felt her temper rising and an unaccustomed amount of emotion begin to grip her. "And quite honestly I can't say that I know exactly what I'm flying away from right now. Did you suppose you might make me an honorable woman?" She spat out the final words and they hung in the air ominously. For over five years they had struggled and often disagreed, but rarely ever wounded one another with intent. Mulder stood stone still without looking at her. "You're right, Scully," he said with a low angry menace. "I don't have anything to offer you." Stiffly he turned away from her and strode out of the apartment, leaving her to stare after him miserably. FBI Headquarters / Two Weeks Later The tension in the basement had become thick between Mulder and Scully, causing Dana to seek leads outside of his company when possible. Skinner had called her right away to acknowledge her resignation, but also to inform her that it would be delayed until he felt clear he had given it proper consideration. While he had indicated that she was free to disagree with this choice, it was implied in his tone that she would be up for a fight if she did question this action. Part of her thought to assert her right to a speedy transfer, but another part of her fought the idea of actually leaving her work with Mulder. The ambivalence was quite painful. In the end she decided to allow Skinner his time with this, wishing to think her actions through rather than being impulsive as Mulder had accused her of being. She was lost in this dilemma as she strolled through the agency hallway with a file in her hand. She was scarcely aware that Agent Spender had joined her until he began to speak. "Hello, Agent Scully," he greeted softly with a smile that did not appear heart felt. Dana's eyes flew to his face in surprise. "Oh," she said mustering a smile in return. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you. How are you?" "As good as can be expected," he offered falling into step with her. " I was actually on my way to pay you a visit." "Oh really?" she questioned throwing him a side-glance. "On what occasion?" Spender sent her an admiring look before continuing. "I had hoped you would agree to have lunch with me today," he answered simply. "Oh, and I was thinking of something outside of the bureau where we could talk more...freely." Scully's steps slowed as she considered him for a moment. "Well, I'm not sure what to say," she groped awkwardly before he interrupted. "Then say yes," he urged her. "I think you'll appreciate hearing what's on my mind." He applied his most charming smile, and she attempted to respond likewise, though feeling unease. Her curiosity was aroused by this approach. "All right," she answered more brightly than she felt. "Let me leave this on my desk and grab my things. I'll meet you back at the entrance in five minutes. Dana did not pause to explain her plans as she breezed into the office and retrieved her jacket and purse. Mulder looked up at her and thought to ask then bit back the question miserably. She did not look at him at all fearing it might deter her from her plan, feeling some guilty need to fill him in on Spender's unusual request. When she rejoined the younger agent, they walked to a nearby pub that offered a tasteful refuge for government employees. Once seated they quickly ordered and Spender was allowed to get down to business. "I know you are curious about why I've asked you to join me," he began with an innocent face. Scully smiled and nodded slowly. "Yes, I'll have to admit that I am," she answered directly. Spender smiled calmly, in an almost familiar way, although Scully could not quite place it. "You were involved with my mother prior to her disappearance, and I will admit that I may have came off in an accusing way. I first of all want to apologize for that and would like to get off on a better footing with you." He paused and looked at her imploringly. She smiled pleasantly and nodded, still holding back her trust of him. "I can understand how difficult it must be to lose your mother given the circumstances," she offered kindly. "Yes, well, it has been a number of difficult years, Agent Scully, and making my way into the agency has been an uphill climb in light of my strange family history." He paused a moment and studied her reaction. "I'll be frank, Agent Scully, and tell you that I do not like your partner. In my mind he is partly responsible for my mother and others like her chasing headlong into delusional material that conveniently had taken them from the very painful realities. I did not mean to offend you or to imply that you were a party to his views. I recently learned you have not been assigned to work with him by choice." Scully listened to him with her most analytical gaze, pondering his words carefully. While she would not care to share the truth with this man, she could easily refute that much of her work with Mulder had ended up to be a choice forced upon her. "You seem almost sympathetic for