Date: 13 Aug 1998 07:22:35 GMT Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds 1/7by Heather Hopkins Summary: Suppose a certain pair crossed paths one semester in High School before meeting again later in life. Ooooh the tingly possibilities!! Rating PG as usual, except for some language and potential teen sexual innuendo Spoilers: None Really, lots of MSR and UST but it's mostly MSR and UST-lite. Legal Disclaimer: Yeah yeah, blah blah, Chris Carter is the man. Style Disclaimer: OK I am taking some serious creative license here, I don't expect Mulder & Scully to truly forget, but I like the idea of the story & wanted to run with it. Now originally I intended this to be a vignette, but when I got Mulder & Scully together, well, I couldn't help myself. (Neither could they!) Liberties will be taken, shippy ones at that. So deal with it. Eschew Obfuscation is the motto of this tale. That said, direct complaints or compliments to moi at, flames used to decorate the hood of my V8. Posting/Archiving: Should you want to, go for it-archive away, but i'd still love to know if possible. Thanks to Geoff and Chris for their editing prowess and support. Go Saints! Stomping Grounds March 6, 1992 Special Agent Dana Scully could not get the image of her new partner out of her mind. She was home packing for her first assignment with her new partner. They had just met and were leaving town to investigate their first X-file in "the plausible state of Oregon". Scully smiled to herself. Spooky or not, he had a dry sense of humor which she found terribly refreshing. He was a brilliant Agent, no mistake about that. But it was something more than that. More than those incredible hazel eyes and a crooked teasing smile. She knew him from somewhere-someplace before. Maybe he had attended one of her lectures at Quantico. No, she chided herself. Given his familiarity with her Senior Thesis, she knew he would have mentioned attending her classes had that been the case. No, it was something else. He had been with the Bureau for several years, so she doubted their paths had crossed while she was in college. She had gone to Europe one summer, & knew he had received his degree at Oxford, but her trip had not included a stop in England. For some reason, Oxford stuck in her mind. But she had never been, and couldn't think of anyone who had. "Oh well", she thought to herself- "deja vu is probably something of an Xfile in its own right" Unwilling to trust airline food for sustenance, she grabbed a bagel. As she bit into it she picked up her laptop and baggage, and made her way to the front door. She moved past the bookshelf in her hallway, and a particular book caught her eye. "The Mariner, 1980. " "Oh my god." She dropped her bags and set the bagel down. It couldn't possibly be him. She pulled out the yearbook and sat on her couch. Flipping through the pages, she found the index and ran her finger down the M's. Mackley, Mandifer, Meeps, Miller, Morrow, Morrow, Mulder; Fox. W. Fox William Mulder. It was him. Wordlessly, she turned to page 121 and scanned the page before her. There he was. Very different in appearance, much younger, but the eyes were the same. Hair a bit longer, but it was him. She sat there, oblivious to the passage of time, letting the memories wash over her like a torrent. Unbeknownst to her, a very stunned Agent Fox Mulder dropped down onto the couch of his sparsely furnished apartment, his feelings strangely mirroring her own. "D.K.", he breathed. "Dana Scully. I can't believe it. After all this" January 5, 1980 7:15 a.m. Chilmark, Rhode Island "Fox!" Hurry up or you're going to be late! I told Mrs. Scully to be expecting you by now! "I wouldn't be late, mom, if I didn't have to play chauffeur for a bunch of Navy Brats." His mother scowled to herself. Sometimes, he was so much like his father it infuriated her. "Fox William Mulder! You know darn well what it's like to be the new kid in town, and what's worse, these kids have been dragged halfway around the world and back their entire lives. Their father won't even be around for most of the next year, he's in Annapolis. You know what it's like, not having a dad around." His moody silence signified acceptance of her point of view. "Besides, there's not much going around here this time of year anyway. You might make some friends." "I have all the friends I can stand right now," he said. "And I'll do this, not because dad asked me, but because you did--I love you Mom." The expression on her face melted. Fox had a gift in his ability to soothe with speech. Sometimes he was so tricky, it made sense to have named him as they had. "I love you too, dear-drive carefully, I don't know if the snow plows have been through yet or not." "OK, mom, I will, but I'm not playing chauffeur tomorrow-after today they'll know how to get there alone." His eyes glinting triumphantly, he was out the door before his mother had a chance to retort. She sighed, shaking her head, and continued to prepare that evening's meal. Fox William Mulder hopped into his 1968 Mustang. Shivering at the cold, he started the engine and smiled as it effortlessly came to life. "Just like a kitten", he spoke aloud. The car had been a gift from his somewhat estranged father. Life on the small island was difficult enough for a child of divorced parents. Not having any way of getting around- getting away from it all sometimes, would have been unbearable. Revving up the engine, he backed the car gently out the carport and down his driveway. Melissa was whining again. "Mom, I hate it here! It is so cold, I can't stand it!. If daddy won't even be here with us most of the time, why couldn't we stay in San Diego?" "Shut up Missy," retorted Bill Jr. "The crew ships out together, you know that." "Yeah, Missy", Charles piped in, "we ship out together! Besides, I like the snow. DK, will you help me build a snowman after school?" Dana turned to her younger brother and smiled. "Dana, please Charlie-and sure, I'd love to." "OOH, it's Day-nuh, now is it, her older brother teased. La dee da, Day-nuh! Sorry, twerp, but you're D.K. to me! "Bill! Leave your sister alone! Missy, you know we go where your father asks, end of story." Dana smiled to herself. It was cold here on this little island, but moving had never really bothered her. It was serene here and quiet, and she rather enjoyed the winter environment for a change. No, what bothered her most about this particular move was being so far away from her father, her beloved Ahab. Hearing his firm voice and seeing his smiling eyes when she returned home from school. She was used to the change in scenery. On some level even she was comforted by the constancy of change. But the idea of change without Ahab there, that was a little scary. BEEP BEEEP. "Oh that must be the Mulder boy-O.K. guys, don't keep him waiting-Missy, Bill, DK, you'd better get going! Charlie, are you almost ready?" "Now, Bill, you have the key in case I'm not here when you get home, I have to pick Charlie up from school at 3. " "Got it , Mom, See ya!" "Bye Mom!" "See you tonight, mom," Dana spoke softly, "if you talk to Ahab will you....." "I'll tell him, "Starbuck" her mother said, "now get going!" Dana winced a little. She knew her mom was just trying to make her feel better by using her father's nickname for her, but it only served to remind her that he wasn't there. Noticing her siblings already getting into the car, she hurried her pace in the whirling cold. Missy had taken the seat next the driver, and Bill had packed himself in behind her. As Dana stepped to the passenger side, Bill reached in and pulled the door closed. "Tough luck, DEE-KAYY, you snooze, you lose. Dana rolled her eyes in frustration. The driver got out and motioned her over to his side. "Here, get in over here- it's freezing outside." Dana smiled warmly. "Thanks," she whispered as she climbed into the back seat next to Bill. Closing his door, the boy said, "so I'm Fox, and you are...." "I'm Missy, this is my brother Bill and my kid sister, Dana, but everyone calls her DK." Dana winced. The boy continued, "its nice to meet you Missy, Bill," he paused, "Dana" Dana looked up at his reflection in the rear view mirror, surprised, and raised her eyebrows. "Nice to meet you too Fox," she started, in a whisper. Bill interrupted, so what the heck is there to do around this place, anyway? "Yeah," Missy giggled, trying her best flirt move, "what do you like to do for fun?" The Mulder boy seemed surprisingly unenthused by Missy's attention. "Well, during the winter it's pretty dead around here, but there are a couple theaters on this side of the island, and uh, there are school dances and stuff. And," he added, glancing in the rearview mirror, "I play basketball, so there are games to go to." Bill must have sensed something he didn't like when Mulder glanced at his baby sister. "Man," he scoffed, "Basketball is for wimps-football, now there's a man's game, eh DK? Too bad you hate jocks so badly". Dana silently scowled, praying for her older brother to shut up. She knew if she fought back it would only worsen his protective behavior. Besides, she thought, stealing a glance at the handsome, lanky, driver, it's not as if a guy like him would have anything to do with a brainy little nobody like her. Her self defenses went into overdrive, and she spent the rest of the trip silently reminding herself of the many reasons a jock airhead like Fox would be a bad relationship risk. "As if", she chided herself. As the car pulled into the parking lot, Dana studied the faces of the teens trotting into school. She mouthed a silent prayer for support, and set into the familiar autopilot of new kid in school. "Uh, thanks Fox.." she started to say, but stopped short as a gorgeous brunette screeched "Foxy!" and launched herself at him. They embraced and indulged in what Bill would consider a tongue war. Missy looked positively crushed for a moment, then without missing a beat attached herself to a passing boy. "Oh, hi," she drawled, "I'm new here, and this is my first day, could you please help me find the office?" she asked, smiling sweetly, "Poor guy," Bill confided to Dana- "he'll never know what him, eh DK?" Despite being called by her hated nickname, Dana had to smile in agreement with her elder brother. "C'mon Doc, he said, protectively, "let's go do some damage." With that they headed off through the school. Had Dana turned round she would have seen a strangely bemused Fox Mulder looking up from his recent embrace, regarding her departing form with a crooked half smile. "C'mon, Foxy, let's go," his counterpart sulked, "first period will be starting soon...I didn't see you all weekend...." 7:50 a.m. Westside High Office Scully sighed in relief. Small school or no, at least they had classes on par with her ability. First Period/Homeroom: World History with Mr. Hansen Second Period: AP English with Mr. Brayshaw Third Period: P.E. with MS. Weston Fourth Period: AP Physics with Mr. Hill Fifth Period Lunch Sixth Period: AP Biology with Doctor Munekee Seventh Period: Study Hall on alternate days with an Art Elective-History & Theory of Contemporary Art with Miss Wilson on the other days She smiled to herself-Ahab would be pleased at the variety of AP classes. He had always been extremely proud of her good grades in school. Much as they might act otherwise, her siblings were decent students in their own right, but Dana was the smartest one, by far. She already knew she wanted to study medicine, and become a doctor. The classes she'd requested were the sort that many senior year students were incapable of passing. As the bell rang, Dana hurried to get her things together. She took a breath and stepped into the familiarity of the unknown. She found her homeroom History class without any difficulty. "OK everybody understand the assignment for tonight? All right, see you tomorrow!" The students began shuffling out the classroom. Miss Scully? Could I see you for one moment?" "Yes sir? I just wanted to say I enjoyed your input this morning and look forward to the rest of the semester. Dana smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Mr. Hansen, I enjoyed myself as well...see you tomorrow." She smiled shyly to herself. One of the perks of being a brilliant student had always been the level with which she carried her student/teacher relationships. She had never sought the position of teacher's pet, and luckily, never really been subject to one. What she usually did experience was a measure of mutual respect often lacking in her friendships. Momentarily disoriented, she turned to a passing figure. "Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Brayshaw's AP English class.." The figure turned and grinned wickedly. "Well then, this must be your lucky day..." When he saw who it was, he halted. (Or mine, he thought to himself) "Oh..hi..uh, Fox," Dana stammered. "As I was saying," he continued, "it's your lucky day-it just so happens I am heading there myself." "C'mon, follow me" Dana was suddenly speechless. Fox had slipped his hand gently to the small of her back and was guiding her through the hallway. The contact could not be construed as anything more than polite, but she was intensely aware of the warmth of his hand on her back. She was grateful for his position behind her as she felt warmth flooding her face. "OK, Dana, now what period do you need to be there" he asked, "right now it's senior AP English-I think sophomore AP is next period." I can't believe it. He must think I am some kind of idiot, Dana fumed to herself. "D.K. Is fine, Foxy," she retorted, "and actually I'm looking for senior AP English. Unfortunately it's the closest thing to collegiate level English that Westside offers." Fox was stunned. He hadn't intended any offense, but he had obviously, grievously underestimated this particular redhead. A mistake he wasn't planning on making again. "Oh, uh, sorry, D-K? I didn't mean anything-it's just that most girls around here are not too..." "Bright?", she raged, further incensed by his generalizations. "Well most girls aren't afforded the opportunity in school to progress very far," and she whirled, "I don't consider myself like "most girls". "Thanks for the tour. Now excuse me, I have to report to Mr. Brayshaw" "Brilliant" Fox goaded himself "Could you have been any more of a jerk?" He then silently agreed that indeed this blue eyed wonder was definitely not like most girls he knew. The period dragged by slowly, if uneventfully. Dana had managed to secure a seat in the class as far away from Fox as possible. For his part, he had seemed pretty out of it, and Mr. Brayshaw berated him for it. Probably mooning over his girlfriend, Dana thought glumly. At last the bell rang and Dana exited quickly. PE was far from her favorite subject, but the prospect of getting as far away as possible from Fox held great appeal. Mulder watched as Dana fairly flew out of the room. "Mr. Mulder, I trust that tomorrow you will have your head out of the clouds and back down here on earth with the rest" Motioning towards the door, Mr. Brayshaw chuckled softly. "She's a remarkable young woman." "Sir?" Fox asked, confused startled that his interest could have been that obvious. "Nothing, Mr. Mulder, just something I guess you'll have to figure out on your own." "Or not," he mused, as the familiar face of Molly Blair swept into view. "Foxy, come on, there's only a few minutes before third period bell!!" 10:30 a.m. Westside Gymnasium Dana was having the worst day of her life. First the fiasco with that Mulder boy. Now she was not only unprepared in terms of clothes for the physical demands of P.E. that day, but the teacher seemed to be intent on using her as the focus of a lesson on arriving prepared. And if that wasn't bad enough, Fox's brunette bimbo, apparently named Molly, was there with her little group of gal pals, giggling and laughing at her. How typical of a guy to be so attracted to something like that-that show pony, she thought. Even though Molly had waltzed in several minutes late, reeking of cigarettes, Dana was the one receiving their gym teacher's wrath. "Miss Scooly??, did you hear me?? What are you waiting for?" Suddenly realizing Miss Weston was addressing her, she spoke up. "It's Scully, Miss Weston," she corrected. "More like Scummy," Molly giggled quietly, much to the delight of her entourage. Not quietly enough. Face reddening, Dana stepped forward. "Yes, Miss Weston?" More giggles. "Well, Miss Scull-lee, what I just asked is that you complete our basic physical ability test, starting with this." She handed Dana the rope as Molly's chuckles grew unbearably louder. Fed up with her teasing, Dana decided to play it for all it was worth. "But Miss Weston," she mock whined, "I'm not dressed for ..this." "It all goes back to what I said earlier about being prepared, Scully." "All right, Miss Weston." Scully stifled a smile. The teacher then turned her attention to the other girls, and began waxing on the merits of preparedness. Being the daughter of a Navy Captain and having a tough older brother had its perks. And showing Miss Priss here just what she was capable of was about to become a major one. Dana kicked off her keds and socks, and rubbed a little chalk into her hands. Dusting them off lightly against her pant legs, she gazed upwards. "Exactly how high do you want me to go, MIZ Weston?" she interrupted, sugar dripping from every syllable. "Oh, Miss Scully if you can make it to the first marker I will be quite satisfied." Not me, Dana thought to herself. She wrapped one leg around the rope and held in place with the other. And then, reaching up hand over hand, proceeded to ascend. You could have heard a pin drop. Zack Heflin and Bobby Pendrell were on the other end of the gymnasium working on weight training. "Oh my God." That new girl, Dana Scully had made it to the summit of the rope climb in mere seconds. "Jesus, Bobby, did you see that?" He certainly had. "She's amazing," he breathed. The new girl had already been in both his earlier morning classes. Bobby was impressed by her insight into the Vietnam war during first period, and rather stunned to see another sophomore with him in Mr. Brayshaw's Senior English class. Now he couldn't believe what he had just seen. The diminutive redhead with sparkling blue eyes had climbed further up than most of his male classmates were able to, and in less time than most. "Amazing, shit, she's hot," Zack exclaimed. "What's more, she's available." Bobby frowned and turned to his workout partner, uncomfortable with his tone of voice. "How's that Miz Weston?", Dana asked, sweetly, "I seem to be at the end of my rope" The murmurs and whispers amongst the girls were unmistakable. "Uh, that's great Miss Scully, excellent. Thank you very much. Well done." Dana had made an impression. She clambered down with the same speed and grace that she had risen with moments earlier. "That was highly enjoyable" Dana turned to the voice beside her, and met the gaze of a smiling, freckled, red haired girl. "We redheads gotta stick together," she said, offering her hand. "I'm Nancy- you're Dana, right?" "Yes," Dana replied, "Nice to meet you Nancy." She smiled warmly. "I'll give you $10.00 if you'll do that again, just to see the look on Molly's face." Dana looked triumphant. "It was that good, was it?" "Better!" "What class do you have next?." "Uh, AP Physics with Mr. Hill and then I have lunch." "Rebecca whistled--AP Physics, ouch! That's OK- I have lunch 5th period too- wanna sit together?" "Love to!" Dana grinned. "Great! OK Well, uh, I have to go, uh, change-sorry." Dana looked down at herself, suddenly self conscious of her sweaty appearance and lack of a change of clothes. As they walked past the stunned girls who were laughing earlier, Dana couldn't help but smile. Sweaty or no, she had taught Molly not to underestimate a person by size or appearance. She passed a pair of boys near the gym entrance without even noticing. their stunned expressions. Dana sighed. It was almost time for the third period bell. Since she had no way to shower or change, she had left the gymnasium early. The bell rang and she backed away from the door. As students filed out of the classroom she saw a familiar smiling face. "Oh, Hey, DK." "Hi Missy." How was PE? "Oh I think I showed a few of the girls what Scully women are made of." Missy smiled conspiratorially. "Good for you, DK!" "How was the physics class?" "Oh, fine, DK, the teacher seems really nice..." Missy started to turn down the hallway then paused. "Dana?" Dana turned, surprised by her sisters use of her real name. "Yes?" "Could you give me a hand with my regular physics homework tonight?" Dana shot her a warm grin. "Sure thing Miss, if you'll help me in Art." Missy smiled. Her younger sister was a good kid. Dana needed her help in Art like she needed a hole in the head. But the gesture was appreciated. "A-OK little sister-see ya!" Missy's smile changed to a perplexed look as she made her way back down the hallway. Dana turned and slammed head on into Fox Mulder. "Excuse me." "No prob, Hey, DK- I was just waiting for you-- I wanted to apolo.." he was cut off short. "Foxy!" They both turned. Dana rolled her eyes and continued into the classroom. "It's O.K. "Foxy," she