Subject:Tempest (1/15) by Missy Pennington From: (JosieChung) Date: 21 Oct 1997 05:49:00 GMT Tempest by Missy Pennington ( Classification: X/S/MSR Rated: Strong R for adult language and situations Summary: Mulder and Scully survive a plane crash to find themselves injured and stranded in the Appalachian wilderness. Disclaimer: All characters which have been seen or mentioned on the X-FILES belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions, and the FOX network, and are used without permission. All other characters are my own imaginings. I mean no infringement. This story has been a work in progress for almost a year, and it would never have gotten finished without the unfailing support and discerning eyes of some wonderful friends and editors. My most heartfelt thanks are extended to Paula Graves, Jenn Francis, JulietttXF, Paul Leone, Deb Bennett, Alanna Baker, Shari Long, Chris McNickel, and Andrea Rouleau. Special thanks to L.C. Brown for loaning me the concept of the "Your Fault" game, which she used so charmingly in the story "Blizzard." TEMPEST Character is nurtured midst the tempests of the world. -- Goethe Hartsfield-Atlanta International Airport Monday, April 30 11:17 A.M. Dana Scully mindlessly twisted her wrists back and forth inside the steel handcuffs that bound her, wincing as the unforgiving metal made yet another scraping pass on her already sensitive skin. She hadn't expected it to take so long. A private plane, a quick takeoff -- that was what they had promised. That was what she had counted on. It wasn't their fault, she knew. Nobody could have foreseen the fog that had rolled in before dawn. No one could have predicted the two-hour runway delay. But it hadn't been two hours for Scully -- it had been a lifetime. She hated being afraid. Hated it with a passion. The anxiety of knowing that everything -- even her own safety -- was too far out of her own hands. It made her feel small and vulnerable -- characteristics she'd profaned even as a child. She had always preferred to be in control, always chose to take the initiative. Passivity, her father had told her, only bred dependence and fear, and like him, she had no use for either. But she wasn't in control, not this time. She had given up that right, agreed to let them call the shots. She had willingly made herself a victim. And God help her, she was afraid. Don't think about it, Dana. Don't think about it.... She settled into the soft seat with a nonchalance she didn't feel, and picked up a magazine from the pocket in front of her. The pages blurred together as she turned them mindlessly. She couldn't concentrate on anything except the cold steel of the handcuffs that bit into her wrists. It's all out of your hands, Dana. It's not in your control.... She gave up -- slapped the magazine closed and tossed it into the empty seat beside her. This is ridiculous, she chided herself. You might as well get over it, Dana. You've gone too far to stop it now anyway. It'll be okay. It'll have to be okay... She craned her neck toward the cockpit of the plane, catching a glimpse of Special Agent Fox Mulder's head over the seat back in front of her. Her partner was still engrossed in conversation with the captain. He hadn't said a word to her in over an hour, and that in itself was telling -- testimony to how seriously he was taking this case. They rarely passed time in close quarters without some semblance of small talk, some feeble attempt, at least, to distract each other from the nightmare of field work and public transportation. Desperate for that distraction now, Scully considered calling him back into the cabin. Conversation would be a welcome relief for them both, she knew, but something in his stance kept her from asking. He was tense. Alert. Standing guard. He was playing his part as watchdog; and since he was playing it on her behalf, she kept her silence. She sighed and continued to fidget in the wide leather seat, unable to get comfortable. A trickle of sweat ran down the back of her neck. God, she was hot. The air vents had been off for as long as they'd been idling on the runway, nearly two hours now. The stillness of the air in the confined space was growing more uncomfortable by the minute, but it was pointless to complain -- she couldn't take her jacket off over the handcuffs, and no one was around to commiserate. You're helpless, Dana. Completely dependent. She dropped her head heavily against the seat back, causing an errant strand of blond hair to fall across her eyes. Without thinking, she raised her right hand to tuck it back into position, wincing as the left hand followed it up automatically within the confines of the handcuffs. The absurdity of the situation hit her all at once. Blond. Handcuffed. In a confined space. It sounded like half of Mulder's apocryphal video library. She felt a laugh bubbling in the back of her throat and momentarily considered giving into the release of nervous tension. But the sound of a shot from outside the plane sobered her instantly. She was completely unarmed. Heart pounding, she bent forward, covering her head instinctively. Hunched over in the small seat, she listened intently for any sign of approach from outside the plane. She heard nothing but silence. In a matter of seconds, Mulder was in the cabin. "Luggage transport backfired," he told her as he knelt down in the aisle beside her. "We're okay, Scully." She sat up, heart pounding wildly. For a moment, she couldn't find her voice to answer him. "Scully?" He placed his hand on top of hers, shaking her gently. "It's okay." It's not okay. I hate this. I don't want to do this, Mulder. I want my gun back. The words spun endlessly in her mind, but remained unspoken. Finally, she gave him a feeble smile. "I'm fine, Mulder." Of course he didn't believe her. But his gaze held hers long enough to search for the truth in her eyes, giving her the benefit of the doubt. Finally he nodded and rose, unconvinced, she knew, but obviously willing to concede. When he returned to the cockpit, leaving her isolated in the cabin once more, she felt utterly alone in the world. But she wasn't alone, and that was the problem. Somewhere outside that plane, they were looking for her. Watching. Waiting. Making plans. Scully looked at the handcuffs on her wrists and willed the plane to start moving. She hated being afraid. * * * * * * * She hadn't been fine, and he knew it. Hadn't been even remotely convincing telling him she was. And still he had walked away without a backwards glance, bowing to her spoken words rather than argue about the unspoken ones. The end result would have been the same, even if he had chosen to push it. After four years of practice, Scully was too good at the argument. "I'm fine, Mulder." The words echoed through him. She'd uttered the phrase so often, he had no doubt that she believed it, but to him the words were hollow. Just one more in a long line of automated responses that had become habit. She wasn't fine -- she was terrified, and that was why he'd given in so easily. The uncharacteristic fear in Scully's wide blue eyes had been just the wellspring of strength that he needed to rise and head back to the cockpit to resume his watch. He couldn't protect her in the cabin. He could have distracted her, taken her mind off the fact that half the world seemed to have a gun pointed at her small blond head, but distraction was a luxury they couldn't afford. Every second they sat on the ground, the noose tightened just a bit. Anonymity wouldn't cover them for long; they hadn't taken precautions against this type of delay. One observant bystander was all it would take. One observant bystander in one of the busiest airports in the country. The clock was running. He knew it and Scully knew it. And so she lied -- and told him she was fine. And he lied back -- and acted as though he believed her. The irony of it all was not lost on Fox Mulder. As he walked away, leaving his partner alone and handcuffed in the cabin, he couldn't help but wonder how a man who spent his days in pursuit of the truth had gotten so damn good at blinding himself to it when he had to. He stopped at the door of the cockpit, looking through the window over the shoulder of Captain Daniel Davis. The young pilot looked up at Mulder as he returned. "Agent Scully okay?" "She's fine," he lied. There was nothing Davis could do about it. "Good. We should be cleared any minute now." Mulder watched as one plane after another made it's way into the clouds. He nodded in silent agreement. It had to be their turn soon. "Cessna Citation NS84, you are cleared for takeoff." Mulder jumped at the announcement, feeling a strange mixture of relief and anxiety. Out with the old trauma, in with the new, he thought. But nothing was worse than the waiting game. Once they were airborne, they could begin to answer some questions. They could lay out a game plan. They could do something to make themselves feel more in control. Davis gave Mulder a brief nod, reaching across the agent for the handset. "That's us, Agent Mulder. Go strap yourself in, and let's get this thing in the air." Mulder began to back out of the cockpit, then hesitated. "Where are we going, Davis?" The young pilot flushed. "You know I can't tell you that, Sir. Not until we've leveled off." He looked away, obviously uncomfortable at having to deny the more experienced special agent. "Bureaucratic bullshit," Mulder said with a small, tight smile. "I know it well." "Yes sir." Davis grinned an apology. Mulder was struck once again by the DEA agent's youthful appearance. God help us, he thought. We've put our lives in the hands of McCauly Culkin. He eased out of the cockpit, leaving the young pilot to maneuver the small jet out of Atlanta and toward more unanswered questions. * * * * * * * Scully was already prepared for takeoff when he returned to the plush interior of the cabin. Her trademark professionalism was back in place. She seemed perfectly calm. She looked up at him as he made his way toward her. "We're going?" "Yeah. Any minute now." He sat down in the seat across the aisle from her, still unable after 6 hours to keep from smiling at the sight of Special Agent Dana Scully as a bleached blond. The makeup didn't help. Her large blue eyes, usually so professionally colored with subtle, natural shades were now rimmed with heavy black eyeliner. Her bowed lips were sticky with lipgloss. She glared at him, obviously irritated by his amusement. "One word and you're a dead man, Mulder." He held up his hands in protest. "I didn't say a thing." Though God knows I deserve a medal for restraint, he added mentally. "Yes you did," she grumbled. Mulder chuckled, and fastened his seatbelt, listening to the increasing drone of the engines as the plane rolled slowly out toward the runway. He tried several times to maneuver his long legs into a more comfortable position, but there wasn't one to be found, and he gave up finally with a grunt of frustration. Small private planes, he decided, were obviously not made for tall people. He felt, rather than saw, Scully's gaze upon him and looked over at his petite partner, who seemed to be swimming in leg room. "Comfy?" she asked innocently. "Hardly." "Well then we're even." She held out her hands to him. "Come on, Mulder, I'm tired of being 'in custody.' Get me out of these things." He shook his head ruefully, acknowledging her plight. "Can't risk it. Not until we're in the air. You know the drill." She huffed a strand of blond hair out of her eyes and glared at him. "You don't have to sound so happy about it." His answering grin only seemed to darken her mood. As if on cue, the plane began to make its way down the runway, launching itself into the air with amazingly quiet grace. Within a matter of seconds it seemed, they were well within the clouds. Wondering at the silence that had fallen between them since takeoff, Mulder ventured a sideways look across the aisle. Scully's eyes were closed, hands clenched together in agitation. It was obvious she would have been gripping the armrests if the handcuffs weren't preventing it. Scully hated to fly, and between the takeoff and the handcuffs, she had somehow managed to adapt a look that could only be described at totally disgruntled fear. Still, Mulder knew it wasn't the flight that was foremost on his partner's mind. She had that all-business, let's-examine-this- from-every-angle look on her face. She was thinking about Escabedo. About the safehouse. About what would happened next. What will happen next, he wondered? God, do I even want to know? Dreading the conversation they would soon have to start, he sighed heavily, the sound catching Scully's attention. "Did Davis tell you where we're going?" The plane began to slowly level out and she raised her hands to him again, her eyes hopeful. Okay, enough torture, Mulder thought, as he unfastened his seatbelt and rose, digging for the key to the handcuffs in his jacket pocket. "No. He won't tell us until we're leveled off. I'll head up there in a minute." He crouched down in the aisle and took her hands, manipulating the metal cuffs so he could find the lock. When she winced, he stopped instantly. "Scully?" He looked down, seeing for the first time the raw skin underneath the metal brackets. His own casual words came rushing back at him. *Not until we're in the air. You know the drill.* Mulder, you're an asshole. You didn't even look.... "It's nothing, Mulder." Another Scully favorite, he thought. He didn't allow himself to be appeased this time. "You should have said something, Scully. I could have loosened them, at least" "It's really not that bad, Mulder. Just some chaffing. Handcuffs have a tendency to do that, you know." She favored him with a mischievous smile. "What do you usually do for that?" He choked at the unexpected question, causing her to laugh out loud. He was thoroughly charmed by the moment. Scully didn't laugh enough. Okay, Scully, he thought. You want to play? Never let it be said that Fox Mulder passed up an obvious challenge. He leaned in as he inserted the key in the lock, purposefully invading her personal space. "So tell me," he began, affecting his best 'what's-your-sign' tone of voice. "Is it true what they say? Do blondes have more fun?" The handcuffs slipped away and he pocketed them, as Scully rubbed her wrists gingerly. She ran slender fingers through her hair, and hastily removed the brassy blond wig to reveal the soft copper tresses beneath. "You're welcome to find out," she replied, unceremoniously tossing the lifeless hairpiece at him. He caught it easily. "Well it's really not my style," he told her, twisting to drop it into the empty seat behind him. "But I must say I'm surprised." She raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He clucked his tongue in exaggerated disapproval. "Dr. Dana Scully giving up the chance to irrefutably prove a scientific theory of this magnitude?" He turned at started back toward the cockpit. "What's the world coming to?" Her voice followed him up the aisle. "Mulder, if blond hair or handcuffs are supposed to be fun, I'm obviously doing both of them wrong." So we'll practice-- The words were almost out of his mouth before he caught himself. That kind of comment wouldn't take them anywhere they needed to go right now. They had enough to think about. * * * * * * * Mulder entered the cockpit to find Davis grinning at him. "Eighty seven seconds, Agent Mulder. What took you so long?" Mulder chuckled.. "I got delayed by the weather." He sat down in the empty co-pilot's seat, taking in the array of gauges and meters in front of him. His eyes fell upon the compass reading. "So we're heading north. How far north?" The pilot's hands moved over the controls, casually flipping switches as he navigated the plane through the cloud coverage. He handed Mulder the flight plan. "Ever been to New Jersey? I hear it's lovely this time of year." Mulder glanced at the paper and affected a horror-stricken look. "We're going to Tuckerton, New Jersey? Hell, Davis, what'd we ever do to you?" The young agent laughed. "I don't pick 'em, Agent Mulder -- I'm just the delivery man." His smile faded as he looked earnestly at the FBI agent beside him. "The team waiting for you in Jersey is top notch. Agent Scully couldn't be in better hands--" He broke off abruptly. "Did you hear that?" His head tilted slightly as he listened intently, concentrating on the hum of the engines. "I don't hear anythi--" Mulder started. Davis help up a cautionary hand, silencing him. Mulder looked at him anxiously. God, that was all they needed -- mechanical problems. After a tense moment, Davis waved it off. "Shit, now you've got *me* paranoid." Mulder looked at him, warily. "You sure?" Davis nodded. "Yeah. Everything's fine. No problem." Mulder rose from the seat and reached for the door handle. "That's what you think." He opened the door, then leaned back in toward Davis, his voice low and threatening. "Wait until I tell Scully you're taking us to New Jersey." * * * * * * * Scully looked at the array of paperwork spread out before her and wondered, not for the first time, why she was even involved in this case. It was a DEA case all the way; she and Mulder were completely out of their element. But the photograph in her hand had sparked more than mild curiosity, and once she had seen it, there had been no way to refuse. She stared at the young woman in the picture. Lindsey Carrol was young and blond. Superficial, but pretty. Her small, heart-shaped face was framed by a platinum, shoulder length bob, her large green eyes rimmed with too much dark makeup. But somehow, rather than giving her a hard, streetwise look, it only seem to emphasize her youthful features. If anything, it made her look younger than her twenty-seven years, like a young girl playing dress up. Certainly not like a woman about to turn state's evidence against her Columbian drug-lord boyfriend. It was only in the depth of those eyes, that her past was evident. A glint of cynicism, a silent edge that spoke volumes about he living she'd done, the things she'd seen. It wasn't evident to the casual observer; Lindsey Carrol would never stand out in a crowd. In fact, the overall picture she presented was more girl next door than lifetime criminal. But it wasn't the ivory soap image of the young woman that caused Scully's head to swim with questions. It was the fact that beneath the makeup, softly framed by highlighted strands of blond hair, was the face of Dana Scully. End of Part 1 Subject: Tempest (2/15) by Missy Pennington * * * * * * * "You okay?" Mulder's voice broke Scully's concentration, and she jumped. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." "No, it's okay. I'm jumpy today." "Well, that's understandable." He reached down and took the picture from her hand, shaking his head in wonder as he scrutinized the unsettling familiarity of the stranger in the photograph. "It's still fascinating, isn't it?" She nodded. He handed the picture back to her. "Does it bother you?" She took the photograph, contemplating the question for a moment. "Honestly, Mulder? I don't know. I think..." her voice trailed of as she searched for the right words. Did it bother her, this stranger with her face? It was hard to explain to someone who had never come face-to-face with his own countenance. Mulder didn't press the question, letting her find her way to the words she needed. Instead, he moved to his seat across from her and sat down, reaching behind his back, as a puzzled frown creased his forehead. He shifted his weight and withdrew the blond wig from his seat, dangling it on his index finger in front of her. "I believe this is yours." She smiled and took it, stuffing it haphazardly into the carry-on bag between her feet. "It's not the resemblance that bothers me," she told him at last, as she straightened to look at him. "Uncanny resemblance is something you can write off to a quirk of nature." He was quiet, waiting for her to continue. "It's that....." she paused for a moment, thought some more. "it's like looking into a mirror and seeing my life as interpreted by someone else. I mean, I look at this woman, and she looks *just* like me, Mulder." She pointed to the woman in the photograph. "That's my face right there -- this could *be* me. And knowing what I do about Lindsey Carrol's life, I have this overwhelming sense of 'there but for the grace of God....'" She laid the picture down on the folder and looked up at Mulder, surprised by the utter solemnity on his face. "Is that why you agreed to all this, Scully?" he asked. "Out of some unfounded sense of guilt? Because I have to tell you, when Agent Westbrook suggested this whole decoy thing, I was pretty sure you wouldn't want any part of it. I mean this..." He gestured around them, indicating the plane. ".... is not what we do. It's not what we're about. And yes, Lindsey Carrol looks amazingly like you, but any number of female agents could have put on a wig and gotten on this plane. So why are we here?" She lifted her chin ever so slightly, unwilling to let him know she'd been stung by his words. "WE didn't have to be here, Mulder; I was the one they approached." She opened the folder in her lap and began rifling through the papers. "It's only four days until Lindsey's called to testify. If I can divert attention away from her until then and help put away one of the biggest drug czars to ever see a trial in this country, why in the world wouldn't you think I'd be willing to do that?" He pressed on, completely disregarding her attempt at indignation. "Because there are four dead agents awaiting burial right now in Atlanta. And if Escabedo manages to find us in Tuckerton, New Jersey -- the way he found the last three safehouses they've had her in -- you and I could very well be numbers five and six." His voice softened. "I just want to know why, Scully. Why did you agree to this? We've never worked outside the FBI before, and given that even with your uncanny resemblance, they've still got you disguised in a wig and heavy makeup, there's no reason why somebody else couldn't be doing this now. Your involvement wasn't necessary." Scully bit back the retort that sprang to mind and forced her breathing to a slow, steady rate. She didn't look at him; she didn't trust herself to. If she looked at him, she would want to hit him. Her involvement wasn't necessary? Woo hoo. Big fat surprise there, she thought. Wasn't that just everything in a nutshell? She didn't want to tell him how close his casual remark was to the truth. For all his talk about it, Mulder wasn't one to revere the truth when it didn't serve his purpose. Mulder's truths, Scully thought, were elusive and idealistic. He had no use for the truths that cut to the quick -- the truths she sometimes ached to slap down in front of him. There were too many of them to count, these undesirable truths. And the one she wanted to fling at him this moment was that she was sick and goddamned tired of being made to feel her half of this partnership was unnecessary. Scully swallowed and took a deep breath, finally looking up at Mulder's inquisitive expression. He really, honestly didn't have a clue how useless he made her feel sometimes. She wanted out of this conversation fast, before she said something she'd regret. She placed the picture of Lindsey Carrol in the file and closed it quietly, calmly. Only when she was certain she had her anger in check, did she lift her head to look at him. "I don't know why, Mulder," she lied. "I just wanted to help." He looked doubtful. She pasted on a smile she hoped looked more genuine than it felt. "Everyone talks about the war on drugs, but no one does anything about it. Well.... I'm doing my part. I'm helping the real Lindsey Carrol stay alive long enough to put her ex-boyfriend away for life." Satisfied or not, Mulder finally gave up the inquisition, leaning back against the seat with a sigh. He rolled his head to the side to look at her again. "Well, I hope it's worth it in the end. I'd hate to think we went to New Jersey for nothing." She smiled for real this time, relieved at the passing tension. "New Jersey, huh?" "Yep." She grimaced for effect. "Charming." He chuckled and closed his eyes. "Wake me when we get there." * * * * * * * "Come on, do your business, I thought you had to go." She sighed impatiently as the Pomeranian pranced back and forth at the end of his leash, obviously in no hurry, nosing around, sniffing each blade of grass, his canine senses honing in on a scent only he could discern. He suddenly bristled, the small fox-like head snapped up, black eyes focused straight ahead. His shrill bark shattered the silence. She shook her head. "Queequeg, we're not gonna go into the woods." The barking persisted. She was uneasy, suddenly aware of the fact that she was alone, surrounded only by the smothering blackness of a moonless country night. A thousand stars glistened overhead, but their dancing light was an illusion. Only the tiny, worthless beam of a cheap flashlight kept the darkness from being complete. She looked toward the woods and saw nothing. She listened anxiously, hearing only silence. Only solitude. And yet... Queequeg lunged. The leash dropped from Scully's hand and disappeared into the darkness as the small dog made for the woods. She ran after him, flashlight in hand, trying to keep the yellow handle of the leash in her sight. "Queequeg! Where're you going?" The dog ran at a frenzied pace, dragging the leash behind him. He tore through the brush, and she stumbled behind him, oblivious to the branches that pulled at her hair and clothes. "Queequeg..." Determined, she followed the yellow plastic handle deeper and deeper into the woods until it came to an abrupt stop, caught by the branches of a rotted log. Out of breath, she bent down to retrieve it, flipping a small lever to retract the excess line. Then she heard it. The pitiful cry of an animal in distress. The yappy little bark she had been following with such irritation ended abruptly in an agonized whimper that turned her stomach. "Queequeg?" she whispered, looking desperately for the dog as the leash continued to retract. >From somewhere close by came the scream of a small animal in pain, then nothing. The only sound she heard was the pulley leash, winding the rope that Queequeg had extended. Heart pounding wildly, she scanned the darkness, seeing nothing from the thin beam of her flashlight. She began to hear the faint jingle of Queequeg's dog tags as they traveled over the rough terrain, but the sound didn't comfort her. It sounded wrong. It was travelling too fast, too smoothly; there was no resistance. And then she saw why. She felt herself start to sway, and she looked in shock and horror as the pulley leash retracted the last bit of line. The tattered remains of Queequeg's collar dangled sickly from the end of it, broken...and empty.... Scully woke with a start, the sound of her racing heart pounding furiously in her ears. She placed a hand over her chest instinctively, feeling the surge of the quick beats underneath her fingers. She looked at her partner, hoping he hadn't seen her startle from the dream, but his eyes were closed, his breathing steady. She was relieved. She didn't want to talk about it -- not with Mulder. It was Mulder's fault she'd even had the dream. She only had it when she was upset. No, that wasn't true -- she only had it when she was angry at him. It was her own little subconscious blanket of guilt that she threw over him at will. Queequeg had just been another one of her little life traumas that Mulder couldn't be bothered to deal with. Someday she was going to tell him as much. Someday. She got up and stretched, shaking her legs to loosen the knots that had formed while she dozed. She looked at her watch -- they'd only been in the air little over an hour. Obviously the stress was showing on all of them. She glanced at Mulder's still form across the aisle and the last remnants of her bad mood faded. He looked completely different when he slept, wistful and vulnerable. She allowed herself to scrutinize his face, something she'd never been able to do while he was awake, and was overcome suddenly by the complexity of her feelings for this man. One minute she wanted to throttle him, the next minute she was overwhelmed by the need to protect him somehow, although she knew the impulse was ridiculous. He didn't need her protection. He certainly didn't want it. Still, she thought, taking in the uncommon peacefulness on her partner's face, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. With all the emotional baggage they had between them at this point, what was one more guilty little secret? She didn't need his permission to feel the way she felt. She might want to kill him half the time he was awake, but if she wanted to protect him while he slept, by God, then who was he or anyone else, for that matter, to tell her she couldn't? She brushed one stray lock of hair off his forehead, and he sighed in his sleep, his contentment obvious. Damn straight, she thought. Smiling, she walked to the cockpit, knocking on the door even as she pulled it open. Daniel Davis beamed when he saw her. "Agent Scully. Come on in." She smiled at him. He's so cute, she thought. Why can't I just find some nice guy like this and fall madly in love, she wondered. Because you don't want someone like this. She pushed the thought away. "How's it going up here?" She sat down in the empty copilot seat. "We're pretty much on schedule, factoring in the weather delay. I did have a little problem with some gauges, but I raised some ATCs in Chattanooga, and they helped me out. Our ETA is about three hours, twenty minutes." She nodded, looking around the cockpit at the various controls. How did anyone ever know what it all meant? She didn't like to think about it. She could only distract herself from one anxiety at a time. Davis wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, a gesture that seemed to stem from anxiety more than heat. "I have to tell you Agent Scully, I'll be relieved to have this one over. I didn't have a good feeling about all that time we spent on the runway." Scully nodded. "The waiting game always--" "Sucks?" he supplied. She laughed. "Yeah. That." She traced her fingers over a few of the controls. "So what kind of problem are we having with the gauges?" "No biggie, really." He shook his head for emphasis. "I think we're safe. If your cover had been blown, they would have gone for something much more significant. Subtlety isn't high on Escabedo's list." Catching her reflection in the cockpit window, Scully smiled. "Judging from the amount of makeup on my face, I'd say it's not too high on Lindsey Carrol's list either." Davis laughed appreciatively. "Obviously not." The plane shuddered, and Scully scanned Davis' face to gage his reaction. He seemed perfectly calm. "You might want to strap in, Agent Scully. We're about to hit some turbulence." Wonderful, she thought. I was feeling positively bereft without it. Wouldn't want to deprive ourselves of one of the best perks of air travel, would we? But she only smiled at the young pilot. "Okay. I have some more reading to do, anyway." She rose and reached for the door. "Let us know if we hit any more snags, okay?" "Will do." He gave her a casual salute. "But I'm sure we're be fine." Scully nodded as she left the cabin. "I hope so." She closed the door behind her and was almost to her seat when the plane began to shudder and jerk. Robbed of her balance, she stumbled to the left, almost recovering her equilibrium when her foot struck the carry-on bag she had placed beside her seat. Without a word, Dana Scully committed the single most ungraceful act of her adult life, falling forward in a tangle of flailing limbs, right into the arms of a sleeping Fox Mulder. "Ooph." She was absolutely mortified, feeling the heat of embarrassment flood her cheeks instantly. She was face down on top of him, her face pressed up against his tie, one hand over his shoulder, the other pinned between them. Her entire weight rested heavily upon him; neither of her feet were on the floor. For a moment, she was afraid she'd hurt him, then she felt the shaking of his body underneath her and realized he was laughing. Reluctantly, she lifted her face to him. Her mouth opened and closed several times without sound. "Sorry," she managed finally. She pushed herself up using the back of his chair as leverage, and began to disentangle herself from him. He was still grinning as she climbed back into her own seat, buckling her seatbelt as the plane continued to shimmy through the turbulence. "Smooth moves, Agent Scully." "I'm so glad I amuse you," she told him dryly. "Oh come on. Where's your sense of humor? You gotta admit, that was funny." She looked at him without smiling, but her eyes twinkled with mischief. "That's not exactly what a woman wants to hear when she throws herself at a man, Mulder." They looked at each other in silence, sizing up the moment, recognizing the fork in the road. Neither was sure which path to travel. It was Mulder who finally chose one. "Hand me that file on Lindsey Carrol, would you, Scully? I need to look it over before we land." She let her breath out, surprised to find she'd been holding it. She pulled the folder from her bag and handed it across the aisle to him, her heart catching just a bit when she realized he had put on his glasses. Mulder had no idea how much she relished the times he wore his glasses. The all-too-infrequent sight never failed to make her heart beat just a little faster than usual. He had been wearing them the day they met. She had reluctantly walked into that small basement office to find herself facing a man who greeted her with a mixture of thinly veiled hostility and obvious distrust. And even then, her only coherent thought for a good two minutes had been, "God, he looks good in glasses." Someday, Dana told herself. Someday I'll tell him how much I love those frames. She slid deeper into the reverie. Someday, she mused, there's no telling *what* I might tell him. She pulled her own glasses out of her bag and put them on, joining her partner in the case-related reading. Gradually, even their silence fell into quiet natural rhythm, letting her know that, even without words, they were working in tandem. * * * * * * * 12:50 P.M. Scully startled into consciousness, surprised to find she had been dozing. She didn't know what had roused her, only that she should have been working and wasn't. She turned to look at Mulder, expecting to find him grinning at her embarrassment. He wasn't grinning. He was grim and tense. "Mulder?" If he answered, his reply was drowned out by a mechanical whine from outside the window. It ended abruptly, replaced by a sputtering that could only be a sign of worse things to come. Scully felt the blood drain from her face. "Oh my God." The sputtering stopped and the plane shuddered violently in response. She raised the shade closest to her and looked out. There was nothing unusual in what she could see, but what she could hear scared the hell out of her. Silence. The engine outside her window had completely shut down. She stared at her partner, as the electronic whining from Mulder's side of the plane started again. Within a matter of seconds, it too gave way to silence, and the plane began to fall. Mulder was halfway to the cockpit when Davis' voice reached them from the cockpit. "Strap in and brace yourselves! We're going down." Mulder turned and wobbled back toward Scully yelling as he neared his seat. "What the hell is going on, Davis? What happened?" "I don't know! I don't know!" Davis' voice was thick with fear. "We were fine and then we weren't. It's like someone set off a goddamned timer." The plane's nose dropped sharply, and Mulder's face smacked the seatback in front on him as he fumbled with his seatbelt. "What the damage?" Mulder yelled. Davis didn't buffer the news. "The engines are gone - our landing gear's not operational. I'm gonna try to glide through the peaks, but we're definitely going down. I can't stop it." Scully stared straight ahead at the cockpit door, as though she were looking at Davis himself. Her brain would not absorb the words. "Through the peaks?" she repeated softly. As if he had heard her, Davis continued. "We're directly over the Appalachians. I'm trying to raise the ranger station there at the national park, but I haven't gotten anyone." Mulder looked at Scully and back toward Davis. "What can we do?" he called to the pilot. Davis' voice was grim. "There's nothing any of us can do but pray." End of Part 2 Tempest, part 3 Scully tightened her seatbelt, adrenaline surging through her body as the plane lost altitude with amazing speed. She had the grotesque sensation of free-falling sideways. It was a feeling of utter insignificance, as though the plane itself was no more than a dead leaf, blown hurriedly across the sky. Her shaking fingers reached for the tiny gold cross dangling from her neck, and she clutched it tightly, looking out the plane's window as the mountainside spiraled closer and closer. A million thoughts raced through her mind. Mulder, Queequeg, her apartment, her mother. Oh, God. Her mother. She wouldn't be able to stand it, not again. Too much loss, too much pain. A husband, two daughters.... It wasn't fair, Scully thought frantically. Why should such a kind, loving woman have to live with so much grief? Who would it be, she wondered. Who would be the one to tell her mother that she had lost another child? The mental image of her mother receiving the news hit Scully hard. She really was going to die -- she knew it with certainty. Strangely, accepting the inevitability of it seemed to calm her. The pounding heartbeat that had been resounding in her ears began to fade, and a quiet peacefulness overtook her. The world slowed down to half time, and she realized, with a wondrous sense of detachment, that she was probably as ready now as she would ever be to die. There was never a perfect time to go. She spared a sideways look at Mulder, feeling vaguely reassured by the sight of him close to her. His hand crept across the aisle toward hers, and upon finding her fingers he laced them with his own. It was, in the face of death, the most intimate of gestures; his way, perhaps, of telling her that whatever was about to happen in this world or the next, they would face it together. She marvelled at his calm. No matter what life threw at Mulder, he always seemed to roll with the punches. While she struggled daily to make sense of the world around her, he went about the business of living with all the guileless enthusiasm and wonder of a child. If he was sometimes too quick to believe, it only complemented the fact that she was sometimes too slow to accept. Complements, that's what they were, Scully realized, offering up a short prayer of thanks for the time she'd had with him. The plane began to shudder violently, and the evil silence of their quick descent gave way to an even more ominous humming that seemed to resonate from every seam and crack in the plane. It grew louder and more frenetic with each passing second as the small craft struggled to hold itself together against the tremendous force of gravity. Scully looked at her hand, still linked with Mulder's. Her stomach dropped as the plane lost altitude, and she tightened her hold on his hand. God, she wanted to tell him...tell him what? What was there to say? The silence between them was more than fear, she knew; it was a silence of futility. Too much had gone unsaid for too long. They had both felt it at one time or another and blinded themselves to it willingly. It was so much easier to ignore it than to deal with it, she mused. But then she met his gaze, saw in his eyes the same regret, and she was lost. "Mulder..." she started, her voice barely a whisper above the noise of the plane. The aircraft dipped violently to the right and then seemed to nosedive. Scully's eyes widened, her words stopped in panic of the now impending crash. Mulder shook his head as she tried again to get the words out. "I know, Scully." He squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Me too." He looked out his own window, then back at her, his eyes unreadable. Then he raised their clasped fingers to his lips and brushed a kiss across the back of her hand before releasing it slowly. The plane dipped sharply again, and Scully had the absurd impulse to run, as if she could somehow distance herself from the plane before it crashed. She looked at Mulder, trying one last time to get the words out, but her mind had already closed down. She stared at him blankly as he bent forward in a crash position, motioning for her to do the same. He grinned at her sideways, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "We'll talk about it later." His words were inaudible, but she understood. She returned his smile weakly, and glanced one last time out the window at the now sickeningly close landscape. It's only a matter of seconds, she thought numbly, looking through detached eyes at the fast-approaching mountain. Already she could see the leaves on the trees, the small rocks filling crevices where their plane would soon be. She removed her glasses and bent forward, eyes clenched shut, arms folded protectively around her head. "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned..." The impact came before she finished. Scully heard the scream of the plane as it tore itself open on the rocky landscape, and the rush of dust and wind that filled the cabin told her that some part of the plane's body had been ripped apart. She made the mistake of opening her eyes, trying in vain to find Mulder in the swirling chaos. What she saw was a gaping hole where the right side of the plane had been, where Mulder had been. Scully's brain registered his absence only fleetingly as the plane slid sideways, and she watched the approaching configuration of rock bearing down on her through the gaping wound in the right side. There was a flash of blinding light as the earth turned upside down, and then blessed darkness descended, wiping clean the sound of twisting metal and the horrifying images of what seemed to her the end of the world. * * * * * * 1:07 pm Cherokee National Forest Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee Fox Mulder was twelve years old all over again, paralyzed by the brilliant intensity of the light that surrounded him. He tried to move, to call out, but he was incapable of doing either. He was helpless against the force of the light, helpless to do anything as his sister Samantha seemed to float on an invisible cloud out the window and out of his life. He struggled in vain to reach her, but the light, the terrible haunting light would not release him. In a heartbeat, she was lost to him and he moved forward in slow motion toward the window as the light gradually faded. But the light didn't fade this time like it usually did. And Mulder, hovering on the brink of consciousness, slowly began to realize that the awful light of this particular dream had no intention of releasing him at all. The hateful glare surrounded him wholly, burning his face and neck, leading him to raise his arm over his face in an effort to shield himself from the radiance. The movement brought him to full consciousness as pain registered completely in his mind. God, he hurt everywhere. He chanced opening his eyes and blinked rapidly into the bright sky, noticing for the first time that he was outside and flat on his back. He wasn't dead, that much was obvious. Beyond that, his brain ceased to function. He tried to raise his head to get a good look at his surroundings, but after a monumental effort, he gave up. It was too damn hard. From where he lay his eyes took in a thick covering of trees that seemed to tower miles over his head, giving him absolutely no indication at all of his location. He was completely disoriented. Even the blinding sunlight that had vexed him into consciousness was, he realized, no more than a single tiny sunbeam that had managed to cut through the thick foliage. Christ. Where was he? In a daze, he tried to replay the day's events in his mind, but the shroud of confusion that covered him was overwhelming. Sleep still beckoned like a siren call, luring him back toward an easy escape from the pain in his head. He knew it would be so easy to give in to it, but his mind wouldn't let him. Not yet. Not until he realized... Something was missing. Something important that should have been there with him and wasn't. He had no idea what it was, but the disturbing emptiness he felt was like a phantom pain inside him, convincing his mind beyond the shadow of a doubt that part of him was unaccounted for. He turned his head to look beside him, and a stabbing pain shot through his body. Mulder heard himself groan, and then the lure of sleep returned, too strong to resist. Resigned, he gave himself back to unconsciousness, the unexplained feeling of loss still gnawing at his gut. * * * * * 1:20 pm The plane lay on its side, mangled and twisted on the rocky lip of the mountainside where it had come to rest. It balanced precariously on a thin shelf of earth that seemed to defy gravity by stretching too far over the cavernous valley below. The gaping hole that had been the right side of the cabin now opened toward the sky, allowing the early afternoon sun to beat down upon the exposed interior. Perched as it was, the wreckage gave the appearance of a sacrificial offering, held out from the arms of the mountain. It was quiet now. The creaking and groaning of the framework had settled, replaced by the eerie stillness of tension, as if the plane, aware of its position, was somehow holding its breath. Inside the cabin, Scully groaned, awareness returning to her in bits and pieces, like a nightmare recalled from the safety of dawn. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking several times to focus her vision on the confusing jumble of images that swam before her at eye level. Her carry-on bag, part of a seat cushion, broken glass, pieces of metal-- Mulder! Her mind screamed his name. Where was Mulder? She twisted frantically, ignoring the pain that shot through her with every movement, desperate to find some trace of him amid the debris. There was no sign, not even a sound to let her know he was anywhere close. She forced herself to breathe deeply, trying to calm the paralyzing fear that was hovering. Panic was not an option; hysteria, while tempting, was energy wasted. Mentally, she went through her "repertoire" as Mulder called it, the standard physician's checklist: no broken bones, no paralysis, no significant loss of feeling although there was some definite numbness in her left leg, several scrapes and scratches, endless bruises, probably a concussion. Not too bad for a plane crash survivor, she concluded. She was alive. It was enough. She looked around, assessing the situation, and realized that she was lying face down upon the emergency exit door. Rather, what used to be the door. In the tilted cabin, it now appeared to serve as the floor, and Scully was wedged against it, held nearly immobile by the loose debris that surrounded her. Her seat had broken free upon impact, its warped frame now clinging to her body with the desperation of a small child. Lucidity continued to return slowly as she maneuvered herself carefully around the jagged pieces of structuralized metal, inching her way closer to freedom. It was a tedious process, but she didn't have the luxury of waiting for rescue--she had to find Mulder. She succeeded finally in liberating her left arm and used it to unlock the seat belt that had kept her prisoner. She sat up gingerly, rubbing stiff muscles and joints, getting her first unobstructed view of the remains of the aircraft. She was definitely alone; Mulder was nowhere in the cabin. She didn't dwell on his absence. She would find him; it wasn't a matter of question. Scully looked toward the cockpit, her right arm grasping the armrest to steady herself when the sudden movement made her dizzy. She had to check on Davis. Her mind called up an image of the handsome blond pilot who had so recently been flirting with her. So young... Summoning courage and breath in the same instant, she tentatively called out to him, shattering the utter stillness of the air with a voice that was too fragile, to tentative and childlike to sound anything like her own. "Davis?" The resounding silence that answered was chilling. Scully forced herself to stand, ignoring the throbbing ache in her leg, and began to make her way toward the front of the plane. It was awkward with the plane lying sideways. She crawled and stepped as carefully as she could over broken seats, strips of jagged metal, and shattered windows, pulling herself forward with agonizing deliberation. Please God, she prayed. Please let him be alive. She called again. "Daniel?" Nothing. There had been no sound at all from the cockpit since she regained consciousness. She reached for the door and with shaking hands, pulled it open. Overall, the cockpit of the plane looked surprisingly intact. Despite the vulnerability of its position, it seemed to absorb the impact of the crash better than the cabin had. A few loose items had been tossed around, Scully noted. Gauges in the instrument panel were cracked and most of the glass was broken. Davis was still in the cockpit, strapped in the pilot's seat. The ninety degree angle of the plane gave him the appearance of lying on his left side, allowing Scully to see him only in profile as she crawled over the door. His eyes were closed; he was pale and still. But she saw no obvious injuries, no blood on his uniform, and she allowed herself a moment of Mulderesque optimism that he might still be alive. "Please. Please be alive," she breathed placing her fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. She didn't feel one, but the position of her hand was unnatural in the cramped area, so she reached her hand around him to the other side. Her fingers encountered the warm, thick, stickiness of blood almost immediately, and she jerked her hand back in horror. Scully's bloody fingers touched Davis' chin, pulling his face toward her as she leaned over him in an attempt to see the wound. His head slid toward her with a freedom that was sickening, exposing to her view a large triangular shard of glass protruding from his throat. It had severed both bone and muscle, effectively decapitating him, save the thin layer of skin than stubbornly held his head to the right side of his body. He probably died before the plane stopped moving, Scully thought. She released his chin, watching as his head bobbed unnaturally several times, then stilled, the blood continuing to flow from his neck into a pool on the wall beneath him. She turned her attention from Davis' body and began to look at the control panel, searching for the radio. She found the microphone dangling beside Davis, and raised it to her lips, forcing her voice to sound stronger than it felt. "Mayday, Mayday. Can anyone here me?" The only reply was silence. "Mayday. This is Cessna Citation NS84. We are down--I repeat, we are down." There was nothing, not even static. She turned the frequency knob back and forth, trying to raise some signs of life from the instrument, but it was useless. In disgust, she flung the microphone at the control panel, feeling no satisfaction as the crystal of yet another gauge cracked under the impact. She looked blankly at the various gauges and dials on the console before her. They all looked alike. Her head began to ache with more intensity as she struggled to make sense of the readings. She had no clue what she was looking at, no way of figuring out her location. Mulder would probably know, she thought. Mulder and his photographic memory. If anyone had ever halfheartedly explained the workings of a plane to him, he would remember it exactly. But Mulder wasn't there. Her heart skipped a beat. God, what happened to him? Please let him be safe. Scully caught a glimpse of Davis' body in her peripheral vision and suddenly felt light-headed. You're losing it Dana, she warned herself. And if you fall apart now, you won't be any help to yourself or Mulder. The voice made sense, but the wave of panic rising within her was too strong to deny. She was alone. Alone in a wrecked plane. On a mountain. With a dead man. She backed out of the cockpit as quickly as she could, distancing herself from Davis' body, sitting down on the side frame of a seat and thrusting her head between her knees. She forced herself to inhale and exhale slowly. She had to find Mulder. Mulder. She couldn't think about what might have happened to him. All she knew with certainty was that he wasn't dead. Surely if he was, she would feel it... Her head was pounding with more ferocity now, and she raised her hands to her temples in an attempt to ease the pressure. Sticky warmth registered against her face and she jerked her hands away in horror, dazed eyes staring at fingers still covered with Davis' blood. Don't faint, don't faint... But the dim ringing in her ears was already growing louder. Don't faint, Dana, you've got to get out of here.... White spots began to dance in front of her eyes, and the colors of the world seemed to dim all at once. Scully made a weak grab for the twisted seat beside her, swiping feebly through the air as she sank down into a displaced seat cushion. The blackness approached her quickly, picking up speed as the world spun in circles around her. Her last thought as she slipped into the abyss was that she had never fainted in her life. * * * * * 1:30 pm Mulder awakened slowly to the feeling of soft hair brushing lightly against his neck. It was a pleasant sensation, one that evoked erotic images of silky auburn hair trailing his body in the sensuous afterglow of passion. He was tempted, momentarily, to indulge the fantasy, until he caught a whiff of the unpleasant odor that accompanied it. It smelled musty and dirty, almost like a wild anim.... His eyes snapped open to reveal two shiny black ones staring back at him. "Agh!" The startled cry came as a reflex, but it had the desired effect. The frightened raccoon turned and scurried back to the undergrowth, leaving Mulder alone once again. Fully awake now, heart pounding, Mulder looked around. His mind slowly replayed recent events, searching for the missing pieces that led him to this place. Then he remembered. The impact. The screech of metal. The feeling of flying through the air, soaring, free falling... Scully! Where was Scully? He tried to sit up, but something was holding him, preventing him from moving. Mulder fought a wave of panic before realizing that he was still connected to the plane seat, held tight by the nylon safety belt he had donned before the crash. He released the clasp and sat up quickly, ignoring the pain that his sudden movement caused. With eyes that struggled to focus, he surveyed the area. It was heavily wooded, with an expanse of trees in every direction. With the exception of the airplane seat and himself, the area seemed completely undisturbed. No plane, no sign of wreckage. No Scully. He did a brief check for broken bones. Finding none, he stood, wobbling on unsteady legs. He walked a few feet, then stopped, realizing he had no idea where he was going. He leaned weakly against a large tree, listening intently for some sound that would guide him toward Scully and Davis. All he heard was the dull throbbing in his temples. His head hurt like a son of a bitch. Thoughts of Scully flashed through his mind. He wondered if she, too, was thrown clear of the wreckage, or if she was still in the plane, trapped and hurt. Was she calling out to him? She'd called out to him before and he'd been unable to help her. Was he failing her again? Was she even still alive? The last thought stunned him, as he contemplated the very real possibility of finding her lifeless body amid the crash debris. God, he couldn't take that. He couldn't. His stomach lurched at the thought. He remembered the look of terror in her eye as the plane was going down, and how she had looked to him for reassurance. And still he hadn't told her. Fucking coward, he cursed himself. Why didn't you tell her? The image of Scully, bruised and bloody, lifeless amid the wreckage came unbidden to his mind, causing him to lose the valiant struggle with his stomach. He sank to his knees and vomited, thankful if only for a moment for the solitude of his surroundings. End of Part 3 Tempest, part 4 1:46 pm For the second time in an hour, Dana Scully regained consciousness amid the broken remains of Cessna Citation NS84. Unlike the first time, however, the second awakening was accompanied by lucidity and a feeling of calm. Davis was dead; Mulder was missing; she had survived. Help would be coming soon enough, she realized. What had to be done in the meantime, she would have to do herself. She would have to find Mulder. She struggled to her feet, catching her breath at the burning sensation that raced down her left leg as she stood. The white hot pain ran down the back of her thigh in blistering waves, amazing her that she hadn't felt it before. She twisted at the waist, trying to get a good look at the back of her leg. When she did, she wished she hadn't. "So much for walking away unscathed," she whispered, stunned by the sight. The left leg of her pants was ripped from thigh to knee in the back, stained dark red with blood -- *her* blood, she realized, somewhat dazed. She hadn't even felt it. She sighed, more at the thought of having to delay her search for Mulder than at her own discomfort. Damn. She would have to take the time to dress it. She couldn't get a good look at the cut through the material, so she unfastened her pants and let them drop, wincing as the torn material slid off of the wound and fell to a pile of bloody scraps at her feet. She pulled her carry on bag out of the rubble and opened it, scrounging around inside for the tube of antibiotic creme she usually carried, finding it with surprising ease. She pulled out a bottle of drinking water and looked around for something she could use to clean the wound. There was nothing except her discarded pants, so she used them to wipe the blood away carefully before smearing the wound with creme from the tube. It was a savage, devastatingly deep cut; she knew it needed stitches. She'd also be lucky to avoid infection; she had no idea what had cut her. She used her blouse to dress it, ripping the soft cotton into strips and wrapping them firmly around the gash. Satisfied, she donned the spare change of clothing she always carried on board with her and began searching the cabin for essentials. She had her gun; Mulder had been wearing his. She took inventory of her bag, noting with some satisfaction that the bottled water and miniature candy bars that Mulder so often teased her about would definitely come in handy until help arrived. She had only a few medical supplies, small and relatively useless against a wound such as hers, but she didn't know what kind of shape Mulder would be in, so she left them in the bag, hoping they would be enough. The one medical comfort she did have was a single syringe filled with Demerol. The way Mulder found trouble, she never travelled without the comfort of a "single serving" pain killer. She'd learned long ago he was far too much of a little boy to endure quietly. She was unable to keep from smiling at the thought, then sobered instantly as she contemplated the condition in which she might find him. We're okay, Mulder, she told him mentally, echoing his words from earlier in the day. I'm coming to find you. She hastily finished packing the bag, careful not to overload it with more than she could carry. Finally satisfied, she zipped it closed and stood, putting her head and left arm through the strap to keep it anchored as she climbed. She moved to stand upon the broken seats directly under the hole in the plane, cursing her lack of height. She couldn't reach the opening. She stepped down and began pulling the frame of a second seat on top of the one she had been using. As she moved it, the gleam of metal and reflection caught her eye. Mulder's glasses. Amazingly intact. She bent and picked them up, wiping them carefully with her shirt, tears blurring her vision. She'd almost left them. She couldn't explain the overwhelming sense of responsibility she felt to return them to him. She only knew that they were a part of Mulder. A part she'd secretly always loved. The only part she had with her now. And she'd almost left them. She unzipped the bag without removing it from her shoulder and placed the frames carefully inside, protected by the fabric of her jacket. Dragging the back of her hand across her cheek, she swiped at the uncharacteristic moisture there and climbed back upon the makeshift ladder of broken seats. "Okay. This is it, Dana. Let's hear it for upper body strength." She took a deep breath and jumped slightly, hoisting herself up through the torn metal, drawing her knees up until her feet could leverage her onto the solid frame of the plane, away from the jagged edges. Feeling immensely pleased with herself, she took a moment to catch her breath, trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensation of hot metal underneath her injured leg. "One down," she congratulated herself. "Now which way to find Mulder?" For the first time since the crash, she looked over the edge of the plane, expecting to see rocks and shrubs. She saw nothing but air. Terrified, she looked behind her and saw the gentle upward slope toward the top of the mountain. The plane had slid down the ridge like a child's sled down a snowbank, stopping just before they fell into the abyss. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Adrenaline coursed through her instantly. She was on a cliff. All the moving around she had done inside the cabin, changing clothes, gathering items, stacking debris-- --and she was on a cliff. She inched backward, toward the rocky hill behind her, trying not to cause so much as a tremor on the plane, fighting the overwhelming urge to cry out. Yell for help. Scream for Mulder. * * * * * * * Mulder cleared the last small cluster of trees and walked easily out of the foliage toward the large patch of scarred earth he'd been searching for. With no way to gauge the site of impact from ground level, he had carefully searched the area where he had regained consciousness, trying to determine the path his own seat had taken. It was a slow process; tracking had never been his strong suit. He had, over the course of the early afternoon, managed to regain his strength. Amazingly, he had no long lasting physical effects of the crash at all. A few bruises, but that was all. The headache had finally disappeared, taking with it the dizziness and the nausea. The shakiness of his legs had finally ceased. He was better off than he had a right to be. He wondered endlessly if Scully had fared as well. Standing at last in front of the path the plane had taken, Mulder scrutinized the razed, barren path of land in front of him, a frown creasing his forehead. Somehow the angled path looked awkward, but he couldn't put his finger on why. He walked alongside the huge scar in the mountainside, following the wide trail as it led--up? That couldn't be right. He looked behind him, visually marking the point where he had picked up the path. Then it hit him. He was walking uphill. Very slight, barely noticeable, but definitely uphill. The plane couldn't have slid uphill. Mulder turned and retraced his steps, following the crash course down the mountain in the other direction almost a quarter of a mile before he saw the drop--the point where the path of the plane seemed to veer off into nothingness. It had fallen, and it had taken Scully with it. He sank to his knees, unwilling to look over the side, cursing himself for every kind of fool. He'd failed her...lost her...again. She might have survived one crash, but he knew there was no way she'd survived two. And he hadn't been with her. Grief and rage battled within him, each feeding on the other until they issued forth a desolate, heartbreaking cry he was completely unaware of. He sank further to the ground, head hung low, palms flat to the dirt as grief finally won out over rage. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't pick up and move on without her. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Not to them. Not to Scully. Her voice reached him through the haze of his desolation, so soft he thought he'd imagined it. "Mulder!" He heard it clearer this time, his heart stopping completely at the sound. "Scully! Scully where are you?" He looked frantically around, unable to locate her. Their words mixed together and echoed from every direction; she could have been standing beside him and he wouldn't have known it from the sound. "I'm here, Mulder! Down here on the ridge." Her voice was thin and tight, quiet almost. It terrified him all over again. He scrambled toward the thin shelf of the ridge and leaned over until he saw her. His mouth went completely dry. She was sitting on top of the wreckage. The wreckage was sitting on top of nothing. "Don't move, Scully! Don't move an inch." The tremble in her voice cut through him like a dagger. "The plane is sliding, Mulder. It's gonna fall any second." And then he could see it -- the wreckage was moving. Almost imperceptibly, but it was moving. And he was powerless to stop it. He didn't have a rope; his belt wasn't long enough to reach her. And that face, that beautiful face he'd so recently thought lost to him forever stared up at him like a beacon of hope in the blackness that was his life. * * * * * * * She could hear him above her, frantic movements that echoed the unexpressed urges within her own mind. She closed her eyes. "Scully!" She didn't open her eyes. "What?" "Is Davis still in the plane?" "He's dead, Mulder." If the news jarred him in anyway, there was no indication. "I need you to look up, Scully. Is there anything above you that you can reach or hold onto?" "I don't think so." She looked up. "Rocks and sky, Mulder. That's it." "Okay." His voice was deceptively light. "Just hang on for another minute. I'm working as fast as I can up here." The plane shifted underneath her. She forced her voice to sound steady. "A minute might be pushing it, Mulder." His voice changed instantly, suddenly as shaky as she felt. "Well, grab something. Anything!" Her patience snapped. "For God's sake Mulder, if there was as much as a speck of dirt down here that I could hold on to, I'd be holding it! Grabbing something when you're falling is not a survival skill that slips your mind!" "Did I mention I'm working as fast as I can up here?" Fear and agitation gave way to a reluctant, tentative smile. "I think you mentioned it. Did I mention I'm holding my breath down here?" "Try not to think about it." Her sharp bark of laughter echoed lightly across the canyon. "Words to live by, Mulder. Now tell me not to look down, okay?" She'd already made that mistake once. Looked down into the emptiness that momentarily supported her. What was he doing up there? The wreckage groaned and slid forward, moving her another inch away from the mountain. She had no idea what he was working on overhead, but it didn't seem to be progressing very quickly. She looked beside her, hoping to find an indentation in the rock, a foothold she could maintain, a protrusion of any kind that she could grab to forestall the encroaching freefall into the rocks below. Several feet above her, thick rocks jutted outward from the mountainside, but they were too far out of her grasp. She had no way to reach them. "Hey, Scully? Let's talk about something." His voice pulled her back toward him, as though he had instinctively known the direction of her thoughts. He was trying to distract her. "What?" "When was the last time you saw a really good movie?" That did it. She was going to get the *hell* off of this cliff if for no other reason than to strangle Fox Mulder. Forget the knight in shining armor crap -- Special Agent Lancelot up there was *toast.* She carefully rose to her knees, testing the stability of the teetering plane before standing. She placed her tennis shoe against the loose dirt of the hillside and struggled for a foothold. The plane shifted and groaned. She froze. "Scully!" "I'm fine, Mulder." "Heads up." "What?" She looked up. *Thwack!* A heavy tangle of fabric hit her square in the face and she lost her equilibrium as the world went suddenly black. Momentarily knocked off balance, she clawed at the offending material, trying not to panic. It was Mulder's shirt. Tied to Mulder's pants. And t-shirt. Either he was trying to save her or he'd gone stark-raving mad. She didn't care; it was a lifeline. She grabbed the shirt and tugged, testing its strength. "Got it." The plane slid forward an inch, creeping down the mountainside. The underbelly of the plane screeched against stone, metal ripping with an almost human wail. Scully's heart ratcheted into doubletime as the world shifted beneath her feet. The plane was going down. "MULDER, GET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" She pushed to her tip toes and grabbed for the knot that held his shirt to his pants just as the plane gave one final lurch and disappeared from beneath her feet, taking a large hunk of the hillside with it. Suddenly, she was dangling over a 100 foot drop, with only Mulder's clothing between her and certain death. The bag looped over her neck and shoulder banged against her hip, almost causing her to lose her grip. She dug her fingers more tightly into the fabric of Mulder's shirt and held on for dear life. Breathe, Scully. She forced air into her lungs in slow, steady rhythm, drawing on her training to still the frantic cadence of her heart. It's a rope. A cliff. Basic obstacle course training, Agent Scully. You know the drill. Hand over hand. Up the makeshift rope, she followed perfect form. Knees tight, legs thrusting despite the screaming pain of her torn thigh. Her hands found the next knot, fingers curling in the soft white cotton of Mulder's undershirt. She brought her feet up, searching for the bottom knot to leverage herself upwards and momentarily take the weight off her aching arms. Her right foot caught and she heard a ripping sound as the fabric gave way beneath her. Her weight shifted, almost causing her to lose her grip on Mulder's t-shirt, but a frantic, scrambling second later, her feet found the knot. The bag thumped the back of her thigh as she steadied herself, and pain shot through her, taking her breath away as she dangled helplessly. She redistributed her weight and worked to shift the bag away from her leg and back toward her hip. Scully paused to catch her breath and pressed her forehead briefly against the soft cotton shirt as she regained control. Oh, God, it was still warm. A faint, male fragrance clung to it. Her head swam for a second, and she tightened her hold on the knot. "You okay, Scully?" "I'm fine, I'm fine." She took a deep breath and pushed upward. Slow. Steady. Hand over hand. She felt the rope moving slightly upward as she climbed. Mulder was pulling her, helping her along. She could see trees, she realized as she looked up to gauge her ascent. She was close. Closer than she had realized. She had gone past the t-shirt, on to his jacket. Peeking over the edge of the overhang was Mulder's blue and gray spotted tie, double looped and double-knotted. Just a scrap of material that didn't look all that sturdy, she realized. Especially considering the way the fabric was sliding back and forth against a sharp outcropping at the edge of the cliff. She imagined she could actually see the frayed fibers giving way one by one. She redoubled her efforts, scrambling upward. Just another couple of feet.... Suddenly, she was lurched up and forward. She grabbed for the side of the hill, clutching at the rocky protrusions at the edge of the cliff. Her hair fell forward into her eyes, blinding her for a second. Then hands circled her upper arms and hauled her up and over, dragging her to her feet and into the circle of warm, strong arms. She closed her eyes and leaned into his embrace, trapping the makeshift rope tightly between them as her arms wrapped around his waist. She rested her head against his chest, taking solace in the sound of his heartbeat underneath her--not the slow, steady beat of traditional reassurance, but the erratic thumping of panic that had mirrored her own. They stayed that way for some time, neither speaking. It was Mulder who broke the silence. "Are you sure you're okay, Scully? You're not hurt?" She hesitated. If she told him about her leg, he would worry, and there was nothing he could do. It wouldn't serve any purpose to tell him, she reasoned. So she didn't. "Just a couple scrapes and bruises." She answered from the cocoon of his arms, unwilling to relinquish her hold on him yet. He was so solid, wrapped around her, so whole and so real. She pressed her hands flat against his back, slowly rubbing the taut muscles. "I'm okay, Mulder," she breathed against his chest. "I'm okay." She felt him nod in silent agreement, his chin touching the top of her head. She was always amazed that he could make her feel so safe. She was a trained special agent. She could handle, HAD handled dangerous men twice her size. But this man had the power to make her feel safer, more protected than she had ever felt in her life. Just his presence was enough. Unthinking, she trailed her hands down to his sides, her fingertips moving slowly over bare skin. She felt him shiver and fleetingly wondered if it was due more to the scare they had had or her soft touches. She trailed her nails up and down his sides in a feathersoft touch and heard his sharp intake of breath. Question answered. Scully smiled into his chest. Her mind's focus on the day's events began to blur softly as she relaxed, her clear memories of the day fading into one another, blurring like wet watercolors until she had only a muted, hazy understanding of what had happened and how she came to be on this cliff in Mulder's arms. She didn't care; she didn't want to remember the details -- they would come rushing back later whether she wanted them to or not. This was enough for now. It was all she needed and everything she wanted. She concentrated on the sensation of Mulder's warm skin and soft breath enveloping her. How many of her days had been filled with too much blood and death and fear? She lost count years ago, because she was hardly fazed by it anymore. But today it had hit too close to home. Today had been an endless bombardment of ugly, harsh reality, and she just wanted to stand here and not think about it. Her hands rose toward Mulder's shoulders, kneading the tired muscles. She couldn't tune it out. God, she had come so close-- so close to losing everything. Mulder. Her family. Her life. Her fingertips moved slowly down to the small of his back, delighting in the feel of his bare skin. She traced light patterns on his hips, his thighs, his.... She froze as reality sank in. "Mulder?" He didn't move, and she was afraid to. "Yeah?" "You're naked." She felt him smile into her hair. "Thank you for noticing." End of part 4 Tempest, part 5 * * * * * * * 2:37 pm Scully jumped away from him, leaving the bulky cloth rope she had pinned between them to fall in a puddle at his feet. Then slowly, as if trying to give the appearance of utter nonchalance, she turned away from him, allowing him privacy to redress. The act was casual, but he'd seen the color staining her cheeks. Dr. Dana Scully, expert of forensic pathology, was flustered. He couldn't help grinning at the thought. It amazed him that she still had the capacity to blush after all they had seen and been through together -- by rights, she should have been as jaded and cynical and world-weary as he was. God, he loved the fact that she wasn't. He stooped to pick up his clothes, fumbling over the cloth knots for a starting place; they were all pulled tight from Scully's climb. "You should have said something." He could hear the censure in her voice. "I didn't exactly have time to consult you, Scully." "That's not what I meant." Even with his back to her, he could see the exasperation on her face. "I know what you meant." He frowned at the knot he was working, wishing again that he'd had the foresight to pack extra clothing. Scully had not only packed extra clothes, she'd had the presence of mind to change into them before climbing out of the plane. She never ceased to amaze him. The material finally moved apart, and he shook out the garments and stepped into his boxers and suit pants. "You can turn around now." She didn't, and he grinned at her absurd sense of decorum in the face of recent events. Tactfully, he changed the subject. "Were you able to use the radio?" "No. Everything was gone." "Well, there's no point in going after it," he said, tugging at the knot that connected his dress shirt and T-shirt. "If it was repairable before, it's certainly in a million pieces now." The knot gave way, and he slipped on the stretched cotton undershirt and tucked it into the waistband of his pants. He looked enviously at Scully's jeans. She would be a lot more comfortable during this misadventure than he was going to be. "We should probably get down there anyway, Mulder. Our chances of being seen are going to be a lot greater if we stay with the plane." "Exactly, which is why we don't need to be anywhere close to it." She turned around to look at him. "Why?" He put on his shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as he casually examined the gaping hole in the fabric. "Because we don't have any way of knowing whether or not Escabedo was behind the crash. At this point, and for our own safety, we have to assume he was. And if that's the case, he'll want confirmation -- he'll send someone to verify the remains...." "That's assuming that Escabedo was behind the engine failure, which we can't prove." "Are you willing to take that chance? You want to go back down there and just wait for whoever shows up?" "Mulder, I'm not saying I want to paint a bull's eye on my forehead and jump up and down. But staying within shouting distance of the wreckage would increase our odds of being found, and since the DEA has the flight plan and knows exactly where they lost contact with Davis, chances are that they'll be there before Escabedo even knows we're down." Mulder walked toward her, lowering his voice out of habit. "Okay, then think about this...if Escabedo *is* behind the crash, the first thing he's going to do is send someone to look for that plane. If we're not there, they're going to find Davis alone and start combing the woods for a runaway blond and her bodyguard. The longer we can make them believe that Lindsey Carrol is wandering around out here, the better chance the real Lindsey has to make it to trial." He reached out and fingered a strand of her auburn hair, rubbing it slowly between his thumb and fingers. "If they realize right away that Lindsey Carrol was never on that plane, they may or may not give up looking for *us* but they're going to head straight back to Atlanta and start combing for her all over again." He scanned her face, watching the play of emotions on her features as she considered his words. "You've given this some thought." He shrugged. "I thought about it while I was wandering around looking for you." Her eyes were unreadable to him. He thought he glimpsed a trace of anger in them, but he dismissed it without much thought. Why in the world would she be angry? "Okay," she said quietly. "On the off chance that you *are* right, I agree we shouldn't risk it. I guess the best thing we can do right now is to make it to the nearest ranger station and radio our position to someone we know we can trust." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Think there's any such person?" He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Oooh, a woman after my own heart. I love it when you're paranoid." He stooped down to pick up the canvas bag at her feet, shouldering it easily. She didn't smile back. She looked pale, tired.....distant. Hell, she looked positively irritable, he noted. "Something was still bothering her, he realized, and it had nothing to do with this case. The tension between them had been festering for days, and it started well before the Drug Enforcement Agency had come knocking. Mulder had no idea what it was, and judging by the look on her face, he wasn't sure he wanted to know. CrankyScully was not one of his favorite companions. He unzipped the bag and stuffed his coat into it, filling the nylon pouch to capacity before he closed it again. It hung awkwardly from his shoulder, too full now to be anything but cumbersome. He turned slowly in a circle, taking in the landscape. "Any idea which way to the nearest McDonald's?" His attempt at humor fell flat. Nothing. Not even a smile. "I don't have a clue, Mulder. But then I was hardly in a position to sightsee." "Well then I guess our best bet would be to head back up to the top of this ridge and see if we can spot any kind of lookout tower or ranger station." He turned and started up the path, turning after a few steps to make sure she was behind him. She was following quietly -- slowly. It seemed she was purposely keeping the distance between them, he noted, continuing up the rocky hillside. He looked over his shoulder and made one last attempt at conversation. "If we make the top of the ridge within an hour or so, we should have plenty of time to get started in the right direction before nightfall." "Fine." Her terse reply caught him off guard, but she didn't continue, and he didn't press it. Okay, Scully, he thought. We can play the quiet game for now. But sooner or later, you're going to tell me what's bugging you. We've got no one to talk to but each other. He fell quiet, concentrating on the rocky landscape, listening occasionally for the sounds of Scully following behind. She could have her way for now, he decided. They had a long afternoon ahead of them, and probably an even longer night; tomorrow was too far away to think about. * * * * * * * 6:36 pm It had been the longest day of Scully's life. Even without the crash it had been one long, foggy nightmare from which she couldn't awake; the crash had just been the final straw. She trudged along the rocky trail behind Mulder, keeping him in her sight, but not following too closely; she needed the distance. She hadn't realized how out of shape she had gotten since leaving the academy, and her injured leg wasn't helping her mobility any. One foot in front of the other, Scully, she told herself. Just like hiking up Grayson's Ridge with Charlie and Bill. Just watch the ground, step carefully, and put one foot in front of the other. Her muscles were screaming at her with every step. All right, already, she groaned, inwardly addressing her aching limbs. I promise I'll go to the gym more often if you'll just get me down from this mountain. Her answer was a flash of pain that shot down her neck and shoulders. Yeah, well, same to you, she told her traitorous body. She couldn't ask Mulder to stop. No, that wasn't the truth. She *wouldn't* ask -- there was a difference. They hadn't gone far enough to take a break; when they had, she would propose a brief stop. She caught a glimpse of him ahead of her, his work shirt discarded, T-shirt wet with perspiration, sticking to his back. The bag he had taken from her bounced easily against his side, obviously not bothering him in the least. It bothered Scully. It bothered her a lot. It bothered her that he had picked it up automatically, relieving her of a burden she hadn't asked to be relieved of. A burden, in fact, that she had fought tooth and nail to hold onto. He was always doing that, taking the lead, making decisions, setting the pace. He was always the senior agent to her novice; he was always the last word to her careful suggestion. He was always the adult treating her like a child. Well she wasn't a child, damn it, and she *wanted* her bag! God, he was such a ..... a *man* sometimes. She stumbled lightly on the loose rocks lining the hillside and fleetingly considered chucking one of the small pebbles toward him. A fiendishly childish act, to be sure, but one that would feel so good. A pine sprig slapped her in the face and she swatted it away, scraping her hand in the process. Tiny beads of blood surfaced on her skin, and she wiped them away on her jeans. Her jeans. Another perfect example of the Y chromosome at work. How in the hell could he have failed to notice that she had changed clothes? He was a Special Agent of the FBI, for God's sake. He had a photographic memory on top of that. And yet it somehow "slipped his notice" that her wardrobe changed completely from point-of-impact to site-of-rescue? Typical Mulder. Hell, it was *vintage* Mulder. Mulder and every other man in the world. They all had that annoyingly selective attention span. The one that let them tune out the sound of the telephone ringing off the hook right next to them, but allowed them to hear every bit of television sports commentary over the din of the civil defense siren blaring in the middle of a thunderstorm. She watched him up ahead, gaining higher ground, turning around every once in awhile to make sure she was following. Well she was. Hell, wasn't she always? That was *exactly* what she had become, she groused: a follower to his leadership. Mulder might not have noticed that she changed clothes, and obviously couldn't be bothered to notice she was limping, but by God, if there was a bag to be carried or a pace to be set, he would be the one to do both. And the worst part, she admitted, was that she had allowed it to get to this point. How many times had she acquiesced when she should have held her ground? How much of herself had she sacrificed to keep up with Mulder? Too much, she thought. And she was just beginning to realize how much she resented it. >From twenty yards ahead, Mulder paused and turned to face her. They were near the top, and it was obvious he had seen something; he was grinning like a boy scout on a nature hike. He looked totally invigorated. She felt completely drained. She climbed steadily toward him, thankful that the pain in her leg had been replaced by total numbness over an hour ago. She felt absurdly pleased with herself that she had kept him from noticing. It was her injury, her cross to bear. And she'd be damned if she'd give him control over her mobility. She reached him quietly, leaning against the roughened bark of a large pine tree to catch her breath. "There's a lookout tower halfway up the next ridge. We won't make it tonight, but we should be able to get there tomorrow. There may be a radio." Scully nodded. "You want to camp here tonight?" God please let him say yes, she thought. She'd managed okay for most of the day, but her leg was growing heavier and heavier with every step. She didn't know how much longer she could keep up with him. "I guess we ought to start thinking about making camp," he agreed. "We don't have a lot of options." She looked up at a sky resplendent in deep shades of pink and orange. It was later than she'd realized. "No, we don't," she readily agreed. Darkness would come fast, Scully knew, and when it came, it would be complete. Impenetrable. "I guess this is as good a place as any." He looked at the small clearing, sizing it up, finding it, ultimately to his satisfaction. "I'll go round up some firewood." He walked away into the lengthening shadows. Scully watched him go without a sound, sliding down the length of the tree trunk until she was sitting on the ground with her legs stretched out in front of her. She was too tired to muster any real indignation at his hunter/gatherer mentality. Mulder was the least of her problems now, she was beginning to realize. She had no sensation at all in her left leg, and while the numbness had served her well today, she knew it would be in worse shape tomorrow, after a night of inactivity. It was probably going to get infected. If so, she would know it tomorrow. "Then what," she whispered. "Then what will I do?" She didn't have an answer. And it scared the hell out of her. * * * * * * * 10:47 pm Flickering firelight danced in the blackness, leaping and stretching in a myriad of ways, illuminating those objects closest to the campfire, encompassing them within an illusion of light and safety. But beyond the small circle of orange warmth, the liquid radiance spread slow, deep shadows into the unfamiliar woods, dissolving far too quickly into the larger, smothering darkness of the Appalachian wilderness. Stretched out on the forest floor on a blanket of pine needles, Scully shifted uncomfortably, trying yet again to concentrate on Mulder's incessant rambling, unable to focus on anything beyond the all-consuming pain in her left leg. She rolled onto her left side and breathed a sigh of relief as the wretched burning subsided. "Don't you think, Scully?" "Uh huh." She had no idea what she was agreeing with. Why couldn't she sleep? Was it the darkness? The stillness? They'd never really bothered her before, and she'd camped dozens of times as a child. She stifled an urge to fluff the twigs underneath her, knowing that no matter how she patted and arranged them, they would never transform into her big soft bed at home. Instead, she pushed the image of home from her mind and pulled her jacket up snugly underneath her chin like a blanket, crossing her arms underneath it. It covered her from chin to hips in the front, leaving the small campfire to warm her legs. The comforting warmth she felt lightly against her back, was Mulder. "....was that how you interpreted it?" Oh. He was talking to her now. "Um, yeah. That was pretty much how I interpreted it." Mulder seemed satisfied with her response, because he began the droning again. God, she'd never been this tired in her life. So why couldn't she sleep? She was warm, she was exhausted, she was relatively safe, given that both she and Mulder were armed. If they *were* approached by an animal, despite their meager campfire, they could easily defend themselves. The sound of Mulder's voice behind her began to grate on her nerves. It seemed he had been talking ever since they had finished their dinner. Dinner. Ha. That was a laugh. Five miniature Three Musketeers bars each and one shared bottle of Evian. Not the most nutritiously balanced mean she'd ever had, but her stomach hadn't cared. At the time it seemed nothing had ever tasted better. Even the lukewarm water was exceptionally good. Water. They needed water. They would have to find a water source soon; the small six pack of Evian was going fast. What kind of National Park was this where there wasn't even a meandering brook, she wondered? Behind her, Mulder continued his monologue. "...if that's okay with you." "That's fine with me, Mulder." She hoped it was. Damn, her leg hurt. I should tell him, she thought. He'll be angry if I don't tell him. But her pride still refused to let her say the words. Oh, who gives a shit if he's angry, she decided at last. It's not like he can do anything about it. And telling him will only give him more reason to act like he needs to make all the decisions and I can't do anything for myself. She nodded in the darkness, pleased to have won the argument with herself. He should have known anyway, she thought unreasonably. She always knew when *he* wasn't well. She was suddenly aware of the silence. Was he waiting for her to say something? "I'm sorry, Mulder, what did you say?" He didn't respond. "Mulder?" Finally, the steady sound of deep breathing answered her, and she was filled with an overwhelming sense of resentment. Sleeping. The son of a bitch was sleeping. One minute they were having a conversation, and the next minute he was off in slumberland. Okay, she conceded, maybe she hadn't exactly been holding up her end of the conversation this evening, but if he had an ounce of common sense, he'd know why. He should know why, she groused. She frowned into the darkness. Unbelievable. Even his subconscious ditched her. Scully closed her eyes, calling up comforting visions of home and family. She could rest, at least. She could lay here and relax and think about getting out of this entire DEA fiasco. And if sleep continued to elude her, she would deal with the fatigue tomorrow, and Mulder would be predictably oblivious. A cool breeze swept over her face, caressing her cheek and ruffling her hair. She shivered, snuggling down under her jacket and curling her legs up as far as she could without hurting herself. She inched back towards Mulder in search of the warmth his body provided, pressing her back tighter against his. She found the warmth she sought, but not the comfort. The comfort was gone, taken away without warning. The comfort was sleeping. Her leg began to ache again, and Scully bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning as she steeled herself against the hot sensations. Eventually, through the haze of pain, her subconscious began to beckon her toward the soft void of sleep, and in her mind, Scully walked toward the dreamscape slowly, almost painfully. And alone. Always alone. End of Part 5 Tempest, part 6 * * * * * * * 3:37 am He was cold. No matter what he did, he couldn't get warm. He stood, sick and trembling outside Scully's door, praying he would still be standing when she opened it. The door swung open suddenly and he stumbled inside, off-balance as she reached out to steady him. "Oh. Mulder." Her arms went around him. "Thank God." He felt sick. And fuzzy. There was so much blood. They would think he did it. They would think he killed his father. Scully reached a cool hand toward his face, gasping as she made contact with his skin. "Look at you. You're sick." She closed the door and reached for the zipper of his jacket, yanking it downward in an effort to take it from him. "Let's get this coat off." Didn't she know he was cold? He was so cold. He just wanted to sit down. "No, I'm okay." He slumped into the chair beside her door. "No, don't." She pulled him up. Why wouldn't she let him rest? "I want you to lie down." He moved toward the chair again. "Don't," she repeated. "I want you to lie down. Come on, take your coat off." She unhooked the zipper of his jacket and pulled it from him. He gave up this time, shrugging out of it. He would just have to be cold. "We have to find them, Scully." She didn't seem to be listening. She pushed him ahead of her down the hall and into her bedroom. Everything was blurry. *He* felt blurry. She guided him toward the bed and he sat down, craving the coolness of her hands as she stroked his face and the back of his neck. She leaned him back toward the pillows, her silken touch everywhere on him. She would take care of him. She would take care of everything. He stretched out on her bed and she walked away from him suddenly. She was leaving. Scully, don't leave me. Dad, don't leave me. His father was gone. He struggled to a sitting position, ignoring the dizziness that engulfed him. He looked down the hall where Scully had disappeared. "We've got to find out who killed my father." And then magically, she was back. Her hand closed around the back of his neck and eased him back to the pillow. "Well right now, you need to rest," she told him, placing a cool cloth on his forehead. It felt good. It made him feel better. "Rest," Scully whispered. She sounded far away. She sounded so tired. He didn't want to rest. "It's okay," he heard her breathe close to his ear. "It's okay." He slept, and the coldness left him. He was unaware when she had joined him in bed. He only knew that at some point in the night, she had begun to talk in her sleep. "I'm okay," she whispered. "I'm okay, Mulder." He rolled over onto his side, taking in the pallor of her face. She was trembling all over. She didn't look okay. She looked cold. He reached out to touch her cheek, surprised to find it unnaturally hot. Scully's eyelids fluttered below the damp cloth on her forehead. Had she been sick? She must be sick. "I'm cold, Mulder." Her skin was so hot. What was wrong with her? He couldn't see anything wrong with her. But the bed began to shake from the force of her trembling, and she began to moan softly in her sleep. He reached out for her, and she sighed when he touched her. Feeling reassured that he was doing the right thing, he gathered her to him, ignoring the heat of her skin, and wrapped himself around every inch of her as she trembled from cold he couldn't feel, and battled demons he couldn't see. Slowly, the shudders that racked her body began to subside, and she relaxed against him. He felt unbelievably tired now. Scully sighed and rolled over on top of him, sleeping peacefully at last with one arm stretched up around his neck and the other curled under her chin like a small child. She weighed nothing, he thought, nothing at all. Almost as if she wasn't there. He was dreaming. He knew it then. But he didn't want to pull himself out of it. He wasn't ready to let it go. Instead, he anchored himself tighter into the dream, wrapping his arms around the small waist of his dream Scully, content merely to be next to her, even within the innocence of sleep. * * * * * * * 6:46 am The unusually loud song of birds close by broke through the thin veil of sleep that covered Scully, pulling her softly into the vague awareness of morning consciousness. Eyes closed, she reached her right arm out in a slow languid stretch. Lord, she was tired, and her bed felt so good, she just wanted to sleep all day. But the unmistakable light of day was evident even through closed eyelids, and Scully knew she had to get up. Her alarm would probably go off any minute. Her alarm? Her alarm hadn't gone off. Since when did her bed smell like Mulder? She opened her eyes, squinting away the morning glare, and blinking rapidly against the unrelenting sunshine. She was outside. The crash came back to her in a wave, wiping away every trace of sleepiness. She was miraculously alive...and she was lying completely on top of a sleeping Fox Mulder. At some point during the night, she had rolled over on top of him and obviously found him more comfortable than the twigs she had gone to sleep on. Not an inch of her touched the ground. Her left arm was straight down beside her, resting along the length of his torso, her right arm was curled under her chin. Her legs were stretched down the length of his, the toes of her shoes pointing in toward each other at Mulder's shins. Bit by bit, Scully's awareness of her body came fully into focus. Her growling stomach was the first to complain. She was ravenous. Nothing she could do about that one. Her head hurt. Damn. There was nothing worse than a morning headache -- they were the hardest to get rid of. But at least she had some aspirin in her bag somewhere. Next? She *really* had to go to the bathroom. There was only one way to take care of that one. She sighed. Slowly, trying desperately not to disturb Mulder, she put her hand down on the ground beside him and attempted to raise herself. She failed miserably. Not only could she not lift her body from his, she realized with horror...she couldn't move at all. Not an inch. Nothing. She was one big sore muscle -- completely immobile. Move, damn it, she commanded her body. Oh God, she thought, don't let him wake up and find me like this. One by one, she began carefully testing her limbs, flexing and relaxing her muscles to gauge the damage. It didn't look good. Her arms were stiff and sore, her back was aching already. She couldn't seem to move her legs at all. Concentrating intensely, she managed to bend her right leg, dropping her foot over the side of Mulder's leg, feeling a twinge of hope that she could eventually work her way off of him bit by methodical bit. The stiffness she would worry about later. Her optimism was short lived however. Her body straining with every movement, she inadvertently pressed her hips hard into Mulder's as she fought for control of her muscles. And Mulder's body responded instantly. She went completely still, trying not notice the growing hardness underneath her, but her own body's response made it impossible. Her mouth went dry, her nipples hardened against his chest. Her heart began to pound furiously. Not good, she thought. This is not good. The only thing that kept her from being completely mortified was the knowledge that his body reacted to hers of its own volition, while he continued to sleep. As if on cue, the birds began their morning song again, louder than any birds Scully had ever heard, loud enough to wake the dead, she thought. Loud enough to wake Mulder. No, no no, Scully thought frantically. Shut up. But the aria was in full swing. Mulder's arm went around her waist and hugged her gently. Oh God. Dreading what she knew she was going to see, Scully lifted her head, groaning with the effort, and found herself staring straight into Fox Mulder's very wide awake hazel eyes. His body surged underneath her, and she felt the heat in her cheeks as she realized she was completely incapable of rolling off of him. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. She simply stared at him. She'd never been in a more awkward position -- and she'd never been more aroused in her life. He didn't say a word. He didn't make a move toward her, even as his body continued talk to hers. His breathing was as shallow as her own, she noted, and he swallowed hard a couple of times. After what seemed an eternity, he lifted his head from the ground, his face drawing closer, his lips nearing hers. She readied herself for the inevitable contact as his arm tightened around her waist. "Ooh!" She couldn't suppress the cry of surprise as Mulder sat up without warning and rolled her off of him in a single fluid motion. Her bottom hit the ground with a solid thump, sending waves of pain to every muscle in her body. Before she could even process what had just happened, he had disappeared into the surrounding trees. Pressed against the rough terrain, her injured leg felt like it was on fire, and it was the motivation to alleviate that agony that finally prompted Dana Scully to stagger to her feet, wincing with every movement. She looked toward the trees where Mulder had disappeared and began limping slowly in the other direction to attend her own private needs. Above her, the mockingbirds whistled shrilly, their loud unceasing song beginning to grate on her nerves. "Obnoxious little bastards," she muttered. She wouldn't think about Mulder, she told herself. She wouldn't give a second thought to what had almost happened. It was obvious his arousal had been induced by sleep and her intimate contact -- not because he wanted her. She looked down at her dirty jeans and her scratched hands, wishing desperately for a toothbrush to eliminate a few of the tiny little sweaters that seemed to cover her teeth. Gosh, Mulder, she thought, pulling a leaf from her hair. What's not to want? The sound of her bitter laughter rang clear through quiet mountain morning. Overhead, the birds laughed back. * * * * * * * 7:03 am Mulder was already back in the clearing, pacing restlessly when she returned. She walked carefully toward him, determined not to show the pain that coursed through her with every step. It would get better, she promised herself. She would walk out the stiffness and it would get better. She hadn't looked at the wound this morning. Her makeshift bandage was still firmly in place, and she knew if she had taken the time to unwrap and examine it, Mulder would have come looking for her. Since she couldn't clean it anyway, she had left it alone. It wasn't worth the argument it would cause if he knew. He turned to face her as she approached, seemingly oblivious to her discomfort, and she was relieved. When she realized he wasn't going to bring up their early morning encounter, she was doubly relieved. Then she got her first good look at him, and her relief turned to alarm. "Mulder! Oh my God, your face!" The purple bruise high on his cheekbone had escaped her notice this morning when he had lifted his head, and his hair had covered the deep scratches on his forehead. "It's nothing," he told her. "Doesn't even hurt." He winced slightly as she pushed his hair out of the way to get a better look. "Liar." His lips twitched. "Okay. It hurts a little. But not nearly as much as my shoulder. How are *you* feeling this morning?" She ignored the question. "Your shoulder?" "I'm fine, Scully." "Uh huh. Let me check it." He sighed. "How come it works when *you* say it?" She chuckled. "Because you're a wise man." She walked around to stand behind him. "Right or left?" "Left," he replied. "It's just bruised, Scully. I think I probably landed on it yesterday." "Take your shirt off, and let me look at it," she ordered. He complied without comment, wincing as her fingers probed the sensitive area on his back. "Well, it's ten shades of purple, and it'll probably be fifteen shades of blue and green before it's done, but I don't think anything's separated or torn." She walked back to face him, indicating he could redress. "It's going to be awfully sore though. I think you better take it easy today, Mulder," she told him casually. "Don't over do anything. Pace yourself today." Smooth, Scully, she congratulated herself. Make him slow down and think he's doing it for himself. You are good, you know that? "It doesn't hurt when I walk, Scully. I'm fine. Are you ready to go?" Damn. "I think so," she sighed. "Just let me get the bag." Mulder began kicking dirt over the black ashes of what had been their campfire, as Scully walked toward the canvas bag, mentally taking inventory of the contents. Their limited supplies weren't going to support them longer than a day, she knew. She picked up the bag and shouldered it, absently patting the side of it. It wasn't much, but it was all they had. Two more meals worth of Three Musketeers, and enough bottled water to last the day if they were frugal. Aside from that, they were painfully short on anything remotely helpful. Their jackets, the antibiotic cream and syringe of Demerol, a lighter she had thrown in as an afterthought when she saw it in the plane, and Mulder's glasses. Mulder's glasses. Oh God. Where were they? She had wrapped them in her jacket before leaving the plane, but then she had slept under her jacket last night and she hadn't seen them. Where were they? She pulled the bag around to the front and unzipped it, pawing through it roughly, removing her wadded up jacket and Mulder's to get a better look inside. The glasses were gone. She had no idea what had happened to them. She'd lost them, she thought, somewhat dazed. She'd managed to save them from the wreckage only to lose them within a day. She blinked hard, embarrassed to realize she was close to tears. She wasn't a crier. Dana Scully had never been a crier. But she'd never been in a plane crash before, either, she consoled herself. It was stress. That had to be it. Just stress. She sniffed and blinked back the last of her remorse, pulling out the antibiotic cream and returning the rest of the items to the bag. She and Mulder had both lost things in the crash -- clothing, personal items, paperwork. It could all be replaced -- even his glasses. She just wouldn't tell him she had ever taken them from the plane. It seemed less of a failure that way. Somewhat mollified, she zipped the bag and turned to her partner. "Here," she said, waving the tube of cream at him. "Let me put some of this on your forehead before we go. He nodded allowing her to administer the ointment liberally before returning it to the bag. "Okay," he told her, breaking the short silence that had fallen between them. "We're heading west now, and I figure from the last point where we could see the lookout tower that we're about a good ten or eleven miles from it. We won't know for sure until we crest the next hill, but for now, let's just head this way. Hopefully we'll find a stream or a river before lunch time. Okay?" She sighed, looking through the trees at a day's worth of mosquitoes and discomfort. Fuck it, she wanted to say. "I'm ready if you are," she said. Mulder turned and walked easily into the trees. Limping slightly after her long-legged partner, she left the clearing without a look back. It hadn't been an outright lie, she thought -- she was as ready as she was going to get today. Mulder just didn't have a clue how "not ready" that was. End of Part 6 Tempest, part 7 * * * * * * * 1:13 pm Mulder swatted away an errant pine branch and winced as the needles added yet another jagged scratch to his hand. He ran his knuckles across the fabric of his pants, wiping away the blood beginning to bead. Sweat ran down the back of his neck and disappeared into the damp fabric of his T-shirt. It was too goddamned hot for barely being May. Wasn't it supposed to be cool in the mountains? As Scully followed several steps behind him, lost in her own thoughts and observations, Mulder continued walking down the sloping landscape, slipping now and then on the overlapping piles of fallen leaves. Occasionally, there were squirrels and rabbits that bounded across his path. Once, he saw a snake. He hadn't mentioned that one to Scully. She hated snakes, and with the mood she was in now, he just wasn't sure how she would have taken it. He was beginning to feel discouraged. Despite the hours they'd been walking, they weren't making good progress at all. His muscles were screaming at him with every step, and although she hadn't mentioned it, Scully was obviously faring even worse. She was limping noticeably, stumbling along several paces behind him. He'd slowed down automatically when he realized she was struggling to keep up. Not that she'd been forthcoming about it. Oh no, not stoic Special Agent Scully. She hadn't complained once -- hadn't really said anything at all outside of basic small talk when they'd stopped for lunch -- but Mulder knew something was eating away at his partner, and she stubbornly refused to tell him what it was. At first, he had thought she was hiding an injury from him. But the longer she kept her silence, the more certain he became