Theory of Resistance By "Marti Mulder" Keywords: Angst, MSR Spoilers: Sort of, Season Seven. First two eps. Rating: NC-17 Summary: The discovery of an actual alien craft has an ironic effect on Mulder and Scully. Beware: Artist's rendering of a typical "Chris Carter rant" follows. *hehehe* Theory of Resistance In order for new theories of knowledge to enter into the dialogue of human epistemology, resistance to static, traditional beliefs is a necessary condition. I now see past the initial reaction to such intellectual resistance. Most people do not. Commonly, people who subscribe to mainstream beliefs devalue anyone who defies consensus. They forget the absolute necessity of such people to provide us with those great leaps in the human understanding of reality. We provide the paradigm, they provide the paradigm shift. Mulder is one of those people. So it shouldn't surprise me that, upon proving what he has so long sought to prove, he did not experience joy. Could not. Was not vindicated, but scorned. Much like Socrates, Copernicus, or Galileo, the societal jury of Mulder's peers met his proof with resentment. Rather than congratulating him, thanking him for his quest to uncover the truth, they administered the 20th century equivalent of hemlock. It hurts to watch. I only hope that I can do something to help Mulder heal from what could be the final blow to his psyche. Personal journal, Dana Scully. 11/19/99 November 05, 1999 FBI Headquarters, DC 3:25 PM Mulder held the basement door for Scully, and then locked it as they made their way up to talk to AD Skinner. He was still bandaged at the head, wearing his Yankees cap. Scully looked at him as he walked in long strides before her, his eyes down as he read her report on the events in Africa. "So, Mulder. How does it feel?" she asked. "How does what feel?" he stopped, a puzzled look on his face. "To finally have evidence. To have proof of the things you've been saying for years. Aren't you the least bit, I dunno, conceited about it?" He considered her question, a hint of a smile curling the corners of his mouth. "I guess, but I have no intention of showing it. The worst of it hasn't begun. But it will." he continued walking, Scully beside him. "I don't follow. Worst of what?" "Oh, I'm sure you'll see soon. It's a psychology thing. But I promise you, things are about to get ugly." Scully was puzzled, but silently followed him to the elevator. As the doors slid open, a man and two women exited. One of the women waited until Mulder and Scully were in the elevator before making a remark, rather loudly. "God, Spooky finally got to her. Now she thinks she's seen 'em, too." the trio laughed, and the cacophony sounded like hyenas around a fresh found kill. Scully caught their meaning seconds after the doors slipped closed in front of them. They were referring to her and the evidence of the alien craft. Throwing a quick glance up at Mulder, she found his face intense, his stare fixed on the floor, and his full lips pressed tight in a mask of anxiety. He blinked in a laborously slow rhythm. "Ignore them, Mulder. They're ass holes." Scully whispered. "I know." he forced a weak smile for her benefit, and continued to stare at the floor, her report forgotten in his hand. Reaching Skinner's floor, the elevator doors revealed a mob waiting to enter. No one parted to allow them to exit, so they had to push through the crowd. "Watch out, they might be contagious." a husky male voice announced, and mocking laughter ensued. Mulder walked ahead and ignored the incident, but Scully whirled around and stared into the packed elevator car. Her vision was distorted with fiery red anger. Thinking of no witty reply suitable for a successful one-up, she pushed her foot between the closing doors. They bucked against her black leather pump, then slid back open. She stepped back inside the elevator and hit the red button marked "EMERGENCY STOP." A siren blared, and the elevator was officially out of commission until a maintenance man could reset it. The cackling crowd was stuck, and would have to wait for the next car. "Have a nice day." Scully retorted, and walked away from the jeering group. Mulder stood watching, pain reflected in his eyes. She stopped briefly, to show anyone who might be watching them that she was proud to walk beside Mulder. They quickened their pace. The meeting with Skinner was unexpectedly positive. He granted them permission to clear all other cases and follow up on the investigation of the craft. His shock melted to kindness, and he punctuated the meeting by shaking their hands and congratulating them on their progress and evidence. "That went well." Mulder sighed as they left. The remnants of the angry crowd were still waiting for an elevator. They stared bitterly as Mulder and Scully rounded the corner. "Stairs." Scully declared. Mulder nodded, and they turned around and