mocked, "I have *AP* Physics right now so I need to get going." Knowing Missy had just completed regular physics with Mulder, Dana emphasized the *AP*. "Foxy?" He turned to Molly who watched the departing Dana Scully with more than a little venom in her eyes. As Dana looked up from her desk, she saw Molly whisper something into his ear. Disgusting, Dana thought to herself. Apparently they weren't discussing what she'd thought because Fox's eyes suddenly grew large as saucers, and he gazed at Dana with a visibly bemused expression on his face. Dana turned to her desk her face burning hotly. When she looked up, they had gone. Physics was a breeze and Dana looked forward to the next class tomorrow. Lunch with Nancy was even better. Dana instantly felt a connection with her new friend, who was bright, articulate and funny. In relating a story of a local football hero's self-absorbed antics off the field, Dana laughed so hard that she almost had milk squirt out of her nose. They spoke with one another as if they had been best friends for years. A few more students joined them. Dana met Bobby Pendrell, a shy quiet boy she recognized from some of her earlier classes, Zack Heflin, a stocky but attractive junior with steely gray eyes-that reminded her of Ahab, and Lauren Pierson, a smiling Brown haired beauty with a taste for gossip. "Rumor has it you shocked the Harpies in gym class," she joked, "good for you Dana!" "Yeah, we were there," Zack chimed, "and it was incredible." He turned to her. "Dana, that was really amazing." His eyes locked into hers, Dana shifted abit self-consciously. "Thanks Zack," she said, smiling. "We need to work out together some time," he said, grinning. Fox looked up from the table where he sat with Molly and some friends from the basketball team. Zack was definitely putting the moves on the new girl, and for some reason, it really bothered him. >From what he knew of Zack and overheard, he was the kind of guy who didn't take no for an answer. He watched the red haired sophomore turn towards Zack, smiling warmly. He felt his stomach tighten. "Hel-lo? Earth to Fox??" Molly's shrill remark was followed by a cold glare as she followed his line of vision to Dana. "Looking for a tutor, Foxy?" She teased. "I understand Doctor Brain over there could even teach you a few things about physics--Apparently she's the most brilliant student to come along to Westside since-since-why, since you, Fox!" Fox ignored her sarcastic mock surprise. "Don't forget her physical..... talents," a jock next to Mulder added. "Zack Heflin said she climbed the ropes in like..." "Yeah, I know, I was there, all right??" Molly silenced him with a killer look. "Look, who gives a crap about "red" over there, anyway?" Fox replied, "she's just a twerpy little Navy Poindexter brat. Big Deal." A sudden silence around his table gave Mulder pause. He turned to see the angry face of Bill Mulder. "Just see that you leave my "twerpy" baby sister alone, you spook. I've heard plenty about your creepy family, and I doubt it gives you any right to be talking about Dana like that." Fox got up as the awkward silence at his table gave way to quiet whispers. Molly automatically got up to follow. "Not now, Molly," he stopped her and walked away. "Well, I never," Molly fumed, arms crossed in front of her. "Don't sweat it Molly," the boy next to her said, "you know how Fox gets when you mention his family." Molly shuddered a little bit. Fox was brilliant and gorgeous, but that family history of his gave her the creeps. "You're right, Billy," she purred, flashing a killer smile. "Thanks." Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds Part 2/7 by Heather Hopkins 1:00 p.m. Inside Westside High Biology Lab Dana waited patiently by the professor's desk while the rest of the class shuffled in to the lab. "Miss Scully, once everyone has arrived we'll set you up with a lab partner." Dana smiled at the professor. She had liked him almost immediately. In some ways he might seems seem outwardly spacey, but was an intelligent man with a brilliant mind. When he used it for science. "OK class, I trust you all had a good vacation, but it's time to get back to business." "This is Dana Scully, and she's joining our class as a mid season replacement." Professor Munekee grinned at his humor. The rest of the class chuckled good naturedly, including Dana. "OK what I need first is a volunteer, somebody without a lab partner at present." Several hands were raised. "OK," Munekee scanned the room for a good candidate, "all right everybody, thank you." "Dana," he motioned, "would you please go sit there at the left towards the back of the class?" "Mr. Mulder will bring you up to date on where we are in the text. For the time being, you can just share." Dana just stood there frozen, as a triumphant Fox Mulder stood, and motioned her to the empty chair beside him, grinning wickedly. As she sat, he spoke softly, "Guess it really *is* your lucky day, eh DK?" "Luck has nothing to do with it, Mr. Mulder, just God's idea of a practical joke on me." She looked him squarely in the eye, the trace of a challenge on her face. His fleeting attempt at looking wounded was replaced with a flash of teeth. "Mister Mulder, hmmm I like the sound of that! " Dana rolled her eyes in frustration. "Look, Fox -Raccoon, what-ever, I don't like this any more than you do, so lets just try to make the best of it, O.K.?" He must have sensed her annoyance, because he sighed slightly and turned to a page in the biology texbook. He began to scoot his chair closer to hers when she shot him a warning glance. Hands in the air in a gesture of compliance he stood there while Dana edged slightly closer to him. As Professor Munekee launched into a lecture on the reproductive cycle of various frogs, Dana groaned. She felt a flush in her cheeks and willed herself to avoid the eyes of Fox Mulder. Which was just as well. Hovering over her slightly, Fox found his gaze falling towards the juncture of her blouse. He could see she wore a gold coss necklace, & found himself hypnotized by the rise and fall of her breathing. Unable to restrain himself, he leaned in ever so slightly, inhaling deeply as he did so. No perfume like Molly, just the fresh, clean warm scent of her skin, incredibly inviting. So inviting in fact, that he failed to notice the professor behind him until the chair beneath him tipped. And he found himself, flat on the floor, looking up sheepishly at an amused Dana Scully and a moderately annoyed Professor Munekee. "Mr. Mulder, I'm afraid we don't move on to the more *complicated* reproductive systems until next semester." "Until that time, might I suggest you pay more attention to your book?" Mulder blushed, and realizing what the professor was implying, Dana felt a hot flush flooding her face. As he got up and adjusted himself, Dana regarded him warily, eyebrow arched. She started to speak but Mulder held up his hand in protest. "Just...just don't, O.K.?" He couldn't even meet her gaze. Smiling she turned back to the book and concentrated on the professor's lecture. The rest of class he was surprisingly silent. As Dana made her way to the library for her free period, she ran into Zack and his quiet friend. "Oh, hey Dana," Zack enthused, "We were just sneaking out for a quick one." He opened his coat jacket to reveal a pack of cigarettes. "Um, uh, that's O.K., I really need to get some studying done, but thanks." She smiled "I seriously doubt you'd need to study for a-a-anything, Dana," Bobby Pendrell offered. Dana rewarded him with another smile, "Thanks Bobby, but you'd be surprised." As she made her way into the library, Bobby nodded in agreement. "I certainly would", he breathed. Fox stopped in his tracks as he saw Dana pause to speak with Heflin and his friend. He didn't know much about Pendrell, but he got a tight feeling in his gut when Heflin reached out and touched her shoulder. Whatever he had asked her, she must have declined, because she turned and continued into the library. Zack turned and headed in his direction. Catching his gaze, Heflin asked "What you looking at, Mulder?" "Nothing, Zack," Fox met his eyes coldly, "Nothing at all." Bobby threw Mulder a nervous glance as they passed him by. "Hey Bobby." Mulder smiled. "Uh, hey..." Bobby replied nervously, then continued outside with Zack. Mulder paused outside the library, contemplating whether or not to go in. A shrill voice behind him helped him make the decision quickly. He wheeled, a false smile spreading across his face. "Hey Molly!" "Wanna help me *study,* Fox?" she asked smiling and batting her eyelids. "Nah, I've got a better idea," he replied, snaking his arm around her waist, guiding her towards the door. "Oh goody," she giggled. When the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, Dana waited by the office, looking for her siblings. She spied them leaving out a side door with a group of new friends . "Bill! Missy!" She called to them "Hey DK!" Bill turned- "hey, can you catch a ride with that Fox kid? We're heading over to an arcade with some friends for awhile." He tossed her the key. "Here, Mom should be home with Charlie in a little bit." Dana groaned. Riding home with Fox alone was not an enticing prospect. Still, annoying as he was, she admitted that she rather enjoyed the banter between them. Arguing with somebody who treated you as an equal could be very gratifying. And at one point, she reminded herself, he had tried to apologize. She went outside to the student parking lot and scanned the area for Mulder's Mustang. Besides, he had a really cool car, she added to herself, smiling. As she made her way over to where Fox's car was parked, Zack Heflin pulled up in a beat up pickup truck. "Hey Dana," he called. "Want a ride?" "Um that's O.K. Zack," she called, "I've got one-thanks anyway-see you tomorrow." "Your loss!" Barely concealing a scowl on his face, Zack sped away, inadvertently spraying Dana's legs with slush from the road. Ugh! Dana threw her hands down in disgust. Man, it was cold. She hurried her pace over to Fox's car, anticipating the warm interior. When she was about 4 spaces away, the Mustang roared to life and sped away as well. As it passed by, Dana looked up in surprise to see a smirking Molly waving at her. Now what?, Dana thought to herself. Dana had always been the type of girl to mask her emotions. She despised the feelings of pity showered upon her when anyone realized she was hurt or upset. So she became quite good at hiding those feelings. That did not mean however, that she did not have them. Her eyes smarting from the chilly air & suppressing the urge to cry, she steeled herself. In true "Starbuck" fashion she began to slowly make her way home, impervious to the wind and snow, and the freezing cold creeping up her legs. 5:25 p.m. The Scully Household "Mom, when's Dana gonna get home? We were going to build a snowman!!" Charlie whimpered. It was almost 5:30, and Mrs. Scully was beginning to pace. " I don't understand, Bill, exactly why would you leave DK-Dana," she corrected herself, "alone at school on the first day?" "Well, mom, I thought the Mulder kid was gonna give us all a ride home, and she'd just catch one with him, that she'd be O.K..." "Well school ended almost 3 hours ago and she's not home yet so I guess you figured wrong." The telephone rang, momentarily freeing Bill from his mother's fury. Missy nudged her brother. I thought you said she had a ride home with Fox?? "I'm sure she did, Mis" he retorted, "he probably just took her out someplace. That still doesn't mean I'm not gonna kick his ass, but I'm sure Dana is fine." They heard their mother gasp a little and looked towards her. Her face paled as she put down the receiver. "Thank you, Mrs. Mulder, no that's all right. Bill will go find her." She turned towards them, her eyes welling up with tears. "Bill? Please take my car and..and go find your sister, please." "WHAT??" He roared, "She wasn't with that Mulder kid?? He didn't pick her up??" "No, Bill, he apparently, had other plans and..and..." she sank down into a chair, Missy rushed to her side. "It's O.K. mom, Dana's fine. You know how stubborn she can be. She's probably sitting inside the school office waiting on us, refusing to call." Bill strode out the door, cursing. When he found that Mulder kid, he was going to give him something to remember. For the time being, his attention was focused on his little sister, and finding her. Fast. 5:30 p.m. The Mulder Residence "WHAT?" "You heard me Fox." "Shit." "That's enough of the language, now get moving and go help find that girl." She sighed. "Honestly, Fox, what were you thinking? You knew I had told their mother you'd bring them home today, so they could get their bearings...and now this?" "Mom, I'm sorry it's just that...well, Molly and I.." he paused, stunned- "I...I.. just thought...." "No Fox, if you were around Molly I doubt very much that you were doing any of the thinking. Now quit wasting time and go find Dana." She shivered a little to herself. "It's got to be close to freezing out there." Ashamed and afraid for the copper haired newcomer, Fox bolted out the door. 5:40 p.m. Somewhere in Chilmark Dana was near collapse and more than half frozen. The route she'd thought would take her home had turned into a dead end near the harbor. Now trying to retrace her steps, she could not recall how she'd wound up where she was .Snow had begun to fall and was covering the tracks she'd assumed were her own. The vacant holiday cottages all looked the same. Scanning the terrain for anything familiar, she choked back the urge to cry. It won't help matters, Starbuck, she told herself. Besides, it'll only worsen the sting of the cold on your face. She tried to imagine what Ahab would do in this situation, and that helped some. She knew he would continue and persevere until he found shelter or someone found him. But she was so very cold. Her levis were practically frozen where they'd been splashed with the slush from Zack's truck. She could barely feel her toes except for the constant stinging. At least that meant they weren't frostbitten...yet. She mouthed a silent thank you to her mother for insisting she wear a hat & mittens. For a moment Dana saw headlights on the next road over from where she was, and rushed across the snow covered field. She was running blindly, oblivious to the chill when she went down. So smooth and white was the snow that she hadn't even noticed the ditch. "Shit!!" Tumbling, she felt the twist in her ankle and called out. Looking up, she saw the brake lights of the car turn red. Dana couldn't hold it back any longer. She started to cry. She was cold and wet, her ankle hurt, she missed her dad and she was scared. She slumped to the ground sobbing, oblivious to the cold, and buried her head in her hands. It felt kind of good to be lying down, she thought to herself. Maybe she could just rest for a bit. She closed her eyes, collapsed onto the snow, and sank into a bittersweet dream. She dreamed of her father, sitting with her under the stars. "See that one, Starbuck? That's Orion, and farther above you can see Draco...." So many beautiful stars.... Fox slammed on the brakes, his car skidding ever so slightly on the icy street. On the next block over, he was sure he'd seen a figure running through the snow. Now straining his head around he saw nothing. Frustrated, he continued to make his way down the road. Several miles down, the nagging in his head kept on. He had sworn he heard a voice cry out...or did he? Was it just his overactive conscience, riddled with the guilt of ditching someone who had depended on him? Someone sweet, and smart, with piercing blue eyes... He swore to himself. If he'd had any idea-if he had known-his head swam with visions of the Scully girl smiling and defiant then shivering and afraid. He felt a knot in his stomach twist and tighten. Resolved, he turned the car around and drove slowly back the way he'd been. Another half hour had passed and it was growing dark. Passing a vacant lot between summer cottages he saw something in the snow. He drove up to the next street and turned back down towards where he'd seen the dark shape. He stopped the car and got out, noticing the tiny footprints immediately. He sprinted so quickly that as he came upon the still figure in the snow, he very nearly trampled her and went into the ditch as well. Oh god! It was her. And she wasn't moving. Her eyes were closed and her lips were impossibly blue. He out a hand to her cheek and shivered at how cold she felt. Reaching his hand to her throat, he felt for a pulse. Her eyelids flickered just slightly. Lifting her as gently as he could, Fox carried her to the idling Mustang. She said something which sounded remotely like "Ahab." God, she's hallucinating, he thought. He slammed his fists onto the steering wheel. Stupid. Stupid. Carefully he drove to the Scully household. He honked several times as he pulled into the drive, but wasted no time in gathering Dana up. The front door flew open as he stepped onto the porch. "Dana! Oh Lord!" Mrs. Scully cried out when she saw her. "Missy! Get some blankets-warm them in the dryer quickly, then call the doctor." Fox couldn't meet her gaze. "Mrs. Scully, I-I..I'm so sorry..." he began. "Shh, it's all right Fox, thank you for finding her." "Is there anything I can do?" Mrs. Scully looked into the face of the frightened young man and despite her frustration, her heart softened a little. "If you would help Missy get something warm to cover her, I need to change her out of these cold wet things." Fox felt stupid. "Of course, Mrs. Scully, excuse me." He hurried off to give her privacy as she stripped the icy clothes off of her daughter. Missy hurried in with some warm blankets. She sat by her sister rubbing her hands as their Mother rubbed her feet. Fox slowly came back in, concern in his eyes. "Fox, there is something else you could do..." "Anything." "Her older brother Bill is out looking for her in my car, and..." Fox was almost to the front door when it burst open unexpectedly. "You sorry son of a bitch!!" "Bill!!" It was all he could do to keep from lunging at Mulder. "Sorry, Mom but this piece of shit is the reason for..." "That's enough. Fox is the reason she's home now and I won't have you speaking that way in this house. Now come here and sit with your sister while I try the doctor again." Bill rushed to Dana's side, barely stifling a "fuck!" when he saw her bluish complexion. His eyes shot daggers at Mulder. "You can go now *Fox,*" he spat, "you've been enough *Help* for today." Wanting to speak to Mrs. Scully but wanting to depart, Fox edged to the door. "Thanks Fox," Melissa murmured, "We'll call you later to let you know...." "Yeah thanks, Fox," Bill echoed sarcastically, "now goodbye!" Fox closed the door gently behind him. As he made his way to the car he pondered the sinking feeling in his stomach. Guilt, yes, but there was something more. More than just concern that he'd been the cause. More than the desire to make reparations. His mother seemed relieved when he stepped through the door. "Fox, thank goodness. Mrs. Scully called a few moments ago..." "Is she going to be all right?" "They don't know yet dear, they're admitting her to the hospital, it's too soon to tell." Fox cradled his head in his hands. "Molly called, I told her you'd be back shortly." Fox strode to his room. "Mom, I'm going to go to bed-unless Mrs. Scully calls, I don't want to be disturbed." Nodding in agreement, Tina Mulder set to preparing a sandwich for her son. She knew better than to try to force conversation at a time like this. After bringing the snack to his room, she retired to bed herself, and said a prayer. Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds Part 3/7 Thursday, January 8 2:30 p.m. Rhode Island Regional Medical Center Dana opened her eyes slowly. Confused by the strange surroundings, she looked up and caught the eye of her mother. "Dana," she exclaimed warmly, "hi honey!" Dana felt it difficult to speak, and her mom brought her a glass of water. She gestured around the room with a confused expression. "Don't you remember honey, you tried to get home from school and must have been lost- you hurt yourself, and Fox found you then brought you home. You've been in the hospital for several days. And," she added, eyes twinkling, "Fox has visited you every single day." Dana rolled her eyes. Her mom could be so obvious. All the same, a light went on inside her brain. Fox had found her-brought her safely home, and then had come there to visit her. Suddenly, she felt extremely self conscious of her appearance. "Missy and Charlie and Bill will be delighted to see you awake!" At the mention of her family, Dana's eyes brightened and she turned towards her mom. "Ahab?" She whispered dryly. "Sweetie, I spoke to your father and he was terribly concerned, but he is on maneuvers and couldn't make it right now, I'm sorry." Dana's eyes sank down. "But he did send you this beautiful bouquet-how he managed to find lilies in winter is beyond me." Dana looked up to see a beautiful arrangement of stargazer lilies and smiled despite herself. There were balloons scattered around, and some other flowers, daisies and carnations. And another arrangement-beautiful pink roses with baby's breath. Dana reached for them and inhaled the beautiful aroma deeply. They were as fragrant as they were beautiful. "Thanks, mom," she smiled. "Oh, those aren't from me, dear, those are from Fox-read the card." Dana nearly dropped the bouquet. Somewhat shakily, she pulled the tiny card from its sheath and read the inscription. It had a preprinted feel better soon message and written below that, simply, "Dana--Please forgive me--Fox." Dana smiled to herself as she placed the card on her bedside table. "Speaking of which I imagine he'll be here soon-usually is this time of day." "I hope he's not been skipping school." Almost as if on cue, she heard a soft knock on the door. It opened quietly and Fox Mulder looked in. When he saw Dana sitting up and awake, he practically gasped, smiling broadly. "Dana! Uh, DK.." he corrected, "it's so good to see you awake!" "Dana's fine," she whispered hoarsely, "Fox." "Sweetie, I'm gonna go get you a drink of something, it may help ease the dryness from your air tube." Grinning, she got up, "Fox, keep an eye on her for me, I'll be right back" He came over to where her mother had been sitting and seated himself next to Dana. "You had us all pretty worried," he admitted, looking down. His brown eyes darkened. "Especially me, Dana, I feel terrible, it was really irresponsible of me to ditch you like that-if I had realized you wouldn't be with Bill and Missy I wouldn't have left -I swear..." His hands had tightened around the side bars of Dana's bed, knuckles whitening. Dana gently laid her hand on his for a moment. "It's O.K. Fox, it was stupid of me to try to walk home. It's my fault I was so impatient. I'm fine, really." Dana still felt pretty bad but didn't want him to know. After all he'd put her through she was being so nice to him. Fox was stunned with disbelief. He had never met anyone like her before. Scully broke the silence. "How's school?" "Oh, Biology is a real drag without my partner, he grinned, and English well isn't the same either- everybody in school keeps talking about her, how she is and what she is doing right now..." he rambled on. As Fox spoke Dana felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness. She was suddenly, overwhelmingly tired, and powerless to resist. Mrs. Scully opened the door to see Fox rattling off to a sleeping Dana. "Fox?" He started, and turned towards her. "Mrs. Scully?" "Uh, Fox, I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I think you've lost your audience." He turned and regarded the sleeping girl before him. A solitary strand of her copper hair had strayed into her eyes. He brushed it aside, and got up. "Mrs. Scully?" "Yes, Fox." "Tell her goodbye for me?" "Certainly dear, and thanks for visiting-it might not seem like it, but I know it made her day." "Well seeing her awake definitely made mine..." he paused "I -I still don't know what to tell you Mrs. Scully." "It's all right now Fox, she'll be fine. Really. Don't agonize over this, Dana wouldn't want that." "Maybe you could help her catch up when she returns to school next week, make sure she gets home warm?" His hazel eyes lit up. "Absolutely." "O.K. then, drive carefully now, Fox!" She couldn't help but smile as she noticed a sudden spring in the step of the young man who had previously been dragging himself in and out of that room since Dana had been admitted. She was a devout Catholic, and recognized the sign of true penitence when she saw it. And she couldn't help but notice something more, something else in his eyes when he looked at Dana. Margaret genuinely liked this boy, no question of that. The next few days and weeks passed by in what seemed like a whirlwind. Exceptional student that she was, Dana had little difficulty in catching up on her schoolwork. The difficulty came in concentrating whenever her newfound tutor came round to help her. Still, they found in each other an enjoyable and comfortable team. Each one borrowing the strengths of the other. It wasn't the type of relationship Dana (or her Mother) had initially hoped for, but in its own right, it was wholly satisfying. Fox was still seeing Molly, but his patience-and time spent with her decreased rapidly. Coincidentally, the time he spent with Dana seemed to increase. There was a trust & familiarity between them--a friendship of mutual respect. Nancy wouldn't let Dana get by with it and teased her endlessly. Zack for his part, seemed to harbor some guilt from his part in her accident, despite the fact that Dana had refused his offer of a ride. He seemed inordinately attentive- sometimes stiflingly so. Before Dana realized it, it was time for prom. Dances had never really held much interest for her, but she hoped this one would be different. In between classes, Fox had stopped her in the hallway. "I really need to tell you something, Dana, can we talk at lunchtime?" "Sure." She tried to sound casual, but felt as if he legs were about to buckle under her. The periods before lunch dragged on endlessly. Most of Mr. Brayshaw's class was spent exchanging crooked smiles and unspoken communication. Finally, the bell rang and she gathered her things together, waiting by the door for him. "O.K., lets go by our lockers." Dana could hardly take the fluttering in her chest. This was it, she thought excitedly! He pulled an envelope from his jacket. Dana paused, slightly puzzled. Mulder opened the letter and handed it to her. Go on, he jabbered excitedly, read it! As Dana scanned the page, she felt a sinking feeling in her chest and her face tightened. "Oh god." "What?" He asked. "Oh-god," she stammered, "this is just incredible. Wow. Congratulations, Fox." Oblivious to her shock he continued. "Isn't it amazing? Not only am I finally going to get out of this hole, I am going to Oxford, and I get to go early on an independent study!! All expenses paid by the scholarship! Wahoo!! England! Can you believe it?!" He held his hand up for a high five. Dana turned, fighting to hold back the tears that were stinging her eyes. "That's great Fox,'s just that...I'll miss you." Suddenly realizing the impact his news was having on her, he followed, his hand on her shoulder. "Hey-hey," he murmured, turning her round. "I haven't left yet-we still have plenty of time- and I'll be returning for my graduation, and for most of summer break too." Dana smiled weakly, "oh good, that'll be great." "Hey and don't forget the winter formal!" Dana caught her breath in her throat. "Maybe you and your date could join Molly and me-rent a limo, go out to dinner, do it up big. Who are you going with?" Dana couldn't take it. Tears spilling out of her eyes, she ducked into the ladies room leaving a perplexed Fox Mulder behind her. He didn't understand. He thought she'd be so happy for him. After so many years of wanting to get off this tiny island, his dream was finally coming true. And the one person he'd wanted to share the good news with most didn't seem to care. He sighed. Well maybe Molly would be more excited by the news. You what?? I can't believe it! This was starting to feel all too familiar. "We'll still have spring vacation and graduation & the summer-and prom," he added helpfully. "Fox, I just can't believe it. I mean I'm happy for you and all, but..." "Great Mol, thanks!" He enthused, refusing to let her bring him down. She seemed complacent. "Oh, one other thing, Fox. I am *not* going to be tailed around all night by your little protege and her date. This is my senior prom and I'm not sharing you with anybody, I don't care how guilty you feel!" Fox started to interrupt, but saw the futility in that. They continued on to lunch, and the rest of the day was uneventful. Unless you counted the silence of a certain redhead. It wasn't exactly the silent treatment, she responded to most questions in one way or another, she just wasn't talking. No witty return on his quips, no laughing smile or raised eyebrows even at his most bawdy attempts at humor. Nothing. Figuring he was in it as deep as possible, he decided to break Molly's news to her. As they left the class for 7th period, he pulled her aside again. "Dana?" "Fox, look, I really don't think I can handle any more news bulletins right now." "Well I need to tell you something....about prom." Dana looked up at him suspiciously-the pools of her blue eyes flickering. "It's just that, uh, I had a talk with Molly, and she decided she'd rather not...." He was stuttering almost. Dana raised her eyebrow just slightly. "Rather not what?" "She just doesn't want to double date that's all." The shock gave way to an almost eerie sense of relief. "Oh, is that all." "Well that's good, Fox, that's just as well, cause Zack and I weren't interested." Mulder's momentary sense of relief gave way to shock. "'re going with Zack?" he choked out. "Well, yeah, since he did ask me," she added, angry for letting her guard down twice in one day. "And you should see a doctor about that stutter." Silently regretting such a spiteful remark, Dana strode off. As Mulder watched her fade into the crowd of students, a familiar tight feeling crept into his stomach. 7:50 p.m. Saturday, March 18 The Scully Household "Dana you look lovely. Have a wonderful time." "Prom is for pansies," Bill accused, "I can't believe you're even going, let alone with that Heflin drip." Missy had already left with her date, so Dana faced off her older brother alone. "Zack is very nice very charming-a very nice guy, she retorted. (Jeez, Dana, who you trying to convince-you or Bill?) "What a sterling recommendation from Doc Scully," he teased. "At least you're not going with that butthead, Mulder." The doorbell rang and Margaret Scully answered it. "Hello, Zack, come in! I'm Margaret, Dana's mother, and I think you know Bill." Bill made a half hearted attempt at saying hi & went back to MTV. Dana stepped forward shyly, "Uh, hi Zack," she offered, smiling. He fairly beamed at her, a twinkle in his steely blue eyes. "Gosh, Dana, you look wonderful-what a beautiful dress!" Margaret smiled approvingly, "O.K. you two have a good time-Zack, see that she's home by Midnight, please." "Sure thing, Mrs. Scully," he replied in his best Eddie Haskell. "And that's midnight tonight" Bill Jr. added, slamming a fist into his other hand for emphasis. As they exited the front door, Bill Jr. groaned in disgust, "Man, what a loser!" Margaret silenced him effortlessly in what would later become a patented Scully look. "Just cause you couldn't find a date Bill, don't ruin things for Dana & Missy." She frowned almost imperceptibly, "still, I had hoped she'd be going with Fox." Turning to Bill, "What in heaven is that you're watching??" Strange men wearing what appeared to be plant pots on their heads were singing and dancing on a bizarre Western set. "It's M TV, mom," he replied as if she were a child, "don't you know Devo?" Shaking her head, Margaret Scully busied herself about the kitchen, fearing for her sanity that evening. Dana in fact did look radiant She was especially proud of her dress, which she, her mother and sister had labored on at home. She had no interest in any of the trendier styled dresses that year, horrible confections of tiered lace and gossamer, or worse, garish reproductions of Scarlett O'Hara type dresses. No, when she decided to attend prom with Zack, (and in a way Fox made that decision for her ) she had also chose not to blend in with the bland fashion statements of her peers. She wanted something different- special-and elegant. So she went into town with her sister and found the perfect dress in a pattern book. As shown in the book, crafted in a pink rayon knit, it wasn't particularly spectacular. But Dana recognized the inherent style and beauty of the simply designed dress, and fashioned in gleaming white taffeta, she knew the effect would be stunning. Missy and her mother agreed. There was something about the way the knee-length dress accentuated Scully's small muscular legs, her trim waist, and even her petite bustline. She wore her hair down, simply styled, and had added just a flourish of makeup. Most of the women in her family rarely wore alot of makeup, and Dana was no exception. The difference, while not obvious, was striking. 8:05 p.m. County Road 9 Dana sighed. It was noticeably silent in the truck, and she longed for Nancy or even Bobby's company. She was unaccustomed to being alone with Zack, and it made her uneasy. He turned towards her and grinned approvingly. "I'm really glad you accepted my offer after all." Dana smiled back, tempted to explain why it was she had initially declined. Thinking the better of it, she turned her attention to the road. This was not the way to the school. "Uh, hey, Zack, where are we going?" "You'll see," his grin broadened, "it's a surprise." Smiling nervously, she attempted to look nonchalant. Zack turned off the engine of the truck and turned the key in the ignition. They were in a parking lot overlooking the bay. "I thought before we made our appearance, we'd have a little drink." He produced a small flask of what appeared to be whiskey or something. And a metal tin of clove cigarettes. "Um, no thanks, Zack," she said, declining the proffered bottle, "I'll take a cigarette though." Zack took a swig of the amber fluid then lit a cigarette in his mouth, handing it to Dana. "Madame," he offered huskily, eyes glazing over slightly. Dana accepted the cigarette and took a deep drag. "I thought so." "What?" Confused, she turned towards Zack. "All that goody goody stuff is just an act, eh Dana? Beneath that mighty brain, you've got a warm, living breathing, feeling body just like the rest of us humans......" He leaned in towards her, his hand on the dashboard. Dana exhaled the cigarette smoke in his face. He backed away, coughing only slightly. His eyes darkened, then brightened. "Let me see it," he demanded. Dana held out the cigarette, the intake of cloves and nicotine making her just a tiny bit lightheaded. "It's good," she murmured, changing the subject, "really sweet, I've heard of Clove cigarettes before, but never tried one." Zack took a long drag, then grinned at her, holding it in. "Sweet." He exhaled thoughtfully, tossing the cigarette out his window. "Very sweet." He leaned in towards her again. "Uh, Zack, I, uh, shouldn't we be heading to the dance?" His eyes darkened further as he grabbed her waist and drew her to him, breathing heavily. "No Dana, not just yet." He pressed his lips upon hers and with a sickening feeling Dana realized she could taste the liquor & tobacco on him. She tried to push away from him, "Really Zack, I'd like to..." "And I'd like to too," he said, cutting her off, "so why don't you quit the shy little girl act." She wrenched his hands from her waist as they moved up her dress. "Zack!" "Or if that's how you prefer it, O.K. with me, I find a little struggle a big turn on." Without warning, he pulled her against him, then pressed his full weight upon her, leaning her back into the seat of the cab. She could feel him fumbling with his pants and then at her dress. Dana started to get scared. "C'mon Dana," he urged, "you know you've wanted this for months." He pulled at her dress, tearing it slightly. Fear was replaced with indignance and anger. "You arrogant bastard!" In one quick move, Dana brought the full force of her knee to bear in a very delicate place. Zack crumpled over beside her, gagging & making the most painful gurgling noises. Dana laid a hand on the door knob, turning it and jumped out of the truck. She slammed the door behind her, but could still hear Zack gasping-- "you bitch," he moaned. "Now what?", Dana thought to herself, shivering. Suddenly, Zack's truck roared to life and sped away. Dana still felt somewhat pleased with herself, preferring the cold outside to the warmth inside the truck with that asshole. Shivering, Dana cursed out loud. He could have at least tossed her jacket out. She sighed. Well at least it wasn't snowing or freezing, and she knew where she was. Dana began the slow trek towards home, wishing she had opted for more sensible shoes. 9:55 p.m. Westside High Gymnasium Ignoring Molly's incessant banter with a friend over who was wearing what and with whom at the prom, Fox scanned the crowded gym floor. He saw Nancy and Bobby, but no sign of Dana and her date. He started to turn when he caught a glimpse of an obviously agitated Zack Heflin. (Was he limping?) Zack approached Bobby and Nancy, and engaged in what looked to be a heated discussion. Bobby must have said something to upset him, because the stocky junior practically knocked him over, striding out of the auditorium. Nancy leaned over to help Bobby up. Mulder hurried over to them, abandoning a fuming Molly in the process. "Hey Bobby, Nancy, what's up with Zack? Did Dana stand him up or something?," he asked, hopefully. They exchanged glances. It was Nancy who spoke first. "No Fox, apparently they had something of a...falling out, and he left her up by Harbor Point." "Harbor Point? What was she doing up there?" "Apparently not everything Zack had wanted," Bobby blurted out. "So, Fox, can we use your car to go get her......" he trailed off as Mulder took off after his former friend. "Zack! Hey Zack-Heflin!" Heflin turned without breaking his stride, "what the hell do you want?" "Where's Dana?" Zack smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know." "What did you do to her?? Where is she?" "Hey I didn't do anything that she wasn't asking me for, what business is it of yours..." He halted as Mulder grabbed him by his jacket and pressed his face near Zacks. "Did you hurt her?" "Back off, Mulder." Zack broke Mulder's grip & straightened himself haughtily. "That little redheaded slut got what was coming to her." He didn't have the opportunity to finish his sentence because Fox pulled his fist back and slammed it into Zacks stomach. "You son of a bitch," he hissed. "If you've hurt her..." Mulder socked him in the jaw, then released him. Zack attempted to return the hit with a pathetic left to the side of Mulder's face. Regrouping, Mulder straightened himself and stepped towards Heflin scowling. Seeing him flinch, he paused. "You're just not worth it, you piece of shit." "But if you've done anything to her-if you've harmed her in any way, I'm coming back." Mulder hurried out the doors of the gym and into the night. Turning the key in the ignition, he thanked his luck for not renting a limousine. Steering the mustang onto the highway, he headed up the county road to the infamous makeout spot. 10:10 p.m. County Road 9 Scully shielded her eyes from the oncoming headlights. Unsure, fearful that it could be Zack, she backed off the road slightly. She had removed her shoes, an idea which proved to be only slightly less painful than the chilly road under her feet. As the vehicle pulled closer, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was a car, not a truck-hence, no Zack. Certain she recognized the familiar rumble of the car's engine-her suspicions were confirmed as Fox Mulder hopped out of the blue mustang , worry on his face. "Dana, thank goodness! Are you OK?" Suddenly self conscious of her bedraggled state, she attempted to smooth out her dress. The tear in it didn't seem too obvious, and she brushed a stray hair from her face. "I'm fine Fox, she sighed, but I'd really love a ride." (As if she had a choice, thought Fox, at this point, I'd carry her home if I had to!) He went around to the passenger side door and held it open. As she came round he noticed the tear in her dress, took note of her reddened eyes and saw what looked to be a slight bruise on her wrist. His gut wrenched. "What did he do to you?" "Nothing. I'm fine, Fox, really." (She lied.) He cupped her chin in his hands and lifted her gaze to meet his. With his thumb, he rubbed a tear from her cheek. "Do you want to talk about it?" "What's to talk about Fox?" She felt anger well up inside her. She didn't need anyone's protection. "Zack made me an offer I had to refuse, he didn't like the refusal, so I put it another way." "A very painful way," she added, a slight gleam in her eyes. Fox's eyes widened with realization. He helped her into the car, resisting the urge to cheer. As he got in, Dana looked down "Fox, you can just drop me off at home, I know you need to be getting back......" she trailed off, her heart pounding, "back to Molly." "Actually, Dana," he offered, "I don't think she's too eager to see me right now, I kind of ditched her in a hurry." Looking up in surprise, Dana noticed a slight red mark on the side of his cheek. "Did Molly do that?" she asked, stunned. Mulder chuckled softly. "No, if Molly slugged me, I doubt I'd be able to drive...this is from Zack." Realization crept into Dana's mind, and just as quickly, a smile spread across her face. She gently brushed his cheek with her fingertips. "My hero." (Was he blushing?) The sensation of her soft hand on his face nearly made Fox drive off the road. "I guess I should thank you,"she said, blushing. Fox returned her smile with a broad, toothy grin. "No, it's something I've wanted to do for some time.". "I hadn't realized you were prone to such violent outbursts, Fox." "Truthfully, neither had I. I guess you just bring out the man in me," he teased, leering. Dana couldn't stifle the laughter that his puppy dog face and pathetic come on line elicited. Seeing her laugh only further brightened the look on his face. The remainder of the drive home was spent in a happy comfortable silence. Dana turned to get out of the car, and Fox jumped up and ran to get the door. Helping her out, he said, "I know this was supposed to be a fun night for you, if you want, we could..." "No Fox," she interrupted him, "I think I've had my quota of fun for the evening, but I appreciate the gesture." (Gesture, what gesture, he thought wildly, I don't want to say goodnight yet) "Walk me to my door?" Looking down into those liquid blue eyes, Fox would have willingly walked her to Kansas. "You know this was supposed to be a fun night for you too, Fox," she turned, "I'm sorry..." "Ssssh," he silenced her apology with a finger on her lips. Heart pounding, she looked up without moving his hand, intensely aware of his touch. Without thinking, she turned into his hand and kissed his fingers softly. He slid his hand around to her cheek, stunned at the trust belied by such a simple kiss. Gently, he reached behind her with his free hand and drew her closer to him. Eyes never flinching, he spoke her name softly, a question from his heart. "Dana?" Searching even deeper into his eyes, she gave him her wordless answer. She tilted her head up as he leaned down gently and brushed his lips against hers. As she felt the kiss, Dana's whole body was acutely aware of each sensation caused by the proximity of his body to hers. The place on her back where one hand now rested, the warmth of his chest against hers, even the scent of his hair. Overwhelmed by the moment, she drew back. "Thanks Fox, good night." Without any hesitation, she slipped inside the front door and was gone. Avoiding the stares of her brother and mom, she hurried over to her room at the back of the house, humming softly. A few minutes later, there was a light knock at her door. "Dana?" "Yes, mom?" "Are you O.K. honey?