that it had something to do with their uncomfortable encounter that morning. Uncomfortable? Hell, that was the understatement of the decade. Waking up with the soft inviting form of Dana Scully stretched out prone like a blanket on top of him was hardly uncomfortable -- it was exquisite. He hadn't awakened to a hard-on that intense since high school. And judging from the look on Scully's face this morning, she'd been horrified at his body's response. Now she was keeping her distance. It wasn't like he'd done it on purpose, he rationalized; some things were just automatic. Still, he knew first hand how seriously Scully took her professionalism. Her status with the Bureau depended on it. As a woman, and a small, attractive woman at that, she had to be on guard all the time. Mulder knew the ugly truth that Scully fought so hard against: men take advantage at every opportunity. Did Scully think that about him now? That he had tried to take advantage? That he had propositioned her? Christ. *Had* he propositioned her? There had been a moment when he wasn't sure. They had stared at each other, neither saying a word, but the reality of their position was all too evident to them both. The truth was, he could have broken the contact sooner...but then so could she. He honestly hadn't been sure what he was seeing in her expression, and so he had waited, hoping she would say or do something that would give him a clue as to what his next move should be. In a way, she had. Her silence had ultimately moved him to roll her off of him before he humiliated himself completely. But one word...just one...and things might have been different. What had she been thinking, he wondered. Why hadn't she said anything? And why, he asked himself, was he agonizing over something that hadn't been his fault? She could have moved. She could have broken the silence. The silence. Scully was a paradigm of it lately. This morning had just been one more piece of the unending jigsaw puzzle that had become their relationship. He didn't know where he stood with her anymore, and it was really beginning to piss him off. He stopped walking. God, it just hit him this very second. He really was pissed off. Scully had been acting strangely for days now and treating him as though he should know exactly what was going through her mind. Well he didn't know how to read minds, and he surely wouldn't hazard a guess as to what was going through one as paradoxical as Dana Scully's. No. She was going to have to tell him. Spell it out. Come clean. And he would pry it out of her tonight if he had to use a fucking crowbar. She owed him that much. She did. "Mulder?" Her voice startled him. "Huh?" "What's wrong?" That's the million dollar question, isn't it, he thought. "Nothing," he told her. "I was waiting for you to catch up." Her lips thinned. "Sorry to have held you up." If she was looking for an apology, she wasn't going to get one. "No problem," he told her, turning to start back down the path, ignoring the surprised look on her face. He took several steps before he heard her make a move to follow. Oh yeah, he thought, slapping another pine branch out of his way. Tonight it was going to be resolved one way or another. And he really didn't give a shit whether or not she was ready to talk about whatever it was. He was ready enough for both of them. * * * * * * * 3:42 p.m. Scully really needed to stop long enough to get a good look at the back of her leg. She could feel the wetness seeping through the bandage and into the fabric of her jeans. Oozing wetness wasn't good, wasn't good at all. If she could see it, she could verify the infection -- gauge how long she had before the situation became critical. Losing her leg was a real possibility, she knew, and it all hinged upon the amount of tissue damage she sustained before beginning antibiotic treatment. Another wave of acid burning pain shot down her limb and she moaned softly. She had to be realistic. Losing her leg was only one of the extreme possibilities that was becoming less and less extreme with every passing second. Left untreated under these conditions, the cut could easily be life-threatening. She needed to look at it. She needed to, but she wouldn't. God forbid Special Agent Chuck Yeager up ahead be forced to wait for her again. No, she could go as long as he could. She'd wait for *him* to stop. To hell with complaining -- she was her father's daughter. She could endure. A waist-high cluster of golden wildflowers caught her eye and she brushed her fingertips lightly across the soft petals. She loved the velvety softness of flounders. It was lovely at the beach this time of year. She straightened and shook her head. Where had that come from? She looked ahead. Mulder was farther away than she realized. With a deep groan, she limped after him. The pain really wasn't so bad once she made up her mind to ignore it, she thought. The weather was nice, and the sun was casting the most interesting shadows all around her. Some of them actually moved. Weird. She'd never noticed that before -- it must be a mountain thing, she decided. She tripped on a rock and took a small skip to regain her footing. She laughed out loud, and the sound seemed far away. She hadn't skipped since she was a little girl. Skipping. Hopscotch. Missy's childish voice came floating back to her. You're out, Dana. You stepped on the line. I did not. Did too. Did not. You're such a baby! You're such a pukeface. You're a butthole. Mom! Missy called me a butthole! Missy called me the night she was killed. The phone rang shrilly. Don't answer, Mom. There's been an accident. Melissa was shot. Shot. C'mon Dana. Do another shot. The tequila burned her throat as she swallowed and placed the slice of lemon in her mouth. The party was in full swing. How long will your folks be out of town? You're going out of town again? Her mother's voice was reproachful. I have to, Mom. That's part of my job. Agent Mulder sees more of you than I do these days. Well we're even, Mom -- I see just as much of him. Do you enjoy the view? MOM! It's a nice view, she thought dreamily, staring at the slightly blurry backside of her partner several yards ahead of her. Such a nice ass, she marveled. It was an ass that should be carved into the side of a mountain somewhere 200 feet tall people could make pilgrimages to it on vacation. Mt. Muldermore. And that was her professional opinion too. She was a doctor -- she knew about these things. Great ass. World class ass. Mom! Dana's cussing! She keeps saying "ass." Did not! Did too! Did not! Did too! Liar! Tattletale! Tattle...tattle... battle...rattle...rattlesnakes? Her brother's voice now, so close by. Very, very close by. A rattlesnake can kill you within 20 minutes if it bites you more than once. She hated snakes. Hated them. Mulder hated bugs. But he had liked the bug girl. What was her name? Fluffy? Barbie? No. Baaaaaambi. That was it, she scoffed. Hmph. Real people weren't named Bambi. Nobody was *really* named Bambi. Fucking deer. She hated Bambi. It was her least favorite Disney movie. Disney. Pbbbbbbbbbt. What was WITH all those little characters losing their parents? What kind of freakin' sadist WAS that Walt Disney, anyway? Bambi, Dumbo, Ariel, Simba, and oh...that little Jungle Book kid in the loincloth. She wished she was wearing a loincloth. She was too damn hot to be traipsing around out here in the bright sun. She'd feel better if she could rest. Just a few minutes. The world spun around her, making her stomach lurch like she was on a roller coaster. Whee. Free ride. She almost giggled at the thought, then sobered as her equilibrium returned with the slightest bit of mental acuity. She'd made a mistake keeping her injury from Mulder. She should have told him. He was going to be angry. Are you mad at me Mom? Her mother's hand still held the crumpled note from Mrs. Allegro. I'm not mad, Dana. I'm disappointed in you. Tears begin to slip down Dana's cheeks. I think I'd rather have you mad at me. So long ago. So far away. Mulder was so far away. He looked to be miles ahead of her now. Why didn't he see she wasn't there? He was leaving her. He was leaving her alone. She could keep up better is she didn't have to drag around this heavy bag. Why wasn't Mulder carrying the bag? He should have been carrying the bag. It was so heavy. I didn't mean to drop it, Missy. I just wanted to look at it. I didn't know it was heavy. More tears. Comforting arms around her. It's okay, honey. Don't cry. I didn't like that figurine anyway...I'm gonna get a crystal one that matches my room. One that matches... You're not supposed to play with matches, Bill. You're gonna get it if Daddy catches you. Who's gonna tell him, Dana Raina? Matches start forest fires -- my teacher said so. So I won't go near the forest. Don't go near the forest. Don't go near the forest. My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump. You can't be serious, Mulder. *Everyone* has seen Forrest Gump. I keep meaning to get around to it, I just haven't had time. The thoughts swirled through her foggy mind. No time. No time. Running out of time. Wasted time. Tired. So tired. So much blood. Alone now. No Mulder. Mulder was gone. Through tear-filled eyes, Scully scanned the wooded landscape. When did she fall so far behind? She'd completely lost sight of Mulder and not even realized it. How long ago had it been? Seconds? Five minutes? An hour? She had no concept of time. Everything was distorted and wobbly. Everything moved. Even the ground was moving. Was she moving? She wasn't moving. When had she stopped moving? She stood, wavering on unreliable legs, and lifted her face into the soft breeze met her from the east. Which way were they walking again? She didn't know, and she'd never figure it out without Mulder. She hadn't been paying attention. "Scully!" Mulder's voice reached her distantly, like the cry of a small animal imagined through the roar of a summer storm. She spun around, looking for a sign of him, seeing nothing but trees. The sudden movement stole the last of her balance, and she knew she was going to fall. Her knees buckled and she pitched forward, scraping her palms across the rock-strewn ground as she broke her fall. She ignored the pain in her hands. All she could feel was the pain in her leg. "Scully!" Mulder's voice was closer now. "I'm here." She yelled the words, but her voice resounded in her head as the thinnest of whispers. He found her anyway. Struggling to stand despite the heart-stopping agony of her leg, she suddenly found herself looking directly at his outstretched hand. She slapped it away. "I don't need your help." Her words sounded thick...not like her own voice at all. "Scully what is going on?" he asked as she dragged herself to her feet. "Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" "There's nothing wrong," she mumbled. "I need some privacy, Mulder." She hobbled off toward the trees. "Scully?" "Just give me a minute. I'm fine." She straightened her back and walked slowly and deliberately away from her partner, praying with every step she took, that she hadn't lied to him. But in her heart she knew the truth. Fine was the very last thing she was. End of part 7 Tempest, part 8 * * * * * * * Mulder watched Scully wobble into the heavily wooded area, waiting until she was well in front of him before he began to follow. He'd known something was wrong for a long time, but he had hoped she would confide in him what it was. From the way she'd shoved his hand away when he tried to help her up, he felt pretty sure that the admission was not forthcoming. Watching her limp away from him with agonizing deliberation, he was equally sure he'd finally put all the pieces together. She'd been hurt in the crash. God, it was so obvious now. She'd been hurt and she'd hidden it from him and he'd been a fucking asshole for not figuring it out sooner. Well he was going to know all about it now, or they wouldn't take another step. Dana Scully wasn't the only one who knew how to issue an ultimatum. Without a sound, he followed the path she had taken, closing the gap between them. He found her half-dressed, leaning against the trunk of a large tree as she tried to unwind a makeshift bandage from around her left leg. Her face was drawn and pale, streaked with dirt where her tears had rolled down her cheeks. She'd been crying? He could count on one hand the number of times he'd seen Scully in tears. If she'd been crying, it was worse than he'd anticipated. He cursed himself for every kind of fool that he hadn't called her on her erratic behavior earlier. He should have known she was covering. He should have, but he hadn't. In silence, he stood behind her, watching in amazement as she unraveled more and more of the bloody bandage from her thigh. Her shuddery breath caught in a muffled sob, and his heart twisted at the sound; she didn't want him to hear her cry. He shook his head, dumbfounded by what he was seeing. She was still trying to keep it from him, still trying to keep the pace that he had set for them both -- a pace that he had complained more than once was too slow. Now he knew why. God, he was an jerk sometimes. He walked toward her quietly, not drawing her attention until he was standing almost beside her. A twig snapped underfoot as he approached her and she jumped as if she'd been shot, looking at him with a guilty expression that quickly transformed into one of irritation. "Don't you ever knock, Mulder?" Hostile. She was definitely hostile. He was unfazed by her attitude. "The door was open," he replied quietly. His eyes were fixed on the bandage she held loosely in her hands. There was blood. A lot of blood. "Jesus, Scully," he breathed. "Why didn't you say something?" "It's nothing, Mulder," she told him, trying to rewrap her leg before he could see otherwise. "I just need a few minutes, that's all." He closed the rest of the distance between them, fully taking in for the first time the pallor on her face. She was almost grey. "Nothing, huh? Is that why you fell back there? Because it's nothing?" His voice rose in anger. "Is that why you look like you're about to pass out now? Because it's nothing?" The words sounded angrier than he meant for them to. "For God's sake, Mulder, I'm a doctor. I've looked at it -- it's nothing. And I'm not about to faint." She glared at him, but the attitude didn't disguise the pain in her eyes. He didn't bite. "Sit down," he ordered. "I want to look at it." He gave her a look that dared her to argue, and she complied without comment, awkwardly easing herself down beneath the tree, leaning against it with a tired sigh as she stretched her legs out in front of her. He crouched down, untying and removing her shoes, tugging lightly on the legs of her jeans to pull them off completely. They slid easily from her shapely legs and he tossed them aside absently as she shifted her weight onto her right hip, giving him access to her left leg. There was not a hint of self-consciousness in her actions, no misplaced modesty for the fact that she sat before him clad only in a T-shirt and bikini panties. She looked resigned. Tired. Sick. He felt ill himself. He began to unwrap the bandage from her upper leg. Layer by layer the thin cloth came away from the wound, until at last he had revealed the entire length of the fiendish cut that ran down her thigh. He looked at it closely, steeling himself to maintain a scientifically-detached scrutiny. He wanted to throw up. The deep, jagged cut was crusted with dried blood around the edges, but the center of the wound oozed freely, a combination of blood and dirt that Mulder knew was a haven for infection. Already, the skin around the cut was red and puffy, making the edges of the wound pucker upward, widening the gash. "It's bad, isn't it?" Scully whispered. Her head was turned away, her gaze averted. She could easily have twisted far enough to see the cut herself, but she didn't try and he was glad. However it might have looked when she dressed it, he didn't think she had the stomach to see it now. He certainly didn't. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "Is it infected?" He considered lying to her, but it would have been pointless. She would know. She *did* know. She was only asking for confirmation. He ran a hand tiredly across his stubbled cheek. "Yeah. It's infected." She nodded silently, and began to stand, groaning softly as she shifted her weight onto a leg he knew she had no business standing on, but he couldn't think of a rational argument for telling her that, so he said nothing. She moved slowly, unsteadily reaching for her discarded jeans. "Wait," he told her, stopping her with an upraised hand. "What?" "I think we ought to put a clean dressing on that before we do anything else." "I don't have anything to dress it with, Mulder." He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off. "Here. We'll use this. I still have my T-shirt." She looked doubtful. "Don't argue," he warned. "Sit." She shrugged her compliance and sat back down. Mulder ripped the shirt into strips, his mind racing. Bad. This was more than bad. Why hadn't she said something. Goddammit, she should have said something. And he was mad as hell about the fact that she hadn't, but that conversation would have to wait. He dug the antibiotic cream and last bottle of water from the bag and crouched behind her. "I'm gonna pour some water on it, Scully, and see if I can wipe some of the dirt away. Then I'll put some cream on it." She sniffed and nodded resolutely, gasping audibly when he touched the tender skin around the cut. But she didn't cry out. Not once. Not when he dabbed at it with the corner of the shirt, and not when he touched the jagged edges of the wound with the thick ointment from the tube. He would have felt better if she'd cried or screamed. Her stoicism only made him feel like a heel for hurting her -- like she'd just resigned herself to the torture. When he tied the last section of the meager thin bandage, he didn't know who was more relieved. "So what do we do now?" He helped her to her feet. She looked completely out of it. "Well, nothing's changed since this morning, Mulder." Her words were slow, but lucid. She stepped into her jeans with his help and slowly eased them up over her hips, wincing as the thick denim touched the bandage. "My leg was hurt then; it's hurt now. I can keep going." She zipped her jeans and stepped into her tennis shoes, walking slowly toward him. "I can make it to the watch tower. Surely we're getting close by now." "Scully you're not in any condition to be hiking down a mountainside!" His voice was loud and rough. "Well I wasn't in any condition to be hiking down a mountainside this morning either, but it didn't kill me, did it?" "Not yet, it didn't," he growled. "But it sure as hell didn't do you any good!" "Well then you tell me what the alternative is, Mulder," Scully shot back. "because I'm sure as hell not gonna sit here and do nothing while you wander around out here by yourself under the guise of being chivalrous and going for help." She crossed her arms and glared at him. "You know damn well I wouldn't be chivalrous and go for help!" he snapped. Her eyebrows rose and the corners of her mouth twitched. "You know what I mean," he corrected in a softer tone. "Yes, I know what you mean, Mulder," she told him with a small smile. But she didn't let him off the hook. "I'm serious, Mulder. We're not splitting up. I'm not going to perish alone out here from hunger or wolves or infection..." "Don't forget hitmen," he added helpfully. "...or hitmen," she amended without skipping a beat, "because you felt the need to play hero to my damsel in distress. Staying put won't help anything at this point. We've both seen the cut -- obviously I can't afford to wait around. I have nothing to lose and hopefully something to gain by continuing to walk down this mountain, injured leg or not. So the only question is why we're standing here wasting time." He sighed. "Okay. You win." He picked up the shoulder bag and looked around them, getting his bearings. "We'll take it slow, and we'll stop whenever you need to, okay?" She nodded. "As long as I don't have to bend over or jog, I'll be fine. I've come this far; another half a day isn't going to faze me." She smiled at him. "Hey, I've survived giant flukeworms, satanic cults, pyromaniacs, liver-eating mutants, my own abduction, and a plane crash. I think I can walk a few more hours on a cut leg." And he almost believed her. He might have believed her, if she hadn't walked around to face him and placed her hand on his arm in a gentle, if hesitant gesture. "Mulder?" Her voice was soft. "What?" He answered her just as quietly. "Will you do something for me before we go?" He looked down at her, hating the stress and pain that showed on her face. Hating the evidence of anxiety that had become far too familiar when he looked at her. He was suddenly overwhelmed by the need to offer her some modicum of comfort or reassurance. Lend her his strength. Whatever she wanted from him, at that moment, he would have moved heaven and earth to make it so. "Sure." She lifted one leg toward him and smiled tentatively. "Tie my shoes?" Wordlessly, Mulder bent down and fumbled with her laces, complying with her request in what seemed no longer than a heartbeat. Unexpected tears blurred his vision; he blinked them away. Tying her shoes was such a simple gesture, so easily given, and yet the act itself seemed unbelievably intimate. And kneeling in the woods, with Dana Scully's foot on his thigh, Fox Mulder was startled to realize just how much of his life -- his world, in fact -- could fit into something as small as a size six tennis shoe. * * * * * * * 5:47 p.m. The watchtower sat high on the hillside, supported by a knotty wooden frame that showed significant signs of weathering and old age. Sixty six rungs of rough-hewed pine stretched upward in a mock salute, taunting both agents with the promise of a much deserved rest. But the journey to the top was a test of endurance. They climbed for ten minutes, slowly and carefully inching up the sturdy wooden ladder with Scully setting the pace. Mulder followed below, spotting her shaky steps -- steadying her when the vertigo kicked in about halfway up. Finally, Scully pulled herself painfully onto the small deck and scrambled away from the ladder, making room as Mulder stepped over the last rung to join her. He pulled his weapon and fired one quick round into the cheap padlock on the door, pushing it open and waiting as Scully limped inside ahead of him. She knew within five seconds that it hadn't been worth the trip. She'd cataloged the contents in an instant: two short shelves containing less than a dozen dusty books, one small cabinet directly underneath the room's single multi-paned window, one gas lantern on a hook by the door, a hot plate left sitting on a small folding card table, some rolled up papers leaning in the corner, and a small dirty generator peeking out from behind the one tiny cot on the far wall. There was no radio. Fatigue and disappointment claimed the last of her strength and she swayed, showing no reaction at all when Mulder's hands encircled her upper arms to steady her. There was no radio. He nudged her toward the cot. "Sit down before you fall down, Scully." She sat. There was no radio. "There has to be something here. There *has* to be." Mulder voice faded in and out as he stuck his head into corners and crevices. "How the hell can you have a watchtower in the middle of a national park and not have a radio? What would a ranger do if there was a fire out here? Send smoke signals?" Scully leaned back on the dusty cot, melting into a puddle of benign acceptance. Her eyes closed instantly. She didn't care that there was no radio. She was too tired to worry about what would happen tomorrow. She couldn't feel her leg anymore, and the temporary respite from the pain was quickly leading her toward subconscious oblivion. The small dirty cot with the thin lumpy mattress felt like a king-sized therapeutic massage bed from a suite at the Ritz. It was heaven -- heaven in a dirty little wooden sardine can. She could live with that. She could live with anything as long as she didn't have to ever open her eyes again... "Scully." The voice invaded her solitude, tempting her with a wonderful aroma that made her mouth water. Food...there was food. Wait -- that wasn't right. There was no food. She was dreaming. "Scully, open your eyes." Go away go away go away. Don't take away my food...I'm not done smelling it. "Scully!" A gentle hand on her shoulder roused her, finally. She stared at the figure in front of her, unable to blink it into focus. Where was she? "You okay?" Mulder. "Um hmmm." She stretched her arms up over her head and tried to push away the persistent sleepiness. Her stomach turned over with a loud groan, and she patted it softly, her disappointment mixing with hunger. "I dreamed there was food," she mumbled. "It smelled so good I didn't want to wake up." He raised his hands, and for first time, she realized he was holding a blue ceramic bowl. Steam wafted over the edges, curling and dancing into the air. "Cafe Muldaire is open for business." Her eyes flew open wide, all remnants of sleep gone instantly. "You found food?" she gaped. "Real food?" He grinned. "Five cans of Woodhouse Smoked Baked Beans. Dinner of champions." Her mouth was watering. Oh God. Food. Real honest to goodness food. She wanted to tackle him and wrest the bowl away from him, but she only grinned back. "When do we eat?" Mulder pushed a strand of hair from her forehead and looked into her eyes, concern showing on his face. "Can you sit up?" "With food at stake?" she snorted. "Of course I can sit up." With a heavy sigh, she leveraged herself upward and swung her legs over the side of the cot, yelling in spite of herself when the back of her left leg made contact with the cot. "Shit!" She pulled her legs back onto the cot and curled them toward the wall as she shifted onto her side. "And then again, maybe not," she said, more to herself than to Mulder. She could see the concern on his face, but thankfully, he didn't pass judgment on her condition. "Okay," he told her matter-of-factly. "Dinner in bed it is." He simply waited while she adjusted herself into a more upright position, propping herself on one arm, then he handed her a worn, bent spoon and moved to sit on the floor beside her. They wound up almost eye to eye. Scully looked around the room as Mulder situated himself. The colorful haze of twilight had long since been left behind, replaced by unadorned, unrelieved blackness. The gas lantern was burning brightly from its hook, casting a surprisingly warm glow around the small interior. The room fared much better in dim light, Scully thought. In the daytime it was cramped and dirty. But through the warm glow of gaslight, it took on an almost cozy feeling. Safe. She looked at the quiet generator in the corner. "Does that work?" she asked. "Nope," Mulder replied, crossing his long legs underneath him. He inched himself closer to the bed. "It had enough gas to run the hot plate for approximately seven minutes. Then it quit completely. Lukewarm will have to be good enough." Scully's stomach rolled over again, the sound unbelievably loud in the small room. "Mulder," she smiled, "right now it could be a baked bean popsicle and I wouldn't complain." He set the bowl on the edge of the bed between them. "That's good to know," he told her. "Because there's only one bowl and one spoon." He held the small tin utensil out to her. "We'll have to share." She fixed him with a pointed stare. "You don't have cooties, do you?" He laughed. "Not last time I checked. Dig in." Scully didn't need a second invitation. She took the spoon and dug into the bowl with gusto, popping a spoonful of the warm substance into her mouth. Nothing on the planet had ever tasted so good. She moaned her appreciation. "Mmmm, ese are goo, Muller." She handed him the spoon, swallowing hard as she watched him savor his first bite. His eyes closed slowly and sensually as he savored the taste. Muscles moved continuously beneath the shadow of stubble on his jaw, and Scully imagined she could see his tongue rolling over the spicy concoction in his mouth. Just as she had done, he moaned his appreciation. The sound sent a shiver down her spine. Mulder in ecstasy, she thought. So this is what it looks like. Good Lord, it ought to be illegal to look tha... "Your turn." She snapped back to reality, heat flooding her cheeks. She took the spoon he offered and dug into the bowl again. Eat, Scully, she told herself. Don't think about Mulder, and for God's sake, don't think about Mulder's tongue. Just eat. In fifteen minutes, the bowl was empty. Scully dropped the spoon into the empty bowl and sighed, raising her head to look at the man sitting in front of her. "Well I guess that's it," she told Mulder, surprised to find he was staring at her. "Not quite," he murmured, reaching his hand toward her. "Wha..?" Her question cut off abruptly when she felt his fingers upon her. His index finger slowly traced a path upward from her chin to the corner of her mouth. When he pulled it away, she could see the barbecue sauce running down his finger. She dragged the back of her hand across her mouth automatically, watching entranced as he placed his index finger in his mouth and withdrew it, turning his hand to lap at the small remnants of sauce clinging to his knuckle. When his eyes met hers again, he smiled and she felt her heart drop to her toes. "Anyone ever tell you you're a messy barbecue eater?" She just stared at him. For the life of her, she couldn't think of a single thing to say. "Mind you, I'm not complaining," he continued, pinning her again under the most intense gaze she had ever imagined. "It's part of your charm." She shook herself free from the sexual tension that she knew was close to overwhelming her. This was a baaaaaaaad place to be right now. Just back away from it, she told herself. "Part of my charm? *Part* of my charm? Ha!," she scoffed in mock irritation. "You're delusional, Mulder. We both know the fact that I'm a messy barbecue eater is at least a good three quarters of my charm." He laughed and rose from the floor, carrying their single dish and utensil to the tiny sink. He paused at the window, his back to her as he looked out the glass panes into nothingness. Automatically, her own eyes followed the path of his. The blackness of night covered every pane of the window like a blanket of black velvet hung on the outside of the cabin. Crickets whirred outside, their song filling the night with memories of childhood. Trips to the country, nights spent with Missy under her grandmother's handmade quilts, snuggling together and telling ghost stories, marveling at the darkness of true country nights in comparison to their street lamp filled twilight that served as darkness back home. "We have to talk about what we're going to do." He didn't turn around. "We only have a few options, and we need to talk about them Scully." The warm feeling she had nurtured since awakening was yanked away from her without warning. Mulder's voice was firm, all business. Whatever spell they had been under moments ago was broken. She was utterly confused, hopelessly frustrated. Her relationship with Mulder was one big roller coaster ride these days -- rising and falling in senseless abandon, changing directions constantly...she kept waiting for the bottom to drop out from under her, wondering every time it did if the ride was over. She took a deep breath and forced her mind into focus. Back to business. This was all about the business of survival -- hers and Mulder's. If that wasn't serious enough to pull her mind away from Mulder's body and into some semblance of cognizance for ten minutes then she deserved to meet her demise out here among the wild things. Wild thing, I think I love you...I wanna know for sure... Focus, damn it! She could do this. She could. She forced herself to stand and limped over toward the window. He watched her approach in the window. "Okay, Mulder. Let's talk. We need a game plan." He nodded, and motioned for her to follow as he walked to the card table. Maps were spread across the entire surface, held in place by various makeshift paperweights to keep the corners from curling. Scully looked at the maps. Aerial, mostly...a few geographic. One geological. Lines and colors and levels and symbols danced in front of her, a jumble of moving string art. She had no idea what she was looking at. "Okay... as near as I can figure..." Mulder's voice trailed off as he ran his finger over the lines of one of the maps. "We are somewhere right around...damn. Where did we go?" He looked around the surface of the table, and gave a satisfied sigh, picking up the object he sought. "Ah, okay," he continued. "Now..." Scully stared at him, agape. "We are...*here.*" He motioned to a point on the map. "You bastard." "Huh?" He looked at her blankly. "You bastard! I can't believe you didn't say...I mean, you let me think...I just...I thought..." Mulder straightened and turned to face her, a look of total incomprehension on his face. She'd never wanted to hit him so much in her life. Never wanted to hit *anyone* so much in her life. And the only thing that kept her from punching his lights out was the fact that she just didn't have it in her to do anything that would put his once-lost-but-now-found glasses in jeopardy. She kicked him instead. End of part 8 Tempest, part 9 * * * * * * * "OW! Goddammit, Scully! What did you do *that* for?" Mulder grabbed his shin and stared at his partner as she'd just grown another head. "You're wearing your glasses!" she bellowed. "And so you felt the need to kick me?" he yelled back. "Jesus Christ! What the hell's the matter with you?" Her eyes flashed fire. "I thought I lost them! I pulled them out of that plane, climbed up the side of a mountain with them, and then suddenly found them missing yesterday morning. I thought I lost them, and you didn't say a word. How could you not say a word?" He was completely lost. Uncharted territory. Clueless. What in God's name was she getting hysterical about? His glasses? "I...I found them in the bag," he stammered. "I'm sorry if I didn't sa--" "This isn't about being sorry!" she hissed. "This is about a lot more than a stupid pair of glasses." She was feverish, he told himself. She wasn't herself. He reached a hand toward her. "Scully, calm down." She pushed his hand away. "Don't tell me to calm down!" "Fine!" he snapped. "Then tell me what the hell you want me to say! I'm sorry I found my glasses? I'm sorry I put them on? What? I don't understand you, Scully! What's going on here?" To his absolute horror, she dissolved into tears. Her face crumpled before his eyes, her chin quivering, tears streaming down her cheeks. She hobbled away from him, swiping angrily at the tears as she moved to sit down on the cot. Like a flash of fire, she jumped up as soon as the mattress made contact with the back of her thigh. Arms swinging, fists flailing the air, she let loose her anger in a long creative string of invectives, cursing with an air of fluency that amazed Mulder. She was completely transformed as she vented -- a feral creature lashing out with fury. His mind was racing. What should he do? What *could* he do? Go to her? Try to comfort her? Hell, she almost bit his head off last time he tried to calm her down. He had no idea at all what was the right course of action...and so he did nothing. He just stood quietly and waited for her rage to play itself out. When she finally began to regain control, she fixed him with a glare that cut straight to his heart. "I can't believe you're just going to stand there, you self-absorbed son of a bitch! You're just going to stand there and watch me fall apart and not say a word. Just...go away, Mulder." He stared at her. "What?" "Go away. From me. Leave me alone. Oooh! *There's* an idea! Why don't you go look outside -- I'm sure you could find a nice bright light to go chase. God knows you haven't DITCHED me in at LEAST 8 hours, Mulder. You must be needing a fix." His patience snapped. "Okay, stop right there." He held up one hand in a motion to halt her words. "I've had enough of this crap -- you're driving me crazy! Either tell me what's the matter or take the goddamn chip off your shoulder, Scully. I can't read your mind." She crossed her arms defiantly. "Well, thank you very much, Agent Mulder, for bothering to remember that I even HAVE mind." Her words were lower now. Controlled. But still full of venom. He was stung by the sarcasm. "What the hell is *that* supposed to mean?" "For the best fuckin' profiler the FBI ever had, you're not real perceptive sometimes." She laughed harshly. "God, Mulder--you honestly don't see it, do you?" He raised his hands toward the ceiling in frustration. "NO! I don't see it! How many times do you want me to say it? I don't get it! I mean...I'm trying, Scully -- I am. But you've been walking around for weeks -- long before this fiasco ever started -- with a little black storm cloud over your head. You won't talk about it. You hardly speak at all anymore when we're in the office. I don't know what I can do that I haven't already done! I'm tired of walking on eggshells here. You think I'm dense? Fine. Whatever. Spell it out for me and let's get past it but stop treating me like the bad guy for not being able to fix what you won't tell me is broken. What do you WANT from me?" Blue eyes met his with electric fire, boring their way into his conscience. "What do I want? What do I WANT? What I *want,* Mulder, is to know that I'm more than a fucking footnote stamped on every case report that passes through our office!" His jaw dropped open in surprise. "I've never treated you like a foo--" "You *have*," she snapped, effectively cutting off his denial. "You come up with these bizarre UFO theories and elaborate, Byzantine conspiracy plots, and I'm supposed to drop everything to come play Tonto to your Lone Ranger." She was in a total fury as she turned on him, breathing rapidly, her cheeks flushed -- with anger or fever or both, he didn't know. "Well, I'm not your sidekick, damn it." She pointed her finger and tapped his chest to emphasize her words. "I'm a doctor with as much -- if not more -- education than you, I have a damned good record the Bureau, which is a HELL of a lot more than you can say---and if *I* come up with a theory, you can be damned sure I can back it up with some hard evidence---and God knows, you certainly can't say that. So what I WANT, Mulder, is for you to stop treating me like your secretary, you selfish sack of shit!" He started to reply, but her tirade wasn't over, and he fell silent again under the harshness of her words. "What I WANT, is for you to stop telling me what to do and who to interrogate and what to ask. Just once, I want you to ask me nicely what I think about your suggestion, and maybe, just MAYBE, if I think it's the best thing for the case, I'll take it under advisement!" Her anger began to dissipate, and she turned away from him, limping back toward the cot on the far wall. Her words continued, but they were softer now, speaking more of hurt than of vindication. He didn't miss the slight catch of her breath before she continued. "What I want is for you to acknowledge that I contribute something to this partnership -- that I'm not some annoying afterthought you got stuck with." Carefully, she sat down on the edge of the cot, her tears spilling anew. She swiped a hand across her upper lip, wiping her nose and the wetness from her cheeks. "I want to know where I stand with you, Mulder, or else I want you to acknowledge that I don't stand anywhere at all." Her chin began to quiver again. "I want you to stop confusing me." His heart wrenched at the sight of her tears. He had no bigger weakness in the world. "I'm sorry," he told her. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, Scully. I don't ever mean to do that." She didn't meet his eyes. "Then why do you keep doing it?" "I don't know," he answered honestly. "I guess I'm just not aware of what it is that hurts you so much. Tell me what it is that bothers you, Scully. I need specifics." "Stop ditching me and going off on your own." The words spilled forth without hesitation. "We can be in the middle of a case, working together, and the first time you have one of your psychological profiler hunches or supernatural phenomenon theories, you run off by yourself and leave me alone to clean up the details you can't be bothered with -- like proof and evidence. I might not always agree with your ideas, Mulder, but I'm part of the X-Files full time -- it's not a hobby for me any more than it is for you. And I don't appreciate being treated like a whore you call up every once in awhile when you have a professional itch that needs to be scratched." He winced at the metaphor. "I didn't realize I was ditching you," he said quietly. "I just always assumed we each worked better in our own comfort level. You in the lab and me in hot pursuit. I never meant for that to seem like a slight of your contribution to the X-Files." "Well, after four years, that's how it feels," she told him. He nodded. "What else?" She looked away from him. "I just need you to stop taking me for granted." "Taking you for granted?" He couldn't keep the incredulity from his voice. "Scully, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful you're on my side." He crossed the room and knelt in front of her, placing his hands on top of hers in her lap. "The fact that I know I can trust you...the fact that I know you trust me...that's a gift to me. That I know I can call you night or day and you'll listen to my outrageous theories and my ridiculous conclusions and reel me back in when I need for you to." He reached up and crooked his finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him. "The fact that I can stumble onto your doorstep from a crime scene at two in the morning, sick and bloody, and know that you'll take care of me first and ask questions later...those are things I will *never* take for granted. And if I've ever once made you think otherwise, then you have every right to call me on it." A crystalline tear spilled from her eye and he brushed it away with his thumb. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Scully." His words were a hoarse whisper in the stillness of the wooden tower. "I would never knowingly hurt you. Okay?" Her eyes searched his for the honesty of his words before she nodded. "Okay." He wasn't quite convinced. He tilted his head to make eye contact with her again. "You sure?" She smiled the smallest of smiles. "I'm sure." "All right." He stood and held out his hand to her. "Come back and look at the maps and let me show you where we are. We have a decision to make, and then we need to get some sleep." She made one last swipe at her damp cheeks and took the hand he offered, wincing as he pulled her onto her feet. She was obviously in constant pain, stubbornly refusing to give in to the urge to cry out. He supported her weight with an arm around her waist, walking slowly beside her as she hopped to the table. "Okay. We're here," he told her, indicating an area in the bottom right corner of the map. "As near as I can figure, our point of impact must have been somewhere around --" his finger circled the air as he looked for the position he had pinpointed earlier while she slept --"right around here somewhere. This is the only place I see with a ridge high enough to be the one you climbed." She nodded. "Okay. So what's the rest of the news?" He sighed. "Well it's not good. If my estimates are correct, then really it comes down to choosing one of two options." She didn't answer, and he bent to look in her eyes. "Are you following this, Scully? I need you to be coherent for about another 10 minutes, then I promise I'll let you rest." She attempted a smile. "I'm here. Two options," she repeated as proof that she'd heard him. "What's the first one?" "The first one is that we retrace our path and head back to the crash site like you suggested yesterday. It would be the safest bet to ensure our being found." "Yeah, but we discussed that yesterday," she stated. "And I agreed you were right. Lindsey Carrol has a better chance if we stay away from the wreckage." "I'm not concerned about Lindsey Carol at this point, and I don't think you ought to be either," he told her slowly. "I don't want to put her in danger, Scully, but right now our first priority has to be to get you to a hospital." "Point taken," Scully agreed. "What's the second option?" Mulder turned back to the papers on the table. "The second option is that we head north west over this little hill right here. If I'm reading this correctly at all, I think this is a main highway." He indicated a black line that intersected the mountain in a winding path. "It's a shorter distance to the highway, but it's a gamble as to whether or not it's active. Plus we'll have to cross a river." Scully rubbed her temples. He was struck by the pallor of her complexion. She wasn't well at all, and he knew it. Time was going to run out on them if they guessed wrong. They couldn't afford to miss. "It's your call," he told her. "I know you're in pain and not thinking real clearly right now, but I also know you're the doctor -- and you know what the prognosis is for your leg if we don't get the help we need in the time we have left. So I need for you to make the decision. I'll abide by whatever you say." She looked at the map, blinking hard, and he could tell she was trying desperately to comprehend the maze of lines and numbers. Finally, she looked up. The plane is the better bet for rescue, but the highway is closer. I say we head for the road at sun-up. I don't have more than one day that I'll even be able to walk, and the crash site is two days back now." His heart skipped a beat at the grim prediction. "Are you sure?" "No," she said. "But I'm willing to risk it at this point. I can't stand the pain much longer and I'll be sick with fever by morning. I say we take a leap of faith. The highway's closer." He nodded. "Okay. Highway it is." Scully shuffled toward the cot. "Can I leave a wake up call?" He took in the warped frame of the old metal cot. "Do you really think that'll be necessary?" he asked. "I can't imagine either of us will sleep too soundly in these luxurious conditions." She rummaged through the travel bag and pulled something from the side pocket. "Ahhh," she breathed. "On the contrary, Mulder..." she turned to face him. "You're about to ensure that I sleep like a baby tonight." He took a step backward. "Um...I am?" She smiled and held out a small syringe to him. "Uh huh. You're going to give me a shot." "I can't give you a shot," he protested. "I'll...I'll hurt you. I've never done it." She walked back to the table and stopped. "Well, it's you or me, Mulder, and I can't effectively reach the area where it needs to be given." He swallowed. "Which is where?" he asked, his voice shaky. She smiled at him, a genuine, if tired smile that lightened the load on his heart just a bit. "Don't be such a baby." She unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, hooking her thumbs in the waistband and pulling them down, exposing her buttocks to him. His mouth went completely dry. His hands were shaking. He could only stare at the image she presented standing there with her pants half lowered, her eyes sparkling with mischief, even through the haze of fever. "C'mon, Mulder. It's not that bad. I'll walk you through it." Slowly he approached the table, trying not to stare at the creamy curves of her bottom. It was a shot. An injection. He could maintain detachment. He could. He took the cap off the needle and swallowed hard one more time. "Okay," he managed to choke out. "What do I do?" "Jab the needle in the fleshy part of my hip, slightly closer to my butt than my side. Don't try to do it slowly, that'll hurt more. Just stick it in there. And then after you do, press the plunger halfway down. That's 100 milligrams of Demerol, but I want to save half of it in case I need it more later." His eyes were fixated on her body. "Mulder?" "Huh?" "You ready?" "Um, yeah." He was as ready as he could be, he told himself. He could handle this. Professional detachment. Medical decorum, he told himself. He could survive the moment without embarrassment. And he almost did -- until Dana Scully bent over the small table and bared her bottom to him completely, giving him the most instantaneous erection he'd ever experienced. The seconds ticked away. "Enjoying the view, Mulder?" "Sorry," he mumbled. "You're sure you trust me to do this?" "Mulder," she sighed. "I'm in a fairly submissive position at the moment. I think the matter of my trust has been established." "Just...just anywhere" He indicated an area close to her hip. "That's as good a place as any. Just do it and put us both out of our misery." He jabbed the needle into her flesh, wincing more than she did when it slid into her body effortlessly. He pressed the plunger halfway, then withdrew the needle completely. "There," he told her, immensely pleased with himself. "Home free." His relief was short lived. Scully stood and pulled up her panties, wiggling out of her jeans completely and leaving them in a heap on the floor as she hobbled back to the cot. "That's what you think, Mulder," she called over her shoulder. "Huh?" She smiled at him as she curled onto her side on the cot. "You've never seen me on Demerol before. I might be home free for the rest of the night, but trust me -- your ride is just beginning." End of part 9 Tempest, part 10 10:13 PM She'd been out like a light within ten minutes, though whether from the drug or fatigue he couldn't tell. Not that it mattered. She was resting -- oblivious to the pain in her leg and the memories of the crash -- and for that, Mulder was thankful. The sleep would do her good and give him a chance to study the maps and determine the best route toward the highway. Thank God her dire predictions about her behavior had been a false alarm. He'd had enough trouble communicating with Scully lately when she was coherent; the prospect of spending a night with Scully and the Three Faces of Eve was more than a little unsettling. He walked to the cot and pulled the thin cotton sheet up over her. She hadn't moved in an hour. Not a sound, not a whimper. Her mouth was slightly open, her beautiful lips soft and inviting. Her brow was wrinkled slightly, as if puzzling over something just barely beyond her grasp as she dreamed. He'd never wanted to kiss anyone so much in his life. He stared at her, entranced by the picture she presented. Even after two days of hiking, even exhausted and injured, uncombed and unwashed, she was the most magnetic woman he'd ever known. Whatever was there between them, it was mutual. Of that, he was certain. If he'd had any doubt at all lingering in the back of his mind, it had been obliterated the second Dana Scully bent over that table. Sure, he was giving her a shot at the time, but he hadn't missed the unspoken challenge sparkling in her eyes when she did it. And the mock sensor in her when she accused him of lingering spoke more of amusement than irritation. She'd been flirting with him -- testing the boundaries. But he couldn't help wondering if she was prepared for him to call her on it. What would she have done if he'd accepted her mischievous impromptu invitation? That was the question he still couldn't answer, and it was driving him crazy. He couldn't afford to be wrong. Not with Scully. There had to be nothing to chance, no room for the slightest doubt before they crossed that line, because once they crossed it, there was no turning back. And if her flagrantly provocative behavior tonight was all he'd had to go on, he would have played along in a heartbeat. But her hesitancy when they'd awakened this morning was still fresh in his mind, not to mention the argument they'd had only an hour ago. No, he couldn't risk it yet. Not until he was positive. And when he *was* positive, he was going to insist they replay this little scene again with a different ending. The ending he'd denied himself tonight. The ending where he walked slowly up to the table behind her and pressed his hands flat against the small of her bare back, slowly kneading the muscles there, allowing his hands to trail their way down her body until they traced the curve of her bottom and came to rest on her bare hips. One small tug and she would slide back toward him, her bare cheeks pressing tightly against his erection, and she would gasp that breathy little gasp that drove him crazy. Then slowly, like a gift laid out before him, she would turn over sit up, smiling as her hands reached for the fabric of his shirt. He could feel the softness of her fingers upon his chest. He could feel..... His eyes snapped open. What the hell was he doing? He looked down at his sleeping partner, relieved to find she was still oblivious to his erotic musings. "This is what it's come to," he chuckled. "Fantasies about a feverish, dirty, unconscious woman." He looked at her quiet pale face, expressive even in sleep and wondered if she ever fantasized about him. Did he ever haunt her dreams like she haunted his? He shook his head sadly. Her dreams tonight were fever dreams -- vivid, probably disturbing. He could only hope if he was a part of them that he was bringing her some comfort. His hand reached out and softly brushed the hair from her forehead, lingering briefly on her clammy skin, gauging the advancement of her fever. It didn't seem any worse. She sighed at the touch of his hand, and turned her face toward him, as if seeking to get closer. He couldn't resist the unspoken invitation of her beautiful lips. He knelt beside her, leaning in to press a soft, chaste kiss upon her mouth. Like a princess in a fairy tale, her eyes fluttered open as he pulled back from her. She was dazed and glassy, completely unfocused, but she smiled at him sleepily. "Hullo." "Hi," he whispered back. "How ya doin' over here? Her brow furrowed as she contemplated the question. Her head rolled to the side. "I feel FUNky," she slurred. "I'll bet you do," he smiled. "Do you need anything?" Her head rolled from side to side in time to a song only she could hear. "Nope," she told him dreamily. "I'm jus' peeeeachy." She giggled then, the uncharacteristic sound making him grin. "Go back to sleep. I'm sorry I woke you." "S'okay." She waved dismissively. "M'not seepy anyway." She giggled again. "I said seepy. Did you hear me, Muller? What I *meant* was, I'm not seepy." She gave into woozy, sporadic chuckles. He shook his head in bemusement. A giggling Scully? Years of working amid the unexpected and unexplainable hadn't prepared him for that one. He started to stand up, but she grabbed his hand. "Muller?" She looked distressed. "What is it, Scully?" She squinted up at him. "You're not wear'n your glassiss." "No, I took them off." "Well that jus' sucks," she admonished. "Put `em back on." He sighed. "Scully. You should go back to sleep. You need to