Title: The Whole Catastrophe (Chapters 1-?) Author: diehard and dryad Rating: NC-17 Classification: Case file/MSR, WIP, Humor (hopefully), Alternate Universe...people are actually happy here... well, some of them Spoilers: Everything through the first third of Season 7, the story taking place in the universe set forth in Absolute Beginners I, Absolute Beginners II-- Better With Practice, and Absolute Beginners III-- Comes The Morning---available on Ephemeral, Whispers of X, Fran's Fanfic Addiction, and The Grove. (It'll help to read 'em, honest!) Keywords: Be careful what you wish for. Character death...not who you think. Necromancy. Santeria. Marriage Proposal. Summary: This story takes place late in the year 2000. In the early Spring of the same year, Mulder and Scully finally got off the dime (after a false start, angst, guilt and a nightmare or two) and did the dirty deed. After a weekend of 'solidifying their relationship', they are pulled of the X-Files, but managed to find at least one way to console each other. Fast forward about six months--and you'll be right we we begin, dear reader. Disclaimers: You know, they're not ours. They're Chris Carter's. Just using them for the fun, no money involved.Archive: Yes, anywhere. Just keep it intact. Feedback: Yes, please. you can contact me: alvaradomccain@earthlink.net Folks, this is my first attempt at collaboration, fueled byall the insightful and supportive feedback I've received. (Some of which has come from dryad, so she gets part of the blame for me getting so nervy.) Much, much thanks to Alicia K., and Nikki B for their beta wisdom, general support and encouragement of this fledgling author. Thanks to Judith Weugel and the folks at Fran's FanficAddiction. Judith wrote me a great e-mail that got me stoked to write more. Also, thanks to my teachers--writers like Bonetree, fialka, revely and jessemie's evil twin. What you do with words! Most of all, thanks to David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson for almost a decade of complicated, passionate, subtle portrayals of our favorite fighters against the apocalypse--Mulder and Scully. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x After a long six months doing background checks, the X-Files are reopened, our heroes are called to investigate a series of vigilante style murders, but all is not what it seems. Oh, and by the way, M&S are involved, living together, actually having quite a bit of sex and it's not an an angst-ridden mess...well...mostly not. The Whole Catastrophe Prologue--October 1999---after work--early in the week. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X In a just a few months what was once her organized, unused and uninhabited apartment was now relaxed and generally showed signs of life. Just like the two of them. His black leather sofa was now the centerpiece of the living room, and she'd bought two rust colored overstuffed chairs, kept the end tables, bookshelves and the lamps, gotten rid of the dining room set and turned the dining room into his workspace. Her computer and desk were still in one corner of the living room and the bathroom had become a sanctuary of music--he'd surprised her with a sound system after the first month. Candles of all shapes and sized dotted the bedroom and the bathroom, it had been one of his Saturday afternoon projects. As for the kitchen, it was actually used now since he cooked, and they ate at the kitchen table or on the sofa. Strategically placed stacks of magazines and newspapers dotted the apartment, and much to someone's relief Scully did not melt down. She'd added to them on a regular basis, telling him he'd have to come up with a filing system. One night while they were putting away groceries, he'd told her it looked like the apartment of two university professors. Two really attractive professors researching human sexual response, was actually how he framed it. Mulder's take on it notwithstanding, it did, sort of. She just had to overlook the briefcase full of firearms in the closet, (minus the strategically hidden SIGs and Colt 1911's) the anti-surveillance hardware and the high security locks on all the doors and windows. They did have their first skirmish one night after work about six weeks into this new arrangement, when she'd tried to hide his basketball after he'd left it on the kitchen table. After catching her trying to shove it under the bed, he swooped down to retrieve it, only to knock her on her round little ass. He'd hovered over her as she'd sat there with her hair a mess, skirt hitched up, and he had every intention of helping her up when she asked, 'Is that all you've got, Milk?' Five minutes later, with Mulder's mouth hotly latched onto that soft spot at the hollow of her throat and his hand firmly inching up her thigh, she had proof that he had plenty of game. It was Tuesday night, which meant that she'd be wooed with an evening of his dazzling domestic skills and dancing, usually to selections from his oddly eclectic dietary and musical favorites. He plied her with home cooking and wheedled her into shaking her proverbial groove thing with him once a week, every week since they'd moved in together. The first time was after a surprisingly good combination of red beans and rice, bock beer and cherry popsicles, Once he drew her into slow-dancing to Al Green and Bonnie Raitt, her enthusiastic late-night response was all the motivation he needed to keep it up. And as for Scully, she'd come to eagerly anticipate all this wooing, even if it was his own off-center variety. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X Mulder crept through their inhabited kingdom, hoping to sneak up on the love of his life, who'd perched herself on the edge of that aforementioned black leather sofa. She was bent over her partially disassembled service revolver which she'd spread across the coffee table. Unfortunately, a niggling question was causing her concentration to waiver. Inquiring minds wanted to know whether he'd be hauling his gluteus maximus out of the kitchen any time in the near future. If so, she was prepared do a little exploration of the up-close and personal kind. As she polished the grip of her SIG with a tack cloth, she heard his footfalls approaching. That's it, get a little closer and I'll be glad to rub something else, she mused. The tips of his size 12 Nikes appeared in her peripheral vision, and she was about to stop what she was doing-- cleaning and oiling the barrel of her SIG, when a hand gripping a ladle of steaming, fragrant liquid paused just under her nose. "Close your eyes, Scully...Taste." "Shouldn't you be telling me to open my mouth?" "I thought that part was obvious." "And why should I close my eyes...is that some secret sampling technique I'm not aware of?" "It'll taste better...I promise." He leaned a little closer, pursed his lips together and blew across the hot liquid. "Must be why I close my eyes when I kiss...Mmmmm....Ummmm." The banter was ended when the edge of the ladle grazed her lips and she got a mouthful of Mulder's latest culinary achievement. "Chicken soup...good." It was rich, delicious, savory. Chunks of chicken, carrot, celery. Redolent with fresh dill, rosemary and basil. Definitely not Campbell's "Not just good. This is manna from heaven, a cure for what ails you...Gey gezhundt, meine shayna maidel." "Since when did you become 'meine yiddische Mulder?' " "I'm channeling here, have some respect." Wiping a drop of soup from the corner of her mouth, he let his index finger skim the curve of her lower lip. "Unless you're planning on telling me about your new career as a Borscht Belt comedian, I think I'd rather sit in the kitchen while you dish up tonight's dinner." "Wow. You just want a man all hot and sweaty in front of the stove, don't you?" "You don't have to be in front of the stove, actually." "You suggest some interesting possibilities, Scully." The ladle was dropped unceremoniously on the coffee table, Mulder slid onto the sofa and hoisted her onto his lap. She hadn't let go of her SIG, though. "It's a little hard to focus while you're still holding your weapon, partner." His hands eased away from her waist, burrowing under her shirt, and he stroked her ribs, a slow, feathery drag up and down, up and down. The cloth and the pistol found their way to the floor. Moving from sitting across his lap to straddling him, she pressed tight against his hips and wreathed her arms around his neck. She rocked slowly against him and felt an enormous sense of satisfaction as one of his better parts snapped to attention. When he started making that whiskey rumble in his throat, she felt herself slicken and her whole body thrum. "Better, Mulder?" She felt his hands sweep across to her breasts, where he captured each nipple between a thumb and forefinger and teased them slowly to hardness. "You tell me." Now his thumbs traced figure eights, and his eyes followed the line of her throat as she swallowed hard and a shuddery breath escaped slightly parted lips. "Later...quit talking and kiss me." Her eyelids drifted shut, and she eased her arms from around his neck. Steadying herself with strong, supple hands, she gripped the tops of his thighs and wriggled against his tightening groin. She was most definitely rubbing him the right way, and part of him really wanted to do what she said but she'd left herself open for a smart-ass remark, "Can't resist telling me what to do, can you? " At that comment, she leaned in and licked the side of his jaw, savoring the rasp of his stubble against her tongue, the smell of his aftershave, and the taste of his skin. Then, with her usual deftness, she worked her way along his chin, and finished up by nipping at the corner of his mouth. "Not when you're so good at it," she murmured. "Think so?...Well, as long as you insist ... " He turned his head to make contact and his tongue swam toward hers, making sure he gave her plenty of evidence to back up her assertion. He leisurely stroked the inside of that sweet mouth, and was almost regretful when he managed to pull away, the very tip of his tongue tracing the edge of her smile. The mole on her upper lip got the same treatment, then there was a shower of tiny pecks on the bridge of her nose, ending with warm brushes of his lips against her cheek. After a momentary pause, he captured an earlobe and softly bit down to the sound of Scully's 'Mmmmm......my marvelous Mulder.' He couldn't help chuckling at that and it made him relinquish the lobe, and besides, he'd heard her laugh, too. Leaning back on the sofa, he cupped her chin in his hand, "Ready for the main course?" "I could eat a little something...More of this later?" She started to right herself, although she wasn't yet ready to get off his lap. "I think I could manage that...But first you will dine on a delicious home-cooked meal, prepared with a skill bordering on genius, by none other than yours truly." "I see..." Her mouth quirked in a grin which he matched with one of his own. "Is that all?" He'd put on his negotiator's face, which bore an uncanny resemblance to his panic face. She doubled down, too. After all, they were at a critical juncture. "Oh, no...there's dancing with me until the witching hour, during which there will be hours of foreplay...a subtle, but intense crescendo of sensual contact." The eyebrow went up at that one. " 'Subtle, but intense crescendo', Mulder? And here all I wanted was to make out in the living room." "I'm spinning metaphor here, work with me, Scully." "I see...And just what else happens after this whole 'crescendo' of yours peaks?" "I will, of course, make love to you for a prolonged period of time." The bargaining face still held, although his eyes glinted wicked green. "You drive a hard bargain, Agent. But if those are your conditions..." "They are." She shook her head, huffed out a huge sigh, and slumped her shoulders in mock resignation, "Well, you leave me no choice, then...I agree." "Not so fast, there's one last thing" She slapped a hand to her head in an impression of wonder and disbelief, "And what on earth could that be...?" "You'll have to fuck me senseless. And that may take all night." Now he arched an eyebrow. With the barest hint of a smile, she cupped his balls with one hand and with the other, caressed him with long, slow strokes. "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." She'd almost derailed him with that move. But he didn't want to take a pass on the rest of the evening, the ritual of it, the way it made him feel he hadn't forgotten how to get it right. "Miss Scully, release my testes and dinner will be served." She did, and extricated herself from his lap. As he pulled himself to an upright and standing position, Mulder teased, "Thought you had me there, huh?" He snatched the fallen cooking utensil from the coffee table, turned on his heels, and gingerly strode into the kitchen with an odd hitch in his step. "Once again, you proved me wrong," She nodded in self-congratulation though, as he walked away from her very, very slowly. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~ As they set the table, Mulder waxed theoretical on the significance of the 'Matrix', its place in pop culture's post-digital paranoia, and Keanu's Reeves' classic understated acting as a postmodern messiah. Setting a tureen of soup in the middle of the table, he tapped the ladle on its side to emphasize his point. This clever segue also gave him the opportunity to slow things down and prolong tonight's pleasure. He'd discovered yet another way his experience in delayed gratification was finally going to pay off... When she turned her back to get the rest of the silverware, he watched the way she skimmed happily across the floor in her stocking feet, jean-clad, white shirt rolled up to the elbows. He leaned against the table and watched her, his breath hitching and fluttering in his chest. Here was Scully, branched DNA and battle scar survivor, healer and warrior, and his heart broke open once again just from the sight of her. There'd never be any way to fully explain how visceral her hold on him was, no words to do it justice. He wondered idly how long this could possibly last. A ridiculous question, really, he knew exactly how long. It was a universal invariant, it was all of eternity he would ever understand. Scully sauntered back with a hand on one hip and spoons in the other and caught him with some kind of otherworldly look on his face. She was just about to ask what was up when what looked like an epiphany evaporated and the rant resumed. "Brilliant, subversive movie making...all from two working-class Polish guys from Chicago. It's the definitive statement on Everyman's ambivalence toward a technologic universe, and the hardrive plutocrats it creates." She snorted as she fussed with the place settings, "You're so full of crap, Mulder. What you love about that movie is the super-attenuated kung-fu on the part of the principals, especially the paybacks administered by women in PVC." "And your point would be?" Laughing, she shook her head and sat herself in the closest kitchen chair, "That you're a whoop-ass-loving, testosterone- driven connossieur of popular culture...A sex-crazed man of letters, with an unnatural affinity toward John Woo and the Wachowsky Brothers." "And that's a bad thing?" He served up the soup, and passed her some dark rye heaped with butter. "You'll get no complaints here." He slid his chair next to hers and plopped himself down. "Be nice to me and later I'll spell some really interesting words with those letters." "I'll remember to ask you about that." She broke off the end of her slice of bread, and popped it into his mouth. In a slightly garbled, but still intelligible voice, "I take it we should just eat now." Then he leaned over and poured them both a glass of the white wine she'd opened. Smiling, she nodded and shot him the thumbs up, and proceeded to start in on her soup with a relish. This was one of parts he loved, eating in the kitchen in the hush and the quiet that settled around them, like some an old married couple; it made him feel blessedly ordinary, normal. Contrary to what motivated him for the majority of his life, the pull of the unknown no longer remained his driving wheel. It was this--the everyday sacred, salvaged from the wreckage of both their lives. He would do what he had to, when it was time, and so would Scully. All the rest of it would come and there would be these shards of normalcy, nights like this that they could both hold onto, nights that they would fight the good fight to have again. He was thinking about the past imperfect and the future unknowable, when she snapped him back into the present by leaning into to steal a kiss, a soft and gentle one. "Soup's that good, huh?" "No. You are." Scully hadn't been watching him, but felt the spell of this silence and simple things, and she knew he'd meant it for her. For them. And so she told him, another unvarnished declaration of her love. "I..don't know what to say." He startled as if someone had awoken him from a dream. "Say, 'thank you Scully'." She'd peered up her from her bowl of soup, at first bemused. What she saw, she was completely unprepared for. He looked astonished, embarrassed. She carefully laid down her spoon and placed her hand on top of his. "Thank you, Scully." His eyes shone bright as he blinked away some unexpected tears. "Thank you, Mulder. And now that's makes us even." She leaned in and kissed him again with deliberate care, and a tenderness that anchored both of them once more to the quiet of their kitchen and their semblance of an ordinary life. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~ She'd just about finished the dishes, wringing out the sponge while the soapy water glugged its way down the drain. She was enjoying a pleasantly warm buzz from her share of Pinot Grigio, when it hit her. Something was amiss. Where was the man with the dishtowel, and why wasn't he drying the dishes? She twisted away from the sink, only to see Mulder rapidly approaching, waving the towel in one hand and clutching the CD player's remote in the other. "Boys will be girls and girls will be boys! Gender will be bent tonight, Scully. It's Bowie, you know him, you love him." Throwing the towel onto the dish rack, he grabbed her by the wrist and spun her toward him. Apparently she wasn't the only one working off a slight buzz. "Wait, Mulder! We're not...Whoa!" Scully slid in her stockinged feet and collided with him. Bumping up against his pelvis, she laughed as he got purchase on her around the waist with his free arm. "You're not going to dry the dishes are you?" "It will give you scientific proof that water does in fact, evaporate from solid surfaces. With that, he punched in a track on the remote and flung it on the counter. "This first song was picked with you mind, Special Agent Doctor, D.K.Scully...." Guitars ripped and growled, and Bowie belted, 'Let's dance. Put on your red shoes and dance the blues... ' He shimmied her across the kitchen floor, their hips pressed together, pivoting back and forth to the beat. One hand curled around the curve of her waist and the other slowly combed through her hair and teased its way to the nape of her neck. 'Let's sway, while color lights up your face.' They circled their way out of the kitchen and into the living room. He bent his forehead to hers and she could sense him smile. Mulder's fingers pressed tiny circles just above her shoulders, "Hours of foreplay, Scully." Driving her wild with need was too delightful to rush the process. Then softly, almost imperceptibly, he brushed his lips against hers in a slow slide, once, twice, three times. She tasted the wine, and the spark of excitement was almost palpable on his lips. Yes, indeed, hours and hours, she thought. She felt flushed, but instead of backing away embarrassed, she wriggled her hips with a little more enthusiasm. The sound of his 'Mmmmmm" underneath the music was all the encouragement she needed. Bowie pleaded, 'Let's dance for fear tonight is all... Let's sway, you could look into my eyes.' She was radiant, tossing her head back and leaning into his touch. Both of his hands were in her hair now and he gazed at her for a hot, silvery moment. His heart was beating staccato, but he wasn't going to yield. He craved more of this, wanted to bring her slowly to the midnight hour. Leaning in to kiss her deeply, he felt time speeding up and slowing, flowing into the feel of his mouth on hers. But he halted himself, savoring the stroke of his tongue between her parted lips. Bowie was just about to reveal the reason Mulder chose this cut in the first place. As the music ribboned all around them, he paused and pressed his lips to her ear and whispered along. "If you say run, I'll run with you." Mulder's voice was raspy, his breath warm, "If you say hide, we'll hide. Because my love for you would break my heart in two." His strong arm captured her waist, and he eased her backwards, bending her like a willow. "If you should fall into my arms, and tremble like a flower" She shifted in his arms and leaned up to kiss him, still moving to the music, and now brushed her warm lips against his, once, twice, three times. "Hours of foreplay, you said?" "Hours and hours, Scully...I'm a man of my word." And he closed the centimeter's distance between them, made contact, and they stopped listening to music for a minute or two. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X Crooning about serious moonlight had faded away, the two of them, however, were still seriously wrapped around each other. Diamond Dogs barked in the background, and Mulder rose to the occasion when her fingers grazed the waistband of his jeans. He countered with a move of his own, starting the slow descent down her neck, biting down where it sloped into her shoulder. Shoulder, shudder, bow-wow-wow, her panting and his growl--it was all making him lightheaded, which is why he didn't notice right away. Out of nowhere she'd started laughing, that deep, throaty one that always pushed him over the edge. This time was no different, a realization later and he was rock hard. A staccato Bowie howled, "Aaah-oooh...aah-ooh...Woof... Woof.' One of her hands began to move away and he was about to grab it and put it back where it belonged, but it was too late. She'd steadied herself and pushed against him and then they were upright. "You're laughing, Scully. Tell me it's for the right reasons." "Like I'm really, really, happy and really, really, turned on? Because I am." "Glad to hear it. I, for one, can offer ample proof that you're not without your charms." "There does seem to be a preponderance of physical evidence..." She chewed at her bottom lip, nodded appreciatively at the bulge under his fly . "I'd let you have your way with me, but now it's my turn." "Your turn?" He closed his eyes and held himself very, very, still. Do your worst, he hoped. Or your best. Either. Both. He held his breath. She stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear, all smoke and 12 year-old Scotch, "Yeah...It's my turn to pick the music." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~ 'Ground control to Major Tom...Take your protein pills and put your helmet on,' a voice from beyond droned. He was still glued to the spot where'd she left him, but now he was smirking, and when she tapped him on the arm, his eyes opened and his hand flew up and caught hers by the wrist. "You're funny." 'Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven..." The music was steadily building. "What?" She tried hauling out her 'Good-Catholic-Girl-Who-Me?' face, but she could see he wasn't buying. "Space Oddity? Really, I'm crushed." He didn't really look all that devastated. "Parts of you still seem pretty buoyant." Her blood was still buzzing with arousal, just ratcheted a few notches down. 'Check ignition and may God's love be with you,' and the guitars zoomedout into the stratosphere. A sight adjustment of his jeans revealed that all systems were still go. "I'll show you buoyant...C'mere." With that, he snaked himself around her and pulled her flush against him. He cupped her chin in his palm, and pinned her with a look that managed to be both devilish and tender. "But you'll have to wait, Miss Scully, I've got other plans for you." She followed his lead with subtle, almost imperceptible touches as they drifted in a slow waltz across the floor. He held her the old-fashioned way, one arm clasped loosely around the waist, the other holding her arm aloft, holding hands, fingers entwined. Her thumb stroked his wrist as his circled the skin above the snake at the small of her back. Their movements flowed seamlessly, like syrup spilling over the edge of a spoon. As they drifted around the living room, they caught a glimpse of themselves in the window. Gliding together, elegant, fitted to each other. They watched their joint reflection and both wondered if somehow it could be etched into the glass. That window must have held some magick, because after one last trip around the room, they found themselves slow dancing in front of it again. It was raining, hard enough for the light from the street lamps to streak like fireworks against the inky shadows of the street and the night all around. 'And the stars look very different today...' They'd begun to slow and finally still, leaving them standing pressed to the windowpane, looking down at the motionless street below. Scully leaned back, fitting herself snugly to his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, and dipped his head to whisper in her ear. "Happy?" "Very...and you?" Her smile beamed at him from her reflection. "More than you'll ever know. But maybe I could try to show you... " Now his image in the glass was sultry, almost giving off reflected heat. "Is this the part where you make love to me for... what was it now?" His hand swept across her chest and cradled a breast. "...for a prolonged period of time, I believe." "Hmmm...that seems right." Now both his hands stroked her breasts. "Mmmmmmm." 'Can you hear me, Major Tom?" A low burr coming from the direction of phone on the end table. 'Can you hear me, Major Tom?' "Mulder, I think we should answer the phone." The burr persisted unabated. "I don't know what you're talking about." He sighed as he felt her extricate herself. "Go answer the phone, and I'll stay right here and hold your place." She'd turned around and gave him a rueful smile that definitely telegraphed frustration. "Right. Be right back." He spanned the gap in three huge strides, picked up the phone and grunted, "Mulder. What?" She'd gone over to the CD player and turned it off. There was a pregnant pause, during which Mulder tried to regroup. A look of surprise flitted across his face, "A.D. Skinner. Sorry, sir...I was in the middle of a conversation with Agent Scully when you called..." Hearing Walter Skinner's name got her over to Mulder's side ASAP. She hovered nearby, and bit her lip anxiously as her mental gears started to turn. Skinner. What did he want? Every piece of godawful paperwork they signed off on had been checked and rechecked, why couldn't he wait to tell them whatever it was until the morning? Mulder had been silent, taking in what Skinner was saying, and it was several long minutes before he responded. He motioned to her and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close enough to eavesdrop. "Let me get this straight, sir. There's been a series of unexplained murders in Chicago, and the local P.D. is at a loss due to the unexplained, bizarre aspects of the killings. The local SAC mentioned us to the mayor, the mayor has friends in the DOJ, who in turn have friends in the Director's Office, who in turn have now informed you that our valuable skills are now required in the ongoing investigation." Scully could hear Skinner's growl, "Agent Mulder, the X-Files have been reopened, and I believe I've made the circumstances of the case clear. Don't make me repeat myself. Rest assured a sufficient amount of grease has been applied by parties more than experienced with high level reach-arounds. It's my jobto tell you and get you flown out to Chicago. It's your job and Agent Scully's to go there and apply your expertise to assist fellow law enforcement officers. Be in my office at at 0-600 hours for a briefing. You're already booked on a 9 am flight into O'Hare." "0-600 hours? Very military of you, sir." Mulder could see Scully mouthing 'Don't piss him off' in his peripheral vision. "Mulder, I suggest you refrain from sticking your dick in a departmental vice for at least forty-eight hours. Can the salient observations about military protocol, and just getyour ass in here on time. I'll assume you'll make Agent Scully aware of her change of assignment." 