THE LAKE By: Jamie Tanquary Feedback: If you feel so inclined to let me know you liked my work (believe me I know how hard it is to write feedback) then do so to Rating: NC-17 Classification: MSR Disclaimer: I really don't see the point of this considering there is not one name used throughout the whole thing. But ok it all belongs to CC, FOX, Ten Thirteen Pro, and DD & GA. Everything except the storyline. That's mine. Summery: Ok. maybe I was in the mood for a little Smut...well not completely. It is a little sappy as well. This story was written all in one night, as well as posted the next day. As a challange to a friend who wanted nothing more than a little impromtu SMUT. It has some errors and some weird formatting, but I am not changing it. My friend liked it the way it was. This is all that mattered to me. Visit my website for more of my stories @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ He took her an act of rebellion, or maybe desire. The night was laced with words unspoken. Had he brought her here for some unsuspecting reason? She didn't want to know his motives...for they were the same as hers. The lake was unusually calm...the stars serenely bright. He beckoned to her, but she did not come. She stared towards the water instead. She undressed slowly as she walked...wanting him to relish in her beauty. And he did...his eyes traveling up and down her sleek body. Had the tiny sliver of a moon not been out he wouldn't have seen the glow of her skin...the silkiness of her hair glistening between the soft apex of her thighs. Slowly she walked into the lake...each step creating waves across the calm water. She paused halfway out to turn to him, her eyes softly pleading for him to join her. He could see her soul...her every waking thought was of him. The depths made him shudder with pleasure. He tore at his clothes. They had become constricting...yet he couldn't remove them fast enough. He wanted to be with her...inside of her. If he claimed her as his own this once she would never belong to another. She would remain as his lover for all eternity. He entered the lake hesitantly. It was chilly at first...not too cold, but cold enough for him to enjoy the slight sting of the water, to relish the pain along with the pleasure. She kept walking towards the deepness of the lake. She was completely submerged now. Too much for his tastes. He needed to see watch her as she walked in the very center. For the water would represent her...the very deepness of her soul. She paused as if sensing his thoughts. How often had she dreamed of this night? Would she run and hide? No...she would wait for him to join her...wait for the inevitable pleasure that would arrive with her patience... He approached her slowly...his fingers dancing lightly over the soft skin of her back when he reached her. She didn't turn...she didn't need to it could only be him. But he teased her. He kept his larger frame from touching her body...attracting her to his warmth. She turned wanting much more. Yet he wouldn't get closer. He remained with his body not touching hers...his hands running lightly over her skin. "I want you." she whispered softly...sensuously. "You want me for what?" he replied hoarsely. "I want you to pleasure me as only you would know how." Was her soft reply. "Then let me." His lips covered hers...hard and demanding. His hands focused on the one spot that he knew would bring her pleasure. He pulled away as she began to moan and writhe under his touch. He moved away from that pleasure point...knowing she would groan in disappointment. She didn't fail what was expected of her. His hands moved lightly towards her back. "What will you do for me?" he asked her softly. "Anything..." she replied. Their eyes the darkness he saw the reflection of desire in her eyes. It mirrored his own..... "Anything?" He asked more carefully this time "Yes anything...just please..." He asked no more. She was waiting and he would give to her the one thing she wanted most...the touch of another human being. His mouth descended upon hers again...this kiss demanding so much more as his tongue invaded her lips and explored the depth of her very soul. He pulled her tighter into the embrace. Had she had any second thoughts about what she was doing? It didn't matter...she wanted him more than any other man she had ever wanted before...and he was willing to give into those pleasures, to make her understand the meaning of passion. Slowly his hands moved up from her back where he had been cradling her in his embrace. Her moans were uneven begging for more...yet too uneven to be deciphered. She stayed within the embrace.... waiting for the soft slide of his fingers...over the small of her back...up...slowly towards her soft neck. She gripped him closer into the embrace. She needed the contact... needed to feel the soft swell of her breasts against his chest. Still, he resisted the too close contact. He needed her to want him more...needed her passion to overcome her very being. She wouldn't stand for it though. Instead she ran her hands slowly up his back...small circles...pressure here...softer touches