rest." "Put `em on," she commanded. "I'm not gonna rest 'nless you wear your glassiss." Mulder ran a tired hand over his forehead. "Okay. I'll put on my glasses, and then you go to sleep, okay?" She nodded woozily. "Ooooooookay, fine." He walked to the table and retrieved his glasses and put them on. "There," he said, turning to Scully. "Better?" She nodded, concentrating hard to move her head in the right direction. "Okay," he smiled, walking back to the cot. "Now can you go back to sleep?" She nodded again. "Mulder?" she whispered loudly. "What?" he whispered back, just as loud. "C'mere...I gotta tell you somethin'." He looked down at her. "What?" "Come 'ere," she insisted. "S'important." He bent down. "Okay, Scully. What?" "Okay...shhhhhhh. It's a secret." She looked up at him adoringly. "I jus' looooove your glassiss." He patted her hand condescendingly. "I'm glad, Scully. I love your glasses too." He began to pull his hand away but she grabbed it with surprising quickness and held tight. "You're not lissning," she accused. She tugged on his hand until he bent close to her once more. "I mean I reallyrillywillyweely love your glassiss." She stared at him. "Are you gettin' this?" He choked back a laugh. "Yeah, Scully. I got it." She didn't let go of his shirt. "I don't think you're followin' me, Mulder." She pulled him even closer until they were nose to nose. "I mean like sometimes at work when you're wearin' 'em, I jus' wanna go lock the door an' lay across your desk like Michelle Whasername in that movie...wha's that movie? You know the one where she lays across the piano an' sings...." She let go of his shirt and made a dismissive gesture in the air. "Well, anyway...tha's how I feel sometimes." What was he supposed to say to that? Please do? Feel free? Mulder stared at her. "Um...thank you?" She released his hand. "S'okay. I jus' thought you oughta know." He watched her close her eyes and fall still on the tiny cot once again, feeling immensely relieved that the five minute twilight zone episode was over. He hadn't taken two steps away from her side when a startled gasp made him stop in his tracks. "Muller!" His heart began to pound harder. "What is it, Scully? What's wrong?" She looked up at him through glassy, unfocused eyes. "My knees are gone!" She struggled to sit up, but Mulder put his hands on her shoulders, pressing her back to the thin mattress. "No, Scully," he sighed. "You're knees are right where they're supposed to be. I promise." "Don't patternize me, Mulder -- I'm a doctor an' I *know* when my knees are gone!" She pointed toward her feet. "See? They're NOT where they're s'posed to be!" she wailed. "They're gone!" She sat up and looked forlornly at her straight legs. "Bye," she sniffed, waving limply. Torn between laughter and sympathy, Mulder picked up one of her legs under the knee and bent it. "See Scully? You're knee's right here. Now go to sleep." She looked at him gratefully. "You FOUND it!. Muller you're the best. You're susha good friend..." She struggled for the words. "You're susha a good friend that I'd...I'd give you my only knee f'you needed it." She looked at him solemnly. "I would." "Thaaaaat's nice, Scully," he said, stretching out his arms toward her. "Here -- hug me." "Huh?" She looked confused, but she reached up for him anyway. "Okay, Scully, heeeeeere we go." He linked his arms under hers and tried to ease her back down on the mattress. "She pulled her arms away and cupped his face in her hands. "You b'lieve me, don't you Mulder? That I'd give you my knee?" "Sure I do, Scully. I'd give you my knee too." "I know you would," she sniffed. He started to stand, but she clung to his hand. "Wayda minute...wha'm I gon' do with only one knee?" she asked. "I can't walk with only one knee." The look of distress on her face nearly did him in, but he kept a straight face. "It'll be okay, Scully. You sleep and I promise I'll find your other one." She blinked at him, uncomprehending. "My other what?" "Your other knee," he told her pointedly. "Wha's wrong with my knee?" she cried in alarm. "Nothing!" he protested quickly. "You're knees are fine." She looked unconvinced. "You're not tellin' me the tooth." "Really," he assured her. "You're knees are fine. Great knees. Wonderful knees." She flipped her hands toward him in an exaggeratedly modest gesture. "G'wan.. really? I always thought they're kinda knobby." "GoodNIGHT, Scully," he told her tiredly. She closed her eyes. "Night, Muller." He walked away shaking his head. What the hell just happened here, he wondered. And more important -- was it going to happen again? It was a damn good thing he'd only given her half the Demerol in the syringe, he marveled. If he'd given her the whole 100 milligrams, she wouldn't come back to earth for a week. He chuckled at the image she presented, glazed-over and half-dressed, laughing at her own jokes. If she remembered any of this tomorrow morning, she was going to be mortified, he thought. But she probably wouldn't remember; she was too far gone. On the other hand...she had warned him about the possible side effects before he'd given her the shot. So obviously, she'd had the happy drugs before, he realized. He grinned broadly and made a mental note to save that discussion for a later time. He bent over the short wobbly table and unrolled one of the more detailed area maps, shoving the others off the table into the floor. He had to map out a route for them to take tomorrow, and he had to do it before Scully woke up aga-- "Oh, Muuuuuuuller...." He hung his head in defeat, laughing in spite of himself at the singsong tone of her words. This night was a goner. The map would have to wait until morning. Scully, obviously, was not going to sleep like a baby after all. "Oh Scuuuuuuuully," he answered back affectionately. He might as well sit and talk to her, he realized. He couldn't get anything done with her in this condition, and despite her out of character behavior, he was glad for the easy rapport that had settled over them again. He stood up and grabbed the top rung of the chair back, dragging it toward the cot. He set it up against the edge of the mattress and straddled it backwards, crossing his arms over the back of the chair, resting his chin on his forearms. Scully smiled up at him. "Hullo," she said again, waving her fingers at him. She stretched her uninjured leg straight up toward the ceiling underneath the sheet, pulling the thin covering from her upper body. When she lowered her limb, the sheet clung to her toes, pooling finally at the foot of the cot, leaving her completely uncovered. The navy blue bikini panties she wore made a startling contrast to her pale skin, emphasizing the fact that she lay before him in only her underwear and a T-shirt. And what amazed him more than her current state of undress was the fact that she was completely unconcerned with it. He smiled down at his scantily-clad, uninhibited partner. "What's up, Red?" She turned to her side and propped her head into her hand, assuming a more conversational position. Her brow wrinkled. "You gave me a shot." "Yeah." he agreed. "I dropped my pants right there in the middle of the room, and you gave me a shot in the butt." "Yes I did," he confirmed. "Right in the butt." "Oh." She lowered her lashes, a sad look descending upon her features. He frowned. "What's on your mind, Scully?" "Well, I was jus' thinkin' -- I do that sometimes you know ." He grinned. "What? Drop your pants in the middle of the room?" "No!" She made a lazy swipe at his leg, missing him completely. "I *think* sometimes." She rolled her eyes up to look at him. "You with me?" "Yeah, I'm with you. You think sometimes. What were you thinking?" "Well," she continued, "I was just thinkin'... " Her voice got low, and he had to lean in to hear her words. "You saw my butt." She looked up at him, a woozy mixture of hurt and accusation. Her vulnerable expression cut through his joking mood. He hated the sight of vulnerability on Scully; it didn't suit her at all. Crumbling under the worried look on her face, Mulder couldn't bring himself to make jokes at her expense, even if she wouldn't remember them tomorrow. "Scully, I had to see you to give you that shot, that's all," he assured her. "I didn't even look, I promise." "I know!" she wailed. "You didn't say a thing!" She pinned him under a drug-induced stare. "Tha's kinda *harsh* Muller...I mean, iss not every day I jus' bare my ass to you." Three words echoed in his head, like a warning: No. Win. Situation. He stared at her, taken aback by the indignant expression on her face. Pick a response, Mulder. Any response. "Um..." he started. Her words slurred into one another as her hands made exaggerated gestures to emphasize them. "I mean, you could've said 'Wow!' or 'Hey Scully, nice ass' or *something* but you just stuck that damn needle in me and went 'bout your business." She leveraged herself up on her arm until she was almost eye to eye with him. "Be straight w'me, Mulder. I can take it. You don't like my ass, do you?" she asked him blatantly. Heads or tails, Mulder thought. Deny you enjoyed the view, and hurt her feelings, or admit you enjoyed it and set yourself up as Special Agent Clarence Thomas. "Scully, I only sa--" "You thought it was flabby 'cause I haven't been workin' out like I used to." She sighed and laid back down on the bed, continuing her accusation without pause. "Well s'cause I been so tired lately. An, s'cuse the hell out of me Mr. Buns of Steel -- we can't all have an ass as great as yours--" She slapped a hand across her mouth, her eyes wide with fear. "Did I say that out loud?" she asked, with a look of wonder on her face. He should have gone with his conscience, and he knew it. But he was having too much fun to be a gentleman at the moment. He rarely got the upper hand with Scully. He opened his mouth and heard the words come out before he could stop them. "No no, Scully, you're not talking out loud -- you're thinking all of this. I'm not hearing a thing. What were you saying about Mulder's ass?" "Oh," she said. "Well it's okay then. 'Cause what I was *gonna* say was..." She looked around conspiratorially, looking for eavesdroppers before continuing. "...I've seen his butt too." He tried not to laugh at her seriousness. "No!" he cried in mock horror. "Scully, you *haven't!" She nodded quickly. "Have too!" She held up three fingers. "Twice!" Okay, he chastised himself. He'd asked for this. Any embarrassment he was feeling here was his own damn fault. He'd asked for it, and she'd delivered in spades. So now he knew. Dana Scully liked his ass. Now what was he supposed to do with this newfound information? Her next words solved the problem for him. "But don't tell Mulder, okay?" God, she didn't know what she was saying, and she sure as hell didn't have a clue who she was saying it to. Feeling guilty now for pressing the conversation, he decided to end it. He traced an x on his chest. "Cross my heart," he promised. "We don't have to mention this conversation to anyone." Unfortunately, Scully was beginning to warm to the subject. "Yep," she murmured, babbling more to herself now than to him. "I've seen Fox Muller naked as a jaybird. Bare as the day he was born." She looked up at him, totally serious. "And you know what?" Mulder rubbed his forehead with a weary hand. He was afraid to ask, suddenly reluctant to continue this talk, but curiosity got the better of him. "What," he asked softly. She smiled the smallest of smiles, her eyes glazing over in a dream-like haze. "He's beautiful," she whispered. End of part 10 Tempest, part 11 Mulder's heart clenched at Scully's open, uninhibited words. This was total honesty, handed to him at face value, and it touched him profoundly. He felt a lump in his throat, and swallowed hard. "I'm sure..." he started, then stopped and cleared his throat. "I'm sure Mulder thinks you're beautiful too," he whispered back. He brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek. "He doesn't," she told him sadly. "I'm not his type." He had a type? That surprised the hell out of him. "Why do you think that?" he asked gently. She shook her head. "I'm too short. I've got little legs." To emphasize her statement, she stretched her uninjured leg up high in a scissor spilt, running her hand along the top of her thigh. "They're not bad little legs, but they're not what Mulder goes for." She crooked her arm under her knee and pulled her leg over her until her foot came to rest on the cot by her stomach. Mulder watched her distort her body into what seemed like an impossible position, and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. His eyes were transfixed on her hand as it made short stroking motions along her thigh in an unconsciously sensual motion. He forced him mind away from her body. "Um...not...not what he goes for?" he stammered. She shook her head. "Nope. Mulder likes women with those long Barbie legs, like Fleabie." He nearly choked. "Who?" "Fleabie. She was his girlfrin once, but there was a fire inna hotel and I hate her." Mulder stared in amazement. One case with an ex-girlfriend three years ago, and Scully had concluded that she couldn't possibly be his type because he went for long legs? Good Lord, the woman had NO idea how many nights he'd fantasized about her small, beautiful body lying naked in his arms. Enough. He'd heard enough. This flirting and double talk was going to end, he resolved. As soon as she was better, they were going to have a serious talk about all the things they'd obviously been hiding from each other. If they both felt this strongly about it, they'd been stupid to deny it for this long. One way or another, the end of this platonic farce was coming -- Fox Mulder had decreed it. Oblivious to Mulder's mental resolve, Scully was still engrossed in her Phoebe musings. "Yep," she continued. "Hate the bitch. Haaaaate her. In fact..." She placed her hand on the back of his chair and half pulled herself up to be closer to him. "...I wanna see the bitch DOWN!" she ground out. Having had her say, she released the back of the chair and flopped back down on the cot, giggling at herself. "I just looooooove Deremol," she told him. "I can't imagine why," Mulder laughed. He stood up and stretched his legs, giving the chair a gentle kick to move it out of his way. He tapped her raised knee and motioned for her to scoot over so he could sit on the cot. When she complied, he sank down beside her and placed a hand on her forehead. It was hot--hotter than it had been last time he checked. She must have read his expression, because she looked up at him, visibly struggling to appear coherent. "Is my fever rising?" she asked. He nodded, moving a damp strand of hair off her moist forehead. "Don't worry about anything, Scully," he assured her. "You'll be okay." "I can't feel my leg," she told him. "It's the Demerol," he reassured her. "That's what it's supposed to do." She shook her head. "No -- Deremol is jus' supposed to make you not care if you feel it." He didn't know what to say, so he said nothing, choosing instead to take her hand in his. "Muller, you do know I could die out here, don't you? You haff to know that it *could* happen." He bent close to her face. "You're not going to die out here, Scully," he told her. "It's not an option." She tried to smile at him, but failed miserably. For a long moment they stayed quiet, until Scully broke the silence. "Well shit!" She slapped the mattress vehemently. "I shoulda paid better attention." Mulder looked at her quizzically. "Paid better attention? To what?" "Sex," she told him bluntly. "If I'd known the last time I had sex was gonna be the last time I had sex, I'd have paid more attention." He laughed out loud in spite of himself. "Sure, laugh it up," she groused. "You're not the one who's gonna perish out here after an embarrassingly long dry spell." You'd be surprised, he almost blurted out. "Neither are you," he argued. "You'll have sex again, Scully. We're going to get out of here." Her eyes closed wearily. "Promise?" "Absolutely." He stroked her hair. "Tomorrow we'll head toward the highway and I'm sure we'll find a --" Her eyes came open. "No, I mean do you promise I'll have sex again before I die?" He didn't laugh this time. Instead, he bent his head to hers until mere centimeters stood between them. "I personally guarantee it." It was Scully who bridged the tiny distance between them, lifting her head to capture his lips with her own. The moment her mouth touched his, he was lost, engulfed in flames of want that had been too-long denied. His arms snaked under hers, closing around her shoulder blades and pulling her closer to him as he slanted his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss. His tongue met hers hungrily, the contact sending a shiver down his spine. His heart hammered in his chest. He threaded his hands through her hair and clasped her to him as though he could keep her anchored to him forever. She made a soft mewling sound in response, her tongue tracing lightly over his teeth before she pulled away from him, her breathing heavy, her eyes cloudy with passion. She crossed her arms in front of her and grabbed the fabric of her T-shirt, pulling it over her head and tossing it to the floor in a single fluid motion. Like a Roman Goddess poised on the altar, she offered herself to him silently, sitting before him in her bra and panties, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He could see her nipples pressing hard through the soft cups of her bra, and he ached to reach out and free them from the silk prison. He wanted to see her. All of her. He wanted to see her and touch her and make love to her so much it hurt. His body was painfully erect, his cock hot and throbbing. It was all he could to not to rip his own clothing off just so he could feel her hot skin against his. But it was wrong. The hateful words blared in his head like a foghorn at close range. He couldn't take what wasn't offered with complete coherence. He wouldn't risk the repercussions of morning remorse. And though he knew there would be no regret on his part, he also knew Scully deserved to be fully present the first time they made love. As much as he wanted her, it couldn't be here. It certainly couldn't be now. No matter how much he ached for her. No matter how longingly she was gazing at him. No matter how many baby soft kisses she trailed down his neck and shoulder... Mayday, mayday! The warning sirens began to blare in his head. He pulled away again. Not here. Not like this. She was feeling the effects of the Demerol, and he had to protect her from her actions. Christ, he thought, looking at her almost nude body. He had to protect her from HIS actions. "Wha's wrong?" Scully asked slowly, her breath warm on his neck. "You're not up to this right now, Scully," he told her pointedly. "And as much as I'd like to keep following this path, we both need to get some sleep. We'll have time for....this...later. After we're back in civilization." Her eyes darkened. "You're not attracted to me," she stated. "Jesus, Scully," he ground out. "I'm hard as a fucking rock right now." He stood up, allowing her to see the evidence of his body's reaction to her. "So I don't think your attractiveness is in question." She smiled at him, blatantly pleased with his admission. "That's because of me?" she asked. He chuckled at the self-satisfaction he heard in her voice. "Well it's certainly not because of me," he whispered, bending down for one last sound kiss. He pulled the chair back toward the table and spread a tiny worn blanket on the floor beside the cot. Pulling his jacket from the canvas bag, he sat down on the fuzzy plaid pallet and began to remove his shoes, pausing from his task when he realized Scully was watching every move he made with rapt attention. "Mulder?" she said. "What?" Her mouth split into a devilish grin, dulled only by the evidence of haze in her sleepy eyes. "I'm definitely going to make it out of here." She paused to give emphasis to her words. "We've got unfinished business." He shook his head at her brazenness, wondering again how much of this night she would actually remember. It was going to stay with *him* for a very long time. "Goodnight, Scully." "Night, Muller," she answered dreamily. He stretched out on the floor in the dim light of the lantern, shoving his jacket under his head as a makeshift pillow. He was about to close his eyes, when a sudden movement close to his face sent him careening off the floor. "ARGH!" "AGHH!" Scully answered. "Son of a *bitch*!" Mulder yelled. "What!" Scully squealed. "Something moved right past my head when I lay down." He began walking slowly around the rug on the floor. As he neared his jacket, the culprit gave another surprise leap. "Jesus!" Mulder yelped. "Oh fer goodness sakes, Muller," Scully said. "It's just a little frog." He snorted. "Yeah, well see how much you like it in your face when you're about to nod off to sleep." "It jus' wanted to sleep with you Mulder," Scully told him with a sleepy smile. "Why don't we call it Fleabie?" He bent to scoop the small creature into his hands, grimacing as he walked to the door with it. "This couldn't be Phoebe, Scully," he called over his shoulder. "Its mouth isn't big enough.". Surely he scored big points for that one, he thought. United in Phoebe bashing. The cement of all good relationships. Mulder threw the frog onto the deck and closed the door, waiting for Scully's reply. Surprised at the silence, he walked to the cot and pulled the sheet away from her face. She was sound asleep. He sighed, a mixed reaction of regret and relief. The ride was over. * * * * * * * Wednesday, May 2 6:58 a.m. The thickness of morning clung heavily to Scully, weighing down upon her like a sodden wool blanket. Her body was heavy and unresponsive, resisting her efforts to slough off the fever dreams that had plagued her all night. Water dreams. Drowning. Trying to draw a breath of air amid the fluid weightlessness of death and suffocation. The images clung to her as she began making her way slowly back to reality, stretching tired arms outward, calling for Mulder, and knowing he would never be able to reach her through the myriad of phantom creatures that held him at bay. Was this real? She couldn't tell anymore. Fighting her way out of the drug induced stupor, she woke slowly at last, to the sound of strong wind and creaking wood, and the unsettling sensation of movement all around her. The watchtower swung to and fro like a metronome, groaning its protest to the relentless gales that assaulted it. Scully's stomach roiled at the unwelcome movement and the pain in her leg. She lay quietly on the cot, eyes closed, and tried not to move until the nausea passed. She wondered if a drink of water would help. "Mulder?" Her voice was thin and hoarse, not much more than a whisper. When silence was her only answer, she forced her eyes open, squinting against the glare of overcast daylight that invaded the room through small dirty windows. Her head was throbbing, and every movement she made was a struggle. Feeling as though she was fighting her way through quicksand, she forced herself halfway up on the cot and looked down, expecting to see Mulder stretched out on the floor. He was nowhere in sight. "Mulder?" The high pitched tone of her voice hurt her head, causing the throbbing to intensify. He was gone. How long had he been gone? How long had she slept? She felt hot and cold at the same time, her face flushed with fever, her skin hypersensitive to the cool air of the mountain morning. Everything was blurry as she looked around the room for some sign of her partner. "Mulder, where are you?" she called louder, unable to keep the panic from her voice. He had left her. He had gotten up while she slept and he had left her. Angry tears welled up in unfocused eyes as she inched her legs over the side of the cot and pushed herself into a sitting position. Fire shot up her leg and seared its impression on her dazed brain. She tried to scream as the pain engulfed her, but the sound came out a choked sob as she stumbled off the cot and fell in a heap to the empty floor. She had no balance, no equilibrium in the swaying tower, and the nausea that had assaulted her earlier returned full force. She lost the battle of wills a moment later and vomited. He'd ditched her, the bastard. She was going to kill him. Scully wiped her mouth and dragged herself on hands and knees to the small table on the other side of the room, using it to leverage herself to her feet. She could walk out the stiffness, she promised herself. She would have too. She wouldn't stay here alone and wait for Mulder. Fucking bastard. Her partner's voice silently taunted her. Of *course* I trust you, Scully...Yes of *course* we'll stay together, Scully...that is, until you're asleep and I can leave you here safe and sound and go for help on my own. Obviously their talk last night had gone in one ear and out the other for Mulder. After standing there and telling her with a straight face that he would make a conscious effort to stop ditching her, he had crept out of the tower this morning without waking her and set out on his own. He didn't want *her* taking risks, oh no -- but he could take them without reservation, and knowing Mulder, he'd get up to his ass in alligators or a rock slide or wind up shivering outside in the middle of a sudden freak snowstorm... She shivered with cold and realized for the first time that she was wearing only her bra and panties. Her jeans were still on the floor beside the table, she realized; she had no idea where her T-shirt was. How the hell had that happened? She looked over toward the cot and spotted the light blue garment in a small pile on the floor. Obviously she'd gotten hot during the night and pulled it off. Gingerly, Scully stepped into her jeans without bothering to unwrap and look at her leg. She couldn't clean or dress it by herself and she had a feeling looking at it would only make her throw up again. Forcing herself to focus, she donned her shirt and shoes, and began searching the room for any supplies she could take with her. Mulder had left her the bag -- for that she was grateful. It was the least the asshole could do after sneaking away while she slept. She found precious little in the small abandoned shelter. No food at all; they had taken care of that last night. But she did find a small used bar of soap under the tiny sink, and an unopened box of baking soda. She didn't know how old it was or if such things expired, but she was willing to take her chances for the opportunity to brush her teeth. She ran her tongue across the front of her top teeth, grimacing at the feeling of velvet in her mouth. She was *definitely* going to risk it. Finding nothing else useful, she turned and hobbled back to the bed to claim the bag she had set there. She would take the maps and what little she had, and head toward the main road. Maybe she could manage to track Mulder's progress. He couldn't have left too long ago -- even Mulder wouldn't have set out in total darkness. She pulled her gun from the bag and tucked into the back of her waistband, repacking the remaining supplies. She would have to travel as light as possible in her weakened condition. Anything that wasn't absolutely imperative would have to go. There wasn't really much to leave -- a couple pairs of socks, a hairbrush, a can of hairspray she'd brought for it's flammability, and Mulder's gun. Mulder's gun? Scully's eyes widened. He'd left his gun? That wasn't right. She looked around the room, trying to piece together a puzzle that suddenly seemed unsettling. There was no sign of him in the room. But something still wasn't right. Then it hit her. There was no note. Mulder would never have left without a note. Even if he had decided to leave her, he would never have gone without telling her why. There was plenty of paper lying around. Plenty of paper....plenty of paper... Scully stared at the table. The maps were still here. He hadn't taken them. He'd left the maps, and he'd left his gun. He hadn't left *her*. At least, he hadn't left her voluntarily. "Mulder!" she yelled. The wind howled back. She limped to the door and pushed hard against it until it was caught by the strong current and thrown back against the side of the building. She looked left and right on the small deck. No Mulder. Just a small, disgruntled-looking frog that hopped quickly across the open doorway into the shelter. Scully walked to the railing and looked down, gripping the wooden slab when dizziness assaulted her. She saw no sign of him down below, but he was there somewhere. He had to be. "Scully." His voice was a whisper almost lost amidst the wind. "Mulder!" She looked all around the ground level of the tower "I need you." "I'm coming," she yelled, heart pounding ferociously in her chest. "Bring your gun." The words sounded tight, uttered through clenched teeth, and they sent a chill down her spine. She felt for her gun in the back waistband of her jeans and moved to the ladder. Tamping down the fear and dizziness she felt, she swung her good leg over the railing and laboriously inched her sore leg down after it. She couldn't bend her injured leg well enough to climb down so she allowed it to hang limply to the side of the ladder as she began hopping slowly down on one leg. It took all of her concentration and almost all of her strength. "I'm...coming, Muh..Mulder," she panted. He didn't answer. She saw him as soon as her head cleared the bottom of the shelter. He was standing directly underneath the watchtower, unmoving and pale...directly in front of a rattlesnake, poised and ready to strike. End of part 11 Tempest, part 12 "Oh my God," Scully whispered. The snake was huge, at least six feet. Its body was coiled into a cylindrical tube, capped by the wavering rattle that signaled its irritability. Its head undulated slowly from side to side in front of Mulder, its tongue darting out at regular intervals to sniff the intruder before it. Mulder stood still as a statue, his forehead glistening with nervous perspiration. Oh God. Oh God. A rattlesnake can kill you in 20 minutes if it bites you more than once. Charlie's voice invaded her mind again. Snakes. Charlie and Billy had loved them. She'd always hated them. She'd killed one once when she was young, a little sister's hopeless attempt to gain her brothers' approval. It had been a tiny garden snake, totally harmless, and as much as she hated the creatures, she'd felt enough remorse over killing it that she never hunted another one. Scully stared down at the poisonous monster in front of Mulder and felt her blood run cold. This was different. This one wasn't harmless. She could kill this one and not feel a thing. She eased one hand behind her and pulled her weapon from its makeshift holster, blinking hard to clear her still blurry vision. She aimed the gun down toward the snake, then hesitated, bringing her hand back up to rub her eyes. She was so tired and groggy and fuzzy and blurry... "Scully?" "S'okay, Mulder," she mumbled. "I'm just a little blurry." She aimed the gun again. Mulder's voice was thick with tension. "Are you sure you can..." "Shut up, Mulder." Concentrate. She had to concentrate. Two snakes and two Mulders swam before her eyes. She only had one chance to make the right decision. If she missed, the startled snake would strike instantly in reaction. If it struck more than once, Mulder had no chance. Her finger tightened on the trigger, and Mulder's eyes widened. "Trust me, Mulder?" she asked softly. He swallowed, but nodded, almost imperceptibly. The gun discharged in a fraction of a second, the bullet sending the snake 2 feet into the air before it crumpled in a scaly pile at Mulder's feet. Scully too, went flying, too weak to withstand the recoil of the gunfire. She landed with a heavy thud at the bottom of the ladder, not having uttered a single sound on the way down. Mulder was at her side instantly. "God, Scully, are you okay?" he cried, brushing the hair from her face and gently feeling underneath her head for cuts or bumps. She had the breath knocked out of her, but she nodded at him, openmouthed, gasping for air. He sat there with her until she recovered enough to sit up. She couldn't get over the sight he presented in the soft overcast light of the morning. He was wearing his glasses, and as usual, the sight of them quickened her heart just a bit. After only 2 days, his face and arms had a healthy tan to them, evidence of his outdoor nature. She could feel the sunburn on the bridge of her nose, and knew her cheeks were almost as red. Scullys didn't tan...ever. His beard was thicker today, no longer just a covering of heavy five o'clock shadow. She'd never given much thought to Mulder with a beard, but the sight he presented made a fantastic argument for the banishment of razors. Rugged Mulder was damned appealing, she thought. Hell, *every* Mulder was damned appealing. Rugged, unkempt, formal, professional, casual, outdoor, indoor, who the hell cared? Mulder was like brownie batter -- every state was equally appealing. You might crave the final product, but licking the bowl was just as much fun. She shook her head, trying to clear the erotic images that were beginning to form. "How long were you down here with that thing," she asked, hoping she sounded casual and conversational. "I don't know. It felt like two hours, but it was probably only fifteen or twenty minutes." She looked up at him. "When I woke up I thought...I thought...." His forehead wrinkled. "You thought what?" She leaned forward against his chest, her arms encircling his neck as she buried her face against his neck. "Nothing. It doesn't matter. I'm just glad you're okay." He returned the embrace wholly, his arms encircling her and holding tight, his chin resting lightly on the top of her head. "Quite a wake-up call, don't you think?" he asked with a smile she could hear. She nodded. "Oh yeah. I'm awake. Who needs coffee?" He pulled back from her. "There's no need for you to try to climb those steps again. Why don't you wait here, and I'll go get our stuff." "Okay," she agreed. "I need to go to the bathroom anyway." She smiled up at him. "Although I gotta admit, Mulder, I came damn close to going as soon as I saw that snake." He chuckled. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm sure I *would* have gone, except I was just on my way back from going when I found the snake." She laughed at his admission and began to hobble into the trees. "Watch yourself in those bushes," he warned. "S'okay, Mulder. I'm armed," she assured him. "Yeah, well, I wasn't thinking about your arms." She turned to look at him, raising one eyebrow. "And do you think about these things often?" He grinned at her and stepped onto the ladder. "Only lately." Smiling, she turned and walked out of sight of the watchtower. He hadn't ditched her. * * * * * * * 7:40 a.m. "You didn't tell me you'd were sick." The statement was reproachful enough to make Scully feel guilty. Mulder jumped the last three steps of the ladder, landing lightly beside her. "Why didn't you say something?" He shouldered their bag and stared at her, scrutinizing every inch of her face. She tried to shrug it off. "What should I have said, Mulder? Good morning, nice snake you got the way, I threw up?" His hand reached out toward her face and she ducked away from him with impatience. "Yes, Mulder, I have a fever. Yes, I threw up in the tower -- if you have to know, I threw up again before you came back down. I feel like shit and I'm seeing two of everything. But standing here isn't helping. Can we just go?" He waited until she finished ranting, then calmly reached his hand toward her again. Fuck it, she thought. Go ahead. Play doctor. Knock yourself out. She looked up at him tiredly, presenting her forehead for his perusal. His palm felt like ice against her skin. "You're burning up, Scully." She was angry in an instant. "No shit, Mulder. My leg's infected, and I've been walking on it for two days -- I'm sick. Of *course* I have a fever." Her head bobbed randomly with every emphatic sentence -- a motion she couldn't control -- and she started to laugh. Once she started, she couldn't stop. The laughter became hysterical, until tears were streaming down her face. Was she crying now? She couldn't tell. She couldn't tell anything anymore. Mulder's hands came up to capture her head, holding it steady as he bent to look directly into her unfocused eyes. "Scully!" he barked. "Listen to me!" She blinked hard, once, twice. Suddenly he came into focus. Had they been standing here long? The wetness of tears registered on her cheeks beneath his hands, and she was totally confused. Was she crying? Why was she crying? "Scully," Mulder said more softly, "I can't leave you out here alone in this condition, but you're going to have to fight this fever with every bit of strength you have left if we're going to get out of here today. Do you understand?" She nodded her head, still held captive by his hands. Amazing how familiar his touch was to her now. She blinked sluggishly, regretting the automatic blurring of his features. She never tired of looking at him. He moved his face closer to her own until they were centimeters apart. "You're going to have to fight hard," he told her, his voice husky. "I'll try, Mulder." She searched his eyes, taking advantage of her momentary lucidity. "I can do this." "I know you can." He stunned her by leaning in and kissing her softly as he released her face. There was no hesitation in the action, no second guessing -- just the sound promise of honest emotion. Scully felt as if her heart stopped completely. She hadn't totally forgotten their encounter last night, although she had only a vague recollection of what transpired. But those kisses had been initiated by her -- the result of an uninhibited Demerol-induced stupor. This kiss had been real and lucid. This kiss had been all Mulder. This small soft kiss had shattered her heart and soul. Mulder took her hand pulling her gently in the right direction. "Let's get started," he sighed. Her lips still tingled from the contact with his as she turned to begin limping beside him, silently chanting her single itinerary for the day. She had to fight it. She had to fight hard. She had to fight it. She had to fight hard. Throughout the course of the morning, the landscape of the mountain began to blur, then change completely as she concentrated only on her progress. She had managed to separate herself from the fog of delirium and fever that had hampered her earlier, but it hovered close by, following her every step of the way. Scully knew it was only a matter of time before it overtook her again. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10:27 a.m. The river was bigger than they'd anticipated. It was colder and faster, more imposing than they'd expected to find it. Mulder and Scully stood along the bank, transfixed by the sight of the clear blue water running endlessly over silt and sand, driftwood and plants. Strong currents raced over smooth grey stones in a constant rush of cold water that seemed to come from nowhere and disappear into the other side of nothing. If they hadn't had to cross it, Mulder would have welcomed the sight. Fresh water -- all they could drink -- cool and cleansing, beckoning them into its quiet, shallow reserves with a promise of rejuvenation. They could have enjoyed the discovery, allowed themselves to revel in washing away the dirt and grime of three days spent hiking. But they did have to cross it, Mulder thought grimly. He looked across the wide expanse of fast-moving water that separated them from the opposite bank. It looked imposing and treacherous, emphasizing the fact that standing quietly beside him, swaying with fatigue, Dana Scully looked small and fragile. She'd never make it across. She wouldn't even come close. "What now?" Scully posed. "Think we can make it?" Her voice was strained and thin, belying the bravery of her words. Mulder looked at her in amazement, almost laughing at the absurdity of her question. He choked on the humor as soon as he saw the thin straw of desperation that she was clinging to. Her solemn, determined face exacted an honest answer, and he gave her one. "I think *I* could make it...," he began. "But you'd be three miles downstream before you got halfway across." She nodded mutely, her eyes still fixed on the swift water. Mulder put his arm around Scully's back and guided her a few steps away from the bank. He knew with certainty how bad she was feeling when she made no pretense of shunning his help. In fact, she seemed to welcome it without reservation -- a fact that made him even more nervous about her rapid state of decline. "Here," he told her. "Come back here and sit down for a few minutes." She agreed without protest, and he gently supported her weight as she lowered herself to the ground in a half reclining position. "Scully?" He had to call her three times before his voice seemed to register with her. Finally she looked at him blankly. "I'm going to walk around this bend over here and see if I can spot any point in the river that looks narrower or calmer. Someplace we might have an easier time crossing. Okay?" He waited, but received no response. "Scully? Will you be okay?" She shook her head sluggishly, as if trying to throw off a cloudy veil that covered her. "I want to clean up," she whispered. He crouched down beside her. "Scully?" he said softly, capturing her cheeks with his palms and tilting her head up to look at him. "Scully, look at me." When she didn't comply right away he shook her lightly. "Scully, *look* at me!" he commanded. She turned dull, tired eyes up to meet his. "Don't bug out on me now, Scully," he told her. "You hear me?" "M'not," she mumbled, blinking in slow motion. "I'm going to look for a place to cross the river," he repeated. "You stay right here until I get back, okay?" God, he sounded like a parent, Mulder thought. A healthy, opinionated argumentative Scully would have called him on it in a heartbeat, and God he wished that more-familiar Scully would show up now. The Scully in front of him merely nodded. He was getting more worried with each passing second. He had to revive her somehow, even if it was momentary, or they wouldn't be able to take another step. "Scully," he asked loudly, hoping the increased volume of his voice would register with her. "You said you wanted to clean up, right?" She nodded at once. He released her face and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Okay. Listen to me." He shook her lightly again to make sure he had her attention. "I'm going around this bend and then I'm coming right back, okay? As soon as we get across the river, we'll both take a short break and clean up a little bit, okay? How's that sound?" She smiled at him, or rather, she tried to, and the sight cut through his very soul. He couldn't lose this woman. He couldn't even begin to consider the possibility. Life without Scully wasn't worth contemplating. He stood up, reluctant to leave her. "Well...good. You stay here and think about enjoying that water, and I'll be back in just a couple minutes. I'm not going far." "All right." She didn't look at him this time, nodding her head absently as she said the words and continued to gaze longingly at the cool river. But she had answered him without prodding, and he felt confident enough in her response to walk away from her, down around the sharp outcropped piece of land that obscured the river from their view to the east side. Not wanting to leave her alone any longer than he had to, he walked quickly with purpose, his eyes fixed on the variations of distance between the east and west sides of the river. He didn't take his eyes off the shorelines. He didn't look back. And because he didn't look back, he was oblivious to the fact that behind him, a small redhead crawled slowly and unsteadily on hands and knees, toward the rapidly moving water of the Watauga River. End of part 12 Tempest, part 13 * * * * * * * "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Standing waist deep in the river, Scully jumped visibly as the sharp sound of his voice destroyed the quiet tranquillity of the mountains. She wearing her T-shirt; her jeans were lying in a small pile of leaves under the tree where he'd left her. Sinking lower into the water until only her head was visible, she stared at him -- a lucid, alert gaze that he hadn't seen in two days. "Well, let's see...there's water...there's me *in* the water...there's soap -- which thank God you didn't make me drop just now when you screamed at me...if memory serves, I believe most people would call this a bath, Mulder." She dipped her head back into the water, wetting her hair completely. "You should try it yourself," she told him, her voice hoarse and throaty. "You're not exactly fresh as a daisy yourself these days." Her eyes widened as he plowed into the water fully clothed, his fury evident. "What's wrong with y---" Her words cut off sharply as he bent down and placed his hands on her hips underneath the water, lifting her effortlessly in the buoyancy of the water until she was bent over his shoulder, her bikini clad bottom arched toward the sky. The bandage he'd placed around her leg was still in place, the heavy stains of blood a dark brown blemish against the soaked white cotton that had been his work shirt. Careful not to hurt her, he anchored her in place with one hand on her hip, the other tightly gripping her uninjured leg. He knew she was angry, but there was no question he was angrier. He didn't trust himself to speak. Not as he carried her out onto the river bank, not as he set her unceremoniously on her unsteady feet...not even as she stared at him, openmouthed by his actions. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and his heart pounded relentlessly in his chest. He wanted to throttle her. "I leave you for ten minutes, Scully!" he yelled. "Ten minutes! And all I ask you to do is sit there and wait for me for ten lousy minutes! So where are you when I come back?" "I was taking a bath," she snapped, reaching down for her jeans, wincing at the sharpness of her own movement. "Why is that such a--" "You were up to your goddamned neck in a river that could have swept you downstream in less than a minute! Jesus Christ, Scully -- you don't have the strength of a Chihuahua right now. What in the hell made you think you could just waltz into a river -- one that scares the shit out of *me* by the way -- and have yourself an Elizabeth Arden moment out here in the middle of the fucking wilderness?" "I was doing just *fine* thank you very much!" She stepped into her jeans and began tugging, inching the material up over wet legs as she emphasized her argument. "Excuse the *hell* out of *me* if I made a *decision* without *consulting* you." She left her jeans unbuttoned and stepped into her tennis shoes. "You're not my keeper, Mulder." Her eyes flashed with indignation. "So save the caveman routine for someone who'll appreciate it." He couldn't help the slow smile that spread across his face. "Am I amusing you now?" she challenged. "You're back." His words were full of quiet emotion. Scully looked puzzled. "Look at you," Mulder told her. "You're wide awake, mad as hell, ready to take my head off..." He paused, giving his words time to sink in. "Welcome back." She shook her head, chuckling softly. "Why can't you just let me stay mad at you, Mulder?" she asked. "I was on a roll." He shook his arms and legs, sending drops of water flying. "Because right now it's not in your best interest to be mad at me." She quirked an eyebrow at him, and shoved a limp strand of hair from her eyes. "Oh?" "C'mon," he told her, extending his hand toward her. "I found a place we can cross. It's only waist deep and it seems a little calmer." Scully hauled the dirty nylon bag into her arms and handed it to him, allowing him to lead her slowly around the curved bank of the river. "This is it?" she asked, eyeing the distance. "This is it," he confirmed. "I don't see anyplace narrower, and those rocks down there seem to pull some of the current away from the center where it's deepest." He looked down at her, his heart catching slightly at the familiar glint in her eyes. Maybe they would make it after all. "You ready?" She nodded, and made a move toward the edge, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "Hold the bag," he told her, thrusting it into her surprised hands. He swept her easily into his arms, bouncing her lightly a couple of times to test her weight. "Mulder," she sighed. "This isn't necessary. Really. I can pull my weight -- you said it was only waist deep." He stepped into the water, testing the slipperiness of the rocks underneath his feet. "It's not a matter of pulling your weight, Scully," he told her. "I'm glad you're feeling better for the moment, but if you exhaust yourself crossing this river then what good has it done?" He stepped off an invisible plateau on the river bottom, sinking a good foot lower than he'd expected. Scully's bottom dipped into the water and she held the bag aloft as they made slow progress toward the other side. "Besides," he panted, struggling against the rushing water, "when I said it was waist deep, I meant *my* waist. You'd be in up to your neck." He took a fraction of a second to flash her a sexy smile. "And as good as you look in wet, clingy clothes, I'm just not willing to risk it." He plowed through the river with slow, deliberate steps, pausing a few times to readjust the weight of the woman in his arms. His muscles were aching, but the precious cargo he carried was his first priority. Finally, he felt the surface of the bottom begin to ascend, and knew he had made it across. He set her down in water that came to her hips, taking her hand as they trudged the last few steps onto the muddy bank and collapsed into the dirt and leaves, breathing heavily. For the first time since the crash, Mulder felt optimistic. The cold water had revived Scully somewhat, and they had to be getting close to the highway. They'd cleared the air that had festered between them, confronted some problems that they'd been avoiding too long. And little by little, they walls that kept them apart at the end of the business day were beginning to crumble. He'd kissed her this morning, and although he was fairly certain she didn't remember their encounter last night, she hadn't pulled away from him. It was a step in the right direction. It was a beginning. He closed his eyes against the brightness of the clearing sky, and allowed his breathing to settle back to a normal rate. They would rest a few minutes and head straight through the woods. With any luck, he'd have Scully tucked into a hospital bed and receiving antibiotics before nightfall. After that, he had no clue. But they'd made some promises that he was going to move heaven and earth to keep. "Mulder?" He didn't open his eyes. "Uh huh?" "Get up." "Do I have to?" he sighed. He hadn't expected her to be so eager to move on. She'd been so listless only half an hour ago. "No," she answered slowly. "You don't have to, but it won't be nearly as pleasant if you don't help out a little." He opened his eyes, squinting up at her in confusion. "What won't?" She moved over him, blocking the sun from his eyes, and smiled down at him, the smile of everything good that he'd ever known in his life. Her tongue darted out and slowly licked her chapped lips, making him ache to retrace the path with his own tongue. Don't torture yourself, Mulder, he thought. "What won't?" he repeated. She pushed something wet and slippery into his hand and bent low to whisper in his ear. Her throaty laugh promised more than he knew she could deliver, but he didn't care. Her words were enough to make his pulse leap instantly. "Cleaning up, Mulder," she breathed against his neck. "You and I are going to take a bath." * * * * * * * She hadn't been skinnydipping in years. Not since her sophomore year of college when she and Wendy Bealer had sneaked away to meet their boyfriends at Lake Laremont. They'd spent hours in the water, playing, flirting, splashing, kissing, petting. She'd finally let Kurt Eyremore get to third base, and if they hadn't been interrupted by the ill-timed arrival of a group of lost campers, she would have let him make love to her. At the time, she'd thought she loved him. "You done with the soap yet?" Mulder's question broke into her thoughts, startling her out of her nostalgic daydream. "Just a minute, Mulder," she called over her shoulder. "I'm almost done." She passed the small white bar over her arms in small circles and up around her neck, working the slippery residue into lather as much as she could. Even though there was no fragrance, she felt positively decadent. She dipped lower under the surface to rinse herself off, and began side-stroking through the heavy water to Mulder, who waited patiently some distance away. They'd separated instinctively when they entered the water, allowing each other their privacy. Now, closing the distance between them, Scully regretted their unfailing civility to one another. Fox Mulder stood tall and steady in the crystal clear water that reached only to the middle of his hips. He stood completely still, waiting for her to approach him with the humble delivery. Tiny rivulets of water ran in slow patterns down his muscled body, and for a moment, Scully imagined herself as that water, running free over his skin, his entire body her playground. Did he have any idea how much she wanted that? To explore his body? To familiarize herself with every inch of it? She couldn't breathe. He was Poseidon come to life. A god standing firm amid the watery world that surrounded him. Surely no human had ever affected her so strongly, no mere mortal had ever achieved this level of effortless sexuality. She stopped her progression in mid-stroke about five feet away from him and indulged an unabashed stare at his beauty. She'd never wanted a man so much in her life. Fox Mulder was living, breathing proof of the artistry of the very God he sometimes questioned. Perfection didn't happen without help. "Scully?" She blinked, suddenly aware she was treading water. "What?" "You okay?" He began moving toward her. She put her feet down to the muddy floor of the river and crouched down neck deep into its depths. "I'm fine, Mulder," she told him. Her voice sounded low, husky. "Just taking a breather." He began swimming sideways as he drew close to her in the shallower water, obscuring his nudity from her eyes. She could see the worry in his eyes, and felt a pang of guilt. She'd been fantasizing about his body, and he was worried sick about her health. He reached her easily, almost kneeling in calm water closer to the bank. Mulder reached a hand toward her forehead, but she captured his wrist and lowered it to just above the surface of the water, placing the small sliver of soap into it and closing his fingers over it tightly. "I'm fine, Mulder. I just got tired, that's all." She looked up at him. "Really. Go wash." He nodded his agreement. "Why don't you go ahead and get dressed. That'll give you a little time to rest before we hit the trail again." His other hand came out of the water to cup her cheek. "I won't be long. Can you make it out?" His concern was touching. It was also irritating as hell. They were never going to get anywhere at this rate, she thought, thoroughly disgruntled. The game was wearing thin. She knew he wanted her; she'd seen -- hell she'd *felt* -- the proof of that. But for some reason he refused to take advantage of her almost blatent invitation. What the hell did he want? A trail of breadcrumbs? Scully stared at the handsome man in front of her with a mixture of desire and exasperation. He couldn't kiss her soundly one minute and play big brother the next. And if that was what he was feeling at the moment, he could get over it, she decided. She wasn't about to step into little sister's shoes. "Yeah, I can make it out," she told him, slowly standing up in the thigh-deep water. His eyes widened as she bared her body to him completely before turning slowly and walking toward the shore, allowing him the lingering view of her naked bottom. Scully smiled wickedly as she stepped onto the bank, knowing full well that his eyes were riveted upon her. Without a look back, she bent over to retrieve her clothes from the ground, laughing to herself when Mulder's intake of breath reached her over the distance between them. "I'll be over on the other side, Mulder," she called over her shoulder to him. He didn't answer. Scully looked back just in time to see the surface of the cold water close completely over her partner's head as he immersed himself completely in Mother Nature's version of a cold shower. "Gotcha," she whispered, smiling. End of part 13 Tempest, part 14 * * * * * * * Finally clean from toes to teeth, she was sitting straight legged on the ground, finger-combing her hair when Mulder joined her on the bank. Her leg throbbed dully underneath the soaked cotton bandage, numbed from its prolonged submersion in the cold water. The river had acted as an ice pack, momentarily relieving the most intense stabs of pain, but Scully could feel the heat radiating from the wound. The respite would be undoubtedly brief, and then the nauseating agony would begin again. Mulder stood beside her, watching quietly. He was clad only in his torn, dirty work pants, the blue fabric turned nearly black from three days in the mountain wilderness. His bare chest was still wet, small trails of water running down from the wet strands of his hair. "Need a hand?" he asked her, his voice a soft caress. She looked at him wistfully. "Need a brush. I left it behind." "I didn't." He held up her brush, smiling as her face registered her delight and surprise. "I saw what you took out of the bag when I went back into the tower. I repacked." She smiled a silent invitation and Mulder lowered himself to the ground behind her, situating her between his legs as he stretched his own limbs out beside hers. She went still, concentrating wholly on the sensation as he began to stroke her hair. It was a measure of patience as he worked the soft bristles of the brush through hair too long neglected. Little by little, the snarls began to disappear as Mulder painstakingly drew the brush over and over and over her hair, following its progress with his hands, combing the ends around his hand to simulate the soft curl she so often wore. Scully sat still beneath his ministrations, her heart shattering at this, his small simple act of selfless caring. It was the most touching thing he'd ever done for her. She was almost unaware when he stopped the soothing stroking motion of the brush, and began to knead the tired, sore muscles of her shoulders. One sensual pleasure melted into another as she allowed him to massage away days of anxiety and stress. His hand pushed her hair aside and bared her neck to him, and her mind flashed back to the last time he had made this same exact move. Back then, standing alone in a freezing storage unit, it had been a measure of suspicion; an act of fear and retaliation. This time, there was nothing but the gentle feel of his skin upon hers. His fingers, his breath against her neck. His breath? Oh God. Scully bit her bottom lip as she felt Mulder's hot breath against the sensitive nape of her neck. When his lips touched her there, all coherent thought left completely. He grazed soft kisses across her shoulder and down her upper arm. There was no mistaking the intention. She was being seduced. Awkwardly, trying not to hurt her leg, she moved to her knees and turned to face him, her eyes searching his. It was all there. Finally. Everything she'd longed to see in him was there for the taking. Their lips met hungrily, his mouth capturing hers in wordless passion that set her very soul on fire. She felt the slow soft heat beginning to spread throughout her lower body and moaned against his mouth. Everything. This was everything. The touch of his tongue against the roof of her mouth, the feeling of his breath mixing with hers. She wanted all of it. She wanted more. Scully captured Mulder's full lower lip softly between her teeth and suckled lightly, his groan of pleasure giving her confidence, spurring her on. Kissing a trail down his jaw and neck, she let her exploring hands stroke a path across his bare chest, the last remnants of water spreading out across his muscles underneath her palms. "Scully," he groaned, his voice a harsh whisper. "Shhhhh." Her mouth continued its journey as she sensuously worked her way back to his jaw, his cheek. His beard was surprisingly soft to her touch, and more arousing than she'd ever imagined. Everything about Mulder was arousing, she realized, wondrously. She trailed her tongue across his jawbone toward his ear. When she found it, she sucked lightly on his earlobe. His breathless moan excited her even more. She pulled back, releasing him just long enough to cross her arms over herself and pull the constricting T-shirt over her head. This time, she wasn't wearing her bra. She felt the heat of Mulder's eyes upon her and resisted the urge to cover herself again. She was so pale and thin -- thinner than she'd ever been. She lowered her lashes, afraid to look at him, knowing she wasn't prepared to see what he might not be able to disguise. "God, you're so beautiful," he whispered. When she didn't answer, he crooked a finger under her chin and raised her face to look at him. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known, Dana Scully." His face moved closer to hers. "Don't ever doubt it." His mouth descended upon hers before she could reply, driving away any doubt of his sincerity. His tongue ravaged the softness of her mouth, as he leaned her back to lie on the ground, covering her carefully with his own body without ever breaking their kiss. His hand moved to cover her breast, gently cupping the soft flesh as his palm made soft passing strokes across her hardened nipple. An involuntary whimper escaped her and she closed her eyes, opening herself to him completely, drinking in the feel of his hands against her fevered skin. His mouth began a downward exploration, kissing a trail down her throat, stopping as his tongue flicked out to lap the small hollow of her clavicle. She shivered and threaded her hands through his hair. She was dissolving right beneath him, unable to believe this was actually happening. Mulder followed the path of his hands to her breasts, nuzzling one softly against his cheek before his mouth closed over her nipple. When he suckled her, she cried out, breathless, overcome by the combined sensation of his lips and tongue and beard against her sensitive flesh. Her hands tightened in his hair, holding him to her, and when she felt the moisture beginning between her legs, she parted them instinctively. Smiling against her breast, Mulder widened them further, settling himself finally between her thighs. He moved up to capture her mouth again, the sound of his wordless murmurs leading her to the brink of her own self-control. "I want you, Mulder," she breathed against his mouth. His elbows were on the ground on either side of her head, and he supported his weight on them as he pulled back to look at her. "I want you, Mulder," she repeated, her honest whisper surprising both of them. "Scully, your leg..." She reached up and pulled his head back down to hers, her mouth slanting across his in wanton passion. "My leg wants you, Mulder." He chuckled at her brazenness. "Your leg only wants me for my knee," he joked, kissing her cheekbone. "Shut up, Mulder." She pulled his mouth to hers again, effectively stopping their extraneous conversation. She was overdressed. They were both so damn overdressed. Without breaking the kiss, her hands moved down to the waistband of her jeans and she fumbled with the button and zipper, finally releasing them both. She lifted her hips and began to push the jeans downward. A short stabbing pain went through her leg as the heavy denim scraped across the bandage, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to ignore it. Some things were worth a little discomfort. And at the moment, Fox Mulder was all of them. Mulder slid lower down her body, his mouth blazing a trail of fire down her stomach until his chin rested just below her navel. He slid his hands into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down until they met the fabric of her jeans, then pushed both further down. His breath was hot against her stomach, and she felt the tight coil of desire building hotter within her. The tension was unbearable. "God Mulder," she gasped, "I need...I need..." His tongue darted out to flick her navel and she whimpered. "You need what?" His voice sounded thick and rough. "You." The word was a cry. A plea. Eyes closed, she turned her head to the side as he covered her body with his once more, the already familiar weight of him a welcome sensation. Her breasts ached for his touch, her nipples hypersensitive from the heady feeling of his mouth upon them. He buried his face in her neck and she felt the aching wetness between her thighs. When finally, his hand moved between her legs, she gasped, a combination of relief and uncontrolled passion. He kissed her deeply as his fingers parted her, his tongue mimicking the motions of his fingers as they deftly stroked her. When he moved one finger inside her, she moaned loudly against his mouth. His assault was unrelenting, first one finger, finally two, pulsing in and out of her body. When his thumb moved upward to stroke her simultaneously, her hips began to thrust against him as she fought for release. The tension was unbearable. Unbearable and magnificent. She never wanted it to end. "Let it go, Scully," he whispered, coaxing her toward the brilliant light. "Just let go." His words pushed her over the edge into the beautiful void she'd been seeking. The world exploded around her in a thousand pieces of dazzling light, settling over her in a cohesive veil of sunlight and promise. Her body felt like thick hot liquid pooled beneath him. Shapeless. Formless. Opening her eyes, she looked into Mulder's fathomless hazel ones, feeling a surprising wetness clinging to her lashes. Mulder bent his head low to her, silently kissing away the moisture. Scully's thoughts were a jumbled blur. She couldn't think. She didn't want to think. She didn't even want to go home anymore. She didn't want anything but for Mulder to stay here with her. "Make love to me, Mulder," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. She reached for the waistband of his pants and began to fumble with the button. His erection was huge, straining against the worn fabric of the pants and she knew the measure of self-control he had exercised to put her own pleasure first. He didn't move or say a word as she released the button and slowly pulled the zipper down. Only their ragged breathing measured the intensity of the scene as they played it out in wondrous solitude. She slid her hands inside the fabric of his boxers and pushed them down over his hips. She needed him. She wanted him. All of him. Taking up the cause when her arms had reached as far as they could, Mulder half-turned and removed them completely, his eyes searching hers endlessly, as if he expected her to change her mind. She allowed herself an appreciative look at his body and felt her mouth go completely dry. He was beautiful. Every inch of him was beautiful. "Scully," he breathed, lowering himself over her body. "Are you sure?" She reached between their bodies and took him in her hand, amazed by the silken hardness of him. "Oh yeah," she breathed against his neck. "I'm sure." She stroked him softly and he groaned. He kissed her deeply, then without warning or explanation, he pulled away suddenly, his body still poised above hers. "Mulder?" He didn't answer. "Mulder, what is it?" "Do you hear that?" he asked, still breathless with passion. "Do I hear wha --" "Shhhh..." he commanded abruptly. Scully fell silent, listening intently, hearing only the sound of her own blood rushing through her veins. Then there was something else. The unmistakable sound of a vehicle. Not a plane or a helicopter or something far away. This was small. A car, possibly a truck. And it was close. God, it was close. "Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?" he groaned, closing his eyes. When he opened them, he seemed to be in total control. "Wait here. I'll be right back," Mulder rasped, rolling away from her and grabbing for his pants. The weight of his body pushed her leg into the rocky ground, and she couldn't stop the cry of pain that escaped her lips. "Scully!" He scrambled back, kneeling beside her as he cupped her cheek in his hand. "God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She bit her bottom lip and nodded, her eyes closed against the pain. "It's okay, Mulder," she said, gritting her teeth. When at last the fiery pain subsided, she opened her eyes to look into his worried ones. His hand was softly caressing her cheek. "Really. I'm fine." She attempted a smile to back up her words. "Are you?" He helped her to her feet. "Am I what?" Her eyes lowered to his barely concealed erection, bulging hard against the fabric of his pants. "Fine." With a mischievous glint in her eye, she reached her hand down to cup him softly through the material. "It looks like *you're* the one in pain to me," she told him wryly. "God, Scully..." Mulder's eyes closed as he fought for control. Taking pity on him, she removed her hand, trailing her nails across his chest lightly. He captured her hand easily and pressed it against his bare skin. "Scully," he began. "Yes?" He gazed meaningfully into her eyes, the small twitch of his jaw the only indication of his humor. "Promise me I'll have sex again before I die." His teasing words sparked a glimmer of rememberance. Uninhibited kissing, her own spontaneous laughter...oh dear lord. She'd actually told him... She was momentarily embarrassed, then gave herself over to good humor. Her laughter eased the tension in her body, as she began to realize that their rescue truly was at hand after their three day ordeal. She looked at him seriously, an imitation of what she vaguely remembered as his own response to her plea. "I personally guarantee it, Mulder" she promised hoarsely, pulling his head down to hers for one last kiss, lightly teasing his tongue with her own. Drawing away from him at last, she reached down and pulled his jacket from the ground behind her, shaking it forcefully to remove the leaves and dirt that clung to it. "Here's your chance, Mulder," she told him, handing him the jacket and giving him a gentle shove toward the trees. "Go be a manly man." When he raised his eyebrows in a puzzled expression, she chuckled. "Go be a hero and find the highway," she instructed, "I'm ready to be rescued." He grinned and turned without a word, maneuvering through the underbrush that surrounded the river, fastening his pants even as he made his way toward the sound of civilization. Scully watched him go, her heart racing. She couldn't even absorb what had just happened here, and she didn't have time to sort it out. They'd found the highway. What they would find *on* the highway was yet to be determined. She pulled on her T-shirt and stumbled to her feet, her legs still shaky in the aftermath of orgasm. Every nerve in her body was on full-alert, screaming for a conclusion that wasn't going to happen. She couldn't imagine the frustration that Mulder was feeling. Sense of humor indeed, she thought wryly. God was probably headlining at the Pearly Gates Comedy Club. She stepped into her shoes, waiting anxiously for some sign of Mulder through the thick covering of trees. Gradually, her breathing returned to normal, even as her thoughts began to pick up speed. The trial was tomorrow. In all probability, if Escabedo hadn't found Lindsey Carroll by now, she would surely make it to her court date. And that was suddenly more important to Scully than it had been before the crash. If Escabedo was to blame for their plane going down, if he was responsible for the death of Daniel Davis and for what had happened to her and Mulder, it was suddenly vitally important to Scully that Lindsey Carroll be present in that court room to nail his ass to the wall. She could only hope her own reemergence into the land of the living didn't jeopardize that. Scully stared into the trees where Mulder had disappeared and fought the urge to call him back. They had to get to a hospital, trial or no trial. She couldn't risk losing her leg, no matter what the cost to the DEA's case. They'd run out of time. "Ready or not, Lindsey," she whispered. "Here we come." * * * * * * * The four lane highway was a welcome sight, winding its way across the uneven terrain of Cherokee National Park. It cut across the mountain like an endless grey ribbon, an adornment of civilization upon the endless expanse of wildlife. Mulder and Scully cleared the last piece of overgrown brush that separated them from salvation and stood quietly, hand in hand, gazing at the quiet road. They'd made it to the highway. They hadn't made it to safety. Tightening his grip on her hand, Mulder looked down at his partner, resisting the urge to lead her back to the river and finish what they had started. The images of Dana Scully lying soft and pliant beneath his exploring hands and mouth was still fresh in his mind. It was forever imprinted in his memory...the soft flush of excitement on her pale cheeks, her parted lips swollen from his kisses, her breath ragged and labored as she looked up at him with four years' worth of passion coupled with a measure of trust he'd never expected to know in his lifetime. He could still feel the silk of her skin. He could still taste her. Dana Scully was a gift he hadn't earned, his fondest wish come to life. She was everything. And he was about to step onto this highway and shatter any peace of mind he ever hoped to have. He was going to flag down a car and make her a target again, this time in public view. He was going to risk her life in order to save it. "I think something's coming." Her voice seemed suddenly shaky, as if she wasn't sure about what they were doing. He put his arm around her shoulder. "Scully, we're going to have to take this chance." "I know." She nodded her agreement. "I just keep thinking that with our luck, we'll flag down the only car on this highway that's full of Escabedo's flunkies." Mulder looked over her shoulder at the approaching vehicle, and couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face. "Well, I think you can stop worrying," he grinned. Scully turned to look behind her. "Unless Escabedo's suffered a major financial setback in the last three days, I don't think he drives a '76 Pinto." Buoyed by the welcome sound of her genuine laughter, Mulder smiled and stepped out onto the highway, waving his arms to slow the sputtering car. The driver pulled to the shoulder and rolled down the window. He was young, college-aged, and more than willing to give them a lift. Opening the door and helping Scully into the back seat, Mulder allowed himself the first deep breath he'd taken in nearly a week. Finally, after going to hell and back, they'd come out on top. They were going to have the last word. * * * * * * * End of Part 14 Tempest, epilogue St. Francis Hospital Johnson City, Tennessee 5:17 p.m. The third floor lounge area of St. Francis Hospital was small and dark, tucked away in the far corner of the hallway across from the nurses' station. Rows of vinyl chairs connected by their armrests formed a yellow and blue chain around the walls. The room was uncomfortable and stale, and smelled of old magazines and various spilled drinks. Mulder stood alone in the corner of the room, his hand resting lightly on the wooden privacy carrel that housed the pay phone. Through the glass that served as the top half of the walls, he scrutinized the nursing staff as they went about their duties. Scully was one of their duties now, tucked away at the end of the hall behind door 309. He'd hesitated to leave her even long enough to call Skinner, but she'd insisted he take care of business and stop hovering. Stop hovering. What a fucking joke. He wasn't her salvation. He could never be her protector. He was nothing but a liability to Dana Scully, and this time it had nearly cost her her life. The voice on the other end of the phone gave him instructions, drawing their conversation to a close. Mulder blinked tiredly, watching the lazy activity across the hall. "Yes, Sir. I'll be in touch tomorrow." He paused. "Thank you, Sir." He hung up the phone and moved wearily toward the door, his feet carrying him automatically back toward Scully. He paused only long enough to retrieve the daily newspaper from the small plastic table where he had tossed it, folding it inward to obscure the headline from his sight as he began making his way to Scully's room. Suddenly, three days in the wilderness seemed like nothing compared to the length of that hallway. Knowing what he did and anticipating Scully's reaction to what he was about to tell her, the walk to her room was the longest solitary journey of his life -- and over much too quickly. He paused and took a deep breath, rapping the door with his knuckle. Was it too much to hope she wasn't home? "Come in." Mulder leaned his head against the smooth surface of the wide entry, collecting himself before making a move to enter. He couldn't gloss it over, not this time; Scully had to know the truth. And in all the years he'd spent chasing it, the truth had never been uglier. * * * * * * * Scully looked up as Mulder pushed open the heavy door and walked into the her standard issue, sparsely furnished hospital sanctuary. "Everybody decent?" Her heart caught when she saw him. He'd showered and shaved, somehow managed a change of clothes. Jeans. God, she loved him in jeans. After three days of bearded Mulder, she'd also been unprepared for her reaction to his familiar clean-shaven visage. He'd lost weight, as had she, and the bruise on his forehead was fading to dark yellow, but she'd never seen him look better. Her body was on instant alert. She smiled at his casual question and pulled back the sheet to reveal her blue and white hospital gown. "I think that's a matter of opinion. I'm covered, but I'm not sure this classifies as decent." When he didn't comment, she quirked an eyebrow at him. "What answer were you hoping for?" He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. In Scully's experience, Mulder's eyes always told the tale. He was so easy to read. Sometimes he was *too* damn easy to read. One good look at his face and it registered loud and clear. Guilt...a *lot* of guilt. There was a small beige chair against the wall by her bed and he dragged it over to sit beside her, resting his forearms on his knees. He was holding a folded newspaper. "How are you feeling?" Polite conversation, she noted. This was going to be bad. "I'm okay," she hedged. Her leg hurt like hell, but she wasn't going to lose it gangrene. And until she knew exactly what was on Mulder's mind, she wouldn't risk adding another load to his overburdened conscience. "What's on your mind, Mulder?" He looked down at his hands. "I've been trying to come up with a good way to tell you..." Her heart began to thud heavily, her mind whirling. Let's forget what happened by the river? I've decided I'm not really that attracted to you after all? There's someone else? She steeled herself for the horrible possibilities. "What? Just tell me, Mulder." Wordlessly, he handed her the newspaper, and she took it, confused by the act, but relieved that he hadn't confirmed her fears. The headline sent her heart plummeting. "GRAND JURY CLAIMS INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE." The picture showed Hector Escabedo leaving the courthouse surrounded by a legion of bodyguards. She looked up at him, stunned. "He killed her, didn't he? He found her and killed her." Mulder's jaw tightened. "He didn't find her." Her mind raced. "She decided not to testify?" "Scully..." Mulder began. "It's not that simple. The truth is that the--" "I don't understand," she interrupted. "She had enough to get a conviction. Agent Westbrook said Lindsey Carrol's testimony would be the nail in Escab--" "She doesn't exist." That stopped her cold. "What do you mean she doesn't exist?" A feeling of dread spread slowly throughout her body like ice water running through her veins. Her heart rate quickened even more. "There is no Lindsey Carrol." He closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath. When he opened them, he sprang from the chair and turned away from her, running a hand through his hair. "There never was a Lindsey Carrol. There was no girlfriend. There was no testimony. The whole thing was a set up, Scully." He turned back to face her, his eyes pain-filled. "We were set up." She couldn't fathom what he was telling her. "But..." she fingered the rough edges of the newspaper struggling to find the words. "...the picture -- and the file." He shook his head. "The file was fabricated, start to finish. I can only assume the picture was an altered photo of you." She shook her head. "No. That can't be right. Mulder, we checked all this out. We did the paperwork. That file checked out -- Westbrook's whole story checked out." Mulder ran a tired hand over his face. "The DEA's official statement, Agent Mulder, is that we have no record of any Agent Raymond Westbrook ever having worked for this agency," he quoted sarcastically. "If you have any further questions, please submit them in writing to the office of inter-departmental resources." "Mulder, that's INSANE!" she yelled. "What could anyone possibly hope to accomplish with that kind of elaborate scheme? What would be the point?" He stared at her, the guilt flooding his eyes once again. "You think they did all this to get rid of US? Mulder that's crazy! Who would go to all this trouble just to...just...just for us?" Her voice trailed off. "All this trouble, Scully? Like the trouble of killing my father? Your sister? The trouble of abducting you and holding you for months? Or the trouble of erasing people's memories, burning boxcars full of their inconvenient reminders, blowing up entire jets full of innocent people..." Her head snapped up at his statement. "What about Daniel?" she asked. His lips thinned. "If he ever existed, as far as the DEA's concerned, he's been erased." She put her hands to her temples. This was too much. She couldn't absorb it. "Mulder, Skinner signed those case transfer orders. He okayed our involvement." He shook his head. "Skinner started calling around day before yesterday when we hadn't contacted him from New Jersey. As soon as he realized they'd cut us loose he started searching." He laughed harshly. "You and I have been quite a topic of conversation around the old J. Edgar Hoover Building," he told her. "We've been listed MIA for the last two days." Silence settled over them as they struggled for a mental hold on the circumstances. Scully looked at her partner, her friend, her -- what exactly were they now? It didn't matter, she realized. She was suddenly overcome with her own guilt. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. He spun around. "What?" She bit her bottom lip. "It's my fault." "No." "Yes. It is." She stared at him pointedly. "Don't try to play the `My Fault' game with me on this one, Mulder. I'll win. It's my fault because I'm the one who accepted this assignment in the first place." He walked to the foot of her bed. "No, it's my fault. I'm the reason why you wanted to accept that assignment, Scully. I made you feel your work on the X-Files wasn't important or valid." She responded instantly. "It's my fault because I was the one they approached and I made the decision." Mulder turned his face toward the window, breaking eye contact. "It's my fault, because they never would have approached you if you weren't involved with me to begin with." His pained whisper pierced her to the core. Game over, she realized. She couldn't compete with that kind of guilt. She couldn't begin to imagine the burden he felt. She held her hand out for him, craving the feeling of him close to her. "Mulder..." He turned toward her and, seeing her outstretched hand, moved to take it, sitting carefully on the side of her bed. He looked at her with the saddest eyes she'd ever seen, and she was overcome with the urge to protect him. This was a man who'd taken the blame for the loss of every person close to him. She had no doubt he was mentally adding her to that list with a footnote of "almost." She squeezed his hand, looking at their intertwined fingers. "Mulder, you have *got* to stop feeling guilty that I'm a part of your life. You're not the final say in where my life goes or doesn't go, and I am exactly where I want to be right now." He looked away. "Mulder, I don't blame you. Not for Missy's death, not for my abduction. You spend a lot of time thinking that you're the reason I should leave the X-Files. You don't seem to understand that in my mind, you're the only reason to stay." That got him. He turned to look at her, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Her heart ached for his vulnerability. She reached her free hand outward to cup his cheek, and he turned his head into it, his eyes fathomless as they searched hers, taking the comfort she offered. "Mulder, I told you once that even if I had known everything that would happen, I wouldn't change a day. Did you think I was lying?" He didn't answer, closing his eyes finally against the blatant honesty of hers. She dropped her hand from his face. "I have to believe everything happens for a reason, Mulder. And even if we don't know what they are right now, we'll find them if we keep looking." He swallowed, and opened his eyes. "I don't know how much longer we can keep looking, Scully. They keep upping the ante." "Noooo," she said slowly. "I don't think so." At his puzzled expression, she continued. "We're not any worse off than we've ever been, Mulder. We're just back on the same old familiar no one." He snorted. "Well obviously we need to be a little more careful about who we don't trust." She smiled at him, grateful for the reappearance of his sardonic humor. He was gaining perspective...rededicating himself. In short, he was coming back to her. On cue, he leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. "Get some sleep, Scully. I'm gonna go make a few more calls and grab some dinner, which I'll smuggle up to you in a little bit. I won't be long." The kiss was perfunctory at best. When he made a move to stand, she didn't release his hand. "Is that the best you can do?" she asked wryly, arching her brow in feigned annoyance. "If it is, I'm afraid I have to tell you that you do your best work in the field, Agent Mulder." His eyes widened at her bold statement, but he laughed appreciatively, bending to kiss the lips she turned up toward him. The kiss was soft but lingering, full of promise -- an unspoken acknowledgement of things to come. They pulled away from each other breathless. "You gonna be okay?" he asked, stroking her hair from her forehead. She nodded. "Weren't you listening? I'm always okay." He moved toward the door, his hand resting on the door handle. When he looked at her this time, he was utterly serious. "Watch your back, Scully," he said quietly. "Uh uh," she told him shaking her head. He looked confused. "That's your job, Mulder. Mine is to watch yours." Their eyes held for a moment, then without another word, Mulder nodded once and disappeared through the open doorway. Scully sighed, leaning back into her pillow, closing her eyes. Slowly, she gave herself over to relaxation, letting the mild pain medication carry her off toward slumber. For Scully, sleep came easily for the first time in days, finally secure in the knowledge that she and Mulder were safe, that they had survived and become stronger. They'd managed to walk away from this whole thing with time on their side, and for now, that was enough. Scully's breathing became deep and even and she stumbled into the now comforting darkness, still feeling the warmth of Mulder's promise on her lips. Well, there it is. The finished product of WAY too many months of work. :) It would be an understatement to say I'd love to hear your comments. Please let me know if you enjoyed it. Missy ( Title: Distance Author: Missy Pennington Classification: V, MSR Rating: PG Keyword: MSR Summary: An emotional standoff and a long distance phone call Author's Note: This is the first of two follow ups to my story "Tempest," which can be found at Gossamer. Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, FOX, and 1013 Productions. No monetary profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended. Distance By Missy Pennington "Distance is the cruelest enemy known to the human heart." -- Monique Plaisance Comfort Lodge Motel Dothan, Alabama There was nothing at all spectacular about room 117 of the Comfort Lodge Motel. Like every cheap motel on the I-75 straight-away, it supplied little more than shelter and some small modicum of security to the weary travelers housed temporarily behind its thin walls. The rooms were small, the furniture unmatched, the dim light of low wattage bulbs casting deep shadows upon the floor and walls, keenly disguising the telltale signs of age and possible neglect. Still, it wasn't the worst motel Special Agent Fox Mulder had ever stayed in. It didn't even make the bottom ten. And while it would never be mistaken for the Ritz, this one at least seemed reasonably clean. Hell, there had even been hints of luxury here: actual cellophane around the small brown ice bucket on the counter, plastic cups individually packaged, and a paper wrapper around the toilet seat, stating that it had recently been "sanitized." Of course he hadn't believed it for a minute, but he had to give them an 'A' for effort. At least someone had cared enough to lie. Besides, for the moment -- for the past two days, in fact -- it was home. "Be it ever so humble," Mulder muttered, entering the room without enthusiasm. It was quiet. Crap. He stood in the open doorway and sighed heavily at the sight of glaring sunlight filtering into the room through the half-exposed window. Damn maid. She obviously belonged to a sun-worshipping cult of neatness fanatics without sweat glands whose sole purpose in life was to ensure that after a hard day's work, a person could prolong that "not so fresh" feeling for even greater enjoyment later in the evening. It was methodical, ritualistic...make the bed, open the curtains, turn off the air-conditioner. Sadistic bitch. Mulder stepped across the threshold, shrugging out of his suit jacket and tossing it carelessly onto the nearest bed before the door even clicked shut behind him. Jesus Christ, it was hot. He pulled anxiously at his tie, loosening the knot with his left hand as his right felt for the yellowed cord that dangled freely along the edge of the window. He pulled it hard, making the heavy blue curtain halves swing inward with a quiet whoosh, overlapping each other briefly until the momentum ceased. One flick of a switch on the antique wall unit, and the machine groaned to life, beginning its familiar death rattle that expelled honest effort, but very little cool air, into the room. He hated the South. It was just so damn...rural. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, along with his tie, draping both across the back of the small wooden chair beside the bed. Ignoring his T-shirt, he stepped out of his shoes, pulled his socks off quickly, and tossed them over his shoulder onto the floor. He padded barefoot across the room to the bed, dropping backward onto it with a heavy sigh, arms outstretched. Why was he here? What the *hell* was he doing here? His mind began the rundown, silently answering the rhetorical question. He was investigating a case. He was second-guessing the obvious, hypothesizing things the average person didn't want to consider, stepping on the toes of local law enforcement. In other words, doing what he did best. He was missing Scully. Working the past three weeks without her had been an exercise in patience. He was tired of pointing out holes in his own theories...bored with his own company. The days dragged on endlessly. He wondered if she missed him even half as much. A severe leg injury, sustained in a plane crash, had put her on restricted duty for four weeks. Office work. Four weeks of the paper chase. And if he was missing his red headed partner's cynical mind and discerning eye in the field right now, he could at least take solace in the fact that he was handling her recuperation period a hell of a lot better than she was. After the first week, she had been climbing the walls. By the end of the second week, coworkers were taking alternate routes to the cafeteria to avoid bumping into her. Dana Scully was swiftly and surely going insane from the tedium of deskwork, and had vowed to take the rest of the J. Edgar Hoover Building with her. Not a person who knew her doubted she could. Mulder ran a weary hand down his face, rubbing his eyes tiredly. If there was one thing he knew for sure about Scully, it was that she had the capacity to drive a person crazy. He was halfway there himself. They'd spoken only twice in the past week -- a record low for them during their partnership -- and the silence puzzled and frustrated him. In the three weeks since they'd made their way out of the Tennessee wilderness, they had yet to broach the subject that he knew was on both their minds: The Encounter. For whatever reason, fate or circumstances, he and Scully had crossed a line out there, moved from partners what? Damned if he knew. They weren't lovers. Not officially, although God knew they'd made a good stab at it before rescue reared its ill-timed head. But since she'd been released from the hospital, there had been no mention of the closeness they'd shared. Maybe so, he argued with himself, but he hadn't wanted to push her. He'd fared better in the crash than Scully had -- far better. He'd walked away with only minor cuts and bruises; she'd very nearly lost her leg. So he had stepped back, given her time to recuperate and room to breathe. He'd just never expected it to drag on this long. The first week, the silence hadn't bothered him. He'd brushed it aside, chalked it up to her injury and a need for recuperative rest. But then the second week came and went. By the time this case had presented itself several days ago, he'd welcomed the chance to leave DC, thoroughly disconcerted by his partner's unwillingness to talk about what had, to him, seemed a monumental event. Unwillingness to talk about it? Ha. He was beginning to wonder if she even *remembered* it. While he'd been going out of his mind recalling the softness of Dana Scully's warm, inviting lips and the velvet silk of her bare skin everywhere against him, she was acting as though the whole experience was a bad dream best forgotten in the light of day. Three weeks and not a word. Not one mention. Nothing. Had she blocked it out of her mind? Had she decided it was all a mistake? It was no mistake. He'd known that the moment their lips met. Nothing had ever been more right. That was the $64,000 question. He'd tried for a while to get a feel for where they stood with each other, but the tenebrific silence between them gave no clue. Every psychologist profiling trick in the world wasn't enough to get a bead on Dana Scully when she didn't feel like sharing. Mulder sighed again, his body relaxing further into the too-soft mattress. They had to talk, and the sooner the better. To hell with breathing room. Fuck personal space. Obviously, he was going to have to confront her when he returned to DC, because the overwhelming desire to finish what they'd started was beginning to take over his every waking thought and most of his subconscious ones. Here he was in the middle of a case with four discolored, chemically decomposed bodies, and all he could concentrate on was the logical conclusion to what had been unceremoniously aborted on the bank of that river. If that conclusion wasn't ever going to happen, then damn it, she was going to have to tell him. It was past time. His patience had run out. He wanted nothing more in the world than to play caveman now -- go to her apartment and kiss her until she melted into his arms, resistance seeping slowly from her weakened body until she could no longer support her own weight, leaving him free to lock the whole world outside her door and carry Dana Scully to the bedroom and explore every tantalizing curve of her body, inside and out. Not his best shot, tactically speaking, but hell, a man could dream, couldn't he? Lately it felt like that was all he *could* do. He eased further into the fantasy, his body hardening at the thought of a certain red-headed beauty, breathless beneath him. The shrill double ring of the motel room phone resonated loudly over the chugging air conditioner, startling Mulder from his trance as effectively as a bucket of cold water. He turned his head toward the nightstand and reached for the receiver without raising up. It was too hot to make the effort. "Mulder." There was a momentary hesitation, and then the almost surreal sound of his daydream stepping into reality. "Mulder, it's me." As always, Scully's timing was impeccable. Just the sound of her voice sent a shock wave through him. How long since they'd spoken? Two days? Three? It felt like a month. His heart began beating double time. "I'll give you a million dollars if you'll get me out of this place," he said in lieu of a greeting. She chuckled lightly. "That bad?" "Honestly? No," he answered. "It just falls under the heading of 'Places You Wish You Weren't.'" He closed his eyes, conjuring up an image of his partner as they talked. "Ever spent a 'hottest June on record' in Alabama, Scully? It's the Scared Straight version of Purgatory. This is where they send people to get a taste of eternal suffering in the flames of hell." "No," she bantered, "you're thinking of Nevada. Alabama is where they send you when they're just trying to piss you off." He gave an appreciative snort. "I'd laugh but it takes too much energy." "Don't let me put you out." He could hear her smile in her voice. There was a thick pause as he waited for her to speak, but she said nothing else. Finally, he broke the silence. "Tell me again what I'm doing here, Scully." She answered slowly, her voice sounding uncharacteristically tentative for some reason. "Well I can do that if you want...but I don't think it's going to make you feel any better." "Oh?" He sat up, giving her his full attention. "You got the results?" "Yeah, Mulder, I did. In fact, the tox screen is in my hand as we speak. But um..." she paused. "Considering your feelings about how you've spent the past two days, I don't think you're going to like it." He fell back on the bed in defeat. "It was negative." "Well no, not completely." Her voice was flat. "But Mr. Danby's death is unrelated to the case. There's no connection to the first three bodies." "Damn." He ran his fingers through the sweat-dampened hair that clung to his forehead. "I know," she said. "I wish I could offer something more constructive. The cyanosis of the extremities did appear to be the same as those found on the first three victims, but the autopsy on Mr. Danby turned up no trace of the chemical compounds that caused the deterioration of the tissue in those cases. In this case, the blueness was caused by exposure to a single, highly toxic substance, most likely Paraquat." "Paraquat? Sounds like an exotic fruit," he joked. She didn't laugh. "Mr. Danby was a farmer, wasn't he, Mulder?" "Yeah." "Well Paraquat is a herbicide, highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation, or even just prolonged contact to the skin. It cuts off oxygenation to the body piece by piece, which accounts for the blue fingers and toes. It also explains the ulcerated condition of the tongue and throat, since it burns its way through the internal tissue." Scully's voice trailed off, and he could hear the rustling of papers being shifted. Stacking the two pillows against the headboard, Mulder leaned back, taking a moment to process the information. "If that's true, then why haven't more of the farmers down here been affected by it?" "That, I can't answer," she told him honestly. "My best guess is that he was most likely the only one using it. Turns out it's not widely sold anymore, because of the health threat to the growers, and the few places that do broker it usually dilute it to the point that it's not a problem. Whatever toxicity is left is moderated by contact with the soil; at least that's the way it was explained to me." When he didn't comment, she continued. "Either Mr. Danby was inexperienced in using this particular herbicide, or he was just completely unaware of the risk he was taking. Either way, he was toying with a potentially explosive situation." A very unpartnerlike comment was nearly out of his mouth before Mulder stopped himself from stating the obvious. Jesus Christ, this was making him crazy. He was frustrated, he was hot, and he was now officially on a useless trip to Alabama. And the one person he'd wanted to talk to more than anything in the world was on the phone with him now. Talking business. "I've remanded the body to the Dothan M.E." "Well...thanks for letting me know," he said diplomatically. "You must have pulled some strings to get the results back this fast." "I did pull a few," she said. He heard the hesitance in her admission. "Well...thanks. I appreciate it," he told her honestly. "Anything to get out of this heat. I was going to ge--" "I didn't just do it for you, Mulder," she interrupted, gaining his attention instantly. "I did it for me too." She paused. "I miss you and..." Her voice trailed off. He heard the deepening emotion in her voice, and his body tensed in anticipation of her words. Whether or not it would be what he wanted to hear, he had no doubt that the moment was at hand. There would be no turning back from the course she was about to set. He held his breath while she gathered her thoughts, his heart sinking just a bit lower with every passing second. Awkward silence. Hesitance. That couldn't be good, he thought. But when the words finally came, they were not uncertain at all. They were strong and sure, and they stunned him with their simple honesty. "I want you to come home Mulder." She took a breath. "I want you to come home to me." * * * * * * * She'd said too much. She'd pushed too far too fast. She sounded clingy. Possessive. He would run screaming in the other direction. Dana Scully sat like a stone on the grey and white corner cushion of her couch and tried to remember any other time in her life when she had ever been this nervous. Medical boards. Loss of virginity. Three hours past curfew on a school night. They all paled in comparison to the pregnant pause that assaulted her psyche at this moment. She winced. This was not going well. Nothing in her life was going well at the moment. The uneasiness that had settled between her and Mulder would never have happened if she hadn't been restricted to deskwork for so long. They could have talked about things sooner, before the silence festered. The first week she'd shrugged it off. She assumed he was giving her some space, and in all honesty, she'd been thankful. Her leg still hurt like hell; it hadn't exactly been conducive to setting the mood for a replay of recent events. But when the second week came and went she knew something had taken a wrong turn. Their breathing room had taken on a life of its own. An unpleasant one. The entire J. Edgar Hoover building seemed to be cracking under the stress of a silent standoff that nobody knew was in progress. All her coworkers seemed on edge lately, speaking only in hushed, hurried tones, going out of their way to avoid one another at all costs -- even during lunch hours. The hallways were empty, the cafeteria unnaturally quiet. Anyone else might have taken it personally, but she knew she'd been blessed with a more even temperament than most. She never showed outward signs of stress. It was a good thing, too. If people knew how she *really* felt, they'd run for cover every time they saw her coming. The seconds ticked away like heartbeats, thumping against the vacuous wall of silence. Dear God, what has she done? Mulder had been trying to tell her something with his distance all these weeks, and she had ignored the obvious, trying to will it into nothing more than a misunderstanding of good intentions. But she'd been wrong. Damage control. She needed damage control. She couldn't think. She said the first words that popped into her head, trying desperately to backpedal. "I'm sorry, Mulder," she started. "I was --" "Don't..." he interrupted. "Just...don't say anything." The unnatural tone of his voice jarred her into instant compliance. Heart pounding, she drew her legs up to her chest, curling up tighter in the corner of her couch, wishing more than anything in the world that she could erase the last five minutes. What had she expected? They hadn't discussed anything outside the obligatory work-related topics for weeks. It did tell her something. It told her too much. It told her that what happened between them had been nothing more than the heat of the moment, and she'd placed too much importance on it. Well of *course* she'd placed too much importance on it, she reasoned. She hadn't had sex in four years. It wasn't normal! Reasonably attractive, intelligent women her age did not go four years without sex unless they were mentally disturbed or lesbians in denial. Did they? Maybe they did. Her left hand came up to cover her eyes, rubbing her brow in thoughtless despair. Who was she kidding? Every mentally disturbed, lesbian-in-denial in the world had probably gotten lucky since the last time she had. This was not supposed to happen to her. She was never supposed to become this serious, career driven woman with no...outlet. Then out of the blue, he was just...there. Wet. Tan. Gorgeous. Mulder. Mulder brushing her hair. Mulder kissing her neck. He'd obviously wanted her. God only knew how badly she'd wanted *him.* So she had done what any woman with a single functioning brain cell and a shred of estrogen would do: she'd attacked him. She felt the warmth of humiliation color her cheeks. It had been so long. Too long. Now Mulder knew exactly how long it had been and he was letting her know in no uncertain terms that it was going to be even longer; he wasn't interested. Under other circumstances, she could have been okay with that, really...she could have learned to live with it. Except she'd just tipped her hand. She'd taken the chance and it backfired. Mulder didn't feel the same way. He still hadn't spoken. This was getting ridiculous. "Mulder, I'm sorry--" she started. "I shouldn't have sai--" "No!" he interrupted. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Scully. I was just...I just...needed a minute to let that sink in." She was actually sweating now. She fingered the corner of the autopsy file beside her on the couch and swallowed hard. "Look, Mulder, you don't have to say anything. I don't want you feel like I --" "I do feel like it." Her heart stopped. "You feel like what?" "Like coming home." There was silence on the line. "To you," he amended. Her heart resumed beating in the same instant that time was suspended. Relief overwhelmed her, and she sagged down into the pillows. He wanted her. She hadn't made a mistake. She knew why, but it didn't matter anymore. "I was afraid you'd changed your mind," she admitted in a hoarse whisper. "You've been so quiet. You've hardly said a word to me since...we got back. And then I was afraid to bring it up to you...and the longer we didn't say anything the more I just thought..." "I was waiting for you," he replied. "I thought you were having regrets." He thought she was having regrets? They were living an O. Henry story. "No," she told him. "Not regrets, Mulder. Just...uncertainty." "About what happened?" She could hear the twinge of hurt in his voice. "No," she rushed to assure him. "Not about what happened." "Then what?" he pressed. "About what's going to happen. About what I want to happen." She heard his soft intake of breath, and it gave her the confidence to continue. "I've been afraid, Mulder, that once you distanced yourself from what happened, you might decide it was a mistake. And when you didn't say anything about it for such a long time, well..." His voice was hoarse. "I was waiting for you, Scully. All this time I've been waiting for you. I didn't want to push you. I thought that once you distanced *your*self from it that you regretted what happened." "No," she said softly. "I don't." "Well, that's not true," she amended. "You do regret it?" He sounded confused. "No," she smiled. "But I regret one part of it." "Which part?" he asked. "The part we didn't get to finish." "Scully?" he interrupted. "Yes?" "What are you wearing?" She bit her bottom lip and looked down at her blue pants suit, her blue eyes gleaming mischievously. "Pajamas with feet and a mud mask." "You *know* what I like," he growled. She laughed. "So...when are you coming home?" "My plane leaves late tomorrow afternoon. I won't be back before 6:30 or so." "You going straight home?" she asked. "You gonna make me a better offer?" he countered. "I'll do more than make you an offer -- I'll make you dinner." "Deal." "You're easy," she laughed. "Don't let it get around," he chuckled. "We need to talk, Mulder." His voice was quiet when he replied. "We will. It's overdue." She leaned her head against the back of the sofa, perfectly content to be aware of nothing in the world outside of his voice low in her ear. "A lot of things are overdue." The words were sultry, and full of promise. There was a momentary silence. "How's your leg?" his voice ground out finally. The change in subject was abrupt, and she laughed at his tactic, unwilling to let him off the hook quite yet. She stretched her injured leg out completely, running her hand around the back of her thigh, feeling the bandage that still covered the wound. "'s much better," she told him in a low, husky voice, playing shamelessly to the moment. "In fact, I'll bet that I can even...oh yeah...I can. Guess what, Mulder," she purred. "I've regained my flexibility." He groaned. "God, Scully." She turned and swung her legs down from the couch, feeling suddenly lighter than she had felt in years, maybe even since before Melissa was killed. God, it felt good. She'd forgotten what it was like to know promise in a coming day. Everything had been so dark for so long. "Get some sleep, Mulder." "Okay. We'll talk tomorrow." "If you're real good," she smiled, "we may even do more than talk." "Scully?" "Yeah?" "I'm damn good." "Promises, promises." "God, I miss you. If you can make that dinner a brunch instead, I'll catch an earlier flight. I've had enough distance, Scully. I've had enough to last a lifetime." She agreed without hesitation. "Brunch it is." "You're easy," he mimicked. "Don't let it get around." "I'll be home early." "I know," she replied. "See you then." "Goodnight." "'Night, Mulder." She hung up and set the phone on the coffee table, her body still humming from the sound of his hoarse whisper. The uncertainty had been erased, she knew now where they stood. That was enough for tonight. Mulder would be back tomorrow, and they would figure out where they were going. If she didn't have all the answers yet, well... at least they were closing in on the ones that mattered most. Everything else would follow. Feedback is always appreciated. :) Title: Wild Places Author: Missy Pennington Rating: NC-17 Classification: S, MSR Archive: Gossamer yes. Others please ask. Summary: Sequel to "Tempest" and "Distance" Wild Places by Missy Pennington "The mind that I love must have wild places." --Katherine Mansfield Fox Mulder did his best thinking on the road. It was surprising, really, how easily the mysteries of the universe opened up to him when he settled in to yet another unfamiliar room for the night. Of course some rooms were more unfamiliar than others; this one was downright foreign, not even in the same universe as the dingy, roadside accommodations that usually served as shelter when he and Scully were on a case. This one had foil-wrapped chocolates on the pillows and a fully stocked minibar in the corner -- at least it had been fully stocked when he arrived. Sprawled across the rumpled king sized bed, Mulder drained the last few drops out of the miniscule, seven- dollar bottle of club soda and dropped the empty container onto the floor with the other remains. It wasn't pretty, and he didn't give a damn. If ever there was a night he deserved to feel sorry for himself, this was it; and since the Bulls' game was blacked out, he had turned to his second choice of mundane entertainment: snack food. The Snickers Bars had been the first to go. Food of the gods, ritually sacrificed for the sake of the greater good. When that failed to appease the Furies, he'd moved on to the rest of the food. The revelations began in earnest when he finished the six-dollar container of blueberry yogurt. Halfway through the eighteen-dollar jar of olives, he was putting the finishing touches on his fool-proof plan for peace in the middle east. By the time the four-dollar, Chicklet- sized box of raisins was gone, he'd rationalized the existence of several parallel universes and managed to come to grips with the fact that he was probably nothing more than a brain in a vat reacting to electrical impulses from an unknown source. It was the Milk Duds that finally brought enlightenment. The little flattened balls of chocolate- covered caramel had ultimately proved the catalyst for insight, provoking a moment of perfect clarity, condensing all the knowledge of the universe into a single statement that Fox Mulder understood all too well: fate loved a good laugh. Usually at his expense. Mulder looked around the luxury accommodations, so far removed from the dives he and Scully were used to. Forget the good laugh -- fate must have been absolutely hysterical over this one, he thought. The one time in their history that his partner would have enjoyed the accommodations, and she wasn't there to share it. He cast a discerning eye around the room, half- heartedly cataloguing its contents from the pair of plush white complimentary robes in the closet to the miniature glass bottles of expensive shampoo and lotion. Enjoyed? No. Scully would have *loved* this. "Damn it." He groaned in frustration as his body automatically went rigid on ScullyAlert. Years of dancing around the subject. Years worth of unfulfilled longing, restless nights and endless rationalization of the pros and cons of crossing that taboo, non-professional line with your partner. And tonight, finally, they'd planned to put the matter to bed. Literally. Tonight, he should have been in Scully's arms, in her bed. Instead he was lying alone on a mattress built for two, wallowing in self-pity, sporting a persistent erection that he resentfully refused to indulge, cursing the day nine years ago when FBI cadet Damon Wiles had saved his worthless hide. It was Wiles' fault he was here in this god-forsaken, luxury hotel. Eight years without so much as a Christmas card, and the son of a bitch picked this day to call in his marker. Bad timing or not, there had been no way Mulder could refuse. Not after Baltimore... The shadows overhead began to move against the ceiling, phantom images projected from nowhere, playing out a scene in silhouette form. A silent movie with a cast of young unknowns that looked eerily familiar to the audience of one below. Mulder had the scene memorized, but he watched it again as it played through his mind. < EVERYBODY DOWN! DON'T MOVE! > < AGH! > < WILES! > < I'm on him -- stay here! > < MULDER! BEHIND YOU! > < BAM! > The sound effects faded, and the shadows took a bow. Case closed. It was a classic tale of happily ever after, Mulder mused. Bad guys lost, good guys won. But one thing kept the story from being perfect. For the past nine years, he'd owed Damon Wiles the ultimate debt of gratitude, and if there was any sort of creed by which Fox Mulder lived, it was the idea that indebtedness sucked. It was the ultimate double-edged sword, a constant reminder that you were living in a state of grace bestowed upon you by the good will of another. Sure, it spoke of reprieve...but it also spoke of repayment. And repayment, Mulder knew, was a bitch. An ill-timed one at that. He looked at the clock. It was 9:30. Scully should be home by now, he thought. He'd barely had two minutes to call her this morning with the news that he was on his way to Chicago, before he'd had to hang up and rush to make his flight. After that, it seemed every minute had been filled with planes, meetings, and debriefings. When he found time to call again, she hadn't been home. He didn't think she was angry. She'd seemed to take it pretty well, all things considered, though her disappointment was obvious. He looked toward the plush white Hyatt Regency robes. She'd be even more disappointed if she knew where Wiles had put him up for the night. No, not disappointed, he amended silently. She'd be on the next flight to Chicago, that's what she would be. On the next flight to Chicago? Mulder sat up and grabbed for the phone, his fingers moving automatically over the keypad. The grating sound of a busy signal blared in his ear, and he slammed the phone down. "Damn it." Maybe she *had* been upset and he just hadn't picked up on it. No, he would have known. The few times Scully had been deeply, genuinely angry at him were burned into his brain, filed under "never do again." But he was flying blind on this one, and he didn't know what the hell he was going to do if he'd really screwed things up. They were in totally foreign territory, and evidently, Scully was in the lead. Scully... His mind took the increasingly familiar path that started three weeks before, in the wake of a plane crash. Scully dangling helplessly over the side of a mountain, clinging to a makeshift rope of clothing. He and Scully hiking endlessly through the Appalachians. Going to sleep with Scully curled up against his back in the glow of a campfire, and waking up with Scully stretched out fully on top of him in the light of early morning. Scully in a ranger's watchtower, flirting unabashedly under the effects of a pain killer. Scully wet and half dressed, sitting by the river. Scully seated between his legs, her head tilted back in pleasure as he carefully worked the tangles from her clean, damp hair. Scully kissing him, her soft cries urging him on. Scully underneath him, moaning his name... His body was aching for release, his cock throbbing incessantly. And every time he closed his eyes, he could feel the lingering softness of Dana Scully's beautiful mouth as if their last kiss had been this morning instead of three weeks ago in the Tennessee wilderness. Unable to relax, he tried pacing, but the room was too small. He doubled back and forth twice with the pent up energy of a caged animal, and then the minibar caught his eye again. Was there anything left? He padded barefoot to the corner and opened the small storage unit for the fiftieth time. One can of V-8 and a small red apple. Shit. Served Wiles right, he thought, reaching for the apple; he hoped the bill was enormous. His mouth closed over the small red fruit. Fitting, he thought. He couldn't even taste it. Whoever said food was a substitute for sex had obviously never made plans to explore the delights of Special Agent Dana Scully; there was no comparison. His stomach rebelled against any further snacking, and he tossed the uneaten apple over his shoulder with disgust, ignoring the fact that it rolled under the dresser. Fuck it, he thought. Fuck everything. Everything, that is, except the beautiful redhead waiting for you in Georgetown. There was no justice in the world. None at all. The shrillness of the phone interrupted his private pity party and he answered it with no thought to etiquette, grabbing the receiver as though he wanted to choke it. "Mulder," he growled. "My," the female voice on the other end replied. "A little on edge tonight, Mulder?" His heart skipped a beat. "Scully?" Her low, quiet voice sent another surge of desire through him. "Yeah," she confirmed. "It's me." God, that voice. He lived for the sound of that voice. He stood beside the night table, thumb hooked casually in the pocket of his jeans, letting the tension ebb from his body as if a release valve had just been opened. There was light in his dark world once more. He breathed deeply, imagining he could detect the slightest trace of fragrance. "How are things in Chicago?" "Noisy. How'd you know where to find me?" he asked. "I'm a resourceful woman, didn't you know?" "I do know. But you still surprise me sometimes." "Only sometimes?" He could hear the smile in her voice. "I'll have to work on that. I'd hate to think the mystery's gone already. "By the way..." she drawled, "Agent Wiles asked me to pass along his heartfelt apology for causing you to miss out on your chance to have long-overdue sex tonight." Wha...? He froze. “I'm kidding! Mulder, I'm kidding," she laughed. "I told him I was your partner and I needed to get in touch with you. That's all." He could hear her still chuckling on the other end of the line, and he made a mental note to retaliate. Laugh it up, Scully. Remind me to call your mother for a verbal okay before we reschedule our plans. "You really *are* on edge tonight." "Aren't you?" "Yes, but I'm trying not to be." "Me too, it's just not working." He sat down on the edge of the bed and scooted back against the headboard to get comfortable. Comfortable...that was a laugh. Sitting alone on a bed that screamed for wild, abandoned sex, listening to the incredibly erotic voice of the woman he should have been having wild, abandoned sex *with*, and wearing jeans that were becoming more and more constricting by the second. Comfortable was not an option. Oblivious to his predicament, Scully was continuing the conversation. "How is your profile coming?" "It's not," he sighed, his mind reluctantly turning back toward the disturbed psyche he'd spent the day exploring. "I had a preliminary done, based on the case files that Wiles faxed me at the airport. I worked it up on the plane. Real gut-wrenching stuff; I can see why they're desperate to catch this guy. He's definitely escalating." "Bad case?" "Yeah. Three victims in three weeks now. Kids...boys. I'll spare you the details." "Thank you." "Anyway, when I got to the office, everything was in chaos...a fax from Dallas about the MO that may tie in two previously unrelated cases in Texas." "When will you know?" "Lab results are supposed to come FedEx in the morning; hopefully they won't be a match. If they are, I'll have to start over from page one--timing, age, background,'s all gonna change. The Texas victims are both females. Teenage. Killed in `87. Totally at odds with the suspect I've worked up on paper. But I gotta admit from the coroner's report, it looks like the same sick bastard." "I'm sorry." He frowned. "For what?" "For bringing it up. Must be hard to stop thinking about it." "Today it's been hard to stop thinking about a lot of things." You. Naked. Wrapped around me. Eyes closed in ecstasy. That sound you make in the back of your throat when you're crazy with passion. "Bad day huh?" He snapped back to reality. "Yeah, well...I've had better." "Wanna talk about it?" "Well for starters, my head is throbbing." "Mmm. Have you taken anything?" "For what?" "For the headache." "Who said I have a headache?" She was quiet for a moment, then responded dryly, "If you're looking for sympathy, Mulder, you're looking in the wrong place. I'm the one who got stood up when you decided to head to Chicago, you know." There was no malice in her words, only teasing, but he felt the urge to apologize anyway. "I know. I'm sorry." He rubbed his eyes tiredly, then trailed his hand over his jaw, rubbing across the stubble he hadn't bothered to shave. "I had to. I've known Wiles since we were in the Academy together. And I owed him." "I know," she told him, her words softer this time. "You told me. And it's okay. If he saved your life once, then I owe him too." Her words washed over him like a cleansing rain, and he leaned his head against the wall, shutting his eyes to everything, concentrating only on the sound of her voice. It was one of the countless things he loved about her. Dana Scully had the most amazing voice. Just the sound of it over a telephone wire was enough to make him feel her presence keenly. It was low and soft. Steady. Calm. Listening to Scully -- *really* listening to her -- was like losing himself in the heady seduction of a well-sung torch song. Dancing. Bodies pressed tightly against each other. The slow, easy movement of quiet passion and the exquisite promise of so much to follow... "Besides," she continued, "as it turns out, I have something important to do this weekend anyway." That got his attention. His eyes snapped open. "Oh? More important than long-overdue sex?" She chuckled. "I didn't say *more* important. Just important. Since you're not going to be here, it's a moot point anyway, don't you think?" "Okay, I'll bite. What's up? Do I get to know?" "As a matter of fact," she said coyly, "it concerns you." "Oh?" he asked, genuinely intrigued by her buoyed enthusiasm. "Well...I had a doctor's appointment today, and my leg has healed faster than anyone expected." He waited for her to continue, even though he knew where this was leading, and a feeling of dread began to pool in his stomach. "I got a green light from my doctor to return to active duty on Monday." Back. She was coming back already. So much sooner than he expected...too soon. She wasn't ready. Or maybe she was. But he wasn't. "That's great," he told her, summoning up as much enthusiasm as he could. He couldn't suppress the memory of the savage cut that had nearly cost his partner her leg. The cut that had nearly cost him everything. "It's great, but...?" she prompted. "But what," he asked, knowing already that she had picked up on his hesitation. "Mulder, I can read you like a book. Let's have it." Damn, she was good. I'll take lying through my teeth for five hundred, Alex. "No buts, Scully...I'm thrilled you're coming back to work. It's weird out here without someone to second guess me on a regular basis." "But?" She didn't bite. Did she ever? "Okay. But..." He took a deep breath. "It just seems awfully soon. I mean...I saw that cut. I dressed it. You couldn't even walk, Scully; I carried you into your apartment when we got home. Now it's only been three weeks. Are the doctors really sure you're ready?" "Almost four weeks," she corrected. "And yes, they're really sure. Well...a few of them were *really* sure. The others were eventually...convinced." "And you were the one who convinced them?" he pressed. "I had a valid professional medical opinion on the matter." He didn't let her off the hook. "And?" "And...ultimately they were unanimous in signing off on the paperwork." "Okay," he conceded. "So you were like a dog with a bone until they were all unanimous. I'm still not convinced, but okay. What does that have to do with your plans for weekend?" She paused, and he could picture her searching for the right words, her forehead wrinkled, her bottom lip between her teeth. She was searching for a way to tell him something he wasn't going to like. It was a strategy on her part: how to phrase it to elicit the least vehement response from him. Damn, she was frustrating. It was like pulling information out of a recalcitrant child. "Well...the Bureau, isn't quite convinced I'm ready for field work." Score one for the Bureau, he mentally noted. A first in his book. "Well that's no big surprise there," he cracked. "How many times have you and I been injured in the line of duty, Scully? And how many times have they made coming back to work easy and pleasant? Every paper-pushing asshole in personnel lives for red tape; that can't be a surprise to you." "No, it's not," she conceded. "But because of the depth of the cut and the threat of serious muscle damage, they want to be certain that I didn't suffer any permanent physical impairment." "What does that mean?" he asked. "They're making me pass a physical and a strength test before personnel will change my status." "A strength test?" That was a new one. "Flexibility. Stamina. Self defense. That sort of thing. God knows the Bureau isn't about to clear an agent for field work with the slightest doubt as to whether or not they're fit for duty. `That, Agent Scully,'" she deadpanned, sounding for all the world like a mindless, bureaucratic desk jockey, "`...would open up the Bureau to the threat of legal action, should a field agent not be able to react quickly enough to defend himself in a hazardous situation.'" He snorted appreciatively. "Did you have a translator with you?" "Bottom line: I don't pass a physical, I don't come back to work. It sounded more life-threatening when they said it." "So that's the important thing you have planned this weekend?" "Yes," she told him, sounding reluctant. "I'll be at the gym all day Saturday and Sunday." His mind detoured. Scully in work out clothes, glistening with perspiration, muscles moving sensuously in repetitive motion... His aroused body hardened even more, causing him to grit his teeth. God, he was desperate. He wanted to hit something. No. That wasn't what he wanted. He wanted Scully. Hitting something would have just been an added bonus. This entire night was torment. He was here, she was there. Just the sound of her breath reaching him through the receiver was driving him toward orgasm. He had to make it home this weekend. "You know, Scully," he said, purposely lowering his voice, "if I can make it home tomorrow night we could spend the weekend working out together." She processed the statement silently before replying, "I don't know, Mulder. How long has it been since you were on the mat? I may need someone with more...recent...experience under their belt." He closed his eyes and counted to ten. His lower body continued to throb uncomfortably. Finally, he reached his hand downward, desperate to ease the ache. "I can tell you for a fact, Scully," he said, catching his breath slightly at the feel of his own undeniable need. "I have plenty of experience under my belt." His hand rubbed lightly against his erection through the worn denim fabric of his jeans. Had he ever been this desperate for sex? Three weeks without just her *presence,* and he felt like a soldier on wartime deployment. His palm pressed a little harder, increasing the friction, and he bit his bottom lip. He could come so easily. His hand...Scully's low seductive voice. He was dangerously close. And if she knew what she was doing to him...what he was doing to himself, while talking to her, the implication of a cheap, phone-sex thrill would be unforgivable. He shifted his position on the mattress, trying half- heartedly to gain control of himself, but the movement only brought his crotch into tighter contact with the inseam of his Levi's. Nearly breathless, he tried for small talk. " are things in DC?" He winced the second the words were out. Okay, how lame was that? Lying here with a monumental erection, talking to Dana Scully about the weather. Scully didn't laugh. He could hear her settling in for comfort against the sound of creaking wood. She was in bed, he realized God, did he really need to know that? She made a few indecipherable noises before she finally answered him, sounding strangely short of breath. "Things in...DC, Mulder, are...kind of wet at the moment." Not what he expected. He fumbled for the button of his jeans, trying to formulate a coherent reply. "Well...we were due for the rain, I guess." "I didn't say it was raining." He heard the small catch of breath that punctuated her statement, and it pushed him over the edge. His hand moved slowly back and forth against his aching cock, and he could barely suppress a groan. Fuck it. He was too far gone. Ten seconds of experienced maneuvering, and he was free, kicking jeans and boxers both to the foot of the bed in a pile of constricting cloth. He leaned back, naked, and tucked the phone into the crook of his neck, his hands free to roam his body. He shouldn't do this, his conscience chided him. The mere idea of Scully conversing casually, keeping him company long-distance, oblivious to the fact that he was getting off, should have kept him from going through with it. He was lost at the first touch of his own hand. He had no willpower, he told himself; he was a man. Not that the argument was valid, but he was desperate enough grasp the easy out. Scully didn't have to know. Surely he could do this...quietly? Inconspicuously? Hell, it wasn't like they were going to discuss it, right? He pushed aside the niggling guilt and concentrated more intently on the sound of her voice, trailing his fingers up his stomach to his chest, tracing small circles around one nipple, imaging it was her hand that carressed him. He didn't know how much time had passed before he realized she had stopped speaking. Oh God. She knew. Did she know? Why was she so quiet? He cleared his throat half heartedly, so she would know he was still there. From her end of the line, he could hear movement, but nothing else. "Everything okay?" he asked finally. "Yes!" she responded quickly, almost as if she'd been startled. "I'm here. Everything's...fine. So... Mulder..." "...Yeah?" he answered, praying he could keep up a pretense of coherent conversation. Scully's voice was suspiciously shaky. "How is it for you out there, going it alone?" He opened his eyes in surprise. Was that an obvious sexual comment, or was he only imagining her play on words? Surely Scully wouldn't... Would she? His fingers reached downward again, grazing lightly across his penis. His eyes closed heavily again and he forced himself to respond casually. "It's...hard. Harder than I expected, but I'm...managing it." God, he couldn't believe he just said that. What if he was wrong? What if he offended her with his blatent innuendo. He tried to backtrack. " is it for you?" "It's been...repetitive, mostly," she almost whispered. "I feel like I've just been going through the motions." Jesus Christ. He was right. She was right here with him. "In fact," she continued, "it's really almost mindless at times...things I can do in my sleep." The game was in full swing. He grazed his thumb across the tip of his penis, feeling the moisture. "Well," he ground out, "sometimes a...slow and steady... pace can be...good. It's easier to...keep things in hand." Her breath caught, and she didn't reply for a few seconds, allowing his imagination to roam freely into an erotic Scully playland. "Maybe," she admitted finally. "But after a me, you're...more than...ready for..." She gasped. "Fast and furious." He wanted to touch her. He could hear the soft, private sounds of her passion, and he ached to trail his fingers across her soft, pale skin. Down the smoothness of her back, across the contour of her bottom, over the rising curve of her hip and around her pelvic bone...down lower until his hand was at the apex of her thighs. Mulder's hand moved lower still, seeking her core, his fingers slipping inside her body to find the warm, wet evidence of her arousal, finding his own instead. The fantasy blended seamlessly. Her hand, his own, her touch evoking the shivers that expelled his ragged breath into the phone for her to hear. He heard her moan softly, not knowing, not caring anymore if she was responding to him or to herself. It ceased to matter. She moaned again, and he repeated his movements, urging her on through his mounting passion, enticing his own body as she responded hundreds of miles away. He felt the image of her body shudder, felt it as his own orgasm overwhelmed him. For a long moment, there was only the sound of labored breathing from the receiver, then her voice, as she sought his presence. "Mulder?" Her voice was hoarse. "Jesus," he murmured, settling further into the bed, cradling the receiver against his neck. "I know." There was no mention of the shared intimacy. No denial or affirmation of things that were thought and done. Just quiet acceptance of the moment, and reverence for the barrier that shattered in the wake of shared privacy. They were silent for another moment, content with nothing more than the awareness of each other's company. He had no idea what to say. It was one of the most erotic encounters he'd ever had. And it wasn't nearly enough. It wasn't in the same ball park as nearly enough. Not in the same universe. And it never would be until he could hold her. Until he could make love to her while they were actually in the same city. "Mulder?" Scully asked finally. "Hmm?" The sound of her voice, still thick with passion, saying his name made him ache with the loneliness of what had just transpired. "What side of the bed are you on?" He had to look to be sure. "Right. You?" "Left." Neither of them commented, and he contemplated the mental picture they presented. She yawned quietly. "Want to sleep?" he asked. "I should," she whispered, suddenly sounding as lonely has he felt. "Me too." "So...I guess I'll look for you on Monday?" He nodded, as if she could see him. "I'll be home sooner if I can." He felt, rather than saw, her nod in reply. "I'll see you Monday." Don't hang up. Don't hang up. I need to say... "Scully?" Silence. "Yeah?" "Goodnight." You coward. "Goodnight, Mulder." He heard the soft snick of the line disconnecting, and then the harsh, offending drone of the dial tone, severing the last of his contentment. He placed the receiver in the cradle and turned off the nearest lamp, sliding over to the clean, unwrinkled side of the bed, away from the light of the remaining lamp in the corner. He didn't feeling like walking over to turn it off. His mind raced through the countless possibilities that tomorrow might hold. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could get back to DC by Sunday. Maybe he could make it. Maybe...if it all came together...if there were no surprises, his preliminary profile would stand up. He could hand the paperwork over to Wiles and head for the airport. Home by 6:00. In Scully's arms by 7:00. So simple. So simple if not for the souls of two dead girls in Texas, crying out for justice, and two shattered families he didn't know looking to him for closure. There was no decision to be made; he would do what had to be done. He always did. The fact that he was in Chicago at all was proof of that. It was never simple. He raised his arm over his eyes, shielding himself from the offending light of the lamp, cursing the fact that there was no way in hell he would be back in DC before Monday. It wasn't pessimistic; it was realistic. The way his luck had been running lately, the whole idea of something going right at this point was utterly laughable. Yet luckily, at that moment, Fox Mulder -- profiler, psychologist, and part-time philosopher -- forgot one very important fact that had the ability to tilt his world on its axis: fate loved a good laugh. Usually at his expense. Author's note: Yes, I know I said this would be the final gratification story to wrap up "Tempest" and "Distance." What can I tell you...I got sidetracked by the idea of a fourth story. The good news is that the fourth story is WELL underway and there is a 100% chance that Mulder and Scully will at LAST be successful in their efforts to get it together. Any encouragement sent to will definitely help speed things along. Thanks for reading. :) Title: Escape Me Never Author: Missy Pennington Rating: NC-17 Summary: Withheld at author's request Archive: Gossamer yes, others please ask Keywords: S, MSR Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully and the X-Files do not belong to me. They are the property of Chris Carter, FOX, and 1013, and are used without permission. I mean no infringement. (The working title of this story was "Pressure Points." So for those who wrote to inquire about my progress, rest assured, this IS the same story.) Note: "Escape Me Never" is the conclusion of a story that started in "Tempest" and continued in "Distance" and "Wild Places." Like those stories, this one can stand on its own, but it works better if you read the others first. They can be found on my website ( Escape Me Never by Missy Pennington "Escape me? Never, Beloved! While I am I, and you are you, So long as the world contains us both." -- Robert Browning 8:47 p.m. Georgetown Remo's Gym (after hours) The victim was unaware. She stood casually in the center of the dimly lit room, the fingers of her left hand lightly massaging her forehead as if to relieve the tension of a stressful day of work. She was small and looked even smaller in casual clothing. The grey sweatshirt she had donned hung loosely from her shoulders, obscuring the curves of her body from his eyes, but not from his memory. He knew what enticements were underneath. How many hours had he spent studying her while she was blissfully unaware of his scrutiny? How many days? He couldn't count them all. She had never caught him, and she wouldn't this time; he was always careful when he watched her. He had to be. Centimeter by centimeter, he pushed the door into place behind him, controlling its movement with little more than his own extreme patience, aware that even the tiniest squeak of a hinge could give him away. The sound of a latch falling into place, a lock turning...those were careless mistakes. Those were mistakes made by amateurs. He was a professional. He locked the door without a sound, and began his silent move to the back of the room, his eyes never leaving the auburn-haired beauty who stood less than twenty feet from him. He kept to the wall, his shadow blending seamlessly with the myriad of shapes already indistinguishable on the light wood floor. The dim lighting helped; she couldn't have provided him with a better setting. Stealthy movements went undetected as he approached her from behind, his gaze sweeping over her, lingering on the curve of her neck. With her short red hair swept up, pinned haphazardly, she afforded him an unencumbered view of her slender throat. So thin, so delicate, presented like an offering. Daring him almost to reach his fingers toward her. But he didn't; she was stronger than she looked. Powerful. Determined. He admired that about her. The hardwood beneath him gave way to slight resistance, and the floorboard groaned loudly, its sound magnified by the emptiness of the room and the utter stillness that preceded it. He froze, heart pounding. Stupid mistake. Careless. Now she would look. She would turn to scan the darkness, her body tense and alert. He would lose the element of surprise he'd worked so hard to maintain. His carefully made plans would crumble because of an amateurish blunder. But maybe... Maybe if he was still... Maybe if he could be utterly silent a while longer among the shadows.... The Target turned toward him, her eyes searching the phantom jungle of darkness that held him safely within. She was wary; he could see it plainly in her eyes and in the thoughtful furrow of her brow as she scanned the room, nervous energy radiating from her every movement. But she didn't see him, standing almost close enough to touch. She looked through the blackness without recognition, oblivious to the hammering of his blood through his veins. There was no fear on her face. Only caution. She stood facing him for a long moment, effectively hindering his progress to draw closer, but he didn't mind. He was a patient man, and he'd waited a long time for this. He merely stared at her unabashedly, relishing the fact that he was free to scrutinize her from head to toe without fear of being caught. When she first turned around, he'd been surprised by the sight of her, the business suit she usually wore replaced now by cotton fleece, her face scrubbed clean of any trace of makeup. She looked young -- younger than he had realized. He didn't question the small thrill this gave him, nor did he allow himself to be distracted from his task. Looks were deceiving, and this small beauty was as worthy an adversary as he'd ever encountered. She turned her back on him suddenly, and he frowned, watching her shrug off the nervousness as she returned to her quiet vigil of clock-watching. Her guard was down once more; he hadn't expected such an easy battle. The Target stretched her arms up high overhead, pulling the tension out of knotted muscles, a small quick sigh the only sound that marked her return to vulnerability. Once again, she was totally self- absorbed, unaware of the opportunity she presented. She lowered her gaze to look at her watch. Unguarded, he thought scornfully. Unsuspecting. It was too easy. There would be no challenge after all. He'd expected more. His eyes narrowed with disdain as her hips swung almost imperceptibly back and forth, playing out a rhythm only she could hear. Small taunting sounds of her contentment reached him, raising the hair on the back of his neck. A swallow, light humming, level breathing. Oh, to feel that breath against his skin as he covered her mouth... She shifted her weight onto her right hip, and he knew the moment had come. Her nonchalance would be her undoing. With her balance off-center, she could put up no defense against a swift, blind attack. She should know better, he thought resentfully. All women should know better. Such carelessness was their downfall. They invited attack. The Target straightened, looking once more at her left wrist before she began to walk away, putting more distance between them. There was no more time to reflect on the moment; he had to act or lose his opportunity. Adrenaline pumping, he approached with silent speed. A few quick strides, and the distance between them disappeared. His movements were calculated, each one measured and effective as he calmly, steadily reached around her neck. His left forearm closed around her windpipe, pulling her back swiftly against his chest as his right arm circled around her abdomen, pinning her arms to her sides, preventing any further movement. There was a soft gasp of surprise from her, but no scream. She didn't struggle. He pushed aside his disappointment. He'd expected more. He'd looked forward to more. The woman in his grasp was still as a stone. He held her at his mercy, incapable of retaliation, though he could feel the futile tension in her muscles. Her body was rigid against his own, her frustration tangible. It almost made him feel sorry for her, knowing the measure of pride she took in her self-reliance. Almost made him regret his actions, made him sorry he was so rough with her. Perhaps he could have been more gentle... The second-guessing stopped the instant he felt the heel of her right foot make contact with his shin. The kick was swift and precise, delivered without warning, and she followed it instantly with another kick in the same spot. Her accuracy was deadly. Deadly and excruciating. Startled, he reacted to the pain by loosening his grip on her body, and she turned her full fury on him. Her arms pulled free from his grasp and rose quickly in defense, coming up instinctively between her chest and his arm, pushing violently against his wrist. Unable to maintain his hold on her, he took an unconscious step backward, and she doubled over, using the space between them to gain a foothold. Her hands tightened on his forearm and she pulled against his weight, leveraging his body to roll over her back and onto the floor. Within seconds, she had him helpless. He stared up at her, wide-eyed. It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Clear blue eyes met his own, and he was surprised by what he saw in them; Special Agent Dana Scully looked bored beyond words. And more than a little amused. She swung her leg over his body and straddled his abdomen, using her weight to pin him as she raised an eyebrow in reprimand. "Care to explain yourself, Agent Mulder?" "Um...I'm home?" "So I see." "I thought I'd surprise you," he told her, starting to rise. She pushed him back down with surprising ease. "Surprise me? Mulder, a deaf man in Asia could have heard that approach -- and probably did," she chastised lightly. Unwilling to admit his defeat or explain it, he gave a sheepish smile instead. "Two out of three?" "Huh-uh." She clutched a handful of his t-shirt and bent forward toward his face, her knuckles pressing into his stomach, forcing the breath from him. "I want to know what that little maneuver was all about." "What? I don't know what you--" She pressed harder. "Ooof!" She eased up. "Mulder...what are you doing here?" "Well obviously, I came to work out with you." His gaze wandered down to her hands, which still held two fistfulls of his shirt. "Although at this point I'm seriously reconsidering my options." She released his shirt but made no move to rise. "You couldn't have called?" He stared up at her. "I guess the big `running- through-the-field-with-outstretched-arms' reunion thing I had planned is out of the question?" Her expression was all the confirmation he needed. "I got in a couple hours ago," he told her. "I knew you were going to be here working out and I thought I'd surprise you." "What about your case?" "Finally got a break." He shrugged, reluctant to detail the gruesome murder cases he'd spent the past two days memorizing. His head rolled from side to side as he took in the lateral view of the empty gym. "The lab results on the trace evidence from Texas were sufficient to establish the murders weren't related. I gave Wiles my paperwork and hopped the 4:15 home." Her expression softened, and she graced him with a small hint of a smile, leaning down close to tell him, "It isn't that I'm not glad to see you, Mulder...I am. But I have to keep this appointment. I promise," she told him conspiratorially, "after this workout, I'm all yours." You don't know the half of it, he thought, mesmerized by the feeling of her slight weight on top of him. You're mine now, Scully. Signed, sealed, delivered. Of course he didn't say it. But the possessive feeling that washed over him at her casual comment surprised him with its intensity. All she had to do was look at him like that and he was lost. Aware that his mouth was suddenly dry, he swallowed hard, his tongue darting out to moisten parched lips. "So," he questioned at last, "exactly how glad...are you, to see me?" His hands came up to sit lightly on her hips, and for a moment, she looked tempted. The battle being waged silently within her was almost comical to see played out in her deep blue eyes, and Mulder had an unencumbered view. He watched with vested interest, able to pinpoint the exact moment that the little pantsuit-clad ScullyAngel sitting five inches above her left shoulder finally kicked the shit out of the delectable little lingerie-clad ScullyDevil he'd been rooting for. "I'm very...very glad to see you," she told him, raising his hopes momentarily before squashing them like a twinkie under the foot of a Sumo wrestler. "But it's going to have to wait, Mulder, much as I hate it. I can't play yet." Her hands began smoothing out the wrinkles she had inflicted upon his t-shirt. With obvious reluctance, she rose to her knees, wincing visibly. "What?" he asked, instantly concerned. "Is it your leg? Did I hurt it when I grabbed you?" "Relax," she commanded lightly. "You didn't hurt me, Mulder." Her breath caught as she probed gingerly around the back of her left thigh, massaging the area around her healing wound. "It's fine. When I stress the muscle in any way for longer than a couple minutes, it hurts when I move. That's why I need this work out so much." She made another move to get to her feet. "I need to walk this off before my trainer shows up. He was supposed to be here five minutes ago." "Um...he's not coming, Scully." She looked confused. "What?" Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He paused, reluctant to come clean. "I kind of...sent him home." He looked all around the gym, determined not to meet her pointed gaze. She sat back down on his stomach, making no effort to do so gently. "Excuse me?" The light fixtures in this place were really dirty, he noted. How long had it been since anyone with an extension ladder did any kind of maintenance up there? Chipped paint was one thing, but the fixtures looked shot to hell. No telling about the amount of shoddy duct work... "Mulder..." Her voice held a warning he couldn't ignore. "You sent...?" He sighed. "He was on his way in when I got here. I...I...might have told him..." She didn't wait to hear what he'd told him. Her anger was immediate. "You sent him away? You took it upon yourself to send him away? I can't believe you, Mulder! You had no right! I needed this -- it's important! I told you that on the phone. If I want to be reinstated for active duty I have to be positive I can defend myself in the field! I need this work out!" "So work out with me," he protested. "That's why I came!" Her mouth dropped open in wordless accusation, her forehead wrinkled in amazement. She looked at him as if he'd grown another head. "You're serious." It was his turn to look hurt. "Why not?" "Because you can't do it," she told him flatly. "I can't d...WHAT?" She gestured around them, indicating their current position on the mat. "Well this should be a big clue, Mulder. I mean, what was this?" She held her palms up in an expression of puzzlement. "You try to take me from behind and I've got you pinned in twenty seconds?" He tried to formulate an answer, but his mind was still stuck on the words "take me from behind." The prospect was infinitely more pleasing than anything they were discussing here for the fifth time already. Unfortunately, Scully didn't see it that way. She toyed with the fabric of his t-shirt for a minute, then pressed her hands to his chest, stilling any thought he had to try and rise again. "I know you meant well, Mulder," she told him, her voice assuming a softer, almost soothing tone. "But I'm pretty sure you lack the killer instinct where I'm concerned. I mean...look at us!" He didn't need to. He was painfully aware of their position. "You hesitated. I felt it the minute you touched me. You were going to blindside me, and at the last minute, you held back." She leveled him with a stare. "And don't deny it because I can always tell when you're lying." "Scully, I --" "Held back," she interjected. "Why?" "--never lie to you," he finished, taking some satisfaction from her guilty look. She frowned at him through a curtain of loose red hair, pulled free during their struggle. "Okay," she acquiesced. "Then you explain it to me, Mulder, because I'm sure you don't want it known all over the FBI that I can pin your ass in less than thirty seconds. I mean, I'm good, but even I know I'm not that good." He looked around the empty gym in mock relief. "I think my reputation is safe. Can I get up now?" he asked politely. His back was beginning to ache. He made a move to rise from the worn red vinyl, but Scully stopped him, her hands pushing his shoulders back to the mat. "No," she said. "This isn't exactly the welcome I had in mind, Scully," he muttered. "Well...maybe part of it.." "If you wanted warm and fuzzy, you could have surprised me at my apartment later tonight. You dressed to work out, you came all the way down here to do it, and went to the trouble of sending my trainer - - whose time I paid for, by the way -- home. So I want to know why you felt it necessary to pull back at the last minute. I don't need you to protect me, Mulder. If you're going to work out with me, I need you to challenge me. So tell me now if you can't do that, and I'll reschedule my appointment." Her hands still gripped the muscles of his shoulders, her fingers lightly kneading the flesh underneath his t-shirt. He wondered if she knew she was doing it. She did so many sensual things without realizing it. Like that little catch in her voice on the phone the other night. She might have thought she sounded completely casual, but Mulder knew beyond a doubt that she'd been imagining his hands roving her body instead of her own. God, he wanted her. "Well?" she asked. "Well what," he asked, shaking himself back into the conversation. She growled in frustration and slapped at his chest. "You're not even listening! This is exactly what I'm talking about!" Her eyes flashed in anger. "You know, this isn't just about me, Mulder -- it's about you too! I'm not going to gain anything if you go easy on me. Do you really want someone covering your back who can only protect you from bad guys who are 5'2" and 104 pounds?" "No! Of course not. It's just that..." He picked up her left hand and pressed her palm against his own right hand, spreading their fingers out in a mirror image of one another, holding them up for her to see. God, she was small. The tips of her fingers stopped more than an inch below his own, her light pink nails a startling contrast to the dark tones of his skin in the dim room. The gesture was surprisingly soft, somehow more gentle than he'd intended it to be. She didn't say anything; she simply looked at him with an intensity he couldn't quite identify but responded to instantly. He ached to kiss her. He had to kiss her... "I don't want to hurt you, Scully," he said honestly. "I know this is important to you and I honestly had the best of intentions when I came here. I thought I could help you work out and we'd get to spend more time together, but..." He diverted his eyes from hers. "...I'm twice your size, and..." His voice trailed off leaving the implication heavy between them. Her brow furrowed in frustration. "Mulder, you know that has noth--" "I couldn't do it," he told her blankly. "When it came time to go in for the kill, I just couldn't do it. I've seen you hurt before, Scully. Badly." His eyes found hers again and the irritation on her face ebbed away, softened at the sincerity of his words. "I just...I don't ever want to be responsible for that." Without a word, she moved her fingers to the left, bending them over his hand, allowing his own fingers to thread through hers instinctively. Hands loosely clasped, she bent down, lowering herself until they were chest to chest, then she leaned toward his ear in a gesture of confidence. "First of all..." He closed his eyes, listening intently to the soothing sound of her quiet words. He was totally unprepared for the sudden, excruciating pain of his index finger being twisted back toward his wrist with amazing strength. "'re assuming that just because you're bigger than I am, you would win." "OW!" he gasped, trying to pull his hand away. He had been willing to concede the bruise on his shin to a well-executed defense tactic, but this wasn't self- defense. This was an offensive strike, and the fact that she wouldn't release him was his first clue that the mood had shifted drastically. Dana Scully was not playing games. That startling fact roused the competitor within him, and proved the catalyst for something that, until that moment, Fox Mulder had never imagined he would ever feel toward his partner: the need for retaliation. "You just assume that because you're the big strong man, you would automatically have the advantage over" She accentuated her words by twisting his wrist, putting more pressure against his aching finger, even as her lower body ground into his with more pleasant repercussions. Pain was at war with arousal, and he didn't know which was more intense. All he knew with certainty was that the woman who sat astride him was soooooo going to regret this course of action. He didn't know how. Yet. But she would...and soon. Oblivious to the emotional tilt-a-whirl her partner was experiencing, Scully egged him on relentlessly. She released his finger, freeing her own hands and pressing them flat against the floor on each side of his head. "Haven't you heard, Mulder?" she whispered, settling her lower body tight against his, stilling any further movement from both of them. "Rule number one: size doesn't matter." Her lips were no more than a heartbeat away from his neck. His gaze locked with hers and he willed himself to stay in control. He had no idea where she was about to take this conversation, but he knew beyond a doubt that he was finished with his role as subordinate. "That a fact?" He could hear the tension in his own voice as he struggled to ignore the warmth of her body and the feeling of her legs straddling him, her thighs gently squeezing his ribs. "Uh huh," she breathed, the sound warm on his cheek. "Technique is everything." He went perfectly still and just stared at her. God, she was good at this. It was the closest thing to outright innuendo she'd ever thrown at him, and for a moment he was absolutely stunned into acquiescence. He couldn't believe she'd gotten the better of him. Double entendre was his game. He invented it. Now when he needed that smug, cynical wit, he was at the mercy of an ass-kicking pixie. What's wrong with this picture, he wondered, trying to rally his waning competitive spirit. He was supposed to be in the driver's seat when it came to...well, when it came to whatever the hell this was. She was right about one thing: he'd been too easy on her. He'd underestimated her again, and that was a situation he was about to rectify. Technique was everything? He had technique. He had it to spare. "You're right, Scully," he said pointedly. She blinked in surprise, unprepared for his admission. "I am?" "You are. I went easy on you, and that was wrong. This is important; it's your career. You needed to practice, and I let you down." He held her gaze, even as he extended his hand. "I can do better. C'mon, help me up." She looked skeptical. "Honest," he told her, his hand still reaching out to her. "Give me one more chance. I promise this time I'll kick your ass." The corners of her mouth twitched, and she took his hand, rising at last and moving to pull him up behind her. "Okay, one more chance, Mulder. That's it. And this time you have to promise me that you--" His hands were around her hips before she finished the sentence. One quick tug, and she came falling toward him. He rolled out of the way as her butt hit the mat and she scrambled to get to her knees. She wasn't fast enough. He moved with the grace and speed of a panther, pouncing while she was robbed of her balance. In one quick move, he captured both of her wrists, and used his leg to push her off her knees. Once she was on the mat, he swung one long leg across her stomach, and straddled her as she had him. Then he went a step further. He raised her arms up toward her head, pinning them to the mat with his hands against her wrists. Stretched out to hold her in this position, he shadowed her body with his own, his face hovering just above hers. He leaned down to her ear, purposely recalling her actions earlier. "Rule number two," he rasped. "Never let your guard down." She was breathing hard from exertion, her indignant reply coming between labored gasps. "I can' just...did that." "Believe it," he panted. "I wasn't...ready." Her chest was rising and falling in rapid rhythm. With every breath, he felt the swell of her breasts beneath her sweatshirt, pressing against him. This time, he couldn't prevent his body's reaction to the intimate contact with her, and he felt his erection press hard against her belly. Her eyes widened, but she said nothing. "You said not to go easy on you and I didn't. You think an attacker is going to wait for you to be 'in the moment' before he grabs you? Expect the unexpected, Scully. You should know that." "Oh believe me, Mulder," she told him pointedly. "I'm very much...'in the moment.'" She tilted her head to look down at her abdomen where their bodies were pressed together. "Obviously...I'm not as 'in the moment' as you are," she said, raising an eyebrow, "but you made your point." He stared at her. "I didn't make it alone." She didn't shrink from his words or his gaze. "This isn't about sex -- and I get the idea, Mulder. You can let me up now." "Let you up? up? Why Scully, I'm surprised at you. That would be going easy on you. That wouldn't be right. What would you gain from that?" Now her irritation was beginning to show through. She strained against his grip on her wrists. "You're not being funny, Mulder." He bent closer, his voice a mere whisper though it seemed he was screaming every word. "Let me clue you in about something, Scully. When a man's got a beautiful woman at his mercy? When he's lying on top of her and feeling every inch of her body underneath him? It's a safe bet he's not trying to be funny." She moved her head to the left, gaining just enough distance from his face to fix a steady gaze upon him. "Is this the part where I'm supposed to get all embarrassed and blush for you?" "Mmmm...please do." The words were a dare. "My pleasure. Just as soon as you say or do something to shock me." "I asked you first," he whispered. "Hmmmm...," she mused. "Something to shock you...something to shock you. Would this classify as challenge or opportunity?" Her eyes lit up suddenly with a sparkle of mischief he'd rarely seen, making him instantly wary. "Okay, Mulder. This is me, shocking you." It happened before he could blink, a flash of movement as she lifted her head, closing the few inches between them. He felt the moist warmth of her breath as her parted lips drew close, then her tongue darted out and flicked the tip of his nose. He reared back in surprise, but he didn't let go of her wrists. Not until he felt her lips make contact with this throat. She moaned once, softly. Or was that him? Then her tongue began to trace a path from his adam's apple across his jaw and up his cheek. The sensation was incredible. Every neuron in his body went ballistic. He released his grip on her, his hands moving flat against the mat to support his own weight. "Jesus, Scully! What --" Her mouth silenced his words, slanting over his lips with no trace of gentleness. Her hands cupped the sides of his face, pulling him further into the kiss. He didn't need to be asked twice. After years of fighting the good fight, weeks of reliving the memory of their close encounter on the riverbank, there was no question about what was happening. It was long overdue. He knew it. She knew it. The entire goddamned FBI knew it. So if half a decade of sexual tension was meant to culminate on a red vinyl mat in the shadows of a dimly lit gym, he could live with that. Reaching behind her back, he scooped her up from the mat, grasping her head with his hand, holding her close to him as he ravaged the soft interior of her mouth with his tongue, his entire being committed to memorizing every tantalizing moment of this encounter. So good, so much better than his dreams... He couldn't breathe. He could feel her mouth against his, he could feel her fingers against his neck, but for the life of him, he couldn't breathe. "Gotcha," she whispered against his mouth. His arm dropped limply to his side, and he watched with a vague air of detachment as Scully pulled away from him and shifted her weight to push him flat on the mat, her hands never leaving his neck. He had to give her credit; the woman knew her pressure points. Her fingers released the nerve on his neck, and he gulped for air as she rolled him unceremoniously onto his stomach, bending his left leg up, and pinning it to his back with the weight of her body against his shin. She then grabbed his left arm, pulling it hard and high against his back. "This is fun, Mulder," she panted, sinking down against the damp cotton shirt that clung to his back. "Speak for yourself," Mulder growled, his cheek pressed firmly against the mat. "That was cruel, Scully." She clucked her tongue in mock disapproval. "It wasn't cruel." "No? What would you call it?" She was quiet for a moment before replying. "I guess I'd have to call it a distraction." "Whatever," he mumbled. Not about sex? Bullshit. This was entirely about sex; if it hadn't been before, it certainly was now. She eased up her hold on his leg, lowering herself just enough look into his eyes. "Rule number three: the end justifies the means." "What the hell does that mean?" The woman looked entirely too pleased with herself. All right, Scully, he thought. You wanna play dirty? I can play dirty. Ever so slowly, he began inching his right arm underneath his body toward the left. If she thought she could kiss him thoroughly enough to make his fantasies jealous and then just walk away, she was wrong. Scully was oblivious to his movements. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, she blew lightly in his ear, making him shiver. "It means there are no rules in battle -- you have to use whatever you can." "I thought you said this wasn't about sex," he accused her pointedly. "It's not." Her breathing was labored. "But sex can be a very effective weapon, Mulder. Sometimes you have to use it." Sex was a weapon, huh? Fine. Whatever. At least he was suitably armed for that fight. Mulder watched his partner smile, obviously still confident that she held the upper hand. "So what you're saying in effect, is that there are no rules here? None at all?" he repeated, flexing his fingers underneath him, feeling his fingertips brush against the softness of Scully's grey cotton fleece. Be careful how you answer, Lady. She bent down even closer to his cheek, her lips barely grazing his skin before she pulled back slightly, emphasizing the sexual tease. "None," she said emphatically. "Well then," he said evenly, grabbing a handful of her sweatshirt in his right hand. "Lucky for me I'm a fast learner." Her cry of surprise signaled the opening he needed. He pushed hard, rolling to his back, making her relinquish her loose grip on both his arm and leg. For one brief moment, they were on equal footing; then he stood up and pulled her up after him, his hand still clutching a handful of material near the neck of her sweatshirt. "My my, how the tables have turned," he taunted. She looked like a cornered animal, her blue eyes flashing a combination of wariness and excitement as she struggled against his hold. She made a motion to retreat, trying to pull away from him, but his grasp was too strong. There was no way she could get away. Not without... She raised her arms high overhead, simultaneously crouching low in a deep knee bend, allowing her arms and head to slip easily from the oversized garment. Surprised to find himself suddenly holding an empty sweatshirt, Mulder took a step back. He smiled at her then, wagging the sweatshirt back and forth as it dangled from his index finger. "Lose something?" She brushed a damp strand of hair from her forehead. "It wasn't a loss," she shot back, holding her ground as he took a step toward her. She put her hands on her hips, facing him with confidence. "It was... strategy." "You say so." "I do." She stood three feet away in sweat pants and a black sports bra. Her hair was in wild disarray. She was breathing heavily, the sheen of perspiration making her skin glisten under the soft light. If he lived a thousand lifetimes with her, he would never cease to be amazed by her beauty. "Can I have that back, please?" she asked, holding out her hand for the shirt. No way in hell. "Sure you can," he told her. "But you're gonna have to come get it." "Excuse me?" "You heard me. If you want it, come get it." He wagged the shirt just out of her reach, making her frown. She studied the situation for a moment, then shook her head. "And put myself in a position for you to grab me? I don't think so." She crossed her arms. "Nice try." "Fine. Your call." He threw the shirt aside, but Scully didn't look to see where it landed. She kept her gaze upon Mulder, her eyes sparkling with energy. Slowly, they began to circle, each looking for an opening and each determined not to provide one. He moved to the right. She followed. He turned back to the left. She mirrored his every move. "This could go on all night," he told her. "Promises, promises." There was that mischievous gleam again. The suggestive comment brought him up short. He stopped circling and drew up to face her. "How could you do that?" She stopped moving when he did, looking genuinely perplexed by his serious tone. "Do what?" "Lecture me about making this all about professional reinstatement and then kiss me as nothing more than a means to an end. Didn't that affect you at all? Even after..." After four years of waiting for this weekend that's slipping through our fingers, he added silently. He instantly regretted the words. They sounded hurt, and that was a vulnerability he wasn't ready to hand over to the pint-sized American Gladiator who stood facing him. She started to move toward him, reaching out her hand, then obviously thought better of it. "Well..." she started. "I had to do something, and I didn't have a whole lot of options." She licked her lips nervously. "It had to be drastic -- as you pointed out, Mulder, you're bigger than I am." The teasing came to a halt as he looked at her with utter seriousness. "Soooo...finding yourself underneath me was such an awful prospect that you had to do something as drastic as kissing me to escape?" She winced at the ugly description. "Gee, Scully. I'll bet you say that to all the guys." She shook her head, visibly frustrated. "That's not what I said. You're twisting my words." She began to circle again, slowly, to the left. "What I said, Mulder, was that kissing you was a distraction. You just assumed you were the only one who was distracted." For a moment, his heart skipped a beat, then he started to dissect the dozens of possible meanings for that statement. Damn it. Why did they always have to do this? Why did they have to leave so much up to interpretation? Why couldn't either one of them commit to a direct statement, make a declaration? Why did it have to be so damn hard? Because this is who we are, he told himself, answering his own question. This is what we do. This is our game, and we're good at it. The thought was an epiphany. They were playing their own game. It had always been their game. Their rules that no one else understood. Why couldn't he introduce some new ones? Like truth. He could do truth, couldn't he? Time to find out, he told himself. His eyes held hers in utter sincerity. "Oh I was distracted, all right," he admitted, winning a small smile from her. "So...are we going to stand here all night," she asked, beginning to circle slowly to the left. He smiled back at her, resuming his own movement. "Well I suppose we could," he told her. "I mean, I've got a helluva view. If my opinion counts for anything, you really should wear this outfit more often." She shrugged good-naturedly under his scrutiny. "You're not going to embarrass me, Mulder. You should know by now I don't play coy. Besides, if you want something badly enough, immodesty's a small price to pay. I want to come back to work." New rule. He stopped circling again. "Really? Now there's a philosophy I'm willing to test." He reached behind his head and grabbed the back of his t-shirt, pulling it off in a single movement and throwing it to the floor, where it joined Scully's discarded sweatshirt in a pile of damp wrinkles. Standing before her, bare-chested, his sweatpants slung low around his hips, he gave her his most devastating smile--the one he kept in reserve for crucial situations. "How long do I have to wait?" he asked pointedly. Dazed blue eyes blinked, uncomprehending. Her mouth opened and closed twice without sound, her perfect lips forming a small O shape as she stared at him. "Scully?" She blinked hard. "What, Mulder?" "I said how long do I have to wait?" She blinked again, harder this time, her forehead wrinkled in confusion. "Wait for what?" "To get what I want." He eased forward, noting with smug satisfaction that she didn't move away. Instead, she seemed rooted to the floor, staring a hole right through him. "You said if I was willing to sacrifice modesty, I would get what I want. Is this not enough?" He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his sweatpants, and slid them half an inch lower." Her eyes widened, taking in every inch of his muscled stomach. "Still not enough?" The pants slid even lower, barely clinging now to his narrow hips. "I must be doing something wrong here, Scully. Exactly how much do I have to sacrifice?" She stood back, taking in his one man strip show with intense focus. "Well that depends," she said, her analytical words tempered by the low, throaty tone of her voice. "What exactly do you want?" "The same thing you do." Only her right eyebrow reacted. "You want a twenty one inch waist and long legs?" "Not a chance," he murmured, walking slowly toward her. "And neither do you. Long legs are highly overrated." "Well then what is it you think you and I both want?" Her voice was whisper soft. "I think we want to distract each other again." At last he was toe to toe with her, nowhere for either of them to go. "I think we both want to continue this full body exercise, without the pretext of wrestling." He lowered his head to hers and her chin lifted instinctively, allowing him to brush an angel soft kiss across her upper lip. "What I think we both want, Scully, is a satisfying end to this five year mating dance." She didn't find her voice for a moment, then she pinned him with The Look. The one he knew was her last defense before she usually yielded to whatever it was he wanted. "You seem pretty sure of yourself there, Sailor." He shrugged with an exaggerated nonchalance he sure as hell didn't feel. "I'm not the one who started undressing." He reached out his hand, slipping his index finger underneath the black spandex strap of her bra, running it down the length of the arm hole until it encountered the soft swell of her breast. "That wasn't undressing," she told him, her voice too hoarse to be convincing. "I told you -- that was a textbook example of an evasive maneuver." "Is that what that was?" he asked, his finger continuing to trace the soft outline of her figure. "Cause it looked like undressing to me." His finger was on a mission now, the back of his knuckle sliding lightly across the shiny fabric, making her nipple harden under the softest of touches. She submitted to the light caress, but not to the accusation. "I'm familiar with your hobbies, Mulder. I'm fairly certain that *everything* looks like undressing to you. Besides," she continued, "it wasn't undressing because I had every intention of putting it back on. That is, until you threw it on the floor." The seduction was in full swing. Mulder's arms reached around Scully's waist, pulling her closer. "Well it was pretty much useless to me," he told her, accentuating his conversational words with a soft kiss to her temple. "I mean, what in the world was I going to do with your tiny little sweatshirt?" he asked. She turned her face up in acquiescence, offering him a variety of kissable places. "If you were any kind of gentleman," she lightly accused, "you'd have given it back to me." She closed her eyes as he kissed her eyelids and the tip of her small roman nose. New rule. "Scully?" he whispered hoarsely. God, he wanted her. How long had he wanted her? "What?" "Rule number....four...," he told her, his body hardening in a surge of passion he couldn't deny, "...never assume your opponent's a gentleman." He swept her into his arms in a single fluid motion, sinking to his knees and placing her gently on the mat, covering her with body. Her skin burned against his, everywhere they touched. Arms. Mouths. Her stomach against his. His fingers fanned out across her taut abdomen, stroking her skin. He wanted to touch her everywhere. He wanted to kiss every inch of her. "That's...not...a rule," Scully gasped. "It should be." His mouth stopped any further argument from her, slanting over her parted lips, consuming her as if she was his only life source. She *was* his only life source. Without her to back him up, he would have died dozens of times in the past four years. Without her beside him in the future, the deaths would be countless. Every day. Every hour. Every minute that she wasn't there, he would look into unfathomable blackness. She was as essential to him as the air that he breathed, inseparable from the other intangibles that made up his very soul. Without a sound, Scully returned his kiss, her fingers threading through his hair, her nails grazing the skin at the back of his neck as she sought to keep his mouth against hers. Her tongue pushed its way into the softness of his mouth, and he welcomed the intrusion, sucking lightly, allowing her free rein to taste him anywhere...everywhere she wanted. He felt ready to burst, his body throbbing at the exquisite contact. How long could he wait? Did she know how crazy she was making him? Every coherent thought he could form was centered around the instinctive need to bury himself inside her. He thrust against her gently, one time, desperate to ease the ache, and she moaned her approval, encouraging him to repeat the movement. He pressed his lower body against her again, a silent preview of the long awaited main event, and when she rewarded him with a soft mewling sound in the back of her throat, he repeated the slow rhythmic motion again. She found his rhythm easily, her body rising to meet his with every thrust, the languorous tempo of their actions becoming even more arousing by the friction of the material that separated them. With every press of her body against his erection, she moaned her pleasure. Jesus, God Almighty. It was incredible. He couldn't take it. He was going to... He pulled his lips from hers abruptly, making her whimper in frustration, but his action had the desired effect -- her body stilled beneath his. He sucked his upper lip tightly between his teeth, eyes closed tightly, steeling himself against the lure of orgasm. He had a hard-on a sixteen year old would envy. "Mulder?" The sound of his whispered name slid over him like melted butter, a salve to his ever-wounded soul. This wasn't just for him. She wanted this, she needed this, as much as he did, and he determined then and there to have her with him when he came. "Shhhhh..." he told her, regaining control of his body. "Trust me." His head moved lower to cover her bare stomach with kisses, and he thrilled inwardly when her body arched up to meet his mouth. She responded automatically to his every movement. Armed with that heady information, he dipped his tongue into her navel, smiling against her skin as she moaned loudly, writhing beneath him. "Who...needs...a gentleman?" she panted. "Oh, God, Mulder...I want..." "What?" he breathed against her skin. "Tell me what you want." His body was on fire. This was happening. This was finally happening. The sound of angry pounding on the side of the building broke through the haze of passion for both of them. This was not happening. Scully dropped her hand heavily to the floor, her eyes closed in a heady mix of passion and frustration. Her chest continued to rise and fall heavily as she struggled to regain her breath. "I want to get my gun and kill whoever is pounding on that door." "See that?" he ground out, rolling off her, onto the mat. "We do want the same thing." He raised an arm over his eyes, trying to erase the ugly intrusion of reality on what had, two minutes ago, been the promise of paradise. Scully groaned her acceptance of the interruption, a trace of ecstasy still clinging to every sound she made, turning his bones to mush. He couldn't fathom the intensity of what they were about to give up. It wasn't fair. The world was a fuckin' cruel place, and fate was a mean son of a bitch after all. For the briefest moment, he'd allowed himself to forget it. "It's just as well," Scully murmured. Her tone was no more convincing than her words. He lowered his arm to stare at her. "Huh?" She didn't look at him, keeping her eyes fixed on the ceiling as her breathing returned to a normal rate. "Well...four years of waiting only to wind up on a torn vinyl mat where no telling how many hundreds of sweaty people have been before us? We can do better." "Speak for yourself," he grumbled, unwilling to be appeased. "I was planning to be at the top of my form." That got her. She turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow in bemusement. "Really? And here all this time I was planning for you to be on top of MY form." The rush of blood through his ears drowned out the growing mob outside. His body was absolutely rigid. Taking a deep breath, he gave himself over to the inevitable, ugly reality. Not now. Not here. "You're right," he said, indulging the irresistible urge to reach for her one last time. His hand pulled aside the loose hair against her neck so he could plant a trail of kisses around her hairline. "We can do better than a dirty red mat." He pulled back and looked at her hopefully. "How `bout the locker room?" She chuckled, low in her throat, the sound nearly pushing him over the edge. "You romantic fool, you. Take me -- here, now, by the punching bag." Don't tempt me. He almost said the words, but knew deep down the threat was a hollow one. Not this time. Not yet. The pounding continued, harder this time, accompanied by angry voices. "Open the door! Who the hell is in there?" The sound of frustrated kicking echoed in the rafters. "I know someone is in there! Open the goddamned door!" Scully chuckled. "Any chance they'll go away?" "We paid for this time! Open this goddamned door or I'm getting a blowtorch!" "Smart money says no," Mulder groaned. "All right!" he yelled at the door. "Shut up already!" He stood up and finger combed his hair, then pulled his sweatpants up to their proper position with a resigned sigh. Scully was still on the mat below him, breathing hard. "Well..." she started, the hint of a smile turning up the corners of her mouth. "You wouldn't want it to be easy at this point, would you?" "I gotta tell you something, Scully," he told her seriously. "After four don't ever have to worry about me thinking you're easy." The hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Yeah? Shows what you know. We could have done this four years ago, as far as I'm concerned." "Liar." The pounding started again. "Knock it off! I'm coming!" Mulder yelled, heading toward the door. "Eventually," he added under his breath. Scully reached out to the corner of the mat, snagging her sweatshirt with her fingertips, pulling it toward her as she sat up in a fluid, acrobatic movement. "Hey Mulder," she called, stopping him after only a few steps toward the door. He turned. "Yeah?" His t-shirt hit him square in the face, then dropped into his hands. "Not that you don't look great," she said, pushing herself to her feet. "And you really should wear that outfit more often." He stopped for a moment to pull on the wrinkled garment and tried one more time to calm the anger of the people outside. "Hang on," he yelled. "Be right there." He gave Scully a rueful smile, feeling for all the world like a teenager caught making out. "So...I guess this means another rain check?" She gave him a hungry look that made him ache to be in her arms again. "Not a chance, G-man, I'm all out of rain checks. My place. One hour. And Mulder?" "Yeah?" "I don't wanna wrestle." * * * * * * * Scully's apartment One hour later How do you dress for sex? That was the question on Scully's mind as she made the fiftieth lap around the perimeter of her walk-in closet. Ordinary clothing conventions were not applicable here. There was nothing ordinary about this encounter. It was not a date that might or might not lead to sex. It wasn't even a date that was *surely* going to lead to sex. Hell. It wasn't even a date. This was just sex, down and dirty. Come over. Let's do it. How in the world was she supposed to dress for that? Her manual on such matters had been missing for years. Way too many years, she mused. Briefly, she considered going the seductive route, thinking of some of the more daring lingerie she so rarely got to wear, but she discarded that notion quickly. She'd already invited the man to come to her house and take her; garters were redundant at this point. Not to mention the fact that they were too damn hard to get out of. Then again, the last time she'd worn them, the disappointing target of her seduction had left quite a bit to be desired in the way of finesse, and somehow, remembering the feel of Mulder's long, nimble fingers trailing down her body, she was fairly certain he knew a million ways to dispose of any lacy enclosures that stood in his way. She froze, reconsidering the potential. No. Maybe next time. Next time? God, what were they starting here? Her mind couldn't even wrap around the multitude of possibilities that opened up, and as she glanced at her watch, she frantically realized she had no time to mull the endless scenarios. Sometime within the next fifteen minutes, her partner of four years was going to ring her doorbell, enter her apartment, take off his clothes and make mad, passionate love to her. Hopefully in that order, but she was open for suggestions. Clothes. She needed clothes. The wanton seductress look was out. What was left? She pawed through her blouses and dress pants, looking in vain for the right combination, but nothing seemed right. If she dressed up too much, then she was making it a date. Neither of them needed that kind of pressure. It wasn't a date. They were surely past that point. That edict eliminated at least a third of the clothing in her closet. With keen scrutiny, she examined what was left. Her worn, faded Levis always made her feel sexy in a beer commercial, Ford pickup truck kind of way, and she knew Mulder had a penchant for jeans during his off time. He would probably come dressed for comfort -- at the very least, for easy access. She almost laughed at the thought. If Mulder had mentally debated anything since she'd left him at the gym, she sincerely doubted it was what to wear. Her hand grasped the denim fabric and she pulled it toward her, still undecided. For some totally unexplainable reason, it just seemed wrong. Of course on the opposite end of the "date clothes" spectrum, she didn't want seem *too* casual about this encounter. They'd already started the chain of events sweaty, wearing work out clothes; this was a chance to take a step back and do it right. So what was right? All that remained were her work clothes, things he'd seen her in dozens of times. It wasn't Cinderella, but for some reason, it worked. She pulled on a pair of light grey pants, part of a suit she'd recently bought and hadn't yet worn too many times. She ignored the matching jacket and bypassed her collection of white and black blouses, opting instead for a simple, light blue shell that she had bought in a moment of total feminine weakness because the commissioned sales woman shrewdly pointed out what a striking complement the color was to her eyes. Actually, it was a nice match. She hadn't regretted the purchase. Feeling a bit better after selecting her clothes, Scully carried the selections into the bedroom and laid them on the bed, turning her attention to the contents of her dresser and the silky items housed within. She chose her lingerie with almost comical scrutiny, opting for her nicest matching set. To hell with accidents and hospitals, she thought. There was no better argument in the world for nice underwear than a date with Mulder. No. Not a date. Sex. Sex they had started but never got to finish on at least two different occasions. Sex they had both wanted and denied themselves for a very long time. Sex they had come damn close to having in a public gym on a battered floor mat. Sex that was going to change everything. Finally. Surprisingly, her nerves began to calm as she dressed. It was methodical almost. The closer it got to time for Mulder's arrival, the more steady she became. No shaking hands, no trembly breath. She was a rock. She was totally in control. With each passing second, the events in motion seemed more and more right. This was the inevitable conclusion of something they'd both been working towards, and now, finally, there were no more barriers. None. Nothing standing in their way at all. And Scully realized that finally, she was the very picture of confidence and self-assurance. She nearly screamed when the doorbell rang. Heart racing, she glanced one more time in the mirror, critically cataloguing her appearance. She looked...nice. Not incredibly hot, not girl next door casual. Not like a woman on a date--and that was the main thing. She walked toward the door, conscious of her pace, feeling ridiculous for wondering if she was opening the door too fast, or opening it too slowly while trying to appear uneager. And even though she knew it wasn't, her pounding heart told her with every beat that it sure as hell *felt* like a date. She didn't bother to look through the peephole before opening the door. She knew it was him. Mulder was leaning casually against wall by her door, his tall frame the epitome of relaxed, she noted jealously. If she hadn't felt his body's reaction to the closeness they'd shared in the gym, she might have thought he was totally nonchalant about the whole thing. But on a closer look, she realized she was wrong. He was dressed in work pants and white button shirt. No jacket or tie, but the effort was obvious. He hadn't thrown on the first thing his hand touched. His eyes were searing her with an intensity that stunned her. Still silent, he stared at her, his expression part uncertainty, part anticipation. All hunger. For a moment, they simply looked at one another. "Can I come in?" he asked finally, the slightest hint of teasing in his tone. "Oh. Sorry," she startled, moving back into the living room opening the door wide enough for him to enter. When he did, he stopped in front of her, proffering her something which had been hidden from her view. The bouquet was small, a mix of wildflowers with a few camellias as the focal point. It wasn't extravagant, by any means. It wasn't expensive or exotic, and its beauty wasn't in the arrangement or the soft fragrance it possessed. Its beauty was in the gesture her partner had made, telling her that the man who stood before her was on more than a personal quest for sexual satisfaction. Special Agent Fox Mulder was on a date. God help them both. Not quite knowing what to say, Scully took the sweet smelling-blossoms he handed her, stepping back as she made an exaggerated welcome gesture, waving him toward the couch. Unable to keep from smiling as he moved past her, she closed the door behind him and turned to follow. * * * * * * * She didn't join him as he sat down. Instead, she watched from across the room as he settled easily into the soft cushions of her sofa. "I can't believe you brought flowers, Mulder." His feigned indignation was ruined by the small smile he couldn't hide. "I have my moments." She looked at the flowers she held, trailing her fingers lightly across the soft petals. "Yes. Yes you do." "Did you think I was going to pull up to the curb and honk for you?" "No," she deadpanned. "I don't expect that for at least another two weeks." He nodded in mock agreement. "Maybe three." She caught the scent of the bouquet she held and breathed in deeply, memorizing the fragrance. It amazed her how the smallest gesture from this man could engrave itself upon her heart. "I just meant that I wouldn't have thought you could take a shower, change clothes, buy flowers, and drive over here in an hour." She raised her eyes from the flowers and found him staring at her with an expression that branded her, body and soul. The smoldering gaze never faltered. "I can do a lot of amazing things when I'm motivated, Scully." She began to melt before his very eyes, staggered by the realization that she could very easily humiliate herself by having an honest-to-God orgasm before he'd even touched her. Just that tone of voice was enough to push her to the brink. She'd seen glimpses of his motivation before and knew first hand the truth of his boast. Or maybe it wasn't a boast at all. Her father used to bolster her self-confidence with pep talks, telling her "it's not bragging if you can back it up, Starbuck." Whether or not the adage was true, it seemed to fit. Oh yeah, Mulder could back it up. Of course he could. The man was a walking testimony to great sex; all you had to do was look at him, and you saw the possibilities. God only knew how often she'd looked. Every female agent in the J. Edgar Hoover Building looked. She could have named a hundred women in that office -- single AND married -- who would have gladly made themselves available to Special Agent Fox Mulder for a lot less than a small bouquet of flowers. Neither one of them had moved, Scully realized. She was still standing stock still in the middle of the room, and he was still sitting on the couch, watching her examine the flowers. He must have thought she'd lost her mind. Enough analysis for tonight, she told herself, mentally hanging the "Doctor is OUT" sign on her psyche. Tonight wasn't about thinking. It was about feeling. And she was going to feel every damn inch of Fox Mulder very very soon. His nude body. Her hands roaming over his bare skin all night long. Sex with Mulder. She felt her stomach drop to the floor at the thought. And he'd actually brought her flowers. Gracing him with the first real smile she'd indulged since he arrived, she gently waved the bouquet. "Did I say thank you?" His sexy half-grin answered back. "Not yet, but I have high expectations." He pushed himself up from the sofa and walked toward her. "In the meantime, why don't I make myself useful. Can I have your cell phone for a minute?" She looked at him suspiciously, but answered without hesitation. "It's on my dresser in the bedroom.". He walked down the hall, returning a moment later with her phone. While she watched, he ceremoniously removed the battery, placing both pieces side by side on the coffee table, then moved methodically toward the phone on the end table and took it off the hook, disconnecting the cord at the same time to keep it silent. When he'd finished, he walked resolutely toward her front door and locked it firmly, turning off her porch light as the exclamation mark on the statement he'd made. She would have laughed had the gestures not been so completely sexually motivated. From all indications, he was planning one hell of a night. "Anything else?" she asked, furrowing her brow in pseudo-concentration. "What about *your* phone, Mulder?" "I didn't bring my phone." Her eyes widened in mock surprise. "You left your apartment without your phone?" "Damn right." "Isn't that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?" "Maybe. But mark my words, Scully...if the world is ending tonight, you and I are going out in a blaze of glory." Mulder began to move toward her with the stealth of a cat stalking its prey, and with each step that brought him closer, Scully realized that her desire was suddenly at war with her...nerves? What the hell? No. No no no. It wasn't nerves. Why in the *world* would it be nerves? This was not unexplored territory, she told herself. They'd already come as close as two people could come to making love without actually finishing the act. She'd been on the bank of that river; she'd felt his hands all over her, his fingers inside her body. They'd been mere seconds away from what she was inexplicably anxious about now. Not to mention the long distance call they'd shared Friday night. But this felt different. It felt *really* different. Then she realized why. Their previous experiences had been spontaneous, born of circumstance and fierce need. This was was *scheduled* for God's sake. And premeditated encounters came with expectations. Lovely. Now *there* was a previously overlooked anxiety. "So," he murmured closing in on her. "You mentioned something about welcoming me home?" Oh yeah. Definite expectations here. Every fiber of her being ached to be in Mulder's arms; it was so damn overdue. The two of them were already in the Sexual Tension Hall of Fame and they both knew it. They'd been dallying at the college level for years, spent the past four weeks honing their skills in the minors. This was the phone call. The big league, the majors. Tonight they were going to The Show. For the briefest of moments, Scully was confident she was ready for her turn at bat. The mistake she made was actually looking at him. Goddamn, the man was gorgeous. Stunningly, unquestionably, jaw-droppingly gorgeous. And he was walking toward her in slow motion, staring at her with a look that said he'd like to eat her with a spoon at the first opportunity. She needed to step back for a moment, regain control of herself. Put the right emotions...the libidonous ones...back in the driver's seat. It was impossible to do with Mulder's white shirt and dark hazel eyes closing in. So she did the only thing she could think of: she took refuge in the kitchen. "Just...let me get these flowers in some water,Mulder," she told him, effectively stopping his advance just before he reached her. He raised one eyebrow in question, but he didn't protest. He didn't even blink in surprise. If he was confused or irritated or frustrated in the least by her unexpected retreat, he betrayed none of it. Scully walked to the kitchen mentally kicking herself with every step. With a mind of its own, her traitorous memory recalled the sound of Mulder's lightly teasing voice on a plane trip from Hell, taunting her with her own embarrassment. She should have just attacked him, ripped off that white shirt and had a field day exploring his muscled chest. God, she loved him in white shirts, a fact he was obviously aware of. She loved him out of them too. So why the hell had she walked away from him just now? Walked? Like hell. She'd run, and she had no idea why. This was way out of the realm of normal behavior. The emotional scrutiny was underway. Expert voices on female sexuality were screaming advice to her, sounding like the cover of every magazine she'd ever read. Cosmopolitan: Don't forget who's in control here. You are the woman. You are the dominant force in the universe. It's all about you. You, you, you. Your needs are more important the needs of any mere man, even if he can give you multiple orgasms. Now get back in there, tell him exactly what you want and how you want it, and don't back down until he gives it to you. No. Too militant. Next? Glamour: The best thing you can do for yourself and your lover is to make sex an endless adventure. Why not make love on satin sheets, by candlelight, during a rainstorm. Afterwards, don't forget to cuddle until dawn sharing intimate laughter and childhood secrets with one another to get the full effect of that post-coital bonding opportunity. Yeah. Right. You forgot the part about feeding each other strawberries and cream while sharing a bubble bath in a claw-footed antique tub while a live three piece orchestra serenades us with a dreamy sonata right outside the gossamer draped bay windows. Next? Working Woman: Office relationships are never a good idea, and the nineties career woman should have better things to do than think about sex. Sex is over, a thing of the past. Sex is a throwback to the days of the secretarial pool and the manual typewriter. Get yourself two good D cell batteries and move on. With Mulder ready and willing in a white shirt in the next room? Not an option in this or any other universe. Next? Woman's Day: You wouldn't be feeling so insecure if you'd lost ten pounds in fifteen days, and paid attention to those quick fixes for hair emergencies. Also it wouldn't have hurt to have some splendid delights for late night cravings on hand either. He already thinks I'm too thin...and what the hell's wrong with my hair? Next? Vogue: I can't believe you're wearing that. Bitch. Next? Anyone? The experts fell silent, and Scully closed her eyes with a deep breath, wondering if she was destined to be visited soon by an apparition of some scary little dancing baby. Good Lord, she'd been a lot of things in her life, but neurotic had never been one of them. Not until recently. When did she get like this? When? Four weeks ago, that's when, she answered herself. Four weeks ago in Tennessee, when she told her partner of four years that she wanted him. And now here they were, about to change the width, breadth, and depth of the small universe that housed them both. Shaking herself back to reality, Scully rummaged through cabinets at random, not even remembering what she was looking for. What the hell was she doing in the kitchen when Mulder was standing alone in the next room, patiently waiting to ravish her until she begged for mercy? Wasn't that what she'd been dreaming of the past four weeks? The past year? Wasn't that what she was imagining a couple nights ago when the two of them shared a phone encounter that barely even qualified as vaguely discreet? This was what she wanted. Mulder was what she wanted. And no matter how long she stayed in this kitchen, the course of events was set in stone. They were going to make love, no question about it. The look in Mulder's eyes brooked no argument. God help whoever or whatever tried to stand in his way this time. All she was doing was postponing the inevitable...and she *wanted* the inevitable. So get whatever it was you came in here for and get your butt back out there, she told herself. Her hand grazed the delicate rim of a wine glass. Ah. Wine glasses. She found them. Realizing suddenly that she had no idea how long she'd been lost in her own conflicting thoughts and emotions, she called loudly, "I'll be back in just a second, Mulder." "Good to know." She jumped at the nearness of his voice, spinning around. He was standing silently in the doorway. "Don't do that." He held up a hand in apology. "Sorry." He was studying her intently. How long had he been standing there? "I thought you were in the living room." She aimed her tone for nonchalance. "I was." The glimmer of a smile was in his eyes. "Oh." She picked up the wine glasses from the bottom cabinet shelf, threading the stems between her fingers and waved them back and forth. "Found them," she explained, setting them on the counter as she opened a drawer and began searching for a corkscrew. "I thought you were looking for a vase." Damn it. The flowers. That's what she'd come to the kitchen for, not wine glasses. A vase, you idiot. A vase. He walked up behind her until his chest was against her back, lightly grazing the silky material of her blouse. From the corner of her eye, she saw his arms coming around her, and she stilled, her eyes closing in dreamlike anticipation, awaiting the inevitable touch of his hand on her body. Yes...please God, touch me soon before I die. I'm ready, Mulder. I'm so damn ready. I don't know why I walked away... "Here's one right here." She opened her eyes. His arm was extended past her, reaching for a small vase sitting in plain view on the middle shelf -- right in front of her eyes the whole time. So much for nonchalance. "Tell you what," he continued in an infuriatingly conversational tone, "you open the wine, I'll take care of the flowers." "Okay." She pawed through silverware looking for her corkscrew, finally locating it as Mulder walked to the sink and filled the vase with water. She took a random bottle of Chardonney from the wine rack. All she had to do was open one bottle. One small task they'd agreed upon, something she'd done a hundred times. But the cork of this particular bottle seemed to be made of petrified wood. She tried three times to get the metal screw ensconced in the cork so she could twist it down, but every time it simply slid off the top, refusing to make a dent. "Damn," she muttered, trying to decide if she was more angry at the cork or the corkscrew or her total lack of finesse. If she couldn't laugh about this tomorrow it would only be because she'd died tonight of mortal embarrassment. Out of nowhere, long arms in a white shirt reached around her on both sides, taking both the wine bottle and the corkscrew from her in a single motion. He didn't say a word. Keeping her trapped loosely within his arms, he easily twisted the corkscrew into the bottle and pushed the stopper up slowly with his thumbs. It popped out with no resistance whatsoever. She felt his body move away from her, and she turned around, watching as Mulder set the items down firmly on the opposite counter and turned back to face her. He took two steps, closing the small distance between them completely, putting them face to face. His closeness caused her to take half a step back before she hit the edge of the countertop. "What are you doing?" she nearly whispered. His hands came up in a single quick motion, capturing her cheeks, tilting her head up towards him. "Putting me out of your misery." His mouth came down upon hers in a kiss that was both soft and demanding at the same time. He forced nothing, and yet the gentle insistence of his lips against hers, coaxing her mouth to open for him, was more than she could deny. Her lips parted, inviting him in, and she felt her stomach coil tightly in response as his tongue sought the velvet warmth inside her mouth. He continued to cradle her face in his hands as he slanted his mouth hotly over hers, moving her head first to one side, then the other as they lost themselves in a lover's kiss that seemed to go on forever. When he finally began to pull away, she released his mouth reluctantly, a small moan of disappointment escaping her throat. Mulder bent forward, pressing his forehead against hers, his palms still pressed against her jawline. He was breathing as hard as she was. Scully was on sensory overload. Forget nervous. To hell with nervous. If she didn't have him right here, right now, she was going to explode. She pushed away from the counter, reaching for his hand as she stepped away from him. He caught her light embrace, but didn't follow. "Come on, Mulder." Her breath was uneven. She could feel the blood rushing through her veins. Her heart was pounding in her ears. "Come where?" The look she gave him, she knew, was totally wanton. She couldn't have cared less how obvious she was. She *was* wanton. "To the bedroom." Instead of following, he slowly let go of her hand, reaching back toward the counter to pick up the bottle of wine he had opened. He held it loosely in his left hand and threaded the fingers of his right around the stems of the two glasses, fitting them both easily into his palm. "Oh we're definitely getting there." He bent down, placing a sound, firm kiss on her still-swollen lips. "But we have a few things to finish up in the living room first." He squeezed past her to the doorway, pausing to look over his shoulder in an unspoken invitation that was too full of promise to deny. Breathing hard, still flushed from their kiss, Scully followed him out of the kitchen, wondering every step of the way what exactly her partner had up the sleeve of his devastatingly sexy white shirt. She prayed she wouldn't have to wait long to find out. * * * * * * * Mulder headed toward the couch, but didn't sit down, and Scully took her cue from him, standing beside the coffee table as he poured two glasses of wine and handed one to her. Her palm registered the cool smoothness of the delicate crystal, but she didn't care about the drink she held; her eyes never left his face, still searching for some hint as to what exactly he had in mind for the two of them. The delicate rim of his glass clinked against the side of hers. "Here's to an entire night with no interruptions." "I'll drink to that," she murmured, taking a sip of the light-colored wine. She watched, mesmerized, as Mulder drank to his toast and lowered his glass, a trace of moisture clinging to his lips, glistening in the lamplight like the promise of her salvation. She couldn't resist reaching out to him. Her index finger pressed lightly against the corner of his mouth, and he didn't move as she slowly dragged it across the entire length of his lips, feeling the slight wetness against her own skin. When she reached the other side of his mouth, she pulled her finger away, bringing the trace of wine she'd captured with her. Without a word, she brought her hand to her own slightly-parted lips, letting the tip of her finger spread the small trace of now-imaginary wetness against the softness of her own mouth. Mulder watched her impromptu show, his eyes riveted upon her mouth. When she opened her lips wider and drew her finger inside, she heard his soft intake of breath. Without ever looking away from him, Scully closed her lips around her finger and slowly, oh so slowly, pulled it from her mouth, as if reluctant to let it leave her empty. Mulder blinked in slow motion, his eyes finally closing completely, but hesitating before opening again. His jaw was clenched. He swallowed hard, once. His erection was obvious, pressing against the light material of his suit pants, and Scully knew she'd been testing his resolve. Unfortunately, the man appeared to have an iron will. Evidently, whatever he had planned for them, he wanted it badly enough to resist her blatant invitation for the moment. He opened his eyes and looked at her, lust still prevalent in his expression, but tempered now with what looked to her like mischief. Not a safe combination, but damn if he didn't wear it well, she mused. "Soooooo, what exactly did you have in mind here, Mulder?" she asked. Her voice sounded hoarse already, thick with passion. He drank the remaining wine in his glass in two large swallows, setting his empty glass on the coffee table. In silent question, he held his hand out for hers. She took one more sip and handed it to him, letting him set it aside. "This." Mulder's hands snaked around the back of her neck, pulling her to him roughly. This time, she was ready. Her lips parted instinctively the moment she felt his touch, her mouth melding against his, welcoming the heat of his tongue as it dueled with hers. Her arms reached up to encircle his neck, her fingers encountering and lightly teasing the damp strands of baby soft hair at the base of his hairline. He groaned in response to the soft caress. Mulder's hands moved down her body to the small of her back, and he wrapped them low around her, pulling her sharply against his groin, letting her feel the undeniable hardness of his cock throbbing against her. She pushed against him, wanting and needing more contact than he was giving her. Instead of complying, he slowly pulled his mouth from hers, indulging one last nibble on her bottom lip before the last trace of her flesh parted from his in slow motion. Grinning down at her, his smile nearly robbing her of the ability to stand on her own, Mulder reached down and pulled off his shoes, tossing them aside with almost comic disregard. For a moment, Scully thought he was seeking to lessen the height difference between them, but then he crouched before her and wordlessly tapped at her leg. The command was silent, but crystal clear, and she did as he asked, just as silently as he asked it. Balancing herself with a hand on his shoulder, she lifted first one foot, then the other, allowing him to slide her shoes off and toss them aside with his own. Mission accomplished, he straightened and took her hand, pulling her after him as they padded to the sofa. He sat down in the corner and Scully made a motion to maneuver past his legs so she could sit beside him, but instead of releasing her hand, he tugged down lightly, his arm encircling her hips, and she realized in wonder that in the course of less than four seconds, he had seated her firmly in his lap. Smooth moves indeed. She reached up and cupped his cheek in her hand, her heart melting as he turned his head into her caress and pressed a soft kiss against the palm of her hand. "What are you doing to me, Mulder?" she whispered, so soft she wasn't sure she'd even uttered it aloud. The man beneath her pulled her low into his arms, his hot breath a tickle against her neck as he chuckled softly at the words he'd heard. "If you don't know then it's been too damn long for one of us." She gasped when he sucked lightly on her earlobe. "It's been too damn long for...both of us," she breathed. "Mmmm hmmm," he agreed, pushing her hair aside to nip lightly at her jaw line. She arched her neck, baring more sensitive skin to his mouth. Scully's heart was pounding double time. She could feel Mulder's erection straining against the confines of his pants and she ached to release him. She wanted to see him again...all of him. Nude and glorious and begging her to touch him. She'd relied on her memory for the past four weeks, but it was nothing compared to the reality that pulsed hotly against her hip as she sat draped across his lap, supported by his arm behind her back. If he didn't make love to her soon she was going to die, right there in his arms. "Mulder," she breathed, her voice sounding unfamiliar and needy. "Mmmm?" He continued his oral exploration of her neck and hairline. "I'm...really enjoying this whole...foreplay...thing." She shuddered uncontrollably as his tongue darted into the shallow depth of her upper ear. "But...I'm already...committed here. You don't have to...seduce me." His mouth left her neck and he raised his face to look at her. "Maybe I want to seduce you," he whispered. He slid lower on the sofa cushion and pulled her lightly against his chest, urging her to relax against him. She did and he stole another lingering kiss from her swollen lips before he spoke, his hand continuing to softly stroke her back. "On my way over, I was thinking about how long it took us to get here." She nodded. "That there wasn't any doubt in either of our minds when we left the gym, about what was going to happen here tonight. At least I don't think there was. Was there?" "No," she said. "I knew." He kissed her again, tugging lightly on her bottom lip before releasing her mouth. Scully was on fire. Every touch, every kiss, sent her deeper into the agonizing heaven of wanting more. She wasn't high enough to reach his mouth unless he lowered his head, so she nuzzled his neck instead, kissing her way toward his Adam's apple. "So why aren't we doing what we both knew we were going do, Mulder?" His fingers threaded through her hair, urging her head up to look at him. His expression was utterly serious. "Because it occurred to me tonight that we've missed some steps along the way." She looked at him in confusion. "Missed some steps?" "Scully, I can count one hand the number of times I've kissed you. I mean really kissed you, the way I want to...the way you *should* be kissed." He paused, and the corner of his mouth twitched, threatening a small smile. "You know, we've missed some of the good stuff." She had to smile slightly at that. "The good stuff?" "This kind of stuff." He bent his head and kissed her again, so brief she might have imagined it, had it not been followed immediately by the feeling of his tongue tracing the outline of her mouth. When he finished, he looked at her with blatant possessiveness. "I just wanted to make sure before we take the next step that we've exhausted all the finer points of *this* step. Because Scully?" For a moment she couldn't even find her voice. "What," she finally whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "Kissing you and making love to you and spending an entire night exploring every inch of you? It's *all* the good stuff. I don't want to miss anything." The unexpected threat of tears burned behind her eyes, and she blinked to keep them from spilling. Leave it to Mulder to stun her with sentiment at a time like this, telling her the small, simple truths that she already knew but never expected to be offered so sincerely. He could touch her heart like no man ever had, with nothing more than mere words. He handed them up like small, unworthy offerings, never knowing how she cherished even the effort he made to present them. She moved from her draped ragdoll position, rising slightly to straddle his lap, facing him. Her knees pressed into the back cushions of the sofa, and she inched herself up until his body was intimately pressed between her spread legs. Taking his face in her hands, she