me, Agent Spender," she remarked dryly. "I suppose I am, Scully. You are known to be one of the brightest minds in the bureau, yet your career has been shipwrecked with the x-files!" he exclaimed, pausing to allow the waitress to serve them drinks and salads. He leaned forward eagerly once the server was gone. "I suppose I feel we are kindred spirits in a way, both fighting against this stigma of paranormal bullshit to establish a credible career. I believe we both have been dealt bad hands by the same men in our own government." He finished as he eyed her with anticipation. Scully did not appear affected. Criticisms of Mulder or the x-files were hardly ways to endear her to anyone. "And what do you know of my so-called 'bad hand'?" She asked with a false smile. Spender sat back and adapted a cool smile. She was going to be tougher than he imagined. "I know you have been forced to work on cases that offer you little positive recognition, that have caused you great danger, and have left you to chase after a man who seems unable to return your affection." He replied smoothly, taking a bite of his food. Scully grew pale with anger. "Agent Spender, I believe you have presumed too much!" she breathed to him lowly. He smiled without disruption. "Have I?" he asked coldly. "I hear rumors that indicate that Mulder has taken advantage of you at last in the ultimate way. I know you are thinking of quitting the x-files, and with just cause. What I am proposing is that you reconsider your options. Work with me. Don't go hide in Quantico, for God's sake - you'll be wasted there!" Spender reached out his hand and covered hers but the action just made her blood run colder. She snatched hers away with revulsion. "You are out of line, Spender!" she spat with cold anger. "You have no idea what you're talking about, and I can't imagine what work you could possibly be involved in that you might think I would want to join you!" Scully shoved out her chair and stood to her feet. Spender jumped to his feet as well. "The same search you're involved in!" he exclaimed. "Search with me for my mother, and we will also find the answers to what has happened to you. I've read your file. I know why you visited my mother before she disappeared! Mulder will only lead you into more destruction if you try to do it his way. He's already more than proved that to you!" By now Spender's eyes were blazing, and while Scully wondered at the hate he seemed to possess for Mulder, she was not inclined to keep his company any longer. "I'm afraid this conversation and lunch are over!" She hissed, and walked away from her irritating companion with haste. He stood staring after her with anger, before returning to his lunch sullenly. As Scully returned to the bureau she was met by Assistant Director Skinner in the hallway. He seemed relieved to see her. "Agent Scully, can I have a word with you please?" He inquired in a professional tone as he motioned her aside. "Certainly, sir," she replied, wondering if her cheeks were still burning from her contact with Spender. "I wanted to speak to you about Agent Spender." "Sir?" she responded in surprise as he studied her carefully. "I saw you leave with him earlier and I'm glad I have a chance to speak to you about it now, because I am concerned about his alliances." Skinner furrowed his brow looking into her questioning eyes. "I have reason to believe that he has contacts with the associates of our old friend, Cancerman. I haven't sorted out his full relationship, but I would caution you to be careful how far you might trust him." Skinner seemed relieved to have shared this and searched her for a response. Scully sighed audibly. "Well, sir, that may explain his energy in dissuading me from continuing with the x-files, not to mention the animosity he seems to harbor for Mulder," she explained thoughtfully. "He dislikes Mulder?" Queried Skinner curiously. "Apparently so," replied Scully with raised eyebrows. They stood in silence a moment before her supervisor spoke first. "About your resignation, Scully." he began. "Yes, well I may be having second thoughts about that sir,' she interrupted quickly. "Good," he clipped. "I am scheduling a meeting for the two of you in my office next week to discuss this further. I will see you then." She nodded as he walked away, trying to sort through his confusing interaction. Assistant Director Skinner's Office / Week Thirteen "I've called the two of you in to discuss this resignation as I am sure you both have guessed," began Skinner. Scully and Mulder shifted uncomfortably in their seats before his desk. "Frankly I have to say I am surprised given the investment the two of you have had in searching out the truth about the unexplained. Now that you seem closer than ever to that truth you are ready to back away!" "Sir, I'm sure you must be able to appreciate the reason why Agent Scully wishes to pursue work elsewhere," defended Mulder without looking at his partner. Scully looked at him with mild