-it's it's only quarter of 11, I wasn't expecting you home this early." "Mm-hmm. I'm fine." Margaret caught the dreamy expression in her daughter's eyes and decided not to pry further. Shutting the door behind her, she noticed a perplexed Bill Jr. at the window. "Hey Mom, it wasn't Zack, it was that Mulder jerk in his Mustang. What do you make of that??" Margaret smiled inwardly, her daughter's expression and manner suddenly making perfect sense. "Mom? Mom?" Bill Jr. sighed, the heck with em. He was outnumbered in this house and he knew better than to try to understand it's female occupants. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to MTV once more. Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds 4/7by Heather Hopkins Monday March 20, 7:30 a.m. Westside High School Dana and her mother sat outside the principal's office. After the events of Saturday evening went from gut wrenching to heart lifting, Dana considered the matter closed. Unfortunately for Fox, Mr. & Mrs. Heflin did not. They were in the office with Fox and Mrs. Mulder, sorting out the details of what Zack described as an unprovoked jealous attack. Due to the nature of Dana's involvement, Principal Beim-Esche agreed with her mother's wishes to interview them privately. Still, they could hear the accusations flying in the adjoining room. After some time had passed they heard chairs move and footsteps at the door. A very tight lipped Lucy and Charles Heflin exited with a red faced Zack, still walking as if in a measure of pain. Dana tried hard to suppress a smug little smile. Between her and Fox, they had really done a number on that jerk. At least now his reputation would precede him somewhat, hopefully eliminating the chance of it happening to any other girls. Behind them came Mrs. Scully, her face masked in a very different expression. You could see that she was upset, but there was still an unmistakable gleam of pride in her eyes. And then came Fox. His face was furrowed in a look of concern, but when he saw Dana, his expression changed. The brown eyes sparkled and the lopsided grin returned. He crossed his wrists before him, imitating a handcuffed prisoner resigned to his fate. "C'mon Fox, let's go." As they passed, Mrs. Mulder turned towards them. "Hello Dana---Mrs. Scully, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your trouble." "Oh, it's no trouble," Mrs. Scully interjected, "and please, call me Margaret. We are all quite...fond of Fox and I know he had the most honorable intentions in mind. To my way of thinking, this is the second time his assistance has proven invaluable to my daughter." While all this was going on, neither Fox nor Dana broke eye contact. No words were spoken, there was no telepathic exchange. But in the time they had spent together at school, they had developed an uncanny ability to understand each other's expressions and body language. Dana could tell from his posture that he wasn't quite out of the clear yet as she would have assumed. His face told her there was something troubling him, but his eyes eased her (it's no big deal.). She raised a brow, eyes growing large for a moment-(what just happened in there?) He rolled his eyes upwards and then caught her eyes and winked. (I'm in a bit of trouble but I'd do it again) She flushed slightly and rewarded him with a small smile. (So would I) He turned towards her, eyebrows both up-his head cocked to the side. ( ? What are you trying to tell me?) She grinned broadly then looked down. "Are you coming, Fox?" Dana looked up. His expression had changed to irritated resignation. She looked surprised-confused. (Where are you going?) He motioned with his hands still crossed, to his mother, and sighed. (Home) As he slipped past her, he made a poor pretense of tripping, and caught himself on the arm of her chair. His face was unbearably close to hers. She flushed from his nearness. He leaned in towards her ear, and paused tantalizingly before speaking. Dana closed her eyes, savoring the proximity. "Homework." he breathed huskily into her ear. Dana almost swooned for a moment until the meaning of the word hit her in the face. "What?" He straightened himself. "Homework. Would you mind bringing me my assignments this week?" Understanding flooded her brain. He was being suspended from school. For a week. Because of her. "Of course. I'll have to get Bill or Missy to bring me over, though." Teena spoke. "Would that be all right with you....Margaret?" Dana's mother smiled warmly and laid a hand on Fox's shoulder. "For this young man, anything." Fox had to stifle the urge to kiss Mrs. Scully. "OK Dana, it's our turn to see Ms. Beim-Esche." Dana got up and walked towards the door. She turned just as Fox was exiting, and he turned too. She smiled a self conscious lip biting smile. (Bye Fox) He returned the smile (Bye Dana) then winked (see you soon). Seated in the principal's office she suddenly found it very difficult to relate her story with the proper amount of reserve and seriousness. Reminding herself that Fox was in much more trouble than she was, Dana sobered up and relayed the tale. "Well Dana, from what you've told me, and I'm not too surprised to say this, I believe you." "Zack will be remain suspended for 2 weeks and be on probation for the duration of the school year. His parents were rather upset with this but I advised them how fortunate they were that you and your mother would not be pressing charges in which case I could quite legally have had him expelled." "Now Fox," she paused, letting out a slight sigh, "Fox is another matter entirely." Dana could tell from the principal's tone that she liked Fox, and regretted her role as disciplinarian. "Motive aside, it remains that he did in fact, attack another student in view of half the school. So he will have to continue suspension for a week. However, since up to this point he has been an exemplary student, this will not remain in his student records, and," she turned to Dana, "if you can assist him in catching up with his daily work, I will see to it you are given your seventh period study hall this week to help him." Dana beamed. Trying to suppress her delight, she blurted out, "Yes, thank-you ma'am, of course." "All right then. Mrs. Scully, does this resolve the matter to your satisfaction?" "I should say so," Margaret answered, "for both Dana and me." As they got up, Margaret shook the principal's hand warmly. "Thank you Ms. Beim-Esche." "Yes, thank-you" Dana added. "Its my pleasure, she responded with a smile, "We feel very fortunate to have a student of Dana's calibre in our school. I hope that you will all be staying with us for quite some time. The summer's truly are wonderful here." It was strange how uneventful the day seemed without Fox there. Other than spiteful looks from Molly in gym class, most of the kids at school seemed to regard her as something of a celebrity. Students she'd never met came up to her to say hello and practically everyone smiled at her as she passed. At one point in the lunchroom Molly glared at her and got up as if she had something to say, then seemed to think the better of it. Dana was used to the stares from Molly & her little clique, so this treatment didn't affect her in the least. One thing she learned from attending so many different schools was that each school always had a group of narrow-minded people who would look down on her and half the school. She had discovered with Ahab's guidance, that the opinions and cruelties of such people meant nothing to her life. "Power perceived is Power Achieved, Starbuck. If they sense you as a threat and treat you as such, reacting in kind will only sink you to their level." She smiled thinking of her father. How she missed him. Spring break was coming and he'd made arrangements for them to stay on base that week in Annapolis. It suddenly hit her that if she was on the base with her family she wouldn't get to spend much time with Fox before he left for Oxford. She cursed his luck then instantly felt guilty about it. He was brilliant, and deserved every opportunity that came his way His interest in Psychology was no surprise to her. She recognized his natural ability to size up a person almost immediately and accurately. It could be infuriating at times, you'd wonder if he said things because he meant them or because he knew it's what you wanted him to say. Furthermore, he seemd to have a perverse talent of knowing exactly what to say to unnerve you, what buttons to push. And it seemed to give him great pleasure to do so. She couldn't contain the grin which blossomed on her face. Ironic that the things which were most maddening about him were also what made him so uniquely wonderful. To be in the company of someone of the opposite sex and yet really feel appreciated--respected for your individuality was rare. The closest she had ever come to that was with Ahab. She knew he loved all his children equally, but they had a special bond. Common interests, respect and something more- something unspoken. She snickered softly about her Freudian slip. The analogy of Fox to Ahab. Talk about something unspoken. She knew time at Oxford would be incredible for Fox, perhaps envied him for it. It was then and there that she decided not to let him see a moment's hesitation in her happiness for him. Once when she lived in San Diego, there was a boy she was loved. But when her father accepted the transfer which took them to Asia for several months, Steve was terribly resentful about it. It made what should have been an incredible adventure for her sad and bittersweet. And a year later, when she returned, he scorned her, as if the choice to leave had been hers. A pretty pathetic example of puppy love, to be sure, but Dana recognized the moment for its truth. Love could build a person up, but just as easily bring them down. So in time she perfected a way of communicating without giving people any clues to her feelings. It made decisions simpler, tough choices easier. She promised Fox would not be torn by her hesitance to say goodbye. And when he came back for the summer-for graduation, well they would have plenty of time to discover one another. The sixth period bell rang. Startled, Dana looked up. So deep in thought, she hadn't even considered the teacher's instructions. "Miss Scully?" Mr. Munekee motioned her to his desk. "Here's Mr. Mulder's sheets on todays' lecture, you might review them yourself," he admonished her, looking over his glasses with a stern expression, tempered by a twinke in eyes. "Also here are some extra credit materials for Fox to work on independently." "Now as I understand it, you have a ride waiting for you outside the front entrance." "Thank you Mr. Munekee." "You're welcome, Dana, tell Fox we miss him." She grinned, gathered up her papers and Fox's assignments, and practically skipped out the door. As she passed through the front door after signing out of the office she froze in her tracks. Bill wasn't there waiting for her, instead a silvery blue mustang was idling. Surprised, she fought valiantly to contain the smile which threatened to cross her face. But when his twinkling brown eyes met hers, she conceded the battle. Fox saw her step out the front door and hesitate, surprised to see him. (His heat leapt-then he questioned it- What am I doing, --I'm leaving in less than a month...) His gut wrenched as she favored him with a heart stopping smile. It was the kind of smile he rarely saw, but readily cherished. He leaned over to open the passenger side door, and Dana climbed in. "Curbside service?" she questioned him. He stared at her face for a moment-her intense blue eyes, lightly freckled complexion in a soft red frame. This face was a work of art, he thought to himself. This face....was raising an eyebrow in a very endearing expression which made resisitance all the more difficult. He cleared his throat. "You're not getting goofy on me now, are you Fox?" He turned away, silenced for the moment, but smiling all the same. Dana had a maddening ability to lay into him effortlessly. In a masochistic way he revelled in it. But she would expect no less from him in return. He mused over a proper retort. Encouraged by his pause, she continued. "Oh, you *ARE* getting goofy on me, o.k...." She looked out the window chuckling softly. "Well you'd better de-goof a little because it looks like all your teachers have decided to put a very unceremonious end to your mini vacation." He regarded the stack of books and papers she offered for evidence, and groaned. "Great. Thanks alot." "Hey I didn't make up the assignments, and I certainly didn't attack Heflin at the prom," she chided him. "No, that's true, he conceded, "You reserved your *attack* for a much more *private place*." He leered at her laughingly, obviously very pleased with himself at his double entendre. Dana nodded in agreement. "Touche, Fox. Just remember that it's a skill I haven't lost." She gave him *the look*. Widening his eyes in mock trepidation, he gripped the sterring wheel stiffly, eyes straight ahead. "Yes ma'am, Miss Scully, where to Miss Scully?" Dana mulled it over. She didn't want to go to her house, Bill and Missy and Charlie and Mom would all be there soon, and she didn't want to share him just yet. But going to his house--possibly his room--the implications were too much to consider. She felt her pulse rise in agreement. Without realizing it, she sighed out loud. Mulder glanced at her quickly, seeming to comprehend of the weight of her decision. Reminding himself to do what was right and ultimately best for the both of them, he suggested the Library. Scully visibly relaxed by this neutral suggestion, nodded in agreement, and gave him a tight lipped smile. "Uh-huh.." And so they spent several hours at the public library, and on the nights which followed as well. They passed the time pleasantly, joking, going over assignments and figures and theories. It was an easy, familiar routine. And as they were each hesitant to end their sessions, more often than not they found themselves evicted as a result of the librarian needing to close up. The remaining weeks at school passed in a similar fashion. Well, almost. Dana noted with some bitterness that when Fox returned to school, he also returned to his familiar routine with Molly. Terribly hurt by this, Dana silently relinquished their evenings of study to her unworthy opponent. Still, she had Fox to herself in many ways, in their shared classes. And she knew it was for the best no matter how it hurt. Much to her delight, however, Fox openly defied Molly's ego on several occasions by enthusiastically chatting with Dana in front of her. He made no secret of the fact that he and Dana had an intellectual partnership-an equality she could never share. Dana took great satisfaction in this. She was not an eternal optimist, but not entirely jaded either. She knew that statistics were in her favor in terms of maintaining a friendship with Fox after high school. Good friends kept in touch. High school sweethearts rarely did, no matter what the movies said. And the prospect of his friendship being there-an anchor in the turbulent years ahead was an inviting one. After all, she reasoned to herself, it would not be too long before the Scully clan was destined to move on to another destination as well. Dream as she might of the fantasy of loving Fox Mulder- the reality of certain friendship held even more appeal. She couldn't bear the thought of repeating the Steve incident. No, she had at long last reconciled herself to just enjoying her time with Fox, however she spent it. The only problem was that there was so precious little of that time left. Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds 5/7 by Heather Hopkins Dana couldn't stand it. The last day of school before the beginning of spring break was inching forward at an agonizingly slow pace. What was worse, Fox wasn't there. He had taken the day off in preparation for his trip to England. Nancy & Bobby tried to cheer her, but nothing lifted the dark cloud hanging over Dana's head. She tried to remind herself how much she missed Ahab, how wonderful it would be to see him again. The image of her father made her smile but could not lift the heavy ache in her heart. She glanced out the window, stifling the urge to jump up and run out. Lunch was dreary and uneventful. As she made her way to 6th period Biology, normally her favorite subject, (when her lab partner was there,) she was stopped in the hallways by Ms. Ripley, the office secretary. "Dana I have a message for you...." she handed her an envelope and continued through the hallway. Dana froze, immediately recognizing the familiar handwriting. She smiled tracing her fingers over the ink, Fox had such beautiful handwriting. She was suddenly overcome by nervousness and tucked the note into her binder, scurrying in to the biology lab just as the bell rang. Mr. Munekee glanced up at everyone, grinning. "I can see you are all almost as thrilled as I am to be here this afternoon. As a method of passing the time, let me suggest that you open your textbooks and try to locate the answers to the questions written on the board. Consider it an open book scavenger hunt. Anyone who locates 100% of the answers correctly will receive an A for the week. Books flying open, her classmates hurried to the task at hand. Dana opened her book slowly, and withdrew the envelope, turning it over in her hand. She raised it to her face and inhaled deeply. No, it wasn't perfumed, she knew better than that, but it did carry a lingering trace of his aroma. She sighed for a moment, then tore it open. Joy spread across her face as she read it. Dana- Hey. Sorry I'm not there to make the last day of the semester. Mom seemed pretty intent on making sure we were prepared for the trip. It seems funny since we won't even leave `til Monday. I wanted to tell you although I'm really excited I will miss you. As soon as I have my address, I `ll write you, and probably before that as well. I want us to spend some time together & talk before you leave to meet your dad. I'll be waiting out front at the beginning of 7th period if you're bold enough to skip!! I dare you!! (he had underlined the word dare, and beside it drew a smiley face) Fox She beamed, re-reading the letter several times before finally putting it away. Looking up, she scanned the questions and began to jot the answers down on her own. She smiled. The textbook wasn't even necessary. Fox would have loved that. He always made her feel as if her textbook mind was a gift, not a brainy curse. Finished, she began to tap her fingers absentmindedly on the table until Mr. Munekee interrupted her. "Dana? If you have completed your work, you may bring it up here and be done for the day." He smiled at her. "And that goes for the rest of you as well. Once you're finished, get out of my sight! And have a safe week," he added. The room was filled with excited murmurs as students continued their frantic rush to get out of school early. Dana gathered her books up and dropped her paper on Mr. Munekee's desk. "Thanks, Mr. Munn, she offered then waved, stepping out the door. She breathed an audible sigh of relief and hurried to her locker. Putting her workbooks away, she paused to brush her hair quickly, then made for the front door. She inhaled deeply, and closing her eyes, uttered a short prayer. Let him be there, please, let this work.......she exited out the front of the school and stopped short, her heart sinking. Fox was there all right, waiting in his car as promised. And standing outside the car, a pouty brunette was scolding the driver in her best little girl fashion. She seemed visibly upset. Dana turned to go back into the school building when Fox spotted her. "Dana!" She turned and saw him smile and wave her over. "C'mon, we need to get going !" Smiling self consciously, she strolled over towards the car, trying her best to appear casual. "Uh, Hey Molly," she offered, rather flippantly. For her effort she was rewarded with a dark sneer. Suddenly the expression "If looks could kill" held more meaning to her. She made her way over to the passenger side door. Fox leaned over and opened it for her from his seat. As Dana slammed the door shut, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Stunned, her eyes wide, she turned to Fox, who was rolling up the window. "I'm sorry Molly, but like I told you, it's really over between us." If Molly said anything or did anything, Dana was completely unaware. She simply sat there, stunned by what had just transpired. She turned to look at him, her eyes asking an unspoken, but rather obvious question. She felt like a deer facing oncoming headlights. Grinning his evil wicked wonderful grin, Fox looked over at her. "What?" Dana blinked for a moment then started to regain her conscious thought. "What do you mean, What? What do you think I mean?" "Huh?" He acted perplexed, as if he really didn't have a clue. "That thing-just now-with the kiss-what was that?" "Let's just call it an encore of the night after prom, a command performance, and a way to get Molly off my back." "So, a command performance for an audience of three??" She looked annoyed. Dana enjoyed the kiss, she really really enjoyed the kiss. And on a certain level maybe even relished the fact that it had happened in front of Molly. But it was a level she strove to avoid. And she despised the idea that the kiss was orchestrated as Fox's signal to Molly that the relationship had ended. No, that kind of behavior was too much like Molly herself. Fox started to say something. He bit his lip and paused, then began again. "Dana...." "Yes?" "That was a dumb thing to do, I'm sorry." She considered this. After a few minutes of silence, Fox started to squirm. Dana reminded herself she had less than 24 hours to enjoy his company. Knowing his discomfort, she decided to let him off the hook, *sort of.