looked deeply into his eyes. "Mulder?" She pressed a kiss against his cheekbone, following it with another that moved up higher toward the corner of his eye. "What?" There was that look again. The hungry one. The one that not only had her willing to be the main course, but had her damn near ready to go find the man a spoon on her own, if it would only put an end to this unbearable longing. Her kisses moved across his forehead, stopping in the center to travel downward, along the bridge of his nose. "I promise..." She kissed the small indentation above his upper lip. "We're miss...anything." She accentuated every other word with a soft kiss, her lips grazing his chin, his cheeks, his brow, every part of his face except his lips. She raised her head to smile at him, before finally bringing her mouth achingly close to his. "This whole night is going to be the good stuff." His mouth met hers without hesitation. The kiss was hard and demanding, full of wicked promise. When his hand moved from her neck toward the front of her body, she panted encouragement, moaning when he cupped her breast through the silky fabric of her blouse. "You're overdressed, Scully." His free hand began pulling the soft material from the waistband of her pants, and she broke the kiss long enough to sit back upon his knees and pull the silky barrier off completely, throwing it unceremoniously behind her on the floor. "We're both overdressed, Mulder, but I know how to fix that." His eyes burned with longing that mirrored her own. Unable to wait another minute to feel more of his skin upon hers, she reached for the buttons of his shirt, releasing them more in desperation than finesse. He didn't seem to mind. When the last one came free, he grabbed both halves of the shirtfront and nearly ripped it off, sitting barechested before her at last, hungrily eyeing the delicate lace that still hid the curves of her body from his view. She didn't have time to utter a sound before he cupped the back of her head, pulling her mouth to his as his other hand deftly released the front clasp of her bra in what seemed a single movement. Her brain registered the dexterity of his actions on a level she was only half aware of. Oh yeah. He could sure as hell back it up. She could have lived the rest of her days content to do nothing except return that kiss, exploring every contour of Fox Mulder's mouth, stroking his tongue with her own until she committed to memory not only the feel, but the very taste of him inside her. Every nerve in her body concentrated wholly on the task. Even her toes felt committed. But Mulder put an end to that plan when he pulled away from her, suspending the kiss despite her soft sound of protest. His eyes were darker than she'd ever seen them, the intensity of his need evidenced as much by the hungry look on his face as by his undeniable erection pressed tightly between her legs. Feeling that hardness against the core of her body, Scully ground her hips against him, delighted when she heard the small gasp of pleasure he could not surpress. Slowly, showing more patience than Scully felt she possessed at the moment, Mulder fingered the soft cups of her opened bra, lightly stroking the satin edges of it before he slipped his fingers underneath and drew the fabric away from her skin with agonizing deliberation, pushing it back until the thin straps slid silently down her arms and onto the floor. At last, her breasts were bared to his searing gaze. He'd looked at her like this before, once, but it was too long ago, and it hadn't been nearly enough. Was there such a thing as enough with Mulder? How could there possibly be? "God, you're so perfect." His thumbs stroked across her hardened nipples. He cupped her breast against his palm, lightly kneading the sensitive flesh, making her writhe against him. Heat coiled inside her like a spring, building upon itself toward what she knew would be an earthshattering release. She saw his head bending low toward her breasts, and suddenly she could no longer tolerate his langourous pace. Scully arched her back high, her chest rising to meet him, even as her arms wound behind his head, pulling him to her in blatent desperation. His mouth closed upon her breast in an instant, and she moaned when he began to suckle her. She pressed her hands flat against the back of the couch, rising to her knees to keep her breasts at the right level for Mulder's mouth as she moved forward against him, pinning him to the sofa cushion. His hands held firm to her sides, lightly moving up and down against her bare skin as his mouth worked feverishly at her breast, sucking and kissing in turn while she panted above him. "Oh...God...Mulder." She slowly sank down upon his lap again, thankful when his mouth didn't leave her, but instead began weaving a delicious trail of wet, deep kisses across her skin toward the other rosy peak. When he reached it, he gave it equal attention, kissing his way around the areola before his lips closed over her nipple and drew lightly against her. Scully bit down hard on her upper lip to keep from crying out. How could anyone feel this much so fast? She was dangerously close to a place she didn't recognize as human. It was a plane of ecstasy she'd never known existed -- and maybe it didn't for anyone but her and Mulder. Mulder's hand closed around her wrist, pulling her hand down toward their laps. Without a word, his mouth never leaving her body, he worked her hand between their tightly joined bodies, pressing her palm firmly against his straining erection. Her fingers curled around him through the fabric, and he moaned, biting down lightly on her nipple in response. It still wasn't nearly enough. "Mulder..." she gasped. His mouth left her breast and began kissing a path up to her clavicle, his tongue dipping into the slight hollow. "What?" he rasped. She shuddered as his lips grazed her neck. "We're... still... overdressed..." His hands moved to the front of her slacks. "I can fix that," he murmured, echoing her earlier words. His nimble fingers released the button of her slacks and reached for the zipper, drawing it down, before he released his light hold on her body, allowing her to stand. She winced slightly as circulation returned to her legs, the back of her thigh throbbing uncomfortably from the position she'd been maintaining. "Scully?" The concern on Mulder's face was instantaneous. She shook her head. "It's nothing. Just a twinge from how I was sitting." He looked doubtful. "I promise, Mulder. I'm fine." She slid the grey pants down her hips and let them fall to the floor, stepping out of the silk puddle and kicking it aside. Clad only in white satin bikini panties, she moved over him again, intent on reclaiming her position upon his lap. Instead, Mulder twisted slightly, sitting closer to the edge of the cushion. His position didn't allow her to balance herself on her knees as she had previously. "Change of plans," he told her softly, craning his head to get a look at the jagged scar on the back of her left leg. Noooooooo, she cried inwardly. Don't you dare do this to me, Mulder. Damn her leg and damn her for letting him see her discomfort. He couldn't do this. He couldn't. She couldn't take the disappointment of another postponed encounter. She slid her hand underneath his chin and pulled his head up until he was looking her in the eyes. This time, it was she who lowered her head down to him, planting the softest of kisses on the corner of his mouth. "I want you," she whispered, slowly reclaiming her place on his lap. She couldn't kneel over him anymore, so she slid one leg around his body, letting her legs encircle his waist completely. When he didn't try to stop her, she kissed him again. And again, and again, pressing soft kisses across his jaw until she reached his ear. "I want you so much, Mulder," she whispered again, feeling him shiver. "Please don't make me wait any longer." She felt his jaw clench. "Don't leave." He grasped her shoulders, pulling her back, looking at her like she'd just told him she'd renounced her belief in science and become an advocate of the Psychic Friends Hotline. "Leave?" he croaked. She blinked. Wasn't that what he was leading up to? His fingers wound through her hair roughly and he dragged her mouth to his, ravaging her with a kiss that was, in itself, infinitely more satisfying that some of her earliest sexual encounters had been in their entirety. "Scully, we're just getting started." His arms moved low to encircle the small of her back, and they wrapped around her tightly, pulling her body to him even closer. Without warning, he leaned forward, his arms preventing her from falling backward, and then he stood...taking Scully with him. They never broke the kiss. Scully wrapped her legs around Mulder's waist, crossing her ankles behind him as he carried her down the hall and into the bedroom. * * * * * * * Looking back on the moment some time later, Scully couldn't even recall the two of them moving from the living room to the bedroom. She only knew that one minute she had been terrified Mulder was about to leave and the next minute they'd been tumbling onto her bed in a tangle of arms and legs, hungry mouths and feverish moans. Unwinding Scully's limbs from around him, Mulder stood up, leaving her to lie on the bed as he began to remove the rest of his clothes. It was the show of the century, she thought, dazed by the beauty of the man before her, and she had a front row seat. Her heart was thudding loudly as she watched him unfasten his pants and slide them to the floor. Deliberately, fully aware of his audience, he stepped out of them and turned slightly, giving her a full, unencumbered view of the huge erection straining to escape the confines of his grey Calvin Kleins. Her tongue darted out and moistened her lips, an instinctive response of anticipation and one she couldn't prevent. Mulder noticed and grinned, obviously enjoying both his performance and the response he was eliciting. He moved closer to the edge of the bed, standing before her with a look of total possession as he slid his hands into the waistband of the boxer/briefs and pushed them down until they joined his unwanted pants on the floor. He stood before her unmoving for a moment, letting her drink in every inch of his nude body as his own eyes caressed her in a similar fashion. It was almost too much to absorb, Scully thought, dazed by the sight of him in all his aroused glory. Fox Mulder. Her partner. Her friend. Naked. In her bedroom. Thank you God. Fully aroused to this extent, he was huge, she realized. Larger even than she remembered from their encounter by the river. Large enough to give her pause...for about one thousandth of a millisecond. She was mesmerized by the shear beauty of him, and couldn't stop the words that tumbled automatically from her lips. "You're so beautiful." She wished them back as soon as she heard them. Most men by nature would have denied the claim of beauty, even taken offense at such a description given at a time like this. But not Mulder. Mulder looked down at her as if she'd handed him the secrets of the universe, gathered up and wrapped just for him. "So are you." She needed him so much. It was no longer something she merely wanted. She needed to feel him warm and tight against her. Around her. Inside her. It was primal...desperate. Scully's hands moved down across her flat stomach until her fingers encountered the lacy edge of her panties. Breathing hard, she slid her hands into the waistband, as Mulder had done, eager to remove the last barrier that stood between them. She paused when he moved around to stand directly in front of her. "Let me." She pulled her hands away, expecting him to replace them with his own. But when he reached for her, it wasn't her hips that felt the inviting warmth of his fingers. It was her legs. Mulder's hands closed softly around each of her ankles, his long fingers encircling her slender limbs completely. Without preamble, he began to pull her slowly toward him across the mattress. When she was close enough for her knees to bend over the edge of the bed, he released her, letting her legs dangle toward the floor as he parted her knees slightly and moved to stand between them. Wordlessly, he reached for the thin band of elastic that clung to her hips. Scully lifted her hips for him and he slowly pulled the damp material down her legs completely until they slid over her knees, where they fell to the floor unnoticed. She eased backward once more, allowing room for Mulder to join her on the bed, and he did, finally, lowering his body slowly over hers and putting to rest every unfathomable longing that had stood between them for so long. The weight of him, so real against her, here in the waking hours, was too much to process. Mulder...naked... wrapped around her at last. She kissed him, slow and deep, making love to his mouth with her tongue in an explicit imitation of what he would soon be doing to her. His tongue met her thrust for thrust, and he moaned deep in his throat, wrapping his hand around the back of her neck, pulling her with him as he rolled to his side, threading his knee between her legs. Scully trailed her hands down his muscled back as low as they would reach, finding with a vague sense of disappointment that his magnificent ass was just slightly out of her reach. Wordlessly, she broke the kiss and moved lower against him, licking his neck, tasting him everywhere along the way until her mouth found a new target of seduction in the form of his raised nipple. She flicked it with her tongue, watching as it hardened even more, so similar to the response of her own breasts. She covered it with her mouth and sucked lightly, rewarded when Mulder's moan of pleasure was accompanied by the feeling of his erection thrusting sharply against her. "Scully, touch me," he rasped. Her hand was already there, closing softly around him, marveling at the strength of him. He was so ready. He moaned when she began stroking him, his need obviously as desperate as hers. She grazed her thumb across the head, spreading the moisture that was there already, causing him to cry out harshly. When he did, her fingers curled tighter around him, increasing the tempo of her movements. God in heaven. He felt amazing. His skin burned her, soft and hot against her breasts, her stomach...any place he touched her. And he was touching her everywhere. Mulder's hand moved between her legs, his fingers finding her core with earth-shattering precision. When his finger slipped inside to stroke her, she bit down on her bottom lip to keep from crying out, even as her legs parted further, allowing him greater access. He kissed her deeply, and she felt her body give way to a second finger as his exploration continued. Desperately, she held on, wanting Mulder deep inside her, matching her every movement when she climaxed around him. It was a heroic effort. But then his thumb moved up against the tight nerve center of her arousal and he stroked firmly once...twice... She lost the battle on the third, clutching helplessly at the bedcovers, looking for anything that might serve to keep her grounded, even as she soared. Everything in her world exploded in an almost tangible freefall. It was too much. Too much feeling, too much emotion. Too much everything. "Open your eyes, Scully." She did, looking at him through the haze of what was indescribable within the realm of mere words. His fingers were still buried within her. "I was hoping we were going to do that together," she murmured, cupping his face in her hands. "We still are." His mouth crashed down upon hers. She was living and breathing in a state of awareness somewhere between heaven and earth, and she wanted nothing more than to stay there forever. Mulder's body moved to cover hers and she parted her legs for him in eager invitation. She felt her every nerve scream silently when he pressed against her body's entrance, then he pushed into her slowly, pausing at first, allowing her time to adjust. She needed it. Even with the extent of her arousal, she couldn't prevent the inevitable discomfort as her body stretched to accommodate him. When at last he thrust deeply, burying himself to the hilt, she gasped audibly, despite her best efforts not to cry out. Poised and still, buried intimately within her, Mulder closed his eyes tightly, biting hard on his upper lip before he found the control he obviously sought, and looked down at her. She knew he must have seen her discomfort. He gently stroked her hair from her forehead. "Okay?" God yes. She nodded. "Give me a second." She adjusted to him quickly, and nearly before the words were out of her mouth, she was aching to feel him moving within her. Her body clenched tightly, eliciting a small breathless moan from Mulder. She looked at him, raising a speculative eyebrow...then, pressed up instinctively against him. It was all the encouragement he needed. Slowly, he began to push into her, easily finding the steady rhythm that she matched thrust for thrust. Her hands clutched at his back, pulling him as deeply inside her as she could. She felt the warm tension, so recently eased in the wake of her orgasm, return even stronger, dragging her full force toward the pinnacle again. She knew the exact moment when it grabbed Mulder also. He increased the tempo of his thrusts, breathing hard against her neck as he drove himself further into her. Her palms slid across his sweat-slicked back, and she moaned in wordless encouragement. She was close...but Mulder was so much closer. The gentleness was gone now, replaced by the intensity of burning need. He pulled back for the briefest moment, and in a movement too quick for her to fathom, he hooked his arm under her right knee, pulling her leg up high toward her chest. Her body opened even further for him. She could feel him pressing hard against the edge of her womb, deeper and stronger than anything she had ever felt. Mulder braced his position, flattening his palms against the mattress as he continued to pump into her relentlessly. In an instant, she was at the peak again, looking over the edge of oblivion. "God...Scully..." he gasped. "Come." Whether it was a plea or a command, she complied, totally enveloped by exquisite pleasure as the downward spiral overwhelmed her. He followed her an instant later, spilling into her endlessly as she spasmed around him. Panting, his body still pulsing within her, Mulder sank down against her breast, letting her wrap her arms around his back. He buried his face in her neck, breathing heavily against her as her nails traced light patterns against his damp skin. This was all there was in the world, she thought. Her and Mulder. Like this. He stirred, then, and made a reluctant motion to move off her, but she didn't release him. "Stay with me," she said. He eased back down, his body still joined with hers. "I'm heavy," he told her, kissing the end of her nose, then moving on to her cheekbone. "I don't mind," she whispered. "I want you to stay with me like this...stay inside me...just a little while longer." Eyes glimmering with totally transparent male pride, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling them both onto their sides without disengaging their bodies. "I aim to please." She nibbled his bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth. "You're right on target," she mumbled. She lost track of the time they spent there, lying together, passions momentarily spent. Try as she might, she just couldn't form any cohesive thoughts about what had transpired or what it meant for their future together. After building for four years, something this incredible wasn't easily articulated. She decided later that Mulder put it best. Holding her tightly, his fingers trailing lightly up and down her bare arm as she laid with her head on his chest, he looked down at their entwined position and grinned at her. "I feel like we should high five." * * * * * * * Dana Scully's Bedroom 12:15 a.m. In the quiet stillness of the wee small hours, Mulder tightened his arm around his partner's narrow waist, feeling her body slide back tighter against his chest. He still couldn't believe he was holding her, warm and nude, in his arms at last. He'd dreamed it so many times, but the reality was unsurpassed by his wildest imaginings. Dana Scully was a sensory experience unlike anything he'd ever known. Her healing touch, the sound of her voice...the fact that she tasted like heaven and that every breath he took was filled with the fragrance of her. She smelled soft and fresh, like sunshine and rain mixed together. He could have picked her out of a crowded room blindfolded, based on nothing but the natural scent of her hair and skin, so long ago committed to his heart's memory. Her voice reached out to him softly, lighting the comfortable darkness that embraced them. "When did you know, Mulder?" He settled his chin into the hollow of her shoulder. "When did I know what?" "When did you know this was going to happen?" She asked the question gently, her voice laden with content, sleepy curiosity. "When did I know it was going to happen or when did I know I wanted it to?" He imagined he could see her forehead creasing slightly as she pondered it. "Well, I meant when did you know it was *going* to, but you bring up an interesting question. When did you know you wanted it to?" He nestled his chin further into the hollow of her neck, feeling her squirm beneath him. "Ticklish?" he chuckled. Her arms covered his at her waist, hugging herself tighter within his embrace. "Maaaaybe. You're avoiding the question." "I'm thinking." When had he known that he wanted Dana Scully? When hadn't he known? He'd been attracted to her from the beginning, but early on, the feelings then had been hormonal, nothing more than single man meets single attractive woman. Sure, there were moments of raging desire... her hand pulling down the fabric of his shirt, massaging his neck as she looked for traces of infection...a glimpse of something just this side of platonic in her eyes during a late night stake out...but those were surface longings. He'd known it even then. When had it changed to something more? He briefly catalogued some of the cases they'd investigated, mentally rolling through the road trips, the cheap motels, the cheesy diners, and then through the less mundane milestones that marked their journey together. Abductions. Tragedies. Anguish. Danger. How could he separate all the elements that were so tightly woven into their history? Still...certain moments of clarity stood out in his mind. Moments that has left such impact in his memory that the scars would never be healed. An empty, crumpled rental car, abandoned in a ditch...regaining consciousness in a strange hospital to be met with the sight of her tired, beautiful face as she slept fitfully in a chair beside him...a terrified voice on his answering machine...and the chilling memory of a cold, granite headstone that marked the premature passing of one life -- and two souls. "I knew for sure how much I wanted you the first time they separated us," he told her at last. "The first time they closed the X-Files." "Really?" She sounded surprised. "I suppose I'd felt it for some time before then, but that was when I really admitted it to myself, that I was miserable without you...on more than a professional level." He felt her nod. "What about the other?" "You mean when did I know we were destined to wind up here?" "Yeah." He knew the answer, but he was loathe to say it. He didn't want to darken the mood with somber recollections. Moments like this were few, when they could distance themselves completely from the depravity that overwhelmed them so often. "Mulder?" "Braddock Heights." Her body stilled ever so slightly against him. "What?" "Braddock Heights. The videotapes. When you got--" "I know the case," she softly interrupted. "I just can't imagine the connection between that and where we are now." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "I said terrible things to you." He kissed her neck, letting his tongue caress her lightly until he began to feel her relax again. "That wasn't you." "But still...I know it hurt when I accused you..." "No." He shook his head lightly against her hair, placing silent kisses upon the auburn strands. How like her to blame herself, he thought; and how like him not to have known she would. "It wasn't anything you said or did." He wondered, not for the first time, how clouded her memories of the case actually were, how compromised her entire sense of reality had been. Did it still haunt her today, those hazy images of all her worse fears come to life? Apparently, it did. For Mulder, though, something else had come to life during that case, something that had shone upon him like a lighthouse beacon in the midst of a raging storm. It was an epiphany for the ages: Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully was his soul mate. He felt his body stir automatically when his soul mate snuggled deeper into his embrace, her body wiggling deliciously against him. "What was it, then, about that particular case?" she prodded. She felt so incredibly warm and inviting. His roaming fingers began stroking her stomach lightly, drawing small, invisible circles upon her flesh. "Do we really want to talk about this right now," he whispered. His hand ventured lower, stroking the soft triangle of hair between her legs. He heard the slight catch of her breath. He was surprised when her hand moved down to cover his, stilling the motions of his fingers against her tender flesh. "I'd really like to know, Mulder." Her voice was coaxing, filled with honest curiosity and the unspoken promise of understanding. He ceased his wayward seduction for the moment, wrapping his arms around her, crossing them tightly underneath her breasts. "I went to the morgue," he told her, quietly, staving off the revulsion that threatened to overwhelm him every time he thought of it. "I went to identify your body." She was silent, listening. "I stood there behind those blinds thinking that I was going to see you on that table...praying that it wouldn't be you." His throat constricted. "It wasn't me," she whispered. Her hand trailed down his arm to his wrist, pulling it from its tucked position so she could bring it to her mouth. Softly, she brushed a kiss across each fingertip, then laced her own fingers with his. He swallowed hard, regaining his voice. "No. It wasn't you. But it was a turning point of sorts for me." "How so?" "Because that was when I knew that I wasn't going to spend another day of my life without you in it. Walking into that morgue was like keeping an appointment with the end of the world," he told her honestly, uncaring how needy it sounded. "It was the second time I'd gotten a glimpse of what would be left of me without you. And I just knew I would never let it happen again." "It won't," she promised. "No it won't. I made myself that promise, and I've kept it." She laughed suddenly, the sound shattering brilliant light over the somber shadows they'd been exploring. "You've kept it?" Her voice rose in obvious amusement. "You've kept a promise to yourself that I would never leave you? That's quite an accomplishment, Mulder, even for you." He chuckled at her description. "Now who's twisting words?" She didn't return to the deep introspection, and he was grateful. Instead, she leveraged herself up on her elbow and turned in his arms until she faced him. Her breasts were pressed lightly against his chest, making him keenly aware that her nipples hardened instantly from the contact. "So...if you had this big master plan, Mulder," she teased, threading her fingers through the hair on his chest, "why did it take us so long to get here? Huh? Braddock Heights was ages ago." His mouth found hers and kissed it lightly, tugging her upper lip gently between his teeth. "I know," he mumbled. "But I had to wait for *you* to come around." His tongue flicked into her mouth for only a second, eliciting a soft moan. "I have to say,'re kinda slow on the uptake sometimes." "Me?" she squeaked, pulling back. "Mmmm hmmm." He began kissing his way across her cheek. "You've been a bit...indecisive." "I have *not* been indecisive." His hands reached low to cup her bottom, pulling her agonizingly close to him. "No?" he smiled wickedly. "Then you tell me...when did *you* know you wanted this to happen?" Her response was instant. "When I saw Phoebe kiss you in the parking garage." He stared at her in the darkness. "That long ago?" "That long ago." That surprised the hell out of him. He'd have bet his last dollar Scully hadn't felt much more than professional camaraderie for him until some time well after her abduction. Her abduction. Automatically, his stomach clenched when he thought of the months he'd spent without her. He pushed them away, refusing to follow that train of thought. Those were memories better forgotten now; he had happier pursuits to occupy him tonight. His tongue traced the edge of her jaw. "That's a lot of wasted time," he conceded. "I must be slipping." He felt her shudder. "Obviously." His head settled on the pillow close to hers. "I'm finding this very insightful," he said seriously. " wanted this to happen ever since Phoebe kissed me in the parking garage. That answers the first question. What about the second: when did you know this was *going* to happen?" He heard the smile in her voice. "Same moment." His hoarse laughter severed the last remains of their cozy mood. Of all the things she could have said, all the moments she could have pointed to, he was not prepared for that one. So many years ago, so early in their partnership, Dana Scully had staked a claim on him that went unpursued until now. To hell with slipping. He was not slipping. He was blind as a fucking bat. Her body shook lightly as she joined in his continuing laughter. "Well I was...unprepared. I'd never had to compete for your time before." Compete? There was no comparison. Dana Scully was in a league Phoebe Green could only aspire to. He couldn't suppress the grin. "Okay. Parking garage. Watch tower. I'm sensing a pattern here, Scully. I'm gonna go out on a really can't stand, Phoebe, can you?" She pushed her leg in between his, moving up as close as possible and tilted her head back to look up at him. "Well I don't know if I'd go *that* far." His memory called up the image of a half-dressed Scully, high as a kite on Demerol, rattling on to him about Phoebe as if he'd been her oldest girlfriend. She hadn't even known who she was talking to. <"Who?"> <"Fleabie. She was his girlfrin once, but there was a fire inna hotel and I hate her."> Now she wouldn't go far enough to say she couldn't stand the woman? Yeah. Right. He kissed the tip of her nose. "Okay. You're a model of open-mindedness, and Phoebe doesn't bother you at all. Got it." Scully looked slightly offended. "Don't patronize me, Mulder." God, she was fun to tease. It was so damn easy to get under her skin. "I didn't say she didn't bother me at all. We both know that's not true. I'm just saying that I think the phrase "can't stand her" is kind of strong. I mean, I hardly know her. I might not particularly admire the way she conducts herself on the job, but that's a professional opinion, not a personal one." "Of course it is." He kissed his way lightly toward her lips. She fell silent for a moment. "Mulder?" "Mmmm?" She dropped her head forward against him, hiding her face. "I can't stand Phoebe." His hand came up, threading into her hair, pulling her head back to look at him. "Who?" Their mouths met lightly in a soft open kiss that left them both breathing hard when she slowly pulled away. "Good answer," she smiled. "I have my moments." "So you keep telling me." Her mouth covered his again, preventing any further conversation. * * * * * * * 1:27 a.m. "I can't believe you're still harping on this." Scully's fork stabbed at the remains of her cheese omelet as she polished it off with obvious enthusiasm. She sat before him at the small table in her dining room, hair tousled from his roaming hands, lips full and inviting, still showing the evidence of his kisses. "I'm not harping on it," he offered lightly. "I just find it hard to believe I didn't know this about you after four years. This is a very important dimension of your personality that you've been hiding from me all this time." There was precious little of her hidden from him now, he acknowledged with whole-hearted approval. She wore nothing but his white shirt, the sleeves rolled up past her wrists. It was completely unbuttoned, giving him a delicious view of the dappled shadows that played across her swell of her breasts. That shirt had never looked better. He'd imagined her in it before, slipping into it in the wake of their lovemaking. The reality was more breath-taking than his wildest dreams. "I wasn't hiding anything from you," Scully told him with affected disdain. "There just haven't been many opportunities for you to see me in a kitchen before now." "My point exactly." He stifled a grin, swallowing the last bite of his own late night meal, washing it down with a long drink of iced tea. "That doesn't mean I was hiding it from you." She pushed back her chair and stood, the sudden movement separating the two halves of the shirt front even wider, gracing him an all-too-brief view of her nude body underneath. Picking up her empty plate, she stacked it loudly on top of his own and carried them both to kitchen. "Besides," she called out, "this is the nineties, Mulder. A lot of women don't cook." "There's not cooking, Scully...and then there's `unable-to-make-toast."" She came back into the dining room carrying the small vase of flowers, leaning over his chair to set them lightly in the center of the table. She curled her head over his shoulder and brought her face close to his, kissing him soundly on the corner of his mouth. "You distracted me." Her hair fell across his cheek like a silken veil, and he inhaled deeply, relishing the scent. Was there any part of her body that wasn't excruciatingly appealing? He kissed her back softly, reeling from the knowledge that he could do so at will. "That's a flimsy excuse, Agent Scully," he countered. "To the best of my knowledge, I was equally engaged in those distractions...and did I burn the omelets?" She refused to be baited. "No, thank goodness. I readily admit your culinary skills saved both our lives, Mulder. Good to know one of us can cook." She moved back to her own chair and sat facing him, one leg curled underneath her on the seat cushion. His shirt slipped tantalizing low on her shoulder but managed to hold its place with an irritating disregard for the law of gravity. "I can not tell a lie," he told her, lightly patting his bare stomach. "Omelets and spaghetti with meat sauce. That's my entire repertoire." "Well, you're ahead of me," she conceded. "Although I'm not totally hopeless...I make a mean salad." "Perfect. Between the two of us, we're a balanced meal." "That's lovely, Mulder. We should have that engraved on something." She yawned, stretching her arms up high overhead as she did. She swayed side to side for a moment, then bent low at the waist, stretching her arms out before her in a forward imitation of her previous stretch. She was surprisingly limber. He knew she worked out, but most of the time he saw her, she was dressed for office or field work, not recreation. Whatever it was that she did in her off time to keep her muscles flexible, he was a firm believer in its effectiveness. She straightened with a satisfied sigh and leaned forward on the table, cupping her chin in her hand. The movement was completely innocent, yet it was enough to spark a memory that was anything but. Scully, in another place. Leaning against another table. In a comparable state of undress. His mouth went dry, as he recalled that moment in the watch tower. She'd been standing before him with her pants lowered, professionally instructing him on how to give her an injection of Demerol, patiently talking him through his nervousness at purposely piercing her flesh. He'd tried so hard to pay attention to her words, and he'd been moderately successful...until she bent over that table. The minute she leaned across that small rickety card table, all bets were off. To hell with professional detachment. All he could think about was his hands on her hips, tugging her back against his rock hard erection. He'd done the only responsible thing, of course. He'd mustered all his will power and stuck that needle into her hip, only to watch her hobble off to the other side of the room toward the shabby cot. But while she was sleeping that night and nearly every night since, his thoughts had played that scenario a hundred times with a hundred variations. The only constant was that heaven on earth began when Dana Scully bent forward over that table. His body hardened uncomfortably as he explored the fantasy. It never failed. All he had to do was conjure up the image, and his erection was immediate. It had nearly humiliated him on more than one occasion lately. "Mulder?" He blinked. "What?" "I said you look like you're a million miles away." Not a million. Maybe eight or nine hundred... "What were you thinking about?" Deer in headlights. It wasn't what he was thinking about, but it sure as hell was how he felt. Like a blinded animal frozen in fear of the immanent crash. His silence did not go unnoticed. She raised the ever- speculative eyebrow in amusement. "Now I'm *really* intrigued. So tell me, Mulder. Where did you go just now?" Heaven. He still didn't answer. He just looked at her, sitting there in nothing but his wrinkled shirt while he weighed his options. Mentally, he clutched the coin of fate, undecided whether he should pocket it and walk away, or flip it and take a chance on winning the lottery. The warring looks that crossed his face must have given the woman before him quite a show. "Gee," she said coyly, "I thought the question was fairly straightforward and easy, but I guess I was wrong." She moved closer, as if speaking in confidence. "Is it hard, Mulder?" Yes. God, yes. "The question, that is." She was enjoying his discomfiture, he realized. "You just looked like you were thinking of something really... interesting." You, lying across this table. Me, standing behind you...interesting enough? His mind had all the right answers, but the words wouldn't come. He stared at her, feeling as though she had somehow cornered him. He wanted to tell her, he realized. That gleam in her eyes was too damn tempting. God help him if she actually showed an interest in exploring the idea... Blood surged through him until the erection was painful, pushing hard against his briefs. No, he couldn't. Maybe sometime. Maybe even soon...but not now. Not this first night together. "It was nothing," he muttered. She ducked her head to look under the table at his lap, grinning as she straightened back up. "Must've been a pretty impressive nothing." He felt himself flush slightly in embarrassment, and the knowledge stunned him. He did *not* blush. Especially not over matters of sex. "Let's change the subject." "You know," she grinned, "before I looked under the table, I might have gone along with that. But now I have to say...not a chance in hell. You can't sit here and look at me like that and then not tell me what you were thinking." "How was I looking at you?" She leaned forward, causing the lowest side of the shirt to fall loosely to the crook of her elbow. "Like you just finished your omelet appetizer and I'm about to become the main course." The woman had a remarkable way with words. His resolve was weakening. Sturdy table. Scully's beautiful bare ass pressing against him at just the right level... "Come on, Mulder..." she coaxed. "You know you want to tell me. I can see it all over your face." She'd seen it all over the rest of him too. What the hell. In for a penny, in for a pound. Before he reconsidered, the confession tumbled out. "I was remembering that night in the watch tower," he told her pointedly. "When I gave you that shot of Demerol." She looked puzzled. "When you gave me the shot?" "Well it wasn't the shot I was thinking about." "What were you thinking about?" Say it, Mulder, he dared himself. Just look her in the eye and say it. "I was thinking about how I stood there and watched you bend over that table and how every night since then, I've had fantasy after fantasy about reliving that moment with you." It took a minute to sink in. He saw the flash of awareness when she realized what he meant, and his heart caught. He didn't flinch from her clear blue gaze, curious to see what kind of reaction she would have. Curiosity? Excitement? Revulsion? What he saw was the last thing he expected. Invitation. Ever so slowly, her eyes never leaving his, Scully pushed herself back from the table and stood up, her movements seamless as she glided toward him with powerful, feline stealth. The entire universe and everything in it stood still, watching her seductive approach. He'd never seen anything like it. For the first time in his thirty six years, Fox Mulder had no doubt of the existence of heaven. It stood before him at this very moment, wearing a wrinkled white shirt and an expression that Botticelli himself couldn't have captured on his best day. She didn't say a thing, just waited patiently for him to rise, and when he did, she placed her hands on his upper arms, stretching up on her tiptoes to place a soft kiss against his lips. Then she slowly turned her back to him and moved to stand in front of the table, looking over her shoulder to whisper the only thing she'd said since his confession. "All right." He watched, mesmerized, as her hands came up to the open collar of the shirt, pulling ever so gently on the two halves, parting them completely. White cotton slid effortlessly down her arms, dropping like water from her fingertips into a pool on the floor. Even as his body screamed its need, he stood rooted to the floor, in awe of the fathomless trust that had been placed in his hands. No qualms. No hesitation. He'd told her his heart's desire and she'd given herself to him without question. How did a person ever merit that kind of gift? That was exactly what Scully was, he realized. A gift. Something gracious bestowed upon him that he would endlessly strive to prove himself worthy of. As if he ever could. "Mulder?" Her whisper pulled him back to her, and he heard the slight uncertainty in her tone -- uncertainty caused by his hesitation, not his admission. "No?" Her voice sounded strange, choked with a mix of emotions, hurt...confusion...maybe some disappointment? "Yes," he breathed. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist, drawing her back against his chest. "That wasn't hesitation," he whispered into her hair. "That was a moment of reverence." She pushed her bottom back firmly, rubbing against his cock. The friction of her bare cheeks stroking back and forth against the cotton of his briefs made him groan in pleasure. He was beyond the point of wanting. His body ached with the fury of wanting her, every muscle rigid with the urgent need to bury himself in her small, tight body. Had it only been a matter of lust, he'd have taken her already. He'd be two seconds from orgasm right now, uncaring if the entire world was ending around him. But this wasn't just a matter of slaking his lust. Somehow, it had even transcended the act of making love. This was the ultimate measure of trust, and she'd placed it firmly in his hands without question. Here I am, her actions told him. This is me at my most vulnerable. I know you would never hurt me. He never would. Not even to realize a fantasy that had haunted every hour of his life for the past four weeks. He lowered his head to hers, rubbing his nose and mouth softly back and forth across the top of her head. "You don't have to do this," he whispered. It was important to them both that he say it. She had to know the decision was hers and hers alone to make. Even hers to take back if she wanted...if she needed to. Scully's arm moved up high over her head, reaching back to cup his cheek. She turned her head to look up at him as her voice reached him, soft and thick with emotion. "I've never been anyone's fantasy before." His heart melted completely. She had no idea how beautiful she was. He bent to kiss her parted lips, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging gently before releasing it to the ministrations of his tongue. "You have," he told her honestly. "So many times I can't count." She turned forward and pressed her bottom against him again. His hand splayed flat against her abdomen, and he heard a little mewling sound in the back of her throat, an expression of need that seemed as great as his own. For one fleeting moment, he thought it was the most arousing thing he would ever hear. The very next second proved him wrong. "Please..." The last of his self-control shattered. Mulder freed himself from the constricting fabric of his briefs, and kicked them aside, inching closer to press himself intimately against her cheeks. With each passing second, the desperation was growing. If he'd had any doubt that Scully wanted this as much as he did, the anguished sound of her own desire, begging him to touch her, wiped it away completely. He wanted the all of it, the whole experience. He wanted to take her completely, ravishing her body until she screamed with the force of her need. He'd heard the sound before, in his dreams, and it was soul-shattering. Was Scully one to scream in the throes of passion? She hadn't yet revealed that answer to him, but Mulder knew one thing with absolute certainty: it would take more than a few soft words and caresses to find out. "Mulder--" She arched her back, pressing her head to his shoulder with deliberate slowness. A moment later, she began to sink low against him, her knees bending deep as she continued the journey south, pressing her back and shoulders firmly against his chest, his stomach, his groin... Her hair spread out around his erection, parting of its own volition, capturing him in a prison of auburn silk. When she shook her head slowly, rubbing against him, the contact was devastating. He bit the inside of his cheek in a last-ditch effort to maintain control. It hurt like hell, but it pulled him back from the edge. He reached down, curling his fingers tightly into her hair, tugging her up until she stood before him again. He didn't release her, but instead pulled her head to the side, baring her neck to his hungry mouth. She moaned when he nipped at the sensitive hollow of her throat. His teeth, his tongue, his breath explored every inch of the her neck and shoulder, alternately biting and sucking, licking and nibbling his way lower. She lifted her arm as his mouth grazed a path across it. His body was on fire, throbbing against her. He was desperate to ease the ache, Scully's soft keening cries spurring him on. He pressing tighter against the curve of her bottom, his cock lightly stroking up and down between her cheeks. He couldn't stand it another second. "Now, Scully..." He stepped one foot between her legs, nudging her feet further apart as he pressed himself against her. She curled her fingers around the edges of the table and slowly bent down, until she was almost at a ninety degree angle, her entire upper body resting upon the table top, her legs spread wide to the floor. She looked back at him with the most seductive expression he'd ever seen in his life. "Do you want me to say it?" she whispered. Jaw clenched, he placed his hands on her hips, positioning himself against her hot, wet core. "Say it." She turned her head away, laying her cheek against the smooth surface, her fingers clutching the table edges in anticipation. "Take me, Mulder." He thrust into her sharply, hearing her cry out at the initial intrusion, but he didn't stop this time. He couldn't. Her body was like an exquisite silken vice, holding him so tightly that he thought he would die from the sheer pleasure of it. There was no preamble. No easing their way into it. As soon as he felt her body yield to him, he began strong, deep movements within her. Without her legs raised against him in response, her body was even tighter, increasing the intensity of sensations he found in her intimate embrace. She couldn't meet his movements. She'd been eager and deliciously responsive the first time they'd made love, but this time the tempo was his to command, and he was relentless, pushing them both to the limit with every thrust. Each time he would nearly withdraw from her body, and each time he surged back even harder a second later. His hands held firmly to her hips steadying her to the strength of his movements. Hard and fast, he drove into her, watching her hands tighten around the smooth wood. Her knuckles whitened, and the table shook violently beneath them. The sound of trembling glass and melting ice accentuated every move they made. Mulder's empty glass was the first casualty, shimmying toward the edge of the tabletop and plunging over the side as the small flower arrangement waged a battle of its own. A few inches beyond the top of Scully's head, the vase trembled with ever-increasing frenzy, water sloshing out from both sides as it pitched back and forth. Finally, it succumbed to the moment, toppling over. Flowers escaped one by one in time with Mulder's movements, rolling across the shaking wood, a poetic accompaniment to every breathless moan of the woman whose body they surrounded. "Oh God...Mulder..." Scully slid her arms up further across the dark wooden slab, her hands still clutching the edges. The stretch elongated her upper torso, causing her legs to clench together ever so slightly. It was a small adjustment, but Mulder cried out from sheer rapture when he felt the inside of her body clench around him even tighter. He was gasping now with the force of every thrust, and she answered him each time with a soft moan of her own. He felt his impending orgasm far too soon...long before he was ready. But he had no more control over the approaching abyss than he had over his body's instinctive response to Dana Scully. Some things were too powerful to fight, especially when defeat was meted out with sensations this exquisite. A couple more thrusts and he came hard and fast, unable to stave off the climax any longer. His entire body shuddered with overwhelming release. Dazed, he held on, bending low over Scully to ride out the sensations, his chest pressed tightly against her bare back as he spent the last of his passion within her. His own body began to still, the waves of orgasm receding slowly, but Scully continued to move beneath him, her soft moans telling him what he already knew...he'd left her hanging. He hadn't been able to wait this time. He kissed the back of her neck, so tantalizingly presented within reach of his lips, then pushed himself upright, breathing hard. He withdrew from her body as he stood, legs trembling. Scully began to gather herself as he moved away from her. Panting, she unclenched her hands and flexed them, forcing circulation to return. She slid back toward him, smoothing her palms along the flat surface of the table into the spilled mixture of water and wildflowers. He reached to help her, his hands sliding underneath her stomach from the sides, scooping her up from the table. He pulled her against him easily so that they were in a vertical spooned postion. She was heavy in his arms, her body half-limp from stiffness and unfulfilled desire. Allowing him to support her, she found her balance slowly, still shaking against him, fighting for the release he'd denied her. She looked up, breathless, but the smile she gave him was beatific. "Enjoy yourself?" she panted. He shifted her weight to one arm and reached low with the other, threading his fingers through the damp hair between her legs. "Yes I did," he breathed. "Now I get to finish enjoying you." One finger slid inside, stroking the hot moisture deep within her. She moaned loudly, the sound encouraging him to repeat the movement again, faster and harder. When he did, her knees began to buckle. Without breaking their position, Mulder inched cautiously backward, bringing Scully with him, until he felt the chair against the backs of his legs. He sat, keeping his legs together and pulled her down to straddle his lap. She leaned back, resting against his chest, her legs dangling on either side of his. With no hesitation, she reached for his hand and pulled it low between her legs. His fingers found her easily, but it wasn't enough. The woman on his lap responded instantly to his every touch, but he wanted more for her. He wanted her wild. He wanted even more of her body's secrets exposed to his touch. He moved his own legs apart, spreading them wide, forcing hers to open even wider around him. When his fingers found her again, she screamed, throwing her head back against his shoulder. This was what he had wanted. This was the image of his dreams. Dana Scully, outside herself with passion, mindless from the feeling of his body, his hands, pressing against her...stroking...thrusting... She came as forcefully as he had, crying out his name, and the sound broke over him like another fulfillment of his own passion. To be responsible for that catch in her voice, the uncontrollable shaking of her head back and forth against his neck, was as satisfying as anything he'd ever known. Dana Scully was not a woman who easily lowered the barriers that surrounded her. To see her at her most vulnerable -- like this, with him -- was an experience he would treasure with perfect clarity until the day he died. Ever so slowly, their infinitesimal world began to expand once more, letting in the images of reality that had discreetly kept their distance. The world still existed, Mulder realized, though his perception of it was hazy, clouded no doubt by the luminescence of the red-haired beauty in his arms. The beauty stretched contentedly. "Wow." He could only nod. She looked down, a puzzled frown crossing her face. He followed the direction of her gaze. In her left hand, she held a single camellia, still in one piece but slightly crumpled, showing tell tale signs of damage from its erotic journey from vase to table to chair. "What the..." She looked toward the table, her eyes widening. Water and flowers were everywhere. His glass of tea lay on the carpet in a soggy puddle of melting ice. A rumpled pile of cotton consisting of a white shirt and a pair of Calvin Klein underwear completed the decor. "Mulder?" "Hmmm?" He expected her to comment on their destructive sexual rampage, but when she spoke, he found himself equally surprised. "Why is my table all the way out in the hallway?" He did a double take. Sure enough, the table was a good three feet away from its normal position. He couldn't suppress the laugh. "I don't know, Scully, maybe it's just me...but I think we're pretty good at this." She turned in his arms, her eyes sparkling as she offered him the crumpled flower. "I'd have to say, Agent Mulder, that we definitely have our moments." END Feedback is always appreciated. Please write me at