surprise. Skinner gazed at her compassionately as he nodded. "Of course, Agent Mulder, I can't fault either of you for struggling with this," he replied softening his tone a bit. "But this pregnancy is an X-file in itself, and despite its inherent painfulness, I have never known the two of you to back away the most frightening of cases." Mulder and Scully digested this statement as their C.E.O. paused to study them. He was damnably right and they both knew it. "I could insist that you remain together on the X-files because I believe you about what has happened. But, because I also respect you both, I won't make the choice for you. I know that you are unsure of how you want to handle this with eachother as well, but I think you are aware that the bureau does make allowances for couples to be employed together within the agency. At this point no special provisions are needed for the pregnancy. While no one would ask you to perform functions of your position that might risk your child, Agent Scully, you are well aware that accomodations can be made to allow you to continue your investigations. Agent Mulder also has full access to any back up he might require while in the field." Skinner paused to gauge his impact on the two noting their pensive silence. "As a supervisor I would like to say to you that very few agents stand out with the character and achievement that you both display. I find no fault in your conduct and will continue to support you in your work. As a friend I want you to know that very few people are lucky enough to find what you do in eachother. While I sympathize with the pressures you both must feel, I would urge you to keep fighting for what matters to you. I hope you will decide to stay, Agent Scully. I believe Agent Mulder needs you, and I know I need you both. With the recent events related to UFO phenomenon I'm not so sure we don't all need you more than ever." Skinner sat back idly rolling his pen in his hands, noting the downcast eyes of his two subordinates. Mulder swallowed hard before raising his eyes to met Skinner's own. "Thank you, sir, for your support," he began softly. "I can't answer for Agent Scully but for myself I would like to think over what you've said." Scully nodded after a moment, avoiding Mulder's eyes. "I'm not sure what to say," she began tentatively with a sigh. "Your confidence is certainly unexpected but appreciated. I will consider this carefully." She held his eyes for a moment and he nodded as if satisfied. "Good," he said standing. "That's all then. I would like to hear from you both by the end of the week. Until then I am holding up the transfer papers." Mulder and Scully stood as well and shook their heads in agreement. Skinner opened the office door and waved them out, watching them walk out silently past Elaine's curious eyes. When she realized that the A.D. was watching her she quickly averted her eyes to her computer monitor. Once in the hallway Mulder and Scully walked slowly side by side without looking at one another, painfully aware of the glances they drew from passing co-workers. Scully imagined that by now most of the bureau suspected them to be sleeping together, and probably expected that they had just been reprimanded by Skinner. Nothing like believing that your personal life had just been thrust into a glass fishbowl at work. She sighed loudly, drawing Mulder's brief glance. "Mulder, I need some time by myself to think," she said breaking their silence. "I think you need to do that, too." By now their steps had lead them to the entrance of the building, and they stopped to look at eachother. Mulder shook his head with a sad expression. "I have some things to do in the office," he replied. "I may go for a walk later so I'm not sure when I'll see you." "Okay," she answered bluntly feeling some mounting fear that they might be losing one another for good. She turned away from him and walked out into the sunshine, never noticing its warmth. Mulder lingered a moment then headed back to the office. His heart was heavy with confusion and pain. The Washington Monument 9:00 PM Mulder looked up suspiciously as the smoking man took a seat on the bench beside him. Fox had been sitting here for hours trying to sort out his dilemma when his antagonist suddenly appeared. For a moment neither of the spoke as they gazed at the water in the distance. Mulder could not bring himself to face his enemy as the conflicting emotions roiled within him. Why him? Why did Cancerman keep dogging him? Why the baby? "I don't know how to feel about you," he offered sadly. "I want to hate you - I thought I hated you. But now all I can feel is confusion." The smoking man nodded slowly. "Perhaps you should hate me," he replied seriously. "I have lived a hateful life." He sighed and eyed the cigarette thoughtfully. "I once thought I was to do the right thing, but that thing never felt rewarding. But that's of no consequence now." Mulder pondered this silently, still looking down at the ground. Why