* But not too easy. Still silent, she turned and stared at him, her eyes an unreadable sheet of cool blue ice. And then it came to her. As they pulled up to a stop light he turned towards her. The cold blank expression she fixed on him was having its effect. When she sensed the timing was right, (she swore she saw sweat begin to bead on his brow), she did it. With his questioning eyes still locked on hers, she turned her gaze down to his feet and moved slowly up his body. As she hit his now surprised face, she turned her gaze down once more and briefly fixed on his lap. She then looked him straight in the eye, expression unreadable again, and raised an eyebrow. "What?" he quizzed her nervously, what?" She acted as if suddenly roused from a trance. "What?" "What do you mean what?" As soon as he had spoken the words, he realized what had just happened. Dana was triumphant. "Gotcha!" "You've got nothing!" "Oh no, I really had you worried there..." She chuckled good naturedly and he returned it with a smile. "OK, maybe for like a millisecond." He mimicked her gaze up down and up again. "What exactly was *that*, anyway?" "I dunno, Fox, mental payback maybe, or just being silly, I guess. It's just that whole front of Molly, I'm not sure I understand." Fox's face turned softly serious. "I really am sorry Dana, for using you that way-in front of her to make a point..." When he saw how downcast the expression was which crossed her face, he continued. "I didn't plan it, it was just very spontaneous-I wanted her to know that I don't have those feelings for her anymore, and that...."he paused, wanting to chose the next words very carefully, "that I think I want to have-that I do have..those feelings," he looked at her with an intensity which gave her goosebumps, "for you." He pulled into the driveway of his house, and put the car in park. He turned the engine off and turned towards her, his arm on the back of the seat behind her-close enough to touch her- (God, he wanted to touch her) but unsure. He waited patiently for her reply. She looked out the window. Without looking at him, she began.... "Fox, I'm just not sure that *those* feelings are a good idea right now." He started to say something, but she interrupted, "please Fox, let me finish- this is hard enough as it is." (Oh god o god..think think think, -just look at him-he wants to be with you- just look at him) She looked towards him for just a moment and he could see them pooling in her eyes, tears she refused to release. She turned back to look out the window. "I'm going away tomorrow ,Fox, and then you're leaving Monday for the rest of the school year and-" she paused, trying to hold back the tears, "and it's good that you go-it's an incredible opportunity-heaven knows I'd be on a plane this second if I had a chance like that-" (OK, not *this* second-I'd freeze this moment in time if I could!) "But it's not fair-to either of us to start something tonight which we know would be a long distance...thing." I've tried it Fox, and it's just..." she halted choking a sob which was trying to escape, "it hurts too much." She turned towards him, a tear running down her cheek, expecting to see anger or confusion or resentment. What she saw instead made her heart very nearly break--his eyes-his face were filled with pure love and concern-perhaps even fear. He rested a thumb against her cheek, brushing away the tear, softly turning her head to face him. "Dana, I would never-I could never..,ever hurt you. I know it sounds like a line, but I've never met anyone like you-I don't know how to explain it except to say I can't imagine not knowing you-being near you. And I know that whatever time I can spend with you before I leave- before Oxford-before life- before our lives -go on, well it would be a precious gift. However (and he emphasized this) you're willing to give it." She looked at him, tears now streaming from her eyes. "I just don't know Fox....I..." She could no longer hold back the sobs and Fox slid over to her, holding her against his chest, letting her tears flow. She wrapped her arms around him trying to commit the sensation to memory- his soft clean scent, the warm, solid curve of his back, the feel of his arms around her shoulders, holding her, his heartbeat pounding. Fox must have understood her hesitation. Suddenly a nagging thought occurred to him. He turned her face towards his. "Dana-I don't want you to think that I'm asking you-I mean, this isn't about, what I'm trying to say is that I'm not trying to...." embarrassed, he felt his cheeks burning. "What I want is to assure you that I'm no Zack Heflin. I just want to spend the night--he locked his gaze upon hers-or as much of it as possible, with you. And I'm not asking you, mean, of course if you wanted to I would love to I mean....argh." He sighed in exasperation. Dana smiled at how embarrassed he seemed by the whole matter. It made her heart soar to know that he respected her wishes so fervently and earnestly. That the choice was hers to make. "So are you asking me out on a date?" Fox brightened. "Yes." "Well it's about damn time." Dana grinned. "What do you want to do?" "Well right now, I'd like to show you my room..." Dana raised both eyebrows. "And the rest of my house--my mom is home--no monkey business, I swear." Nodding her approval, Dana acquiesced. "O.K." It was a nice little house, smaller but nicer than the one they were renting, Dana noted. Still, there was a quiet sadness to the home, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She knew Fox had a sister, and that something had happened to her. It was an obviously painful subject for Fox, one she had not pursued. She found herself gazing at pictures on the wall, merriment in her eyes as she came upon his baby pictures. "Oh, this is nice, Fox, really nice." "I didn't realize you were into kinky naked pictures." He came up behind her rather abruptly, "what?" She motioned to an incredibly embarrassing picture his mother had displayed of him holding on to a coffee table. He was obviously just learning to walk, and stark naked except for a pair of cowboy boots and matching hat. He groaned. "You know, Fox, Nancy is on the yearbook committee, if you like, I could pull a few strings and see that this gets added in next to your senior portrait..." "You wouldn't dare!" "Oh, now if it's a dare, I have no choice but to follow through." "Yeah well to do that you have to live through today!" He threatened her teasingly, and began to tickle her. Dana stood stifling a yawn. "Uh, Fox, she asked, "you may not realize it, but having an older brother and sister, you build up immunity to certain tortures." He looked into her eyes, fooled for a moment, then caught a twitch at her mouth. He continued until finally, giggling, she could hold it back no longer OK! ok! ok! , I give up!, I relent!, now please, cease fire! Her gasping laughter subsided to a giddy heavy breathing as she sank to her knees. "I had you going there for a second." "You did not, he replied indignantly, "I knew you were trying to trick me, you had nothing!" He looked at her face, slightly flushed from laughter & realized he had never truly realized how beautiful she was. "Wait." "Hold on a second--don't move." Dana frowned a little, but remained there, letting her breathing return to normal. "Dana." She looked up and saw stars as a blinding flash went off in her face. The Polaroid camera spat out a picture as she got up to cover her face *flash* another one went off. "Fox! Cut it out!" "Aww come on Dana, you have to give me *something* to remember you by in England," "Oh I'll give you something to remember me by, all right, she threatened, yanking the camera out of his hands, but not before he made off into the living room with the still developing pictures. She gave the camera the once over, and turned in the other direction, towards his room. "A-ha, just as I thought!" *Flash* The sound of the camera going off drew Fox towards the rear of the house. "What are you doing?" "Gathering evidence, she grinned, then turned and flash, the camera went off in his face. "I should have known you were a KISS fan," she laughed, waggling her tongue at him Gene Simmons style. "Honestly Fox, how you managed to pass as cool all these years is beyond me!" All Fox could see were little white spots. Blinking, he complained, "hey! that was a long time ago- -I just haven't found a poster to replace it with." "Mmm-hmm" Dana's tone smugly told him she believed everything but. "Gimme that!" He reached for the photos, but she waved him off. "Unh -uh-uh" "Maybe we can exact a trade. You show me yours....." She stopped, wary of the implication. "Never mind." "No, no, Fox teased her, this is starting to sound interesting, please continue." "He looked down at the still developing photos in his hand. The first one was incredible. She was looking up from her crouch on the floor, incredibly un self-conscious. Her expression was soft, her blue eyes clear, and a slight trace of an almost smile on her lips. He turned eagerly to the next one, and laughed so hard he nearly fell over. "What?" Dana was obviously irritated. He flashed her a quick glance of the photo. She was reaching towards him, mouth agape, her eyes in an expression she hoped never again to see, her face contorted in a weird grimace. "Give me that!" "Oh no, this is too precious, I could never..." he began. "Just give me that!" "Now now Dana, lets come to an agreement." "I'll trade this for the photos of me & my room." She examined them both for a second, and feigned agreement. Nodding she offered them out to him with one hand. As he held it out to her, she dropped the Kiss photo and grabbed the one of her, snatching back the hand which still clutched the photo of Fox in the hall. No way was she going to give that one up. It was a far cry from a great portrait, but his serious expression was captured perfectly in that moment. "I'd say that we are just about even, Fox. Now if you don't mind, if our date has concluded, I'd like to go home." Fox leaned up and looked at her, his eyes filled with concern. "I'm sorry Dana-I thought..." "It's OK Fox, I'm only kidding. What I would like to do is decide on our plans are so I can call Mom." Fox looked relieved. "Oh." phew. "They sat at the kitchen table going over the available choices of movies in local theaters. They agreed on "Alien" which was showing later that night at the El Rey on the other side of the point. It was a bit more of a drive than most kids took, but the idea of avoiding any friends from school was a great motivation. Neither one wished to share the other with anybody. Fox drove Dana home, and promised to return in an hour. She practically floated to the front door, which was opened by an irritated Bill. "Where the heck have you been Dana?" Surprised to hear him call her by her full name, she nonetheless ignored him. "Mom, I'm going out with Fox tonight, ok?" "Well it's about time...cutting it a little close aren't we, Dana?" Her mother smiled. "Be home by midnight, K?" Dana was up the stairs in a heartbeat. "OK Mom, thanks Mom!" Bill started to interject something, a complaint, since they were leaving the next day. Both Missy & his mom instantly shot him the look, and he drew back, silenced. They then smiled at one another. They enjoyed dinner at a local cafe together, and had a good time at the movie. Both of them realized there was still more that they wanted to say. Lingering outside in the theater parking lot, Fox dropped his head down to meet Dana's. "I wish we had more time, it's almost 10:30 now." Dana met his gaze. "I really do have to get home on time, mom always waits up. But I have an idea..." Any idea which came from the mind of the stunning beauty before him had merit. "What?" "Take me home now-early" her heart skipped as she saw the instantly wounded expression cross his face, "and then come back for me a little bit later. I'll sneak out and have Missy cover for me if need be." His face lit up. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "Ok-ok, but how do I get your attention?" "You've always had my attention," she purred, smiling. Appreciative, he grinned back, "Ok, how do I let you know when I'm there without alerting the media?" "Don't you watch TV? Just toss a pebble at my window!" "Which window?" "Hmm, they all have mini blinds-but it's on the top floor on the right." Seeing doubt in his expression she made a face. "I'll leave a mark or something at the window, all right?" "Will that work?" "Works for me." He grinned. As they pulled into her driveway, they both fell silent. Dana's heart racing, she started to turn the handle on the door. Fox pulled her hand away...."Don't." Confused she turned towards him. "We don't want to....arouse suspicion, he murmured, his eyes lowered. We just arrived. If you go bolting in there right away, your mom'll know something's up. No teenager leaves a date that quickly...except for Zack." He smiled mischievously. Smiling at his brilliant logic, she agreed. "Oh yeah, that's a very important point....You're absolutely..." He leaned over to her, his hands on either side of her face. The kiss was gentle yet so demanding, it took her breath away. Moments after the initial shock wore off, he drew back slightly, his eyes heavy with desire. She took one look at him then returned the kiss so fervently it almost startled Fox. She tasted faintly of peppermint as her soft lips explored his. He opened his mouth and she parted hers, welcoming his tongue greedily. Fox realized he had underestimated this petite girl once again. His adolescent dreams of this fiery redhead paled in comparison to the real Dana. He answered her passionate kiss in kind, biting gently at her lower lip, planting kisses along the side of her face and neck. She gasped at his caresses then pulled his mouth back to hers, teasing it with her tongue. He accepted this, and pulling her close against him ran his hand through the silky soft flames of her hair. He inhaled deeply, taking in the incredible overwhelming scent of her before she pulled away a little bit. She was breathing rather heavily, her face flush and her eyes were glassy. "Fox? Walk me to the door?" He could tell by the expression on her face that she did not want to stop any more than he did. But Dana possessed a reserve he lacked in moments like this. Grumbling good- naturedly, he agreed. As they stepped up to the porch, Dana turned and flashed him a knowing smile, winking. She spoke a little louder than necessary. "Thanks alot, Fox, I had a really nice time tonight! She bugged her eyes out at him. "Yeah, me too Dana. Have a nice spring break!" He made a face & stuck his tongue out. She waggled a finger at him, eyebrows arched with curiosity. "Yeah, have a good flight & write me when you get there." "Oh I will, if I can find the time....." He was cut short as she jabbed him in the gut. "Yeah, well, Ok......good night then." She turned as if to go inside when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him as if in a very passionate embrace, then paused to give her only a slight peck on the cheek. "I wouldn't want you to think I'm easy," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. Dana feigned mock disappointment. "Why not?" He raised his own eyebrows up and down. "Hmm, good question....why indeed?" Gazing at her with an intensity that sent a shiver of pleasure corsing through her body, he claimed her mouth with his, and for a moment they were one. Breathless, they drew back, their gaze never lifting. "Good night Fox," she murmured. He smiled very softly, his hand on her cheek. "Good night Dana." She closed the door behind her and met the gaze of her family. "Yes?" They all stared at her, as her mother broke the silence, smiling. "Hi honey, did you have a nice time?" Dana wasn't ready for all this right now, and ran up to her room, closing the door behind her. Missy came in. "You all right, Dane?" Dana looked up at her older sister, smiling through tears. "Yes and no." Missy sat down on her bed, perplexed. What do you mean? Dana wiped a tear from her eye. Missy I need your help. Missy raised her eyebrows in concern. As Dana related the story, Melissa found herself surprisingly nonplused. Her concern for Dana's spirit overriding her concern for Dana's virtue, she agreed. She went down to her mom and outlined the details of Dana's sorrow at leaving Fox, and her fear of never seeing him again. She explained that she and Dana were going to share a room that night & try to talk it out. Margaret agreed wholeheartedly. She knew the tolls a military life could take on a young woman were difficult ones, and was grateful that her daughters were able to comfort one another so readily. "If she needs anything, Missy, I'll be in my room." "Thanks, mom." Dana was elated. The plan was going fine. Her brothers were asleep in their room and her mother would soon be as well. Luckily, Dana's room was nearest the stairs, and her Mother's the farthest, all the way to the end of the hall. Missy, how should I signal Fox which window is mine? "How about a candle," Missy suggested? "One if by land, two if by sea?" Dana tossed a pillow at her. "This is romance, not a revolution!" "I don't know Dana, the idea of my baby sister sneaking out to meet a boy sounds pretty revolutionary to me..." This time Missy ducked and avoided the pillow sailing towards her. "I know," said Dana, "give me a lipstick you don't like." Melissa frowned, then went to her dresser and removed one in a deep shade of red. "Here, this was never my color, anyway. I really don't think it's you, either..." She trailed off as Dana shot her a look that said she should have known better. Switching on the desk lamp, she made a big red X in the pane of one of the windows. "Tic tac toe, anyone?" she offered. "Seems to me like it's Fox's move now" was Missy's smug reply. Dana's face turned serious. "What am I doing Missy?" Her shoulders sagged a little. "Following your heart. If this guy is the one for you, nothing can keep you apart." Gratefully, Dana looked up at her older sister, her eyes misting a little. "I'm serious, Day-I don't know how else to say it except that I truly believe love always finds a way. Maybe not at the exact moment you ask the question, but eventually it's answered. I know it may sound a little trite, but I mean it. Do you love him?" Biting her lips, Dana nodded meekly. "I think so." "And does he..." Missy stopped when she saw the expression in her sister's eyes. "Yeah, of course, how could he not?" Dana hugged her tightly. "Now as your older sister I do feel compelled to explain a few things first." She handed Dana a small foil square which she had removed from her wallet. She couldn't duck in time to miss the pillow, which landed squarely about her head. "Missy!" Dana exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Hey you're my little sister and I just wanted to make sure you were protec... Dana interrupted her. "Missy I'm going to be a doctor someday, I think I've got the birds & the bees covered. Besides," she added, her eyes flashing, "I'm not sure that's going to be part of the plan tonight. We haven't really ... discussed it yet." Missy eyed her with disbelief, her mouth twisted & head to one side. "He's a guy, right?" She pressed the condom into Dana's hand. "You'll *discuss* it. Trust me." Dana blushed, and tucked the condom into her jeans pocket. She knew better. Fox was not the type of guy to pressure her into anything. She smiled, remembering his discomfort earlier when he was so worried that she might think that was all that he wanted. No, she was safe with Fox. The question was, was Fox safe with her? Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds Part 6/7 For a short time, Dana paced nervously. She knew Fox would wait until the rest of the lights in the house were out before trying anything. After a while, the idea that he had experienced a change of heart became a nagging thought. She considered slipping out on her own just to clear her head when she heard a click at her window. Heart racing, she hurried over and peered out. As a flood of relief washed over her face, a new concern presented itself. What was she doing? She had always been a child of logic and reason, even very young. But when she waved down to Fox, who was grinning like a schoolboy, she also waved those fears aside. This was it. Their last chance together for months. For one time in her life, Dana was going to ignore the calm level headed side of her brain and think with her heart. The drive over to Dana's filled him with dread. What if she changed her mind? Or her mother suspected? What if she were caught sneaking out. As badly as he wanted to see her this night, he didn't want to put her in a compromised position at home. Then his thoughts turned to their date earlier that evening. She had surprised him with her interest in seeing the Ridley Scott movie, Alien. He would have pegged her for wanting to see a chick flick or documentary. But as they sat beside one another in the darkened theater, one arm around her, and the other holding her hand, he understood. It was a terribly suspenseful film, and he was gratified as more than once he had the opportunity to enjoy the sensation of her clinging to him at particularly fearsome moments. The creature in the film was horrifying and the special effects quite good. Holding her there, her hand willingly placed in his, he marveled at the unending surprise which was Dana Scully. As he turned onto the street, he pulled in front of the cottage two doors down from the Scully house. He killed the engine and quietly slipped into Dana's back yard. "Yes!" It was an easy matter to determine which window was hers. The light was on and a big red "X" was drawn directly onto the pane of the window. He mentally hugged Dana for her brilliant conniving mind. "I guess X marks the spot," he said to himself as he looked for a small pebble or something. Dana was right. He did feel rather like a character from an after school special version of Romeo and Juliet, or perhaps the Brady bunch. But her cherished the feeling all the same. He flicked the stone lightly at the window, flinching as he narrowly missed hitting the one next to it. Holding his breath, the stone collided into the appointed window with a light crack. Barely a second passed before he saw Dana at her window, waving excitedly to him. His head swam with the mere sight of her. She motioned him around to the front, and he nodded and waved in return. Fox stood off to the side of the front porch silently thanking the powers that were for the gift of this person in his life. Hearing the click of the door as it opened, he turned expectantly. She looked at him with such joy, he wondered how he had deserved this moment. Do I look like that to her?, he mused. Pushing the thought away, his grin widened as she flew to his side, nearly tripping in her hurry. "Shhhh" he admonished her with a glint in his deep brown eyes. "Shhh yourself," she said, feigning indignance. "So where are we going?" "Well, I kind of thought I'd leave that up to you..." Dana eyed him with amused exasperation. "Tell me again which one of us has lived here his whole life?" "OK, I can take a hint," Fox replied. "I did have some...ideas." "Well you know how I like your ideas," she enthused, slipping her hand around his waist. Taken aback momentarily by the comfort & ease with which she drew herself to him, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leaning her even further against him. She rested her head into his chest and sighed contentedly. Fox dropped his chin onto the top of her head, comforted by how right this felt. As they came to his car, both were hesitant to break from the casual but intimate contact. As they got in the car, Dana leaned over to Fox and kissed him lightly on the cheek, her breath hot and light on his face, her lips soft and moist. He felt his legs twitch. "What was that for?" She blinked at him. "For this--for right now--for today--and....for me." He gazed at her and took her chin in one hand. He kissed her softly on the cheek. "This is for right now." He brushed his lips against the other cheek, making Dana shiver with pleasure. "This is for today." He leaned over towards her ear and pressed his lips against it, moving his hand from her chin to her shoulder, and bringing the other hand to rest on the back of her neck, and holding her gently but firmly, whispered, "and this is for me.." Fox began to trace his lips against her ear, moving down the graceful curve of her neck, his touch searing her wherever he kissed. Dana felt as if a million tiny electric shocks were shooting through her brain. Without realizing it, she moaned. Fox paused from his tender ministrations, a look of delight heavy in his eyes. " perhaps that *was* more for you than me," he joked softly. "Well then," she replied, her blue eyes softening, "then *this* is for you." Surprise gave way to sensation as Dana parted her lips softly and pressing her mouth upon his, teased him gently with a delicate motion of her tongue. She explored his mouth and took his lips between her teeth, gently nibbling on them. As he yielded then responded with a fervor of his own, she accepted his tongue and gave in to the need pounding in her head. Kissing with eyes first closed then open, they regarded each other as their hands sought solace upon their bodies. Pushing back a bit, Dana managed to speak huskily. "Fox, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but could we do this someplace else?" Fox inhaled sharply, then letting the air escape his lungs in a rush, agreed. "For obvious reasons, I thought we'd avoid the harbor point." Smiling wryly, she nodded in agreement. "So, we could go to my place or maybe to the beach. I know it's a little chilly for that but I brought along some.... provisions. I also have access to a few vacant summer cottages." Dana raised an eyebrow at this, but decided to let it go. "Hmm, why don't we go to the beach and then if need be we could always retire to a cottage." This seemed like a plausible solution, and so they went on their way. The drive over was very nice. Dana scooted close to him, her hand entwined with his, the radio playing softly in the background. When they arrived at the beach, Fox parked the car but instructed her to wait inside. He bustled about outside briefly, then with a mischievous look, helped her out, asking her to close her eyes. She complied, and with Fox leading her, felt the warmth of a fire upon her face. She opened her eyes to see a blazing campfire set before her, with what could only be described as a midnight picnic. Blankets were strewn about the sand, Fox had brought along a thermos of hot chocolate, a bag of marshmallows and provisions for S'mores. "I hope this doesn't seem too hokey, " he half apologized, I'm just not the drinking kind." "Its wonderful Fox, she whispered, her eyes aglow, it's..perfect!" She shivered a little. "Come here, he offered, holding up a fuzzy blanket. They sat down on a quilt he had spread out, and he drew her up against his chest. Dana sighed blissfully and snuggled in. They sat there like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the feel of one another. Fox rested his chin against her head, massaging her shoulders. Dana drew her head to one side, granting him an inviting view of her soft warm neck. It was an invitation he readily accepted. Hungrily, he drew his lips to her neck, nibbling and biting playfully. She let out an involuntary gasp at the tingling touch of his mouth. "Fox." He tugged at the neck of her sweater, exposing her shoulder. She shivered as he continued to delight her, his mouth hot and hungry on her skin. She tasted salty and warm and sweet. Fox felt as if he could continue exploring the secrets of this woman through the sunrise. She breathed his name again, barely audible, "Fox.." He moved a hand cautiously towards the front of her sweater. She clasped his hand in hers and pulled it into the soft inviting confines of her sweater, holding it gently against the rise and fall of her chest. Cupping her gently, he leaned back towards her and claimed her mouth with his once more. She turned herself to face him, gently stroking the back of his neck. "Mmmm Dana," he breathed. He eased himself down onto the blanket, bringing her alongside him. His eyes alight with the reflection from the fire and with a fire all their own, he seized her gaze, and intertwined his fingers with hers. She looked breathtaking in the light of the fire, her face cast with flickering shadows and love. She searched his eyes with a burning intensity which asked him an unspoken question, giving him her answer all at once. An answer which promised love. He startled himself with this thought. Love. It all seemed so fast. Was it love which lit her eyes so? He had taken an almost immediate liking to this splendid girl almost instantly. She had a wit and a fire about her that was a blessing to behold. But love? Fox had never put Love into any equation before, and it scared him a little. Suddenly, leaving was thrown into a whole new light and his carefully balanced world seemed suddenly quite precarious. His throat tightening, he found it difficult to breathe. Dana looked up at him, her piercing blue eyes reflecting concern. Their hands still intertwined, she pull his against her heart. "Fox?" she questioned, worriedly. (Am I that transparent, he wondered?) He had always been something of a skeptic where matters of the heart were concerned. Facing the beautiful young redhead alongside him, he felt that wall crumbling, and considered facing life as a believer. "It's all right Dana, it's just that..." His heart broke when he saw the look of dejection in her eyes, as she turned her head down. "No!" He lifted her chin up. "Let me finish..." He eyes flickered with something unreadable, and she nodded. "It's just that while I want this, I hadn't really thought it through. I didn't consider the consequences or the implications...for either of us, he added. Dana I want this more than you know--he smiled softly and could swear he saw a flush of rose in her cheeks. "But I don't want this to be a goodbye. I think we should wait. We should save this for our hello. I'm not sure I could go and leave you after........he trailed off with a sigh. At first, Dana couldn't believe her ears. She had looked into her heart and relinquished this moment to him. That he would be the one to receive the gift that her youth could give but once. And after everything that had happened between them, to think he did not want her. Disappointment threatened to overwhelm her, until as he continued, she caught the expression in his face, and awareness flooded her brain. He didn't want a parting gift. He wanted more. She felt a sudden pang of guilt for the hormone induced thoughts she had just entertained. "Oh Fox!" she breathed. The look of doubt on his face gave way to relief and then something more. "'s Ok? understand?" he inquired. She fixed a steady gaze of warmth upon him, squeezing his hand tightly. "Yes," she replied fervently, "I can't believe it on one level, but on every other level...Yes!" "She winked at him with an impish grin. "Just don't make a habit out of it, OK? I'm not sure my ego can take too much more chivalry!" "Oh, I promise to be anything but gentlemanly for the rest of the night," he assured her menacingly. Dana made a futile attempt at scrambling away but he caught her up and pulled her against him roughly. She acted as if she was about to protest when her eyes flashed and she quickly sealed his mouth with hers. Still exploring his mouth, she nudged him over a bit and then in a swift motion rolled over him so that she was on top, triumphantly straddling him with one leg on each side. Fox's expression of surprise gave way to a leer. "Um, Dana, you know all that stuff I just said about waiting , uh, well I was thinking, *perhaps* it was a little rash of me..." Dana jabbed at him smugly from her perch atop his suddenly uncomfortably tight jeans. "I don't think so," she answered, playfully squeezing him with her thighs. He reached up and dragged her face down to his, keeping her on top, but pulled flat against him. Dana could feel his arousal pressing into her stomach as she lay on upon him. It left her feeling giddy. Combined with the sensation of his hands upon her, under her shirt, along her back, Dana was overcome with the desire to press back into him. Hungrily, she answered his kisses searching along his body until she came to the smooth hard swelling in his jeans. Fox groaned wildly. They weren't going to give in completely this night, but that didn't mean other outlets could not be found. They continued on this way for what seemed an eternity. Each one exploring the other eagerly, but with restraint, so certain unsafe borders were never breached. She marveled at his response to her touch, stunned that she should have such an effect on him. And Fox, warmed by her enthusiastic reply to his kisses, continued the loveplay until they could both stand it no more. Wordless, they lay before the crackling fire, Dana spooned into Fox, content in the silence of their company. "Dana?' "Mmm-hmm?" "Hungry?" "Mmm-Hmm!" she answered, the inflection belying a hunger for something other than food. Fox got up and set about to prepare for roasting marshmallows. Dana undid the lid of the thermos, and poured a single cup, plopping a marshmallow in. She waited for Fox to return, and offered it to him as he sat before the fire. He handed her the stick as he sipped gingerly from the cup. Mmmm, he murmured, pulling her to him again, delicious!" Fox closed his mouth on hers and Dana delighted in the warm chocolaty taste of him. "What, no marshmallow?" He smirked at her, and took the roasting stick from her hands. "Hey you nearly burned it!" he joked. "Well my mind was on other matters, " she countered suggestively, trailing a finger alongside his chest, hooking it into the loop of his jeans. Distracted from the task of removing the molten confection from the stick, Fox gasped suddenly. "Ouch!" He waved his hand about, gingerly blowing on it where the burning hot marshmallow had stuck to him. "Let me see that," Dana ordered, a hint of concern on her face. Examining it closer, her expression changed to amusement. "Baby," she chided him, "it's not the least bit inflamed." "Well it still smarts, he whimpered, a trace of a pout on his puppy dog face. Dana softened and took his marshmallow coated finger to her lips, kissing it tenderly. "Is that better?' she queried innocently. "A little bit" he murmured hopefully, a slight smile evident on his lips and in his eyes. He gasped again, but this time not from pain as Dana took his finger to her mouth, gently sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it. "Maybe my finger isn't inflamed," he groaned, his breath suddenly heavy, "but I am." Dana continued the attack on his injured digit, manipulating her mouth in such an excruciatingly pleasurable manner Fox felt as if he would faint. He started to pull at her again, but she remain steadfast. "Un-uh" she refused, licking the tip of his finger and giving it a final kiss before stopping. "Where is my s'more?" "Funny that's exactly what I was thinking," he retorted, his lower lip sticking out in a mopey expression which Dana adored. "You mean you want *s'more* too?" she giggled, then squealed as he made a dive for her. "Oh, I'll give you *s'more* all right," he threatened, as he pursued her around the campfire. The merry chase continued for a moment and Dana dived back onto the quilt, laughing as Fox tackled her from behind. He pulled her over onto her back, & holding her down gently, marveled at how beautiful she was. Sensing a slight change in mood, Dana looked into the deep forever of his eyes. And felt a heaviness tugging at her heart. "Fox, we don't have a whole lot of time left, she began, "could you just hold me for awhile?" He smiled broadly in agreement, and held out his arms to her. She snuggled against his chest, her eyes damp. He looked at her briefly, then regarded the night sky. "Dana, do you suppose we're alone in the universe?," he asked. Somewhat relieved at the change in direction, she considered the question. "Well, I don't really think there are "Alien's" lurking out there like we saw earlier today she answered, smiling as he grabbed her abit tighter. But a once a friend of mine told me something her father had said before...she faltered a little, not wanting to ruin the moment with a painful memory. He brushed a hand against the back of her hair, silently giving her time to continue. "He told her that given the infinite universe, filled with billions of stars and billions of solar systems filled with billions of planets, well, if we were the only ones, it would sure seem like a terrible waste of space." Satisfied with her answer, he joined her in once again gazing up at the night sky. Dana pointed out a few constellations and the planet Venus, and they continued in easy conversation, neither wanting to break the spell of the moment with reality. Before long, without realizing it, they fell asleep in each other's arms. Fox felt a chill, and looked around, momentarily disoriented. As his eyes focused on the still form of the sleeping redhead beside him, his reverie was interrupted by the faint pink and orange glow on the horizon. It was almost daybreak and that meant his time with Dana was almost at an end. Conflicting emotions warred within him. She looked so serene and beautiful in sleep, he could not take his eyes off her. If he woke her, she might want to leave. If he didn't wake her, he would miss what fleeting time they had left to share in each other's company. Still undecided, he snuggled up against her. Dana stirred a little then rolled over to face him. Her eyelids fluttered open, registering a passing confusion which was quickly replaced with a twinkling smile. "Hey," she murmured softly. "Hey yourself," he replied gently, brushing his lips upon her forehead. "Morning sleepy." "With a faint trace of alarm, she started, looking up to the still dark sky then scanning the horizon, taking in the distant glow. "It looks like almost daybreak, Fox, what time is it?" He checked his watch. "5:27," he replied, "we still have a little time left." He tried to look upbeat, but his eyes belied their mutual frustration. Dana sighed lightly. "I'm going to have to go pretty soon, Fox, my family will be awake in a little while." Fox nodded. "Stay for the sunrise?" he asked. Her blue eyes softened and she smiled. "Umm-hmm!" She sat up a little and leaned against him. Pulling the blanket tighter around them, Fox encircled her in his arms, and leaned his chin upon her shoulder. Dana could hear him breathing and felt his breath warm against her cheek. She reached up and squeezed his hand. "Screw the sunrise Fox, look at me." Amused by her choice of words, he turned towards her. "I'll never forget this Fox, ever." Fox tried to ignore the sadness in her voice, which echoed a pain of his own. He tried humor. "Thanks, are you trying to imply that I might?" She rolled her eyes sheepishly. "No, I just want you to know that..." Fox interrupted her. "It's OK, I know-I feel the same way, Dana." She looked down for a second. When she looked up he leaned in and kissed her. She blinked back tears, trying hard just to concentrate on the moment, to commit every touch and sensation to her memory. He must have sensed this, for he pulled back a little, concern in his eyes. Dana shook her head. Fox understood. Words failed them both, and the best they could do was to hold one another. He pressed his lips gently against one eyelid, then the other. He brought his forehead to hers, holding her head with both hands. A solitary tear streamed down her face. She parted from him and planted a kiss on his