headed back the way they had come. "I think I'm gonna knock off early, Scully. I don't want to be here anymore." he announced as they descended the stairwell. "Let's get out of here. Take the night off." "Fine by me." she said softly. They walked down what seemed like an endless number of stairs and proceeded to the parking garage. Mulder followed Scully as she walked along the rows of cars. She assumed he was walking her to her car. As they approached it, four agents from Murder's old department walked by. Scully didn't recognize them, but she did recognize the looks on their faces. Mocking crooked sneers. Knowing glances passed between them. A prim looking man in a dark Armani suit saluted with a flourish of his bony fingers. "You two still driving? I thought you'd be BEAMING everywhere by now." the agent sneered. "Yeah, 'beam me up, Scotty.' I mean, Scully." another put in, making transporter noises with his mouth. "She can't take no more captain, she's goin' to BLOW, sir!" a third said in a bad Irish accent. "Too bad she's not green, aye Spooky?" the fourth man said over his shoulder as they passed. Mulder was off in a flash. He grabbed the jacket of the last speaker and spun him around. He punched him square in the nose, and turned to the others, expecting to be jumped. Blood flowed from the wounded agent as he fell to his knees, his hands covering his face. The men each grabbed him, and Mulder only got one more good punch in before being wrestled to the ground. His fist had connected with the eye of the first agent to speak. Two agents held his arms behind him as the other, still standing, held his eye. His expression recovered quickly, a mocking sneer curling his mouth. "Man, that's gonna bruise. You psychotic sonofabitch. We ought to have you arrested." he brushed off his lapels, as if the scuffle has wrinkled his garment. He pushed his face up close to Mulder's, put his hands on his shoulders, and then brought his knee up hard into Mulder's stomach. "Go ahead Schular. But you're all gonna apologize to Scully." Mulder coughed, resisting their attempts at restraining him. He jerked back and forth, the fight still in him. "Let him go. You bastards provoked him into this. Mulder, let's just GO." Scully yelled, her hands up, palms flat, in a gesture of restraint. The men shoved him forward, and Mulder caught himself with his hands as he went down. They stalked off. "I still may report this." one of them shouted. Scully approached him, and extended a hand. He ignored it and stood, his eyes closed and his hands balled up in fists. He was shaking, full of adrenaline and fury. "Let it go, Mulder." she cautioned. "They aren't worth it." "I have to get out of here." he started to walk away. Scully grabbed him. "I'm not letting you drive in this state of mind. Come on." she barked. He ignored her, and kept walking. "I said Stop!" He stopped, and turned to look at her. Eyes squinting with the instinct to kill, he stared at her. She didn't even blink. His expression softened. Looking around, he rubbed his face, defeated. "Goddamn it. I'm sorry, Scully." he said through clenched teeth. "Get in." she said, squeezing his shoulder and pulling him toward her car. * * * * The instances of ridicule continued until Mulder stopped showing up to work. Scully covered for him, of course, but his isolation and depression became incapacitating. She would go to his apartment, to find him either gone, at work at his computer, or curled in a ball on the sofa, staring out the window with a glazed expression on his face. Hoping that being out in the field would help to bring him out of his catatonia, she called to inform him that they had a case to solve. Mulder met her at the airport on schedule. He said little, except to ask for the case assignment. He read it during the flight to Myrtle Beach. A series of unidentified relics had been found on the beach, washed in by the tides and a recent hurricane. Residents reported thirteen people missing, but the hurricane had not come close enough to cause fatalities or major damage, other than flooding. Watching him periodically, Scully saw none of his typical enthusiasm, no facial expressions, no life in his eyes. He looked thinner, pale. Tortured. She thought he might be dying. "Mulder?" "Huh?" he murmured, not bothering to raise his eyes. "Nevermind." she said. He'd just tell her he was fine, she knew. Scrambling to figure out how to help him somehow, she sat and thought. Feeling utterly helpless, she stared out her window. A lightning storm was exploding below their altitude, bolts of energy streaking between two immense, forboding clouds. They expanded exponentially, great black billows rushing outward and reaching up toward the plane. Light flashed violently, illuminating the angry swirls as she silently prayed that they wouldn't be overtaken by the bright blinking darkness. Because, she was