'Yes, sir." "Agent Mulder?" "Yeah?" "Welcome back." They moved apart so that he could hang up the phone. The atmosphere had definitely been drained of its earlier playful charge, and they stood by the end table, not speaking until Mulder ruptured the silence. "You heard it all, right?" He made his voice as neutral as possible. "Looks like we're suddenly popular again. This is good, Mulder. You don't belongin the bullpen shoveling papers, and neither do I. Although I would've thought you'd be doing handstands after hearing you finally got a reprieve." She managed a wan smile. "Let's start packing partner, we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow." And right before his eyes she'd changed from laughing and flirting to squared shoulders, and mental prep lists. He stood riveted to his spot while she went over to the sofa and sat down to finish reassembling her service weapon. She fitted piece to piece, checking alignment and trying desperately to shore up the part of her soul that felt cheated, threatened. He need her to be on point, to be Special Agent Scully, ready for whatever they would throw at them. She tried to organize her thoughts--check weapons, evidence kit, medical bag--pack the laptops and enough clothes for at least a week. It was 10 o'clock now, with any luck they'd be done and in bed by midnight. Looking up to tell him he'd better start packing, she saw that old, familiar look painfully grieve his features. She rested her SIG on her lap, "You're happy about this, aren't you?" The rush of a sadness he hadn't felt in months hit him, and he made himself quickly push it away, hoping she hadn't caught it. "Are you?" "I asked you first." Now she was trying to be equally opaque. He shrugged, and stared down at the floor, "Happy that we're going to do what we have the talent and the insight to do. Not so happy that we'll be under scrutiny again, that our..." He struggled for the right words, but she finished it for him. "...honeymoon is over...You think things are going to be like they were before. That's it, isn't it?" "You don't seem to be having a problem hopping back in the saddle. I mean, you're getting ready with a vengeance." He shrugged again, steeling himself for the rift his worst instincts told him was not far away. He saw she'd already pushed away any thoughts of intimacy, tamped them down to get on to the business at hand. He wasn't sure he could reach her, and didn't think he could deal with being severed from all they'd built over the last six months. "Be honest, Scully. We have very different, ingrained ways of working. Our approaches have always counterbalanced each other, and that's made us a successful team. Don't get me wrong, I've always valued it, needed it. But it kept us apart, Scully. Seven long years apart, until we broke through it." His voice trailed off and his green eyes clouded with his need for reassurance. "Just tell me it won't happen again, Scully...tell me and I'll believe it." She looked up at up him and for all her effort to suit up, she couldn't halt the tear that escaped and trailed down her cheek, "Is that what you think?" He brushed away that wet line, wishing he could erase it from her memory. She sighed at the touch of his large, warm hand against her damp, cool skin. "Listen to me. If you think I plan on acting the way I used to, trying to hold on to some kind of emotional distance...I can't, I won't...We can't go back, Mulder, only forward." Her blue eyes were lit with a fire he recognized, she wasn't retreating. But underneath that fire he sensed her inner turmoil. The fact of the matter was that neither one of them had the vaguest idea as to how balance the changes in personal lives and the demands of the X-Files. The bullshit assignment that Kersh had engineered allowed them to hide in plain sight, saving all their energy for the pair-bonding of new lovers. Now the rubber was hitting the road, and Mulder noted ruefully that they had, in fact, both slipped into familiar patterns. She'd stepped up the plate, trying to cover his back and he embraced his own neuroses without hesitation. "Sure you want to keep putting up with me?" Now he knelt at her side, hand still resting against her face. She moved closer and whispered in his ear, "If you say run, I'll run with you...If you say hide, we'll hide." Her voice roughened with the knowledge that they still had so much to prove to each other. He eased away and cradled her face with both hands, gazing at her with a look hot enough to singe off her clothes. "Let me make love to you...I know we should be packing, that Skinner expects us at 6 am, and that we're going to have to make up the rest of this as we go along...I'm glad we're reinstated, Scully, I am... But there is nothing, nothing that I want or need more than you." The mundane details of daily living or end-of-the-world theatrics didn't matter in the end, only that. "You know that promise I made earlier? It's time I kept it." In a flash, he'd taken her gun and set it on the table, had her up on her feet, and was marching her to the bedroom. He steered her from behind, hands firmly grasping her shoulders, planning on a quickly arrival at the desired destination, but somehow she'd found away to to slow their progress. "Mulder?" "Yes, Scully?" "What about packing?" She tried not to let the tease show in her voice. "I'll set the clock for 4." He was on to her, but played along anyway. "Are you sure?" "Yes, Scully, I'm sure. I'm also sure if I don't get you in bed soon, I'm gonna throw you down take you on the dining room floor. "Maybe some other time." She did file that one away for future reference. "What about the evidence kit?" "You'll call that guy Jake in the lab once we get to the the Bureau, and tell him we need a fresh one in Skinner's office by 7 am." "Medical bag?" She was rapidly running out of roadblocks as they crossed the bedroom's threshold. "In seven years, I've never known you to be short of any of the necessities." "Mulder..." She'd started that laugh again... He picked her up by the waist and set her on the bed and set the alarm. He snatched off his T-shirt, popped open his fly, hurriedly shoved his way out of his jeans and the rest of his clothes. "No more talking shop, Scully." The outline of his strong, smooth body, the rise of his cock as it stood taut and waiting for her touch did indeed end that conversation. She started to unbutton her blouse, but was stopped by his hands covering hers and easing her down against the bedding. "No, don't...I want undress you." He undid each flat disk, kissing and licking each spot of exposed flesh while her shirt fell away. She kept watching him move slowly, almost too slowly, feeling the sharp twist of pleasure, the wet, slick burn between her legs. He palmed each breast, undid the wisps of lace that held them, pushed them away and bent his head to suck each nipple. She moaned his name as he roughed them with his teeth and sighed when he soothed them with the flat of his tongue. His talented mouth trailed streaks of heat down her stomach, nipping the flesh just above the waistband of her jeans. Instead of undoing those, he rose up and covered her with his body, parting her lips and kissing her hungrily, kissing her very breath away. She arched underneath him, finding his hand and guiding it between her legs. "Don't make me wait," barely audible, her voice wanton and pleading. He drew the zipper down and in one drag pulled the rest of her clothing away, then pulled himself up to straddle her. Her hands trailed up and down his breastbone, coming to rest against his heart. In the ribbons of light coming from the rain-drenched window, her face shimmered, her hair flickered like fire across the pillow. Bringing his knuckle to her clit, he pressed soft, feathery circles again and again. She was astonishing, in this way most of all, her flesh tightening and swelling under his touch, yet liquid, molten. When Mulder drew his index finger against that clit in a slow pull upward, she cupped his free hand to the side of her face. In the depths of her eyes he found everything he'd ever want, every promise. His gaze never wavered from hers, neither one of them spoke as her legs fell open for him. Trembling as her hand wrapped around the base of his cock, she slid him inch by inch until he was completely inside her. He took her hands and laced his fingers in hers, then bowed her arms above her head, his own arms arching, holding himself steady. Drawing her toward orgasm, he covered her like a canopy, angling himself forward so the base of his shaft stroked her as he thrust back and forth, the pace slow and sinuous. Agonizing, torturous and exquisite, it was the closest he could come to the merging he really wanted--subatomic--becoming one indestructible element. He groaned uncontrollably as she tensed and shuddered all around him, her feet rubbing the backs of his calves. It was hitting her, a helix of pleasure unraveling deep inside her body--he could feel it, pushing him closer to the edge. Mulder watched her fall beautifully apart, felt himself begin to slip, the tight, sweet heat closing in on him. He wanted to come when she did, wanted to drown, wanted to disappear in her, become her, never leave her. Her hands seemed to fly across his back, his sides, her nails rasping the tender places, sending shivers that drove him fast to the brink. Panting and shuddering, he still had to know, "Tell me...we'll have this... tomorrow." "....Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow..." Her voice faded away, there was nothing else to say, the world was too small to hold them, they were larger than the universe. He fell toward her, and like always, she caught him. Their soft lips pressed together and sealed their covenant, and then it was still, so very still. Sleep steered them toward uncharted territory, they'd make their way in that world when morning came. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~ Two weeks Earlier Alex prayed for strength. The cemetery frightened her. Maybe it was because of what she was about to do, even though it was the right thing, maybe it was because she couldn't get away from the feeling that got under her skin of so many eggun scrutinizing her, waiting for their chance. Most of all, it was the quiet that set her on edge. How could it be so quiet in the middle of the city, even at this time of the night? It was 11:30, just enough time, but she had to stay focused, release her fears, do what she came to do. It would have to be finished by midnight. She'd practically ran to her car after her class, cutting off the questions of eager students, students hoping to curry favor, students for which she had nothing but contempt. They were only interested grades and post-doc positions, not knowledge, and certainly, not wisdom. She fervently hoped she'd acquired both, threading bits and pieces of the truth together. She could not fail, she would not fail. She'd risked so much to learn the things she did know,now it was time to see how apt a pupil she herself had become. Scaling the fence had been ridiculously easy, proving the rightness of her actions. Obatala was surely guiding her, even as Oya prepared the way. She needed no moon nor flashlight, for gravestones led her to the newest section of the cemetery. Here the monuments were of thick, polished granite, rough-hewn on the top if not set flush with the ground. There were no fancy pillars with cloth-draped urns, no 19th century statues of winged ngels asking blessings from God, no columned mausoleums inscribed with Latin, allthose were at the front where the rich had succumbed in ages past. She left the main road and headed down the 15th row, only the slight swish of grass against the soles of her shoes audible. When she arrived at his grave, she removed her backpack and withdrew a change of clothing. Everything she needed, and a few things she wasn't sure of, was in the pack. Preparing for the ceremony had taken most of the past two weeks. A ritual bath every day for nine days. Meditation before bedtime. Buying twelve tiny bottles, filling three with white rum, Holy Water, and Florida Water, one with black coffee, the rest with spring water. She had a black and white photo of Florinda, and another of Nat when theyhad gone to the Bahamas, his sly grin a prelude to the first time they'd made love. No one had ever touched her that way, no one had ever given her that much pleasure. He'd told her that he loved her, that it was forever, and sealed his promise over and over all through the night. This was the man she came for, it was all for him, these talismans, this ritual. Nine votive candles smelling of white jasmine, and nine white carnations, plus a white, fringed silk scarf to lay it all out on. She almost removed the photo of Florinda. Her nanny. Alex knew that she would never approve of the risk involved. When Alex was about 15, she found out that Florinda was a priestess of her own House, strong with Oshun. She'd eavesdropped on a conversation between her beloved Flori and a visitor who'd come and left tribute for an intercession. When she'd asked about it, Florinda bluntly told her that this was not for her to know and that to ever speak of it would enrage her parents. But Alex prodded until Flori told her about the House, her pledge to Oshun, even her true name, Iyalosha. Then with tears welling in her eyes, she begged the young girl to be accept her own path, the life her parents had made for her, and to trust that Flori was doing what she was meant to do as well. When she came to ask for help in bringing Nat back to her, the older woman quietly said, 'Do not ask me, mi'ja. Do not do this. There can be no good end in it.' Still, Alex could not bring herself to remove the photo, telling herself it was good luck, a blessing. She changed from her pearl gray, tailored suit into the white tunic and flowing skirt of an acolyte. She removed all her jewelry, her shoes, and stood barefoot on the cold, damp ground. As the final step she piled her thick, dark hair on top of her head and wrapped it with white cloth, to show her respect, her complete devotion. She must be humble, do everything to seem worthy of the gift. She didn't know why the eggungun sought her out, but they had, she was sure of it. What had been intellectual curiosity, became passionate interest, and now was the faith of a zealot. They would all be horrified to learn she'd started following the old ways, that her whole career had become an excuse to learn the ways of Santeria. Cultural anthropology. Dr. Ruiz-Cardenas. That was respectable. If they only knew. It had been a doorway, one that led her over the the last year to seek The Seven Powers. No babalawo, no madrina, not even Flori would teach her or make an asiento for her, so she was never really touched by the gods, as all true children. She was never fully accepted by any House, but she'd come to believe, and hoped someday she'd have the way to prove her devotion. At least she was able to use her position to dig, to research, to glean from arcane texts and the occasional fallen believer, pieces of the mystery that she wove together. Nat had laughed when he found out, telling her she must have cast a spell on him. Kneeling next to the headstone, it was clear that the dirt on his grave was still fresh. Eighteen days gone. From the moment they lowered his coffin into the ground, she swore she would make things right. She withdrew from her family, her friends, only went to the university when absolutely necessary. They all thought it was grief, a normal response to such a heart-shattering loss, the horror she'd seen. They had no idea she was searching for the truth beyond truth, his death, the catalyst pushing her from their world into the one they foolishly ignored--the one that held what she so desperately sought. Her fingers caressed the letters carved into the cool marble, Naftali Rene Gonzalez, beloved son, a warrior in this life and the next--1965-2000. Spreading the scarf over the burial mound, she arranged the bottles, the photos, the flowers, the votives in what she desperately hoped was the right constellation. "Alafia. The beginning is important in all things, I begin with a pure heart. Hear me, eggungun. I come to ask for what is mine. Ashe." Her voice trembled even as the night air carried it into the trees. "Seek Her out for me, beg Her to show Herself . Ashe. I call for Her three times three. Oya. Oya. Oya." She sprinkled the contents of the bottles around the scarf. "Oya. Oya. Oya. Hear you daughter." She took the flowers and draped them around the photo of the two of them. "I beg you, Mother of the Cemetery, Guardian of the Other World, bring him back to me. Ashe." She lit the votives and bent at the waist, touching her forehead to edge of the scarf. "Oya. Oya. Oya. Do not deny me. I beg you, make yourself known and answer this humble one who would be a yawo." She had to close her eyes against the white flash of lightening, the crash of thunder made the ground shake beneath her. It was happening. Oya was coming. She held herself completely still, barely breathing for several long minutes, then she hears the voice. "Child, rise and face me. Listen to me, I have much to say." Alex somehow found the courage the stand, despite the fear twisting her heart in on itself. Looming before her was a woman, tall, elegantly dressed from head to toe in dark purple robes. Black hair blew away from her face like a dark corona, and her wrists and feet were circled with copper bands glinting in the wan moonlight. The night air blew and twisted around them. But Her face was obscured in shadows, Alex knew Oya always hid her face in shadows or wore a mask. She was a warrior as well as guardian, able to take on any guise in battle. The sword she carried was further proof of that, it had the power to kill, to drive someone to insanity, to open the Gates of the Dead. "Foolish child. What are you doing, little rabbit? Be thankful you have so many ancestors interceding on your behalf." She made the wind blow hard around the grave. Alex tried to draw herself up into her full height, to seem sure, confident. But she was trembling uncontrollably in the front of The Queen of the Dead. " I...Yansa...Mami...You know what I came here for," she pleaded. "I have prepared, I have done what is required to..." "Silence! You have threads of the whole and understand nothing. Your colors, these feeble talismans, do not please me. Where is the red wine, the grapes, the purple silk, the eggplant?" "But you came! Tell me you'll give me what I seek, I beg you." This foolish little girl was trying Her patience, but Something in Her warrior's heart felt pity for this Lost One. "Do not force my hand. You are not of my House, you do not observe my Ways...and I will tell you only once, little girl...you cannot have what you ask for. No mortal can. It is forbidden. "Yansa! No! Oh, please ...No! ..." Alex's voice was choked with grief, scalding tears bean to streak down her face. All this work, all this suffering for nothing. How could this be happening? She felt herself sink to the ground, onto the grave, and she lay there prostrate, helpless, sobbing. "Naftali...I won't leave you... I won't." Oya's voice swirled above her, the wind gusted stronger, as if a storm was moving in. "Go home, little rabbit. Live the life that was meant for you. Leave this life to those who are able. You will be with him in the next world." Thunder roared in the heavens. "Go now...do not disobey me." A flash of lightening so close that Alex flew back in shock, half-sitting, half-kneeling, only to see that Oya was gone, leaving scorched earth where she'd stood. Drenched with tears, she moans Naftali's name over and over. In her mind's eye she sees him, across the street from where she sits at their favorite restaurant, walking towards her. She sees the car, the slow motion parade after that. The car window. The hand. The gun. The bullet. And Nat falling, falling, falling to the ground. She sees the blood blooming under his head like a flower. It is too much. Somehow she steadies herself and finds her belongings. Her watch. 11:55. There is one thing left to try. She knows it is wrong, that it may damn her to eternal pain but there is no pain greater than the one she has, she tells herself. It is too much. She moves fast as she can, but she feels weak, clumsy. Fumbling in the bag, she pulls out a bone-handled knife. 11:59 Kneeling above the grave, she cuts her left hand, once, twice, smears the blood over her heart, cuts again and lets the blood drip onto the grave dirt. "Ellegua," she whispers. "Do for me what no one else will do." Everything around her stops. The wind stops blowing, the moon is covered with a cloud, the cloud itself holds fast in the sky. No birds, no animals move. This is the one minute that is not governed by the other gods It belongs to Ellegua, The Trickster, to do what he will. Most times he does what the other gods will not. He loves chaos and conflict, and will use any chance to remind both man and The Seven Powers he is not someone to ignore. 11:59. Much suffering has been born in this minute. She starts as a hand clasps her shoulder from behind. Whipping around, she finds a filthy, old man, with ragged clothes and a gold tooth. Grinning and smelling of rum, he's a beggar, maybe a thief. No, she knows this is. Ellegua. "Bonita, you ask, and I came. Ellegua will make you happy." He pulls her to her feet, takes her hand and kisses her bloody palm. "Tell me what this old man can do for you." Licking his lips, he savors the taste of copper, the taste of desperation. "Fulfill my heart's desire. Give me what I want most of all and what he wanted at the end." "As you say, Bonita. It shall be done. Rise up and stand away." For a minute Alex think she sees something unbearably cold and cruel in those fathomless, dark eyes, but she tells herself she must be wrong. It is too late for fear or doubt. Ellegua straddles the the top of the grave, spits on it three times, "I call you, I unbind you! Naftali Gonzales come forth and do what you will." Then with a cackling laugh, he stumbles off to one side, fishes in his tattered overcoat for a half-pint bottle, gulps a huge mouthful, then another, and spitsa last time on the grave. "There! It is done!" He walks over to Alex, caresses her face with a greasy hand. "Bonita, don't forget to thank me." He waves his hands above his head and the world moves again. "Never, Ellegua. I will always be grateful." Alex's heart is pounding in her chest, she feels the sweat trickling between her shoulder blades, even in the chill. "So you say...so do they all. Gratitude for Ellegua's help is a fleeting thing, Bonita." He looks her up and down the way a hungry wolf eyes fresh meat. "Naftali is a lucky man. Do this to keep him by your side. Make sure you take a handful of his dirt with you. Every third night, do what you did tonight. And make sure no one disturbs his grave." Another cackle, and The Trickster flaps his overcoat and is gone. She closes her eyes, standing still for what seems like an eternity. Then a hand touches her cheek, a hand whose feel is as familiar as her own name. "Alex, it's me." It is him, but not him---tall, strong, beautiful. He's dusky-looking, dark, almost giving off negative light. Dressed in a black suit, black shirt and long black overcoat. His brown eyes burn, but not with joy or lust. It is something far more feral than that. But she doesn't notice or doesn't care. Naftali. Nat. Home. He's home now. He kisses her, and even though she wraps her warm body around him, his body stays cold, his lips are cold, but she's sure that will change later on. He tells her that he'll stay with her forever, just like he promised, but no one else will ever see him and he can only come to her late at night. "It doesn't matter Nat", she murmurs, "I want want you, no matter what." As they make their way out of the cemetery, Ellegua laughs again, "We'll see, Bonita, we'll see." 5:15 am, Wednesday, October 15th. He'd almost finished dressing--charcoal gray suit, blue dress shirt, managed to find his shoes, and was slapping on his holster and service weapon when he heard Scully's pleas from the living room to hurry up. "'Mom! Help me, or I'll be late for school!" Mulder knew that would get her in the bedroom pronto. "Mulder...What kind of Oedipal stalling tactic is this?" Scully 'd marched in there only to find him grinning, and dangling a dark maroon tie in his hand. "C'mon Scully, do me." " 'Do' you?" "The necktie Scully, help me with my tie, and we'll get going. Unless you think we can skip meeting with Walter." He made sure he threw in the obligatory leer. Anything to shore them up,make it seem less like they were on foreign ground. Maybe banter and innuendo would hold them until they could figure out how in the hell they were going to hold on to both personal lives and the X-Files. "Give it here." She strode purposefully to the target, grabbed the proffered tie and slipped it around his neck. She didn't want to be amused, but he'd gotten around her brisk flurry of making ready and she let her guard down. Against her better judgment, her fingertips traveled the nape of his neck once the silk was set under his collar. He started to say something and she snapped right back to attention, all business, her hands moving away, finishing the task in front of her. "Scully...I don't know how to do this." "...Get dressed all by yourself?" After she straightened out the knot, her hands rested on his shoulders and she looked up to find him watching her--serious, maybe even a little worried. She was trying to parry his usual thrusts, but even she couldn't keep up with this quicksilver change of mood. Trying to be 'normal' with a vengeance was wearing on her. She looked her usual self, with her black suit, heels, tailored, white blouse and perfectly applied make-up, but she felt miserably off-center. She wished it was all mapped out, she wished her game face was firmly in place, she wished she had the time to reassure him, reassure herself. But the way things were and what she wished for were two different things. "No...I know...I'd like to tell you how we're going to handle this, Mulder. But I can't...we can't figure it all out right now. We have to go, Skinner's expecting us in a half hour." She started to move away, and he grabbed one of her hands, lacing his fingers through hers. "Wait. What about tonight, Scully? We'll be in the field, and I assume we'll have adjoining rooms...I don't want to be alone in some hotel bed, staring at the ceiling, I've had a lifetime of that." "Mulder..." She was past worrying about regulations and damage to their reputations, appearances and professional respect. Their relationship had been grist for the mill for years. No one had seemed shocked that they were living together, it'd had been assumed they'd been lovers long before it'd become a reality. But for the last six months they'd been nothing more than two extra grunts in the bullpen, and now the stakes were higher. They had a chance to do work that mattered, and she'd be damned if they were going to make it easy for the powers-that-be to snatch it away again by obviously consorting while on assignment. Scullly felt a lump forming in her throat at the thought of him anywhere else but in her bed. "I want what you want. But we've got to think this through, and we've got to be smart about how we handle ourselves in the field. We'll have some time on the plane to talk." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X The thing was, most of the time they managed to sit together, usually alone, not only because they had a tendency to review casefiles, but also because people's eyes tended to glaze over once Mulder turned on the charm. He said she had a lot of charm, too, but Scully didn't believe it for a minute. Unlike him, she had no illusions about her ability to deal with people in a pleasant manner when they were in her way. And the man wedged in the seat betweenthem was definitely in the way. She was stuck in the window seat, and their companion's droning wasn't helping the fact they weren't going to be able to talk about much of anything, and frankly, the predatory look he was giving her partner was just icing on the cake. "So, I just told Ms. Thing to mind her own business, y'know?" Scully ripped open her tiny snack bag of Krunchy Kreme Krackers', which sounded like something Queequeg should have eaten, and wondered if she could casually give Tim 'but you can call me anything you want, sugah' McMinn a fatal brain aneuryism by murderous thoughts alone. "Oh, you should come to Provincetown, it's on the very tippy toe of Cape Cod, y'know, in Massachusetts? You'd be the hit of the summer, and I mean that in a good way, y'know?" Don't say it, Mulder. "I've been to P-town, Mr. McMinn." Ignore this idiot, Scully silently pleaded. She chewed absently on a kracker before turning the foil packet over to read the ingredients. Strangely, cardboard and matzo meal were not included. "Ooh! Maybe I've seen you around, y'know, at the Glory Hole, or maybe The Dungeon?" "I think your gaydar's a little off, I'm afraid." "Oh, what a pity." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw McMinn grab Mulder's left hand and turn it over. "But there's no ring, and I can't believe a such handsome boy would be on his lonesome. . ." Mulder retrieved his hand, but said nothing. "So, not married - girlfriend?" "Partner." "Ah, never married, then." There was a short silence. "Once...but she was able to commute her sentence. My partner won't be so lucky..." Scully blinked. What the hell did he mean by that? And why was he telling this to a complete stranger? She knew he'd been married. It'd been a late night confession about two months ago. In what was now a rare recurrence of his insomnia, she'd found him sitting at the kitchen table in the dark. She'd knelt at his side, her voice a soothing whisper, asking him what was wrong. Two words. Rebecca Tate. She'd pressed him, and he told her about a marriage that he thought would normalize his otherwise screwed-up life, and please everyone else involved. He was still in BSU then, but the nightmares had started, and he'd started using time on the job to gather data on alien abductions. He'd been sleeping with Rebecca for about six months--she was on the DOJ fast track, a smart prosecutor and she liked the idea that he was a profiling wunderkind with a well-connected family. Apparently much more than she actually liked him. Four months into the whole thing, she left, mailed him the rings and left him a note mentioning a psychiatrist he might want to see. As shocked as she was, all Scully could ask was, 'Why, Mulder? Why settle for something like that?' 'Because I didn't know I'd meet you.' After hearing that, she took him by the hand and brought him back to bed and erased that woman's name with her hands and her mouth on his naked skin. Fast forward to the present---here she was with Mulder, Tim McMinn and his question, and what now seemed like a surreal conversation. Married. She never really thought about him being married, even after that. Mulder. Someone's husband. It just didn't fit. Dana Scully. Someone's wife. As she tried to clear her head, it was unsettling to realize she didn't think of herself in that way any more. At least not in any familiar sense of the word. McMinn nodded sagely and leaned into his handsome companion. "Careful, dear. Once a woman gets her claws into you, professional or private life, it's all over. Doesn't matter if they're dykes or not, they're all the same. No offense, sweetie," he turned and reached over, patting Scully's arm. She grimaced and pulled away. Was that obscure remark about her not being lucky enough to commute her sentence some kind of hint, some typically whacked out, indirect, Mulder statement of intention? God. Mulder proposing. Marriage. Traditional, or modern? Jewish or Justice of the Peace? Think of something else, Dana, like the case they weren't discussing. Or better yet, shrink the universe to the ridiculously small, the inane, the manageable. Who was going to win the Pennant next year. Why Mulder found it impossible to put his socks in the laundry basket. He could get them on top of it, around it, but never in it. And why were most men seemingly incapable of such a small thing? Propping her blanket up, she leaned against the shaded window, closed hereyes and tried to get a little more rest. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X "Bring me a beer!" Vinnie yelled, scratching his balls with one hand. What the fuck had she given him? His luck, she gave him the clap from whoever she'd been screwing. A guy spends a few months behind bars and his old lady thinks she can hook up with someone else behind his back? Sure, Ashleen had a great ass and legs that wouldn't quit, but increasingly, he was thinking about dumping her in favor of that little girl who worked behind the counter at Benny's, the one with the big tits. She always served him extra fries. "Ashleen!" He felt for the remote among the couch cushions, tired of Dr. Phil and all of that Oprah crap. Same for Sally and Montel and Ricki. Had to watch that shit every damned day when he was in the slammer because those were Hank's favorite shows, and what Hank wanted, everyone wanted. Asshole. Days of Our Lives, All My Children, some talk show on PBS. Wheel of Fortune. Basic cable sucked. ESPN and all the other sports channels only came with the Standard Package, and neither of them had the cash for that right now. Once Ashleen got some regular clients they'd be in Fat City once again. They'd have to lay low for awhile, of course, until the news stories died down, but he figured it wouldn't take long before some other poor saps took all of their interest. Ashleen slowly stepped out of the kitchen, a little knife in one hand, two sweating brown bottles in the other, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. She was pretty loaded, so she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to slur her words. He hated that, even bitch-slapped her the last time her tongue got tied in the middle of some mangled rant. "'Bout fucking time," he muttered, reaching for more beer. "Didn't I tell you to stop wearing that apron? Flowers on some cock-sucking apron do not make you Suzie-fucking- homemaker. Christ, you look like something out of Roseanne." Vinnie took a good swig, nearly spat it out again. He looked at the lable. "Tuborg? Horse-piss would taste better! This shit cos' what, four bucks a case?" She said nothing, moving behind the couch. He glanced over his shoulder to see where she stood, having learned the dangers of not knowing where everyone in a room was at all times in jail. He was a really woozy, at the tail end of his first drunk of the day. "I wanna a sandwich. Run down to Benny's and get me something to go, a sub, yeah, an Eye-talian sub. Lots of onion, hot pickles, extra provolone, extra muenster, and plenty of real mayo. Tell'em to go easy on the green pepper and tomato. And chips, don't forget the chips. While you're at it, gimme decent beer, Heineken or MGD or something, I can't drink any more of this crap." They'd killed a case between them, drinking since they'd stumbled out of bed a couple of hours ago. This was normal for them, they'd get their drink on, then they could stand each other until they one of them felt like fucking. Who was he kidding? He was so loaded he couldn't get it up even if she sucked him like a vacuum cleaner. Hearing a floorboard creak, he turned his attention back to Pat and Vanna. He shook his head. Why couldn't he get a woman like that, a smart blonde who turned letters on a game show for a living? "It's E, you idiot!" he shouted at the contestant. If he were ever on Wheel of Fortune, he sure as hell wouldn't be buying any fuckin' E's. Drunk on his ass, even he remembered it was the most popular vowel in the English language, and he'd barely finished his junior year at Roosevelt High. There was a flash of movement from the corner of his eye, and then the floor came up and smacked him in the face. Stunned, he blinked slowly, wondering why he was no longer on the couch. On tv the audience clapped wildly as Pat Sajak said, "Spin the wheel!" "'sleen, heb me," he slurred, watching her form divide and then triple. "Shi. . ." She came closer, wiping the bottom edge of her bottle on the apron before chugging back half the contents. Pulling the coffee table in front of him, she sat down and took a few puffs on her cigarette. "Heb m'up, 'slee," Vinnie rolled onto his back and touched his head, gazed at the dark smear on his palm. "I'b hur! Beed'n!" Ignoring his plea for help, Ashleen drank the rest of her beer. Then she held down his leg with her foot and snubbed out her cigarette behind hisknee. He screamed and kicked out, hit her square in the chest. She flew back against the edge of the couch with an ominous snap. Sobbing from the burning pain, he pushed himself onto his side and slowly sat up. Sour saliva immediately filled his mouth, and he vomited up beer andhalf-digested peanuts. Got to get up, got to get to the kitchen. Ignoring his soon-to-be-ex lover, Vinnie managed to get to his feet. Walking was incredibly difficult with the room swaying like a ship in a gale, 20/20 vision coming and going with logic he didn't understand, but he made it to the doorway before he was forced to balance against the jamb. Where the fuck were the plastic bags? And then he was staring at filthy yellowed linoleum, unable to breathe forthe hot liquid clogging his throat. Something nudged his hip, flipped him over onto his back forcefully. His focus returned and he saw Ashleen straddling him, a large spray of new red flowerbuds arcing across her apron. Her upper body was oddly canted to one side, as if a chest-wide fault-line had slipped under too much pressure. Her mouth was slack, he couldn't see it, but there was spittle and blood trailing from her mouth. He shivered as her figure began to fade. "'Slee, wha's doin'? I'b col." Her hand twitched, light glinting off the knife. Just before sight faded entirely, he heard a voice say, "You're both such goddamned cliches." Chapter Two Kris ruffled through the stack of folders to no avail. Shinoda's file was nowhere to be found. If the day could get any worse, she didn't know how. God, she needed more coffee. She needed a caffeine drip. Failing that, she'd live with a luke-warm Mountain Dew and an apple fritter. Allen Ostrowski ambled over from the snack station, Coke in one hand, coconut-covered donut in the other. "You look terrible." Kris glanced at him with smile she knew didn't reach her eyes. "Been that kind of a day." "And it's only," he checked his watch. "the crack of noon. Must be hard with the Feebs coming in." She nodded and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Any advice?" "They buy the donuts," Then he leaned forward and whispered, "Lazarov?" "Unfortunately." He shook his head. "Better you than me. Sorry." "Not half as much as I am," she replied, looking over the nearest desks to see if the file had magically shown up there instead. After a second she put her hand up to her forehead. "This can't be my life." Allen patted her arm as he started to walk away. "You'll be all right. I've heard rumours Lazarov has a good side, so let me know if you find it, 'kay?" "Ha ha," she muttered, brushing toasted coconut off of her shoulder. Where was the freaking file? Lazarov was going tohave her ass if she didn't find the damned thing. Then Captain Small would ream her a new one, and so on and so forth until she cried mercy. She'd heard of make or break cases, but in all honesty had never expected to find one given to her. Rising up the ranks of thepolice force had never been one of her goals, she was pretty content as a detective. Long hours...sure. Good pay, could be better. Higher rank, with more responsibility, plus departmental politics...no way in hell. Besides, she only had an associate's degree, she'd been lucky to make detective at all. Nowadays you needed a bachelor's just to walk the beat. "Yo, Jorgensen! Heads Up!" Cassius Morgan called from behind his desk at the doorway of the bullpen. "What?" she yelled back, irritated with herself and already anticipating the look of glee on Lazarov's face as he bitched her out. "Got some guests for ya!" And thank you for letting the entire bullpen know. The 'guests' were a tall man and a petite, red-headed woman, both wearing the stereotypical trenchcoats over expensive-looking suits. Right, time to get the show on the road. Ignoring the smirks of her fellow officers, she approached the pair, reaching out to shake hands. "Hi, I'm Detective Jorgensen." "I'm Agent Scully," the woman motioned towards her companion, "and this is Agent Mulder." "Pleased to meet you," Kris said, leading them back towards her desk and the two chairs in front of it. "I apologize for the seating. I've requested an office for this investigation, but I haven't heard back from anyone yet. So, we're all stuck around my desk in the meantime." Agent Scully gave her an understanding half-smile and sat on the left, while Agent Mulder took the right. Be bold. Be strong. Focus on what's happening right now, not what happened at breakfast this morning when she'd figured it all out. "There are a few things you need to know before we start. First, if you value your stomach lining, do not drink the coffee. The bagged tea's pretty safe, and there's a Starbucks blocks over in Printer's Row. The Women's toilet is one floor up, to the left of the elevators. My Thai, Jimmy Z's, and Berghoff's make the best ethnic food in the area and they won't cost you an arm and a leg. They're a little ways away, but worth it, though. Al Sahara makes great vegetarian and vegan lunches, and if you want basic American for a little extra money, you can't beat the cafe across the street from the Art Institute." They were staring at her as if she'd sprouted a third arm, but both seemed more amused than anything else. Okay, looked like she had half a chance not to completely fuck this up. "Have you had a chance to go over the case in-depth?" "Briefly," Agent Mulder answered. "Five murders, the victims all criminals who were released from trial due to technicalities. Each victim killed according to how they killed their own victims. The investigator who worked on all of these cases was recently murdered in a drive-by shooting." "Nat was a very good man, Agent Mulder, a good cop..." He frowned, shook his head. "Just Mulder, please." Kris nodded once. "Mulder. All of the trials were well publicized, so it would have been very easy for someone to kill them in the same manner as their victims. The problem is many specific details of the original crimes were never mentioned in court because the trials never got that far. Either there's a leak in the DA's office, and I don't want to be around for that discussion, or none of the deceased had anything to do with original crimes in the first place, which can't be true according to the forensic evidence." "Did Det. Gonzales' death have anything to do with this case?" "Hard to say. One of the criminals was Dakota Roberts. He's a real distant cousin of the Maloney family, they're small potatoes compared to some of the other families and syndicates," Kris slipped the top five folders off the stack and pushed it towards Mulder, who promptly pushed it towards Agent Scully. She flipped open the top and began to skim. "We do have a suspect in custody, Hector Dean Shinoda, but we've can only hold him for another fifteen hours." "I'd like to interview him," Mulder said. "No problem. Y'know, if you really think Nat's death was part of this whole thing, you should talk to his partner, Alex. She was there when he was killed." "Then we'll talk to her too," Mulder shuffled through the folders. "Is Shinoda's file in here?" She felt her cheeks heat. "Uh, no, I... " "Excuse me," Lazarov's basso profundo voice boomed from behind her. "are you the FBI agents?" Mulder stood, Scully too, so Kris got to her feet as well. "I'm Sgt. Lazarov, your liason for this case. Sorry I wasn't here earlier, Jorgensen should have called me when you arrived." Kris gritted her teeth. Only a prick like him would try to push that kind of shit in front of the Feds. She wasn't his goddamned secretary. To their credit, neither Mulder or Scully showed any surprise at the dichotomy that was Dan Lazarov. Maybe they were used to meeting big black men with tightly curled hair, pale gray eyes, and Russian names. "I assume you want to begin with Shinoda?" asked Lazarov. "I've got his file in my office." The fucking bastard had stolen it right off her desk, that was why she hadn't been able to find it earlier. It was official, her luck had finally gone the way of the Dodo. "Actually, while Agent Mulder conducts the interview, I'd like to do a cursory re-examination of the bodies," Scully said. FBI Agents did that sort of thing? Scully must have seen the look on her face, for she continued on. "I'm also a Forensic Pathologist." Kris was impressed. Scully couldn't be more than a year or two older than herself, and to fit med school in before she had FBI training showed one hell of a sharp mind. She wished she had had that kind of opportunity. Then again, maybe she might have had Hannah not come along. Now Hannah wasn't in the same damned situation, with the same damned choice to make. "I see," Lazarov said. He gave Kris his 'dead-eye' look, the one that on any other person would have been a nasty grin. "Det. Jorgensen will go with you. I don't think she's had any experience with pathology, have you?" "No, I haven't," she mumbled. And she didn't really want it, either. Scully regarded her quietly, then glanced at her partner. He didn't do anything so far as Kris could see, but she could practically feel the communication passing between the two of them. "Fine," Scully said. And that was that. Mulder and Lazarov took off, and as she was putting her pea jacket on, she caught a glimpse of the clock above Lt. Caplan's office door. 12:17 PM. Eight more hours before she went off-shift and had to try and salvage what was left of her daughter's life. Some days, the crimes just never seemed to end. Chapter 3 By Diehard and Dryad Note: lyrics taken from DJ Krush/Only the Strong Survive/ Meiso Interview rooms always had this particular smell. The very seats of the chairs were soaked with acrid odor of sweat and fear, while the carpets reeked of stale cigarette smoke. They all looked the same, too, with beige and tan duo-toned walls, or institutional green and cream painted cement blocks, those cheap-ass styrofoam ceiling tiles. The one way mirror, the tape recorder, the video camera. And, God, fluourescent lighting making everyone look tired and worn-out. The Bureau somehow forgot to mention this when they recruited him. Mulder pulled out a chair and sat down, carefully keeping his tie from dragging on the table. He arranged his notepad and pen, then, finally, gave the suspect the once-over while Lazarov put a new cassette into the recorder. This was turning into a day from hell. Today's investigation had shifted to now include trying to tie a suspect in Gonzales' murder to the others. Hector Dean Shinoda was a massive man, still powerful looking in his late forties. He could have given any of the Bears' linebackers a run for their money. His facial features suggested biracial, epicanthic folds at the eyes, an aquiline nose that in profile reminded Mulder of a priest in an Aztec codice. He had that golden tone to his skin, but there was a reddish cast underlying it. Japanese, Chicano, perhaps second generation. Brown eyes, large and lit with intelligence, an intelligence he deliberately tried to hide when addressed by anyone. He'd crammed his tall and wide body into the too small chair, heavy muscles straining the fabric of his orange jumpsuit. Mulder thought the arrest was a stretch, at best. Ê Lazarov had told him that there were two links potentially connecting Shinoda. Witnesses had ID'd him as someone who'd sold PCP in the recent past to one of the deceased, La Shawn Michaels. The Lieutenant was grasping at straws. There was also an informant who placed two other victims, Vincent Coluko and Ashleen Wienhoft at a club that Shinoda frequented. He'd suggested that maybe the two of them talked Shinoda into somehow offing Gonzales. The corollary theory, even less promising, then connected him to some possible intra-gang warring between the Kings and a faction of the Maloney family, headed by the recently deceased Dakota Roberts. Maybe Shinoda was the trigger and shot Gonzales by mistake. Then maybe all of them pissed Shinoda off and he killed them. He'd spent the morning going over the files, listening to previous interrogation tapes, reading Gonzales' reports. The rap sheet told him that the prisoner was late to the game, without a single arrest until he was 32. Then he hooked up with The Latin Kings, primarily though gun-running. But not a lot, just enough to makehimself useful. He gradually took on a small turf for dealing, mostly PCP. Several arrests, one conviction, some serious plea bargaining and some minimal time done in Vienna, a downstate work farm. There was some evidence he was also involved in several gang-related deaths, but no conclusive evidence ever positively linked him. Mulder ran the name through the Bureau's data bases and got an explanation as to where this man had been prior to all this. Northwestern University. The Department of Philosophy, his thesis,'The Use of Weapons and The Warrior's Mind'. It didn't fit, it didn't make sense, but it was true, nonetheless. Then there was Gonzales' notes, private notes that never made it to the report. He'd pulled in Shinoda several times, in connection with killings that seemed way out of the league of a low-level hustler and thug. Errant Mafiosi in the Witness Protection Plan. Rich pedophiles. Politicians involved in a drug cartel. Never any real evidence, never any links, just Gonzales' suspicions. After the last fruitless interrogation, the last note contained one word, 'Chameleon.' Mulder was here ostensibly to get a handle on this guy and get to the truth. He had a hunch he was going to get some answers, but none of them would have anything to do with the questions at hand. "The time is two twenty-nine pm," Lazarov said, taking a seat at the end ofthe table. "Sgt. Daniel Lazarov and Special Agent Fox Mulder interviewing Hector Dean Shinoda. Also present is Officer John Clark." Mulder nodded as Lazarov leaned back in his chair. "Mr. Shinoda, what can you tell me the death of Det. Naftali Gonzales?" "Cops play for medals, killers play for corners, in the middle are your sons and are your daughters." Judging by his cadence, the easy way the lyrics flew off his tongue, Mulder guessed the man knew his rap music, knew it would antagonize his interrogators and threw it in their faces like a gauntlet. Somehow, Mulder couldn't shake the suspicion Shinoda was dropping hints, and that, combined with the evidence that Shinoda just liked fucking with the two of them meant they were in for a long, long day. Now all he had to do was to decipher lyrics the man in custody tossed at them like hand grenades. Judging from Lazarov's reaction, it was obvious the good lieutenant wasn't familiar with the genre. Frankly, while D.J. Krush was so fresh, so clean, his own tastes ran to Tupac and Nortorious B.I.G. He was Old School. "Cut the crap," Lazarov snapped. "I'm not in the mood to deal with this shit today." "The ghetto reacts to warfare, real bullets miss you by your hair, survival of the fittest. Hell for three time losers, the prisoners of wartime manouvers, hold down the fort, cause life is short enough to get it taken," Shinoda finished with a smirk. Well, that was easy enough to understand. But it didn't answer his question. "Could you be more specific?" Lazarov shot him a hard glance and shook his head. Mulder wondered how long it would be and what he'd have to say to begin to crack this one open. Shinoda was much more than he let on, and this posing was somehow necessary. Shinoda eyed him, and wagged his head back and forth, drumming on the table, "Slip into the world of sheisty individuals, a troubled man stalked by criminals. He laughed, a deep rumble that shook him in his chair, then started drumming on the table again. "Orale, carnal, this ain't nothin' but a thang." Mulder stopped leaning his chair against the wall and sat forward, "Most people don't find incarceration and a charges of capital murder all that amusing." "Make the charges stick, I wanna be a legend." "Your lack of concern surprises me." He locked eyes with Shinoda. "I can play chicken, Homestyle." There was a sharp rap on the door before he could say another word, and Lazarov and Clark turned away, distracted. ''Matters of great concern should be treated lightly. Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.'" Hector wondered if he could toy with the FBI agent, there was something about him that set him apart from his pedestrian counterparts. Something clicked in Mulder's head, something that told him who Shinoda really was. A uniform poked his head in. "Sgt. Lazarov...you coming? There's a situation -" "Sgt. Lazarov has left the room," Mulder said to the recorder. "The time is two forty-one pm, Agent Mulder speaking. Initial questioning of one Hector Dean Shinoda. With me, is officer John Clark." He laid out the thumbnail by rote, "You've got a BS in Physics from U of C, an MS in Engineering and Applied Mechanics from Stanford, and a PhD in Ethics and Philosophy from Berkeley. I'm exceedingly curious as to why such an educated man did such a 360 degree turn." "I only tell the story to one person at a time." Mulder pivoted slightly toward the policeman, "Officer Clark, could you give us a few minutes? Just tell Lt. Lazarov I requested it." Behind Shinoda, Officer Clark's eyes widened. What the fuck was going on? The genius from D.C. must've slipped a gear. There was no way in hell this worthless piece of barrio shit would fit this description. And he didn't appreciate being shoved aside, either. He could barely contain his contempt, both with the prisoner and this pretty-boy profiler from out of town. "Yeah, no problem. I'm outta here," his voice dripping with sarcasm. He turned his back on the two of them and stalked out. To Shinoda, "The Hagakure." A flash of recognition passed between the two men. Shinoda sat erect in his chair, his slouch and attitude transformed. He was serious, and his eyes burned into Mulder's with the white-hot intelligence he'd been working so hard to suppress. He dipped his head, in a quick bow. There is honor in this one, he thought. Warrior to warrior, he understands the Way. He abruptly leaned forward. "I didn't kill him I didn't kill them." "No?" "No," He motioned towards the door with one finger. "Lazarov's just desperate to get a conviction and figures I'm the best candidate for the position." His speech was impeccable, his voice clear. "Why?" Shinoda snorted. "Because he's a careerist, because convicting me would mean he could get out of the field and into an office with comfortable furniture and meeting with the Mayor. Any more questions, Kitsune?" Whatever deja vu Mulder felt at hearing the word was well-concealed. He folded his arms. "How'd a university professor end up as a small time gun-runner and drug dealer? " "It serves a purpose." "That's it? Cryptic. I'm afraid you'll have to do better that that." "Turn off the tape recorder." "What?" "Turn it off and I'll tell you." Mulder's hand moved to the tape recorder, and the button clicked off. "One must prepare for death every day. The weak, the corrupt, the false, must be punished. I travel on my path and Det. Gonzales traveled his. Naftali Gonzales knew the incorruptability of the Way. He served his retainer, as do you...This I respected...I have no master, but serve many. But I was never called on to deal with him. Or the others. Someone else attended to matters there. Perhaps someone who knew them better than I." Mulder honed in on what had just been said. "But...his suspicions were right? You contract out to those who have a need you agree with...you execute 'the weak, the corrupt, the false.' " "My affiliation with the Kings makes many things possible. No one suspects the dedicated small man capable of large things. A very old form of camouflage. " "And you spared Gonzales because he was a brother." Shinoda gave him a disappointed look. "No. No more than you are. He was my enemy as much as any other criminal, but unlike them he was honorable. A samurai - " "Whereas you're ronin," Mulder interrupted, with memories of Robert Patrick Modell swirling in the back of his mind. "Those who understand the Way live and die by that code, that is the singular truth of things." " 'It is bad when one thing becomes two.' " Mulder needed to hear how Shinoda reconciled his life, his choices, what he'd become. Shinoda's voice was soft, "My other life was a dream. Degrees. The University. All illusion. But slowly, I began to awaken, and chose the Way. There is no conflict, Agent Mulder, only a man awakening from a dream. And as I said, my affiliation with the Kings is no more than a tool." He looked at his adversary and saw no acceptance, but a kind of understanding. Mulder studied the man across from him, then spoke slowly. "You're going to walk on these charges concerning Gonzales." "More than likely." "And what you've told me, what we've discussed, is hardly a confession to other crimes." "Hardly." "And if I tried to have you arraigned for a series of murders..." "A judge would refuse on the basis of hearsay evidence and insufficient proof. Besides, which murders would we be talking about?" Mulder drummed on the table for a minute with his pen. "But you understand I need to finish this interrogation, don't you?" "I would expect it, Kitsune. But I know nothing about your samurai's death." "Only the deaths of certain lesser men. Men that Gonzales tried to link to you...But there's nothing else you're going to say, is there? Honor forbids it," Mulder leaned into Shinoda, his eyes locked onto the other man's steady gaze. There was a long silence, and neither one of the men moved. He made a last point, " 'As for the things that we don't understand, there are ways of understanding them. Furthermore, there are some things we understand just naturally, and again some that we can't understand no matter how hard we try. This is very profound. It is natural that one cannot understand deep and hidden things. Those things that are easily understood are rather shallow.' " "You do understand the Way." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X The tape recorder whirred as he hit the on button, "Where were you when the murder occurred?" He was about to answer when, Clark pushed the door open and strode in puposefully, "Lt. Lazarov says it's back to standard operating procedures, normal interrogation," with special emphasis on the word normal. That meant he'd be staying for the rest of the interview, and that they were detectives on the other side of the mirror. The other two men both knew what it meant. Mulder blinked, and in that split second, Shinoda's mask descended. "Pues, carnal..I got an al-i-bi." Slouch. Scowl. All in place. Clark jumped in, as Mulder he knew would. "Asshole, just answer the fucking question." Mulder grimaced. Brilliant interrogation style. This man had a career in law enforcement supervision ahead of him. "Seeing my girlfriend." Officer Clark snorted. Shinoda spit on the floor, "Hey, fuck you, you dickless wonder." "And her name?" "Her name." Clark grabbed a handful of orange jumpsuit, only to have his arm pushed away by the prisoner as if he was no more than a pesky fly. "Vanessa Murasaki." Mulder raised a questioning eyebrow as he wrote down the information. "Japanese?" "Nisei." "And where does she work?" "The Genji. It's a club. I was there with her, people saw me. Big Dog got his party on all night long..." "She's a dancer?" The wheels in Clark's narrow little mind started whirring. Mulder kept taking notes. "The Lady Murasaki, " he murmured. He shrugged one shoulder, making the point more for himself than for Clark. Shinoda looked up at this samurai, this FBI agent. Vanessa had left the University with him, disappeared into this universe. A chid prodigy, with her doctorate in Eastern Literature at age 19. It was unfortunate she'd never meet this man. He was a worthy adversary, this would be an excellent tale. Clark shifted in his chair. "Must be her stripper name." He wondered how Shinoda had to pay for a lap dance. How long he waited before going to one of the private rooms for a trick. The man was fucked in the head if he thought a 'exotic dancer' actually considered herself his girlfriend. Besides, in his world, Asian women didn't date outside of their ranks. On the other hand, times had changed. And business was business. "I know what you're thinking," Shinoda said, upper lip curled into a snarl. "You want to know what is like to be with a beautiful woman. Too bad, carnal. No action for you, Ese." "And the only action you're gonna see, Hector, is when you become a prison tier bitch. You better tell..." Clark was red in the face, and had leapt up from his chair. "Clark, sit down. Try not to be an embarrassment." Mulder interrupted, turning to see who had opened the door. A short, stocky man with a broad face and a well-tailored suit entered the room, Lazarov hot on his heels. He slung a leather briefcase onto the table, popped the clasps. "Mr. Shinoda will not be answering any more questions until I've had a chance to speak to him." "Goddamnit, Gillespie, you can't do this!" Lazarov roared, slapping his thigh for emphasis. "Quite to the contrary, Sergeant. By law it is my client's right to representation, regardless of what you think. Now," Gillespie hit the stop button on the recorder and looked from Lazarov to Mulder and back again. "If you'll excuse us?" Lazarov made an inarticulate sound of fury, then stalked out of the room. Mulder followed, closing the door behind him. "Jackson, Dunphy, get the hell out of there," Lazarov muttered to the two detectives watching the proceedings from the other side of the one-way mirror. "Who's Gillespie?" Mulder asked, trailing the man into his office. "Big shot attorney," Lazarov sat down heavily, the chair squealing in protest. He opened a drawer and drew out a large plastic bottle of white pills, offered it to Mulder, who declined with a shake of his head. "They say an aspirin a day keeps heart attacks away, but I don't think it makes a damned bit of difference when you have to deal with scum like him." "Shinoda or his lawyer?" Lazarov huffed, then dry swallowed two pills, grimacing at the taste. "Both. Gillespie's already got the machine in motion. He's got a flunky down at the courthouse, bailing that piece of crap out as we speak. I knew this whole thing was a long shot, but fucking Shinoda is guilty of something. Tell me, Agent Mulder, how the hell did we ever got here? What kind of society do we live in, where gangbangers, drug pushers shove the Constitution in our face? Where some fuck gets to play executioner and we get to stand around with our dicks in our hands? Where a cop gets killed in a driveby and we keep coming up with zip?" Mulder had no answer for him. But he knew plenty about a world of shadowy men, and killing above the law, and assassins who can disappear without a trace. He just didn't think Lazarov wanted to hear about it. "That's a question I ask myself more times than you could imagine." "Agent Mulder?" "Yeah?" Lazarov rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand. "Whatever you think are my reasons for wanting this case solved, whatever you've heard, Nat was a good detective. He deserves some justice. And somebody's got to find our vigilante and stop him." He heaved an enormous sigh and shook his head sadly, "I just wish our side would get a easy win for once, don't you?" "All the time, Lieutenant, all the time." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x The two men walked in silence until they reached the elevator. Lazarov got on, but Mulder stood in the threshold, tapping himself in the chest, lost deep in thought .The lieutenant held the doors for his companion, but soon realized that he'd better say something. "Give you a lift, buddy?" "Yes. No. Actually I think I'll just walk over to Records, it's on this floor, right?" "Down the hall and to your left." Lazarov's broad arm gestured in a lazy arc. "Is there something I can help you with?" "No, I just want to do an in-depth review the of police reports on the deceased, then cross check them with the local coverage on the cases. I'll need access to a computer, though." "I'll call from my office and take care of it. You're looking for something, Agent Mulder. Want to let me in on what it is?" "I won't know what it is until I find it." Mulder was eying the door on the left side at the end of the hall. "So that's FBI prime investigative technique, huh?" He wasn't paying attention anymore to Lazarov, focusing instead on possible search parameters. "Mulder!" The Lieutenant's voice boomed. The FBI agent snapped to, "Sorry, occupational hazard. I get a little preoccupied. " "So I noticed." Lazarov let the elevator doors close. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x They stopped at the hospital cafeteria for something sweet before heading down to the basement. Kris bought a brownie and one of those little things of milk, like she used to have in school. Trying to comfort myself, she thought. Agent Scully scrutinized Kris and said, "I confess I'm a little surprised that you aren't more familiar with the morgue." Kris grimaced at the dryness of the brownie and set it aside, started peeling her napkin apart instead. "I know. It's hard to explain. I see dead bodies all the time on the job, in all sorts of ways, from beheadings to eviscerations," she looked down, brushed the remaining shreds of napkin off of her lap. "I guess it's the fact that once they get here, they're...just stiffs with a toe tag....body parts. As bad as it can be at a crime scene, somehow I'm still able to see that they were people, that they had lives, even if some of them were wasted. Does that make any sense?" Scully capped her soda and stood. "It does. But Det. Jorgensen, what science offers here is an explanation as to how those lives were cut short. An explanation that needs to be revealed....to victim's families, to ourselves." She looked away, rememebering it was just a small portion of what was owed the dead. What she still owed Emily. And Melissa. What she and Mulder owed so many loved ones. And for a split second, she saw a wave of images-- dead men, dead women, dead children swirling in her mind's eye, freezing her in place. She took a deep breath, swallowed hard, steadied herself. Dear God, help me do this, she slilently pleaded, make me ready to do this. This is how I pay that debt, Lord. I find the answers hidden in these bodies. She asked for herself, for Mulder. Strength, give us the strength to do what needs to be done. "Agent Scully, is there a problem?" Jorgenson immediately noticed the abrupt halt in the procedings. She recovered, professionalism locked into place once more. "I'm fine. Not enough caffeine this morning, I suppose." 