brow tenderly, and closed her eyes. They embraced tightly, and she whispered into his ear, gulping a little, "OK, Fox, we'd better go..." He mutely agreed and gathered up their things. Silently, they walked to the car. She got in as he placed the blankets and provisions in the trunk. Halfway to Dana's he started to say something, then stopped. She reached over and took his hand in hers gently. She searched her mind for something to say, some word to commemorate the moment something-anything that would make the transition easier. Nothing came to mind. After another long silence, they both began to speak at once. Embarrassed, they both tried to yield to the other. "Go ahead, Dana." "It's OK Fox, you go on." "No, I insist, ladies first." "I was just going to say that once we arrive in Annapolis I could call you but then I realized that not all the family housing units have telephones." Dana felt a little awkward. "What was it you were going to say?" Fox sighed. "Well I was just going to tell you I could write to you there but I realized that mail from the UK probably wouldn't arrive before you left. So I'll just write to you at your home address." "Yeah, that's a good idea." Dana's reply was less than enthusiastic. "And then I'll send you my address at Oxford," he added. "Oh, good. That'll be great." Dana bit her lower lip. Why in god's name couldn't she bring herself to be more pleasant? Because you feel anything but, she reminded herself. Fox turned his attention back to the road and Dana looked absent-mindedly out the window. Before they knew it, they were on Dana's street. He parked the car several doors down and turned off the engine. "Dana?" "Fox, let's not make this any harder on each other than it already is?" Dana's emotional self-preservation had kicked into overdrive. She refused to let the tears show. Taken aback momentarily from the chill of her tone, Fox began to understand. He wanted so badly to touch her, to make her see the impact of this moment for him, but knew she needed her distance. Knew that it would help a little with the hurt which would ultimately come with separation. He let himself out and came around to the passenger side door, opening it & helping her out. He opened his mouth to speak, and she silenced his words with a final kiss. They lingered that way for what seemed like ages, until the sound of a door interrupted their concentration. They looked up to see Mrs. Scully on the porch of their home. "Oh shit, Fox breathed. "It's all right, she reassured him. "I'll talk with, so I'll see you around later then?" "Uh, yeah," he stammered, "later." Have a good trip. You too. He watched as Dana strode up to her mother's house, head held high. He noted with some relief that Mrs. Scully's expression did not seem one of anger or indignance, but motherly concern. She nodded to him as Dana walked up the steps. Opening the door to their home, they both turned and waved for a moment. Then the door closed & they were gone. Fox let out a loud sigh. Turning the key in the ignition, he headed the car home, alone in his thoughts. Subject: REPOST Stomping Grounds Part 7/7 "Dana?" Her mother's question was not an angry one. It was not an accusation or reprimand, but a simple concern. "Are you OK, honey?" Dana sniffled a little. "Yeah, mom, I'm fine." "You know you don't have to act stoic with me honey, Ahab's not here right now." "I know mom, I really am fine." Dana headed up the stairs. Almost to the top, she paused. "Mom? We didn't...I mean....nothing happened, mom, we just wanted to say goodbye." Margaret Scully tried hard not to smile. If only Dana knew her mother's heart as well as she in turn knew Dana's. Then she would've known there was no need to defend her actions. Margaret sobered a little. Something had happened in the hours between dusk and dawn. Something that she knew in time, would become either a source of great pain or great joy to her youngest daughter. Recognizing the expression she had seen in Fox Mulder's eyes as he watched Dana walk away from him, she hoped for the latter. Spring vacation was surprisingly pleasant. For whatever reason, Bill was in an unusually good mood, and even called Dana by her real name, and not "D.K." or even "Doc." The time she spent with Ahab was wonderful. He was delighted to hear about their accomplishments in school, and intrigued by her descriptions of Fox. "Sorry I didn't get to meet this young fellow, Starbuck. But I trust your judgment. If you trust him, well that's good enough for me." "Well you'll get to meet him eventually, Ahab, he'll be back in time for graduation in June." Dana beamed. She was so happy at the prospect of seeing Fox that she missed the exchange of worried glances between her parents. When she wasn't on walks with her father, Dana spent time with Missy, talking over recent events. She couldn't help but feel that something was amiss. While as sensitive as always, Missy seemed uncharacteristically solemn. Before long it was time to pack up and prepare to head back to Chilmark. Even though she knew Fox wasn't there, Dana still longed for the sense of connection that Chilmark afforded her. As she finished packing her things together for the return trip in the morning, Missy came to her door. "Day? Mom and dad want us all to come down for a second." Dana looked up, slightly puzzled, but joined her brothers and sister around the dining room table. "OK everybody, I have an important announcement to make. As you all know my transfer to Annapolis was a temporary one and I've spent the last few months running around the eastern seaboard. As of 19:00 hours last night my tour here has ended and I have new orders to return to Miramar. We're going home!" Bill and Charlie whooped, and Missy smiled broadly then shot a worried glance to her younger sister. Dana had a blank, bewildered expression. In times like this Ahab had always relied upon his Starbuck to help him gather enthusiasm for another move. She was his staunchest supporter, after her mother. But this time the expression in her eyes belied a sense of betrayal and hurt. CAPTAIN?Mr. Scully felt a pang of guilt for the life he had chosen and it's effect on his youngest daughter. Quietly, Dana excused herself from the kitchen table and slipped into her bedroom. Her mother and father exchanged looks, and Margaret Scully turned to follow her daughter. Still whooping it up with his older brother, Charlie turned as his favorite sister exited the room in silence. "What's wrong with Dana, dad? I thought she loved San Diego." Captain Scully patted his son on the head. "She does, son, but I think this time Dana has made some friends that she really doesn't want to leave behind." Not quite getting it, but satisfied with his father's answer, Charlie continued on excitedly, chatting about the friends and places he was looking forward to seeing again. Margaret knocked softly at the door to Melissa & Dana's room. Hearing nothing she stepped inside to see Dana sitting quietly, contemplating the window. As she sat down beside her, Margaret saw that tears were streaming down Dana's face. Torn by her daughter's atypical expression of emotion, she placed her hand upon her shoulder and waited with her. Finally Dana spoke, in barely more than a whisper. "How much time, mom?" Margaret sighed. "We're driving there tonight to gather our personal things and we'll leave in the morning." Nodding her head, Dana continued. "Well I won't have much of a chance to say goodbye to anyone, not even my teachers." It was more a statement of fact than a complaint. Margaret agreed. "Well you can write to everyone and explain it to them, I'm sure they'll understand, honey." Dana blinked as tears continued to stream down her face, but still silently. "Not everyone will," she whispered. Her mother swallowed as a lump formed in her own throat. Facing a situation she dreaded. As before, Dana was being separated from a love with no choice but to accept it. Unlike San Diego, however, they weren't being transferred to an exciting exotic locale. And the boy Dana was leaving behind, without even the benefit of a proper goodbye, was decidedly unlike Steve. She had never quite understood Dana's initial attraction to her first boyfriend. But the Mulder boy--he was a different matter. Brooding, serious, and good- looking, with a brilliant mind and a ready wit, he was definitely more of an match for her daughter. And he cared deeply for her, that much was obvious. Still Margaret reconciled matters in her mind, Dana was so young and had so much ahead of her. In time she would find another boy to equal and replace the feelings she had for Fox. Until then, it was best to wait, and be patient, and let her daughter get by it in her own way. Lost in her own misery, Dana barely noticed when her mother got up to leave. "I'm here if you need me, Ok, Dana?" Oh, how Dana despised the piteous looks her family gave her when she was hurt. It made her feel weak and more vulnerable, knowing her feelings and emotions were evident to others. She steeled herself a little. "OK mom, thanks. I'll be fine." Fine. The word rang hollow and cruel in Dana's mind. As if she could ever truly be "fine" again. She had lost Fox already, after barely even finding him, and now he would be lost to her forever. "I didn't even get to say goodbye...." she whispered to no-one in particular. Taking a page from her journal, she began to write a letter. "Dear Fox....." Despite the bustle and excitement around him, Fox sat silent and alone on a couch in the Student's UNION. He thoughtfully contemplated the picture in his hands, tracing his finger over the lines as if contact might suddenly bring with it some hidden memory lost to him. Even possessed of a photographic memory, Fox wanted more. So engrossed was he that he failed to notice the form lurking behind him, assessing his posture and manner with a trained eye. The good looking American hadn't given her a sideways glance in a week. Her trained eye did not fail to notice the subject of his attention and Phoebe Green grinned wickedly with the thought of a challenge. "She's rather sweet looking....your sister??" Fox turned round and was overwhelmed by the presence of the sandy haired female. She stepped forward into his personal space, her eyes lingering on his. "Uh...excuse me," he replied. Phoebe motioned to the slightly worn Polaroid in his hands. "The snap, there, is that your sister? She's cute." Her tone icy, words chosen carefully, she brought the full weight of her sexiest smile to bear, licking her lips. (This was too easy. In a day, he'll deny ever knowing her.) His deep brown eyes faltered for a moment, then fixed back upon her, meeting her gaze without hesitation. "No, she's not my sister, she's my girlfriend back home, and yes, she is beautiful." Taken aback by his resistance to her charms, Phoebe re-assessed him (OK, not the usual American tosser then.) "Lucky girl," she conceded, "too bad she's not here." She shifted the books in her arms so that their weight pulled down the neck of her sweater a little. Her eyes widened. He wasn't even giving her a sideways glance. Perhaps this moody little yank was a subject worthy of her full attentions. Mental gears turning she switched to a traditional psychological approach. "What's her name?" she purred. "Dana." "Dana," she breathed, "what a beautiful name. Have you written her yet?" Unnerved a little bit by Phoebe's attentions, Fox faltered. "Why?" She smiled conspiratorially, "Well it's just that a lovely bird like that probably doesn't take too well at being lonely." "Far away as you are now, you need to be reassuring her of your affections." Fox eased his guard down a little. The friendly British girl seemed less forward than he originally surmised. Not every girl other than Dana was a man hungry harpy, he reminded himself. Like Molly. "Well actually yes, I have. He pulled an envelope from his coat pocket. "That's one of the reasons I'm here in the UNION...I need to get this mailed off to her so she knows I made here all right. Phoebes eyes flashed with pleasure and she grinned wildly. "Well this must be your lucky day...." "Uh, Fox." "Well this must be your lucky day then, just so happens I work in the student message center and if you need to post a letter to your love, then I'm your bloke!! My name's Phoebe, by the way," she added. Shaking hands he felt a surge of relief. He had been suffering from lack of contact with anyone besides his mother since he'd arrived. And she was leaving in another week, going on to Germany. Being a bit younger than some of the current Oxford students, he felt a bit wary & out of place. Confronted by a friendly face, and a pretty one at that, he relaxed. She guided him on through the hallways. "Yeah, I'm here every morning for pick up of the post and then back in the afternoons after class, that's when you'd collect your mail.....from me. Fox counted out the change and looking at his watch, thanked her, handing her the letter. "It's really good to meet you Phoebe, maybe I will see you tomorrow when classes start?" "And every day when you pick up your mail!," she reminded him sweetly. "Oh yeah, he enthused, well, gotta go, see ya!" He strode off through the crowd of students. Phoebe watched as he was swallowed up into the assemblage of bodies. She licked her lips a little, her smile turning up as her eyes flickered. "Oh yeah," she murmured to herself. She looked around quickly then tore up the letter and dropped it into the trash. This was going to be easier than she had thought. And far more enjoyable than her usual mind games. Yes, it was a real shame that the post could be so unreliable. She had a feeling it was going to get even worse. Grinning darkly at the prospect of a new conquest, she pulled the blinds up from her window, turned her attention to the queue of students lined up for their mail. Subject: Stomping Grounds:Epilogue NC-17! Stomping Grounds:Epilogue NC-17 By Heather Hopkins It had been almost a month since they were safely returned to Washington DC The X-files were reopened. However, while they both would deny and refuse to admit it, things were not the same for either of them. After the initial weeks of being partnered together on the X-Files, they had sworn to put away their high school memories. Both of them hurt, stunned by the belief that the other had forgotten, Mulder & Scully put everything into the job. Mulder often took off on his own, in a seemingly careless manner which tortured Scully. He never intentionally meant to hurt her, but he did. Mulder had to prove he still could be independent and capable on his own. For her part, Scully promised to never again let him in to her heart, or see her pain. Even in the direst circumstances she kept a brave front, always insisting she was fine. It drove him crazy. It was something of a testament then, to the both of them, that despite all this their partnership and in turn, friendship flourished. Events which surely would have sundered the strongest love only served to strengthen the bond between them. But one night, in an almost-moment, walls were brought down. And then, as it had so many times before, fortune intervened. This time the culprit was no government trained assassin, no mutant or psychopath. Fate^Òs intervention came in the simple form of a virulent Africanized honey bee. Returning from the events in Antarctica, both Mulder & Scully returned to old habits. Deny everything. Believe the Lie. Pretend it never happened. And it was tearing them apart. Their current assignment, in the middle of the Arizona desert, had taken its toll on them physically & emotionally. After Antarctica, Scully thought she could never be warm enough again. Whitney, AZ had proved her wrong. And Mulder^Òs head injury was exacerbated by his own physical demands in the field. He had something to prove, even if he wouldn^Òt admit to himself what it was. But now the case was wrapped up. In a rather non-X-File fashion, the killer was an extremely average human being with no unnatural or supernatural gifts. Unless you counted his taste for homicide. But with Fadale locked away and local law enforcement breathing a sigh of relief, they allowed themselves to relax. Facing a long hot night in what passed for government approved lodgings before their flight back to DC early the next morning. "So, Scully, what^Òll it be?" She shot Mulder a tired exasperated look. "Unless you^Òve found a restaurant with facilities inside a meat locker, I believe it^Òll be bed". Mulder tried his best bright eyed schoolboy look to no avail. "It^Òs so hot Mulder, why don^Òt you call me when the sun goes down?" "Scully, could I see your neck for just a moment?" Getting the joke, she smiled weakly. "It^Òs OK, Mulder, I haven^Òt ordered pizza in weeks." Seeing that his usual chiding was getting him nowhere fast, Mulder relented. "All right," he agreed. "I didn^Òt sleep too good last night anyway, maybe I^Òll take a nap. It is pretty damn hot out here right now." "Maybe if you ask, they^Òll transfer you to a room with just a sofa and you can get some rest." Mulder twisted his mouth in a wry expression. "Oh Scully, now *that* was funny. I^Òm glad to see the heat hasn^Òt affected your sense of humor... you still don^Òt have one!" Nodding her head, stifling a slight chuckle, Scully opened her door turning round before she closed it-- "see you later, Mulder!" After her door had closed, Mulder smiled, wiping his brow. At least she sounded a bit more like her old self. The joking between them had always been a source of great comfort in times of fear, anger, even sickness. In many ways it was a thermometer of their relationship. Thermometer. He realized how hot and sticky he felt in his "bureau approved" suit. Unlocking the door to his room, he stepped into the cool interior, breathing an audible sigh of relief. He stripped and made for the bathroom, amused by the idea that his partner had driven him to yet another cold shower. Once that was finished, he flopped onto his bed, luxuriating in the wet sensation of cold. Grabbing the remote by his bed, he began flipping channels, pausing on what appeared to be a 24 hour adult channel. Oh well, he thought to himself, he could always take another cold shower. As soon as she entered the room, Dana stripped off her suit and sat in front of the A/C unit. The frosty air sent icy shivers of delight across her flesh. She remained that way for several minutes, when she heard the sound of water running in the room next door. Mulder was taking a shower. Still feeling hot, tired from the heat, she collapsed onto the bed, reveling in the smooth, cool feel of the comforter. Relaxed at last, she began to drift off. Until a noise from Mulder^Òs room awakened her. Confused and disoriented for a moment, she remembered where she was. Then unsettled by the sound of moaning next door, she automatically grabbed her sig, and leaned against the shared portal, listening. It took about 2 seconds for her to realize Mulder wasn^Òt in mortal danger. Unless you count a cranky partner poised to shoot him a second time. She shook her head, laying her gun down on top of the TV. She opted instead, to take a bath. The idea of soothing music and relaxing in a bubble bath was incredibly decadent. Dana liked it immensely. As the water ran, she poured a capful of fragrant bath crystals in and brushed her hair. Before she stepped in, she turned off the tap and listened. She groaned. There it was, same channel. Dana let out an exasperated sigh. Not really wanting to disturb her disturbed partner, but unwilling to share his entertainment, she decided to fight back a little. She strode into her room and flicked on the television. She didn^Òt care what was on as long as it wasn^Òt *that*. She found a suitably bland film and turned up the volume. Maybe he^Òd hear her TV and realize it was a two way street. She grinned to herself. She set her suitcase on the table in her room, edging over her laptop. It nearly fell to the floor. She pushed it in slightly, confident it was secure. Dana went through her suitcase, pulling out her silk bathrobe. Nothing like a few creature comforts to make her feel at home. She reached in for her portable CD player. She rarely had the opportunity to use it, time with Mulder was usually spent going over casework. Carefully setting the player on the top of the toilet tank, she gingerly stepped in. The water was perfect. Not too hot, but not too cold. She sank up to her neck in bubbles, mindful of the cord, and felt relaxed for the first time in a week. Mmmmmm, she breathed sighing contentedly. As the first strains of her custom made cd began, it occurred to her that she really ought to get a small gift for Frohike. Leave it to him to act on an off handed comment, and come up with the best birthday present she^Òd received in years. OK, one year, if you count the keychain. But by Mulder's admission, she had another three to go before she needed to worry about Mulder^Òs next gift. Using new cd writing technology, Frohike had tailor-made a cd for her, with some of her favorite quiet songs off of a variety of albums & tapes. Mulder liked to tease her about Frohike^Òs amorous obsession, but she saw it as a very thoughtful gesture. And she really loved the combination