powerless to do anything else. * * * * They interviewed exactly twenty-seven residents of the city. No one had seen anything in the night sky, because they hadn't been looking. The edge of the hurricane had disturbed the city late at night. It wasn't supposed to be very damaging, and only some flooding occurred as a result of the storm. The thirteen people had disappeared from their homes and work sometime between four and five A.M. The investigation into the artifacts recovered from the beach proved to be puzzling. They were not similar to any known aircraft, nor to the craft Scully had worked on in Africa. A spectral analysis revealed the metal did not occur naturally on Earth, and was not in the periodic table of the elements. It was a heavier form of iron, so dense that the spectrograph had trouble reading the atomic signature. Mulder and Scully were driving to the motel, when Scully had enough of the uncomfortable silence between them. "Any theories?" she asked, her voice attempting nonchalance. "I can't figure out how so dense a metal could get torn apart. There wasn't any carbon scoring, so if it was an aircraft and was shot down, it would have to be by some kind of weapon we haven't even fathomed yet." he returned, then fell silent again. She waited, but he just continued to drive, staring ahead. "Maybe it was those other aliens you described to me. The ones with their faces sealed over." she suggested. "I thought you didn't believe that story." he said flatly. "I didn't, at the time. A lot has changed since then." He glanced quickly in her direction. Before she could meet his gaze, he had already turned his eyes back to the road. * * * * After three days of investigating turned up no new information, Scully reluctantly suggested they head back to DC with the artifacts and close the case. Mulder nodded, offering no resistance. He sank onto the bed in his room, staring at the ceiling like some kind of android who'd had it's "off" button pushed. Scully sat down beside him and took his hand. He continued to stare. "Mulder. I'm..." she tried to think of something to say that wouldn't trigger a negative response. "I'm concerned about you. Is there anything I can do to help you?" "Turn off the lights on your way out." he said coldly, and closed his eyes. Scully felt as she were stricken. She recoiled from him, pulling her hand back. Staring at him for a moment, she turned tearfully and retreated from the room, leaving the lights on. The door closed hard. Mulder arose, to try to say he was sorry again, but she'd already gone. He cursed, and got up from the bed to look for her after a few minutes of debating how exactly to apologize. He went to her room, but she wasn't there. He dialed her phone number, and heard it ring inside the locked door. He walked sullenly out the lobby door and across the street to the beach, hoping to find her out walking in the unusually warm night. Mulder found the beach deserted, but noticed Scully's shoes on the beach beside her blazer. Something was in the water a few hundred feet from shore at the horizon. It was too far away to notice any detail, if it was a person or an object. A storm was blowing in behind him, and the warm night erupted into rain. A cool wind blew, and though the bandages were removed days ago, he still wore the cap. He took it off, letting the wind tousle his hair. He stared off at the horizon, hoping like hell that the dot he could see as the lightning flashed was not Scully. 'Wasn't she afraid of the water?' he wondered. The dot grew smaller in his vision, almost beyond the threshold of sight now. He began to panic. As thunder cracked in a tympanic burst around him, he tossed the hat to the sand, along with his shoes and socks, his shirt, and his watch. "Sculeeeeeeee!" He shouted as he ran through the waves, which were up to about three feet. The once placid waters were capped with white foam, and moving as if they were alive. Angry. "Sculleeee!!!" Once the water reached his thighs, he dove in and swam as best he could against the waves. Fighting for air, walls of water capsized over his head and threatened to suffocate him. Two waves collided as he swam, and he was tossed into the air. Straining to keep the figure within his sight, he fought hard against the resistance of the water, arms and legs furiously pumping. Scully had heard someone shout, and turned toward the figure on the beach. She realized Mulder was standing there, and tried to call out to him. Suddenly, he stripped to the waist and headed into the churning water. She turned and ran as fast as she could manage in the sand. New tears fell in the drying tracks of the previous ones, and she began screaming "NO!" over and over. "What the hell does he think he's doing?!" she said to herself. Had he finally snapped? Had he finally had enough abuse for one lifetime, thank you very much, and decided to swim out in the middle of a storm? She ran into the surf at the point on the beach closest to his position. She saw his body surface a few times before being eclipsed by the opaque and convoluted waves. His limbs flailed. Crying out, she threw herself in and tried to tread water. Mulder could see the form more clearly now. It looked like a raft, the inflatable kind that people used in swimming pools to sun themselves. It was out at least forty feet. He wondered if he ought to try to reach it, to keep himself alive as he tried to get back to shore. He couldn't see Scully anywhere. He cursed at himself again, knowing Scully would never have done something so stupid. 