was he saying this? "What do you want from me?" he asked wearily. "On the contrary, Mulder, the question is what do I want for you," he replied with a tinge of sadness. He pulled out a photo of Mulder and his sister, not unlike the one Skinner had given to Mulder after the smoking man had been shot. "You don't know how many times I have looked at photos like this one and thought of all the might-have-beens." This drew an angry glance from Mulder as he searched the older man's face. The remorse he read, however, shocked him. "What do you mean?" Fox demanded lowly. "I mean that I look at this and know what I have sacrificed in my life for a cause," answered Cancerman. "Perhaps I left behind the opportunity to have a good woman, or to raise a son of my own, and then again perhaps those things were never meant for me. I can't lie and say I would have nobly chosen a different road if I could live it again, but I would not invite you to choose that same path." "Why talk in circles to me? It's ludicrous to suggest that I would even consider your choice!" sneered Mulder, but the smoking man was not ruffled. He continued to eye Mulder evenly. "Is that so, Agent Mulder?" He grinned. "Are we so different really? Have you not sacrificed life and limb on your own crusade for the past 5 five years? Has it not cost you nearly everything you have held dear?" "You bastard!" snorted Mulder painfully as he stood to his feet. "Is this your idea of a campaign to deter me? Don't you realize that I am well aware of my deluded pursuits and the expense my foolishness has caused?" "Mulder, I am not here to wound you," sighed the man as he stamped out his cigarette on the ground. "On the contrary. You are the brightest star among them, and so unaware of how very close you have always been. They are afraid of you, but I have always known you would prevail, despite the detours I have had to send you along in order to spare you." "Spare me?" he gasped. "In what way have you spared me? You have taunted me with my sister, had part in the murder of my father or whoever he was, and participated in harming Scully because of me! How have I been spared?" "You are still alive, Mulder, and so is Scully," the smoking man pointed out. "Who do you think had part in your protection as you meddled in things so far beyond your imagination? Other men have disappeared from the face of the earth, and yet you are still here." Mulder paced as the smoking man watched him from the bench, lighting up again. "You would have me believe that you are somehow my benefactor in all of this?" spat Mulder incredulously. He stopped to glare down at his companion. "You are the devil, sir! You sit here distorting reality as if you can tempt me to see some meaning in your cruel life. What do you want from me?" "Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I am the devil," chuckled the man as he expelled the blue smoke thoughtfully. "Your mistrust is well-placed. Still, you must see that there are some things that prove me credible. Take your lovely partner, for instance." The man's face had grown very serious and Mulder found himself unable to break his gaze away him. Fox felt the anger burning inside while still another part of him had a strange sort of longing. Could this demon be his father? "What is it that you want to say to me?" questioned Mulder with an angry sigh. "Enough games." "Fair enough," nodded Cancerman. "I have come to remind you that your son is a gift." He watched Mulder's eyes widen in surprise before continuing. "Oh yes, it's true. How I know is not important, nor is the fact that you have had little choice in this matter. You were born into this heritage and because of that you will not have the luxury of living the life of a common man. Your ancestors have had little choice as well, and you have no power to prevent this fate really. As you are learning there are forces greater at work here than mere man can comprehend. More than you can presently know you have been handed a new hope for the future." Mulder made as if to interrupt, but the smoking man held up his hand to stop him. "Mulder, a son is a gift that can be embraced or squandered. The choice starts now. It will not be an easy one to undo thirty or more years from now." Mulder remained silent as the man stood to go. "You say you won't choose my way," he added with a mirthless smile. "Time will tell." He turned to walk away but Mulder placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. "Who are you?" he demanded lowly through clenched teeth. The man hesitated, but did not turn around. "I am the man who squandered his privileges, Mulder. I am more interested in knowing who you are." They stood in silence a moment before Mulder dropped his hand away. The smoking man stamped out his Morley and leisurely walked away. Mulder watched him wondering if he should pull his gun and shoot him in the back, or to run after him and beg for the truth. In the end he did neither, sinking down on the park