'I'm sure there's plenty in the machine, I'll keep you stocked. Just let me know when." "Good to know. Now let's get started, shall we?" The morgue was what Kris expected, the nostril-searing odor of chemicals almost more than she could bear. Oddly enough, the overlying sweetly rotten scent of decay was far more manageable. There were two rows of perforated steel tables, above which were hanging scales like the ones you found in the vegetable aisle at the grocery store. Along one wall were jars filled with remains and parts of remains, she really didn't want to get a closer look. Smaller tables held instruments she could imagine were first used during the Spanish Inquisition, or maybe the European Witch Trials. She'd have a hard time putting the image of the bone saw out of her mind. Agent Scully walked swiftly into the room, having changed into oversized blue scrubs and a white lab coat while Kris waited outside. She had declined when Scully had offered to find her a pair of scrubs as well -- there was no way she was going to get any more involved than she absolutely had to. "Here," Scully handed her a small bundle of cloth. "Those are booties, a hair net, gloves, and an apron. I've got some wintergreen oil if you need it." She really didn't like the sound of this. She slipped the gloves on last and followed the other woman into the cold room. Bodies wrapped in sheets and white plastic bags lay on tables on both sides of the room. It was enough to give a person a serious case of nerves. Scully had to open a few sheets before finding the right body. "Here we are, one Vincent Coluko." Kris helped her roll the table into the other room and watched as sheunwrapped the body. Vincent was not an attractive sight. Scully snapped on her latex gloves, "I'll take his head, you grab his feet. On the count of three we'll lift him onto the autopsy table, okay?" Scully nodded, grimacing as she rotely began to probe at his chilled flesh, surprised to see Det. Jorgensen utterly focused on the task at hand. Once he was on the table and under better light, she found things that caught her attention right away. There were dark yellow bruises around his chin, andhis nose was off-kilter, clearly broken. At some point he had bitten through his bottom lip. His right ear was cut through half-way. Another cut was on his throat, barely visible on the left, obviously cutting through skin and fat to the muscle beneath on the right. The Y incision was more of a U, running from one shoulder and underneath the nipples to the other shoulder, then a line straight down the middle, to the left of the naval, finishing just above the pubis. Scully snipped through the neatly stiched incisions with tiny sewing scissors, glanced up at her curiously. "You seem to be handling this well." Maybe better than I am, she thought. She used her scapel to freshen the cuts, giving her easier access. Kris shrugged. "It's...easier than I thought it would be." Scully smiled slightly. "Well, you must have heard the secret, then. We have a saying in Forensics, 'The bigger the cop, the bigger the drop'. " "I like it," Kris said, trying to focus as the other woman exposed Coluko's internal organs. "Should they look like that?" "Not ordinarilly, no. Once an autopsy is performed, all the organs weighed, all necessary tissue samples taken, everything is then replaced. You could reattach the organs, but what's the point? Their families aren't interested in seeing what we've done, only in the results we get." "Yeah, I guess that makes sense," she watched as Scully lifted and prodded the various masses of flesh and tissue, bits of fat. "What are you doing now?" "Checking for anything out of the ordinary. Lumps, nodes, odd smells." Kris stared intently at each poke. "Right...You'd have to." "You can tell a lot from smell alone. Did you know that in Medieval times, physicians would diagnose many causes of death this way, by examining the odors of everything from feces to pus?" "Well, I'm sure you've got that covered..." Scully eyed her. "Can you smell the alcohol this man was drinking before he died?" Kris gave a cautious sniff, concentrating on what exactly she was smelling, and there it was. Faint, but becoming stronger the more she inhaled. She opened her mouth, let the flavor roll across her tongue. Rancid smell of booze and cadaver. "About half of the population can detect the bitter almonds of cyanide. Unfortunately, because of OSHA regulations, pathologists are now supposed to wear rebreathers and metal mesh gloves, which means you don't smell anything except plastic and recycled air, and you rarely feel anything of note. Of course the gloves prevent you from cutting yourself with the scalpel, but I think you lose more than you gain..." Her voice trailed off as she realized something, she'd smelled rum on Coluko. There was no rum listed in any of the coroner's reports that had been turned over to her this morning. "Det. Jorgensen, I want to run this man's tox screen again. The autopsy report doesn't list what I think I'm smelling. And while we're at it, re-run the screens on the others'." "I'll take care of it I'm assuming you'll want the results first thing in the morning." "I would think so. You were about to ask me something else?" Kris made a mental note to call the coroner's assistant, then shifted gears "Yeah, actually. I did have another question. What about HIV? Aren't you afraid of exposure from infected blood?" Scully shrugged. "It's a calculated risk, and for the most part, I practice universal precautions. Although, having said that, I did get hepatitis from my very first autopsy, when I was in med school." Kris watched her inspect Coluko's hands, the insides of his wrists and elbows, his armpit, his feet. With the organs removed, she helped turn him over onto his stomach. Despite the maroon lividity, he had a number of barely visible spiderweb tattoos on his shoulders, a clock face without hands, a crying woman. All inked in prison, judging by the lack of quality. He'd certainly done a lot of time. "I wonder what kind of life he dreamt about when he was a little boy." "Probably not ending up on a morgue table at thirty-five," Scully murmured, peering at an impression in Coluko's skin with a magnifying glass. She hadn't dreamed about slicing open men with jaihouse tattoos with she was little, nonetheless, here they were. "I'd hate my daughter to end up like this," Scully didn't reply, in fact she did nothing more than continue with the examination, but Kris felt as if she had crossed some invisible line. She was debating whether or not to apologize when Scully straightened and readjusted the overhead light to geta better look. The woman's expression was not quite the mask of Federal implacability she had become used to seeing. "How old is she?" Kris sighed. "Fifteen going on forty-seven. Convinced she knows it all." Scully smiled again, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Do you have children, Agent Scully?" "I did. She died." "Oh. I'm sorry," she began. Scully shook her head. "You didn't know." Silence, apart from the soft and slick sounds of body parts being moved around, reigned until Kris' cell phone chirped. With an apologetic glance at Scully, she answered. "Jorgensen." "Mom?" "What's wrong, are you okay?" she asked, lowering her voice and moving away from the table. Several long seconds later, No, it's OK, I'll be right there." She sighed, turned off her cell, "Shit." "Det. Jorgensen?" "It's my daughter...she's pregnant...and now there seems to be a problem. I need to go home, probably take her to an emergency room." "Did she tell exactly what her symptoms were?" Scully had stopped the examination, stripped off the gloves and was heading toward Jorgensen." Well...no. But I thought..." It was obvious how unnerved the call had made her, she was shaking. Almost imperceptably, but Scully noticed immediately. "I have a better idea. Let's go over there together, and I'll do an initial triage, then we'll see what she needs." Jorgensen let out a ragged breath, closed her eyes, and patted her chest " I guess this mom needs your help too, Agent Scully...Thank you." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X "Hannah!" Jorgensen yelled, leading Scully past the stairs and into the living room. "Could you come down here, please?" Taking off her coat, she said, "Are you hungry at all? I think I've got some ham and cheese in the fridge, if the bottomless pit hasn't already gotten to it." Scully was starving, actually, but didn't want to stay for that long. She hated herself for being envious, for not having the grace to accept her own lack with humility, for not being able to be happy at the luck of others. The pregnancies of other women dredged up an ache in her that for the most made her feel off kilter, vulnerable, too vulnerable. And especially on a day like today, that feeling was a luxury she couldn't afford. Once today was enough. Maybe later, maybe while she and Mulder lay in the dark, but not now. "Thank you, no." She wasn't sure what she had expected, but the combination of chintz covered furniture, needlepoint American flag pillows, dark wallpaper, carpeting in British racing green, and reproductions of Degas' ballerinas just didn't gel with who Jorgensen seemed to be. Magazines littered the coffee table, TV Guide, New Scientist, and Nature competing for space with YM and Teen People. Two rubber plants bracketed a bookcase beyond the back of the couch, reaching for the ceiling with dusty leaves. Jorgensen picked up a throw crocheted in colors reminiscent of 1973 and folded it, tossed it over the arm of the couch. "Would you like something to drink? I've got coffee, decaf, tea, soda.. ." "I'm fine," Scully answered, wishing she had suggested the girl go to the nearest emergency room, instead. "Mom?" The speaker was tall and skinny, straight, mouse brown hair falling past her shoulders. "Hannah, this is Dr. Scully, a colleague of mine. She agreed to come take a look at you, make sure you weren't miscarrying or anything like that." Sullenness, thy name was ever 'teenager'. Scully couldn't quite work up a smile that reached her eyes, not after the look of intense dislike thrown at her from Hannah. God, she hoped she had never treated the guests of her parents in the same manner. No, that would've never happened. "We could do this in private, if you prefer." Hannah looked nervously at her mother, then nodded her head. "Okay. I'm not an obstetrician, so this is at most just a preliminary checkup to make sure you're not on the verge of a miscarriage. You'll need to see your own doctor as soon as possible, and by that I mean within the next day or so, okay?" "Listen, I'm going to go make a few calls, see if I can get an appointment as soon as possible," Jorgensen said, already heading out of the room. Scully took a deep breath and began the examination. She did what physical checking she could, given the lack of equipement, asked questions and received enough terse answers from the girl to ascertain that neither she, nor the baby were in any immanent danger. She knew she wasn't a patient person, even though it was obvious that this girl felt embarrassed about the whole situation. This was the reason she preferred the dead over the living. The dead never lied, didn't try to sway a person towards one answer or another, didn't need coaxing and prodding. There was always a clear cut answer with the dead, once you asked the right question, the whole story was revealed. Hannah on the other hand, revealed just enough, not an iota more. She finished, repeated her recommendations, and watched Hannah scurry off to her room. Good deed for the day all done, she only wanted to get back to the hotel and take a nap. She just needed some time for herself, to not think of what she couldn't give him, what she couldn't have. She'd let Mulder soothe the rest of it out of her tonight, including this morning's fear and hesitation. He'd gotten quite good at finding the hurts and making them go away, and she'd gotten better at letting him. A wave of self-pity lapped at her, so she distracted herself by wandering over to the bookcase to see what Jorgensen liked to read. There was the usual panoply of general knowledge books, atlases and dictionaries and a well-thumbed Roget's International Thesaurus. Jorgensen had some of the same texts as Mulder - the Crime Classification Manual, the Death Investigator's Handbook, Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives. Oddly enough, she also had several True Crime books, which Scully would have thought Jorgensen would avoid, considering her day job. Then again, even she herself had a few titles stuck somewhere in the back of her closet. "Agent Scully?" Kris was standing in the doorway, anxiety writ large on her features, "How's my girl?" "It looks like some minimal spotting, no abdominal pains, so I think we're in the clear. But she needs to see an OB/GYN as soon as she can." "I've got her got an appointment with my doctor at Illinois Masonic, 11 am tomorrow. I'm on duty, but my best friend Rachel will take her." Scully's response had smoothed out the tension in her face, and she sighed with relief. "Excuse me for a sec, I need to inform my darling daughter of her upcoming itinerary." Scully wanted to get going, she'd pulled herself together again, but was sure it would last long if she had to be part of a mother and child reunion. Her cell phone trilled in her pocket, "Scully." "Miss me?" Mulder's innuendo was just what she needed to hear. "I'd say it's you who misses me. You're the one calling, after all." "Busted. We'll, I do have another reason for interrupting your busy day at the morgue." "I'm not at the morgue. Jorgensen's daughter need a medical evaluation and so the good Detective and I are at her house." "Anything serious?" "Well, the daughter's pregnant and there was a possibilty of miscarriage...everybody's good, though. "Including you?" He knew something like that would weigh heavy on her. She waited a beat, "Yeah, I'm OK. What was the reason you called?" "The interrogation was a washout. I did meet somone who's guilty of several murders, but not the one's we're investigating. And just as a parenthetical aside, he didn't leave enough evidence for anyone to do anything about the killings he's actually responsible for. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing a little record diving. And you, Agent Scully? You come across anything tasty?" "Well, I wouldn't exactly call it tasty, but one of the deceased smelled of alcohol. Rum, I think. I asked for all the tox screens to be run again, since this particular man's autopsy report didn't show anything but trace amounts of beer, peanuts and possible residual use of PCP." "Why all the tox screens? Sounds like you're making a leap here, Scully." She could hear the amusement in his voice. "You're right, the end of civilization must be at hand. Seriously, I just want to be sure nothing else got missed. What about you, did you come up with anything?" "Well , for one thing, facts in the police reports and the local papers pretty much mirror each other. The killings were so well publicized, coverage so detailed, that we could have anyone of a number of copy cat killers at work here. One thing stands out, though. Since the murders started about two weeks ago, they've occurred every three days. So we're due soon for another, if the pattern holds." "That's the good news?" "That's the news. I tracked down Gonzales' girlfriend at home, and it's probably a good idea we talk to her. Alex Ruiz-Cardenas was a witness to his shooting. Maybe she can help us to connect Gonzales and the other deaths, maybe give some idea where to look for suspects. She's at 424 Diversey Parkway. At least it's near the lake, Scully. " She looked up to see Kris back in the room, motioning that she was ready to go. "I'll have Jorgensen drop me off...424 Diversey Parkway? I should be there..." Jorgensen mouthed 'thirty'. "In a half hour." "Good. I'll be in the lobby. Hey, Scully?" "Yeah?" "I need a house call, Dr. Dana...I 've got this condition..." "Good bye, Mulder." She hit the off button, but there was just the wisp of a smile at the corner of her mouth. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X Chapter Four - Penthouse Suite By Diehard and Dryad They could see the north end of Lincoln Park as they rode in the glass-walled elevator, dotted with the red orange stands of trees saluting the peak of Midwest autumn. Directly across from them, Lake Michigan shimmered burnished gold as the edges of the sun's fading western light dappled its waves. Looking down, Alexander Hamiliton's bronze countenance pointed the way toward the running path, with its after-work joggers, and the black, wrought-iron entrance to the zoo was just visible at the far end. Cardenas was waiting for them in her 26th floor penthouse. It was Scully who spoke first, "Well, I'd say you won that pissing match." There was a slight smirk caressing her lovely face. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, feeling flush with victory. "I'm not sure I know what you mean." Neither one of them looked at each other, but they could see their wavering images in the glass. "You know damn well what I mean. I realize that our thick-necked friend at the desk was being a tad too gung-ho in his zealousness to protect the tenants." "Extremely rude, I thought." "OK. But when he asked you what our business was, I believe your response, 'F. B. I. Business. Business that doesn't concern you', accompanied by brandishing your badge close enough to his face to give him whiplash,...That was very... Alpha male of you." "Well, I suppose I could've been silent and just let you shoot him. You do seem to be able to fire on a man in order to make a point." "And I can do it again, don't forget." "So you admit I'm not the only one with aggressive tendencies, eh, Scully?" He turned and leaned in toward her. She tilted her head in his general direction, "You know, Mulder, other couples seem to be able to flirt with each other without mentioning gunplay. One of us seems to always bring it up." "That's what makes us special, Scully. By the way, is that what we're doing here, flirting? I thought you were reproaching me for unseemly conduct. We're still on the clock, partner..." As the elevator slowed and stopped, the doors opened just in time to save him from her retort. The first things they saw were a small hallway with mauve colored walls, a gilt framed oil of what Mulder recognized as Old Habana in its heyday, and an enormous ginko in a planter. Walking toward them with her outstretched right hand was tall, elegant figure of Dr. Alejandra Ruiz- Cardenas. Her other hand was kept behind her back. She was what used to be his type, tall, with a curvy figure beneath white jeans and a loose white sweater. She wore no jewelry, nothing gilded her heavy-on- the-cream cafe-au-lait skin. "Agent Mulder? Elliot told me you were on your way up. I'm Alex." She'd given him the full wattage of her perfect smile. Even, white, beautiful teeth. It would've been lovely except Mulder couldn't help but notice that her smile never reached her eyes. Looking at his companion with something less than delight, she drawled, "And this must be your... assistant?" "I'm Special Agent Mulder," he dryly replied as they shook hands, "and this is my partner, Special Agent Scully." He made sure there was just a hint of extra emphasis on the word 'partner.' "Ah, I see..." Turning to the other woman, Cardenas made a show of seeming apologetic. "Please forgive me, Agent." Again, the outretched hand. "We appreciate you making time to see us." Scully replied, her smile now just as dazzling. Interestingly, her smile never made it to her eyes either. The handshake was phenomenally lukewarm. Alex eased her hand away and looked at the two of them, "Where are my manners? Please come into my home, we can talk there." She turned on her heels and walked back into the open door just a small distance away. As she did, both agents noticed her left hand was wrapped in a bandage. Mulder and Scully's eyes were set on scan as they followed Gonzales' former girlfriend into the huge suite, as she led down a long foyer. Almost simultaneously, they noticed an oil painting of St. Peter next to the door, which Mulder would guess was 17th century Spanish. Otherwise devoid of decor, the only other items were a small marble-topped table that held a faience vase of Bird of Paradise. By contrast, the painting was glaringly out of place with its ornate, colonial-style gold leaf frame. The foyer opened up into the living room and the rest of the penthouse. It too, was starkly furnished, very Bauhaus, white rugs, black leather and shades of gray as accents, chrome tables and lamps. One whole side was wall to ceiling glass, with a spectacular view of the lake. An oil portrait of Our Lady of Mercy, in an elaborate wrought iron frame hung in counterpoint to all the simplicity on the far wall. The bedroom, kitchen, and study all clearly visible, coming off the main room like the spokes of a wheel. The living room was by far the largest room, but the others were by no means small. Alex turned to her guests, "Please feel free to look around. Let me make you both un cafecito. I'll just be a moment." Scully replied, "Really it's not necessary." "Oh, but it is, Agent Scully." Alex pulled her jet black hair to one side, draping it over her shoulder. "I'd never live with myself if I didn't offer you something." With that, she moved into the kitchen. In a few seconds they could hear the hiss of an espresso machine. Cardenas' back was to them as she busied herself at a workstation. The rest of the suite was furnished in the same spartan elegance. Black lacquer funiture in the bedroom, chrome in the study. Luxurious and simple at the same time, but there was something cold about it. Virtually no personal effects to be seen, save photos in the living room of Alex and what both agents assumed were her parents, and one of Cardenas and Gonzales apparently on vacation, which rested on a nightstand near the bed. Judging from the first photo, the attire of two older adults and the sumptuous surroundings would indicate that Alex came from a wealthy family. How Alejandra Ruiz-Cardenas was able to afford an apartment overlooking Lake Michigan on a professor's salary was beginning to make sense to both of them. They continued their self-conducted tour as the hissing of the espresso machine grew louder, accompanied by the sporadic clatter of dishes coming from the kitchen. "Rich girl." Mulder said over his shoulder. "Very rich girl from the looks of things." Scully opined. "Very rich girl with old money form Cuba, who would seem to be a little bit of a control freak." Mulder drew close enough to whisper in Scully's ear. "You think?" Even the study was ordered to the extreme, even though it held a huge amount of artifacts. They were all neatly labeled and placed on stands or display tables. Mulder noticed though no strictly religious or ceremonial artifacts, only those that held functional value or were objects of personal adornment. There was also a small, rough looking chest with a padlock and with an oblong cedarwood box resting on top. It didn't go with the rest of the room. Scully winced a little as they looked over the perfectly organized work area, files, computer station. Mulder caught her pained expression. "What?" "Was I that bad, Mulder?" "I think that's one of those questions like 'Does this make me look fat?'" "Thanks." Her lips quirked in a grin. "Don't mention it." He brought the tips of his fingers to the small of her back for just a second, and what about to say soomething else, when a oil paintng of St. Teresa in a bronze die-cast frame stopped them both in their tracks. Mulder moved away to more closely inspect the piece. Touching his elbow, Scully caught his eye and his solemn nod told her he'd made some connection. Now the kitchen noise had been replaced with music. It was clearly Latin, melodic and slowly rhythmic. Ruiz-Cardenas emerged from the far side of modern kitchen, and strode leisurely back toward the living room, passing gray granite worktops, a professional grade stove, and a huge stainless steel Sub-Zero refrigerator. She reminded herself she'd have to start interviewing someone to do the cooking soon, the last girl was a nightmare. Mulder strolled to the window, ostensibly to check out the twilight skyline and the boats on the water, but really he wanted to watch Ruiz-Cardenas' reflection unobserved. From what Jorgensen had initially told them Nat Gonzales was a good man, intelligent, a hard worker, but not someone who moved it the same circles as his girlfriend. Personally, he figured that anyone who gained the respect of someone like Hector Dean Shinoda had to fall on the extra side of ordinary. He had some idea why this woman would be attracted to a man so far outside her universe. The two women were at the breakfast bar, which was situated just outside the main work area of the kitchen, bracketing the main layout of the living room. Scully was on a stool on one side, and Alex on the other, laying out an expesso pot, demitasses, cream, sugar. Scully said, "Professor Cardenas..." "Alex, please." Her tone just barely avoided being patronizing.It was the way one might invite a long-term employee to useyour first name. "Alex, I'm really sorry we have to ask you all these questions again." "Don't concern yourself. I know it's necessary in order to arrest Naftali's murderer." Her expression was one of detachment, an odd one for the still grieiving lover, Mulder noted, as he turned and walked toward them, taking a seat next to Scully. Ruiz-Cardenas gave a close-lipped smile, pulling a leather covered stool around with her unbandaged hand and easing herself down. "Allow me a small boast," she requested as she poured, "Cafe cubano. The only way to drink coffee." He didn't respond. "Thank you, for all this effort...especially when you've been injured." Scully said. Now she was the one with the slight tone in her voice. It was the voice of Dr.Scully, and Mulder always enjoyed watching her zero in. "What happened to your hand?" Ruiz-Cardenas turned away from them and reached down into the bar. Jet black hair now spilled down her back, evenly cut right beneath her shoulderblades. She pulled out some demitasse spoons and set the on the counter. "Yes...well it's somewhat embarrassing...when I heard what had happened. I lost it...threw a glass against the wall...and cut myself trying to clean it up." Mulder watched her intently, her expression didn't match what she was saying. She didn't seem all that embarrassed to be telling two strangers a story of an supposed emotional outburst. As a matter of fact, she seemed calm, too calm, she could've been reviewing her syllabus with some graduate students. "So, that was about two weeks ago?" "Yes, ridiculous thing to do, wasn't it? "Grief can make someone do things they wouldn't do ordinarily." It was Mulder's voice now. "Yes. Yes it can." A momentary shift, in which both Mulder and Scully could see something a little wild in Alex's eyes, something that quickly was banished and replaced with smooth calm and a practiced diffidence. She poured them all cofee, very deliberate in what she did, with great economy of movement. Mulder guessed that being a cultural anthropologist would make a person hyperaware of what they were doing at all times. The point was to observe, not be observed. In a way, psychology was the same thing, only on the micro-linear scale. And it was his turn to observe Cardenas, observe and draw the right conclusions. "But you need me to tell you about that night, don't you?" Alex was clearly giving the signal that the line of questioning about her hand was over. "I was already waiting at the restaurant. I was early. The guest lecturer for one of my classes cancelled due to illness, so I popped home and told Naftali I'd meet him there. Our table is right next to the front window. We like to watch people as we eat," she smiled briefly. "I had a glass of white wine. . .spied him stepping off the curb, walking towards me with that big grin that always means he's had a good day. A car slowed to let him cross, and I see the window rolling down, which I thought was odd, because although it's not winter yet, it was a cold day. There was a flash of light from the car window, but not from the window itself. I think it was light from the restaurant glinting off of the gun. Anyway, the next thing I see is a bright flash, then he's on the pavement." Scully hadn't touched her espresso. Ruiz-Cardenas went into her solititous host routine, "Our cafecitos are an acquired taste. Perhaps you'd prefer some tea, Agent Scully...I know how the Irish love their 'tay.' Mulder finished his and fought a grin as he imagined the look on Scully's face. No eyebrow, not even a twitch of the lip, just a straight-on, dead glare that said 'And the horse you rode in on, too'. Ruiz-Cardenas would learn. "You didn't recognize the car or the driver?" asked Scully, icily ignoring that cultural swipe. "No. All my attention was on Naftali. I could have cared less what the driver looked like. But I've already told the police all of this, is it really necessary to go back over it again and again and again?" "Well, Professor Cardenas, should this go to trial, you'll certainly be expected to do so again, yes." Her words hung in the air. Ah, there it was. Scully's bright head turned towards him in their traditional 'jump in any time, Mulder' interview stance. Ruiz-Cardenas looked at him too, her face losing its let's-be-pleasant-about-this expression for a moment. It returned when he went on, "You have a lovely home, Professor. I'm surprised to see there aren't any objects of veneration displayed in your collection." "I beg your pardon, Agent Mulder? " "I found it fascinatiing that you only seem to have objects of everyday use or adornment on public view ," he replied. "You must respect other cultures in order to be respected, Agent Mulder. What about you, Agent Scully, would you mind if your family bible was torn up and sold as an nothing more than an item of curiosity? Surely your devout Irish clan would be beside themselves.' Scully said nothing, but started sipping delicately at her espresso. Mulder jumped on the opportunity. "Point taken, but tell me, Alex, why would you display evidence of your devotion to Ellegua, Obatala, and Oya? That's the significance of those wonderful oils you have, if I'm not mistaken." The bullet hit the target. Cardenas' cool dissolved and both agents were treated to a look of shock and anger. She was however, able to rally quickly. "Agent Mulder, I didn't realize you were familiar with the Seven Powers. But I'm hardly a devotee. What would make you say that?" "The placement of the pictures. Only a devotee would make sure each image repressenting a god would be placed in its sacred delegation in the home." "You flatter me. I'm afraid my attention to detail is my interest in maintaining cultural sensitivity and a certain historical accuracy. The paintings were from an estate in Cuba, pre-revolution. The owners were important Santeristas, unusual in that they were of the educated class." A pause, and then a full display of those beautiful teeth again, "It's a gesture of scholarly respect, Agents, nothing more. She glanced at the Chanel watch on her left wrist, "Speaking of scholarly things, I have office hours tonight, and I'm afraid I'll have to be on my way soon. Please forgive me for cutting our discussion short. But feel free to come again, should you think I could be of any further help." "Well, actually, there was just one more thing, Alex." Mulder wanted to cast one more line. "I noticed what seemed to be a locked chest and a cigar humidor in your study...those are yours?" Ruiz-Cardenas looked at him long and hard before answering. "No, they're just a way to keep Naftali near. You can't blame me for doing that, can you?" ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X Chapter 5 By Diehard and Dryad Scully slid into the passenger's seat, and sat up as straight as possible, they'd just done an interview, and it was time to compare notes. Surprisingly, Mulder hadn't taken the lead in pulling together their observations. She took a deep breath, brushing away an errant strandof hair from her eyes. "You know, Mulder, Cardenas shouldn't still be bandaging a cut that's over two weeks old. I'm thinking it's more recent." 