there. He stilled her hands with no warning... " must remain still...only when I tell you to move.... not before. Not after..." His voice was demanding...she would not disobey. The desire for control was more overbearing than she had imagined, she yielded to the unsteady yet firm grip. Her body ached with yearning and burned at the idea of his touch. His eyes clouded over with lust. Like a schoolgirl wanting to be taken, she felt herself shudder at the thought of his command, not the tone, but the urgency that came with it. He assumed that he had the control...but he was wrong to assume. His grip tightened then released her wrists. She would listen...she would let him do as he pleased for now. His hands began their journey from the small of her back again. She closed her eyes at his renewed exploration. He would not make her wait to long...of that one fact she was certain. What he promised would eventually come to pass. The night would remain their friend...the morning would only come after they had exhausted their bodies. The gentle pressure of his hands forced her eyes back open. The soft glide of fingertips along the top of her back now. Their eyes locked, both battling with words unspoken...words that would never be uttered, even in the veil of darkness. There was too much at stake to voice their doubts. He watched her face as his hands slid along her collarbone. Her lips were parted slightly...her eyes half closed. He was staring into those eyes, the eyes of temptation...and felt the fall of his restraint. He turned her suddenly. Pressing close to her against skin. She was gathered against his hot pulsating body. The cool water nipped lightly against the heat of their skin. "Is this what you want me for? To feel my body next to feel the warmth of my touch?" His words were her undoing. "No...I want more...I want your passion...I want..." A soft smile played over her lips as she realized what he wanted to hear. "I want you inside me..." His lips trailed over the soft skin of her his hands traveled lower. Her back arched towards the renewed touch. The gentle massage sent chills down her body...the stroking of his fingers sending pleasure throughout her. And still he waited...running his hands over the tops of her breasts but no further. Patience was lost. She needed to feel his touch all over. Her hands caught his and led them to the hard tips of her breasts. Her moans showing her state of arousal. Heat rippled under her skin as she recognized the flush of sexual desire she hadn't felt in years. He was there for her...holding her tightly against the hard frame of his body. Her skin burned against his gentle touch...her heart pounding loudly...the water alive around them. Her moans of his name music from her lips. His very touch sending little stabs of current down her abdomen to the very center of her desire. The sensation was incredible. His burning hard-on pressed against her, her breasts tingling against his palms. She would submit to this every way possible. He would see her for who she was, for what she needed most of all. And that is exactly what he wanted from her. There would be no turning back now...if they ever had that choice at all. His hands traveled he knew she needed the contact. She was asking for more but he was reluctant to give in...reluctant for the time to pass to quickly. Her knees grew weak with his touch...until he was holding her up with his arms that were wrapped around her. Fingertips danced lightly over skin...hers on his arms...his on her soft core. The shudders erupted within moments. Her body spasming to the tune of his fingers. She was his now...mind, body, and soul. No one would affect her for the rest of her life as this man had. His mind had trapped her own until she could trust no other...see no other person that would entrance her quite as much. She turned to him now. Her body craving the connection that only he could give her. The gleam of his eyes reflected off her own. Desire mirrored back at her in soft hazel eyes. A faint glimmer of love shining through the dusky irises. He loved her? The soft affirmative nod giving away more then they had ever hoped to accomplish that night. She would reciprocate the emotion at a later date. There was no need for the spoken word. Both knew the consequences...knew the depth of emotion involved. She gave to him then. Sensing what he wanted...sure that he would let her now. The soft slide of fingertips on his erect shaft. The deep intake of his breath. It was his turn for pleasure. His turn for her comforts. Her hands ran sensuously down the hard shaft...his moans betraying more then anything else. Standing on tiptoe, she touched her lips to his. She pulled away, intent on the movement of her hands...but he surprised her again. Pulling her back into the embrace, his demanding lips caressing hers with intensity. She felt the heat...felt the longing. He transferred it into a searing kiss of desire. They would end this charade...the years of holding back...the nights of endless frustration. His hands captured hers again. She looked at his gaze questionably...did he not want her now? Had