'No, stupid is my forte lately.' he mused. As he swam for the raft, he prayed to a God he didn't even believe in that Scully was safe. Because he couldn't do anything else. Halfway to the yellow raft, he was pulled under the water by surging waves. He was tired, and stopped fighting the mad jostling and irrational currents of his surroundings. 'Just ride it out. It's futile to keep going. Just let it go.' he said to himself. His body sank into the water, and he could feel it turn cold as he glided into the depths of the ocean. 'No point in fighting anymore, really, is there?' He began to exhale slowly. Bubbles tickled his face and chest, and he realized he must not be upright anymore. He didn't know where "up" was. Behind him? He let that go, too. Strange things ran through his mind, and he held fast to images of Samantha and Scully. So many images. Smiles. Quirked grins reacting to one of his wise cracks. Eyebrows high with shock. Tears. He tried to play back the memory of Scully licking her lips, one of his favorites. All he saw against his eyelids was her reaction to... What was the last thing he said to her tonight? "Turn off the lights on your way out." 'Fuck.' he thought. 'I can't let her think I did this on purpose. That's exactly what she'll think, too. That she failed. She didn't do or say that one perfect thing that would have snapped me out of my depression. Oh, damn. Gotta get back. Can't do this...' He began to panic again, and let some air out of his mouth to see if he could tell where the bubbles went. He felt no air brush against his skin. Hands searched, but he couldn't tell where he was, or which way was up. Groping in the darkness, he tried to calm himself enough to listen for some hint of knowledge, some clue as to what he ought to do. He heard the waves breaking in a staccato of violence, then cascade back into the liquid mystery of the ocean. He swam in a circle, until his head was where his feet had been, or at least he thought that they were. With his last gasp of air, he let the bubbles trail out the corner of his mouth. They tickled his face from his lip to his forehead. Up. He fought, choking as the water invaded his mouth and nose. He didn't stop swimming, climbing, and tried not to cough. The water was strangling him. There was no light, no temperature, no hope. His head felt funny, and he realized that his hair was being blown by the wind. Approximating the backstroke, he struggled and choked as air filled his lungs. "Mulder? Mulder!" Scully was screaming. 'She's alive!' he thought, thankful that he had decided to continue on. He looked around frantically, and thought he saw her disappear behind a gigantic wave, foam tipped and horrifying. He wondered if he was hallucinating from the lack of oxygen, as a face seemed to appear in the spray. Slanted eyes and snarling mouth. Evil. It crashed around him. "Sculleeeee!" he screamed, declaring his intention to survive. "Sculleeeeeee!" "Mulder!" followed by coughing. She was out here. "Scully, keep shouting...Can't see you..." he kept swimming. "Mulder! Mulder!" she looked for him, spray slapping her for her efforts. The droplets stung her eyes. Blinded and searching, she imperceptibly gasped "Mulder..." She was under the abyss, then above again, then under. He reached out and grabbed a handful of skin. Her arm? He kicked his feet as he pulled her up so they wouldn't fall beneath the surface again. She rose out of the churning water, shook her head, air escaping in a soft moan. Her eyes opened tentatively, and she saw his face. He watched the smile transform her lips, take them over. Grabbing him, she wrapped her arm around him, and he wound his around her as he paddled against the disorienting mass that continued relentlessly to toss them into chaos. She pressed her lips into his skin at the side of his neck. Once, twice, three, times, before leaving them there against his pulse. He could feel her flesh against his, and he was suddenly warm. "Scully, we gotta get to land. Honey, you have to help me." She heard him, and their bodies separated. He kept a firm hold on her shoulder as he swam around, his back to the shore so he could paddle backwards and keep an eye on her. She knew he was a strong