'And that would mean..?" "That she's had some injury, possibly in the last day or so, one that she didn't want to tell us about. "I'd say that sounds right. And I'm not sure I buy her story as to why she has those paintings." "Why am I not surprised to hear you say that? There's a lot that doesn't add up. Overall, her behavior was odd." Scully paused, looking over at her partner, whose eyes were on the road. "Very. No love of the Irish, either." He could hear a chuff coming from the passenger's side. "Mulder, you still haven't told me." She knew Alex was a stunningly beautiful woman, an enigma, and if she knew anything at all about her partner, he'd already assumed there was some paranormal connection to all this. "Told you what?" "What you think of Alex Cardenas." "Aside from the obvious facts that she's a snobbish wealthy intellectual, with more than a passing interest in Santeria? That she's displaying some seriously incongruent behavior after witnessing the shooting death of her lover?...You mean beyond that?" "I guess she didn't make much of an impression, then." "I'm trying to withhold judgement." She cut him a look, and saw him biting his lip, trying to smother a laugh. "Right. Well, I guess we should review the rest of the visit with our lovely host once we get to the hotel." "Well, actually, I'm relegating my impressions to my unconscious mind. Using the occult process of discovery that such a tactic offers, I'm sure further light will be shed on the situation by morning." "What?" She twisted herself around and leaned against the window. She wanted to get a good look at this. "Explain." He turned a gave her a squinty look, "In laymen's terms, I'm giving it a rest until tomorrow. And so should you. Go on, Scully, assume the position." "Excuse me?" "Lay that head back down, close your eyes and let me shuttle you in my golden chariot." "Chariot?' "Taurus. Whatever." Much to his satisfaction, a second later she was head against the head rest, eyelids fluttering shut. He went for her hand, and lacing her fingers in his, she drew them both against her chest. The Drive rolled on before them, purple in the dusk, with Lake Michigan darkening in the fading light. "Mulder, you know I know." "Know what?" "Alex Ruiz-Cardenas is a gorgeous woman." "Really? I hadn't noticed. Besides, I've got this thing for redheads." "That was the right response. Smart man." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X She rode the rest of the whole way with her eyes closed, sinking back into the passenger's seat of their Taurus. What she wanted was a clean, quiet place to lay her head, a hot bath, and she hoped to God Mulder hadn't gotten them rooms in the worst fleabag in town. She was tired physically, but no more than what she'd expect her first day back. What she felt was a kind of mental exhaustion, the cost of containing this morning's episode. What she'd flashed on at the morgue took its toll-- deeply disturbing her, even though it'd only lasted a second. Afterwards, it had taken a tremendous amount of psychic energy to stay detached and keep back the ghosts. The last six months had been a reprieve from defenses that were second nature to her, defenses she'd built up from the moment she'd sliced open her first cadaver. But Mulder had pulled back the layers one by one with a lover's infinite care. It was just what she'd needed, for all the obvious reasons, but it had opened up those parts of her she'd kept sealed tight. The grief and pain and terror of her life were hers alone to bear, or so she thought. Her survival plan had worked pretty well, too. The only problem was that it'd kept anyone from being able to touch her. All that had changed. And slowly, slowly, she was learning to let down her guard. But now she'd have to to flex some of those protective those muscles again, too much depended on her resolve for her to weaken, too many souls who needed her to put the pieces together. Her little side trip to Jorgensen's house hadn't helped her equilibrium either. It had pushed old grief into the foreground, and a new assignment in the field was not the place to visit memories of what she'd lost. Lulled by the motion of the car as they cruised the Drive, she remembered a night months ago, sated and lazy in each other's arms. He'd told her they were a force of nature, unstoppable together. She'd laughed then, but now she just wanted him to be right. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X He found the local jazz station and Mc Coy Tyner's piano soothed her spirit. The shimmering notes filled the car as they cruised south on Lake Shore Drive. His right hand was still on hers as it now lay on her lap, cupping it loosely as the car spanned the long blue stretch of road in the settling twilight. She let her mind wander, not thinking about anything except the feel of his palm on the back of her hand. Minutes passed, she wasn't sure how long, she wasjust glad to be able to wind down, at peace in the wordless comfort between them. "Hey Scully, you asleep?" "No, just resting my eyes." He'd been watching her from the rearview mirror, letting the music weave its way around them. It was some kind of coda to their first day in the field, something bringing them home to each other. "How was the first day back?" He was asking about a day that included corpses, latex and morbid lividity, women who could have children, and wanted to know if there was a slow bleed in his partner's heart. "Long. Hard. Harder than I thought it would be. But I ended up spending time with a guy who's so crazy, it was just the distraction I needed." "Lucky you. The only thing I had to keep me going was knowing I'd end the day in the arms of a woman who lives to keep my ego in check." "Anyone I know?" "Behold, the rapier wit of my beloved." He cut a glance toward her and saw her smiling slightly, eyes still shut. His hold on her hand tightened. As they pulled off the exit ramp, he thought about Shinoda and the interrogation leading to nowhere. His old self would have made the man one more obsession. In the past, he needed his obsessions, his frantic searches, brandishing them like a badge of courage. His relentlessness was in part, a way to not feel the pain of Sam's disappearance. Scully'd taught him other things could soothe that loss. He was not the man to unravel Shinoda's secret, not this time. He could live with that. And if their paths crossed again, if it was his task to capture his man, he could live with that, too. She'd also taught him acceptance, strengthened his belief in fate. Meanwhile, Naftali Gonzales was dead, and there were plenty more of the dead whose bodies held the truth, waiting for him, waiting for Scully and the questions only they could ask. Somehow, Santeria or the community of believers in Santeria were a part of this. How, exactly, he didn't know. Tomorrow, they would do more investigation, review the lab results, debrief, reconstruct, deconstruct. Mulder was going to get answers, he'd find a way to stem to the chaos and brutality that had killed a good cop and left a trail of bodies in its wake. But Scully had finally brought him to the place where he could value having his own life, where he could fight each battle, one skirmish at a time, one day at a time. "Mulder, are we there yet?" "Agent Scully, we are approaching our destination. Get ready to feast those baby blues on our refuge from the storm." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X Scully did some light reconnaissance of the building's entrance as he pulled up to the curb. It was smooth granite and carved cupolas, cornices that spoke of Louis Sullivan, and bronze letters spelling out their destination. She was hit with the dazzle of levered glass and the entrance of clearly one of the better hotels in town. Before she could say anything,a valet hustled over to the driver's side and welcomed both of them. The Burnham. Her personal deliverance from seven years of variations on the Bates Motel. Mulder. He did this. When he slid out out their rental to retrieve their luggage, she took in the full effect of the phalanx of red-coated doormen, bellhops, and car parkers swirling around the terazzo walkway. Out of the rear view mirror, she saw him slip one of the troops a couple of bills, and the luggage was whisked away. She craned her neck to take in her partner as he sauntered toward her, hands shoved in his pockets. He seemed more than amused, judging by the smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He opened the passenger door and gestured toward the entrance with a flourish. "I know you're used to some place with more character, but duty calls. We'll just have to make the best of it." "Oh my God...How can we...?," peering up at him over the bridge of her nose, still partially under the influence of a temporary haze. She didn't resist when he helped her out of the passenger's seat with his hand on her elbow, or utter a single word as their chariot was whisked to the netherworld. Mulder thought he was home free, slipping his hand to its familiar spot at the small of her back as he steered her toward the door.But by the time they'd made it through the threshold, whatever she was feeling had morphed into full-out resistance. Digging her heels into the lush Persian carpet that spanned a third of the lobby, it was time for an explanation. Visions of expense reports, audits and Kersh's office flashed before her eyes. How was her brilliant, albeit crackpot partner going to justify this in their report? "You better explain how we ended up here, because I don't plan on taking another step until you do." She reached behind her,took his hand and drew him in front of her. "I mean it, I want to hear it, all of it, and it'd better be good." His eyes shifted from gray to green, barely containing his enjoyment." Well, one explanation is that the CPD so appreciates our time and expertise that they made sure we were well taken care of." "Right. So they booked us accommodations at a luxury hotel. Just because no one else who's requested us on a consult has done anything remotely like this in all the time we've been in the Bureau shouldn't make me suspicious. How about we try this again, with you telling me the truth this time?" Fingering his lapels, she pinned him where he stood with a look that told him she was worried, and not about to back down, either. He raised his hands above his head in surrender. "I give up, Scully." He tried looking sheepish, but felt way too self-congratulatory to pull it off. "I was me, G-woman, I'm the guilty party. Lazarov told me this was the best small hotel downtown, so I booked the reservation after the interrogation this afternoon." Now she was tapping his shoulder, "That much I already figured out. Listen, this kind of unwarranted expense could get us a reprimand, if not a suspension. Jesus, Mulder.... Kersh could transfer us to Cornhole, Kansas for this. Seriously, we just got the X-Files back..." "Scully, The Burnham is close to the Field Office, the 11th and State lockup, and City Hall, so we can safely make the case there's a practical reason this is a good choice. And there is nothing about this hotel stay that Skinner, Kersh or any bean-counting geek in Cost Override Control will take issue with. The Bureau's Amex gets a charge for the per diem rate, and I had the rest put on my Visa." "Why are you doing this ?" "I figure I needed to make amends for all the times you stuck itout with me in rat traps, forests, caves, you know, our usual accommodations." His voice softened, and he took her by the hand, "I thought...I thought it might be hard to plunge back into all the slicing and dicing...I wanted to make it a little easier." "You know you don't have to." "But I want to Scully. I want to because I finally can." He smiled, his vulnerability so transparent, it made her heart clench in her chest to see it. "Because...because you've let me in. Maybe it'll help with the rest of the day, too" She took both his hands in hers, her fingers stroking his knuckles, She could accept this attention, this care, but as his equal, always his equal. "Just so we're clear, we take care of each other, Mulder." She held his gaze in hers, "Right?" "Always, Scully. Always." The earlier smile has been replaced with a full-tilt shit-eating grin. "You know, sometimes I'm so clever I scare myself." "And is this where I offer to console you?" The level of intimacy receded with that little boast and she was now brushing away some imaginary lint from his sleeve. "Actually, since I've been a bad, bad, boy by keeping this from you, maybe you just better take me to bed without any supper." "Isn't that 'send' you to bed without any supper?" "I won't argue with you over semantics. You can explain the difference to me in a tutorial. That's what I need, Scully, a little one-on-one." He was going to steer her toward the registration desk, but she'd already eased past him, heading in that direction. Over her shoulder she teased, "C'mon Mulder, play your cards right and maybe you'll get that private instruction." "Promises, promises." He stood there for a second enjoying that stride of hers, that glorious rear view, and then decided he'd appreciate it more once they were behind closed doors, and sprinted to her side. They strolled under a vaulted tin ceiling toward the curvedbrass reservation desk, complete with a pair a bright, young clerks poised at the ready. Huge potted palms flanked a nearby alcove flagged with a placard which read, 'The Redoubt', the hotel's bar, she guessed. Passing paisley covered wing chairs, they spied another couple having what appeared to be Cosmopolitans. She sighed with satisfaction, something not lost on Mulder. His popularity quotient was soaring as her heels clicked on the maple parquet floor. Once they'd made it to the desk, she noticed he got them registered in record time. Leaning in as he finished signing, she whispered, "You're going to spoil me." He tossed the pen aside and turned to face her. "That's the plan, Scully, that's the plan. Unless of course, you think this place is overkill...'cause we could always hit The Pacific Garden Mission. I hear there's at at least 100 beds, and a soup line to die for. " "The only place I'm going with you tonight is upstairs," as they made their way toward the elevator, "After all, Agent, Mulder, it's in your best interests to get us to our rooms as soon as possible." "Why is that, Agent Scully?" "Where else would I be able to properly thank you?" He had plenty of suggestions, but didn't say a word as the elevator doors slid shut. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~ She was sure she'd been speaking English, and he'd given the impression that he'd been paying attention to what she'd been saying. Mind you, it wasn't particularly brilliant or complicated, but it would do the trick. They'd both go into their separate rooms-- adjoining ones, of course--unpack, make an effort to have their rooms looked used and reconnoiture in his room in about an hour. These basic steps would be repeated every night, while alternating the finale destination. Simple. Right. He'd given her the room key in the elevator, number 1008--hewas in 1010. She'd outlined the plan of action, and should be opening the door right now. So why was he planted in her doorway, not going into his room, not unpacking, and looking sly, sexy and immovable? "You look a little tired Scully, why don't I help you unpack?" "I think I 've got that covered." "Really? I can be very helpful. You know, lay out your clothes, draw your bath, help you undress..." He started worrying his lower lip with the tip of his tongue and she was aware of the blush creeping up her neck. "No thanks, your concern is touching, though." Snaking her arm around his waist, she began to fiddle with the lock. She had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. "C'mon, let's play bellboy and business traveller. Or you could take me into protective custody. That's it...I'm a man with a terrible secret and you have to keep an eye on me at all times. Especially when I take off my clothes, moving slowly, very slowly. " Now she was chuckling, and the lock wasn't opening any more easily. She kept trying to get a clear shot at it, but he kept darting in front, blocking all her efforts. She was really laughing now. "Step away from the door. Really, I'm serious." "You don't seem all that serious." He was laughing now. He was pushing it, definitely pushing it. "I am." She stopped struggling with the lock, and in one swift, decisive move, pulled back and pinched him hard around the middle. He leapt back, yelping, and she moved with a purpose. Key in lock. Lock turning, door opening. Scully on the other side of the threshold. Blowing away a strand of auburn hair that had gotten mussed in all the exertion, she took in the sight of him rubbing his side, mouth open in shock. Victory. He started toward her and she shut and locked the door, peeking at him through the peephole. He was still standing there, waving at her. "Mulder?," she yelled through a couple of inches of solid oak. As soon as her heard her, he turned on his heel and let him himself in next door. A split second later she heard the ring of the phone by the nightstand. She went over and picked up, fairly sure who was on the other end. A sultry drawl, "Unpack. Make the room look lived in. Then get that beautiful ass in here." Click. "I'm on it, partner," she said to no one in particular as she pulled her suitcase onto the bed. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~ This was risky for her, she knew it. She'd plumbed Mulder's hidden depths as his lover, coming to understand his need to be touched, for tenderness, for simple reassurance. And he's tapped into something the others never found, something she'd kept buried even from herself. Desire. Not just that feeling of wanting, but the need to see it reflected in the eyes of your lover, the power of it. And so here she is, standing at the connecting door of their rooms with a tray, two glasses, two bottles of Scotch from the minibar. She has on her blouse, her skirt, her heels, and nothing else. This isn't anything like her and it's everything like her. None of few and far between men from her past ever suspected her capable of this. She'd spent years telling herself she didn't have that kind of hunger, but it was Mulder who proved her wrong, with his hands stroking her skin, whispering in her ear, whispering things she wanted to believe. That she owned him body and soul. That she wasn't some Ice Queen, but just the opposite. That she was a match for him inevery way. That after everything they'd been through, they were meant for this. And like a great many things that had come to pass in seven years, he told her she had to trust that he was right. But there are still shreds of doubt that still her hand before she can knock. She is Ahab's daughter, and there is part of her that feels embarrassed to be so bold. She lets herself imagine him lying naked in the next room, touching himself, calling her name. She knocks, and in a heartbeat Mulder's thrown open the door. His shirt sleeves are rolled up to the elbow, tie loosened. His eyes rove over her body, but he's silent. Instead of inviting her in, he's frozen in place. Her worst fear is coming true, she thinks. "I know..." Instead of looking at him, she stares down at the carpet. "This is so unlike me... I..." Mulder doesn't move because the blood in his head is rushing to his groin, his heart is pounding and he's telling himself he's not dreaming. The second he opened the door he could see her nipples pressing against the silk of her blouse, the bare, smooth skin of her legs. That, plus the idea that she might have no panties on, literally makes him speechless. She tries to smile, "I guess you didn't order room service." She starts to turn away, and before she knows what's hit her, Mulder has her in his room, the tray's out of her hands, and he's kissing her, kissing her, kissing her. Then he's laughing and groaning and pressing her against the door with his body, fumbling for the lock until it clicks behind her. His hands weave through her hair, and he's biting her earlobe,then his mouth becomes one long, hot drag until he reaches the hollow of her throat. She can feel his cock through his dress slacks, through her skirt, pressing against her thigh. Now one hand is over her heart, and the other is sliding underneath her skirt. She's breathing heavily, she wants this, all of this, and the look in his eyes as he finds her, sends of shock of heat right through her. No else ever looked at her that way, and it's almost too much. She takes his hand from her chest, kissing the knuckles, biting the soft pad of his thumb. He slides his hand between her legs, tracing the outside of her labia, feathery touches. He shudders as she grows more and more wet. She stills his hand, and they're both suspended as the room spins around them. "Mulder...I need..." "Anything, just tell me...Tell me, Scully." For a second, she's Ahab's daughter again and remembers that actions speak louder than words. With his hand warm inhers, she walks him to the chair across from the foot of the bed. It's dark in the room, except for the light from the bathroom and the skyline spanning in front of them. She guides him down and straddles his lap, foreheads touching. Working his tie free, she lets herself caress his beautiful throat. She unbuttons his cuffs and the front of his shirt. She revels in the smooth planes ofhis chest, the tips of her fingers sliding down, down. Her handsfind their way to undo his belt, unzip his pants. Lifting up just enough, she finds hard length of his shaft and pulls him free. She traces the veins that run up and down, feels every pulse as she does. Licking her thumb, she circles and strokes the head of his cock Now he stops her, takes his time following her lead. The cuffs of her blouse are undone and he strokes figure eights on her wrists with his thumb. One by one, his fingers undo her buttons, andhe makes an 'X' on each spot he exposes. Bending his head down, his kisses the rise of her breasts, nips and suckles on her nipples. She feels dizzy, but doesn't want to stop, can't imagine stopping.Then he eases his hands under her skirt, working it up toward her hips. Sliding them under her ass, he lifts her up, and she braces herself with her hands on his shoulders. They look at each other, they're at the deepest part of the river here. There's a smile in the recesses of her eyes, and he knows. He eases her down over his cock, and she's a delta--lush, wet, ready. He thrusts up and into her and she moves into him, sliding up and down, up and down. Tightening and pulling him deeper and deeper, she knows by his breathing he's close. His eyes are shut, but a single tear runs the length of his jaw. "Only you," he rasps, and her hand's already brushed it away. "Always...you." Then he unfurls against her, slowly, intensely. Once. Then again. And again. A rapid final release and he's spent, his head on her shoulder, and she can feel the wetness again. "Shhh,'' she tries to calm him. "Don't." He raises his head and kisses her with such tenderness that she thinks her heart might break. "I'm good." Now she feels tears on her own face. "Yes. Yes, we are." They hold each other for a long time, motionless, and then Mulder stirs. Taking her hand in his, he brings both hands to the place where they're joined. He's softened, but he's still inside her. She looks up at him, and he nods. Circling her clit with her own fingertips, his palms cupping the back of her hand, they travel around and around her perfect knot. Then his hand slides underneath hers, and its him touching her there, his fingertips moving in perfect rhythm. She swells against his strokes, burgeoning, blossoming, and she watches him watching her--his gaze fixed on that auburn swipe of hair, mesmerized by the flash of pink flesh beneath. "This is beautiful," he whispers. She wants to say he is beautiful, that they're beautiful together, but it's hit her and she trembles and grinds into his lap. She can't stop herself, not even to tell him how precious he is to her, how necessary. Rippling, rippling, flowing in and away and to him, always to him. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~ A couple of hours have come and gone and they've showered, ordered room service, eaten their fill and toasted each other with the Glenlivet she'd snagged earlier. Right now, they're lying face to face in his king-size sleigh bed. He's got his long thigh draped over her hip, and her head is nestled against his chest. They're having a conversation, sort of, the kind that's a hazy trail leading nowhere in particular. It's the kind you have with the trace of your lover still on your lips. Every once and a while, post-orgasmic Mulder waxes literary. He has a range that spans quantum physics to bad puns, but tonight it's Irish poetry. Scully's always a good audience, and tonight's no different. She loves the sound of his voice, especially in bed, when it's rough and slurry and sweet beyond belief. So she plays on his eidetic memory, asking him to name his favorite Irish bard and recite his favorite poem. "Easy. W B. Yeats. 'When you Are Old and Full of Sleep.' " "Go on, I'm waiting." And he does, and it's lovely. His voice does the poem justice--gravelly, slow and sensual. But one line throws off his recitation. "But one man loved the pilgrim's soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face." His voice quavered on that one, and she stopped him with her fingers on his lips. "My pilgrim," she whispers, and they watch the skyline, the lights of the buildings, and she tells him there's no room for sorrows in their bed. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~ It's later, much later. They've both drifted in and out of sleep, but now they're awake. She knows he's thinking about something, she can sense it. "Mulder?" "Hmmm?" "What are you thinking about?" "Nothing." "Liar." She stifles a yawn, she wants to know, but Morpheus is beckoning. "Tell me." "Nothing...everything." He shifts from where he"s rolled away while asleep and draws her close. Now she's lying her back to his front, and he runs his fingers through her hair. "You better tell me." She's breathing a little more slowly. "Wolves. I was thinking about wolves. And geese. That's what I was thinking about." "Why?" Sleep calls and she's hovering, back and forth, but she's trying to rouse herself. "Because they mate for life." "Ah...I see..." The bed is so soft, his arms around her feel so right, and her eyes flutter shut. "Scully?" He wasn't going to wait. They'd waited too long and lost too much time. "Hmmm?" "Marry me." There is only the sound of her snuffling into the pillow. He raises himself up and leans over to see the long, slow pulls of her breath. "Don't worry," his whispers into her ear, into her dreams. "I won't take no for an answer," and settles down next to her. Morpheus finds him, too. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~ Chapter 6 By Diehard and Dryad 6:00 am---breakfast finished. They were both feeling sleep deprived, but neither one of them was complaining. He was already in typical hotel-room-briefing mode--siting up against the headboard, crime scene and autopsy reports strewn across the bed. With his black suit, white dress shirt and black tie, he was a well-tailored island in a sea of photos, Xeroxes of police files, handwritten notes in his semi-legible scrawl. Nothing new there. She had her back to him, brushing her hair as she stood in front of the beveled mirror above the dresser. Watching his reflection as he scanned the papers, she'd always been amazed at the amount of data he absorbed, how quickly he'd make connections, take point on each case. Last night, he'd waited for her to bring up the interview with Cardenas. This morning, as room service cleared their trays, he'd asked her how she wanted to proceed. He was deferring to her more, seeking her input. She could see the effort he was making to have things on a more balanced footing. She liked it, although it'd taken her a minute to answer, to get her bearings. "Something wrong, Scully?" "Not wrong...just surprising. You usually don't ask me my opinion at the outset." He sheepishly shuffled through sheaves of paper, "It was long overdue. Let's just say I have a new found appreciation for where some of my strengths lie." "That almost sounds like flattery, Mulder." "Not flattery...just a statement of fact." She stopped what she was doing and turned toward him. "Then I can't let you down, can I?" Her eyes held a glimmer of warmth that her intent expression couldn't hide. "Well... each of the deceased were also arrested for crimes like the ones resulting in their own deaths. It seems important to check those crime scene photos against the ones taken on this case to check for discrepancies." He slid off the bed and strode to the writing table where he'd set up his laptop, settling in as best he could into a chair that was clearly a tight squeeze for his lanky frame. "Agreed. I'm guessing you can get those from Det. Jorgensen. I looked at Gonzales' case files yesterday and again this morning, but I'm interested in what you'll see once you review them and check the autopsies of our unholy dead." "I'll ask her to pull a set of photos from Gonzales' files when she calls...which should be any time now. Apparently the CPD is sending a squad car to pick me up this morning." "Ah...the VIP treatment. Just make sure they don't make you sit in the backseat. You know...if it looks bad..." She finished it for him, "...it's bad for the FBI." She chuffed after that one, and her eyes narrowed, the scope of the day settling in. "Well then, my day looks pretty mapped out...what's on your agenda, partner?" "I'm looking over the most recent crime scene data one more time. And just to be sure, I'll set up a walkthrough with the someone from the evidence collection team. So far, there's no indication of anyone present at the these new murders, except the deceased." You certainly won't win any popularity contests doing that." She'd done enough of these consults and knew that the local PD always chafed at the idea that anyone would be looking for blind spots, mistakes. "I think Lazarov and his people are already clear I'm a pain in the ass." He shrugged off the knowledge that that it could be problematic. Truth was, he didn't care. Besides, there was one other thing, another approach beginning to occupy his attention "I...also want to locate a footnote in an old X-file." He paused a second and went on. "It refers to a Santera practice concerning retribution and untimely death. There may be similarities to certain Haitian voodoo rituals, and cross-referencing may give us a better handle at some possibilities. After that, I'm thinking I want to visit some botanicas to get some firsthand information." "Mulder...Isn't it a little soon for us to make that kind of leap?" "But Scully...that's why we get the big bucks." X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ He memorized every move as she slipped on her jacket and shrugged on her trench coat. Coat, brown pantsuit, beige silk blouse---had all been smoothed into place with an efficiency and grace that fascinated him. It was that same fluidity of movement when she made a Y-incision, sutured his wounds, pulled the trigger. Leaning back from his laptop, he wanted to make sure he could fully appreciate the view---her daylight person in place, ready to take on the world, adjusting her holster as a finishing touch. Jorgensen had called to say a car was on the way and Scully'd arranged for the photos to be at the lab when she arrived. She also made sure the dieners pulled all the bodies from the cooler and set them up in an exam bay, and that all the tissue samples and test results were available. She'd already hit the ground running, and expected everyone else to keep up. Her drive was apparent on their first case. It took him a while to admit it to himself, but it spoke to him, made him willing to trust her, even though he knew she thought he was probably certifiable. Time and tragedy had given him many more reasons, not the least of which was somewhere along the way he'd fallen in love with her. She'd caught him red-handed. "We're on the clock, Mulder." "My nose is pressed to the grindstone." He was smiling despite his transgression. "Grindstone, huh? I don't think so." She leaned back against the dresser and folded her arms across her chest. "I could see how you might miss the level of intensity. I tend to hide it...it can be intimidating." "Uh huh." There was the barest hint of a smirk teasing the corner of her mouth. "Seriously, I'm deeply focused on uncovering new leads." "You just won't stop, will you?" "I've got some momentum here, Scully. Can't blame me for tryin' to run with it ." She walked over, put her hands on his shoulder and whispered in his ear, "I can see it's up to me to keep you in line. Go on. Get to it, Mulder. We've got our work cut out for us..." She brushed her lips against his jaw. "I'll see you tonight, partner." He turned so that they were facing each other, and his hands snaked up and around to lace behind her neck, "I'll be good. See you tonight." X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ The ride to the Coroner's office and the County morgue was brief. The complex was attached to the County public hospital just south and west of the downtown area. The building was a huge slab of dark cement and steel---ugly, utilitarian---harsh looking even from the outside. Scully felt her composure shift and slide. It was a cold, slate-colored day, typical for October in Chicago. As rain pelted the windows of the squad car, something coiled tight in her chest and she worked at drawing slow deep breaths. There was no room for a repeat of yesterday-- no room for hesitation, today had to go by the numbers. It'd never occurred to her to tell Mulder what had happened at the morgue yesterday. It wasn't something for him to fix. The patrolman let her off at the staff entrance, and she tried without success to shake off the chill, making her way down the dank, poorly lit halls to Bay #3, where Kris Jorgensen was waiting. She strode to the doorway, paused to take a deep breath, to force down a wave of dread that tasted like bile. Scully walked quietly toward the other woman and saw a keen interest lighting the her features as she checked out the dressing on two of the corpses, bending close to examine the wrapping, the ties. "Detective?" Kris jerked away from the light touch above her elbow, then immediately flushed with embarrassment. "Agent Scully, sorry. Didn't see you there." "You seem absorbed, Det. Jorgensen. Feeling less put off by the dead in this setting, it would seem." I wish I could say the same, she thought. "Actually, I should thank you for insisting I stick it out yesterday." "Why is that?" She looked away from Scully and focused on some of the linen dressing, fingering it as she spoke, "This is all so... fascinating. I feel like a new avenue of investigation's been opened up for me. This is work I'd like to be more familiar with, understand better." She stopped to consider something for a moment, "Who knows? Maybe I'll ask for a transfer to the Forensic Unit." Scully swallowed hard and nodded in response to what appeared to be her liaison's rapid-fire conversion from avoidance to affinity "Great. Are we ready to get started?" "Well, actually...there's one thing. We've got all the bodies here, except for Nat." Jorgensen looked at he rows of corpses. "When we tried to exhume, Nat's family told us that Alex Cardenas had power of attorney. She blocked it... said it was too painful..." "Nothing we can do about that." Scully was sure Mulder would jump on Cardenas' reluctance to cooperate. That woman was anything but the typical grieving lover. They'd get to her later---right now, the dead were demanding her attention. "What about the tissue samples?" "They're in collection jars next to each body, just like you asked." She stared at the line of dead bodies. Vincent Coluko, Ashleen Wienhoft, Albert Breen, La Shawn Michaels, Dakota Roberts. A bitter lump started to form in her throat and she had to force down the urge to dry heave. Taking another deep breath, "We've got plenty of work to do, so let's get started." As she walked to the display of photos laid out on the Assistant M.E.'s desk, her mind formed just three words, a prayer. 