she disappointed him somehow? Of course not...his soft smile said as much. He just wanted more. Wanted the warmth that only she could provide, and it was time. They both knew it instinctively. His large hands encircled her tiny waist. She was light in the water...and out of it. He would do as he pleased...with only her pleasure in mind. He lifted her to him...placing his hardness between her soft thighs. She was more than ready. Her body needing to be filled. Together...they lowered her body onto his. Her body welcoming his...pulling him deeper with gravity working for desire. A soft gasp capturing both their lips at this...their first joining in pleasure. Skin to skin, they were now as one. Lips captured lips...the stillness of their bodies ever obvious as each adjusted to this new height of pleasure. The world around them becoming hazy with the strength of passion and love. Nothing else existed, only this man and woman wrapped up in the tangles of lust. He moved her then. Lifting her gently...taking her to his very tip. She would know the true meaning of pleasure after tonight. She would know what it meant to be only desire. He would make sure of it, she would never be wrapped in frustration again. Her body pulled him back into her warmth. Instinctively arching towards him to make it more pleasurable for him. But he couldn't hold out for long with the friction. She wanted it that way...she would see that he would be hers forevermore. It was slow at first. Soft resistance of pain and pleasure. She would cry out...her lips against his. He would groan his hands caressing her hard nipples with purpose. His hands moved away from those pleasure points. Wrapping around the coppery strands of her hair. He needed her closer. Needed to crawl into her very being. The desire was too much. Speed ensued. He drew in and out of her warm body...wanting to hear her cries of love...needing something only she could give. She cried out for release. Begging him to take her to those heights that he had prepared for her. But it wasn't enough. Their bodies' emotions too intense. He helped her then. Running his fingers down her chest ...into the point of the joining. A flick of his finger and her felt her shudder. She would need more...but not much. His fingers pressed into her...adding pressure to softness in just the right place. He pressed his hardness into her. Feeling the soft shudder of her around his body. She was gone now. His name on her lips...carrying across warm empty waters, into the darkness of night. The pleasure exploding before his eyes. She had become one with the night sky. Her body shattering into the stars...joining them among space. One more thrust and he was with her. Gathering her body close to his. God and praises of love on his lips. Moaning her name...the echo of his spilling from her soft mouth. The water rippled around the couple. The chosen spot of contentment was now a safe haven for them both. They need not worry if they were alone...for no one knew of this hideaway. Her body calmed down...his following closely behind. Their lips meeting for a soft kiss on contentment. Her body was gleaming...the soft rays of dawn invading the night of pleasure. She moaned with discontent. They had lost the cover of the night. There would be no more pleasure this evening. They had work to finish...cases to solve. But his eyes told another story. He carried her to the shore...pausing to adjust to their still joined bodies. They would be back...he told her without words. Only the night would harbor their desire. She pulled away at the shore. Picking up pieces of scattered clothing. He watched her body...sliding into one piece or another of her clothes. The gracefulness was hard to resist. Her body screaming for him to touch her...but he would deny the passion. A well hidden love that only they could know about. She turned to him then. Hazel Green eyes clashing with Blue. The love was immense...the desire unmistakable. Words forming on her lips now...expressing the depths of emotions. He turned to dress before she could utter them. No time for the time for that truth. But it couldn't be denied. She waited for him to get dressed...watching him as he slipped into the warm clothing. His body moving towards her again. But it was different now. Distant. His arm now on hers...guiding them away from this place of desire. But she wouldn't let it happen. She waited for his stare...waited for the questioning glance. When it came she almost lost the nerve. "I love you...I always have." His eyes more intense...not shocked...but confused. "But I knew that already. Just as you know that I love you." Her soft smile lighting his heart. She was happy. She needed the confirmation. Needed to know he wanted her. He smiled briefly glancing back towards the morning sun. It had come out even lighting the sky with orange and red. She followed his gaze...then turned back towards him. "Tonight?" He smiled again...confirming her beliefs. Passion once shared would never be withheld again. They turned away...leaving secrets and darkness behind. End---- Feedback Visit my website for more of my stories