Dance Without Sleeping Series by Lydia Bower Contains: Dance Without Sleeping Into Each Other Sinking: Liquid Into Each Other Sinking: Storm Into Each Other Sinking: Mirror This is the first of what will be a series about how Scully's cancer might conceivably change her life and the way she lives it. It is told in the first person and each piece in the series will be a journal, of sorts. I'm already hard at work on the second piece and hope to have it out to y'all within a week. I'm not trying to be cruel--I just want to take this whole issue very slowly--just as I'm sure CC and company will do. Expect a little bit of everything in this baby--from angst to romance. No real X-File though, unless you want to count Scully. This is a character study. Feedback of all types are welcome. Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are not mine, although I often wish they were. They belong to the Mother of All Creators, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. I like to think they also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Thanks to the angst that is Melissa Etheridge for the title and the song that flowed from it. Dance Without Sleeping by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, eventual MSR Rating: Hmm... PG-13 for this part, anyway. That will no doubt change as the series progresses. Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Dance Without Sleeping by Lydia Bower It has nothing to do with psychic ability. It's just that for as mercurial and impulsive as he can be, Mulder has also become predictable. And I know his ring. "I'm home in one piece, Mulder," I speak into the phone--without so much as a hello to proceed it. "Spooky, Scully," is his reply. "No, that's 'Spooky' Mulder." He chuckles. There is a moment of silence and I can picture him so clearly. Who needs telephones with video feeds? Certainly not Mulder and I. "Hey," he says, "I just picked up a pizza for supper. Plenty for two. How 'bout if I swing by and share it with you?" "Mulder, it'll be ice cold by the time you get here." "No, it won't." I cock an eyebrow. "How close are you?" "Take a look," he tells me. I step to the front window and peer through the blinds. Mulder's car is parked across the street and he's leaning on the hood, phone to his ear, looking at me. I can see the white pizza box on the hood of the car. I smile at him and he must see it: he smiles back and I watch him hit the button on the phone at the same time my end goes dead. It has become the established pattern. In the two months since Penny Northern died and I made the decision to come back to work, Mulder and I have reached a silent agreement: his promise not to treat me any differently at work in exchange for allowing him to spend time fussing over me in our off-hours. It's been a hard bargain to keep--for both of us. I can only speak for myself--and don't know if he could understand it--but it's not that I don't value our extended time together away from the work; I do--more than I like to admit even to myself. It's just that there are nights when I want nothing more than to curl up in a ball and contemplate my death, with tears and keening and utter self-absorption. That's a hard thing to do with company. Especially when that company is Fox Mulder. I hear the knock on the door and my chin drops to my chest in bemusement. I will have to tell him straight out--the hints haven't worked. I unlock the door and let him in, walking away in front of him. "Mulder, from now on just use your key. You don't have to knock." I curl back up in the corner of the couch and look up at him. He keeps his eyes on mine as he leans down and sets the pizza on the coffee table and then slips off his coat. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. Use your key. There's no sense in me getting up when we both know it's you." His eyes flick away from mine. "But what if.... I mean, you could be in the bathroom or changing or something." "I'll start closing the doors." "I don't want to scare you." "I'm not afraid of you, Mulder." "That's not what I--" His words break off and his eyes lock onto mine. I can see that once again Mulder has managed to read my mind; or at least do a damn good job of interpreting the hidden meaning of my words. And it strikes me at this moment how very true they are. Up until a short time ago there were still many things about Mulder that scared me. There aren't anymore. There is no reason to be afraid. My life has been reduced to simple things; a tunnel vision of the soul. There is Mulder, me, the work, and my cancer. I have put all my trust and all my faith into the first three. As for the cancer, I have become acquainted with my illness and am slowly learning to come to terms with it. Where there was once fright, there is now anger. With anger comes enpowerment. I watch Mulder as he takes a few seconds to absorb this new piece of me I've uncovered and presented to him. I've been doing that a lot lately. I've always been straight-forward with him when it involves our work. Now I find myself doing the same thing outside of it. I've discovered that I don't have the time to invest in subterfuge. I watch his eyes change shade, a subtle but remarkable shift from hazel to green. He jerks up one corner of his mouth in a quick smile and slowly nods. "That's good, Scully. I'm glad." He turns away towards the kitchen and I hear him murmur, "That's good." I hear the sound of tinkling glass. "Water, iced tea or juice?" he calls out. "Wine. There's a bottle in the bottom drawer of the fridge. The corkscrew is--" "I know," he calls back. "I got it. Glass of wine coming up." I lean forward and fold back the lid on the pizza box. The warm, steamy aroma of spicy cheese rises upward and I lift my chin for a good sniff. My half is mushroom, onion and green pepper; Mulder's half has added sausage. Mrs. Bottenfield, my across-the-hall neighbor stopped me at the mailboxes the other day and asked me if "that nice young man you work with" had moved in with me. I can understand her thinking Mulder might've. It probably looks that way. He's spent far more time here with me than at his own place. He has his own space in the closet for a spare suit or two, a drawer for his socks and underwear and garish ties. Another for jeans and t-shirts and sweat pants. He has his own toothbrush and razor; a ragged pair of sneakers in the front closet. His favorite CDs and video tapes are stacked up next to mine. Each time, before another piece of MulderStuff is brought in, he hesitantly and sheepishly asks my permission. Lately he's been so considerate and polite that I'd like to ring his neck. I miss the argumentative, arrogant son of a bitch he can be sometimes. I'll have to tell him that. He comes back from the kitchen with two wine glasses cradled in the palm of one hand, the stems jammed between his fingers, and a wad of napkins in the other. He hands me a glass and joins me on the couch. "You got everything you need, Scully?" "Yeah." "Are you sure?" he asks me, already starting to rise. "Here, let me get you a plate." "Will you just *sit* down?" I snap. My voice comes out much louder than I intended it to. Mulder murmurs an almost silent "'Kay," and settles back in, turned towards me. He studies me, his face blank. "I'm sorry, Mulder. I didn't mean to snap at you." The words come out automatically; a force of habit. But I don't mean them. "No. You know what? I'm not sorry. You're driving me nuts, Mulder." There is a long silence. He scrubs his mouth and stands up, looking around for his coat. "I, uh, I think this is the part where I say good night." I wait for any hint of anger to cross his face or betray him by manifesting itself in the form of body language. Mulder's body speaks volumes; if you know how to look. I can sense nothing but resignation in him and that saddens me. I look up at him, exasperated. "I don't want you leave. That's not what I mean." "Then what do you want, Scully?" His voice is low, measured. Controlled. Ah, there it is: in his voice. The anger. "I want you to stop treating me like I'm dying." That gets his attention. He swings around and stares at me, stunned. "What?" "You heard me." I set my wine glass on the table and pick up a piece of pizza, bringing to my mouth and taking a huge bite; effectively making it impossible to say more. His curiosity will get the best of him--it always does. Only a few seconds pass before he sits back down and watches me chew and swallow. "Have a piece of pizza, Mulder, before it gets cold." He makes a sound deep in his throat. I recognize it as confusion. He squeezes the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger and then reaches for the pizza. We each eat two slices in silence, trading occasional glances. I can see that he's running out of patience. I begin slowly, wanting to make the words right. "Mulder, we both know what's wrong with me and we both know that this cancer may end up killing me." Mulder picks up and then sets back down a third piece. He absently wipes his fingers on a napkin, his glance focused somewhere across the room. "But we also know that the latest MRI showed no growth of the tumor. I haven't had a nosebleed in over two weeks. I'm sleeping well, I'm eating," I wave at the pizza, "relatively well. I'm okay, Mulder." "What about the headaches?" This newest manifestation of my illness has plagued me for the last two weeks. Dull, throbbing headaches centered in the middle of my forehead, over the tumor itself. I haven't mentioned them to the doctor yet. I hope Mulder doesn't ask me if I have. I will not lie to him; not about the cancer. I owe him that much. And besides, he knows as much about my illness as I do; I can't fool him anymore. I've run out of fingers and toes to keep count of the nights he's spent crouched over my laptop at the dining room table, searching the internet for any and all information he can glean that might help. He's had Byers hacking into every medical database in the United States and more than a few overseas. The table is filled with printouts and medical journals, MRIs and the results of my latest bloodwork. Mulder could compile a reasonable medical chart for me if need be. He has latched onto this quest the same way he does with anything close to his heart. Mulder is like a dog with a bone--he won't give it up and he'll snap at anyone who tries to makes him. "They're tolerable," I tell him. "The Advil takes care of the worst of it." I have to look away from his haunted eyes and take a deep breath to control my impulse to comfort him. Comfort *him*. Isn't that strange? I'm the one who's dying, but I'm more concerned with Mulder's well-being than my own. I curl up and hug my knees to my chest. "Mulder, I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you've done for me these last months. No. Just be quiet and let me talk, okay? I don't know how I'd do this without you. You've been here for me whenever I've needed you. You've somehow managed to put your fears aside on the job and let me do things the way I need to. But I'm tired, Mulder. I'm tired of my life having begun to revolve around my cancer. That's all we do, all we talk about, when we're not working a case--and sometimes when we are. If it's not you tracking down a new lead on Scanlon, it's me going over lists of the latest designer drugs for something that might help me. Everything is about the cancer and I'm just damn tired of it. Can you understand that?" I honestly don't know if he can. Mulder has lived his life consumed by one cause, has willingly given his life over to it. And now he has taken up another. Has shouldered the burden of this added stress. Once there was only Mulder and Samantha. But now there are three. I have become Mulder's quest. He surprises me with his answer. "Yeah, Scully. I understand what you mean. You think it's easy to keep it up day after day? I've got twenty-three years of tired stored up. You wanna trade?" He makes no attempt to hide his bitterness. Perhaps because he knows I won't take it personally. But he asked the question. It deserves an answer. "I'd be happy to take a few of those years, Mulder." His brow wrinkles in sadness and he sighs, "Aw, Scully, I know you would." And then he slides over and hugs me, pulling my curled up body tightly against his chest, wrapping his arms around the whole of me. I tip my head against him and feel his chin come to rest on the crown of my head. There is something to be said for receiving hugs from Mulder. He does it like no one else. There is no one else. My mother's embraces are frightening in their intensity; and I can feel her fear as though it seeps from her pores. Mulder's arms hold me easily but fully. And there is a calming effect in his touch. He restores me to myself; makes me strong again. I wish I had taken the chance and discovered that years ago. Mulder talked to me one night about walls of the mind and heart and why we build them. I think it was the same night he brought me home from the hospital in Allentown. He spoke of the need for them and how they protected us. And he told me that when certain walls are no longer needed, they will collapse from their own weight. Often now, in the silence and the dark, lying in my bed, I think of Mulder. And if I listen closely enough, I can hear the walls crumbling. When he speaks his voice is whispered and honey-warm. "So, what do you want to do, Scully?" I turn my face into his chest until my nose is buried just below the knot in his tie. He smells so good. His heart beats against my cheek. I pull away a little and his arms loosen to allow me free movement. Mulder never holds too tightly. He always leaves me room to maneuver. Sometimes I resent myself for taking the room he offers. Sometimes I resent him for giving it. "I want to live my life, Mulder. That's all. I want to be normal again and do the things other people do. I want to do something that will let me forget, even just for a little while, that this thing--these things--are hanging over our heads. I want to be happy." I look up and find him staring down at me, that damned expression on his face. Like he doesn't deserve to be breathing the same air as me and is just waiting for the killing blow he knows is coming. That face tears at my heart. I lift my hand to his cheek, hoping to erase the pain and guilt I see there. His eyes drift closed and he expels a long breath. I drop my hand and look away. His intensity no longer frightens me, but it still gives me pause. He would swallow me whole if I would let him. I wonder why I continue to resist. The walls are crumbling. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't dare return the look. "What'll it take to make you happy?" he asks me. I smile in self-depreciation. "It'll sound silly." "Impossible. Nothing you want could be silly." That forces a chuckle from me. I uncurl from the ball I'm in and leave his arms, sitting up and bracing my elbows on my knees. Mulder's hand comes down on my back and begins to rub in tiny, slow circles up and down my spine. "I want.... I want to eat cotton candy and ride a ferris wheel. I want to plant a garden and watch it grow. Tend to it and dig my fingers in the earth. I want to hold a baby in my arms and listen to old people tell me stories about their lives. I want to dress up in something long and slinky and go to a fancy nightclub and slow dance the night away. I want to have mind-blowing sex. Just once I want to stop ignoring the whispers and the looks that follow you through the halls at the Bureau and tell them all to fuck off and die. I want to eat a formal dinner with nothing but my fingers and gorge myself on chocolate. I want to get my hands on the people who took away months of my life and force them to tell me why they did this to me! I want my life. I want back everything they've taken from me!" I am in tears now. They fall silently and burn hotly on my cheeks. They are tears of rage. I can sense Mulder beside and slightly behind me. His stillness neither invites nor discourages my tears. I know how hard it is to let myself weep. I also know how hard it is for Mulder to witness it. His guilt and my tears are like acid to his soul, consuming him the way my cancer may someday consume me. His gentle touch on my back has stopped; and when he lifts his hand my skin instantly misses its warmth. I don't have to wait long: his hand moves to my hair, brushing the sodden strands from my cheek with a touch so soft as to almost not be there. "I'm sorry, Scully." His voice cracks halfway through his words and I find my strength in his weakness. "So am I, Mulder. So am I." I stand and retrieve both empty wine glasses from the table and take them into the kitchen. I go about refilling them. The wine is pale pink and I am startled by the clear image of Melissa's face and the blush of her cheek. I brace my hands against the counter and lean into it, squeezing my eyes shut and concentrating on the picture my mind has painted of my sister. I think of how she died and wonder if that wouldn't be the better way. Which would you choose, Dana Katherine? The quick bullet or the slow desecration of your body? Was Melissa at all aware of what had happened to her as she fought for her life in the hospital? Was she visited by ethereal loved ones, as I was? Or was it all gone in an instant? All awareness, all thought, all feeling? "No." I start for a moment and then realize the whispered declaration is my own. I will not surrender to my death. There is too much life still in me. A vow is asked for and given. Again. It's a constant battle I wage with myself--alternating between despair and hope. I bless my father for passing his determination and stubbornness on to me. I will not give up. I want too many things. I want flowers and cotton candy and sunshine. I want candlelit rooms and soft music and flowing wine. I want answers and solutions and puzzles I can put together. I want to feel a man's arms around me, his naked skin against mine, his hands blazing trails of fire on my body. I want that man to be Mulder. I want to sleep in his arms and wake in them, too. I want to laugh, to cry, to scream, to sing. I want to feel pain and pleasure and every sensation in between. I want to feel my heart beating and my lungs taking in each breath. I want. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Surprise! I finished this days before I thought I would! This is the second piece in a series addressing Scully's cancer and her reaction to it. You really should read the first part, though this could certainly be seen as a stand-alone. If you can't find numero uno, email me and I'll send it off to you. I want to thank everyone who's taken the time to write and tell me how much they enjoyed the first part. It got to the point where I had to choose between finishing this or replying to all the feedback. If you've sent something and haven't gotten a reply yet, please know that I've read it and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy! :) Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are not mine, although I often wish they were. They belong to the Mother of All Creators, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. I like to think they also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Dance Without Sleeping II Flesh and Bone by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, eventual MSR Rating: Mild R for language and content Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Dance Without Sleeping II Flesh and Bone by Lydia Bower I had another nosebleed just a while ago. The worst one yet. And of course it had to happen in the middle of questioning a witness on this latest case. The questioning was more an exercise of habit than a technique to uncover any truths. I already had a pretty good idea that we weren't looking at an alien abduction, but a much more mundane kidnapping for ransom. The abduction story was just a way to take the heat off the nanny Carrie Russell, and her boyfriend. Even Mulder knew that the case was going nowhere and that the FBI really had no jurisdiction yet. I was sitting across from Carrie Russell's best friend when a wave of dizziness hit me. Seconds later the blood started to flow. And it was no slow trickling this time; it gushed out of me in a flood, staining my blazer and white silk blouse and scaring the hell out of the girl across from me. Mulder was writing something in his notebook, less than half his attention focused on what was going on until he heard the sharp gasp of the witness. He looked up at me and his eyes went wide. He was out of his seat and at my side as the girl pushed out of her chair and began backing away from me. I don't blame her for being frightened. I sat still as a stone, my hand cupped under my nose, trying to catch the flow and thinking that my life was bleeding out of me. The girl began making noises about getting help and I heard Mulder curtly dismiss her from the room, telling her that someone would be in contact with her. He bent over me and gently shoved my hand aside, replacing it with the handkerchief he's begun carrying with him. Funny, but I don't carry any tissue with me. I just don't think about it. Mulder does. "Jesus, Scully," he muttered. He placed his other hand on the nape of my neck and said "Here, tip your head back a little." I did as he told me and seconds later was racked by a coughing spell as the blood leaked down my throat and choked me. I tipped my head upright as flecks of blood flew from my mouth and sprayed the table before me. I could hear Mulder saying "Shit. Shit. Shit," over and over and I raised a hand; as much to stop his words as anything else. The coughing finally stopped; ceasing as abruptly as the nosebleed. One second gushing, the next like someone had turned off the faucet. I began to clean myself up with the handkerchief and told Mulder "It's okay, Mulder. It's stopped. I'm okay." "Fuck that. You're going to the hospital." "No, I'm not," I said, catching my breath. "I'm fine. There's no reason--" The door flew open and I recognized one of the detectives as he stepped through the door. "Everything okay in here?" he asked as he glanced at Mulder. "The girl you were questioning said...." And then his eyes shifted from Mulder to me and he stopped and stared. God, I hate that. "Where's the closest emergency room?" Mulder barked. "Uh...." The man stuttered, shifting his eyes between me and Mulder as I tried to assure Mulder that there was no need. "A hospital!" Mulder repeated, ignoring me; yelling this time. "Where is the fucking hospital?" The detective snapped out of his fog. "County General. About ten miles from here. Should I call an ambulance?" "No!" They both looked at me. "I am not going to the hospital," I told Mulder, each word clipped and distinct. "I'm fine." Mulder and I waged a silent war with our eyes as the detective stood by watching us, shifting his weight from side to side, waiting for an answer. Mulder's eyes slipped shut and I knew I'd won this round. He waved a hand at the detective, dismissing him. The man took one more look at us before he stepped out the door and carefully shut it. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Mulder stands before me now, hands on his hips, not saying a word. I venture a glance at him and find him looking upward, apparently fascinated by the water-stained tiles of the ceiling. In one quick movement he pulls the empty chair from the other side of the table and sets it next to mine, straddling it as he sits, folding his arms on the back. He clears his throat. "How long since the last one?" "I don't know." I cannot look at him. "A few weeks maybe." "Maybe?" He's scared and angry. "How long?" Why do I feel like a child about to be chewed out for some infraction? "I don't know, okay? I don't write it down every time I get a nosebleed, Mulder!" "Well, you should. Documentation, Agent Scully." I lift my eyes to his and I know how cold they must look to him. "I don't need a lecture. If you want to do something useful, you can find a bathroom and bring me a wet paper towel or something. I'd like to get cleaned up before I leave this room." I drop my eyes and start plucking at my blouse. There is a vivid red stain that I know will never come out. Another casualty. Mulder stands up and with one hand lifts the chair so he can slam it back down hard enough to make a satisfying noise. The glass in the door rattles as he steps out and closes it more forcefully than is necessary. At least he didn't try to put his fist through the wall. I've seen him do that. I wait for his return, absently twisting the bloodstained handkerchief in my hands before I use it to ineffectively wipe the spots of blood from the file before me. I know that I should be more concerned than I am by the amount of blood, but all I can think about is the flash of real anger I saw in Mulder. I'm relieved by it. It means he's coming back to me, returning to the whole. It's a necessary step in his grieving process and I'm glad to see it. He comes back in with a warm, damp washcloth and silently hands it to me, turning away and looking at anything but me while I run the cloth over my mouth and nose and then wipe at my fingers. I don't even try to erase the stains on my blouse and blazer. The blazer is black so I needn't worry about drawing attention to myself before we can make it back to the motel. Properly buttoned, it should hide the stain on the blouse. I reach for my purse and compact and realize it's in the trunk of the rental car. I push back from the table and stand, testing my legs before I step away from it. The dizziness is gone. "Mulder, I don't have my mirror. Did I get it all?" He turns back to me, arms folded protectively across his chest. I watch his eyes as they move over my face. "There's still some right above...." He shakes his head and holds out a hand, stepping towards me. I relinquish the cloth and study his face as he brings it against a spot just above my lips. His eyes are fathomless pools of gray. There is a muscle twitching in his tightly clenched jaw. He dabs gently at my skin, two fingers tucked inside the cloth. Standing here, watching him do this, feeling it, reminds me of the way my father would clean me up after I'd made a mess of myself eating ice cream. Mulder drops his hand and steps back, taking another look. "Good as new," he declares as he tosses the cloth on the table. I can't help but smile. He returns it, albeit sadly. "If only it could be that easy," I tell him. "Yeah." He begins to gather our things together, pausing only for a second before he closes and picks up the file from the table. He shoves it all into my briefcase and reaches for my coat. "C'mon, Scully. Let's get outta here." He helps me into my coat and grabs his own, opening the door and leading me out, his hand on the small of my back. He makes me lie down when we get back to our adjoining rooms. I protest that I'm not tired, that there's no need, but he won't hear it. I change my clothes and wash my face before I settle down on the bed, turning my back to him, my eyes focusing on the drawn curtains covering the window. I can hear the faint sound of the TV coming from his room. Despite my protests, it's not long before my eyes grow heavy and I slip into that shimmery state that's not quite awake and not quite asleep. My ears register the soft sounds of Mulder moving back and forth between our rooms, doing whatever it is he's doing. I catch fragments of a one-sided conversation and realize he's making travel arrangements. He will want to get me out of Iowa and back to DC as soon as possible. I count myself lucky that this case doesn't necessitate our involvement. I wonder how he'll deal with it the first time we're in the field on a legitimate X-File and this happens. Will he insist that I return home? Will I be alone or will he come with me? Will he stay to work it on his own--as he did before I came along? I wonder. And then I wonder no more; I sleep. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX I come awake slowly and the first thing I sense is the greasy smell of fried chicken. Night has fallen and the room is filled with the soft glow of a single lamp. I roll over on my back and enjoy a long stretch. Turning my head, I see Mulder sitting at the small table on the other side of the room. The round surface is covered with red and white KFC bags, soda cans, and the ever-present bag of seeds. Mulder is hunched over my laptop, furiously pounding at the keys in his untrained but speedy hunt-and-peck method. His glasses are perched on his nose and his hair is falling onto his brow. The suit is gone, replaced by jeans and a t-shirt. His big feet are encased in bulky white socks. He abruptly stops typing and looks over at me before I've had my fill of him. "Hey, Scully." He takes off his glasses and gives me a big, beautiful smile and my heart speeds up. The pendulum has swung the other way. Looks like I get to spend the evening with happy Mulder. It's nice, but I can't help but wonder at the cause. "How ya feelin'?" I push myself up and lean back against the headboard, taking stock. "Good," I tell him, "I feel really good." And I do. "How long was I asleep?" He glances at his watch. "Close to four hours. You were zonked, Scully. I don't think you moved once--unless it was while I was gone." I get up from the bed and come to stand beside him. "What're you doing?" He turns to look up at me and I can see the sparkle in his eyes. He looks about twelve. "Just finishing up some notes on our non-abduction. We've got a flight out at 7:15 tomorrow morning. I brought you a grilled chicken sandwich and some cole slaw. If you're lucky, the sandwich will still be warm. I had them double wrap it in foil--I didn't know how long you'd be out. Sit down. Eat." He reaches over the computer and clears a spot for me. I lift my hand and ruffle his hair, the act completely spontaneous. He smiles at me as I take a seat beside him and unwrap the sandwich he digs out of the bag. The cole slaw comes next, and he pops off the lid and rips open the wrapper on the spork, laying it beside the styrofoam container. Not exactly a gourmet meal, but I'm so hungry I couldn't care less. He grabs a can of Diet Coke from the ice bucket and pulls back the tab, setting it in front of me. A napkin comes next. I drop my head and smile, knowing my hair will conceal it. "What?" he asks me, instantly on guard. "Thank you, Mulder." I lift my eyes to his. "For what?" I gesture at the table and my simple meal. "For this. For taking such good care of me. They say that doctors make the worst patients. I don't know about anyone else, but I know it's true for me. You don't have to do this, any of it, and I--" I stop when his hand drops down and covers mine. "Yes, I do," he tells me very earnestly. "I do have to. Not because I have to, but because I want to. So I have to." It's a good thing I'm fluent in MulderSpeak. We trade smiles. Mulder puts the final touches on his field notes and saves the file, closing the laptop and pushing it away. He braces a bent elbow on the table and rests his chin in his hand, watching me eat while telling me a ridiculous story about a family in Kansas who claim to have been visited by little gray men who decided to sit down and share the family's meal. He goes on about fingerprints that weren't really fingerprints--at least not human--and strange burn patterns in the grassy field where they supposedly landed, and how there were reports that night about lights in the sky. I am too content to argue with him and too charmed by his enthusiasm to do more than make the appropriate faces at his varied comments and speculations. I love this man. I decide to indulge in a long soak in the tub after supper. I shower first and then fill the tub. I sink down until the water reaches my chin and do a slow inspection of my body. My feet are small and well-shaped <"I was just never sure your little feet could reach the pedals.">, my calves a tad too heavy, but they sit atop slim ankles. My thighs are lean and well-muscled though there's really no reason for them to be. The only exercise I get these days is chasing after Mulder. My hips are softly flared, my stomach flat, my waist tiny enough that I take pride in it. My breasts are small but nicely shaped and still sit high enough on my chest to draw a man's eye. My arms are lean and softly rounded, my hands small but strong. All in all, I count myself lucky. The tears come unexpectedly when reality again slaps me in the face. Because beneath the skin and muscle, I know there is an invader that makes certain its presence is felt each and every day. My body does not yet betray the reality of my cancer, but I know that day may come. I think of slack muscles and sunken cheeks and eyes; dull and brittle hair that comes out by the handful; pain and suffering; a gradual lessening of my grasp on reality and a slow fading away of the sharp and questioning mind I am so proud of. I don't want to die--but that's not what frightens me. I'm not afraid of death. What scares me is the unknown that lies before me now, in the immediate future. I don't want to be sick and be forced to depend on others to care for me. I don't want to lose my iron-fisted control over my life. I open the drain in the tub and stay inside until all the water has drained out around me, enjoying the sensation of the cool air against my skin as more and more of me is uncovered. My nipples grow hard and goosebumps break out on my skin. I savor every moment. Mulder is sprawled out on my bed when I come out dried and combed and dressed for bed. He has his hands locked behind his head and his attention focused on the TV. I glance at it and recognize John Carpenter's version of 'The Thing.' "The original's better," I inform Mulder. "Yeah, but the gross-out factor in this one is higher," he quips. I remember a time when Mulder would visibly blanch at some of the corpses we've examined--as have I from time to time. He doesn't do that much anymore. He's becoming immune to the ugly realities of the fragility of flesh and bone, muscle and blood. In many ways, Mulder has lost much of his innocence. That saddens me. He turns over on his side and props himself up on an elbow, his attention pulling away from the movie to zero in on me. He lifts his hand and chews on the corner of his thumbnail. His eyes are soft and warm and he gives me one of his unique gazes that I can only describe as a "come fuck me" look. I feel the slow smile spread across my face and he seems satisfied to have captured my full attention for a few seconds. He grins and asks "You still full from supper, Scully?" "Why? Did you stash some ice cream somewhere?" "Nope," he tells me and hops off the bed. "Got something better." He disappears into his room and comes back seconds later, his right arm hidden behind his back. "Mulder..." My tone is somewhere between amusement and trepidation. "I, uh..." He starts to say more but ends up shrugging instead. He brings his arm around and holds out my dessert. Somehow, in late winter in a small town in Iowa, Mulder has managed to find cotton candy. It's even blue--my favorite. "Mulder, where on earth...?" "It's amazing what you can find in your friendly neighborhood Wal-Mart these days." As I take the cotton candy by the long, rolled stick and begin to take off the plastic wrap surrounding it, he goes on. "I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a ferris wheel, Scully, but it's kinda hard to find a county fair in March." I can't help it. My eyes well over with tears. Mulder sees them and reaches out to touch my arm. "Hey? You okay? Jeez, Scully, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. I--" I stop his unnecessary apology by placing my fingers over his lips. "Hush. It's wonderful, Mulder. Thank you." He smiles beneath my fingers and I leave them there longer than I should. Mulder doesn't seem to mind. I finish unwrapping the cotton candy and look back up at him. "Want some?" "No, that's okay. I bought it for you." "Have some." I pull off a thick strand and offer it to him. Instead of reaching for it he leans forward and takes my fingers in his mouth, wrapping his hand around my wrist. I go very still as he sucks the cotton candy from them, his tongue soft and warm as it curls around my skin. He lifts his eyes to mine and I can see the mischievous glint there--along with a healthy dose of arousal. It flares and burns between us for a few endless moments before he drops his eyes and pulls back. My tongue snakes out to wet my lips and he studies my mouth. The moment ends when he pulls a hand over his face. "I, um, I'm gonna," he nods in the direction of his room, "I'm gonna try to get some sleep. You enjoy your cotton candy." My only response is to nod at him. I watch as he steps into the doorway connecting our rooms and begins to pull the door closed. "'Night, Scully." "Good night, Mulder." He gives me another soft smile and closes the door. I sit down at the table and eat every last bit of the candy, counting my many blessings. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... Okey-dokey, here's the next chunk. Number four may be a little longer in coming--I'm actually going to have to do some of the dreaded R word (research) for that one. Thanks again for all the feedback and please keep it coming! Re Kelsy's request, all the pieces in this series will be archived at Stef's place until it is completed. The ULR is: Enjoy! :) Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are not mine. They belong to the Master of Yuppie Morbidity, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. I like to think they also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Dance Without Sleeping III Peeling Back the Layers by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: PG-13 Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Dance Without Sleeping III Peeling Back the Layers by Lydia Bower Mulder and I have been at odds with each other for the past week. It began the morning we flew back to DC from Iowa and has been keeping company with us ever since. The nosebleed was a graphic reminder of my cancer and I think it hit Mulder pretty hard. This latest rift started with his sullen silences and quickly progressed to snide remarks and rude behavior--on both our parts. I know that I'm goading him and it's a terrible thing to do, but I can't help it. It pisses me off when he isolates himself from me. I've learned to deal with the silences and the hostility when I know their cause is Samantha--and their result one of Mulder's frequent bouts of depression and despair. It is a private and very personal pain that I believe no one but Mulder will ever understand. And so I leave him alone. I shove aside my own feelings and understand as best I can that he means nothing personal by his actions. The acidic humor and biting sarcasm is Mulder's way of defending himself from further pain. He goes round after round with his psyche--and may the best man win. It's a no-holds-barred bloody battle he wages from time to time. But this is different. This is Mulder fighting back the demons that the reality of my cancer have created and nurtured in him. He is not angry at unseen, unknown forces who conspired to steal his sister and, with her, all his childhood innocence--as well as the chance for any kind of normal life. This time he is angry at what has happened to me. He hates the cancer within me. He can't lash out at it and so he does the next best thing: he lashes out at me. I share his anger. I have turned my hatred inward many times since I first heard my diagnoses. It's a sort of internal sado-masochistic "why me?" game. I know why I play it. What I haven't quite figured out yet is why Mulder is doing it. What aspect of my possible untimely death strikes him the hardest? What seems the most unfair? What are his fears? He has yet to share them with me. I have been baring my soul and he has been adding layer upon layer to his. Mulder's soul is dressed for the winter. Mine, on the other hand, is practically naked. I think I have been as honest and forthcoming with him as I can be. Now I guess I want that in return. And so I goad him. I play along with his childish games. I feed his need. I make myself a target, hoping that some of the barbs will sting me with the truth. I give as good as I get. There is an adversarial air that hangs around us in the office. I don't know if the same would be true at home. Mulder has not slept on my couch in five days. Nor has he visited. I get a phone call every night instead. Blunt and simple; a request for facts, not feelings. How am I? Have I eaten? Do I need anything? Should he pick me up in the morning? The phone calls contain large chunks of silence. We both wait for the other to grow uncomfortable and break it. It's another aspect of the battle. Who will hold out longest? Mulder is on a winning streak. I remember a time not so long ago when we played this same game--only in reverse. I never want to step foot in Philadelphia again. Nor hear the name Edward Jerse. The only good thing that came out of that debacle is the tattoo on my back. It is the only thing I don't regret doing. I will forever have the mark of immortality on me, even if the body that is its canvas will wither away. I treated Mulder so badly. I spoke in riddles and metaphors. I forced his hand. I was also terrified--though that doesn't excuse what I did. I didn't know anything for certain. All I knew, all I could remember, were Leonard Betts' words to me. I'd known in an instant what they'd meant, and known that he was right. My time had run out. And so I rebelled. Against Betts' claim; against Mulder. Against my life as it was and as it is. Foolish but understandable. Mulder has never pushed me for any further clarification of what happened in Philadelphia, or the reasons behind the temporary stand-off that followed it. He's never asked to see the tattoo, either. He walks through the door with a handful of files and papers. I look up at him and wait to see if he'll meet my eyes. He doesn't. But he does walk to the table I'm working at and slowly set some papers on it, all his attention centered on the file he's begun reading. I set the new papers aside and watch as he perches a hip on the corner of the table and settles in. He is invading my space for a reason. Now I just have to figure out what it is. "Mulder...?" He mumbles something and then turns to me--as if he's just now noticing I'm sitting here. "You still here, Scully?" "No. I'm a figment of your imagination." "Well, my figment needs to go home and pack her bags. We're flying to Colorado in the morning." "But you said.... I thought we were going to spend the rest of the month catching up on things around here." "I've changed my mind. I need to get out in the field." He's turned back to the file. "Well, I can't," I tell him. He swings around, surprised; vacillating between anger and concern. "Why not?" "Because I have some tests scheduled for tomorrow. I meant to tell you earlier. I've already cleared it with Skinner; I'm taking a personal day." He slowly closes the file. He is looking at a spot across the room--anywhere but at me. "Anything I need to know?" "No. They're just tests." I consider my options and offer, "If you want to wait until day after tomorrow, or book a late flight tomorrow night...?" "No. I'll go by myself." His reply is immediate and his tone brooks no argument. I pull my lower lip into my mouth and knead it with my teeth. Don't do this to me, Mulder. Don't cut me off completely. "Is it that important that it can't wait another day?" He leaves the table and slumps down in his chair. "Probably not to you, Scully--but it is to me." Mulder at his petulant best. I almost expect to see his lower lip jut out in a childish pout. I tamp down my irritation. "May I see the file?" He comes so close to refusing that I can actually see the words forming on his lips. But he clamps them together and then settles his face into a smooth mask. "Sure." He holds out the file, making no move to meet me halfway. He forces me to leave my chair and fetch it from his hand. He holds onto it even after I've tried to pull it away, forcing me to fight him for it. Our eyes meet and then simultaneously flick away. The brief contact is electric with tensions of various shapes and flavors. I stand before him and open the file. Cattle mutilations. I want to laugh at him but I don't dare. Because that's what he wants me to do. He wants me to chide him. He wants me to lay out a rational, factual argument against his not going--or at least waiting until I'm able to go with him. He wants me to ask him to stay. I can't. Because I don't know why he wants that. I make a neutral sound deep in my throat and hand the file back to him, keeping my face relaxed and calm. "So, how long will you be gone?" There is a tinge of disappointment in his voice. "I dunno. Two or three days." "Staying through the weekend?" "Rocky Mountains, Scully. Horses. Ranches. Dead cows. What more could a guy want? Maybe I'll buy myself a cowboy hat and some spurs and hook up with a pretty young filly or two." "Practice safe sex, Mulder." That gets me just a hint of a smile. "Always. Nothing safer than all by myself." "I hope you're not trying to gain my sympathy." "Why would I want to do that?" He looks up at me and his eyes are the color of amber. They give me no quarter. "I'm going home now, Mulder. You have fun." As I am slipping on my coat and heading for the door he calls out, "I'll keep in touch." He didn't have to say that. He's earned at least a smile. I shoot him one and step out the door, not looking back to see if it's been returned. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The phone call comes at 3:15 in the morning. There is no question who it is. He didn't call earlier--a break in the pattern of the last week. "'Lo." "Hey, Scully. It's me." "This better be good, Mulder." I am greeted with nothing more than the faint sound of his ragged breathing. "Mulder? Is everything okay?" "What? Oh. Yeah. I just... I couldn't sleep." "Nightmare?" He hasn't had one in a long time; at least as far as I know. I don't think he's ever told anyone else about them and I can't picture him calling anyone but me at this hour. I am the slayer of Mulder's middle-of-the-night dragons. "Uh, no; not this time. This one came to me wide awake." I sit up in the bed and swing my legs over the edge. Mulder's voice doesn't take on this quality unless it's something really bad or really profound. "Mulder, what's wrong?" There is a long silence before I hear an intake of breath. He says, "I'm sorry I've been such a prick, Scully." "Mulder, you--" He cuts me off and the words pour out of him. "No, it's just that I know I have been, and I can't seem to stop myself even though I know why I'm doing it and I know it's not right." He stops long enough to take a deep breath. "But it's just that.... Goddammit, Scully, I'm scared for you. And for me. I just feel that no matter what I do, it's not going to be enough and that I'm letting you down. And I just.... I don't wanna lose you, Dana. That's all." "Come over, Mulder." My heart is breaking and rejoicing at the same time. Mulder is facing his worst fears; and more than that, he's sharing them with me. I don't want him to be alone right now. I need to be with him, to see him, to touch him. "No, Scully, I can't.' "Then I'll come over there." I've already left the bed and I'm searching for clothes. "No. No, I don't want you to do that. It's the middle of the night." "I don't care," I tell him. "I can be there in half an hour." "No!" I freeze in the middle of pulling on pants and let my silence ask the question. "That would be a bad idea, Scully. I'm not sure I could keep from doing something really stupid and I don't want to mess things up even more." "I told you, Mulder; I'm not afraid of you." I don't think our conversation would make much sense to anyone else; it's too richly layered with unspoken meaning--and what we don't say is more important than any words we trade. His sharp laughter rings in my ear. "Don't you get it, Scully? It's the other way around. You terrify me." That stops me dead in my tracks. My unbuttoned jeans slip down my hips. I feel around behind me and find the chair, sinking into it. Have I been the only real barrier standing between us? Have I always been? "Scully, you still there?" "Yeah.... Just a minute, Mulder." I can't talk right now--I'm busy having an epiphany. I've never been very physically demonstrative. I find it hard to allow myself to touch people or to be touched; it's just the way I am. And I never really took the time to learn how to flirt properly. I was too busy with other things--goals and ambitions. I've always prided myself on my ability to not let Mulder get to me too much. I try not to laugh at his Mulderisms or toss too many innuendoes back his way. It keeps us focused on the job at hand. Is it possible that Mulder really has no idea how much I love him? Gee, Scully, what took you so long? The little voice in my head is vicious. Okay, I can't change who I am, but I can change what I do. Tick, tick, Scully. Time is running out. "Mulder?" My voice is slow and a little hesitant. "What time is your flight?" He chuckles--but it's a bewildered one. "Nine-thirty. Why?" "My first test isn't until eleven. I'm going to give you a ride to the airport." Perhaps because it was statement instead of a question, he doesn't give me a hard time about it. "Okay, Scully." There is a moment of silence. "But you know, I really don't have to go. We can wait a day or two." "No. I want you to go, Mulder. You need to go. You need some time." He doesn't argue about this either. He knows I'm right. "So... I'll see you around eight-thirty?" "I'll be there. Have a cup of coffee waiting for me." "I'll even share my Captain Crunch with you." I smile for the first time tonight. "I'll pass." "G'night, Scully." "'Night, Mulder." XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Mulder is running late. He opens the door and I'm greeted by bare feet, an unbuckled belt, and no shirt. He has pillow-hair and the stubble is dark on his cheeks. He looks wonderful. I've never had any trouble imagining him as the rumpled, boyish professor type--the kind I was attracted to in college. "I'm late," he tosses at me and heads back in the direction of the bathroom. "Coffee's in the pot." Fifteen minutes and a cup of coffee later, we're out the door and headed for the airport. Mulder doesn't say much and I am too preoccupied by my own thoughts to fill in the blanks, so the trip is quiet and uneventful. If you don't count the fact that every time my right hand is not busy with the steering wheel, it's being touched by Mulder. Glancing touches. Gentle, easy. The airport is crowded and it takes forever to get through security; it always does. They are announcing the boarding of Mulder's flight as we race through the airport to his gate. We stop just a few yards from the ramp leading down to the plane and Mulder digs out his ticket. We stand facing each other, looking at each other. This is harder than I thought it would be. The loudspeakers remind us of the final boarding call. Mulder reaches out and touches my arm. "If you need anything, if something comes up that I should know about, you call me." "I'll be fine, Mulder." "Promise me." I smile up at him. I want to throw my arms around him. "I promise." He nods. He's happy now. "I'll call you tonight." "Okay." He hesitates for a second or two and then sets down his bag and opens his arms--just enough to be seen as an invitation. I move into them and hold him tightly. He nuzzles my hair and whispers, "Bye." "Bye." Mulder picks up his bag and takes two long steps backward before he turns away and heads down the ramp. "Mulder." My voice is sharp and instantly grabs his attention. He turns back to me, a questioning look on his face. The words tumble out of me. "I just want you to know that I love you." My heart is racing and my knees are weak. My mouth is dry. He gapes at me, his mouth hanging open. I see it in his eyes first and then watch, mesmerized, as the smile moves down to his mouth and spreads it in a wide, toothy grin. He drops his bag, crossing the distance separating us in four long strides, grabs my face in his hands and quite soundly kisses me. It is both fulfilling and tantalizing, and it doesn't last nearly long enough. He pulls his mouth from mine and then bestows another quick kiss on my lips, whispering against them, "Me, too." He turns and is gone, his stride jaunty and light. I am left standing in the middle of a crowded airport surrounded by people and yet strangely alone. I miss him already. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... O-tay. Here's part four. Don't bothering flaming me when you get to the end and see where I've left you--it won't do any good. You have to stop where the muse tells you to. Look for part five within a few days. To everyone who's written me with feedback and encouragement: Thank you so much! You make it a real pleasure. :) I should probably state that any and all inaccuracies in this story are entirely mine. Keep the feedback coming! The previous three parts of this series are available at Stef's archive: The ULR is: Enjoy! :) This one is for Nicole, who gave me some great advice concerning research. Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are not mine. They belong to the Master of Yuppie Morbidity, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. I like to think they also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Dance Without Sleeping IV Last Dance by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: mild R Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Dance Without Sleeping IV Last Dance by Lydia Bower My apartment has become a chocolate warehouse. I don't know how he's doing it--or when--but Mulder has managed to stash it in places both understandable and odd. There are always two pints of Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream in my freezer--another one appearing as soon as one is half gone. There are boxes of chocolates in my nightstand, in the bathroom, on the coffee table and in the silverware drawer in the kitchen. I've found chocolate kisses laid on the floor in a trail leading to a bowl full of snack-sized Snickers. I find individually wrapped truffles sitting on the bookshelf, placed atop the stereo, in the medicine cabinet and, once, scattered over my bed. But my favorite is the chocolate rose I found in my lingerie drawer. He has never said a word about any of it. Neither have I. It's almost like it will remain special only so long as it's not talked about. There are other things we don't discuss, either--like the conversation at the airport. I don't think it's because we don't want to, but because we don't need to. I think the biggest hurdle was in allowing ourselves to say the words, and hear them. It's enough. There's been no repeat of the kiss. That will have to change. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX I've begun radiation treatments for my cancer. The last scan showed a minute but definite growth in the mass. I can't bury my head in the sand forever. To do so could quite literally cost me my life. I go for a forty-five minute treatment once a week, and will continue for a period of six weeks. The doctors have been considerate of the fact that our work often takes me out of the area and are allowing me to come in for a treatment giving them only an hour's notice. After two treatments I am noticing that I tire more easily and my appetite isn't what it used to be. Mulder nudges me with comfort food. He's been very quiet. Always there, but quiet. Our search for the truth, and the answers, continues. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX There are two boxes sitting on my bed when I get back from my mother's. We spent a nice Saturday morning together, planning her garden for this year and looking at the pictures the boys have sent of the kids. They're growing up so quickly. Mulder is nowhere to be found. The only evidence that he spent the night here is the folded blanket and pillow at the end of the couch and the boxes on my bed. I open the biggest one and fold back the tissue paper, my breath catching in my throat. I reach into the box and take the satiny fabric between my fingers and lift the garment from the box. It's a floor-length black slip dress, cut low in the back and held up with thin straps. The bodice is cut in a deep vee. It's beautiful. And very, very sexy. I can feel the blush rising in my cheeks as I carefully set the dress back in the box and open the other one. Black patent leather pumps with ankle straps and three inch heels. I think Mulder's trying to tell me something. I notice the envelope tucked inside the shoe box and tear it open. A black bow tie and a slip of paper fall out. I finger the bow tie and unfold the paper. Scully, The ballroom at the Regency. Eight o'clock sharp. Be there or be square. The tie is the key. Mulder I am at the hotel and standing in front the closed ballroom doors at two minutes till eight. Mulder is nowhere to be seen. I lift my hand and double-check that the simple silver clip is still holding the hair I've piled up on my head. I can't remember being this nervous for many a year. I don't do nervous well. I look down at myself and I can't help but admire how nicely the dress fits, how it hugs my curves without being too tight; the simple cut accentuating the smallness of my waist, the flare of my hips. This is not the kind of dress a woman wears with a bra--not with the back cut as low as it is. My nipples have been erect since I first slipped on the dress; a result of the smooth fabric sliding over them with each movement I make. It feels decidedly sinful. From the corner of my eye I catch sight of a man walking towards me and I quickly pull my coat closed and study my feet. Even the shoes fit like I had picked them out myself. Mulder never ceases to amaze me. I wait for the man to pass me and then realize he's not going to. He steps up to me and I turn to him. "Miss Scully?" "Yes?" "Do you have the bow tie?" Just go with it, Dana, I tell myself. I reach into my clutch purse and show him the tie. He smiles at me and produces a key, handing it to me, and begins walking away. "Have a pleasant evening, Miss Scully." I wet my lips and take a deep, cleansing breath before I slide the key into the lock and open the door. I step in and close the door behind me, hearing it lock. The ballroom is huge and stretches out before me, bathed in deep shadows. There are two candles burning on a table that sits in the middle of the room, two chairs pulled up to it. The white tablecloth drapes down onto the floor and I can see the gleam of dishes and crystal wineglasses. Off to the side I notice a buffet table has been set up, steam escaping from the covered dishes. I slip off my coat and lay it down on a chair just inside the door. My purse comes to rest on top of it. There is a dull whining noise and I look up to see an enormous chandelier being lowered from the ceiling. As it slowly falls it begins to glow with soft luminescence. I stand just outside the circle of light it casts--not bright enough to cut through all the shadows, but enough that I can see Mulder approaching me from the darkness on the other side. I've forgotten how good he looks in a tux. Even without the bow tie I hold in my hand. He strides confidently towards me, a lop-sided grin on his face. I wait until he's reached the table and then step out of the shadows and into the light. Mulder comes to an abrupt halt and I hold back my nervous laughter. I watch his face as his eyes move slowly up and down my body, lingering at the swell of my hips and the rise and fall of my breasts and finally settling back on my face. A pleasant warmth flows through me. It's been a long time since a man has looked at me that way--even longer since I've dressed like this for a man. I'm glad that man is Mulder. I watch his full, mobile mouth move as if to speak, but nothing comes out of it. Finally, just as I am about to drop my eyes, he takes one more step towards me and murmurs, "Wow." I smile. "Is that all you have to say, Mulder?" He gives a slow shake of his head and a lock of hair falls over his brow. "Damn, I'm good." "Yes, you are," I concede. "I didn't know you had such good taste in women's clothes; or that you were so good at guessing someone's size." He grins and admits, "That's what labels are for, Scully" "Snooping around in my drawers, Mulder?" His eyes lock onto mine and I present him with a sly grin. I mentally chalk up a point for myself. I haven't hung around Mulder for four years without learning a thing or two about the snappy, innuendo-laden come-back. "Hey, Scully? Say a prayer for me, will you?" "Why?" "Because I've got this feeling I'm gonna need all the help I can get tonight." He scrubs his mouth and runs a hand through his hair. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. He shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his feet, wetting his lips with the tip of his tongue. I've made Mulder fidget. There's something very satisfying in that. I ignore his admission. "If you don't feed me soon, Mulder, I'm going to pass out." He steps to my side and takes my arm, quickly shifting gears. "Are you okay, Scully? Come here, sit down." "I'm fine, Mulder. I'm just hungry. Oh, wait." I pull him back around to face me and dangle his bow tie in front of him. "Let's get you properly dressed for dinner." I slip the tie around his neck and tuck it under his collar, the tips of my fingers brushing against the back of his neck. He shivers almost imperceptibly and I feel his hands slowly settle at my waist. I concentrate on the task at hand; not an easy thing when Mulder is rubbing his thumbs against the fabric of my dress. I peek up at him and find him looking down at me, watching me. His eyes close in a slow blink. "All done," I tell him. He releases me and pulls back one of the chairs, inviting me to sit. He scoots me up to the table and pours us each a glass of wine. "May I serve you, Agent Scully?" "Please do, Agent Mulder." He grabs both my salad and dinner plate and takes them to the buffet table. Each dish he uncovers emits a wonderful cloud of fragrant steam. I'm amused by the little growl my stomach issues. He comes back with the small plate, piled high with Caesar salad, sets it in front of me and goes back. The dinner plate is next and I do a quick inventory as Mulder fills his own plate. On mine is a Cornish hen, stuffed with what looks like wild rice and mushrooms. A pile of thin, delicate looking asparagus. Beside that is a mound of tiny new potatoes, their bright red skin intact. Next to them are two perfectly formed oysters on the half shell, prepared Rockefeller style. I can't possibly eat all this food--but I'll have fun trying. And then I notice we have no silverware. I look up at Mulder as he returns with his plate full to brimming. "Mulder, we have no silverware." He sets his plate down and leers at me. He comes around to my side of the table and makes a production of grabbing my perfectly folded napkin and snapping it open. "We don't need no stinkin' silverware." "Mulder, you don't expect me to eat this with my fingers." One look at him tells me he does. He grins and moves behind me, draping the napkin around my neck and tying it in a loose knot. I can feel his breath at my ear as he bends lows and says, "Whatever it takes to make you happy, Scully." How can I resist? There is something very sensual about using nothing but my fingers to eat. Of course the bites of food that Mulder and I feed each other across the table may have something to do with that. It feels good to laugh with him and just be a little silly and wild. This is what I should have done instead of my Philadelphia experiment. Live and learn, Dana. It's nice to know it's not too late to do that. I am scooping out the last of the white chocolate mousse with my finger when Mulder announces, "It's time to go." "Go where?" "You'll see. Trust me, Scully." Fifteen minutes later he's leading me into a dark bar filled with smoke and the aroma of too many bodies crammed into one place. He guides me to a table tucked back into a corner and takes the chair next to me. "Mulder, what is this place?" "It's a bar, Scully. Has it been that long?" I shoot him a withering look. "Sorry. Couldn't resist." He's scanning the room as he talks. "Actually, it was Frohicke who suggested this place." "Oh God, Mulder. Please don't tell me our waitress is going to offer to do a table dance." He chuckles and takes my hand. "You don't give Frohicke enough credit, Scully. He knows what a classy dame you are. He wouldn't suggest any place tacky. We're just here for the music." "Music?" Mulder starts to answer me when our waitress approaches the table. No, I don't think she'll be doing any table dances. She is a huge black woman who has to be at least four inches taller and a hundred pounds heavier than Mulder. He flashes her a hundred watt smile and orders a glass of wine for me and a bottle of Samuel Adams for himself as I look around the bar. I finally spot the stage and small dance floor on the other side of the low-ceilinged room. There are speakers and microphones and instruments piled there and, as I watch, several men and a woman step onto it and take their places. I am pleasantly surprised as I sip my wine and listen to the band launch into their set. They play a variety of music--from blues to jazz to old standards and show tunes--and do it very well. After a few songs the dance floor begins to fill with couples. Mulder tips back his bottle and drains it, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the dance floor as they launch into 'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.' Mulder can dance, too. But I guess that shouldn't come as a big surprise. When he sets out to do something, he always gives it everything he's got. We move well together; as if we've been dancing with each other all our lives and have learned all the tiny nuances that comprise a flawless partnership. I guess maybe we have. He holds me close, my hand tucked in his and resting over his heart as his other hand settles on the small of my back--its favorite place. I have snaked my arm beneath his jacket and it's draped low around his waist, my fingers curved around the lean muscles of his back. I rest my head against his chest as the song ends and another begins. Another slow one. I feel Mulder press his mouth against the top of my head and my eyes slip shut. He dips his head until it's resting on mine. "Happy, Scully?" "Mmmm. Dance with me, Mulder." "I am." His lips touch my forehead and I can feel them curve in a smile. "Don't stop." I am warm from the wine and the food and the man I hold in my arms. I want to freeze this moment and bottle it and give it to Mulder. A keepsake. A remembrance. "Ever?" he asks. "Ever." "Okay, Scully." I hear the rumble in his chest and lift my head to look up at him. "What?" He grins. "I was just imaging the look on Skinner's face the first time we literally waltz into his office." I smile back. "Not very practical, is it?" "Not for the practical Agent Scully, no." "I'm more than just her, Mulder." It's important that he understand this. "I know that." "Do you?" I look him straight in the eye. He looks down at me, his eyes dark and sleepy. Mulder sighs. A deep, shuddery sigh, and pulls me tighter against him. "Scully, if you had any idea what you mean to me..." his voice drops to a gravely whisper " wouldn't have to ask." The walls are crumbling. The band picks up the tempo for the next song and I can see the couples around us picking up their steps and adjusting to the new rhythm. Mulder and I are barely moving. We dance slow, steady circles--around and around. My universe has narrowed to this moment, this man. I don't know what lies beyond death. My faith teaches me of everlasting life and I want to believe. If there is a heaven and if we grieve for those we leave behind, it is Mulder I will think of most often. I'm not ready to die. I don't want to die. A spotlight flares and focuses on a mirrored ball suspended from the ceiling, catching splintered shards of light and throwing them around the room like a giant strobe. I lift my head from Mulder's chest and look up at it at the ball as it spins frantically. I am both repelled and fascinated by it. There is something in the way it flickers and flares that makes my head ache and my ears pound. I am aware of leaning back into Mulder's arm as it becomes hard to take a breath. Images flicker like silent movies in my head. Faces surrounding me, looking down at me. Blurry, no real features. Except for one. I recognize him and gasp in terror. Strange sounds. Alarms going off. Something mechanical and screaming in a high-pitched whir. Voices. In my head. Telling me not to be afraid. But I am. Oh, God, I'm so scared. My eyes fly open and I watch, paralyzed, as the drill comes down, down, down.... I silently scream. "Scully?" No, please, don't hurt me! Why are you doing this to me? My belly is distended and heavy. Probing. Cutting. They are sucking the life out of me. "Scully? Can you hear me?" There is a hand touching my face, my neck. I slap it away. Mul-der! Make them stop! Penny is holding my hand. It's over now. You're all right, Dana. It's over. They were doing bad things to me. Unimaginable things. "Scully? Oh, Jesus, no! Scuh-leee!" Don't. Please. Don't take any more. No! "Hang on, Dana. Hang on, baby. Help's coming." Mulder, I think this is the last dance. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... See, I didn't make y'all wait too long. Actually, this just kinda poured out of me today--I didn't expect to have it finished so soon. Number six will be along sometime next week...unless I once again fall into the rabbit hole and you get it sooner. Many, many thanks to all my faithful readers, as well as all my new ones. I'm glad you're enjoying the ride! I'm having a hell of a good time, too! All boo-boos are entirely mine. Keep in touch--and enjoy. :) The previous four pieces in this series can be found at Stef's place. The ULR is: Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction don't belong to me. They belong to the Master of Yuppie Morbidity, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. They also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Did you hear that, Chris? Dance Without Sleeping V Comes the Darkness by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: R for language and content (it *is* a romance, after all :)) Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Dance Without Sleeping V Comes the Darkness by Lydia Bower I am bathed in light. I float through an eternity of nothingness--there is only light and weightlessness. I remember what they have done to me; every cell in my body feels the impact of its invasion. But I don't have to remember. I can just float in the endless whiteness until the remembering goes away. I willingly open my hands and relinquish the gossamer threads that weave time and memory together, surrender them up until there is nothing left but flashes of memories too fleeting to be captured and examined. It is hard to think. But if I try, I am able to recall a moment or two. One of comfort, one of terror. I cling to the comfort and push away from the other. I feel myself moving now, floating away from the blinding light of nothingness, and I realize that the light is the source of the evil. It holds all horrors, all nightmares, all sharp things and dull things and things that fill me up and suck me dry. They are in the light; the ones who do these things to me, who steal my time and my memories. I welcome the darkness. It covers me like a warm blanket, settling around me and holding me close in its embrace. It whispers to me of safety and comfort and an end to the pain. It telegraphs its promise in the warmth of a hand gently holding mine. Penny. She's come to me again. I curse my captors and love them, too. They allow Penny to come to me. "Scully?" Scully? Why is she calling me that? My hand is lifted and soft lips caress my knuckles, one after the other. I feel a roughness against my skin that is both familiar and strange. "Rise and shine, Scully." And then I know. Mulder. I open my eyes and see his face above mine. His eyes are soft and warm. He smiles at me. "Hi." I've forgotten how beautiful his voice is. I raise my free hand to his face, brush my fingers across his cheek. "I knew you'd come. I knew you wouldn't let them do anything more to me." I am confused when his forehead wrinkles in pain and his eyes slip shut. Have they hurt him, too? He turns his face into my hand, kisses my palm. He is so sweet, so good. "Scully, do you know where you are?" Of course I do. What a silly question. I'm.... Sharp awareness floods me like ice water. I'm in a hospital, not that other place. The rhythmic pinging and beeping of machines surround us. The bed I lie in is hidden behind pulled curtains. I hear snatches of two or three different conversations; see the shadows of people walking back and forth outside the curtains. I look down at myself and recognize the black dress. I remember. "Emergency room?" "Yeah. Fairfax Mercy. Do you remember what happened?" I struggle to sit up and Mulder helps me, propping the pillows up behind my back. "Yes. We were dancing." He nods and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Next time, just tell me when you wanna quit. No more nose dives to get your point across. Okay?" His smile fades and he looks away, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "You scared the shit out of me, Scully." "I'm sorry." I truly am. I wish I knew what happened, but all I remember is being in Mulder's arms. And then what, Dana? My mind shrinks away from the memories that are quickly fading to become nothing more than fragments of a bad dream. I don't want to know. "You've got nothing to apologize for. I'm just glad you're back with me. You've been in and out for quite a while." "How did we get here, Mulder? I don't...." I don't remember. How many times have I said that since the night Duane Barry broke into my home and stole months of my life? I've lost count. Don't, or won't? "Well, I called for an ambulance, but they took too long; so I just kind of carried you out to the car and drove like a bat outta hell." I give him a soft smile. "Mulder, one of these days your impatience is going to end up killing you." His response is immediate. "Better me than you." His eyes flick away and I lay my hand on his arm. He looks back at me, a forced smile on his face. "Anyway, it'd have to catch up with me first." We both fall silent. Mulder gnaws on his thumb nail and I slowly wring my hands. "I, uh, I saved your dress from the scissors. I told the nurse that you were FBI and that you had a really short temper and a very big gun." I look down at the dress. "I was wondering." "I got the whole lecture about emergency room protocol. You can probably imagine how well that went over." We trade a look and a smile. "I want to go home, Mulder." "Let's hear what the doctor's got to say first." When did I start to hate doctors? "I just fainted. I'm fine now. Really." He scowls at me and forces the words past the grim line of his mouth. "You didn't just faint. People who faint don't generally punch and kick as they're going down. And you're anything but fine." My irritation rises to match his. "When did you receive your medical degree, Mulder?" He turns away from me. "Don't start with me, Scully." "Then don't patronize me." He shifts around on the bed. "I'm not--" "Yes, you are. No one knows better than me what kind of symptoms I can expect from my cancer and the treatments I'm receiving. What happened to me tonight doesn't have anything to do with that." "Then what the hell *did* happen?" "A hallucinatory response to stress, brought on by a visual trigger." God, that sounds lame. Mulder just looks at me, a knowing smirk on his face. His silence almost forces me to say more--which would be a huge mistake. Finally, he breaks the awkward silence. "Hallucinations," he repeats. "Yes." "Or buried memories finally resurfacing." His words are not formed as a question. He is telling me what happened. And the worst part of it is, he's right. "What difference does it make, Mulder?" He shakes his head in what looks like dismay. "It's coming back to you, isn't it?" I hedge. "Maybe." "You need to hold on to it, Scully--you need to remember what happened to you. All of it." There is a desperation in his voice that I haven't often heard. It scares me. "Why? Why is it so important that I remember?" He leaves the bed and turns his back to me, his hands going to his hips. I hear him sigh. "Okay, Scully. We'll play this your way." Suddenly Mulder's words to me in the hallway after Penny's death come back to me, and I hear them in a way I hadn't before. An icy dagger of fear slices through me. "You know something, don't you? What aren't you telling me, Mulder?" He slowly turns to look at me and I see the indecision written on his face. And then I watch it change to relief when the curtains are pulled back and the doctor steps inside. I catch Mulder's eye and hold it; a promise that this conversation isn't over--simply postponed. I leave the hospital against medical advice and after a promise to contact my oncologist first thing Monday morning. Mulder is silent on the ride home and I'm too tired to continue what we started. Or maybe I'm just afraid to; I don't know. A vague sense of desperation is born in me and increases when we get to my place and I obediently change for bed as Mulder makes me a cup of herbal tea. I don't understand the source of this newest sense of impending tragedy and doom--I only know that it urges me to throw all caution to the wind and reach out and grab what I want, what I need, before it's too late. Right now, my need is for Mulder. I find him in the living room, hunched over on the couch, his face buried in his hands. I approach him silently and realize he's weeping. I carefully lay a hand on his slumped shoulder. "Mulder?" He starts and looks up at me and then immediately back down, scrubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands and swiping at his nose. His voice is husky and low and heavy with tears. "Hey, Scully. Your tea's ready." I sit down beside him and lay my hand on his thigh. "Is there anything I can do?" He barks an empty laugh. "That's supposed to be my line. Don't worry about it, Scully. I'm fine." "And that's my line." He jerks a sad smile. My arms ache to hold him; my hands to touch him and erase the pain that the events of his life have imprinted on his soul. I want to fill the empty places inside him and make him all that he is meant to be. I want him to know, before it's too late, that he is my salvation and my most precious blessing. "Let me take care of you, Mulder," I whisper to him. I turn towards him and lift my hands to cup his face. I lean forward and he closes his eyes as my lips brush against his wet cheeks and then his eyelids, kissing away his tears and tasting their salty sweetness on my tongue. I kiss his forehead, the tip of his strong nose, the dark mole on his cheek, the corner of his mouth. Mulder is utterly still; but I can feel his ragged sigh like a caress on my skin. "Let me make you feel better, Mulder. Let me make you happy." I kiss the line of his jaw and his chin. My fingers weave through his silky-soft hair. I kiss each temple and then each eyelid again. The corner of his mouth. And then he pulls me to him, the movement abrupt and violent. His mouth finds mine and his kiss is rough, desperate. It sets off an echo within me that I am drawn to answer. We feed each other our fears as our tongues battle and he pulls me into his lap, his hands running over my back and across the curve of my ass. Grabbing. Thrusting. I reach between us and cup my hand against him. He groans into my mouth and jerks his hips up, pushing against my hand. I trace the shape of him through his pants, feeling his erection twitching beneath my fingers. His mouth drops to the curve of my shoulder and he sets his teeth against me. I want this. I want him. I want it with a passion and a desperation that frightens me. I want to feel him on me and in me and surrounded by me. I want his heat and his hardness and his life inside me. I want my womb bathed in his life-giving seed. I want his essence and his strength. I want him to remember this when I am cold in my grave, and have him find some comfort in it. And then just as suddenly as he pulled me to him, he is pushing me away. He reaches down and grabs my wrist, pulling my hand back. I look at him, surprised. His eyes burn with a dull fire. "What?" I ask him. "We can't do this, Scully." He is breathless and he wets his mouth. I lean forward to kiss him but he restrains me. "Don't you want me?" He meets my eyes and laughs, his mouth curving in a wide smile. It quickly fades and is replaced by something far more somber. "More than anything. You know that." "Then why did you stop?" He turns away and runs a hand over his face. The seconds tick by. He makes a sound deep in his throat that I recognize instantly. It's the "this is going to get me in trouble" sound. And then he says,"I've never been very partial to sympathy fucks, Scully. Giving or receiving." It occurs to me that I should be highly offended. I even open my mouth to tell him so. But he turns and looks at me with such intensity and certainty that I can't say the words. He's right. I sit back against the couch. I am stunned. And then embarrassed. I drop my head and study my hands. "Hey." He lifts my chin with the tip of a finger, forces my eyes to meet his. "Look, we both know we want this and we both know it's going to happen. But not this way, Scully. When we make love I want it to be a homecoming, not a farewell. Never that. Don't ask me to do that. Don't ask me to accept anything less than everything you can give me. I want it to happen because you've made up your mind to live--not because you think you may be dying." I feel the sting of tears and look away. "You're right, Mulder. I'm sorry." He dips his head and kisses me tenderly, a slow, lingering kiss that tastes of desire and something deeper and longer lasting. "Don't start apologizing for wanting to jump my bones, Scully. You'll give me a complex." "That's not what I--" He stops my words with another kiss. "I know that." He pulls me into his arms and heaves a huge sigh. Chuckles and says, "Life's a bitch sometimes, huh?" I start to finish his thought. "And then you--" He gently but firmly places his hand over my mouth. "No way. Don't even try it, Scully. Don't forget I'm bigger than you." "Are you threatening me, Mulder?" "Nope. Wouldn't dream of it. But I *am* going to put you to bed. It's been a long night for both of us." He stands and offers me his hand. "C'mon, Scully, I'll tuck you in." I take his hand and rise, feeling a surge of love flow through me so powerful that I couldn't begin to describe it if I had to. There is such a sense of safety when I'm with Mulder. The very things that isolate us from the rest of the world give us the strength to carry on. We are both stronger for having the other in our lives. Sometimes I wonder at the futility of life, at the struggle of it, and why we continue to push on, knowing it will inevitably end; the world not much different for our having been there. In this moment, I believe I'm beginning to understand the honor there is in simply living, and in loving those around us, and in being loved. There is a certain nobility in making a difference in someone else's life, even if that difference is something as small as making sure that person will have known love at least once in their lifetime. "So, Mulder," I ask as we enter my bedroom. "I don't suppose I can talk you into joining me? There's plenty of room." He chuckles and settles me in, pulling the heavy comforter up to my chin. "Don't tempt me, Scully. It was hard enough to say no the first time. I don't think I can do it again." He says it jokingly, but there is an undercurrent of a plea for understanding in his voice. It's a terrible thought, and I should be ashamed of myself, but I'm proud that I'm able to get under his skin this way. He's certainly been doing it to me long enough. He leans down and kisses my forehead. "I'll see you in the morning." I watch him walk towards the door. "Mulder....?" He swings around and looks at me. I try to say the words, but the longer he looks at me, the harder it is. And so I do it with my eyes. I want you, Mulder. Tonight, tomorrow, always. I can tell when I've succeeded. One corner of his mouth comes up in a smile. "I know, Scully. Me, too." I close my eyes and pray that the night will bring only sweet dreams to both of us. And I am comforted by the darkness. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... Authors Notes: This chunk was a real toughie, folks. I had to make some hard decisions about this one. My writing mentor once told me that you can't tell a story if it isn't your story to tell. I ran across this situation when considering how to deal with what Mulder discovered at the Lombard Research Center. I struggled over a possible scene between Mulder and Scully wherein he tells her about her harvested ova...and I just couldn't do it. It's not my story to tell. And not my conversation to write. I hope y'all can understand that and that you're not too disappointed by the omission. On another front.... The final scene in this piece may be disturbing to some. Let me just say now that I will happily discuss what I had my Mulder do in this scene--but I will not defend myself if you don't agree with it. I won't defend what my writer's heart tells me is right. I writes 'em as I sees 'em. Intrigued yet? Feedback, as always, is most welcome. Enjoy! The previous five pieces in this series can be found at Stef's place. The ULR is: Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. They belong to the Surfer Boy, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. They also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Keep 'em happy, Chris! Dance Without Sleeping VI Veritas by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: PG-13 Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Mulder doesn't sleep on my couch anymore. When I started having the nightmares he moved to my bed. The only way I can get to sleep and then make it through the night is to be held by him. And even then, it's so hard. I understand now why Mulder has learned to get by on little sleep. It's preferable to waking up gasping for air, heart pounding and lungs burning. Every time I wake up this way Mulder tucks me tightly against him, rocking me and murmuring words of comfort until I can catch my breath and grasp onto a little bit of sanity. And then he will lay me down and curl himself around me, my back tight against his chest, and soothe me back into sleep. Mulder is my buffer against the dreams. He has become my dragon-slayer. Oddly enough, since Mulder has taken to my bed he hasn't suffered a single nightmare. It's probably for the best. Mine are bad enough for both of us. The vague memories of my abduction make up the bulk of these night terrors. But they are woven with other memories; images and thoughts that never bothered me before--or that once did, but had gradually faded from my mind. Now they are back with a vengeance. I dream of Duane Barry and Donnie Phaster, Robert Modell and Eugene Tooms, Luther Boggs and Cancer Man. They are monsters, all of them, and they shame me with their ability to frighten me. I wish that like Mulder, I had only the one dream, the one scenario that returned to me time and again. At least there would be a consistency to it and I would know what to expect. But my nightmares are as varied as individual snowflakes, each one separate and different. Each one, when combined with the others, enough to bury me under their weight. The darkness is no longer a comfort. Now there is nothing but Mulder. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX We haven't been out in the field in over a month--a record. It used to be that Mulder would use any excuse, any reasoning, to get us out of the basement and off on another adventure. Skinner called me into his office earlier this week and asked me if our inactivity had anything to do with my health. I assured him that I was fine; and I am. Aside from the headaches and an occasional nosebleed, I feel...fine. I need to find another word. I'm getting sick of that one. And so Mulder and I spend our days in the office. Or rather, I do. Mulder has been spending large chunks of time away from the basement. He leaves me to deal with the day-in and day-out responsibilities of our jobs, and that's all right. I know that he's seeking the answers we need and I know that I have to let him. This is Mulder's quest and I can't deny him. I have discovered that I've become almost apathetic about my cancer and what it means. It's not so much that I've given into it, but that I've accepted it. It no longer invades my every waking thought. I have begun to do what I vowed to do after Penny's death. I am carrying on. If only the nightmares would go away. I still spend most of my free time doing research and checking out alternative methods of treatment. I read articles and journals and the results of clinical studies until I can no longer focus on the words. I speak to doctors and researchers. And I do my work in the open. I leave the covert to Mulder. He's very good at what he does. Last week he came within an hour of getting his hands on Scanlon. One hour. He beat himself up over it for two days before I'd finally had my fill of it. I goaded him into an argument and sent him home using the fight as an excuse. It was the first time he'd spent a night in his apartment in over a month. I didn't sleep that night. I don't think Mulder did, either. He checked us out at noon the next day and we collapsed on my bed in a tangle of arms and legs and slept through till the next morning. I can no longer remember what my life was like before Mulder. I don't want to remember. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX I may be barren. Hollow. Empty. This is what Mulder has presented to me. After much brooding and pacing of my apartment like a caged panther, Mulder has laid it all out for me. Everything he knows. About Dr. Scanlon and how deeply he may be involved in the possible conspiracy involving the deaths of the MUFON women--among other dark purposes. The Kurt Crawford hybrids. The tanks filled with more of them. The cold stainless steel room filled with drawer upon drawer containing vials of human ova--mine among them. I cannot fully process this information. The technology to viably freeze human ova does not exist. I know this as fact. My menstrual cycle remains regular as clockwork. There are no signs of hormone deficiency. I know this as fact. It would be much easier to dismiss the claims I've heard where it not for the person voicing them. I trust only Mulder. He has become my truth. I understand why he kept it from me for as long as he did. It was a terrible, painful secret to bear. His motivations were entirely honorable. What I don't understand is why he's chosen to tell me now. Has the weight gotten too heavy to carry alone? Is it guilt? Mulder never does anything without a reason. I don't know what I should be feeling. I am numb. Empty. I never really considered having children. I was always caught up in school, and then my career. Once I began work on the X-Files it seemed almost ludicrous to even think about it. So it's not that I should be mourning for something I didn't really want. I just hate the idea that the option might have been taken away from me. Another choice that I have lost. A degree less control over my life. I have been violated in so many ways. It frightens me that I may be growing immune to the rage I should be feeling. I wonder if this is the same reaction people in war-ravaged countries experience. Am I shell-shocked? Have I been exposed to so much evil and death and suffering that it no longer touches me, even when it impacts me directly ? I am so confused. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to feel. I have lost myself. Who are the men who have done this to me? Why can't they be brought to justice? And why did they do this? To Penny. To Betsy. To all the others. To me. Why? The answers seem more elusive every day. And there are vials of my ova in the hands of a covert organization that plays in the shadows and doesn't give a damn about the people whose lives it destroys. I want answers. I want the truth. I don't think I'll find either. I am losing hope. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Mulder is making me crazy. All day he has been far too close to me. Not hovering around me in his usual concerned way, but just too close. I have been bumping into him constantly. I turn from whatever it is I'm doing and he is right there behind me or beside me. He mumbles apologies and steps away and then finds another reason to be right on top of me the next time I turn around. I can sense nothing calculated in what he's doing, but there must be a reason for it. It's even worse now that we've left the office and are home for the night. You'd think with all this room Mulder would find some place else to be; but no. Right next to me. He's beginning to piss me off. We play bumper cars in the kitchen the entire time we are preparing supper. Terrible thoughts run through my head as I wield a knife to chop vegetables for our salad. We sit down at the table to eat and I end up sitting crosslegged to keep Mulder from nudging my legs with his feet. I reach for the pepper and collide with his hand. I glare at him and get back a look of total innocence. Why is he doing this to me? It comes to a head as we pass each other in the hallway. I am on my way to the shower and Mulder is coming out of the bedroom, his attention focused on an open book in his hands. I step close to the wall, giving him plenty of room to pass but he veers in my direction, like being drawn by some kind of homing device. He bumps up against me and I snap. "Stop it!" Before I'm even aware of what I'm doing, I raise both hands and shove him. Hard. He teeters back, off-balance, and hits the wall, his book dropping at his feet. He looks at me and I see grim satisfaction in his eyes. One step brings him back to me, and as I try to get past him he raises his arm and places his hand against the wall, trapping me on one side. I side-step the other way and his left arm shoots out and completes the cage. He takes another step closer and asks, "Something wrong, Scully?" There is no humor in his voice. All his earlier innocence has been cast aside. "Get away from me, Mulder," I warn. "Don't want to." He tries to catch my eye but I won't look at him. I glare at a spot on the middle of his chest and then quickly dip my head and escape under his arm. Anger is beginning to flare up and burn inside me. He is right on my heels as I change direction and head back to the living room. I can actually feel his hot breath on my neck. I stop and swing around to him, deliver another shove. "I said stop it!" "Make me." I growl deep in my throat and stalk across the living room to the couch. Mulder plops down right beside me. "Listen, Mulder, I don't know what kind of game you're playing, but I'm not in the mood." I scoot down a little. He follows me. Can I just shoot him now and get it over with? "You're not much in the mood for anything these days, are you, Scully?" I can feel the killer stare settle on my face. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "I'm beginning to see how you earned the ice maiden label." Where the hell is this coming from? I am up off the couch and standing over him. "What?!" He rises slowly until it is me looking up at him. His eyes are cold and his face as smooth and expressionless as stone. This is Mulder at his most dangerous. "Oooo," he says. "Did I finally touch a nerve?" "Fuck you, Mulder." "What's wrong, Scully? Isn't that how you've managed to hide yourself away all these years? Shit starts to cut too close to the bone and Scully just turns herself off and walks away. Isn't that the way it works?" I can't believe I'm hearing this. And then to make matters worse, he reaches out and pinches my arm, right above the elbow. I jerk my arm away and stare up at him. I am too shocked to say a word. But I am very, very angry. He looks down at me with pit-bull eyes. "Did you feel that, Scully? Did it hurt?" His voice is low and intense. I try to escape to the kitchen. He follows me. "Should I do it again? Just to be sure?" I dance out of reach of his fingers. "How did that feel, Scully? Did it hurt as much as, say, having an implant put in your neck?" I can do nothing but stare at him. I am paralyzed. "Did it hurt, Scully, when they did those things to you? Were you awake through all the tests?" It leaves my lungs as a scream and comes out a whisper. "Stop it." "Did you know what they were doing? Did they use needles and probes? Was there a hollow drill suspended above your head? Were you paralyzed, couldn't move, couldn't do a goddamn thing as it just kept getting closer and closer?" "Stop it." "Did you know what they were doing when they harvested your eggs, Scully?" I rear my fist back and let fly with everything I've got. I want to smash his face, silence the mouth that won't shut up. I don't want to feel this. I don't want to feel anything. His arm snaps up to deflect my punch. And as his fingers tighten around my wrist I go into full attack mode. But these are not the graceful, defensive moves I have perfected over the years. This is raw and careless and sloppy--the flailing slaps of a child fighting desperately against the monsters. Mulder drops my wrist and stands passively as I slap and hit at his chest, his shoulders, his neck, his arms; each one that lands igniting another flame of outrage until I swear I am burning alive from the inside out. I hate the ones who've done this to me. I hate them with a passion like no other. How dare they do this to me? How could they violate me this way? Crush my hopes and dreams? Crush Mulder's? They've taken everything from me. They have taken my future. They have stolen my immortality. God damn them all. It's not fair. It's not right. How could they do this to me? I will make them pay. I will hunt them down and make them pay. I will not surrender up my life to them. This is my life and they can't have it! My clumsy slaps falter and I can feel Mulder touching me. My arms, my hair, my face, my back. My throat is raw and I realize I've been screaming these questions, and shouting my rage. Mulder's arms come fully around me as my hands finally still and I slide my arms up around his neck and sob into his chest. Deep, heaving sobs that I haven't allowed myself since Penny's death. They are hot and I am cleansed in their fire. Mulder is whispering to me. "That's my girl. Just get it out, Scully. Let go. Just let it go. Yeah, I know, baby, I know. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here. Let it out." We slowly sink to the kitchen floor. I am weak, spent. My nose is running and my eyes are almost swollen shut. Mulder turns me until my back is resting against his chest, sitting in the deep vee of his spread-eagled legs. One hand comes up to cup my forehead and pull my head back against him, the other arm goes tight around my waist. His mouth lands at my hairline and he plants tiny kisses there and works his way down to my temple. I feel him chuckle and he reaches back and opens the cabinet under the sink. I hear a soft shoosh and a tiny rip. He hands me a paper towel. I wipe at my eyes and nose, fold the section over and loudly blow my nose. Mulder takes the towel from my hand and tosses it expertly into the waste can. His hand comes back to stroke my hair. "They're not going to take my life from me, Mulder," I tell him, my voice thick with tears. "Not without one hell of a fight." He squeezes me around the middle and murmurs, "Welcome back, Scully." I draw a deep, ragged breath and wonder at what has just taken place. That Mulder has come to know me so well and has learned what it takes to reach me is a revelation. Sometimes he knows me better than I know myself. No one has ever touched me this way; no one else ever will. I had given up, given in. I was just too stubborn to admit it to myself. Mulder saw it, too. And had the courage to do something about it. He knew to tap into the rage I'd kept so closely guarded and hidden. He knew that its release and acknowledgement would strengthen me. That he can do that should frighten me. It doesn't. I am blessed. And I have no more time for fear. "Did I hurt you?" I ask him. "No. Nothing I can't shrug off. It's probably a good thing I hid all the guns, though." I start to giggle. That's right, folks. Dana Katherine Scully giggles. It feels good. I let my laughter carry me away, as I did my tears. One extreme to the other. This is what it is to be alive. I've spent too much time in the mind-numbing land of the dead. It's time to start living. Mulder uncurls from the floor and offers me a hand up. I move easily into his arms and soak up some more of his unique strength. He would probably laugh if I told him how brave I think he is, and toss off some self-deprecating joke. He is so quick to see the possibilities in everyone but himself. He sells himself short in many ways. But he is strong and that strength will be there for him when he needs it. It's what's kept him going since Samantha's abduction. He drops a kiss on the top of my head and steps away from me. "You've still got time to take a shower before the movie starts." "What movie?" "'War of the Worlds,' Scully. A classic. Whadda'ya say? You. Me. The couch in fifteen minutes. Is it a date?" "Will you buy me popcorn?" "Yep. I'll even spring for a chocolate bar." "Well, that shouldn't be too hard, considering." We trade smiles. I stand on tiptoes and softly kiss his mouth. "Thank you, Mulder." He nods his head in the direction of the bathroom. "Go on. You're wasting time." I get halfway down the hall before I turn around and step back into the kitchen. Mulder is pouring popcorn into the popper. "Hey, Mulder." He swings around. "Yeah?" "I'm going to live." My statement holds many meanings. Mulder recognizes them all in the second it takes for our eyes to lock. He throws me a lop-sided grin. "Yes. Yes, you are." The last wall has become dust at our feet. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... *DO NOT ARCHIVE* I'm baaaack! :) Hey, it was nice to hear from so many of you who assured me that my concern over the last piece I posted was unnecessary. It's nice to know that my Mulder rings so true. It has to be said that I couldn't have done it without the magnificent talent of David and Gillian. They are a true pleasure to watch... and study...and pick apart. To everyone who's written to me and hasn't heard back: Please know that I do this for you. Every chunk of story is a piece of my heart and a little thank you note. Look for part 8 real soon. Enjoy! This one's for you, Karen, for being such a classy example. :) The previous six pieces in this series can be found at Stef's place. The ULR is: Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. They belong to the Surfer Boy, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. They also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny--the best of the best. Dance Without Sleeping VII Place Your Hand by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: Strong R Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. Leave it to Mulder to get hurt putting in a garden. We spent all morning and part of the afternoon at Mom's, getting there in time for a cholesterol-laden breakfast of eggs, bacon and hash browns. Mom cheerfully ignored my dietary advice as she set a loaded plate down in front of a smiling Mulder, commenting, "Fox likes a big breakfast. Don't you, Fox?" He grinned up at her, made a face at me and then proceeded to drown his hash browns in a flood of ketchup. Mom just sat at the table with us and smiled, her eyes moving between us. I glanced down at my grapefruit and corn flakes and stole a piece of Mulder's bacon, narrowly missing having my hand slapped. I got the eye from Mom and knew that she'd find the time to pull me aside and try to get information out of me--information about Mulder and me. I was right. She did; right after breakfast. I told her as nicely as I could to mind her own business. Her face lit up and she gave me a quick hug. I guess she must have seen something in my eyes. Today began as a glorious spring day, with a sky that was achingly blue. The air was warm and suffused with that special something that whispers of renewal. Mother has decided to expand her garden this year. I guess I must have mentioned it to Mulder, because the next thing I knew he'd volunteered us to help dig the new plot and get some things in the ground. Mom had everything already out and ready to go. We headed outside after breakfast and a second cup of coffee and the first thing I noticed was the way Mulder warily eyed the garden tiller. He moved to my side and dropped his mouth down by my ear. "She's not gonna want me to use that, is she?" "Mulder, the plot is huge. You can't turn that over by hand." "Scully, those things make me seasick," he confessed. "Last time I used one of those, I was green for two days." I glanced up at him. He looked genuinely distressed. "Mulder, when was the last time you dug up that much dirt by hand? For that matter, when was the last time you did any kind of sustained exercise?" I should have kept my mouth shut. He took it as a challenge. He located a shovel and got to work, waving off Mom's objections. I just shook my head at her and started planting some annuals in one of the older beds. After half an hour, Mulder stripped down to his t-shirt and asked me for glass of iced tea and a pair of gloves. An hour later he begged a bandanna off of Mom and rolled and tied it around his head to catch the sweat. I was throwing little glances at him the whole time he worked, indulging myself by admiring the way the muscles of his lean arms stood out, the way the sweat had glued his white t-shirt to his back and chest, the way it collected in the hollow of his throat. I wanted to dip my tongue there and taste it. Mom came out of the house and slapped a straw hat on my head, claiming that my cheeks were getting red from the sun. I didn't bother to tell her the real reason. In two and a half hours the plot was turned over and done--which, coincidentally, marked the time Mulder ran out of steam. He'd gone at it flat-out, just as he does everything. I watched as he rammed the shovel into the freshly turned earth for the last time and drained another glass of tea. He pulled off the bandanna and turned on the hose, sticking his head under the heavy stream of water. And then his head snapped up and he shook hard, flinging droplets of cold water in a halo around him. Mulder is very attractive when he's wet. He sauntered over to where I was sitting in the grass and folded himself down next to me. He glanced up at the sky. It had grown overcast and the breeze had picked up a little. "Looks like rain, Scully." "Maybe." He slowly lowered himself even more until he was lying down and I caught a low groan leaking from him. I smiled inwardly. "Wear yourself out, Mulder?" He pillowed his head on folded arms and peered up at me. "Who, me? Nah. Piece of cake." He closed his eyes and promptly fell asleep as I planted the last of the petunias. Bright flashes of lightning marked the sky as I finished up and began to collect the garden tools. I could see Mom at the kitchen window, waving us in. I nudged Mulder with a sneaker-clad toe. He mumbled something, but all I caught was "...five more minutes." "Mulder, get up. It's gonna storm." And then there was a tremendous clap of thunder and the skies opened up. I was instantly soaked to the skin. "Told you so," I heard Mulder say. He finally opened his eyes and struggled to sit up. He leaned his weight on his left arm and it collapsed under him. "Oh, jeez." He pushed himself back up with his right arm and very slowly got to his feet, moaning the whole way up. I couldn't help but laugh. He shot me an evil look. "Something wrong, Mulder?" "Don't say a word, Scully. Not a word." "Dana, Fox, you two come in out of the rain right now!" Mom had her head stuck out the back door. "We're coming," Mulder called out. "C'mon, Scully, don't wanna piss off Mom." He threw an arm around my shoulder and leaned into me, the gesture more an effort to support himself than one of affection. We slowly made our way to the back door, passing the newly-dug plot. My hand was on the doorknob when Mulder swung us around and hauled me back out to the plot. "What?" I asked him. He had this look on his face, like he was remembering something wonderful. "What, Mulder?" I probably would have been more patient if it wasn't for that fact that we were standing in a downpour of cold rain. He grabbed my hand. "Deja vu all over again." I shook my head. "You lost me." He gave me this goofy grin and said, "The plausible state of Oregon. Remember, Scully?" How could I forget? Only then we were standing in a cemetery in the pouring rain, staring down into open graves. Trust Mulder to remember that with a certain fondness. He looked into my eyes, water dripping from his nose and chin. "It's a good sign, don't you think? That we've gone from graveyards to gardens?" I was sorely tempted to kiss him right then and there. But I remembered Mom at the back door and stopped myself. Apparently Mulder didn't share my concern. He bent down and brushed his lips across mine. I back-pedaled. "Mulder! Mom will see us." He snorted in disbelief. "Like she doesn't know. Your mother's not blind, Scully, or stupid." He was right, of course. It was just that my natural protectiveness was kicking in again. I've become very adept at hiding my feelings for Mulder when we're around other people. I don't want to give anyone any more ammunition to use against us--they have enough already. He smiled down at me and after another kiss led me into the house. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Mulder has pulled a muscle in his shoulder or back; I'm almost certain of it. He hasn't said anything since we got home from Mom's but I can tell by the way he's carrying himself, the way he keeps tucking his shoulder in. He started out on the couch after supper, but he's just now moved to the floor and is sprawled on his stomach, one folded arm under his head as the other one is stuck straight out, remote in hand, surfing the TV. I look up from the book in my lap and peer at him over the tops of my glasses. Give Mulder control over the remote and he's in heaven. What captures his attention on the TV is a unique look into the mind that is Mulder. An old Knicks game get a few minutes. Then we move on to the History Channel. A documentary on the Holocaust. That goes away quickly. And then a rapid succession of commercials, weather forecasts, sit-coms and home shopping. We get through half a Joan Osborne video before the finger is back on the trigger. The Learning Channel. Something on the mating habits of large animals. Complete with film of said matings. That prompts a head twist and an adolescent grin in my direction. Next comes a rerun of 'Charlie's Angels.' Thankfully, that doesn't make the cut either. The SciFi Channel. A cheesy "danger in outer space" movie. I hear Mulder blow air through pursed lips; a disgusted raspberry. AMC. Ah, 'Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.' Stay there, Mulder. He listens well. The remote is finally laid to rest on the floor beside him. All goes quiet for several minutes. I divide my attention between the movie and my book. "Hey, Scully?" He's facing away from me, eyes on the screen. "Yeah?" "You got any Ben-Gay around here?" I allow a smile to play at the corners of my mouth. "Shoulder or back?" "Yeah." He wiggles around a bit, trying to get comfortable. "They're just way too close to my body right now." I take off my glasses and set the book aside, coming off the couch. "I'll check." I come back out with a tube of cream in my hand and sit down on the floor next to him. "Get rid of the shirt." "Are you coming on to me, Scully?" "Just lose the shirt, Mulder." He chuckles and tries to comply. It takes both of us, along with much muttered cursing, to pull the shirt over his shoulder and off of him. I can see the bunched muscles along the top of his left shoulder and down his back. I start to admonish him and swiftly kill the thought. He needs comfort, not a lecture. I only hesitate an instant before I straddle him and settle my weight on his lower back. I squeeze out a generous amount of the cream and start in. There are groans of mixed pleasure and pain as my hands spread the ointment and work it into the tender muscles. His skin is smooth and warm and my hands tingle from the contact. His face is turned to the side, his eyes closed. I study his profile as I work, admiring the sculpture of his face. The broad forehead and strong nose. The curl and pout of his lips; the fine line of his jaw, dark with stubble. The mole that he refers to as his bad spot. I have looked at Mulder's face countless time and yet it never has become completely familiar to me. There is always a small shock that arcs through me when I look at him anew. I rock back against his ass, pressing him deeper into the floor as I work on his shoulder. He makes a soft sound in his throat that has nothing to do with discomfort. His eyes flutter open and then close again. I am aware of a slow, gradual warmth that starts to burn low in my belly and spread outward and downward. I lean forward and back as I massage his shoulder, my inner thighs brushing against his hips as I move. I watch the muscles of his outspread arms tighten and his hands flex open and then close in loose fists. The hair is dark and heavy on his forearms and scattered generously among the prominent veins on the back of his hands. I lean forward even more and place a hand on each arm, starting at his shoulders and sliding down his arms to cover his hands. They unfold and I lace my fingers between his. They draw tight for a moment before I make the trip back up his arms and to his shoulders. "Mulder?" My voice is whispered. His husky, slow murmur sends a shiver of pleasure through me. "Yeah, baby. What?" I have never been fond of terms of endearment, nor have I ever imagined allowing anyone to call me "baby." But there is something about the way Mulder says it that turns what might have been an off-hand term into something very special. It's much like the way "Scully" rolls off his tongue--it sounds so good, so like a physical touch, that I have come to treasure it. "Turn over so I can get to the front of your shoulder." There is a little more strength in my voice--but not much. I lift my weight onto my knees and Mulder turns beneath me. I stay up like that and smear more cream into his skin, my fingers gentle as they encounter the puckered, round scar that sits high on his shoulder. His eyes are open now and I can feel him watching me. I begin to knead the muscles with my right hand as my other strays across his chest; the soft, curly hair there springing up between my fingers as they pass over him. Mulder reaches up and takes hold of my hand and brings it to his mouth, kissing my palm. I gaze into his eyes and see the same look that confronted me in a small motel room somewhere in Iowa. I find I can't dismiss it so quickly--or with amusement--this time. He easily holds my eyes as his hands land at my hips and he gently urges me back and settles me down in his lap. There is no mistaking what lies heavy and hard beneath me. His eyes flash with desire and I feel his hips slowly lift off the floor, pressing into me. "Well, what do we have here?" he says. "See what you do to me?" I tease him with mock innocence. "I did that?" "Oh, yeah." He thrusts up again, more quickly this time. "All you have to do is touch me." He licks his bottom lip. "Touch me, Dana." "Dana?" I ask. "My Dana. My partner. My Scully. My friend. My love. Take your pick." I dip low and bring my mouth close to his. "All of them." He lifts his head, chasing my mouth. I faint to one side and the other and he grins and follows me. After a few moments he growls deep in his throat and curls a hand around the nape of my neck, pulling my mouth down on his. Mulder's kiss is warm and soft and tender one second, the next it's hard and demanding. He flicks his tongue across my lips and pulls them into his mouth, sucking and nipping at them. His arms come up tight around me and in an instant I am on my back and he is cradled between my legs. His arms come up under me and his hands cup my shoulders. He makes a slight shift of his hips and the contact steals my breath away. His eyebrows raise just a little and we grin at each other and then begin to laugh. I am exhilarated. It should be illegal to feel this good. "Pretty good fit," he offers when the chuckles die down. "The male and female bodies are designed with just this in mind, Mulder." "Thank you, Dr. Scully, for enlightening me." "You're very welcome." I raise and turn a little and he reads me and rolls back over till I am straddling him again. His hands come down on my thighs and he spreads his fingers and draws them up and down my legs. My jeans are becoming uncomfortably restrictive. His hands slowly move over my hips and slide up under my loose blouse. He watches me as his fingers play against my ribs. I dip my head to kiss him and then draw away. "And the crowd is going wild," he begins to intone. "Mulder's got a hit and he's rounded first base. Will he make it to second?" In answer, my hands move to the buttons of my blouse. His slip out from underneath and push mine away. "No. I wanna do it." I drop my arms and he slowly unbuttons my blouse, his eyes flicking between my face and the work of his hands. He finishes and pushes apart the edges of the blouse enough that I'm able to shrug out of it. I watch his face as his eyes roam over my newly exposed skin. His hands dance over my ribs and move up to cup my breasts, his touch hot even through the fabric of my bra. "Oh, good," he says. "It's one of those front thingys. I can figure this out." I can only smile and shake my head. If I'd known that making out with Mulder was going to be this much fun, I would have done it a long time ago. All my previous lovers had always taken sex so seriously. And I guess maybe I had, too. Mulder's having too good of a time to be serious. So am I. He expertly unhooks the bra and I slip out of that as well. The pile of clothes is growing larger--along with something else I can feel pushing up against me. His hands begin to move, explore; testing the weight of my breasts, cupping and lifting them. His thumbs brush over my hard nipples and a low moan escapes me. His eyes are dark pools of desire and his mouth turns up in a smile when he hears me. "You like that, Scully?" My eyes slip shut. "Ahuh." "You're so beautiful." I open my eyes and lift an eyebrow, waiting for more. "That's it, Mulder?" "What did you expect?" he asks with a soft chuckle. "Something along the lines of 'You've got great tits, Scully'?" "Do I?" He barks a laugh. "Yeah, Scully, you've got great tits." "Thank you." "Well, now that that's been established, how about we move our party to someplace softer. Like the bed, maybe?" I've forgotten all about his back and shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mulder. Is this hurting you?" He lays a finger across his mouth. "Shhh. Not too loud or it'll hear you and start up again." "Okay. We'll just quietly move to the bed." "Okay," he agrees. "Uh, Scully? You're gonna have to get off of me first." I shift my hips and rub myself against him, fold at the waist and crush my breasts against his chest. The contact of our bare skin is electric and we both release sighs of pleasure. I deliver another kiss and ease off of him, offering him a hand up. He takes it and pulls himself to his feet with barely a sound. He reaches out and cups my cheek, catching and holding my eye. "Are you happy, Scully?" I don't need to speak. I gaze up at him and say it all. He slowly nods his head and announces, "I love you." "I love you more." "No," he says, shaking his head. "I don't think so." "I know so, Mulder." "Prove it." "Gladly." We end in a tie. And I am alive. Thank you, Mulder. Thank you for loving me. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... *DO NOT ARCHIVE* More Author's Notes: My goodness, there certainly are a lot of you out there who just aren't satisfied with leaving things to the imagination and are bound and determined to force me to write smut--and you know who you are! ;) Well, here you go! This section is NC-17 and is definitely not for the kiddies. For those of you who don't require this, you can safely skip past this installment and not miss anything important--I promise. For those of you reading this, it takes up right where the last installment ended. Look for the next chunk sometime next week. Also, please remember that this is fiction. In the real world I'm sure Mulder and Scully would both be smart enough to practice safe sex. However, since this is *my* little universe, we're just going to skip that part. Don't make the same choice when it comes to reality, please. I've lost too many friends to AIDS. I don't want to lose any more. Okay, end of lecture. Once again, it's those little gems of feedback that keep me going and feed the muse. Stay in touch and enjoy! Once again, this one is for Karen--The Queen of Classy Smut. If it wasn't for my discovery of your incredible "Words" series and your subsequent enthusiasm concerning my own work, I wouldn't be doing this right now. Put away the ice chips, Karen, the pay-off is here! The previous seven pieces in this series can be found at Stef's place. The ULR is: Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. They belong to the Surfer Boy, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. They also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny--the best of the best. Dance Without Sleeping VIII Interlude by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: NC-17 Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. I stand in the doorway of the bedroom and watch Mulder as he begins to light the group of candles on the nightstand. They have been sitting unlit and collecting dust since I first bought them years ago. I haven't needed the soft illumination that they begin to cast on my bed before now, and I absently wonder if I didn't buy and then save them for just this occasion. I think I've always known this night would come, I just never expected it to happen in quite this way. I am familiar but slightly uncomfortable with the games of seduction; the banter and subtle and not-so-subtle innuendoes that go along with it. The competition to see which of the players will end up in the position of power and control over events. There is none of that here; not between Mulder and me. We accepted and welcomed the equality we share long ago. We have no need for games. He sets aside the matchbook and turns to me, offering his hand. "Come here," he invites. I move towards him, aware of the gentle sway of my bared breasts with each step I take. My skin tingles; and where Mulder's eyes touch there is a heat that flows from within him that feels to me like an actual caress. My fingers weave with his and he pulls me close, into the sanctuary of his arms. His hands move up and down my back, his fingers playing along the curve of my spine. I feel goosebumps rise on my skin as I wrap my arms low around his waist and lay my head against his chest. His heart beats steady and strong. "Are you cold?" He pulls his hands flat and rubs them across my back. "Mmm. Not at all." He chuckles and pulls slightly away, his hands moving to the front of my jeans. "Then you won't need these, will you?" I feel the muscles of my belly twitch as his fingers slip beneath the waistband to free the button and slide the zipper open. I swiftly tug them down over my hips and off my legs, taking my panties with them. I find myself almost shocked by my lack of modesty. But there is no wondering if Mulder will approve of what I reveal to his eyes; no doubt that he will find as much pleasure in the receiving as I am finding in the giving. I stand naked before him and study his face as he takes his time to memorize what he sees. His eyes flick over me and then make the trip again, stopping and lingering at my breasts, my legs, the patch of springy curls at the vee between my thighs. They move back to my face and he smiles his approval. I unthinkingly lift my hands and bring them to my breasts, longing for the touch of hands, too impatient to wait for his. I brush my palms across my nipples and echo Mulder's sharp intake of breath. My hands slide down across my stomach and come to rest at the juncture of my legs, my fingers curling into the flesh of my inner thighs. Mulder licks his lips and his eyes flick up to my face for a moment before dropping back down. I slip two fingers between my legs and press against the swollen bundle of nerves there. My head falls back as my eyes close. I hear Mulder raggedly sigh. "Oh, Scully. You are a wicked, wicked woman." I open my eyes and watch as he quickly sheds his jeans. My fingers continue their sweet torture as I look at him. I have seen Mulder naked on more than one occasion, but he's a very different sight when he's on his feet fully aroused instead of flat on his back, fighting for his life. He is lean and supple and strong. I admire his broad shoulders and chest, the patch of hair that grows there and trickles down his flat stomach before sprouting heavy and dark again above his sex. His erection stands out straight and proud, framed by narrow hips and runner's legs. His arms hang at his side, his fists opening and closing in rhythmic tension. His eyes lock onto mine and then drop back down to watch what my hand is doing. I am wet and hot and hungry for his touch. "Is this what you do," he asks me, "when you're alone, Scully? Do you think about me and touch yourself like this? Do you imagine it's me?" The word leaves my mouth as a sigh. "Yes." "Then let it be me." His hands close over my breasts and his mouth comes down on mine. And then his hands are everywhere, his mouth is everywhere. I have reached the point of no return. My hands slide over him, touching and grasping, memorizing the heat of his skin, the roundness of his ass, the silky hair of his thighs, the subtle strength of his arms, the smoothness of his back. He bends low and takes a nipple into his mouth, his tongue soft and wet as it flicks across me. He opens his mouth and pulls me further in, urgently suckling and I watch his cheeks hollow with his efforts. A thread is pulled tight within me and I reach for him and wrap my fingers around his length as my other hand weaves through his hair and holds his mouth to my breast. In one smooth movement he lifts and carries me to the bed, gently setting me down and lying beside me. He brushes the hair back from my face and drops tender kisses like rain--on my face, my neck, the slope of my shoulder and then back to my mouth. I nibble at his full lower lip and draw it into my mouth, flicking my tongue across the velvet surface. We are quiet, the only sounds those of soft murmurs and small moans of desire. He pulls his mouth from mine and begins to trail his hand across my body as he props himself up on an elbow and watches what he's doing, his eyes moving between my face and the skin he touches. Slow, easy movements. There is no sense of being rushed or of urging us to some new undiscovered pleasure. We have all the time in the world. I trace the shape of his face with my fingers and arch my back as his hand slides over my stomach and down one thigh and then back up. He repeats the movement, this time on the other side. He moves up over my ribs, brushes past my breast and curls his fingers around the arm that is thrown above my head, sliding up its length to twine his fingers in mine, palm to palm. I watch him blink, his eyelids closing slowly over eyes dark and soft. His hand drops to my shoulder. "Turn over, Scully." He catches my inquisitive look. "I want to touch every inch of you, memorize you," he tells me. I turn onto my stomach and pillow my head on folded arms, closing my eyes as he brushes the hair from the nape of my neck and pulls his hand down my spine. He stops and I wonder at his sudden stillness. I feel the bed move under us as he shifts and I am about to raise my head when I feel his mouth come down on my lower back. The tattoo. He's found it. His mouth lifts and I feel the tip of his tongue come down on the place his lips have marked. He traces the shape of the tattoo with his tongue and a deep shudder runs through me. "It's beautiful, Scully," he whispers against my skin. There is an unspoken question in his voice, something I know he wants to know but will never ask. I answer him. "Nothing happened, Mulder. I didn't sleep with him." I hear his muffled sigh of relief and add my own when his hand comes back to rest on my skin. I spoke the truth and he believes me. There is nothing more to say. It is forgotten as he cups one cheek of my ass in his hand and gently squeezes it before sliding down the length of my leg and back. I spread my thighs a little as his fingers curl high around the inside of my leg. They move higher and brush against me before he traces a path up the crease of my ass. I lift my hips from the bed as he strokes back down and flutters his fingers against my sex, unfolding and dipping his fingers into me before they move lower and settle on my clitoris. I push into his hand and roll over. I want to see his face as he touches me. I want him to see mine. I spread my legs wide, opening myself to his eyes, his hands. His fingers resume their spot and he tests my responses, watching my face as he strokes and rubs and tugs at me at various speeds and pressures. He finds a rhythm and then pins my eyes as I go stiff and clutch at his arm. "Like this?" he murmurs. "Is this how you like to be touched?" I can only nod my head. "Good." He draws the word out into a caress. He drops his mouth to my breast and gently slips two fingers inside of me. He eases them in and out; slowly at first and then a little faster. I reach for him but he rolls his hips away from me. "No. Let me do this for you. I'm in no hurry, Scully." He moves to my other breast and I lie back and give myself over to the magic of his touch. His fingers move back to my clitoris and settle there, pulling me deeper and deeper into a world where nothing exists but pure sensation. There is nothing but his mouth at my breast, his hand between my legs. I clutch at his back and arm, grab a fistful of sheet and stretch tight on the bed, every nerve alive and sparking. I breath in tiny pants. I moan and sigh and call his name. My eyes slip shut and the beginning waves of my climax make me shudder. My nipple is abandoned as Mulder covers my mouth with his for a brief, rough kiss. He pulls away and urges me on, his breath hot on my face. "Yeah. C'mon. Come for me, Scully. Yeah. There it is." My mouth opens on a long, low sigh and I lock my thighs around his hand and ride the waves as they carry me up and up and up. "Mulder," I hear myself moan. "Oh, God." "I love you," he tells me, his voice raw and breathless. "I love you, Scully." He kisses me again as I slump back to the bed and loosen my thighs. His hand slides up to rest on my stomach, trailing small circles. I force my eyes open and find him looking at me. His pupils are huge behind heavy lids. "My God, you're beautiful. We have to do that again just so I can see your face." I arch an eyebrow and reach between us. I take him in my hand and feel the pulsing of the blood that has filled him and made his sex a shaft of silk-covered steel. "Aren't you forgetting something, Mulder?" He looks down at himself and back up at me. "I've learned to become a very patient man, Scully. He's not going anywhere." "He?" Mulder frowns self-consciously. "It?" he asks me. I grin at him. "Does "he" have a name?" Mulder doesn't seem to have a response. His eyes search my face. "Well?" I didn't believe it was possible. Mulder is blushing. "Never mind," he tells me and moves between my legs. I raise them from the bed and throw them over his thighs as he kneels between them and sinks down on his haunches, his knees spread wide. He pulls me to him and dips his fingers back down between my legs, spreading the moisture that flows from me. His thumb settles on my clitoris and the build-up begins again. But my body has not had time to recover from my orgasm and my nerves are sharp and super-sensitive. I gasp. Mulder immediately stops. "Too much?" I nod and hold his eye. "No hands, Mulder." He gets a wicked gleam in his eyes and scoots down on the bed. "Then let lips do what hands do." Trust Mulder to quote Shakespeare as we make love. My laughter dies in my throat as his mouth covers me. Soft, warm, gently probing. Let lips do what hands do is working out very nicely, thank you. He has quickly learned what I like and his mouth and tongue mimic the earlier movements of his fingers. Mulder brings me to orgasm in a very short time. He pulls himself back over me and I wrap my legs around him, urging him to enter me. I feel an emptiness that only he can fill. "Whoa, Scully. Slow down. I wanna make this last," he tells me. I brush the hair back from his eyes. "I want you inside me, Mulder. Now. Don't make me wait." He can deny me nothing. He reaches between us and guides himself in. And in one quick thrust he is buried inside me. My hips rise as I receive him and his arms clinch around me; one high on my back, the other around my hips. He stills and his eyes slip shut, a low groan escaping him. I lift my head and kiss him. His lids come open and he looks down at me with glazed eyes. His only comment is a breathy, "Oooo." I pull his face down and kiss his cheeks, his brow, the corner of his jaw. "Good?" I ask him. "Mmmm. The best. I don't ever wanna leave. Can we just stay like this?" I snicker. "Not a chance. Move that ass, Agent Mulder." "Oooo, I like a bossy woman." He begins to thrust against me, slowly at first, teasing me by pulling almost all the way out before he slides back in. He feels so good. We fit together perfectly. Mulder fills me to the edge of discomfort but not a bit more. I clinch my inner muscles around him and his face lights up with a grin. He drops his mouth to my shoulder and nips me lightly with his teeth. I want to feel more. I want to him to speed up, to drive into me like a jackhammer. I grab his ass and urge him to go faster, harder. It will never be enough. Never. His arms clinch me tighter and he mumbles, "Hang on," and swiftly turns us until I am impaled atop him. I sit straight up and grind my hips against him, leaning back and grabbing his upper thighs in my hands. He cups my breasts and lightly pinches my nipples, sending shockwaves through me. His hands drop to my hips as I lean forward, finding the perfect pressure, and he lifts and slams me back down onto him, time and again. I bend low and find his mouth, slipping my tongue into it and dancing it across his. I become breathless and have to break to kiss. I lean my forehead against his shoulder and ride him, rocking my hips forward and back, feeling the tension building up again. My God, will I ever have enough of what he does to me? His hips begin to rise and fall frantically and I lift my head to look into his eyes. They are soft and unfocused and I can see that he is losing himself to the power of his imminent climax. "Give it to me, Mulder," I demand and I tighten up around him. His face is flushed and moist with sweat. His eyes go wide for an instant before slamming shut and he throws back his head and releases a long, guttural moan. Once, twice, three more thrusts of my hips and I join him. I once again ride the waves, this time feeling the contractions as he empties himself inside me. I fall forward onto his chest, my lips pressing against the soft sprinkling of hair. His hands lose their grip on my hips and he softly strokes my back. I close my eyes and time slips away. Sometime later I feel his hands in my hair, combing through it with his fingers. "Scully? You still with me?" I lift my head and begin to roll off of him, but he pulls me back and turns us both until we are on our sides, facing each other. He tugs my hips close to his, not wanting to leave my body. My eyes slip shut and he softly kisses them and then plants another one on the tip of my nose. "We're pretty good at this, don't you think?" I look at him and lose myself in his hauntingly beautiful hazel eyes. "Better than you expected or better than you hoped?" I ask him. It takes a few second to connect, but when it does he rewards me with a brilliant smile and I know that he remembers that conversation. "You tell me." "Definitely mind-blowing." "Yeah?" "Yes. You can cross that one off your list now, Mulder." He rears back. "My list?" "Yeah. You know. The "what will make Scully happy" list." "Am I that transparent?" "I'm afraid so. And I just want you to know that I love you even more for wanting to give me all those things." His face loses its amused expression and he grows serious. "I'd do anything for you, Scully. Anything at all. You name it, it's done." "Just love me, Mulder. That's all I need." He pulls me to him and squeezes me tightly. "Always, Dana. Always." We shift a little on the bed, untangling arms and legs and finding comfortable positions. Mulder reaches down and rescues the comforter that has slipped off the bed. He covers us and slides down until his head is resting on my belly, his arm tucked around me. My fingers move to his hair and I stroke him as I would a child in need of comfort. I chuckle a little when minutes later he heaves a huge sigh and then begins to softly snore. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, let alone next week or next month. But what has taken place between us on this night only serves to strengthen my belief that as long as we are together, as long as we work as a team, nothing can beat us. We are stronger together than either one of us will ever be apart. We will endure. We will find the answers we need. And we will save each other. The truth is out there. Together, we will find it. And it will set us free. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued.... Hi! This one took me a little longer than I thought it would. Please notice that this one is being sent in two pieces--it's a long one! I guess now is also the time to mention that this series is going on hiatus. I don't know at this point if it will be a temporary one or more permanent. It all depends on what kind of crumbs CC tosses our way through the rest of this season. If enough interesting things happen with Scully's cancer storyline, then there's a good chance I'll pick it back up over the summer. Don't worry, I haven't left you hanging--it's all been tied up in a nice pretty bow for you. :) Thank you thank you thank you to all my faithful and constant readers. Your intelligent, thoughful comments have made this entire process a joy. I expect to hear from all of you again, and thanks for coming along for the ride. I've included the lyrics to the song that inspired this series at the end, for those of you unfamiliar with it. Okay, fasten your seatbelts and hang on. It's Mulder's turn. :) This one is for Chris Carter and David Duchovny. Chris, for imagining Mulder; and David--for showing us Mulder's humanity. The previous eight pieces in this series can be found at Stef's place. The ULR is: Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. They belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. They also belong to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny--the best of the best. Dance Without Sleeping IX Full Circle by Lydia Bower Classification: S, A, MSR Rating: Strong R Summary: Scully learns to live with her cancer and take back control of her life. She will never know how terrified I am. I've been scared many times--gut-clinching, heart-pounding, piss-my-pants scared. After Samantha was taken. When Scully disappeared and then was returned. Christ, I remember barreling through the doors of the ICU and bending over the bed to look down at her. I couldn't see her eyes; they'd fucking taped her eyes. I thought I was going to shatter into a thousand pieces those first few minutes. And then there was the time I faced the bounty hunter in the frigid, uncaring cold of Alaska. That's another moment that stands out. There's also the burning boxcar in New Mexico, the game of Russian roulette with Modell, the hellacious test in the gulag, the terror of digging up the remains of a child I thought might be my sister. I would gladly relive any of those events again not to feel what I've been feeling these last few months. I don't think I've had more than a few rare moments of peace since I walked into the oncology ward and heard Scully's words: "I have cancer." Combine that fear with guilt and it packs a hell of a punch. I remember telling Scully once that nothing mattered to me but finding out the truth about my sister's abduction. Well, now something else does. I can't lose her. If I do, I'll lose myself. Sounds like a load of melodramatic bullshit, doesn't it? But it's the truth. I think about what has happened between us in the last few months and I curse myself for all the time I wasted before then. It shames me that it took hearing a possible death sentence to shake me out of my lethargy and easy compliance. I had settled for the status quo--we both had. It was easier to not look too deeply into what we'd become and how we felt about each other than to take the chance of ruining everything. We had begun to take each other for granted. We stopped marveling over how well we clicked, how action and reaction had become instinctual. We had become partners in the truest sense of the word. In our line of work you consider yourself lucky if that happens, and it does with some regularity. But the big difference between Scully and me and everyone else is that I am deeply, completely in love with her--and she with me. I wonder why we didn't acknowledge this years ago. I regret the time denied us to just enjoy the truth of it--together. But then I think that maybe all this has happened for a reason that goes beyond mere timing and the sudden threat of impending death. I think it has to do with fate. And with things coming to us in their own time. I made a vow to myself the early morning I took Scully in my arms outside Penny Northern's hospital room. It was really nothing more than a determined continuation of my words of hope to her. I promised myself that no matter what, I would be there for Scully. I vowed to be her strength, her courage, her focus for the rage. I would have handed her a whip and let her flog me raw if it would have helped. I still would. If it hadn't been for me, none of this would be happening. I unthinkingly handed her a piece of evidence that has ultimately been responsible for everything that's happened since. They wanted Scully out of the way and absolutely beyond my reach. And I gave them the means. I look forward to the day when I'll be able to put a bullet in that black-lunged sonavbitch's head; full of the righteous knowledge that I hold the truth and that we have won. I can almost taste it; the bitter satisfaction like gunpowder on my tongue. These last few months have been filled with moments both wondrous and terrifying. I marveled at the courage Scully showed in the beginning. She was so determined to put up a strong front, to be the consummate professional, to put aside the specter of her illness as one would dismiss a minor irritation. She acted as though nothing had changed. She was so strong and I was so scared. All I wanted to do was take care of her. And be with her. All the time. I came up with some really pathetic excuses to go to our place after work--just to spend time with her. Huh. I just wrote "our place." Yeah, I guess I have come to think of it as ours. Hell, if I spend more than an hour or two a day in my apartment it's only because I have to. Or when Scully kicks me out. She gave me a gift one night. Actually, more than one. She finally dropped one hell of a wall and let me see inside her heart. That led to the second gift. A wish list. Composed between tears that fell silently and painfully, the needs of the woman were spoken. She asked for things I'd never known she wanted. She'd never let me get that close before. Dense as I can be sometimes when it comes to your basic man/woman relationship, I knew the importance of her words that night and I burned them into my memory. My life's quest has become three-fold. Truth for Samantha. Truth for Scully. My own salvation. The third will come with the discovery of the first two. I have to believe that. It's hard for me to incorporate what I know of Scully's illness with what I see when I look at her. She is as beautiful as she has ever been. Perhaps a little paler and certainly thinner, but still exquisite. At first I tried to fool myself into thinking that nothing could really be wrong with her. How could anyone look so healthy and be dying of cancer? The occasional light nosebleeds were a shock in the beginning but soon became something I gave little thought to. They still frightened me, but the fear dulled over time; partially because Scully seemed to take them in stride. I figured if she could do it than so could I. Until Iowa. I have never seen so much blood pour out of someone so quickly. I honestly thought that I would lose her right there in that dingy interview room, somewhere in the middle of Bumfuck, Iowa. But then it stopped. Like hitting a switch; twisting a handle. I've never been so tempted as I was that afternoon to sling her over my shoulder and haul her ass to the hospital--with her kicking and screaming the whole way. But Scully was having none of it. She sat at the table holding a blood-soaked handkerchief to her face and made it clear in no uncertain terms that she wasn't going anywhere. I was so pissed I could have whipped out my gun and unloaded the entire clip into the ceiling. Didn't she understand what had happened? Wasn't the evidence right in front of her? How many times has she seen and still been unable to believe? I took her back to the motel and made her sleep. And then I sat at the table and watched her, hot tears streaming down my face. That's when it finally sunk in; the terrifying thought that our time together was measured. It always has been. You can never know how much time you'll have with those you love. But I realized then and still know now that the moments we spend together are even more precious and limited than I first thought. Time and death are nipping at our heels. I was so damn happy when I managed to find the cotton candy for her. I was so proud of myself. I thought triumphantly that I'd finally found a way to give her what she wanted and that the simple gift would make everything all right again. Yeah. Right. Fox Mulder, the master of self-delusion, strikes again. It was a simple pleasure but it was something concrete. Something more than chasing disappearing leads and ingesting mind-numbing amounts of medical information that after awhile didn't make a damn bit of sense to me. But that pleasure was also fleeting and I didn't realize how much so until the next day. I woke up in the morning and all I wanted to do was push Scully as far away from me as I could. I didn't want to watch her die. I didn't want to pretend that everything was hunky-dory and all was right with the world. I couldn't face the pain of loving her and watching her go through this. So I pushed her away. I created a rift where none should have been. I cut myself off from her and forced her to do the same with me. Oh, I still fulfilled my obligations as far as keeping an eye on her. I called her every night. Wouldn't want anyone to accuse me of not doing my duty. I remember my guilt when I'd thought I'd found Samantha only to lose her again. I remember my father's words to me, and his shame and disappointment in me that I'd let her slip away. I wonder when it was that the mantle of guilt and responsibility for what happened to my sister shifted from my father to me. It never belonged to me to begin with. But somewhere along the line I must have decided that it did--and the old man was only too happy to pass it on to me. I spent almost a week holed up in my apartment when I wasn't in the basement; trying to drown out my father's accusing voice with frightening determination and countless repetitions of Pink Floyd's 'The Dark Side of the Moon' cranked up at an ear-splitting decibel. I wonder why nobody called the cops on me. Maybe they've heard the stories and were too afraid to speak up and have Spooky Mulder go ape-shit on them. Sometimes my reputation is a good thing. And then, as if my emotional abandonment of Scully wasn't bad enough, I went and did the one thing I knew would cut her to the bone: I refused her suggestion to wait on a case and let her know in no uncertain terms that I didn't need her help with the work; that I could, and would, do it by myself. I made sure she knew that I could get along just fine without her. God, I was such a complete asshole. And I was so scared. And I wanted so much for her to ask me to stay. I wanted Scully to give me proof that I wasn't the only one going through the pangs of possibly losing the person I most loved, and the dreams that went along with that. I wanted a declaration. I wanted to hear the words. And I honestly didn't know if I would. And even if she said them, would I have known the difference that night between the truth and a compassionate lie? And then I had what I can only describe as a waking dream. I wonder what Albert Hosteen would have to say about that? I was sitting on the couch in my darkened apartment as the strains of Pink Floyd faded for a moment before starting back up and I saw Scully. She was lying in a hospital bed and she was dying. Her cheeks and eyes were sunken and dark, her body rail-thin and feeble, her once glorious hair nothing more than thin, coarse spikes that jutted from her almost bald head. I wanted to tell her everything, spill my guts. I wanted her to know. But I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. The pain of the unspoken words swelled in my chest until I was certain I would explode. But I couldn't speak. I watched as she raised a hand, weakly pleading for me to take it. But I couldn't move. Her hand dropped as her eyes rolled up in her head and then she was gone. Just like that. Poof! Nothing remained. I snatched up the phone and it wasn't until the third ring that I glanced at my watch. I woke her up. And I told her. I said the words. At least some of them. I didn't do it very well. I felt like a bumbling fool. Scully wanted me to come over. Bad mistake. Then she insisted on coming to my place. Majorly bad mistake. I know what would've happened if I'd let her. She wouldn't have been two steps inside the door before I would have had her down on the floor and been busily burying myself as deeply inside her as I could. I would have tried to fuck the life right back into her; and into me. It was the only thing I could think of that night that would have been a way of fighting back, of declaring that death wouldn't take her from me. All very primal, instinctual behavior. All understandable at a very basic level. But I was raised to be a gentleman--and gentlemen don't take advantage of the women they love as a means of assuaging their own insecurities and fears. And then she shocked the hell out of me at the airport the next morning. She stood there in the terminal, surrounded by crowds of strangers, and told me in a loud, clear voice that she loved me. Scully said the words. I then tried to remove her mouth from her face using nothing but my lips. It went pretty well. I was smiling like an idiot all the way to Colorado. She began radiation treatments not too long after that. The news about the latest scan and the growth of the tumor was a direct blow to the gut. Scully was stoic, as usual. Sometimes I wanted to take her by the shoulders and shake her. I wanted to jerk her out of that logical, unemotional state she tends to slip into when things get too close. I didn't, of course. I filled the apartment with chocolate instead. Something concrete. Something she could pick up and hold in her hands. Something to remind her she was still alive. I maxed out my Visa card setting up the dinner and dance date and buying the dress for her. Fuck it. Oh, and the shoes. Can't forget the "come fuck me" shoes I bought to go with the dress. The dress. God. She looked incredible. Especially when I was feeding her whole asparagus spears with my fingers. I sported a respectable hard-on all through dinner. It was great. The first date is much easier when you know ahead of time that the girl's going home with you. A five year history helps, too. I went ahead and gave Frohike his choice of videos from my collection in exchange for the tip on the bar we landed in after dinner. It's not his fault the night ended the way it did. She fit in my arms so well. We danced and the whole room disappeared. There was nothing but Scully and the music. And then nothing but Scully. I wish I could have frozen those moments. Molded them and shaped them into something else to give her. And then everything just fell apart. Her eye was caught by the mirrored ball above our heads and I'll swear until my dying day that I watched her leave this reality and enter another, darker one. She went slip-sliding back in time and the nightmare began. She went limp in my arms for an endless moment and then came back fighting like a tiger. She was punching and slapping and kicking, her eyes wide open and locked in terror, grunting and panting. And then nothing. She slipped away. I called 911 for an ambulance and two minutes later carried her out to the car and held her close against me as I headed for the nearest hospital. The irony of it being the same place Scully had almost lost her life