of musical scores, ballads and instrumentals. All hand picked with her in mind. Before the third track had begun, Scully was sound asleep. Mulder remained engrossed in the particulars of the movie on his tv when sounds from Scully^Òs room jarred him out of his reverie. Shit, he breathed. If he could hear Scully^Òs movie...?... if he could hear hers, it meant she could hear his... he felt his ears flush. Stepping off the bed, he turned the volume down. Realizing he was already dry, he slipped into a pair of boxers, then pulled on a pair of jeans. He wished he^Òd brought shorts, but they hadn^Òt seemed appropriate G-man wear. He smiled. Not very *macho*. Turning the tv off, he listened again next door. Either the movie had ended, or Scully had changed the channel. Intrigued by an idea, he turned his tv back on, slowly switching channels until he found the one which mirrored the sounds coming from Scully^Òs room. It was the beginning of a slasher movie called Shocker. He laughed out loud. If Scully was actually watching this, she was either keeping her secrets really well, or she was really really bored. Taken with the perverse pleasure of knowing & watching what Scully was watching at the exact same moment, he sat on his bed. In typical guy fashion, he found himself caught up the plot of the B-film, amused by it^Òs theatrical take on serial killers. Funniest of all was that the actor playing the villain really looked alot like Skinner. He made a mental note to present the AD with a copy of it come Christmas. He started to lean back onto his bed when a sudden crash next door brought him to his feet. "Scully?" he hollered at the adjoining door, "You ok in there?" Hearing no reply, he opened his door, but found hers locked. "Scully?" he shouted again, a hint of panic evident in his voice. Erring on the side of caution, he went out his front door and knocked on hers. "Room service" he called wryly, rapping on the door, knowing it would fool no one if in fact there was an intruder. Pulse racing, he tried the doorknob. And felt his heart sink as it slowly turned in his hands. His partner would never leave a hotel door unlocked. His gun ready, he burst through the door striking the proper stance, prepared to level the gun at an unseen invader. "FBI!" Mulder scanned the empty room. Sweat beading on his brow, he saw the bathroom door was closed. He listened intently and heard nothing. With a lump in his throat, he gently pushed it open with the barrel of his sig. He stepped in, nearly dropping the gun on the floor when he saw her. Although he should have been greatly relieved to see his partner was alive & well, the lump in his throat only tightened. Scully was relined in a bathtub filled with bubbles, (rather strategically placed, he noted,) fast asleep. She had headphones on and he thought he could make out the faint sounds of music. He wondered idly what Scully listened to in the bath. She stirred. "Shit," he mouthed, backing out the door, but not as quickly as he should have. He couldn^Òt avoid taking a lingering look at the woman who had been his companion, confidante, partner and friend for the last 5 years. The woman who had been the girl he wanted so many years ago. The girl who had forgotten him, who hadn^Òt wanted him in return. He wished there was a way to see the tattoo she had gotten in Philadelphia. She had been naked in Antarctica, but circumstances precluded any looking. At that time, the absence of her clothes was a liability that nearly cost them their lives. They were lucky that a rescue party arrived before they had both frozen. Luck -the word took on new meaning for Mulder as he gazed appreciatively at Scully^Òs shapely legs. And quickly, luck deserted him, as shivering with gooseflesh, his partner fluttered her eyes open. Her eyes wide with shock, she just gaped at him for a moment. His eyes wide with shame, he began to murmur an apology, forgetting she had headphones on. "MULDER!!" She bolted upright for a second, then seeing his gaze drop down, she sank back into the bath. She whipped the headphones off. "Jesus Christ, Mulder, what the hell are you doing?" "Get out of here!!" She commanded. Mulder retreated faster than she^Òd thought possible. Stunned and shaken from the unexpected start, she lay there fuming. Realizing she was shivering and that the water had cooled, she stepped out of the tub, slamming against the door to insure it was shut. She turned the lock, and breathing heavily, leaned against the door for support. She suddenly felt sick and dizzy... and... and... something else. She saw the look in his eyes when she caught his gaze, and it was definitely not a brotherly one. Since the near kiss in his building she had felt that he^Òd regretted his actions, and had immersed himself back into the X-files, and as far away from that night as possible. But that look. It reminded her of a starry night years ago, and a beach. And a boy who didn^Òt seem to mind being called Fox, but had quickly forgotten her. Immersed in thought, she dried herself off, almost stepping out of the bathroom stark naked. She paused & donned her silk robe, checking herself in the mirror. Instinctively she pulled it up and around her, trying to further conceal herself. She started to open the door then hesitated. She smoothed the silky fabric down and straightened the sash. If Mulder had come for an eyeful, maybe she wouldn^Òt completely disappoint him. Doubtless he had been *encouraged* by his movie selection. Her eyes darkened at this prospect, & Dana decided to give him an earful as well. "I just don^Òt understand," she continued. Fox began to get a little defensive. While guilty in some respects, his original intentions were good. "Look, I heard a crash, and you weren^Òt responding. How was I supposed to know you had zoned out in the tub?" Scully continued to eye him with a skeptical glare. She had to make some concessions to the man she had trusted with her life for more than 5 years now, but he was not entirely innocent either. His guilty way of avoiding eye contact acknowledged as much. "OK, I can see that my laptop did get knocked over, Mulder, but that^Òs hardly call for a raid." "Well Scully when you didn^Òt answer me and your door was unlocked, I got nervous." This gave her pause. While she wouldn^Òt readily admit to it, had the circumstances been reversed, she would have acted similarly. "I can accept that," she conceded. "But what was that in the bathroom-with the eyes, and the... thing?" Scully gestured somewhat wildly. Mulder looked confused. "The thing?" Frustrated with all this, Scully blurted out. "Mulder you were ogling me, admit it!" Mulder fixed his gaze at a point on the wall above her and started to speak. "Mulder, I^Òm over here," she complained. "You had no trouble looking at me a minute ago." He met her angry stare, his hazel eyes flickering green with emphasis. Simply by making eye contact with Mulder-his expression heavy and uncertain, sent a jolt of electricity through Dana. She softened a little, and paused, allowing him time to continue. He took a deep breath. (This is it, he thought to himself. Ultimate dishonor. Might as well come clean) "Scully... Dana" he corrected himself. The gorgeous win stars that acted as a window to Scully^Òs soul blinked with surprise at his use of her first name. "I^Òm sorry... and I^Òm not sorry. When I bolted in here I was afraid something bad had happened." "Now that it *has*," he grimaced, "I might as well explain myself." She nodded him to continue, her expression masking any emotion. "Remember in the hallway before... when you told me you were leaving?" She nodded. "Scu...Dana, it wasn^Òt just your leaving that upset me. I meant everything I said about how you^Òd saved me and kept me honest, how you complete me. I still feel that way." She bit her lip and closed her eyes for a moment. "But Dana I^Òve felt that way for years..." he paused. "long before we were partnered on the X-Files." She shot her eyes open, stunned at what she was hearing. "Mulder?" she began, a note of warning in her voice. "No let me finish now before I chicken out..again. I know you either don^Òt remember or don^Òt want to admit it, and I^Òve dealt with that. But you...I...I never forgot what we were in Chilmark. Never." Scully^Òs face was a mixture of anger, and frustration and something indefinite. But her tone was gentle. "You^Òre bringing that up now, Fox?" (it slipped out) "After all this time and all I^Òve had to do to put it behind me..." She paused for a breath. There was an icy edge to her tone now, and Dana Scully, Ice Queen, was back. Her soft expression was gone, replaced by the cool unreadable exterior Fox had grown to hate. When he saw that face, it meant he was being shut out. "I^Òm surprised you admit to it now, after all this time, Mulder. It was just High School-only a few months of high school at that. I^Òve gotten over it Mulder, I^Òm not 16 any more. But since you seem to want to bring it up, no I didn^Òt forget it either. How could I?" She shot Mulder a bitter glance. "And how could you?" His bewildered expression only served to further her anger. "You were leaving for England Mulder, why did you have to do it? If I meant so little to you why ruin it for me and make me think you felt something more...she let out a strangled sob, only to forget me?" Mulder got mad. "Scully to my way of thinking, you^Òve got it backwards." (This isn^Òt happening , he told himself, not now, not after all this) "Not to my way of thinking, Mulder. Since you never wrote, I got your Oxford address from your mom. Mulder, you never answered a single one of my letters. I actually thought my world was coming to an end when I realized we were leaving Chilmark." She rocked her head into her hands for a moment, then continued. "And when I discovered you were with the Bureau-I even thought for a second-when we were partnered..." she threw her hands up in disgust. "Mulder, you didn^Òt even recognize me." Something was nagging at him from the back of his mind, and Mulder didn^Òt like it. But Scully had triggered his defensive nature, and he was damned if he would let it slide. "Scully, I didn^Òt write? What are you talking about? I sent you a dozen letters the first month alone. You^Òre the one who never replied, and when I returned for graduation, you were gone...." He shook his head, memory reeling from the pain of that long ago moment. "And you think *I* forgot? How could I not know everything about you while you were at Quantico? Head of your class, hot shot doctor on the up & coming list, that whole mess with Jack? No, I knew. Gave me some surprising insight to your "ice queen" title. Do you really think it was merely coincidence that I had a copy of your senior thesis on my desk the day we met? *Again*?," he blurted, correcting himself. Scully sat there, absorbing the weight of his words. It just wasn^Òt possible. Mulder regarded her out of the corner of his eye. This was more painful than he had imagined. She seemed genuinely shocked by his words and he was stunned by her version of events. She was slumped onto the bed, head down in a defeated manner he was unaccustomed to. It made him uncomfortable to see his partner like this. She looked up, tears streaming from both eyes and he realized how wrong he^Òd been. How could he possibly have tricked himself into believing Dana didn^Òt care, that she^Òd forgotten. Unconcerned with the details, he sought his solace in the Truth. A truth which Scully was desperately trying to conceal. Mulder drew his partner into his arms, breathing soft words of comfort. "I didn^Òt know-I didn^Òt realize. I^Òm not sure what happened, Dana, but I did try to write you-I never forgot. I couldn^Òt-didn^Òt want to. Forgive me for thinking you had?" Dana clung to him, his honeyed words a feast for her ears. She pulled tighter to his chest, comforted by the closeness which hid her face from view. She turned her head a little. "Fox," she murmured. He shivered with delight in the way his name rolled off those lips. "I believe you. After 5 years of trust, I can^Òt ignore my instincts." She sighed. "It^Òs just that after so much time I guess it was easier to believe the lie. For both of us." "That night in the hallway, I honestly thought leaving the Bureau was my only option. I couldn^Òt bear the thought of being forced to go to Utah-of losing you again. So I tried to take control....and wound up losing it. When you told me *everything* you looked so hurt-I couldn^Òt bear to think I was causing you pain and when I kissed your forehead , it was like everything I^Òd been trying to deny came through...and then..." she trailed off, wiping tears from her eyes. "And then that Goddamn bee!" he added, a trace of humor in his tone, his eyes brightening. Dana let out a cry that became a laugh. "Yes," she said, looking away as she pursed her lips. She backed away as Mulder reached gently toward the collar of her robe, pulling it away from her neck. Her beautifully smooth porcelain neck. He brushed her skin lightly and it sent shivers of pleasure through her body. "No bees here." She met his eyes, her gaze frozen. She reached up to his hand and pulled it in front of her, inspecting the tips of his fingers. "No marshmallow, either." His moment of confusion giving way to wide-eyed awareness, he gulped for air as she drew a finger lazily to her mouth, taking it gently between her lips. The gulp gave way to a guttural groan. Scully was doing things to his fingers he had only imagined. Things his mind had relinquished to a distant memory. Things that were suddenly making his breath heavy and his head swim. His knees buckled a little. Smiling, Dana relinquished possession of the affected digit slowly. "And I thought I had a good memory," he slurred. "Dana, if this is all too sudden, too soon, we can...." "Mulder-Fox..." she corrected, "Too sudden??" "Don^Òt you think that we have both waited long enough for this?" "Sorry" he whispered sheepishly, "years of denial, holding back....bad habit." Dana started to remove her robe, but Fox stopped her. "Let me help you," he murmured his voice thick with longing. Dana shivered a little again as he gently undid the sash of her robe and parted the sides away from her body to slide off her bare shoulders. He breathed heavily, taking her in. "My, god, Dana, you^Òre so beautiful!" He walked round her, his gaze never leaving her. When he caught sight of the place where a small circular tattoo adorned her back, he kneeled boldly behind her. His hands on her hips, Fox gently brought his lips against the design. Dana raised up on her toes for a second as Fox^Òs mouth made contact with her skin. She gasped. "Mul-drrrr." Still fully clothed, he stood up and brought her roughly against him. The contact of his hands on her skin left a trail of sensitized flesh. Dana grew hungry, longing to reciprocate. She slipped her hand underneath his shirt, urging him to remove it. As he complied, she trailed her fingertips across the muscular expanse of his chest. She gently rolled a thumb along his nipple, hardening it instantly. Fox rocked his hips against her naked body, letting her know the impact she was having on him. She slid her hand tentatively into the waist of his jeans. He groaned loudly, and pushed himself into her. Giddy with desire, she fumbled with the button of his jeans. He waited patiently for a moment, & as the button was released, shoved the confining garment down over his hips, and stepped out of it. Dana smiled approvingly, and brazenly ran her hands over the curve of his backside. (How many times in as many years had she longed to do this very thing) She ran her hands carefully along the side of his hips. Fox took her chin in his hand, bringing her face to his, and kissed her urgently. Any need for modesty abated, Dana slid her hand into his shorts and grabbed hold of him. Fox gasped, his body reeling with sensation, his mind reeling at the vision of this woman in his arms. Every fantasy come true...and then some. He quickly stripped off the shorts and dropped back onto the bed, pulling her down on top of him. She brought herself up to straddle him, and he could feel the moist heat between her legs. It made his arousal all the more insistent. "Now this seems familiar," he crooned huskily. (Was she blushing?) She bit softly at her lower lip, smiling while her eyes burned brightly. "I can^Òt believe you remember that!" "What^Òs the point of an eidetic memory if you can^Òt do anything with it?" Dana giggled softly as he grabbed her and pulled her mouth to his. She nibbled at his lower lip and then sealed his mouth with her own, exploring once more with her tongue. Fox began to plant kisses along her face, making his way towards her ear. He tongued along the outside gently then sucked a little on the lobe, biting softly but not too hard. His breath heavy in her ear, Dana moaned out loud when his nipping grew fiercer. "Scuuuly" "Dana" Her mind exploding with fireworks from every caress, she continued to moan. "Oh, Mulderrr, oh God" "Dana" He brought his thigh between her legs and she squeezed against it eagerly. "Mulder, yes." The sight of her, arching into him was more than he could take. He brought his weight to bear on one side and flipped her onto her back. Supporting his weight on one arm, he gently slipped his hand between her legs, stroking her at the outside, then gently parting her lips to press his fingers deep within her. She cried out softly. He played his fingers in and out of the drenched folds until he found the sensitive head of her labia. Scully was breathing hard now, moving and squirming under his touch. He gently kissed her neck and moved his head down to the supple expanse of her breast. He suckled at the already hardened nipples, rolling his tongue along them then blowing gently, while stroking firmly against her vulva. He could feel her body tensing in anticipation under his touch. She moaned again and urged him "Please Mulder--Fox, oh," she moaned, "I want you now." No further urging was necessary. He brought himself against her passage, then gently thrust into her a little, pulling out again and thrusting back into her a little more until finally he was at the hilt. He gasped for air as the heat of her body enfolded the entire length of him. He slowly began to rock in and out of her while the walls of her body gripped at him. "Oh, Dana, oh Sculllly, oh yes, god" She urged him deeper, and met each thrust with her hips, her hands pulling at him closer, deeper, all the while her mouth searching hungrily, tasting heat and sweat and skin wherever her lips touched. He brushed a stray hair from the side of her face, and kissed her deeply. As she lay beneath him, meeting each thrust with an urgency of her own, Scully concentrated, trying to commit the moment to memory. The heat of their bodies together, the gentle weight of him upon her, the slippery momentum as he slid easily in and out, threatening to bring her to climax before him. She wrapped her legs around him, squeezing tightly and groaned softly. "Oh Fox..." He sensed her impending zenith, and quickened his pace in response. His breathing shallowed and he started to pant a little more with each thrust. "oh god Oh Scully...Oh god...yes...yes.." She murmured words of encouragement and matched his cries with gasps of her own. As his movements became more erratic, Mulder lifted her legs a little, deepening his thrusts. "C^Òmon Scully, oh god , just a little bit more oh god, you^Òre so beautiful" Her eyes clenched shut, Dana writhed beneath him as a surge of pleasure tensed up within her and blossomed into a million tiny explosions throughout her body. She quivered beneath Fox just as he arched his head back and his body spasmed. Fox gulped for air, and grabbing hold of her arms pulled her to him as he rolled onto his side. He continued panting like that for a moment, sweat dripping from his brow. Dana exhaled sharply as her body went through tiny aftershocks. She stretched her legs out, twitching a little and squeezing him gently between her trembling thighs. He looked over at her tenderly. She placed a hand on his cheek, ran her index finger across the contours of his face. His dark brooding eyes clouded with love and wonder. She blushed a little, smiling, and laid her head against his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart. She listened as his breathing slowly regulated itself, each steady breath becoming less labored and more hypnotic. She felt her muscles relax, her eyelids grow heavy. Tightening her arms about Fox, she whispered, "I love you, Fox...." before nodding off to sleep, dreams answered, safe at last. He marveled at the sight of Dana in his arms-warm and real. He shut his eyes, replaying the scene in over in his mind, relishing every detail, her eyes wild, body tensing and writhing with pleasure. She whispered her love to him and he felt his heart fairly breaking, overwhelmed by the ease with which she had given herself so completely. Fox sighed with a contentment he^Òd never imagined possible, and stroking her hair gently, he whispered "I love you Scully" into her ear and laying a kiss upon her head, joined her in sleep. The truth would have to wait until tomorrow. This day, at last, belonged to them. FINIS!!