bench with his head in his hands. He sat like this unaware of the passing time, until he felt a gentle hand on his head. He jerked his face up to view the concerned gaze of his partner. "Hey," she greeted softly. "Is this seat taken?" The unexpected relief that washed over him brought tears to his eyes, and he found himself wrapping his arms around her midsection in order to bury his face into her body. One hand slid back over her abdomen protectively, lingering over the small spot where he imagined the growing child to be. Instinctively she placed her own hand over his, quietly standing still in his embrace. When she realized he was crying she rubbed her hands over the back of his head tenderly. Mulder responded by pulling her gently into his lap, and kissing her tenderly through his tears. When he pulled away he allowed her to wipe his face. "I thought you might be here," she said softly looking into his eyes as her own tears began to fall. He smiled slightly and kissed her once again softly. "I'm worried that I may have been visited by the ghost of Christmas yet to come. It makes me believe that it's time to choose a direction, Scully," he whispered. "I think we should take Skinner's offer and see this through." Scully eyed him silently with questions in her eyes. "What are you saying, Mulder?" she finally asked. "I'm saying that I want you to agree to stick it out with me," he answered as he touched her face. "I don't know what's in store for us if we try to parent this child, but I am beginning to understand it's just one more in this series of questions you and I are being lead into by fate. We have made this journey together to come this far, and I can't think of any reason we shouldn't see it all of the way through now." "You realize how difficult this will become, Mulder? I don't mean the gossip or bureau politics, either," she sighed with a small smile. "I can't imagine what this infant may actually be about, but I am fairly sure that someone has not generously done this just to remedy my infertility." "I know, Scully. I think you're right. Those reports told us that the child genetically belongs to us, but who or what else is involved?" They looked at eachother for a serious moment. "Scully, I am not a man who has lived a normal life, and I was reminded tonight that I won't likely have one in the future." "Mulder..." "No, hear me out," he insisted. "Maybe once upon a time you thought you were to live out a normal one, too, and God knows I have beaten myself up with blame that you haven't had one since knowing me. But Scully, I'm beginning to believe that this has been your destiny, too. This is no mere coincidence that we have come from opposite sides of the world to bond together in this search. Call it karma or whatever you will, but Scully, I believe we are meant to stay together and make our contribution to whatever is on the horizon. This child is a part of that destiny somehow." Scully studied him with a searching look as she weighed his words carefully. "Mulder, I'm not sure if I can go through another loss if this baby isn't normal," she replied softly with a slight tremble of her lips. He nodded slowly never taking his eyes from hers. "I understand," he answered solemnly. "But the truth is that I can't stop it either," she sighed raising her brows slightly. "I refuse to allow the opportunity to give life to a our baby to slip away forever. And even though I try to kid myself about running away to do it alone out of some crazy female pride, I really don't want to do it without you. Emily...Emily was mine alone, and I knew that pain alone. But this child, this child is a part of you and me. I realize that we don't have to either of us bear this alone when we can be there for one another." She sighed and looked into his eyes with longing. "Mulder, I do love you." "I know," he smiled gently. "We have loved eachother for a long time, haven't we?" She smiled as she dropped her head, nodding in agreement. He pulled her coat around her chin to tuck it a little tighter, suddenly noticing the chilly night air. "Well, Mrs. Spooky, how would you like to accompany your old man home, and finally put the old rumors to bed?" he smiled warmly. "I can't think of anywhere else that I'd rather be than with the FBI's most unwanted," she replied with pleasure knowing that she truly meant it. Their lips met in a gentle kiss sealing a sacred trust. Dana stood and offered him her hand, which he took without hesitation. Slowly they walked away from the bench and into a new future. In the nearby shadows a dark figure stood watching, noticeable only by the glowing tip of his smoke. Silently he viewed the couple until they disappeared from sight as he drew in another drag deeply. For the first time in a very long time he felt the faintest flicker of hope in what he had supposed to be his very empty heart. Perhaps he might give up smoking after all, who could tell? With a sigh he turned and slipped away into the black night. The End