because of Modell didn't escape me. I think I must have been pretty much off the wall once I got Scully there. I remember screaming at a nurse to getafuckingdoctorinhererightfucking now. I stood aside as they checked her over, threatened a nurse with death if a pair of scissors so much as touched Scully's dress. I remember whipping out my badge every time somebody had the audacity to ask me who I was or try to tell me to leave. When did I start carrying the damn thing around with me all the time? Scully kept drifting in and out. Every ten minutes or so a nurse would come around the drapes and check her vitals. She was fine, physically. It was her mind that had taken a nose-dive into oblivion. She mumbled a lot. I couldn't catch most of it. But a few things were understandable: No. Hurts. Stop. Mulder. Penny. I knew where her nightmare had taken her. Then Scully woke up and gave me a glorious smile and told me that she knew I'd come for her and stop what they'd been doing to her. Jesus. I felt so impotent, so helpless. So worthless. I'm not even going to try to describe the amount of guilt her innocent words unloaded on me. Let's just say astronomical and leave it at that. She'd begun to remember what had happened to her. And I had to know how much she knew. I didn't want to have to tell her what I'd found out since her diagnoses, or about a tiny glass vial tucked away in my freezer. God, no. Anything but that. Our flirtatious conversation on a bench in Home, Pennsylvania kept replaying in my head. I would have liked to have had one or two little UberScully's toddling around a few years down the road. Some dreams die hard. Fuck. The ones who did this to her have no humanity. If they did, they would have done the humane thing and just killed her in an instant. But no, they made certain the experience would continue to haunt her for whatever time she has left. Just when you think it can't get any worse the motherfuckers toss a new wrench into the works. Hey, let's steal a few months of her life. While we're at it, why not harvest some of her eggs? Hey, let's use a procedure that'll end up giving her inoperable brain cancer *and* make her infertile. Yeah, great idea! And hey, if anybody gets wind of it and starts to look into things, let's just send in our top medical specialists to kill her off even quicker. Goddamn them all. Didn't take Scully but a second to figure out that I knew something she didn't. She threw me one of those laser-eyed looks that makes it clear she expects further explanation. And then she just dropped it. Didn't say another word. She sat and listened to the doctor lecture her, declined his invitation to spend the night and hopped off the exam table, taking my arm and strolling out of there like we were leaving the goddamned Ritz. She amazes me. End part1/2 Disclaimer in part 1. Nothing but story here. --------------------------------------------------------------- I got her home and sent her off to get ready for bed. I needed a few minutes to myself. It didn't seem fair that all this shit had to happen to her. What had she ever done to deserve any of this? Well, hell, Mulder, that's an easy one. All she'd had to do was show Spooky a little respect. Stick it out. Put up with me and my sometimes twisted theories. Trust me. Believe in me. Fight for me. Love me. Scully is both my champion and the instrument of my destruction. And they know that. Did they plan this all along? Is this someone's sick idea of a joke? Am I paying for the sins of my father? I used to tell myself that Scully and I could never take that final step over the edge and become lovers. At the time, I thought that if they were to find out that we'd become that close, it would give them another weapon to use against us; another bargaining chip. Gradually, over time, I came to realize that it made absolutely no difference. Would Scully's death affect me less if we'd never known the joy of becoming one; celebrated in the ageless dance of man and woman? Not a fucking chance. Scully and I have been lovers for many years. The fact that we didn't have sex until recently means nothing. There are many ways to love someone and many ways to connect. They know this, too. I wish more than anything else that mine and Scully's lives belonged to us, alone. But they don't. Someone is pulling the strings--and has been for a long time. So we do our dance and bide our time. She caught me crying that night. And she did what she always does--she tried to make me feel better, to soothe away the pain. She wanted to kiss it and make it all better. God. Just sitting here thinking about her feather-soft kisses across my face that night arouses me. I discovered that there can be something very erotic about desperation and fear. Especially when it comes in a small, red-headed package. One clothed in silk pajamas and nothing else. One that smells so good and who you just know will taste like heaven. I'll be damned if I know where I found the strength to call things to a halt. As much as I wanted her that night, as great as she felt, something wasn't right. It was too frantic, too rushed. One second she was kissing me and the next she had a firm hold on my crotch. Not that it didn't feel great; it did. It just didn't feel like Scully. I didn't want a desperate woman dying of cancer. I wanted Scully--full of piss and vinegar and ready to take on the world. Things took a down-turn after that. Scully started having nightmares. Wake up screaming type nightmares. She couldn't get to sleep without me right there next to her. She slept with me on the couch one night and the next we both moved to her bed with neither of us even having to suggest it. So many things we say to each other are unspoken but understood. We speak a special language--we always have. We'd start out on our own sides of the bed--sometimes with our fingers entwined, sometimes not. But we'd always end up with me spooning her, even if the dreams took a night off. I just gravitated over to her side, or pulled her to mine. I never used to think much about my morning hard-ons. Guys just learn to live with it. It's a lot harder not to think about it when it wakes up nestled warmly against a certain round little ass. If Scully noticed, and I don't see how she couldn't have, she never said a word or had any sort of reaction. She got that way about a lot of things, though. She became withdrawn and more quite than normal. She quit reading, quit watching old movies with me. She stopped leaving the basement and trailing after me as I ran leads on files and other matters more directly connected to her abduction and illness. She stopped asking me questions or seeking my feedback. She stopped arguing with me over some of my more extreme speculations. She gave up. It tore me up. She was slipping away from me. I chewed on the problem for awhile. I tried to come around to a solution. I kept side-stepping the one piece of knowledge I held that I thought would get a reaction out of her. It just seemed too cruel. But Scully needed to know all of it; she deserved the truth. I couched my decision to tell her all the facts with platitudes I kept repeating to myself: I was doing this for her own good. She needed to possess all the information. And if it pissed her off, if it brought her back to life, well, that'd just be an added bonus. So I told her everything. Laid it all out nice and neat and as clinically as I could, all the time watching for a reaction. There was a momentary flash in her eyes. It passed so quickly that I'm still not certain I didn't just imagine it. And then nothing. No reaction. She sat on the couch with her hands primly folded in her lap and did absolutely nothing. Her only words were, "Thank you for telling me, Mulder." That was it. I left her alone. I didn't push her or bring it up again. I decided to let her stew over it for a couple days; wait until it had a chance to really sink in. God knows it had taken me awhile to process, and I didn't have nearly as much to lose as Scully did. I went into profiler mode. I tried to disconnect myself from Scully and look at things with an unbiased eye. I collected the psychological facts of Dana Scully and hit on the one thing that would snap her out of it. There are many things that make her angry. But I know for a fact that no one can piss her off quite as quickly and as thoroughly as I can. Because I know where are the soft spots are. I know just where to jab, God help me. It was as easy as invading her space. Now, I know that I have a tendency to do that anyway. But never without a reason and never just to irritate her. I knew it would knock her off-balance to have me constantly brushing against her. So I put myself in her way. From the moment we got out of bed until later that night when she finally cracked. There was no pleasure in it. How could I possibly enjoy doing something like that to her? There was only one possibility that I'd overlooked, and that was my own reaction. I didn't like myself very much that day, and as it progressed I found myself resenting Scully for forcing me to take the path I had chosen. And there was some satisfaction in seeing her lose it. Not pleasure. Satisfaction. There's a big difference. I almost let her fist connect with my face. Almost. But then it would have been over too soon because she would have knocked me on my ass--I have no doubt. I needed to be on my feet to give her a standing target. Scully doesn't hit when somebody is on the ground. So I lifted my arm and grabbed her wrist, restrained her for the second it took her to slip over the edge. Then I dropped my arms and let her have at it, keeping my chin high and my head turned. It started as a low whisper, turned to a growl and finally ended up in screams of rage. All the words just poured out of her. Each question, statement and vow brought her just a little bit closer to life and back to me. I stood there and rejoiced as she hurled her anger and pain at me; soaked up the energy and rage until it left me sated and weak. I touched her, reconnecting as she wound down. I enveloped her as the words turned to sobs and we folded down to the ground. I welcomed her back with everything in me. And I heard her laughter for the first time in what seemed like forever. Her sweet, clear laughter will ring in my ears for all eternity. I will never underestimate the strength and courage that is Dana Scully. She has decided to live. Did I mention that the scent of Ben-Gay has now become an aphrodisiac? Strange but true. I don't think either one of us planned on an innocent back rub ending up the way it did--and that's good. I always have been one for spontaneity. I probably would have been okay if she hadn't rocked back against my ass with just the right amount of pressure. All the blood in my body headed south and decided to set up camp and stay awhile. And then she leaned over and draped herself against my back and I could feel her breasts brushing against me. Man oh man. I was just waiting for an excuse to turn over. Ended up I didn't need one. She gave the order. All I did was what I was told to do. She fiddled with my shoulder a bit, one-handed so she could cop a feel of chest while she was at it. All the time with this innocent little expression on her face. That went away as soon as I set her down on my lap. Her eyes went dark and smoky. She teased me enough to bring the Alpha male to the forefront. I easily flipped her over on her back and settled right in. She wasted no time taking back the lead. She's always been good at claiming her equal rights. It didn't take long to move to the bed. Making love with Scully is an earth-shattering experience. I think I always knew it would be special, but I never imagined how much so. And the strange thing is, for the first time in my adult life it's not just about getting off. Those first few moments after I've sheathed myself deeply inside her hot core are more powerful, more satisfying than any orgasm could be. I live to give her pleasure. To watch her squirm under me, to hear her soft cries, to touch her so she makes that little noise she makes that drives me crazy. I love the way she looks at me. I love the way she moves. I love the way the beads of sweat gather on her chest and way her face screws up in passion. I love the way she sighs. I love the way she giggles as we thrust against each other. I love the feel of her lips and teeth on my shoulder, my neck, my lower belly, the inside of my thigh. I love the way she comes. I love the way she smiles. I love the way she smells and tastes. Scully is a gift I am forever opening. They will not take her from me. I won't give this up. I was able to cross another item off the list last week. This one took a lot of thought, a little information gathering and a recon mission over a lunch hour--and even then I wasn't sure it was such a good idea. Let me clarify: *I* thought it was a good idea, I just didn't know how Scully would take it. I packed her into the car last Sunday night and took her to a privately funded home for AIDS babies, staffed entirely by volunteers--many of them residents of a nearby nursing home. These are the children that no one wants or can't take care of. Some of them born addicted to crack and all of them with a death sentence already hanging over their heads. I wouldn't tell her where we were going and the house we pulled up in front of gave her no clue. It was a typical three-story Victorian surrounded by houses of similar style. There was no sign out front, nothing to distinguish it from the other houses. There was a swingset and a jungle gym in the side yard and tricycles littered the yard. Just as on my first, solitary trip there, I was struck by the fact that there weren't any two-wheelers laying around. Most of these kids don't get old enough or big enough to graduate to those. The inside of the house looks just like a...well, like a house, a home. I led Scully up to the front door, pointedly ignoring the inquisitive looks she was tossing my way. We were met at the door by the director of the home and invited inside. The noise hit us first. Laughter and music, a few tears here and there, the unique sound of kids at play. I watched Scully's face as Ramona Beckett explained to her what this place was and why we were there. Scully asked a few questions and then turned and looked up at me, her eyes as clear and blue as a mountain lake. All I could do was nod my encouragement. She studied me for a moment and then followed Ramona across the hall and up the stairs to the playroom. I gave her an hour and then went up after her. I found Scully in a room filled with cribs and rocking chairs. She was sitting in one of them, a beautiful chocolate-brown baby nestled in her arms. She was carrying on a quiet but intense conversation with an elderly woman who was eighty-five if she was a day. Another baby rested in her lap, a wrinkled hand rhythmically patting the child's small back. Scully finally glanced over and noticed me standing in the doorway. I still can't fully comprehend what it was I saw in her eyes. I know her mouth turned up in a tiny smile, but I don't know...I can't...I'm not sure what I saw in her eyes. I know it pierced me through the heart. I know my body buzzed as if it had been charged with electricity. Tears sprung to my eyes, my throat got tight. And the most gentle sense of peace settled over me like a blanket. I don't know what I did to deserve that look. But I'm going to find out. I want to be looked at like that again. Lots of times. Scully raised up and carried the baby back to the empty crib and then turned back to the old woman. She knelt down and shared a few words that I couldn't catch--and didn't need to. She stood up straight and strong and walked across the room to me. She took my hand and led us out. Scully was quiet all the way home. Didn't say a word. Didn't let go of my hand, either. I was slumped in the chair reading when she came to me a little later that night, and laid her hand on my arm. I took one look at her and pulled her into my lap. I held her as she cried. These were good tears, cleansing tears. Hope filled tears. I wept with her. Another first. I couldn't help it. I was as much a part of her at that moment as I have ever been when we make love. I have shared everything else with this woman. Why should my tears be any different? After a while I lifted her small, strong body and carried her to our bed. We dried each other's tears and made slow, lazy love. I can't give her everything I'd like to. I can't give her any guarantees--I never could. But she made her choice and so did I. And somehow, despite all the horror and madness we've encountered, despite the blows that we've been dealt, we have carved out a life together. We have collected stones from the rubble of our losses and built a safe place that belongs only to us. We have found our refuge and more peace than we thought possible. They will never touch this. They can't. It lies too deeply within us. Her death, or mine, cannot take away what we've shared. I believe the answers are out there. I believe that we will find them and that Scully will be saved. And I know she'll make certain I'm saved right along with her. Until then, we have a life to live. Things to do and experience. I still have things I want to give her. I think I'll start with another night on the town. And this time, we'll dance without sleeping. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX To be continued? DANCE WITHOUT SLEEPING by Melissa Etheridge I don't want to talk about it I've done enough, I think Don't want to spend more money Don't want another drink I would scratch out all the images If I had the chance Don't ask me what I'm thinking Can't you see I only want to dance? CHORUS: Dance without sleeping Dance without fear Dance without senses, no message I hear Dance without sleeping I'll dance till I'm numb Dance till I think I can overcome Walking on the edge of rage and understanding Between the black and the white This child is so angry Alone here tonight Alarming desperation leads me to believe With all my shields and protection It's only me I deceive (CHORUS) The eyes on the magazine The voice on the radio The kiss on the movie screen This is the story I know Fathers hold on and they never go Mothers hold on and they never go Lovers hold on and they never go Lovers they come and they never go (CHORUS) From Tue Apr 08 12:31:03 1997 Subject: *NEW* Into Each Other Sinking NC-17 US4 Spoilers From: (L. B. Bower) -------- I'm baaack! Sorry it's taken me so long--small case of writer's block to deal with. When in doubt, go with smut. This little piece of mind candy takes place within the universe I created in Dance Without Sleeping, though you can certainly read this without having read that. Just know that Scully is dealing with her cancer and she and Mulder have become lovers. I anticipate doing a whole slew of these over a long period of time, hence the secondary title on this one. Feedback would be nice. :) Hey, Charli? Your turn..... Also, this is dedicated to a wonderful, highly talented lady named Kathy Cox. It was her superb Beauty and the Beast series "Small Seductions" that inspired this one. Disclaimer: Guess what? They don't belong to me. It was CC who thought them up and he and 1013, along with Fox, own them. I just like to take them out and play with them. I don't mean anything by it; really I don't. Enjoy! Into Each Other Sinking I Liquid by Lydia Bower Classification: V, MSR Rating: NC-17. Um hum. Yep. One of those. Summary: Set within the "Dance Without Sleeping" universe. Scully takes a bath and gets some help--along with a story--from Mulder. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The Lovers Look how each becomes gift and giver: their veins with nothing but spirit flow. Look how their forms like axles quiver, round which revolving raptures glow. Thirsters, and straight there are draughts for their drinking; wakers, and look, they are sated with sight. Let them, into each other sinking, rise, surviving each other's might. Ranier Maria Rilke XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX Scully loves to take baths. Long ones. With lots of bath oil. She sits in a fragrant cloud of steam and unwinds. She'll pin her hair carelessly atop her head and scrub her face clean of make-up first and then climb in. After awhile the bathroom will get warm enough that it draws tiny beads of sweat from her exposed skin. She'll dip a thick wash cloth into the water and squeeze it out over herself, the water trickling in small streams down her body to rejoin the sea she floats in. Scully is beautiful when she's wet. I try to leave her alone when she's soaking. I know how important her time to herself is--and I've given her precious little of it lately. Both Scully and I lived solitary lives before the cancer. Now we can hardly stand to be apart. But there are times when we get on each other's nerves. We just went through one of those times. So from Friday after work through the weekend, she stayed here alone. We both needed the time apart. Until a few minutes ago I was sitting in the living room, trying to watch a movie and fidgeting instead. She's been in there for over half an hour now and I just heard the faucet come back on. She's warming up the water in the tub again. I'm trying to make up an excuse to bother her, to enter the private sanctuary that is the bathroom when Scully is soaking. It doesn't seem right to barge in on her for no other reason than because I like to look at her when she's relaxing in the tub. Well, truth be told, that's not the only reason. She's also necessarily naked when she's in there--and it was a very long weekend away from her. I shut off the TV and put in a Marvin Gaye CD, grab a random file off the dining room table and approach the bathroom door. Lifting my hand, I knock lightly with the backs of my fingers. "Hey, Scully? Can I come in?" There is a long pause and I hear her through the door. "That depends on what you want, Mulder." I smile and tip my forehead against the door. "Let me come in and I'll tell you." I hear water sloshing and then, "Okay, but I'm not talking work." A flick of my wrist and the file lands on the table in the hall. I open the door and step into a cocoon of warmth and fragrance. Ah. Bubbles tonight. Another reason why water keeps getting added to the tub. Her pinned up hair is a bright spot of color upon a sea of white foam. She's sunk low in the tub, her back to the door. I can see the soft, pale skin of her neck and the faint scar from the implant. Dark red toenails peek up from the bubbles at the other end of the tub. I always knew Scully was the type of woman to paint her toenails red--her shoes are a dead give-away. The room is filled with steam and it fogs the mirror and window. Three steps take me to the tub and I fold myself down on the bathmat beside it. Scully's eyes are covered by a washcloth and about all I can see of her face are her bee-stung lips and her tiny chin. Only the tops of her creamy shoulders are visible above the bubbles. Her voice interrupts my appreciative gazing. "What is it, Mulder?" "Um. Nothing," I admit. "I just got lonely." Her mouth curves up in a knowing smile. "I've only been in here for a little while." "Yeah, I know." She shifts a little and a kneecap emerges from the water. I can't resist. I reach out and lay my hand on it. I watch as she pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and gently bites it. "Do you want me to leave you alone?" I ask. "No." The word comes out slowly. "You don't have to." If I didn't know what to listen for, I probably would have missed the wistful inflection in her voice that tells me she's been thinking too much; thinking about the turn her life has taken since her diagnoses. It doesn't matter that she's decided to fight this thing tooth and nail. It doesn't matter that we've stepped beyond the boundaries we once set for ourselves and become lovers. The sadness still weighs heavily on her from time to time. I willingly take up my share of the weight when that happens. How can I not? I rise from the floor and grab the book of matches from the shelf where she keeps the towels. The scratch and flare of the match goes unheard, masked by the soulful sounds of Marvin Gaye. I light the fat candles placed here and there and then shut off the light. A warm glow fills the room. Much better. I get back to the tub just as Scully reaches for the washcloth covering her eyes and asks, "What are you doing, Mulder?" My hand shoots out to stop hers. "No. Leave it there." I've lit the candles for my own sake. Scully remains in a darkness of her own making and I want to keep it that way. At least for now. I reach across the tub and grab another washcloth before settling back down on the floor. "I want you to lay back and relax, Scully," I tell her. I keep my voice soft and low. "I want you to leave it all up to me." I dip the cloth into the water and watch her shoulders rise and fall as she quietly sighs. "Mulder, I've been thinking." "I know you have. And I want you to stop it. Right now. No thinking allowed." A sad smile lifts the corners of her mouth. "Then what am I supposed to do?" "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. All I want you to do is feel. And listen. I'm going to tell you a story." "No little gray men, okay?" "No little gray men, I promise." I grab the bar of soap and lather up the washcloth. Scooting down to one end of the tub, I take one of her small feet in my hands and begin to wash it. "Once upon a time," I start. Scully giggles. "Isn't that the way all stories begin?" I ask. "It's not that, Mulder. You're tickling me." I tug on her big toe. "This little piggy...." She jerks her foot away and it disappears under the water. "Hey! Bring that back here. I'm not done yet." "Leave my toes alone." "Deal. Now, do you want to hear my story or not?" The foot rises and I hold it out of the water, one hand cradling the back of her slim ankle as the washcloth skims across the top of her foot and moves up her calf. "Once upon a time there was a man who was obsessed with finding the truth--" "Gee, I wonder who that was." "Are you going to keep interrupting me, or are you going to shut up and listen?" "I'm sorry. Go on, Mulder." I wash her leg up to the knee and gently settle it back into the water, reaching for the other one. "Once upon a time there was a man who was obsessed with finding the truth." "I've heard this part before." I come up on my knees and silence her with my mouth. It's nice that I can do that now. She tastes of honey-sweetened tea and ripe apples. I deepen the kiss and brush my tongue across hers before pulling slightly away. "Shut up, Scully." "Not if you're going to keep kissing me like that when I interrupt you." "You'll get your kisses; don't worry." I retrieve her leg and begin to gently soap it, the washcloth sinking forgotten to the bottom of the tub. Yes, hands are much better than cloth. Her skin is slick with soap and so very soft. "Anyway, this man was alone," I continue. "It doesn't really matter if he chose to be that way or not--although he probably did. What matters is that he was so used to it that when a certain woman came into his life he saw it as a threat to him and his obsession." "Tell me about this woman." I let the interruption pass without comment and finish the leg, moving on to the arm closest to me. "She was sent to spy on him and expose him as the nutcase those in power believed him to be. He didn't want to trust her; couldn't trust her--not in the beginning. But then something happened." My hands are cupping her arm, sliding up to her shoulder and back down. Scully sighs and sinks deeper into the water as my fingers twine with hers for a moment before moving back up. I release her and shift positions until I am kneeling behind her. I stretch over her and lift her other arm out of the water. "What happened, Mulder?" I've given up on keeping her quiet. That's all right--she's entitled to talk, too. "Little by little, somehow, she found a way to ooch past all the barriers he'd thrown up against her and settled into a place in his heart. He began to trust her as he had trusted no other." Her arm finished, I move my hands to her shoulders and upper chest, staying above the line of foamy water that divides what can be seen from what I have begun to imagine. Scully shifts again and my breath catches at the sight of one pink, perfect nipple peeking through her gown of bubbles. My hands come up loosely around her neck and my fingers settle under her chin as I tilt her head back for another kiss. My clothes have become restrictive and I fight the urge to shed them. This is for Scully. I break the kiss and bring my hands down again. They move over her chest and slide beneath the water, carefully cupping and squeezing the small weight of her breasts. Scully arches her back and pushes her flesh deeper into my hands. I can feel the hard tightness of her nipples against my palms. I pull away and catch her breathy moan. I move again; back to the side of the tub. "And with that trust came something else. Something he was totally unprepared for." "What?" Scully again reaches for the cloth that covers her eyes. Again, I stop her. "He began to need her. In ways that were very unpartnerly. Ways that would have gotten them both into big trouble if anyone were to find out about them. But he'd always been very good at hiding his feelings--even from himself. You might even say he was an expert. He was kind of a smart-ass you see, and he was good at hiding behind his humor." As I talk, Scully moves again. This time she bends her knees and braces both feet flat against the bottom of the tub. Several inches of leg emerge, creating my next target. My hands slides down the front of one thigh and moves up over her belly to cup a breast. My thumb lazily circles the hardened nub there. Her face is relaxed and her mouth opens on a sigh. I smile at her, knowing she can't see me. She's so beautiful. And I'm so lucky. I still haven't figured out exactly what I've done to deserve her--I don't think I ever will. My hand moves to her other breast and teases the peak there. "But after a while it got harder and harder to hide his feelings from himself. And those feelings began to move closer and closer to the surface. He began to dream about her." "What did he dream?" I fold one arm across the edge of the tub and drop my hand back to her knee. Slowly I begin to stroke up the inside of her thigh using just the pads of my fingers. Scully's head tips back and her hips raise just a little. "Oh, he dreamt about a lot of things. The deep blue of her eyes. The fullness of her mouth. Lots of dreams about her mouth. He'd kiss her in these dreams. Long kisses. Slow kisses. Kisses that set them both on fire. Would you like me to show you?" "Yes." Her reply is soft and low. I lean forward and cover with mouth with mine. I take my time, tracing the richness of her lips with my tongue and teeth before exploring her mouth slowly and with great care. Our tongues tangle and slide, one across the other. My fingers curl around her upper thigh and my palm lies flat against her now. As if of its own volition, my hand moves up those last few inches to the juncture of her legs and I slip a single finger inside the warmth of her. She is moist and tight and I feel her inner muscles clinch around my finger. I capture her groan of pleasure in my mouth. Scully pulls slightly away and takes my bottom lip between her teeth, gently tugging at it. I pull it loose and remove the washcloth from her eyes. "Look at me, Scully." Her eyes come slowly open, as though she has to force them. They are heavy and soft and dark with her desire. It takes her a moment to focus on me. I feel my mouth curl up in a smile. My finger moves in and out of her; slowly, carefully. "He dreamt about other things, too. Do you want me to go on?" "Oh, yes. Don't stop now, Mulder." Her eyes slip shut again. My finger leaves her and turns, trailing the short distance up to the small bundle of nerves that top the silky folds of her sex. I lay my fingers flat against her and begin to move them in tiny circles there. Her arm leaves the water and her hand lands at the curve of my shoulder, moving up to caress my face and weave her fingers through my hair. "He dreamt about the way she smelled; about the way she moved and the way she smiled. He imagined what it would be like to take her in his arms and hold her close. He dreamt of slowly undressing her, exposing each part of her a little at a time. He imagined how beautiful she would look standing naked before him. He just knew somehow that her breasts would fit perfectly in his hands, that her nipples would be tight and hard and would beg for his mouth, his tongue, his teeth." I dip my head and take a nipple in my mouth, showing her with actions instead of words. Scully strains against me and I can feel my erection begin to throb in perfect counterpoint to the beating of my heart. Scully has begun to murmur quietly. "Please, Mulder. Please." She begins to tug at my shirt, trying to pull it up, to reach the bare skin of my chest and back. I leave off my suckling and quickly shed the t-shirt. Her fingers dance across my skin before she grabs my arm and urges me closer. Her pleading continues, her eyes pinning mine. "Please, Mulder." "But I'm not finished with the story." "Finish it in here with me. Please." I study her face. She is flushed and breathing in tiny, shallow pants. Her eyes glimmer and her lips are open and moist. Her tongue darts out across them. "Okay, Scully." I stand and unbutton my jeans, hurriedly peeling them off. The rough fabric of the denim being pulled across my skin creates a friction that is almost painful in its intensity. My skin is super-sensitive, my nerves spark and dance. I catch the wicked gleam in her eye when she sees that I'm not wearing anything under the jeans. My erection springs up, tight and ready. "Turn around." She shifts until she's kneeling and her back is to the faucet. The bubbles that still remain slide slowly down her chest as she comes up out of the water, tracing a slow path over her breasts and down her flat belly. Scully is my water baby. I step into the tub and gasp at the contrast between the heat of my skin and the now-cooling water. I lower myself down so I am facing her, my legs stretched out before me as far as the tub will allow. Scully wastes no time moving forward and straddling me. She grasps my shoulders and tries to sink down onto me. I stop her. "No. Not yet. I have to finish the story first." I settle her down until she rests on my upper thighs. Before I can stop her she has reached down between us and taken me in hand. And now I don't want to stop her. She strokes me, her fingers first tightening and then relaxing; over and over, as she pulls at me, milking me. My eyes slip shut and a chuckle escapes me--half gratitude and half shock. I am too close. Too close. I stop her hand. "Uh uh. Wait." Scully raises an elegant eyebrow. "For what?" "Don't rush me, Scully. I've got a story to tell." She swoops in for a kiss. Pulls slightly away and rests her forehead against mine. "Make it snappy." We grin at each other. "Where was I?" "The man was dreaming about making love to the woman." "Oh, yeah. Okay." I take a deep breath as my hands stray to her breasts. I watch her as she raises up on her knees a little and throws her head back, grasping onto the edges of the tub. She is so beautiful. "One day, this man's dreams become a reality. After years of knowing her and trusting her and loving her, he finally realizes that she loves him right back. And trusts him. And wants him." My hands move to circle her hips as I pull her towards me and stop her downward movement just as she attempts to impale herself on me. She is so close I can feel the heat of her sex hovering just above me. It is sweet agony. "And when they finally come together it's unlike anything he's ever experienced. She makes him whole and makes him strong. She awes him with her courage and her faith and her patience." The tiniest pressure of my hands on Scully's hips gives her permission and she slowly sinks down to envelope me. I force my hips to be still, knowing that any thrust I make might well be my first and last. We lock eyes and hold our breath until I am fully sheathed by her. And we are one again. I love this moment. There is nothing else on earth like it--and there never will be. We simultaneously release heavy, shuddering sighs. Scully leans forward and dots my chest with butterfly kisses. "Is that the end of the story, Mulder?" "No. Oh, no. There is no end, Scully. You see, this man--who all his life had been searching for the truth--discovered something with this woman." She begins to rock against me and all thought leaves my head. I force myself to focus on something else, anything else, before I am lost. Not yet. Not yet. I struggle to finish the story. I struggle to remember my name. "What does he discover, Mulder?" Scully whispers in my ear and takes the lobe between sharp little teeth. My hands slide up and down her soap-slickened back. "That the truth within is just as important as the truth without." I speak through clenched teeth, hissing the words. "That this woman means more to him than anything else." Scully pulls back and studies me. Her face is a contrast of emotions. Desire. Love. Anticipation. And a question. An anxious waiting and wondering. "More than the truth?" she asks me. I grab her face in my hands and devour her mouth as she increases the speed and pressure of her thrusts. I break the kiss and tell her, "Aw, Scully. Don't you know? You *are* my truth." I watch, entranced, as a single tear breaks free and slips down her cheek. I lap it up with my tongue. "I love you, Mulder." "Aw God. Scuh-lee." I am lost. Gone. Past the point of no return. I give myself over to sensation and let go of all restraint. My vision blurs and goes fuzzy and my eyes snap shut only to open again seconds later. And now all is sharp and there is a clarity of sight that takes hold and defines everything around me and within me. I watch my Scully as she clinches me tighter within her and surrenders to the orgasm that floods her body. All softness leaves me and I am transformed to steel. Every muscle, every fiber of my body, stiffens and freezes. I let go. Scully rides the contractions with me, urges me, answers my calling out to her with words that echo my own. You are my salvation. My strength. My passion and pleasure and pain. My promise. My truth. As quickly as it overcame me, the steel leaves; replaced by a shaky lassitude that envelopes us both, leaving us shuddering and panting, Scully leaning heavily against me. Muscles loosen and relax, becoming soft and pliable again. We are melting together, one with the other. We become liquid. Scully places a gentle kiss on my mouth and twists away from me. I tip my head back against the edge of the tub and brace my arms atop the sides. The drain is opened and I can feel the cool water swirling around me as it begins to empty out. But not all the way--just enough. I leave Scully to her business. She is the expert at the proper mix of hot and cold. The tub slowly refills, the water warm and soothing. Once she's finished, I pull Scully back to me and wrap her tightly in my arms. We float in a sea of contentment; into each other sinking. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The End Subject: *NEW* IEOS 2--Storm by Lydia Bower NC-17 US4 Spoilers From: (L. B. Bower) Author's notes: This is the second in a series of vignettes that take place within the universe I created in Dance Without Sleeping, though you don't have to read that first to understand this one. Just know that Scully is dealing with her cancer and she and Mulder have become lovers. Feedback is always welcome. Enjoy! :) Disclaimer: They aren't mine and never will be. Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. I mean no disrespect or infringement upon their rights. I'm simply doing this as a way of maintaining my last thread of sanity. Into Each Other Sinking 2--Storm by Lydia Bower Classification: V,A, MSR Rating: NC-17 for sexual content Spoilers: Yep. Up to and including Memento Mori Summary: Mulder and Scully find a way to ride out a late-night storm. Into Each Other Sinking 2 Storm by Lydia Bower XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The Lovers Look how each becomes gift and giver: their veins with nothing but spirit flow. Look how their forms like axles quiver, round which revolving raptures glow. Thirsters, and straight there are draughts for their drinking; wakers, and look, they are sated with sight. Let them, into each other sinking, rise, surviving each other's might. Ranier Maria Rilke XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX In the end it all comes down to this. These quiet moments. This sense of peace and fulfillment. It is the simple pleasures that make a life worth living. Awakened by I dream I cannot remember, I rise from my bed. Perhaps it is the coming storm, with its flickering spears of lightning, that draw me to the window. A twist of the bar opens the blinds, the meager light of the street lamp eagerly falling through them to paint the room behind me in silvery stripes. A cool breeze whispers through the open window and dances across my bare arms. I turn to the chair beside the window, reaching for my robe, and catch sight of the bed. I stop short, frozen by a sight earlier denied me by the dark Mulder lies sleeping in my bed, the bars of light falling softly across his body. He is on his back, his arms flung carelessly above his head, his face turned towards me. His restless legs have kicked all but a corner of the top sheet down to the foot of the bed. The soft cotton is wound and bunched around his waist, leaving one bent leg exposed from the thigh down. I smile with secret pleasure and perch on the edge of the chair, watching Mulder sleep. He has no idea I do this. It wouldn't have been possible a few short months ago--when an extended study of him would have yanked him from sleep in an unconscious, instinctive response to possible danger. He no longer startles awake at the least sound or movement, his eyes wide and empty, his arms flailing for purchase. His sleep is now largely untroubled by the nightmares that use to plague him. He's more rested, and the dark circles are gone from beneath his eyes. My nightmares have faded as well. But my dreams are often still vivid enough to wake me, urging me from the bed until I've regained a sense of myself. It is these nights when I take the opportunity to study him. To slowly turn the blinds and watch the meager light play across his body. To illuminate a face so beautiful it stuns me still. Mulder is a handsome man. But it is the innocent he becomes in slumber that has enchanted me. Another streak of lightning flashes across the sky. And this time I can hear the distant rumble of thunder that follows several seconds later. And then another flash. I watch as the blue-tinted light flicks across his features like a lover's tongue. It throws his face into sharp relief, highlighting the curve of his cheek and the emphasizing the deep hollows of his eyes. He shifts a little and one arm drops down by his side. His hand ends up resting on his stomach, the fingers splayed wide against the flat expanse of skin. I watch as they flex and curl. And then his hand moves again in tiny rubbing motions, up and down, before it ceases. I wonder what causes him to do this; if he is perhaps comforting himself in sleep. Did his mother ever do this when he was a small child? Did she soothe his dreams with a gentle hand stroking up and down his chest or his back? Somehow, I think not. His lips are slightly parted and it is quiet enough within the room that I hear the sigh escape him. What does he dream? Is his slumber filled with memories of his life, playing like some old movie flickering against the screen of his mind? Does he relive moments both awful and wonderful? Does he still dream of me? I woke one morning to find him turned away from me, clutching his pillow as he would a lover. I roused him from sleep with feather-soft kisses against the back of his neck and opened my arms as he turned and settled into them, the pillow forgotten. He'd wrapped his arms tightly around me and murmured against my breast, "I'd forgotten, Scully. I was dreaming of you and I'd forgotten." "What?" I whispered against his hair. "That you were really here. That it wasn't just a dream anymore." I think about all the nights that lay in the future. I wonder if the time might come when he will be forced to make do with a pillow instead of the warmth of my body. Will I once again become nothing more than a dream? The lightning flashes more intensely now, and less time passes between it and the growing rumble of thunder. It's loud enough this time to bring Mulder to the edge of waking. Not yet, I silently plead. I'm not finished. I'm not sure what I'm asking for. More time to study Mulder without his knowing? Or more time to live my life? I am helpless to stop the downward turn of my thoughts--as impotent against them as I am the power of the storm. I cannot stop either. I feel the sting of tears and scrub my eyes like a tired child. I drop my hands and tip my head against the back of the chair, my eyes closing of their own accord. It's easy to forget in the bright and noisy daylight, busy with the work and the details both mundane and fantastic, that I'm dying. Darkness that was once my escape has become my tormentor. It brings forth all the truths that hide so well in the glaring light of day. "Scully?" His voice is low and velvet-soft in the shadowed confines of the bedroom. "Hmm." I open my eyes and find him looking over at me. He's on his side, propped up on an elbow. His hair is tousled and locks of it fall onto his brow. His eyes are small and sleep-fogged. "You okay?" The response is automatic. "Yeah, Mulder. I'm fi--" I can't finish the word. He's heard it too much and is just as unconvinced by it as I am. "I just couldn't sleep," I tell him. "There's a storm coming." My announcement is accompanied by a bright streak of lightning. It's followed only seconds later by the muffled roar of thunder. And by a feeling within me that I can't quite define. "So I see," Mulder says. "Why don't you come back to bed?" I watch as he yawns and stretches an arm above his head. "In a minute." I know that all I have to do is crawl back in beside him. I know that he'll pull me close and soothe my unspoken fears. It's such a simple thing to do. So why can't I? Mulder studies me for several seconds, his face relaxed but for the slight furrow of his brow. He pulls himself up and leans against the headboard, absently scratching his bare chest. The silence stretches on, and I can almost hear him thinking. Trying to figure out what's going on in my mind. If anyone can do it, it's Mulder. It still bothers me, sometimes, that he knows me so well. Some small part of me wishes to remain a mystery to him--to everyone. There's a certain safety in remaining enigmatic. But Mulder's keen mind is like the darkness: it uncovers truths that hide in the light. "Talk to me, Scully." It is both request and command. I shake my head. "It's nothing." How can I explain when I don't know myself? "You're lying to me." There is no accusation behind his words. Only a touch of humorous resignation. I am suddenly blinded by a tremendous bolt of lightning as it streaks across the night sky. I startle in my chair, the air filling my lungs in a sharp gasp. The thunder comes only a second or two later; ear-splittingly loud and echoing through the room--and through my body, as well. I feel the violence and the power of it in my bones and I draw my legs up to my chest, hugging them. "Scully?" The words leave my mouth before I've had a chance to consider them. And hearing them shocks me. "I'm scared, Mulder." I wonder where that came from. And is it really fright I feel? Or is it helplessness? Mulder starts to untangle himself from the sheets, one foot dropping to the floor. But I stop him, lifting my hand like a signal. He goes still for long moments and then settles back again. "What are you scared of?" His voice is low, soothing. And then the sky opens up and the rain comes down in sheets. It beats against the windows and bounces through the screen to pepper my arms and back, soaking through the thin t-shirt I'm wearing. "I'm afraid of not knowing," I blurt, and wait to see if he'll challenge me. But he says nothing, his silence asking what he won't voice. "I'm afraid of not knowing what's going to happen to me. And to you, if I should die. I'm frightened that with everything going on around me, I'm going to end up missing something important. Something that might show us what needs to be done. I'm afraid--" I swallow down the tears and confess, "I'm afraid I won't be strong enough. And that whether I live or die, I won't do a good enough job of it." His eyes drift from mine and close in a slow blink. I watch his chest rise and fall. Finally he speaks. "We've never been closer to finding the answers that'll save you, Scully. You know that." This is Mulder's way. He approaches any discussion of my illness by first declaring that I will survive this cancer. It's only then that he'll allow himself to speak of the what-ifs and the myriad other possibilities inherent with my disease. I used to find myself wondering how a man could continue to be so optimistic about finding the sister lost to him after almost a quarter of a century had passed. Now I'm grateful for that facet of his personality. I know he'll never give up. If the cancer ends up taking me, Mulder will be fighting for my last breath right along with me. That's not what I want for him. I don't want him to lose this battle, too. But what he says is true. What we are finding out, in dribbles and spurts, may be the information we need to save my life. Tonight, though, that fact isn't enough. I tell him so. "Scully," he says, and shakes his head. His face holds a measure of wistful amusement. "You can't control everything. And you can't always have the answers you want." I reach behind me and close the window. The storm carries on unabated. I unfold my legs and lean forward, my elbows braced on my knees. "You're a fine one to talk." He shrugs and smiles at me, just one corner of his mouth lifting. "I can be practical if I have to. Beneath this seething exterior of insanity beats the heart of a rational man." He shifts and turns to face me, sitting cross-legged, the sheet across his lap. "I learned to let go a long time ago." My brow wrinkles in question. "Let go of what?" "Control. Or the belief that I have any. And choices. The ones that were never mine to make." I take this bit of information and weigh it against what I've come to know about Mulder. It almost seems a contradiction of everything he is. And yet it doesn't. It's Mulder who deserves the label of enigmatic. "So, it's still about fate?" I ask. He shrugs again. "Maybe." I can't help but crack a smile. "You don't have to be so emphatic about it, Mulder." He grins at me and I can see the waking sparkle in his eyes. He drops his eyes and fiddles with the edge of the sheet. He's still looking down when he speaks again. "I don't believe it was fate that Samantha was taken. Not after everything I've learned. But I think it's fate that I wound up working on the X-Files. As a means of finding the truth. And I think it's fate that you came into my life." "And my cancer?" I ask quietly. There is a long silence and I've begun to wonder if he heard me over the raging of the storm. Finally, his eyes lift and meet mine. "I don't know, Scully. I think I'm too close to make an objective judgment." His shoulder rise and fall in a heavy sigh. "Part of me says it's fate--that everything was set in motion when you were assigned as my partner. And that there wasn't a damn thing either one of us could've done to prevent what's happened to you." "And the other part?" I already know the answer. I don't know why I've asked. Do I need to hear him say the words? Mulder says matter-of-factly, "The other part of me is heavily into self-flagellation and crippling doses of guilt." I'm instantly ashamed of myself for asking. I rise from the chair and kneel down by the bed. Mulder watches warily as I scoot closer and lay my cheek against his knee. "I'm sorry, Mulder. That wasn't fair." Long moments pass before I feel his fingers begin to weave through my hair, brushing it away from my face. "Well," he says. "It could have been worse. You could've brought up Melissa, too." My head snaps up and our eyes lock. I look for any sign of bitterness or self-reproach in his face--anything that didn't translate in his tone. And then he adds, "Or Queequeg." His deadpan expression breaks into a mischievous grin. "Bastard," I breath. But I don't mean it. Tit for tat. I lay my head back on his knee and listen as he snickers quietly. His hand slides down my neck and under my t-shirt, softly rubbing a spot between my shoulder blades. His hand is warm and slightly rough against my skin. "You worry too much, Scully. You need to learn to let go of the things you can't control. It's not good for you to dwell on the shit you can't change; you know that." "And you?" "Hey, I'm great at giving advice. That doesn't mean I'm so good at taking it, y'know?" "How do you do it, Mulder?" He leans over me and runs his hand lower down my back, to the flare of my hips. He pulls back, dragging his stiff fingers up along my spine. Up and down, in firm but gentle movements. It's almost hypnotic. It's also very sensual. I sigh and nuzzle the soft hair above the fold of his knee; feel it tickling my nose. "Do what, Dana?" he asks. Dana. Strange how the use of my first name has become so embedded with meaning. It signals warmth and vulnerability and love. A bond that runs too deep to fathom. "How do you keep picking yourself up and going on?" I lift my cheek and gaze up at him. His eyes are dark and hooded. His hand slips around my waist and plays its way up my ribs. "I don't mean to dwell on the failures, Mulder, but we've had so many of them. Losing evidence. Losing leads." "Losing my sister," he adds. "And yours." His voice is saying one thing but his hand is saying another. It's slipped around to cup my breast. My hardening nipple is wedged in the webbed fold between two fingers. His hand goes still. He's just holding me. "I don't understand how you do it. You're always being criticized and whispered about. You've been pushed to the limit more than any other person I know. And yet you keep coming back for more." "I'm the human version of a Timex watch, Scully," he whispers in my ear. His hand slips out of the shirt, leaving my breast missing its warm. He reaches both arms over my back and grabs the bottom of the t-shirt, swiftly pulling it over my head. He unfolds his legs and pulls me up into the space between his thighs, my back against his chest. Mulder brushes the hair away from my neck. I gasp as I feel his mouth land there. His lips are soft and warm as they move down the curve of my neck. "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking." "Mmm." I love it when he kisses me like this. I can feel the goosebumps rise on my skin as his hands cover my breasts and his mouth continues its sweet torture. Some part of me knows he's only doing this to distract me. But is that such a bad thing? You worry too much, Scully. "How do you do it?" I ask again. He slides his hands down and softly nudges first one of my thighs and then the other apart, until they're draped over his and spread wide. His fingers play along the lace edge of my panties before once more capturing my breasts. He pulls gently at my erect nipples. Intense waves of warmth blossom and spread through me, centered in my core. I lean more fully against him. I can feel the growing heat and length of his erection pressing into my lower back. He nibbles at the tender skin below my ear and a whimper escapes me. "I don't have a choice," he tells me between nips. "I do what I have to do; just like you." "Fate, then," I decide. "I dunno," he says as his hand comes up to cup my jaw and turn my face towards his. His lips dance close to mine. "This, though.... You and me. Like this. It's fate." My reply is stopped by his mouth. As his inquisitive tongue slips between my lips, I try to turn within the circle of his arms. He easily stops me and holds me still as he explores my mouth. His kiss is deep and hot, his tongue flicking hungrily against mine. Mulder pulls away from the kiss and drags his moistened lips across my cheek and back to my neck. "So you're saying I have no choice in this; that what we have is meant to be?" He mumbles something unintelligible against the top of my shoulder; hesitant to lift his mouth from its work. One hand is back at my breast, the other running slowly up and down my thigh. "Which means it's something I can't control," I continue. There is a slight tremor in my voice. And a growing heat in my belly. My arms lift above me and back, my fingers tangling in the short, silky strands of his hair. He kneads one breast and then the other, my arched back pushing them deeper into his hand. "Which means.... Oh." I lose my train of thought as his hand slips under my panties. His fingers thread through the coarse hair covering my sex and he lightly cups me. Then his fingers curl slightly and one slips inside and flutters against the wall of muscle surrounding it. I lick dry lips and release a ragged sigh. Somehow I regain my senses enough to finish my thought. But not until I allow my head to tip back and rest against his shoulder. "Which means I should just let go." Mulder takes advantage of the skin presented him and attacks the hollow of my throat, nipping and kissing his way up to my chin. His upper body is draped around me like a blanket. His erection is pressing eagerly into my back. I feel small, safe. And loved. Infinitely loved. "Is that what you're saying, Mulder?" "That's what I'm saying, Scully." His finger moves out of me and slides up to tease my clitoris. "Just let go." Oh, how I want to. His caresses steal my voice and banish more of the darkness. The last vestiges of my control are slipping away. I ask only for one more assurance from him. "You'll catch me?" I ask him as he takes hold of my shoulders and turns me. He falls to the bed, carrying me with him. "Always," he promises. A hand shoots up to curl around the back of my neck. He pulls my mouth down to his and draws me into a deep kiss. The lightning continues to streak down from heavy-bellied thunderclouds. It catches moments of our loving-making in snapshot flashes, burning the images in my mind. Panties and boxers quickly shed and tossed carelessly away. Mulder's mouth at first one breast and then the other. The flicking of a tongue giving way to urgent suckling that pulls the thread still tighter within me. His hands grasping and kneading my thighs, the cheeks of my ass. My tongue licking the salty, tangy sweat from his belly and moving downward. Drawing him into mouth, his hands tangling in my hair. The sweet sound of his low chuckle as he pulls me back up to him. Flat on my back, my wrists held gently but firmly above my head. Mulder kneeling beside me and running his mouth down my body, whispering about tongue baths and the dessert he didn't get after supper. Rolling away from him as his fingers leave my breasts and he mischievously pokes my ribs, causing startled laughter to burst from me. Finding myself on the brink of falling off the bed. And Mulder grabbing me. Pulling me back. Wrapping himself tightly around me and settling between my open thighs. Watching his face as his eyes slip shut and he buries himself deep within me. Hearing his senseless whispers as he drops his head and rests his face at the join of my neck and shoulder. His lips and teeth against the tender skin. The colors that dance and melt together behind my lids when my own eyes close. The sensations of our joining heightened by the darkness I now gladly embrace. The rollercoaster ride of his body slapping against mine, pumping into me with the same drive and determination he puts into everything. His hand slipping between us and his fingers circling my clitoris. The awkward bucking of my hips as I find the sweet edge of my release and step off the precipice. And always, always Mulder. There to catch me. Bringing me gently down and turning his attention inward, urged toward his own release by my whispered pleadings. The low, guttural moan as he comes and the sound of it echoing through my body. Setting off tremors within me that are both his and mine. And I am there to catch him. Afterward we lay in a tangle of arms and legs, our labored breathing winding down to heavy sighs and low hums of contentment. Mulder slowly twists around and lays his head on my belly. He slips an arm around my waist. My hand drops to play in his hair. It only takes a moment to close my eyes and send a prayer of thanks heavenward. Because I know with perfect clarity that I'd already be dead if it wasn't for Mulder. Or I'd wish I was. I used to believe my strength lay in my independence and my unflinching ability to ignore the heart of Dana Scully--and in ignoring her need to love and be loved in the most basic of ways. I wanted to be appreciated for what my mind could contribute instead. Somewhere along the line I forgot to listen to the other half of me. Fears and needs were shoved aside, boxed into a hidden place I very rarely visited. Had it not been for Mulder and his relentless pounding away at my defenses, I'm convinced my emotional isolation would have stolen even more of whatever time I have remaining. We all die alone. But I don't want to live that way. And now I don't have to. Slowly, hesitantly, I've learned to share my fears and needs with Mulder. They gather like dark, foreboding clouds; with great strength and threat of violence. And Mulder's love is their release. He is my storm. Wind and rain. Sound and fury. "Mulder." "Hmm?" "Listen." He lifts his head from my stomach and turns it first one way and then the other. Then he peers up at me. "I don't hear anything," he says, and lays his head back down. "The storm has passed." He tightens his arm around my waist. "Another one under our belts. We're getting pretty good at riding them out, aren't we?" "Yes," I agree; gratified he's understood the deeper meaning of my words. "Yes, we are." I stroke the back of his neck and reach for him. "Come here." He groans his desire to stay put, but slowly works his way up the bed until he's holding me in his arms. I rest my head on his chest, my ear pressed against his heart. The rhythmic, steady beat lulls me toward sleep. I blindly raise my hand and cup his cheek. Mulder turns his face and presses a kiss on the palm of my hand. "I'm not afraid anymore, Mulder." My words are blurry with sleep. "Good," he murmurs. "Sleep, Scully. Dream. And don't worry. I'm right here." My last awareness is of the single kiss he presses against my forehead. I dream of flying effortlessly, my backdrop a brilliant morning sky. Standing below me is Mulder, his head tipped up to watch. He's smiling as I soar and swoop with utter confidence. Knowing he'll catch me if I fall. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The End Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 20:56:57 -0500 From: Lydia Bower Subject: *NEW* IEOS3--Mirror 1/2 by Lydia Bower NC-17 US4 Spoilers Author's notes: This story takes place within the universe I created in Dance Without Sleeping. It's not necessary to read that first, though I'd like it if you would. :) Just know that Scully is dealing with her cancer and she and Mulder have become lovers. My faithful readers may find this installment a bit more light-hearted than the first two. Blame it on Mulder and Scully. They're just like me--they can only take so much angst. Feedback is always welcome. Please note my new email address. Enjoy! Uh, Charli? This makes it three and oh. You better get busy! Into Each Other Sinking 3 Mirror by Lydia Bower Classification: S, MSR, A, H Rating: NC-17 for sexual content Spoilers: Fourth season. Up to and including Memento Mori. Summary: What do we see when we look in a mirror? Mulder and Scully find out. Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. Never will be. All rights to The X-Files belong to Surfer Boy, 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. Mulder and Scully, however, belong to David and Gillian. Anybody want to argue with me about that? Didn't think so. Into Each Other Sinking 3 Mirror By Lydia Bower XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX The Lovers Look how each becomes gift and giver: their veins with nothing but spirit flow. Look how their forms like axles quiver, round which revolving raptures glow. Thirsters, and straight there are draughts for their drinking; wakers, and look, they are sated with sight. Let them, into each other sinking, rise, surviving each other's might. Ranier Maria Rilke XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX It's been said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. But they are also a mirror, reflecting how we see ourselves. Studies have shown that infants learn about their place and importance in the world by reflecting the expressions on the faces of their parents and caregivers. That babies greeted with joy and open, smiling faces are happier and healthier than those confronted by frowns and saddened visages. If we are looked upon favorably, we tend to feel good about ourselves. If the opposite is true, it can set up a lifetime struggle with self-esteem and our own sense of worth. This cause and effect follows us throughout our lives. We look to parents and teachers to tell us how well we're doing at navigating life. We look to friends to discover our worthiness. We look to lovers to reflect back our importance in their lives. A single look from a loved one can either lift us to heights never before imagined or throw us down into a dark pit of despair. But what about what we see when we gaze at our own reflection. How much of what we see is truth and how much is perception? If a beautiful woman gazes at herself in a mirror and sees only ugliness, does it become truth? Does her perception change the way the world views her? Ask the woman and you'll get one answer. Ask the man who loves her and you'll get another. I find Scully in the bedroom, standing in front of the full-length mirror, a hair brush in her hand. Her eyes are cast downward. Her expression is somber and thoughtful. It's a look I've seen far too often lately. This latest round of treatments has taken a huge toll on her. It's sapped her energy and her appetite. No more twelve hour days for her. No more meals eaten on the fly with little attention paid to what she's putting in her mouth. Meals are carefully planned and timed; bland and tasteless so as not to set off another bout of retching and heaving that will leave her drained and weak. I stop in the bedroom doorway and take in the scene before me. "Scully, you okay?" The words are automatic and useless. I can see that she's not. A wry involuntary smile crosses my face at her answer. It's as habitual as my question. "I'm fine, Mulder." I cross the room to stand behind her and glance at our reflections in the mirror. Her eyes remain downcast. I keep my tone light and attempt humor. "You looking for a way to step through to the other side?" There is no response. I try again. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Nothing. "Scully?" "Look," she says. I follow her line of sight and finally discover what's mesmerized her. One hand is holding the brush, the other a handful of her hair. A large handful. Another quip is born and dies before it reaches my tongue. "My hair is falling out," she flatly tells me. My hands move to her shoulders and down, caressing her arms in easy strokes. "Your doctor said this might happen." That's good, Mulder. Tell her something she already knows. I wonder if this will ever get any easier. If I'll ever come up with the words to ease her pain. Ask me to explain the latest theory on the existence of extraterrestrial life and I can quote you chapter and verse. Present me with the challenge of reassuring Scully and helping her cope with her fears and I'm reduced to platitudes. "It'll grow back," I assure her. More platitudes. How pathetic. "It's not just that," she murmurs. Her eyes finally lift and meet mine in the mirror. "Look at me, Mulder. I'm disappearing. I look at myself and I don't even recognize the person I see." Her voice rises in poorly hidden panic. "What's happening to me?" "It's just the chemo, Scully. You're still the same woman you've always been." "How can you say that?" she asks. There is a tinge of anger in her words. My hands drop away from her in response to it. I watch as she jams the wad of hair back into the brush and carelessly tosses it towards the bed. The brush bounces on the edge and falls soundlessly to the floor. Scully grabs the t-shirt of mine she's wearing in both hands, pulling the extra material tight behind her back. Her ribs and hipbones stand out in sharp relief against the thin fabric covering her. "Just look at me," she demands. "I'm wasting away. I'm beginning to look like the survivor of a goddamn concentration camp." "Scully...." "And look at my face, Mulder." My eyes obediently travel upward from the reflection of her small body to her face. "I don't have any color anymore. If it wasn't for make-up, I'd look like a corpse. I can't get rid of the circles under my eyes. My cheekbones and chin are sharp enough to cut glass." She continues to study herself, ticking off her perceived imperfections like a laundry list of points not open for debate. "My skin is dry. My eyes aren't as clear anymore. My hair is dull and lifeless. I look like I'm sixty years old. I look like shit," she declares. It's not that I can't see what she sees, if I look for it. I can. It's just that I see so much more than that. "You're beautiful, Scully." It's the truth. Her laughter is bitter. "No, I'm not. Not anymore. I'm sick. I look sick." She drops her hands and the shirt billows around her. Hiding the body that carries the invader. Hiding the evidence of what this latest assault on her cancer has done to her. Scully has never been a vain woman. She's not the type to be overly fussy about her appearance. We've been knee deep in everything from pig shit to green hybrid blood too often for her to worry much about how she looks. But that's not to say she doesn't care. Scully is the consummate professional. Always polished, always as close to perfection as she can manage. But she does it for the world outside this apartment more than for herself, or for me. Her appearance is a shield that protects her. With make-up carefully applied, every hair in place, suit well-cut and attractive, she becomes less vulnerable to the pitfalls inherent when a woman is doing work once reserved for men. It protects her. It gives her a measure of control. Which is why her admission puzzles me, coming now. Here, where we are. She doesn't have to prove herself to me. She hasn't had to for a long time. And she certainly has nothing to prove to anyone outside this room. Not tonight. Not when we're away from the work. It's just me and Scully. And then it occurs to me that this time around, her concern might be for me and how I'm viewing her now. That instead of how the world may view her in light of her illness, it's my opinion that matters most to her. I can tell her she's beautiful until I'm blue in the face, but it won't convince her. Her need runs much deeper than simple words can satisfy. I take a step closer to her and watch in the mirror as I bend over her and my arms go around her. One slung high, just below the hollow of her throat. The other around her waist. I pull her tight against my chest, resting my chin on her shoulder. Waiting for her eyes to lift and meet mine. "Well," I murmur close to her ear, "I'll admit there's not quite as much of you as there used to be, Scully. But what's there is still incredible." Her eyes have drifted from mine. She issues a quiet snort of disbelief. If I'm not mistaken--and I don't think I am--there was more than a hint of "prove it" in the sound. My overactive imagination instantly creates several scenarios for possible ways to do just that. Most of them based on proof physical rather than cerebral. What can I say? I'm a hands-on kind of guy. "I can, you know," I tell her. "You can what, Mulder?" "Prove it to you." Her gaze shoots up, locking with mine. "I didn't say you had--" "I know you didn't. But I'm going to anyway. Because I want to." I've got her curious now. I hold her eyes easily, a tiny leer pulling up one corner of my mouth. I see the spark of realization flare in her eyes. Feel the instinctual awareness between us rise a notch or two. A sweet tension swells, filling the room with a low thrumming that's felt instead of heard. Scully's eyebrow slowly rises and she cocks her head just a bit. There is amused trepidation in her voice. "Mulder...." I turn my face until my lips brush against her neck. "Yeah, Scully?" "What exactly do you have in mind?" I chuckle against her skin. I can't answer her because I'm not really sure myself. I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Not for the first time, either. I've managed to make it to thirty-six with an awful lot of airborne miles under my belt. I must be pretty good at it. Or just lucky. Okay, Mulder, old boy. Prove it to her. There is only a moment's hesitation before I release her and step away. "I'll show you." It takes mere seconds to yank my t-shirt over my head and slip off my jeans and boxers. I face Scully, naked as a jay bird. She crosses her arms and gives me the once-over. "Mulder, I already know how much you like to take off your clothes. You're a born exhibitionist. What's your point?" Only Dana Scully could confront a naked man with such aplomb. A little voice in my head is whispering that I'm about to make a fool of myself. Fortunately (or not) I've learned how to cut that particular voice off quickly. Still, it's with a little bit of sheepishness that I join her back in front of the mirror. I take a spot beside her and turn her so both our eyes are focused on my reflection. "What do you see when you look at me, Scully?" I ask her. "Do you want to know what I see? Well, I'm gonna tell you." I take a good long look at myself. I try to see myself objectively, as someone else might. Someone who wasn't busy calling for the men in the white coats to take away the crazy naked guy. "I see a large nose and a little chin. And a bottom lip so big it flaps in the breeze. I see a guy whose eyes are so droopy he looks like he's stoned half the time." A smile has begun to play at the corners of Scully's mouth. I continue my honest assessment. "The phrase 'tall and lanky' seems to fit. Don't you think? I'll never be Arnold Schwarzenegger, that's for damn sure." I poke at my chest. "Though I do have more hair on my chest than he does. 'Course, that's not saying much." "Mulder." "Hush up. I'm not done yet." The rebuke is gentled by my eyes meeting hers in the mirror. I twist around and study the reflection of my backside. "I guess the ass is okay. Seems to catch quite a few eyes." I have to hide my delight when Scully cracks, "Of both sexes, I might add." She's getting into the spirit of things. "Thank you, Agent Scully, for your informative but wholly unnecessary contribution. May I go on?" She gestures with an open hand. "Be my guest." I drop my eyes below my waist. We'll skip that part for now. "Okay. The legs, Scully. Granted they can get me from one place to another rather quickly, but they're definite chicken legs." She bites off a startled laugh and slaps a hand over her mouth. "What?" She looks up at me in the mirror and I watch her face shift to serious mode. "I'm sorry, Mulder, but it's true. You do have bird legs. Her glance drops. "And your feet...." What's wrong with my feet? I ask her. "What's wrong with my feet?" "Nothing, really." I'm not convinced. She looks back down at them. So do I. "They're just so...big. Especially attached to those legs." We look back up at the same time and nod at our reflections. We're both grinning. I watch, and feel it, as Scully's arm slips around my waist, her hand coming to rest low on my hip. "Big nose, big feet," I tell her. "Big hands. You know what they say, Scully." I pause for effect. "Which lead us to the next item on display." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end part 1/2 Summary and disclaimer can be found in part 1. This is nothing but story. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes humor is the only way to get through a potentially embarrassing situation. I watch as Scully's eyes drop to my crotch. She's gotten a good handle on the situation. Maybe too good. I turn on my best game show host voice. "Tell our lucky contestants about the next item up for bid, Rod." I switch to announcer. "Well, Bob, today we have a nice one-owner set of genitals." I venture a peek at Scully. She's biting her bottom lip. Hard. Her face is flushed with the struggle to hold back her laughter. Good. I happen to glance down and make a discovery. This situation seems to be having an effect on the item in question. Scully has noticed this as well. Sometimes I wonder if I own my penis or if it owns me. It doesn't much seem to care as it continues to twitch and swell under Scully's scrutiny. I clear my throat but my voice still comes out rough. Scully's fingers are playing along my hip, dancing in feather-light and ever-widening circles. "It looks to be a nice package, Bob. Not too big and not too small. Just right. And not to toot my own horn, so to speak, but I have had my fair share of compliments on Sparky." I freeze, my mouth and eyes simultaneously snapping shut as I realize what I've said. Oh shit. Please let her pretend she didn't hear that. "Sparky?!" You just wait, Scully. I'll get you back for this one. I know what's coming. Shit. A slip of the tongue and all my advantage just went flying out the window. I have to have it back. I reach for her shirt, tugging it up. "Your turn, Scully. Time to get naked." "Sparky?" she repeats. She passively allows me to remove one of the two items of clothing she's wearing. The white t-shirt drops to the floor. She's left with only her panties. Bikinis. Pale pink. Lace. Nice. I turn her back to the mirror and step beside her. She is watching me, a content smirk on her face. I shoot her a look that roughly translates to "Make something of it. I dare you." "Sparky," she mouths. "Shut up, Scully." I kneel down and swiftly peel off her panties. "Yes, I named it Sparky," I tell her, looking up at her reflection from my crouch. "So now you know. The Great Mystery revealed. You breath a word of it to another soul and I'll shoot you, Scully; swear to God." "You don't believe in God, Mulder." "I will if he'll erase the last thirty seconds." "It doesn't work that way," she tells me as I straighten up. "Fine. It doesn't work that way. Now, can we get back to what we were doing?" "What *were* we doing?" Her attention has refocused below my waist. "Stop it, Scully." "Stop what?" "Stop looking at me there." "If you didn't want me to look, Mulder, you shouldn't have taken your clothes off." We trade glances in the mirror. "Besides, I'm finding this really fascinating. I mean, I've seen an erection a time or two, but there's just something about actually watching the process...." "Jesus Christ, Scully. Will you shut up?" "What would you like me to do instead?" I take her head in my hands and point her eyes forward. "Look at yourself." "What?" I huff impatiently. "*Look* at yourself. That's what I want you to do." Her eyes close in a slow blink and open up to meet mine. "I don't want to." The change is subtle but remarkable. All the teasing notes are gone from her voice. Serious Scully has made an appearance. And people call *me* mercurial. "You have to," I tell her. "Why?" My hand drops down, my fingers lacing with hers. My voice is pitched low and gentle. A quiet urging. "Because that's the way this works. You got your chance to tell me what you see when you look at yourself--now it's my turn." There is a small silence before I continue. "I want you to see what I see when I look at you." I watch as she drops her chin and sighs. "Mulder. You don't have to do this. I'm okay. Really. I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It'll pass." "You're not going to quit on me now, are you, Scully?" Her eyes fly up to the mirror and lock onto mine. They track me as I step behind her and lay my hands on her shoulders. They rise and fall in another sigh. I watch as her perfect mouth tightens almost imperceptibly. Challenge issued and accepted. I slowly nod my head in acknowledgment. Sliding my hands down her arms, I link her fingers in mine. Giving them a little squeeze, I move back up. Scully closes her eyes as my hands begin to roam over her. And that's okay. She needs time to gather herself. Truth be told, so do I. Although I try to stay far enough away from her, my erection bobs with the beating of my heart and nudges against her lower back. I try to focus on what Scully might be feeling instead of the awareness of my growing need for her. I keep my touch as impersonal and non-sexual as I can. I concentrate on her slim arms and strong legs. The supple curve of her back. I merely glance over the peak of her ass and the flat of her belly. I completely avoid her breasts, though my hands ache to hold them. I stroke and knead, mimicking the movements of a masseuse. After a few short minutes I'm beginning to feel her relax under my hands. She softens and becomes pliable, swaying slightly on her feet. Easy. I'm watching her in the mirror the entire time. Watching my hands moving over her. Watching her features shift. Translating each tiny change and adjusting the pressure of my hands to fit. I love to watch her face when she's relaxed like this. The lift of her eyebrow. A twitch of her mouth. The slow stretch of her neck as she allows her head to tip back just the littlest bit. Her face and body speak a language as familiar to me as breathing. My arousal has mellowed to a languid awareness. I come up off my haunches and slide my arms around her. My hands come to rest splayed out against her belly. I peer over her shoulder and down at the peaks of her rounded breasts. After a few seconds I smugly chuckle and whisper to her, "Hey, Scully. Open your eyes. I want you to take a look at something." She does; and her eyes are soft and unfocused pools of blue. She blinks a few times and then follows my eyes down to her breasts. "See? I can do it, too. All I have to do is look at your nipples and they start to get hard." I glance up at her. She is watching; seemingly as fascinated as I am by my new-found skill. "Let's see if I can speed this up a little," I tell her. I purse my lips and blow softly against one coral-pink nubbin and then the other. Her nipples continue to pucker and harden. "Sure enough." My hands move up without conscious thought and cup her breasts gently. My palms curl under the heavy flesh and lift them. Scully's tongue flicks over her lips as she watches us in the mirror. Her full mouth glistens in the low light of the bedroom. The dull, pleasant ache in my groin begins to build again. Vibrating throughout my body before gathering low and tight in my belly. We watch as my thumbs slide up and over her taut nipples. And then back down. Lightly. Tauntingly. Again and again. Scully leans into me, her head swaying back to rest against my chest. "Look at how beautiful you are, Scully," I urge her. Her eyes open behind heavy lids. Her hips have begun a slow, easy thrusting against me. "You have such a perfect body. So small but so strong. This is the body of a fighter. A survivor. That's what I see when I look at you." My hands leave her breasts and stroke across her belly. Up and down her ribs. Tracing the flare of her hips and the curve of her waist. "Do you know what it means to me, to see you like this? Do you have any idea how special it makes me feel? Knowing you trust me enough to stand before me naked and completely vulnerable." I want to taste her. I need to taste her. My mouth drops to the top her shoulder. I kiss my way across the flesh and bone to the graceful line of her neck. I flick my tongue out and taste the tangy sweetness of the skin below her ear. Scully's small moan urges me on. Her hands have moved back to grip my hips and pull me tighter against her. I drape myself over her and pull my hands up and down her body, caressing every part of her but the one place we're both craving my touch the most. "I look at you and I understand how lucky I am, Scully. That someone as remarkable as you could ever love a man like me." "I do love you, Mulder." "I know you do." My arms go tight around her. I hold her against me with one arm around her waist and drop my free hand to the dark copper curls at the apex of her thighs. "I can see that you do. Your body tells me everything I need to know. All I have to do is look." My hand brushes down against her and back up, my fingers threading through the coarse curls and lifting them away from her sex. "Look with me. See what I see." She watches as I spread my fingers and open her silken folds. They're dusky pink and swollen; moist with the proof of her desire. The small nub of her clitoris beckons my touch. "You're never more beautiful to me than you are right now, Scully." My mouth is dry, my throat tight. "When you give yourself to me like this, you make me beautiful, too. You share that with me." My arousal is so sharp it's almost painful. And yet my eyes sting with unshed tears. I'm frustrated by my inability to express to this woman what she means to me. Words are not enough. They never will be. But maybe if I'm lucky, my hands and my meager words will tell her what she needs to know. And God--if he exists--God willing, we'll have many years to perfect this rare communication we share. Mind and body. Heart and soul. I love you, Scully. My hand slides down over her clitoris and she hisses between clenched teeth. A gasp follows as I slip two fingers inside her. She is hot and tight and ready. My teeth tug at the lobe of her ear. I glance at the mirror and lock my eyes onto our reflection. Yes. Scully is seeing what I see. Her eyes are moving, studying. >From the hand that's gone up to cup and knead her breasts to the one that slowly pumps between her legs. I catch her eye and hold it. She is gasping quietly. Watching me. Waiting. "Do you see, Scully?" I ask her. "Do you see how beautiful we are together?" This is elemental. Instinctual. Scully and me at our most basic and unguarded. We share a primal sympathy nothing can destroy. My brave and beautiful Scully. The white knight to my dark prince. "Yes," she breathes quietly. "I see." My fingers slip out of her silken core and find her clit. She groans and sags against me, her knees giving way. I slowly lower us to the floor. We end up kneeling with Scully between my open thighs. My erection pushes urgently at her lower back and the swell of her ass, seeking entrance to her body. I thrust against her and feel the answering push of her hips as she folds at the waist and drapes her upper body over the arm secured around her waist. My hand has become a blur between her legs. "Please, Mulder," she gasps. "Now. Please." She moans in disappointment as my hand stops its work and comes up to cup her shoulder, pulling back up against me. I watch her face in the mirror. Absorbing the image of her tousled hair and flushed cheeks. Her mouth open and working to pull in breath. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut. God, she's exquisite. Beautiful. So beautiful. "Kiss me, Scully." My words are little more than growls in my throat; unintelligible. But she knows. She hears me and twists her head around enough to reach my mouth with hers. And it is Scully who forces my lips open with her tongue. She enters me and begins a thorough exploration of my mouth. Her tongues dances against mine. Darts up to my teeth and gums. Grazes over the soft skin on the insides of my cheeks. I nip playfully at her tongue and pull away from her. There is a moment when we breathe each other's air before I become the conqueror, now ravaging her mouth the way she has mine. Scully reaches back between us and roughly grabs my cock in her tiny hand, squeezing and stroking in short, abrupt movements. I grunt into her mouth and push harder into her hand. I experience a moment of perfect clarity. Through my arousal-fogged brain runs the thought that this isn't going to take long at all. I have no control. None. And though these are only the first seconds of the direct contact of her hand around my cock, she may as well have been doing this all along. Another few seconds and I'm going to embarrass myself. She amazes me yet again when she breaks the kiss and abruptly ceases stroking me, asking, "Mulder?" Understanding is instantaneous. Now, If I can just make the words. "I'm gonna... I can't... It's now or never, Scully." Her eyes sparkle like jewels and she flashes me a thousand watt smile. "Now," she tell me and pulls free of my hold on her. And then she's on her knees in front of me. Her head resting on her folded arms. Her knees spread wide to encompass my thighs. Her sweet ass sticking up in the air, her sex open and inviting. "Now." I look up and catch our reflection in the mirror. I'm dazedly amused by the mixture of sublime pleasure and painful arousal on my face. My cock is straining hot and angry behind the curve of her backside. I throw my reflection a self-satisfied grin, take myself in hand and bury myself inside her in one quick thrust. Scully's back arches and her head comes up from the pillow of her arms. I pump into her furiously, watching as her right arm snakes under her. And then I feel her fingers slide around the base of my cock for a fleeting moment before they move up to her clit, stroking and rubbing in a frenzy of desire. "Look at me, Scully," I demand as I feel her inner muscles begin to pulse around me. "Look at me!" Her eyes lift to meet mine in the mirror and we explode together. I watch as her face contorts with her orgasm. Watch her as she sees the same change come over my face. I have to force my eyes to stay open. To allow her to see me seeing her. Sharing this as we've come to share everything in our lives. And we are beautiful together. I continue to pump into her in jerky, graceless thrusts, emptying myself deep in her depths. She twitches around me and finally closes her eyes, resting her face against the floor. I drape my body across her back, my elbows bent and holding most of my weight. Resting my cheek against hers, we take deep, cleansing breaths. "Wow," Scully says after a few minutes. "Yep. My thoughts exactly." She laughs quietly. Groaning, I slowly straighten up, planting kisses down her spine as I go. Scully follows me up and we take a second to smile at each other in the mirror. I stand and indulge in a huge stretch, moaning gratefully as various parts of me pop and creak back into place. I offer Scully my hand and pull her to her feet, frowning at her smirk. "What?" "It's hell getting old, isn't it, Mulder?" "Next time we move to the bed," I agree. "Speaking of which, is it bedtime yet?" "Nope," she tells me. "I have plans for you." "Do tell." "You're going to make me something to eat while I take a shower. I'm starving." I gaze down at her open, lovely face. "Really?" "Yes, really. I could eat an entire cow right now." A pleased chuckle escapes me. She hasn't acted this hungry in a long time. Maybe the worst of the effects of the chemo are passing. Maybe we've finally made it over the hump. And maybe, just maybe, this time will be the time that it all works. I kiss her soundly and suggest, "Why don't we start with a nice cheese omelet instead; just to be on the safe side. If you're a good girl and you clean your plate, I'll buy you an ice cream cone." "I have a better idea." "I'm all ears." I tuck her up against me and nuzzle against her neck. "After we eat, let's see if Sparky can come out and play." Scully lets out a startled yelp as my hand connects soundly with her ass. She dances away from me and heads for the bathroom, laughing under her breath. Chuckling, I turn back to the mirror. "Well, Sparky, you heard the lady. Think you're up to it?" If I'm not mistaken, that was a fairly enthusiastic twitch. "Atta boy." I give my reflection a knowing wink and head for the kitchen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End