'Please. Help me.' ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Scully let Jorgensen pace up and down the rows between the exam tables, studying the bodies, while she looked at the crime scene shots, the crimes these dead had committed. Children, mothers, couples, old people--gutted, raped, sodomized, shot, stabbed, branded, garroted. She could feel a trickle of sweat between her shoulder blades, even though it was almost as cold as storage in the bay. I have to do this, she told herself, I have to. "Agent Scully," a voice from amidst the cadavers, "should I suit up? I've got gowns, masks, and latex gloves." She was ready for action, and feeling a little restless. It was time for revelation, and she wasn't about to miss a thing. "You do that." Scully piled the pictures with care into some kind of organized whole---Murderers on one side--- Victims on the other---first dead at the bottom, with the most recent staring at her from the top of the pile. "I'll be there as soon as I'm done looking at these." She took the new lab results and checked the the drug screens against the write-ups of all the stomach contents. No rum. No rum in any of these victims. Maybe the thing with Coluko was a fluke. There was only one way to find out. She made her face into a mask of passivity--bland, unreadable. "What about the tissue samples?" "I plan on checking them after each autopsy, away from the bodies. We may have a repeat of what happened with Coluko, where the scent is evident on exam. If so, then checking the samples separately is an additional safeguard. If not, then it's a more discrete method to find if rum is present." "You're very thorough." Jorgensen's admiration was evident. "It's what the job requires..." Scully's voice trailed off. "Agent Scu..." "I''m coming, Det. Jorgensen." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x On the surface, it all appeared to go smoothly. First, checking and finishing the re-dressing of Coluko, then beginning the re-autopsy of Weinhoft. Only someone who knew her would sense that she was struggling, the set of her jaw was just a little too tight, her grip on the scalpel whitening her knuckles. Jorgensen was too enthralled with the proceedings to notice any of it, not even Scully choking back the nausea that would appear erratically. The sweating had stopped a while ago, and she felt drained and hollow, but she went on, providing a running commentary for Jorgensen's benefit. It was a perverse relief, having to focus on explaining the routine of slicing through skin and muscle, sawing through bone, weighing organs, instead of thinking about what these people had done. Jorgensen wrote down the specifics on the chart, inspected the straight line bruise across Weinhoft's back where her spine had been snapped, while Scully looked over her shoulder. "So she fell, or was pushed against the sofa, that's how she broke her back?" asked Jorgensen, forehead creased in concentration. "It's obvious there was a fight in the living room, but who attacked who?" She stretched her arms over her head, leaned to her left, then her right, rolled her shoulders and neck back and forth several times before answering. Don't, don't do it, she told herself, stay focused. Scully looked over Wienhoft. Despite pallor and rigor, she could make out that the twenty-five year old had been pretty, but her youth and her beauty had begun to fade. Her shoulder-length dark brown hair showed traces of gray, her face etched with the legacy of life on the stroll--wrinkles at he corner of her eyes, bitten and broken nails tipping her slender fingers, her full breasts, narrow waist and long legs mottled with bruises, and the ragged cut in her pelvis, a horrible, bloody gash. For an instant, the image of the young couple Wienhoft and Coluko garroted for the fifty dollars in the man's wallet had flashed before her eyes. Scully could feel herself blanch, her grip on the instruments slacken and tighten. Keep going, she urged herself. Just keep going. "Let's review the findings. Although both of her fingerprints were on the beer bottle, I'd concur with the assessment he didn't hit himself in the back of the head with it. Aside from the implausibility of self-abuse, the angle and the amount force precludes any other option but a another party. His skull gets cracked and he bleeds all over the floor in front of the tv. Coluko manages to get up, somehow tries to stumble towards the kitchen when according to the ME, Wienhoft apparently slits his throat from ear to ear. Despite his injuries, he manages to get up,drag her toward the living room where he's able to not only able to assault her, he get the knife away from her and guts her in a crude hysterectomy. Judging from the crime scene photos, it's assumed he shoves her, forcing her to trip over the coffee table and she just lands wrong on the edge of the couch. The ME postulates a double murder, with the lovers killing each other, which would make sense, except..." The other woman's head bobbed up in curiosity, "Except for what?" "The amount of alcohol in their systems would have impaired both strength and motor skills...I don't think she could've done that kind of damage in a struggle." "So the ME was wrong?...Maybe some drug use we didn't catch?" "The screens were the most comprehensive available." Scully'd already catalogued this one as an X-File--unexplained dual murder. "So what are you saying?" Jorgensen was feeling confused and a little pissed. This investigation was unraveling the loose ends, not tying them up in the neat resolution that Lazarov was expecting. "I'm saying the ME made a reasonable assumption at some level, given that there was only evidence of two people in the apartment. The condition of the livers support a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism on both their parts. He assumed that chronicity was at the maintenance level, still affording them the capability to function. I disagree, even at the maintenance level, the savageness and the extent of the attacks suggest some other variable." "Like a third party? Agent Scully, did you find something? Skin under the fingernails? Something the ME missed?" Jorgensen was getting worked up. Maybe there was a lead, something to point to a perp. "I helped with the evidence collection...there was no physical evidence present but the victim's. Not a single goddamn clue to be had. Not in Coluko and Wienhoft's apartment, not in any of the crimes scenes." "Sometimes one has to consider extreme possibilities." "Like what? A killer who can murder at will and not leave a trace? That's not something I'm comfortable with." Scully had managed to push back the nausea yet again. "Welcome to my world, Detective." She'd spoken slowly and deliberately as she leaned down, sniffing at the abdominal cavity. She wanted to wretch and the sweating had started again. But there was one thing she was sure of. The faint odor of rum coming off Ashleen Weinhoft. She beckoned Kris Jorgensen closer, grabbed the sample jar and walked them about fifteen feet away. "Here's some on-the-job training in forensics, Detective," handing over lump of flesh floating in the jar. "Open it." Jorgensen did what she was told after only a second's hesitation. Closing her eyes, she took a whiff of the contents. "Rum. I smell rum." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x They took a brief break in the afternoon, giving the dieners an opportunity to move away Weinhoft to the far side of the bay, and place Albert Breen in the central exam area. Over late lunch from the vending machines by the snack station, Scully barely finished half of a sandwich, relieved that she could keep it down. She hoped she might be leveling off, with whatever she was going through this morning, finally over. Focusing all her attention on the repeat tox screens, she saw confirmation of the initial findings of PCP use in La Shawn Michaels'--vodka and sedatives in Breen's--heroin and cocaine in Dakota Roberts'. There was so far, no explanation of the anomalous odor-- both of them had smelled rum emanating from Coluko and Wienhoft. If the same happened with Breen, Scully honestly didn't know what she'd say to Kris Jorgensen. She'd already decided Mulder would have to come up with one hell of an intuitive leap to piece together this puzzle. As she walked back in Bay #3, Jorgensen in tow, Scully had a strong flash of intuition, one she couldn't ignore. She was getting more and more like her partner all the time. Not knowing why, she grabbed one of the dieners by the elbow as he was leaving, "Take the tissue samples and put them back in storage." Jorgensen shot her a surprised look. Ray Faneuil, the diener, started to protest, "Jeez, Doc... My shift's over...' Scully cut him off, "Just do it and do it now. I don't think you want me calling the ME over this." Faneuil gathered each jar, set them on a rolling cart and hustled his way to cold storage. Not completely under his breath, he muttered, "Fucking bitch." Scully pretended she didn't hear a word. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Scully glanced up from her examination of Albert Breen's bruised lung and blinked. This was going well enough. They were a couple of hours in--no sweating, no urge to vomit--just the still, cold dead, formalin, scalpels, bone saws, body parts weighed in grams. She'd peppered her play-by-play of this exam with bits and pieces of forensic history. For example, the origin of the manner of wrapping cadavers. Jorgensen was enthralled when Scully revealed it had started with the ancient Greeks, with its current style having been developed in the Middle Ages. Now they were taking who's who in the field. "My opinion as to who's the top forensic specialist? I'd have to say Dr. Henry Lee." "Is he published?" "Absolutely. His 'Crime Scene Handbook' is a text at Quantico." Then the conversation took a turn for the worst. It went bad when Scully glanced up from re-closing the gaping abdominal wound. There was definitely an odor of rum emanating from the man, slight, subtle, buried underneath the stench of putrefaction and the slight sweetness of ethanol from the breakdown of bodily processes. Somehow, she could still smell it after working on bodies since early this morning. It must be some kind of marker. Of what, she wasn't ready to say. The detective had a dark look on her face "How could he do it?" It didn't register. Somehow she'd capped what she'd been going through before. This autopsy was just her doing what she did. With Kris Jorgensen's remark, that terrible knowledge sprung forth again like tainted water from a polluted well. Breen had been suffocated and shot, gutted like a fish, lower intestine removed, sodomized and there'd been traces of semen present in his mouth. Scully had managed to block and compartmentalize, and shut-down and soldier on and it'd gotten her this far. And then she was brutally shoved back to Ground Zero. She could feel a knife-sharp pain twisting her gut---pain so strong it made her stop suturing and grip the table. Breen. Albert Anthony Breen. A man who raped and murdered a child in front of her parents, who eviscerated a ninety-year old woman, then sodomized her while she was dying, using her own intestines as a condom. Scully's field of vision narrowed, she thought she might faint. She didn't. Instead of the relief of blackness, she saw the ten year old, suffocated, her Winnie-the-Pooh pillow held tight over her small mouth, that same small mouth corrupted beyond all understanding, her parents screaming until Breen shot them dead, an old woman whose last sight in this life was a man slicing her open, her bloody entrails pulled like a bloody leash, while he took her from behind. Her punishment for opening a door to a man who said he was lost. Scully's breath was shallow, and she could feel the sweat bead up on her forehead. Jorgensen did notice that. She was about to ask what was wrong, when her cell phone trilled in her pocket. Hannah. It was Hannah calling from Rachel's house. It was eight o'clock and her daughter had been waiting since three for a ride home. Jorgensen walked to the far end of the room, and stood near the doorway. "Sweetie, I'm sorry...I'm really sorry...Yeah, I got caught up at work. Again." A pause. "OK...I'll come get you...I know Rachel had class,that's why she couldn't drive you home...I know, it's my fault." She needed to get her head out of her ass, go pick up her daughter, bring her home, and try acting act like a concerned mother. She could think about the Forensic Unit and these stiffs later. She did want to know if Agent Scully was all right, see if she should come back to the morgue once Hannah went to bed. "No...don't try to walk home, it's too far. Stay there, I'm on my way." Jorgensen strode back to the table, where Scully stood ramrod straight, lightly mopping her brow with a Kleenex from her pocket. "Are you OK?" "I'm fine, really." "You sure?" "Yes, Detective, I'm sure. Probably a combination of bad food and too little sleep." "I guess you heard everything, huh?" She hesitated. "I...need to go pick up Hannah, get her home, make sure she's settled in. But I can be back later, by about ten... " "It won't be necessary, Detective. I've done this alone for almost a decade." "Are you sure, Agent Scully? You know, it wouldn't be a prob..." "Just go.." She managed to paste a wan smile on her pale face. "Like I said before, I'm fine." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Jorgensen had been gone about fifteen minutes, but Scully hadn't moved. She made herself pull deep, cleansing breaths, tried to find the center, tried to talk herself down. She almost made it, too. Looking at Breen's lower abdomen, Scully saw something pushing up out of his pelvis. It was tiny, wriggling furiously. Snagging the tweezers from the instrument table, she quickly and carefully probed the spongy flesh for the larva. She caught a glimpse of white and immediately went after it, holding up its soft body under the lamp. Depositing the maggot in an empty sample jar, she turned back to search the body further. Maybe she'd find another. She didn't have to worry, Breen's body was now swarming with them,a seething, milky-white mass. Reflexively, her eyes darted to the adjoining tables that held the rest of the bodies. All of them, teeming with maggots, swarms of them working their way through the dressings, making steam rise from the heat thrown off by their feeding frenzy. She felt her hand drop to her side and the tweezers hit the floor. "Good. Let them eat your miserable flesh, you sonovabitches," she murmured. Whatever thin strands of control she'd tried to hold had finally shredded to nothing. The room filled with obscenities she realized were coming from her own mouth. Her voice -- she was screaming at corpses, shaking and sweating like a pig. Bile scorched her throat, with one vicious epithet after another hurled like a molotov cocktail. "Fuck all of you! Fuck you! Rot in hell!" "I only wish I'd been the one to send you there!" Reeling from the venom and the rage that coursed through her veins, the room spun, and her hand went instinctively to her throat, her fingers brushing against her cross. It was her undoing. Who had she become? All too quickly, the bitter knowledge washed over her. Faithless. Vengeful. Someone without discipline, courage or strength. Betraying everything she'd built her whole life upon. Scully felt the scalding, stinging tears stream down her face. She wanted to pray, but she could feel the spasms start. Running to the bathroom, she barely locked the stall before vomiting, wretching violently into the ancient toilet. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x White as a sheet, weak, and still trembling, Scully put all her effort into pulling herself together. She had to get back in there, get someone to help her clean off the bodies. With handfuls of rough paper towels, she bathed her face in the icy tap. Reaching out for God and science---she desperately prayed out loud, "Please, give me the strength." By the time she dried her face and rinsed her mouth, she could feel herself start to calm. As she made her way toward the bay, a litany ran through her mind---she needed her other bedrock---science---and its answers. 'Egg to larva to pupa to adult, and then the cycle repeats until the optimal conditions for that particular species have passed. What had she seen in there? Calliphora vicina, Cynomyopsis cadaverina, Phormia regina, Sarcophiga carnaria.' Latin for the common bluebottle, the shiny blubottle, the black blow fly, and the family of flesh flies. Sarcophiga carnaria--- Flesh flies. Both pupa and adults can consume a fifty times their body weight in carrion.' She could feel her heart race as she opened the door. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Breen's body was no more than a skeleton. Scully ran and hastily undid all the wraps on the cadavers---only skeletal remains. The maggots had slithered off the bodies, and were one swirling mess on the floor. Scully walked over to the intercom the wall and paged the dieners. Pulling herself up, and squaring her shoulders, she wanted to appear in charge, able to minimize any possible resistance from staff in handling the clean up. It felt like posing after what'd just happened. After a wordlessly staring at the floor and the bodies, Joe Gilliam, the 60 year-old second-shift guy, who'd seen it all, asked dryly, "Why do I always get the weird-ass calls?" Over her shoulder, as she passed him on her way to storage, Scully yelled, "Good to know you've got it covered." She could see wisps of her breath as she opened the jars containing Breen's, Michaels', and Roberts' samples. Taking a whiff of each---there it was---what she'd smelled all day long. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Chapter 6 By Diehard and Dryad Yesterday, his instincts told him Shinoda wouldn't be a viable lead. Today--so far, so good. Lazarov didn't dig in his heels when he'd called to ask to for the walk-throughs, he'd been able to locate the necessary reference, and a combination of web surfing and the yellow pages narrowed down the list of locales friendly to Santeria. Something told him he should make his search based on Alex Cardenas' choices for veneration. Lucky for him, of all the dozens of botanicas in Chicago, there was only one connected with Oya, and one associated with Obatala. Apparently, there were no cults of Ellegua, no botanicas dedicated to him, so he'd have to punt to come up with how to locate his devotees. Hopefully, he'd be able to get these walk-throughs done by mid-afternoon, and start interviewing members of houses after that. Right now he was on edge, his sixth sense tingling. He was going to find something important to the case. Something hidden, something no one was expecting. Pacing in front of the Burnham for about fifteen minutes, his trenchcoat flapping in counterpoint to his steps, he was close to wearing a groove in the rain-slicked pavement. Waving off the doorman's offer of an umbrella, the nervous energy came off him in waves. Mulder ran his hands through his hair and and shuddered off the excess dampness like a dog shaking water off its fur. It'd been a little over two hours since Scully left. "Where the hell is the asshole from the ECU?," he spat out under his breath. Grabbing his cel, he'd started punching in Lazarov's number again, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Whipping around, he almost fell on a woman wearing a CPD windbreaker over jeans, a Bears' sweatshirt and shoulder holster. She was almost his height, athletic build, her curly brown hair pulled into a ponytail and tucked under black a baseball cap. She'd jerked back to avoid a head-on collision, her brown eyes flashing. The woman brushed herself off reflexively and adjusted her cap, "I'm Detective Patricia Garrett, Evidence Collection Unit. I'm supposed to assist you." Mulder just kept taking the woman in. Fair skin, thin lipped, not smiling. Definitely not smiling. He decided to go for the obvious joke, which proved to be a very bad choice, "So you're Pat Garrett..." "Uh-huh. Before you say anything else, I've heard every half-assed Wild West, Billy the Kid, OK Corral remark on the planet, so let's not go there..." She straightened her jacket, muttering, "I must've really fucked up to pull this assignment." Mulder extended his hand, hoping to salvage the situation, making his voice as placating as he could. "Sorry. I'm Special Agent..." She didn't reciprocate. "I know who you are, why you're here, and for the record, I'd rather be doing anything else than giving you a guided tour so that you can try to hang us out to dry. We know how to do our job, Agent. And just for your information, I'm fifteen years on the job, five as ECU Supervisor." Mulder wanted her on his side, but his own frustration was eating at him by this point. "Detective, I'm here to find the truth, I assume you are, too. I was invited here to do what I do and I'd appreciate you removing whatever's crawled up your ass so that we can get on with it. You and me. Together." That appeared to get through, some of the hostility subsiding, "All right then, we'll get started. I'm parked around the corner... I'll wait for you...Get your car and follow me." She turned to go and Mulder motioned one of the car hops to get his rental. Garrett turned back, "Agent Mulder?" His head snapped around, "Yeah?" "Just remember, I didn't invite you here." X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Pulling into the parking space right across the street from the last location, he could make out Garrett's glare even from inside his car. Her resentment hadn't lagged much since they'd started six hours ago, fed by the fact that he'd come up with nothing. He wasn't exactly a happy camper, either. The good news was that this woman was right, the Unit's work a textbook example. Print dusting, moulage castings, fiber, hair, and blood collection--laboriously done, virtually perfect. The bad news was he'd shot a good portion of the day on another dead end. He wasn't about to share that particular assessment with Garrett, however. He clicked off the ignition and rolled his neck until he could hear the vertebrae pop. Slamming the car door behind him, he jogged over to where she stood arms crossed over her chest, waiting. She was in front of the crack house where Dakota Roberts had dealt his last rock, a dilapidated graystone in the heart of Englewood, one of the poorest neighborhood's in Chicago. According to the photos and write-up, Roberts had been killed in stages--brutally beaten with a truncheon, his ribs and right leg broken, larynx crushed, spleen ruptured. He was found face-down on the floor next to piles of tens and twenties, shot in the back of the head execution-style. "You ready, Agent?" Garrett was curt, not even bothering to wait for his answer. She'd already turned and started waking up the stairs. Mulder took the stairs two at a time, closing the distance until they were both standing in front of the door. He was pissed now, and decided to sling some attitude. Pushing past her, he pulled up the yellow tape blocking their entry, and jimmied open the door. Motioning her through, "Ready as I'll ever be, Detective... After you." Garrett went in, thinking she'd later fire off a complaint to Lazarov--report this Fibbie's unorthodox entry, then decided against it. She had a feeling this piece of work was used to being called on the carpet. No sense in wasting my time, she told herself as she waited for him to follow her. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Dust motes swirled around them as they made their way through room after room, mattresses dotting the filthy linoleum floor. Geeking crack heads would sit down, smoke up, sputter and stutter and buy more, and be shoved out by Roberts' posse when the money ran out. Incongruent to the whole scene was the formerly barred room where Roberts and his boys counted and sorted the money--expensive furniture, empty bottles of Cristal littering the floor, the black bloom on the floor, remnant of Roberts' exit wound. Mulder ran the scene like he had the others. To anyone else but Scully, all someone would see was an intense, highly focused review of the chain of evidence. He took in more, so much more. He was always hyper-sensitive, absorbing, cataloging and analyzing the environment, the situation, the people. Striding through each room, blinking like the shutter of a camera as he mentally recorded every aspect, thinking about every possible scenario. He'd noticed the traffic around the house, the music coming from the boom box the teen next-door had been playing, the fact that they were in a first floor apartment, and there were no footsteps coming from above, even though he'd seen a name on the second mailbox. Most of the time he'd find something in those those details, those nuances--have a breakthrough, an insight that blew the case open. It hadn't happened in the other places, it wasn't going to happen here. Strange thing, his premonition about today hadn't gone away. What he was looking for was somewhere else, hidden in the world of The Seven Powers. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Mulder wasn't expecting any professional courtesy as they left the building and made their way to their prospective cars. He didn't get any. He did get Garrett to yell the directions out her car window to his next two stops as she sped off---Botanica Santa Teresa, a likely place to find acolytes of Oya, and Jardin de Obatala, both located in a part of the city known as WestTown. She told him he was about twenty minutes away. As he headed toward Division Street, his premonition grew stronger. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ It was almost dark and the air was heavy and thick, chilling him as he made his way along Division by foot, leaving the car in front of the Woods Street police station. A patrolman tried to wave him off, but he flashed his badge, got the fraternal thumbs-up as he walked the four blocks toward what he hoped was the beginning of enlightenment. Mulder stops next to a restaurant specializing in 'comida criolla', 1947 W. Division--This is the place. But instead of going in, something pulls him across the street. He wasn't startled by this, it's happened before-- one of the most memorable times led him to ignore a dusty crossroad and plunge headlong with Scully into the midst of Texas cornfields. The urge keeps pushing him down the block until he finds a storefront wreathed with butter-yellow drapes. Statues of the The Virgin Mary in various sizes stand in the the window, surrounded by votives and bunches of roses, jasmine. The scent of the flowers mix with orange and cinammon, the heady odor wafting through the open doorway. He sees dishes crowded with slices of pumpkin and mango, pieces of honeycomb---all spread on blue cloth shot with gold metalic thread. This is a House of Oshun, dedicated to matters of the heart. He knows there's no logical reason for him to be here, and that being here is absolutely right. Entering quietly, he passes a couple talking to a young woman in a sunshine-colored robe, asking questions as to what herbs would best to protect them from lovers' quarrels. The young woman reaches over to a near-by stalk of what looked and smelled like goldenrod. She dips the the dried plant an uncovered dish of honey, wraps it in white tissue, and rings up the purchase on an old-style cash register. A tall, bronze-skinned man strides up to the visitor and without a word, leads him to a seat in what appears to be a waiting area. He too, is dressed in yellow, and exudes an air of strength and control. There were five people ahead of Mulder, clutching talismans and small, folded pieces of paper. All of them, male and female wear coral bead necklaces, which he recognizes as elekes, marking them as devotees of. He guesses the young man is a temple guard and that this is the antechamber. The priestess must be in the rear, behind the velvet curtain covering a small doorway. Listening to the conversation swirling around him, he finds out her name. The fact that the young man doesn't seem surprised to see him is not lost on Mulder. The cult of Oshun, as well as most of the other cults in Santeria, were known to have many clairvoyants as members. The level of psychic ability varied from person to person and from cult to cult. Either the guard, or the priestess---possibly both of them had been waiting for him. He's grateful he knew enough not to show his badge or ID. That would've been seen as an insult, an act of arrogance and disrespect. If he was going to get any information, he had to come as a seeker. He readies himself for whatever answer he's going to get. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ He rubs his eyes and when he looks up, there's the same young man, beckoning him up and through the curtain. He gets up immediately, passing by the others who are left waiting in their chairs. As he brushes past the velvet and enters the small dimly lit room, he can hear the guard speaking firmly to one of the waiting supplicants. "Iya asked for him. Do you questions her choices?" Iyalosha Adisanya, swathed in a golden robe, sat at a small table, smoothing the cloth that covered it. The only light in the room came from candles that were perched on shelves and small, wooden stands. Iya herself was fiftyish, Mulder thought, but he wouldn't swear to it. The flickering lights dance across her face, revealing and obscuring. She is beautiful--dark eyes, smooth, brown skin barely etched by the passing of time, high cheekbones, and a long, graceful neck. Tapered fingers play with a locket that holds a photo of someone he recognizes as he draws close, someone whose face he is not surprised to see. Mulder approaches the woman, bows and holds his position until he feels her touch the crown of his head. It is taboo to touch the hands of a priest or priestess in greeting--their hands are consecrated for sacred tasks, for blessings, for the work of the gods. Bowing is the way a humble person approached a Keeper of the Temple. He raises his head to find her with eyes closed, one hand clutching the locket. "Iya...I'm here about Alex." "I know. Oshun told me you were coming...that you would help my Alejandra." X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ She's motions to Omi, telling him to bring them tea made from flor de tilo. While they wait, Iyalosha tells him her story, her other name, Florinda Zavala. How she came with the Cardenas family from Cuba as their maid, how she became Alex's nanny. She glows with pride as she recounts how she became Alex's nanny, how much she loved that baby, what a wise and kind child Alex Cardenas had been. What a beautiful woman she'd become. Mulder sees the love in her eyes, mixed with fear and something like expectancy. He listens thoughtfully, and wondered in Iya ever saw the arrogance, the insincerity. Perhaps she did, and chose to ignore it, seeing with a mother's eye instead. Two china cups are placed on the table, each with a piece of honeycomb to sweet it and strengthen the drinker. "Please have something. Refresh yourself, you've spent too much time at the gate today." "The gate?" He settles back in the chair directly across from her. "Yes, warrior. The gate, the place where someone leaves this world and enters the next. You seek out the places where that entry happens through violence, through the evil that men do..." "Not just men, Iyalosha." She closes her eyes again, bites down hard on her lip. "Tell me what's happened to mi hija, my Alex." "You call me warrior..." Iyalosha answers, "Because that's what you are. Oshun told me in a dream you that you've fought darkness for a long time with a strong heart. That you bear your scars well. She told me there's another one who fights with you...a woman whose story is like yours." "You honor both of us." "You bring honor to yourselves...Please...why did the gods send you here, what darkness touches my Alejandra?" Her voice trembles a little more with each word. Mulder tells his story now, his given name, why he's here, why he met with Alex. She blanches when Mulder says the words 'los muertos que no muere.' "We never speak of it, it is the greatest taboo for us. Only Oya can move from one world to the next. Those who practice it are outlaws, close to Ellegua. They could never be of our house...and they pay for their insolence, believe me." Her hands grip the edge of the table. "What do you mean?" Mulder felt an urgency--this was it---he needed to know more "Whoever would dare to raise the dead must suffer a terrible punishment in the Other World. When they die, they are never reunited with their ancestors. We believe there is nothing worse--to be severed from family. There is no honor, no peace, nothing but floating between this world and the next. Only someone desperate..." Mulder stops her, "...someone like Alex." She wants to end this and tell him to leave, tell him she knows nothing. Drinking the last of her tea, Iyalosha tries to brace herself for what must come next. She is sworn to serve righteousness above all else, and so she reveals what happened the night Alex came to her with keening grief, how the woman she calls daughter begged her to do the very thing he asks about. Her refusal and Alex's bitter recriminations. Oshun had taught her the deepest love sometimes forces you to deny those who mean everything to you. She is crying now, " My Alejandra didn't do this...she couldn't do this." "But it's possible she could've found someone who would..." Mulder feels there's someone else in the room. He looks over his shoulder and sees Omi standing by the curtain. Iya looks up, startled to see him. "It's all right. Go help Osunrete. Go on." The young man moves away. Iya stills for a moment, then brushes away the tears running along the length of her elegant cheekbones. "Yes...She met the families of many houses... and there are ways to find the followers of Ellegua." "How can I find someone who'd do this?" She looked at the man for what seemed like a long time before she spoke again, "There's no one in this house who would do such a thing. But let me ask the people who might know, babalaos of other houses. You stand a better chance if I help you this way...I'll have something to tell you in the morning. The gods will reveal what you need to know, I feel it." She took Mulder's hands in hers, "If it's true, promise me you'll stop it. If my...daughter is part of it, promise me you'll help her." Mulder's eyes burns into hers, "You have my word." Iyalosha squeezes his hands then lets go, "Oshun told me that would be enough." He reaches into his pocket, pulls out his card, circles his cel number and writes down the number at the hotel. She takes it and nods. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ He's walking through the store, almost at the door, when Iyalosha stops him. "I have something for you... to protect you...and your lover." She opens his hand places two red cords in the center of his palm. Thin strips of leather, wound with gold threads. "Wear them on your left wrist, the one closest to your heart. This talisman will keep the two of you from harm." She closes his hand around them, "There is much danger surrounding both of you." Mulder doesn't hide his curiosity very well, "You mentioned a woman who fights the same enemies I do... you never mentioned a lover." That last sentence makes Iyalosha Adisanya smile. "They're one and the same... You're a man with much to protect." X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ It is later now, and the remaining temple members help Iya close the store, secure the temple. One by one, they leave, until there is only Omi. He stands next to the entrance of the antechamber, stroking the velvet curtain, watching Iyalosha preparing to leave. Her back is to him, and for a second he tries to turn and walk away. As she throws a long, dark cloak over her shoulders, something make her stop and walk over to him. Omi is troubled, his face knotted with guilt. Iya knows he's done many bad things in his life, things that ended when he came to her to begin a new life in Oshun. She waits for what he has to say. "I was the one...I told her, Iya." She motions him closer, and he goes knowing punishment must be meted out. Remorse pours out of him, but it is too late. There is only what will come next. "I'm sorry...She was hurting...I thought...I thought I was helping...Please believe me, Iya." Tears run down his proud face, and he sees Iyalosha looking at him with infinite sadness. "I swear I'll never tell anyone else." "I know." She has to do this, if she doesn't, Oshun will do something far worse to him, her familiar is the vulture for a reason. Iyalosha will save his life, but she doubts he will thank her for it later. She closes the distance between them, places her hand over his mouth. Whispering in the language of the gods, she holds her hand in place, feeling his breath shudder into her palm. Omi feel his throat constrict, he tries to cry out, but there is only silence. X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Chapter 7 By Diehard and Dryad She is beyond exhausted. She drags herself through the lobby, into the elevator and down the hall to her room. Her body's leaden, she wonders how she's capable of walking at all. Glancing at her watch. she sees it's after ten. Yesterday was long, today longer. With debriefing starting at 5:30 this the morning, it's been about an 18 hour day. By this time last night, she was easing toward sleep, warm with lovemaking and some good Scotch. Last night seems like a long, long time ago... And once again she faced the hideous, the excruciating, and got the job done. Someone else would be telling themselves they were a success today. But not Scully. She's failed, failed miserably. Not by anyone else's standards, but by her own. Today she autopsied killers of the innocent and could barely hold on while visions of their crimes eroded at her self-control. How she ended up having a physical and emotional breakdown. How can she tell Mulder about this, how can she not? As a raft of maggots consumed the flesh of these murderers today, pedophiles, child killers, she was glad something ripped into them, desecrating their remains. She hates herself for losing objectivity, for wishing she'd killed these monsters herself. Those feelings do not belong the woman she is, or thought she was. And it frightens her. What if it happens again while they're in pursuit---some meltdown that cripples her in the field, halts her from getting his back? What if today means the compass she's held onto her whole life has disintegrated,that their reassignment six months ago only forestalled her from seeing the truth about who she's become. She finds her key and rather than opening the door to her room, she stands there remembering the only other time she'd felt this much out of control. It was not the night her father died, not when she heard her diagnosis, not even when the truth of her own barren body was revealed. Even after Emily's death, all she would allow herself was the overwhelming sorrow that scored her heart. Through it all, she resisted falling into the pit that claimed her today. Somehow, she kept going and kept fighting the good fight. There was only one other time she was as close to losing her way as she was today. It was the night Missy was killed--it hit too close to home, the lamb slaughtered, the lamb she couldn't protect. That night, if she'd had the chance, she would've have shot and shot until she emptied her SIG. But there was no one there to empty her clip into, no revenge to be had. The dead wait for them, day in and day out. She cannot allow herself to falter like she did today, her job is to find answers, uphold the law, serve justice. And she will, in the light of a new day. Right now, she plans to crawl into the shower and wash away the weakness and beg her God for absolution, a God she prays will show her where strength lies and remind her of her better self. And she hopes she'll have the courage to tell her partner, the one man who means everything to her, the truth. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ Having trudged through the connecting doors between their rooms, he's grateful he had the presence of mind to leave them open this morning. They're supposed to be in her room tonight. Lying on the bed fully dressed, with his trenchoat still on, he's got his arms draped across his chest. He made it back about an hour ago, and was completely seduced by the idea of getting horizontal and not moving. Eyes closed, he's fingering the cord around his left wrist. He'd never say anything, but right now, he's feeling his age--pushing forty--just back from a kind of furlough-- and in desperate need of a break to catch his second wind. He never needed anything like that before, but he was younger then, and had never been spoiled by the rhythms of a normal life. Normal. What he'd had a taste of for six months would be filed under 'ordinary', and he's come to find he craves it. But the major ingredient of this normalcy is missing. He starts thinking about her, about the matching cord Iyalosha gave him. Hauling himself up to check the clock on the dresser, he starts worrying when he sees how late it is. He starts fishing in his pocket for his cel when he hears the key in the lock. Scully comes in, drops her bag, her coat and the room key on the dresser and heads toward him. She hopes it seems like she's still in one piece, even though that's a lie. The tension pulls her features tight, makes the muscles of her back ache, but she's holding her ragged self together. He's got that cockeyed grin and he's sitting up in bed, rumpled and obviously delighted to see her. She wants to throw herself into his arms, bury her face in the crook of his neck and let rip the litany of what's eating her soul. She doesn't. She walks to the edge of the bed and just stands there, waiting, for what she's not even sure. Maybe she'll just say hello, excuse herself, lock herself in the bathroom and fall apart completely. And in about an hour, once she starts gluing herself back together, she'll come out and try to let him help her finish the job. "Hey." He realizes something's wrong, and the grin dissolves like ice on hot asphalt. "Bad day, partner?" He reaches for her, but she won't let him. Her hands are splayed palm side against his chest, stopping him. "One of the worst. Listen, I need to take a shower. Just...just let me do that, and I'll tell you about it when I'm done." "Scully, you look wrung out." His hands come around to cover hers, pressing down, warm. "C'mere...Let me" Her face is pale--without a hint of makeup, her eyes tired and clearly showing signs of earlier crying. "Please, Mulder, I need some time for myself. Can't you just let me have that?" The sting of rejection always registers on his face, although he knows that's not what's really happening. He can give her space, he's done it before. He wants to give her what she wants, what she needs. "Sure. How 'bout I go on a food run. You know, something greasy, preferably between two sesame seed buns." She nods, and he starts to get up, watching her go toward the bathroom. He grabs her key from the dresser and makes for the door. Before she shuts the door behind she turns around, "We'll talk later, I promise." At first, he doesn't reply. "Mulder." He turns to her, and the depth of sadness in their eyes surprises them both. "And I promise to hold you to it." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ He's out on State Street and he can see a McDonald's about a half a block away. It's beautiful fall evening, clear obsidian sky, some stars nascently visible against city lights, not too much downtown foot traffic at this hour, the wind slicing cool, crisp and clean. He couldn't care less. The only thing he's thinking about is Scully and the fact she's alone and clearly in pain. He's not even hungry really, but he said he'd go get food, give her some time alone. But it doesn't feel right. It's still not feeling right as he passes under the golden arches, feeling even worse by the time the bright faced teenager --'Jamal'--asks him if he knows what he'd like to order. No response. Mulder feels like he's ditched her even though she asked him to go. He wonders if he agreed so quickly because part of him didn't want to see her in that much pain. It's only recently that she let him help her deal with anything emotionally difficult in daily life. Before, she had to be dying to let him in. Otherwise, he could only get so close, knowing she hid the worst from him. The thought of her, working in the basement, pale and silent as she grieved her father, her sister, her daughter makes his throat burn. That's how it was with them. Never mind that she's seen him raving, murderous, stricken--over his father, his sister, his mother. And saved him each time, even though once, it took a bullet to do it. Scully never turned away. Never. But when it boiled down to how she felt, they used to adhere to 'don't ask, don't tell,' seven years of it. They used to do a lot of things that kept them longing for each other, lonely, and apart. "Sir," the teen tries again, "Do you know what you want?" "How 'bout an ass-kicking, he mumbles, "and hold the fries." He knows where he should be, and is afraid he's utterly blown it. It knots his gut and without thinking, he's turned around, pushed aside the two people behind him, and is back out on the street, walking at a fast clip back to the Burnham. He's a dick, a possessive sonovabitch, he's whatever she wants to call him, but he's going back to that hotel room and she's going to tell him whatever it is. Jamal seems a little put out, and moves along to the next in line. "Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ He has a close encounter with a doorman, brushes past the concierge, hops the nearest elevator, and before he knows it, he's letting himself back into the room. All he can hear at first is the sound of the shower, but underneath it another noise emerges. Sobbing--raw-- and the sound of her voice, 'God...help me, dear God." He moves, crosses the room in seconds, shoves the bathroom door open and sees her. Scully's sitting hunched on the floor of the shower, head drawn up to her knees. The water's pummeling her, she sits there rocking back and forth. She did the same thing the night Missy died, said the same things, begged the same God for help. Heaving cries, a wail she tries to smother, her thin shoulders shuddering with their force --- the whole image stuns him. She doesn't hear him when he enters, it's when he's kneeling and touches the nape of her neck that she startles and jerks back. It only makes him reach harder for her, and he's getting soaked and he doesn't care. Neither does she. Falling toward him, sinking into him, sobbing like she'll never stop, hot tears, hot water raining down on them both. He pulls her up, holding her against his chest with one hand, shutting off the water with the other. "Scully...Scully, please...what is it?" "Mulder...I...I lost it today..." She haltingly smoothes her hair back, trying to compose herself, but she's trembling, and he won't let go of her. Still shaking, she's able to inch back enough to see his face. "You're soaked, you should change. Let me get myself together, and we'll talk. I'm sorry...sorry if I scared you." "No." He grabs a towel, and starts wrapping it around her. "No?" She's confused, unsettled. 'What do you mean?" "It doesn't work like that." "Like what?" She finishes tucking the towel under her arms,she desperately hopes they won't have a fight, but she sees he's deeply upset now, too. He peels off his soaked trench, his suitcoat, throws them on the hamper, and roughly rubs himself with one of the extra towels. "Remember when we started this? When I still thought it was impossible that you could really love me, knowing how I am. When I thought it'd be better if you left me. You told me no one leaves, that it was too late to run away. That this was it for you...Sound familiar?" She's sat down on the edge of the bathtub, "Yes." "Scully...you've seen me at my worst and you're still here." He sits next to her on the lip of the tub, "This is not about having space," resting his hand on her knee. "It's about trust...it's about believing someone wants to be there, and will be there... no matter what." "Mulder..." She stops her own feeble protest. He takes his hand from her knee and cups her cheek, turning her face so that they're eye-to-eye. "It's about believing that someone is me." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ It looks like his trenchcoat caught the worst of it, although his suit's also in pretty rough shape. They're both on a hanger, hopefully drip-drying on the shower rod, and the suit may be salvageable after he sends it to the cleaners. Luckily, he had couple of others packed besides this current waterlogged mess. The tie's a total loss and the shirt's draped over a chair in the room. They've moved to the bed and are perched cautiously on the edge. He's got on navy sweatpants and grey T-shirt, and is currently pressing his heels of his bare feet into the carpet. Sitting with her hands folded on her lap, she's has her cream-colored robe on, fastened tight and secure. There more noise to be heard in a catacomb than this room right now. Mulder is waiting because he knows if he pushes too hard, she'll just wall herself up. Scully's mum because she realizes it has boiled down to trust and belief in flesh and blood, not just God's invisible hand, and now she's got to show exactly what kind of real-life faith she has. "What happened today was inexcusable..." "Before I join you in passing judgment, how 'bout telling me what actually happened today?" He makes a bold move by inching closer to her and slipping his arm around her shoulder. She lets him. They both exhale. She starts speaking. And the whole story gets laid out, every gory, grisly detail, how her unraveling started yesterday before she even touched Coluko. How she'd struggled and temporarily pushed it out of her mind. How it washed over her today, all of it---flashing on unspeakable crimes, losing control. How after fighting today to keep it together---the maggots---the floodgates opening. Her rage, her craving for revenge so strong, it made her stop in the middle of an autopsy. Ranting and raving like a madwoman, unable to do her job, unable to conduct FBI business. The way the shame and sickness overtook her, making her run to the bathroom and empty her guts, tears steaming down her face. How she swore and shook uncontrollably in the morgue's icy toilet until she could hardly breathe and her throat tightened, hating herself for what she feels is a fundamental betrayal of her beliefs. How she finished the day on grit alone. And how she feels she's failed herself. Failed him. All in a voice barely above a whisper. Then, she turns so she can see his face. She couldn't look at him before. "What does this mean for our work? How can you forgive me? How can I forgive myself? " "Forgive what, Scully? What was inexcusable? His voice cracks, but he swallows back his own tears. "Scully... you haven't told me about anything other than a human response to inhuman circumstances." "Mulder, I'm charged with a responsibility..." "For Crissakes, listen to yourself." She tries to get up, but the way he says one word, 'Please,' makes her stop. Makes her take a leap of faith. She does something he wasn't expecting. She says, "Hold me..." And he does, and the quiet gets punctuated again with the sound of their breathing. He can feel her crying again, but not like before. Barely moving, her tears blotted by his soft cotton of his shirt. He wants to get this right, wants to say the words that will mean something, heal something. For as many times as she's healed him, physically and emotionally, and finally, in the most complete way, he's desperate to give her the same. He will tell her the things he knows to be true above all else. "You could never be a failure, Scully. Not to me. You are the most dedicated, the most moral person I've ever met...Listen to me, there's no one else I'd ever want at my side...No one I believe in more than you." Now he's whispering. "You've seen and experienced and lived though things that would've killed someone else. And the fact that today, some of it caught up with you, I'm sorry, Scully, I just don't see it as an indictment of you who are. Who you'll always be, no matter what." "Mulder, how do I get through this? How do I deal with if it happens again?" She sees how he looks at her, another object lesson in love on a daily basis. He eases her down and until they're lying the wrong way on the bed. "I think it's time you cowboy up to all that tough talk, hypocrite." He says this, and kisses the palm of her hand. "What did I say?" For the first time since this morning she can feel her body relax. "How soon we forget. Last night. The lobby. I believe the phrase 'We take care of each other' was what you said. For starters, maybe you can tell me when something first happens, maybe you can let me carry my share of the weight." "Your share?" She bring her hand up to his face, rests it on his cheek. Her lips begin to curve upward and she sees him mirroring it back. "Yes, Scully. My share. And why, you might ask? Well, it's pretty simple. Te amo. Je t'aime. Te quiero. Are you getting my drift?" ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ They've slid around and at least now they're under the covers and lying the right way in bed. By the hushed tones, a person overhearing might think it's strictly pillow talk. It's actually Scully's review of her findings, with Mulder trying to connect the dots. "Played a hunch, Scully?" "Acted on intuitive rather than empirical data, Mulder." He rolls onto his back, and laces his hands behind his head, nodding as he looks at the ceiling "Dear Diary, I am beside myself hearing that Agent Scully embraced unorthodox methods today. The grasshopper snatches the pebble." She scoots over and presses up against him, lying on her side. "Are you going to keep gloating, or can I finish?" "Please...go on." "OK...the bottom line here is that I can pretty much say the County coroner did his job, but there were anomalies that never got addressed. The listed causes of death, I would say, are accurate---all pointing to foul play. However, in what seemed initially to be a fatal fight between Weinhoft and Coluko, I saw evidence to support a possible attack by another party...The amount of damage to the bodies and the victims' impairment due to drug and alcohol use, I think support my hypothesis. Weinhoft was also given a crude hysterectomy, at a point at which Coluko had to have been extremely debilitated." Her voice trails off for a second as she collects her thoughts. "Then there's the presence of rum on the skin, Mulder...I can't begin to tell you how it got there. The scent was so faint, it's not hard to see how it could've been missed. And despite variety of substances having been found in the stomachs, including narcotics, sedatives, cocaine, PCP, beer, and vodka, the tox samples show no evidence that rum was ingested by any of the deceased." "So that would mean..." "That it couldn't have been emitted through sweat prior to death. Supporting further hypothesis that the skin was somehow imbued or infused post mortem..." She hesitates for a second. Mulder caught it immediately. "Too late to stop now, Scully. You're on a roll." She can hardly believe what she's going to say next. "Lastly...there's the presence of the maggots. Flesh flies aren't indigenous to this area, but to tropical and semi-tropical locations. How they got in the bodies post-mortem, reproduced at an incredible rate is anomalous, to say the least. And the fact that they stripped the bodies in less than a half hour defies explanation." "Do you have any idea how much hearing you say that turns me on?" "No, and frankly I'm too tired to even try to respond." She's laughing at him as she says it. "I knew I could finally wear you out." "Uh huh. By the way, you don't look so energetic yourself." "Maybe you wore me out...Maybe I'm gettin' old.' "Well, Gramps, what's your take on all of this?" "Ow. Thanks for that last one, Scully. Despite your obvious lack of respect, I'll tell you what we've got. From the outset, there was the ritualistic pattern of the kills--- one every three days. We knew the murders were done by someone with knowledge of the crimes of the deceased... Pretty wide field if we consider how much information about our bad guys were disseminated, making it easy to replicate the original crimes as a means of murdering the murderers. The CPD ended up with us because forensic evidence doesn't show anyone else present at the deaths besides the deceased. " He stretches both arms and legs and let loose a huge yawn. "Your findings and the crime scene data supports the assumption that overall, a person or persons of tremendous physical strength committed all the crimes. We're in agreement with the coroner's findings except for Coluko and Wienhoft. The coroner dropped the ball on our couple--their intoxication would have made doing that amount of damage to each other impossible. I agree there's no way they could have leveraged that kind of attack on each other---they were both too far gone. The whole thing screams third party." Another yawn, even larger than the first. "Jesus...I am wiped...." He pauses to roll his neck before he continues. "So, do you concur, partner?" Slowly, she gets up to sit crosslegged next to him. "I'd say so far we're on the same page...C'mon, up you go," and starts yanking on his T-shirt. He scrambles up into sitting position and she slides herself behind him, snaking those small hands underneath his T-shirt and begins rubbing his shoulders. "Now, let's get some blood going here...Go on, finish." He's unbelievably tired and can only imagine how wiped out she is, but the fact she's touching is irresistable. He should stop her, but it feels so damn good. "OK...the new evidence further supports the possibility that a supernatural force is responsible for the killings---an entity able to exert incredible force on its victim, apparently leaving no traces. There's no evidence of forced entry, latent prints, anything to indicate that there was someone else with any of the deceased." He sighs as she works the trigger points at the base of his neck. "When I accessed some files this morning, I came across research concerning certain outlawed Santeria practices. These indicate the possibility of the raising of the dead in order to exact revenge. In these instances, victims show post mortem traces of herbs or other substances, including rum. This undead entity marks its kill, either at the moment of death or directly thereafter. There's also anecdotal data indicating such victims having also been marked as targets of retribution by the appearance of insects post-mortem." Now she kneading up and down his spine with a supple touch. He can't help it, he groans with pleasure and hears her chuckling from behind. If she keeps it up, he'll be a quivering mess before he can finish. He decides to hurry. "You noted the insects you saw didn't come from the environments in which the killings occurred, that the amount of maggots present, the rapidity of consumption doesn't fit any known description. I'm thinking it's another indicator that divine punishment had been dealt. A woman I interviewed today gave me reason to think there are people who could enact the ritual that could cause these things to happen...And that woman knows Alex Cardenas. And speaking of our favorite cultural anthropologist---C'mon Scully, her attitude yesterday was not one of a woman who just lost the love of her life. The good professor is not a just a student of an occult religious practice, she's a believer...Yesterday she said she was trying to keep Gonzales close to her. Maybe she told us more than she meant to. It would explain her refusing to allow the CPD to exhume the body...Scully, I bet there's nothing in that casket and that Gonzales is meting out justice from the afterlife." "I don't suppose you'd consider perpetrators emulating those practices to cover their tracks." Her fingertips find the last knots of tension in his shoulders and work them out. She smiles as he leans into her touch. "Nah...not when I can go out on a limb and try to take you with me." He starts groaning again, this time softly, as she rubs his temples. "I'll give you a week to stop that...Oh...God...that is so good." "Uh huh...it's the special doctor training...What about this contact...are you saying she's an accomplice?" "No, what I'm saying is that she's had a long connection with this woman, who just also happened to have been her nanny. That this woman might have unwittingly been a point of access for Alex to find individuals who know of this practice, possibly enacting a ritual for her. This woman, Iyalosha is trying to find out who those individuals might be. As a matter of fact, I'm hoping she calls me with some leads." "Are you really saying that the dead have been raised to kill killers?" "You aren't going to try to tell me that is impossible, are you? Scully, you blasted the gray matter of some zombies last New Year's..." "You realize we'll have to investigate your theory on our own. This is not going to please Lazarov, the SAC or our superiors, Mulder. And I don't imagine the CPD would assign manpower to track down the undead..." "But you wouldn't expect it to go any other way, would you?" "No," she sighs, but I can dream, can't I?" "Sleep. Perchance to dream...Sounds like a plan, Scully. Tomorrow we figure out how to best corner the good Professor and get the answers we want." He's deliberately left out something, wants to see if she'll notice. "Uh, there's one last piece of business." "What? Do we need to call Skinner?" He might be half dead, but he'll still try to goof on her. She knows all his little games. "Nooooo...what about my turn?" "Oh, I see. You want a backrub, too?" He feigns exasperation, huffing and chuffing. "Well, move it so I can get at it, Scully." He can't help but laugh when she clambers off the bed like a ten year old and motions him to the edge. "C'mon Mulder, get over here and get busy." As soon as she says that, he dredges up the mandatory leer her opening requires. "OK, Wild Thing, but you'll have to give me a minute first." She has to groan after that one. "The backrub. I meant the backrub. You couldn't possibly have the energy for anything else." He leans toward her so that their foreheads touch, "And I better do it now 'cause old "Gramps' here is gonna pass out soon." They both yawn, then smile at each other. She eases herself between his legs and he moves back enough so that she can sit. Her head lolls forward and he can see the implant scar. Taking his thumb, he strokes it, then bends forward, resting his lips there. He whispers, "Feeling better?" Much, much better," she whispers back. "Thank you for tonight...for taking care of me." He kisses her there, and thinks he's the luckiest man on earth. "Thank you for letting me." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ The backrub was brief, but he hit the right spots, eliciting enough sighs of pleasure to make him think he's still got the magic touch. Unknotted and unkinked, they're in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. And this is where it hits him. They're standing at the sink. Scully--with her particularly thorough and energetic approach that literally make her upper torso shake. She's busy, she's oblivious--it makes him smile to watch her in the mirror. As he's spitting and rinsing, he idly thinks of his first year at Oxford and his colloquium on classical Greek theater. He has no idea why he's remembering this now, but Aeschylus' reference to marriage comes to mind. The whole catastrophe--for the first time he thinks he understands. The day she blew into the basement, insect bites and candlelight, graveyards--more than he can count, clawing through mounds of dirt and deception for signs of Samantha, abductions and miraculous returns, blood stains, burials, a man face down on his living room floor with his face blown off, faceless aliens, cancer, chemo, gashes, stitches, exit wounds, restraints and padded cells, more pain and sorrow and loss than any two people should ever have to know. And batting practice, Apollo key chains, years of rock and roll and innuendo, a truly horrible serenade in a Florida forest with a thousand stars blinking overhead, the feel of her warm mouth on his stubble, devotion that leaves everything tainted and corrupt in the dust, her eyes watching him as he enters her body for the first time, the way the hollow of her throat tastes sweet, grocery shopping and fighting over who does the dishes and who drives and signs of the apocalypse. He knows. This is what he wants. All of it--the sacred and profane, the exquisite, the banal, and in the least romantic situation possible he couldn't love her more, minty foam at the corner of her mouth. Ask, he tells himself, ask her now. She's wiping traces of toothpaste away with the back of her hand, after carefully laying both their rinsed toothbrushes side by side. She looks over at him, and there's an amazement, a wonder that's taken over his tired face. This intrigues and amuses her. "You know, I do this every night." "I do know...Listen, I have to ask you something." She thinks it's about the case. "C'mon Mulder. Bed. It's late. You can ask me all about it in the morning." "No. It won't wait. Just...stay there. Don't move, I need to get something." The look on his face tells her this is important and she can't bring herself to argue. Fishing around in his damp jacket pocket, he finds it, walks over to her, takes her left wrist and ties it on. "We both have one now." Two cords, red leather wrapped in gold thread. "I noticed you wearing it before." Things begin to fall into place, all of a sudden she thinks of his remark on the plane and last night's meditation on mating and she realizes in an instant what this is, what he's about to ask. Whatever she told herself about not being sure she even wanted to get married anymore has been ditched by the wayside. She may never have what other women have, but she wants him, every part of him, whatever life they can make. Ask me, Mulder, she wishes, ask me now. "I got them from the woman I saw today...they're a kind of amulet. I was told they bind the wearers together, protects them whatever may come." 'Why are you giving me this?" "The short answer? I want to get hitched. To you." He doesn't move to kiss her, but his hands close warm around her wrist. "Marry me, Scully." His voice is soft, soft when he says it, but his eyes burn into hers, alive with a thousand promises, and a hunger for one answer, and one answer only. It seems like the air's being rapidly sucked out of the room because she has a hard time gathering enough breath to speak. Her free hand come to rest on the side of his face. "My God..." "I was hoping for something a little more definitive as a response." He's trying to defuse things, trying to cushion this awkwardness with a joke, although she can feel his jaw clench underneath her fingertips. "I realize that I don't have anything to offer you, anything like what you've hoped for, what you deserve..." "Stop right there." She covers his mouth with her hand. "What I hope for Mulder, is a life with someone who's brilliant, driven, exasperating, fallible. A fighter. A man who won't quit, no matter what. A man who will tax me, challenge me, fight with me, fight for me, make me laugh. A man with whom I can have passion and purpose. There's only one name that comes to mind. Yours." She moves her hand away and rests it over his. Hand over hand, they look like they're getting ready to stroll down the garden path. Now he's the one having a hard time breathing. "But you have to answer my question." "You mean the one you just asked, that one?" She's giving him the full-wattage smile. "Scully, let me remind you I have a history of psychiatric hospitalization. So, yes...before I start raving out, answer the question I just asked you." "Well, since your mental health's in the balance...Yes. Definitely, yes." With that, he dips toward her, his mouth finding hers for a slow, soulful kiss. Their hands find their way around each other's waist, and they stand in a hotel bathroom, sealing the bargain. It's heartbreakingly tender, it's wonderful, it's the stuff that memories are made of, it's cut short by enormous yawns coming from both of them. "What was that thing you mentioned before?' "Bed?" "That's it. I think it's time we head for the Great Unconscious." "Can't you just say 'let's go to bed?' " It's slurred when she says it, because she's yawning again. "It's part of that whole exasperating..." Huge yawn. "... thing you're so fond of." His hands on her shoulder, turning her face forward, guiding her to bed from behind. As they settle in, Scully's head resting on his chest, their legs twined together, he whispers, "You know, in my mind I'm making love to every inch of you right now." His eyes close against the sensation of her kissing him softly through the cotton of his shirt. She tells him, "Shhhhh. Celebrate tomorrow. Sleep now." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Chapter 7 By Diehard and Dryad It's that sliver of time between two worlds---neither night or day, the light coming through the window dappled deep violet and gold. Blinking slowly, he wakes up to find her lying on her side, propped up on her elbow. She seems younger, almost as young as she was their first night together in an Oregon motel. He doesn't move, taking in the play of light on her face, her shoulders, her breasts, the swirl of auburn hair between her legs. Her robe's been discarded in an ivory pool behind her. She pushes away the sheets, then reaches over to stroke his wrist, running her fingers along the thin band of leather. His eyes meet hers. He sees something deep as eternity. He lets himself fall in. Giving him a broad, relaxed smile she wants him to know she's happy---unguarded, utterly so. She pulls his hand to her lips and he sees something else glinting in her eyes that make his blood stir. Forcing himself to keep still, he lets her work her way around his wrist, planting one kiss after another, pausing to moisten her lips, then pressing sweet heat over and over against his smooth skin. She find his pulse, brushes her slightly open mouth back and forth over the spot, flicking her tongue in tiny circles where she feels the echo of his heartbeat. His whole body is humming now---a head rush---a rush to his groin---his erection poking through his clothes He won't be still much longer, but Mulder loves it when she makes the first move. "Someone's trying to sleep here," he tries to growl. "I'm so sorry." She draws out the words as she leaning in to return to her busywork. "Just what do think you're doing?" He's slid arm over her, pulling her slowly on top of him. Scully's skin is the color of parchment, warmed by the light, and soft as down. She's got him on his back, holding onto his arms, swaying very slowly, brushing his chest almost imperceptibly. Her nipples harden, her voice lowers as if she's telling him a secret. "Celebrating." That one word answer melts whatever tantric discipline he was trying to practice. In an instant he's flipped her onto her back. Gathering both of her hands with his, he raises them above her head, pinning them down on the pillow. His mouth finds every tender spot, kissing her--nibbling her--everywhere he can think of. She smells of sleep, and soap, and her body opening to him. Trailing down her arms, the crown of her head, marking her temples, her brow, the tip of her nose. Devouring her full, delectable mouth, Mulder's tongue parts her lips, plunders her tongue. He knows how wet she's getting and whispers her name. Her little moaning sounds are music to his ears. Moving beneath him, she wrangles her hands free and pulls off his T-shirt. Their arousal surges between them, a closed arc, charging them like particles, fueling them to find release. "You," she says, breathless, and begin to slide his sweatpants off. He rears back onto his knees and finds a way to remove the offending garment, tossing it to the floor. He's naked, she's naked---he slowly begins to lower himself back onto her. That mouth of his finds her nipples, licks them, laves them, sweeps them with the flat of his tongue, nips them until she's breathing his name likea mantra. Then unexpectedly, an idea seizes him. He starts a downward slide, kissing her ribcage, her flat belly, coming to rest at her navel, his hands holding her by the hips. And starts tickling her. Shrieks of laughter coming from both of them, she hurls herself up and into him. Now she's on the attack, ribs, underarms--all fair game. They wrangle around in bed, giggling guiltily like two teenagers and loving every minute of it. Then she grabs his face, holding him still until they're just tangled up in bed, face-to-face, sweaty and breathless. And she tells him, "You." She's said this word her whole life, a million times, but in this instance, he knows what it means. You are my everything. "You," he replies, telling her the same. She reaches down until she finds him, wrapping her hand around the hard length of his shaft. Dragging the pad of her thumb up and down, he thrusts into her curled fingers when she traces the veins near the tip. Circling the sensitive, round head, she spreads the moist beading over the velvety skin. He draws a deep uneven breath, shudders it out. She has an urge to kiss him there, to wrap her lips around him, so she starts to slide down. "I need to be inside you." he says, shaking his head earnestly. "I want to feel you come while I'm inside you." Pulling her up, he kisses her again, but whisper-soft this time. It undoes her a little, tears slipping down the side of her face before she realizes it. He tenderly guides her so that she's below him, brings his body down to hers and she parts her legs for him. He cradles her face in the palms of his hands as she reaches for him and begins to slip his cock inside her. "More," he says as his head finds her hot and slick. Not his most articulate moment, but it's succinctly descriptive of what he craves. Scully bites down on her lip, wincing as she tightens around his swollen shaft, pulling on him as he plunges into her-- it's a paradox of pleasure she feels--aching and ecstatic as she tightens and releases. She can feel the torrent inside her building, she's wound tight, she's so ready. "I'm..." she breathes, "I'm..." It's going to happen soon, she's dying to have it happen, never wants it to end. He is so sensitive, so utterly at the brink of flying apart, a hair's breath from rushing headlong into the depths of her body. Looping his arms underneath her knees, urging her legs around his waist, he has to keep her near him. He levers himself so that he can slide against her beautiful bud of a clit. Bringing a hand to her mouth, she kisses her fingertips and touches him right at the base of his shaft. He groans at her gesture, leans in to kiss her hard. Then it happens. Long, slow waves of pleasure so intense they start laughing together---they've done something amazing for them. There's no bonding of soulmates here---none was needed---no sorrow buried in a frenzied knot of limbs. This was for the sheer joy of it. They get to have this, too. ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x He promises to buy her a bagel and a Starbucks as they finish dressing. He's wearing the navy suit, and she's dressed in steel grey, fitted slacks and jacket, with those high-heeled boots that add an extra three inches and communicate a 'don't-fuck-with-me' attitude. She checks her weapon, and strides over to her suitcase, gets out the extra clips, tucks hers in her pocket and tosses him the ones for his Colt. She makes sure her handcuffs are secure on her belt. The plan was to drive down to University of Chicago, check the class schedule for the dear professor, wait for the first break, and proceed to escort her to the confines of 11th and State, where they hope they can get the skinny on how she's done what she's done. And how to stop her. But they need to hear from Iyalosha, her contacts are needed to pressure Cardenas. It's almost nine, and there's been nothing yet. They're both pacing the room--they're charged up and it's time to go. Mulder cracks a joke about getting her two bagels to fatten her up, now that she's officially his betrothed. "Nothin' wants a bone but a dog, Scully. Gotta put a little meat on my woman." She's about to illustrate her understanding of the proprietary nature of marriage, as well as indicate where he can stick that extra bagel, when she's stopped by his cel ringing. Lucky for him, it was in the inner pocket of his jacket, so he's actually able to take the call. His face rapidly loses the relaxed look of earlier, his brow furrowing. Wincing, he's able to get a few remarks in edgewise. This is not good. "Mulder, who was it?" Scully' can feel her heart speeding up--maybe there was another murder last night. "That was SAC Mitrovic." He purses his lips together and blows out his frustration. "Jesus, what does he want?" "Well, Lucy, looks like we got some 'splainin' to do." ~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x~X~x Chapter 8 By Diehard and Dryad He and Scully had done little but exchange knowing glances since their arrival. They knew the drill. Mulder leaned back in his chair and stared at the clock overhead. Almost three hours had passed since they'd drove over from the Burnham. Proceeding with his internal monologue, he reviewed the morning so far. They drove the Taurus to the Field Office, even though it was only a fifteen minute walk. Didn't want to keep the SAC waiting. Right. And then they sat. And sat. And sat some more. An interminable wait followed by coma inducing boredom was one of the key features of an official reprimand. Finally, the intercom buzzed and the secretary took the brief call. Motioning them toward the large mahogany door, she shook her head as they collected themselves and made their way through the office door. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Kris almost felt sorry for the two Agents as she watched them cross the threshhold. Not, however, sorry enough to try to run any more interference. She's gotten there first and was treated to hours of Mitrovic's non-stop diatribe. Speaking of which, what in the hell was Lazarov thinking in sending her here? She was supposed to sit in and report back to him what happened. As far as the SAC was concerned, she wasn't FBI, she was just a lowly investigative detective, barely able to sign her name and eat a donut according to him. And despite the fact he didn't fucking appreciate having CPD involved in intra-Bureau business, he used her to vent his spleen concerning The X-Files, CPD burocracy, and piss poor state of law enforcement. Her attempt to become one with the walls failed miserably, but that didn't mean she couldn't give it one last try. "Just what the fuck are the two of you doing? SAC Mitrovic glowered as the two of them took seats across from his desk. "When a Sergeant Lazarov calls me at seven forty-fucking-five this morning and reamed me a new asshole I thought to myself, oh, who could possibly have fucked up a cop-killer case?" He pulled his chair out and sat down. "Your names were the first that came to mind. Funny, huh?...Wanna hear what he said?" Mulder started to say something, but Scully cleared her throat just in time to cut him off. Before sketching in the details, Mitrovic peppered the room with a truly astounding combination of obscenities before he brought the two agents from HDQ up to speed. It didn't let up much as he lit into them. Jorgensen took in their reaction. Mulder seemed untouched by the whole thing, as he tapped his foot on the plush carpeting. He had a pretty tight grip on the armrest, though. She also caught a flash of anger in those green eyes. Scully sat ramrod straight in her chair with her hands demurely folded on her lap. Her lips were pressed tightly together, and she definitely had a bead on Mitrovic, her eyes clocking every move as he moved in on her partner. "For starters, Lazarov thought you'd be calling him with a report after he set up the walkthroughs for you, shithead. Then you come up with nothing. Nice, asshole, nice. He's hears about it from his detective, and I get to hear it from him. He's not the only one who expects to be kept in the motherfucking loop, Agent Mulder. So let's see where we're at...diversion of CPD resources to facillitate your "consult," coming up with zip..." Settling back in the leather chair, he spoke slowly, trying to seem deferential. "It was crucial to verify that CPD conducted the proper forensic investigation..." "No, don't say anything yet, I'm not done. There's the stunt you pulled with Shinoda. He was the primary suspect and the way I see it, you essentially helped him walk. Lazarov didn't bitch to me about it, he said it was a long shot. He actually thought you'd get the answers by applying your brilliant mind in the field." Mitrovic's voice dripped with sarcasm with that last remark. "I'm the one who's pissed. You interviewed the cocksucker alone, without a tape recorder. Have I been in a fucking goddamn cave, Mulder? Did the Bureau change standard interview technique without fucking telling me?" "Sir, I felt it was necessary in order to conduct the interview. My call." Mulder's face was all bland acceptance, almost blase. "Hector Dean Shinoda, while conceivably guilty of other crimes, is not connected with the death of Det. Gonzales, nor the crimes we're investigating. If anything, he admired the man as a fellow warrior, one to be respected. There's evidence to support other forces at play - " Mitrovic let him have it full force, "Enough! Cut the mystic bullshit, Mulder! There's nothing fucking supernatural about the death of a cop. Some jerkwad rolled up and shot the man in the head.End of the motherfucking story. Now if you want to argue Shinoda didn't have ample motive and opportunity, you go right ahead. If you want to put in your report there's no real circumstantial evidence linking him to the deaths of Gozales or any of the others...fine. I don't give a rat's ass about some Twilight Zone jag-off explanation of yours. If that kind of shit flies at HDQ, fine. I just don't want to hear of any more breach of protocol." He slammed his fist on his highly polished desk to make sure he was getting through. Agent Mulder shifted from foot to foot, managing to look bored yet irritated at the same time, which Jorgensen didn't think was very wise, while Agent Scully was definitely more stonefaced than usual. Jorgensen wondered when the SAC would rip into the tiny redhead. She didn't have to wait long. "I won't even bother to fucking ask you why you've stayed with Boy Wonder. The fact that you wanted to flush whatever career you could've had down the crapper is your business." Mitrovic eyed her up and down with contempt. "The ME ripped into Lazarov after your "consult," and then Lazarov ripped into me. There are no bodies, Agent Scully. None. Just fucking skeletons, which the ME says the diener swears were a goddamn bug buffet. Did it even occur to you make me or the ME aware of such a motherfucking unusual occurance? "Sir, our usual practice is to gather all pertinent data, review it and report directly to A.D. Skinner...when we deem it necessary. My understanding was that this consult was a favor to the CPD, not a mandate to alter normal X-File procedure." Her voice was brisk, clipped, totally professional, totally unfazed. Mitrovic grinned evilly, and leaned in toward the two of them on his massive forearms. 'Well then, it seem to me that given the highly fucking unusual manner in which the two of you conduct investigations, it makes more sense that CPD interface directly with A.D. Skinner. I'll call Walter myself...Detective..." looking at the previously invisible member of Lazarov's team. Kris spoke up, "Jorgensen." "You tell your boss that from now on..." pointing to the two on the other side of his desk. "...he can call their boss." "Agent Mulder, Agent Scully?" They responded in unison, "Sir?" "Dismissed." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Walking to the elevators, Jorgensen was the first to rupture the uneasy silence. She wasn't about to comment on what supposedly happened, she could barely wrap her mind around it. "I thought Lazarov could be a prick, but Mitrovic...Jesus." Kris muttered. "They don't make'em like they used to," answered Mulder with a wry smile. "We've worked with Mitrovic before," Scully said dryly. "years ago in New York. I don't recall him being quite so...colorful." "You know I have to tell him what happened," Kris sighed, referring to the grilling she'd get once she got back to 11th and State. "Don't worry about it. Scully and I are used to being a hot topic of conversation." Mulder rested a hand on Jorgensen's shoulder. "For what it's worth, I'm not one of the ones who has a problem with you." Looking over to Scully, "Either one of you." Scully gave her her arm a squeeze. There was even a faint smile on her face. "Thank you, Detective. Mulder's right though, we're not exactly the most popular Unit in the Bureau....By the way, how's Hannah?" That surprised Jorgensen. "Good, she's good. My OB/GYN says it's time for weekly prenatal visits, eating for two...the usual. There's just one problem." "What's wrong?" "She started calling me grandma." Both women started laughing, and Kris wondered if that was a rare occurrence in Agent Scully's life. They were cut short by the ringing of Mulder's cel. Looking over at her partner, she watched his eyes light up as he answered. It's my contact, he mouthed. "Iyalosha. Let me go somewhere more private. Give me a minute...Yes, my partner's with me" Kris Jorgensen turned and started for the stairwell. She needed some time alone to clear her head of the dust from Mitrovic's blast radius. And she wanted to get the edited version of her story straight before she met with Lazarov. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ It was a good thing no one was in the elevator. Doors closed, Mulder beckoned Scully over and stooped low enough so she can hear the conversation. "Just tell me, when you saw her..." the ache of grief rose in her voice like a tide, "...was she hurt?" She knew the answer, she needed this man to say it, to kill off any last doubt. "Her left hand was bandaged, supposedly cut the night Det. Gonzales was killed. We think...it's more recent." What they heard next is a strangled cry, low, but unmistakable. Mourning. What happens when a mother loses a child. "It was my baby, mi hija...she made it happen." Her voice barely steady, Iyalosha Adisanya forced herself to tell him about about Omi, what he help set in motion, what Alex has surely done. Mulder looked at Scully, and saw shock, but not disbelief. Instinctively, his hand reached for her left wrist. Nodding, Scully 's closed her free hand over his. "We need to end this, Iya." The elevator opened to the garage, Mulder held the emergency button, while Scully waived off the potential riders. The words poured out of Iyalosha, unable to stop. Too late, she told herself, too late for anything but this. "It will take both of you...Alejandra will try to make him strong again. She will try to call him forth, and this is the only chance you have to stop both of them. It will not end otherwise. Nafatali will have some of his power and he will fight you, he comes back to revenge himself on those that were his enemies..." She choked back tears, caught her breath and went on. "Do this and you become his enemy...do you understand now why I offered you protection?" Revealing the tasks all of them must carry out, she made sure the two of them understood what would happen if they failed. "I think Oshun was wrong about me, about what I could do for Alejandra." Mulder's jaw clenched, Cardenas was another woman he couldn't save. Iya's voice brimmed with pain, "No, warrior....this is the only help that's left for her now." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ Anyone passing would think the man and the woman on the bench were there to commune with the night and each other--sitting close, whispering in each other's ears. It was eleven thirty now, and the immediate area was almost deserted. They'd been there for a good long time, having moved from their Taurus, which they'd parked just up the street hours before that. The truth be told, they'd been there ever since early this afternoon, after this morning's fall-out. A well-timed phone call to the U of C's anthropology department revealed that the good professor had classes staggered throughout the day, with office hours tonight until ten. They decided they'd plant themselves here, in the unlikely case she made a quick run home. This meant that once again they were able to partake of all the glamour that was the stakeout. Lunch had been a hot dog snagged from a park vendor, and thankfully, the public rest room was just the other side of the Hamilton statue. Neither one of them forgot the world of pain they'd witnessed earlier, it hovered over them, seeping into the silence as they kept watch. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ He glances at her in one of those still moments, catches her eye, and sees his own regret reflected there. "My ass is falling asleep." He shifts in his seat. A smirk from her, "Maybe if I kick it it'll improve the circulation.'' Cracking jokes---it seems out of place, but it's what they've always done. It's been a code between them, emotional currency, and right now, a lifesaver. "Another hostile comment, Scully. You might want to see someone about that." He leans just a tiny bit closer. "I know a good psychologist, someone with a lot of experience dealing with anti-social behavior." She cuts him a look, "And what kind of...treatment... would I be receiving for this problem?" "He's extremely innovative...I think he uses a kind of body-centered emotive therapy." "Which consists of...?" "Deep, physical contact. My understanding is that it leads to a release for the subject resulting in a flood of endorphins, completely eradicating any negative impulses." "You don't say." "There's just one drawback. It requires ongoing treatment for the rest of the person's life." "Sounds expensive..." "Oh, I'm sure you could work out something. Possibly some quid pro quo..." He stopped as a tall, dark haired woman got out of a Lexus and handed the keys to an attendant. "Mulder...what is it?" "Game time." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ 11:45 pm---424 Diversey Parkway They've been pacing in front of the back entrance since they saw Alex go in nearly a half hour ago. The lobby's a no-go, there's too much risk that the night doorman will announce them. Normally, they would've apprehended her before she even made it into her building, but Iya had instructed them to stop Alex only after she's started, and the time for this work is between now and midnight. Mulder checks his watch and motions them to the door, fishing in his pocket for his picks. Scully takes shotgun and keeps an eye out for the night watchman. It takes extra effort, he's out of practice, and he salts the air around him with mumbled curses until he feels the tumblers click. They get inside, find the service elevator, and it's all bristling adrenal rush as they climb to the top floor. They both feel the blood coursing through their veins, their senses primed. In situations like these, the world shrinks down to them, the target, and whatever's in their way. Success depends on it, to say nothing of their lives. The elevator stops, the doors part and they're moving down the hall so fast it's a blur. They're there now---Mulder's working the picks and it's easier this time. She whispers the time---11:56. Without making a sound, he pushes the door open and she's right behind him, the two of them moving as one body across the threshold. It's dark in the penthouse, things just barely visible from the light thrown off from the study. As they silently draw closer they can see a kneeling Alex, dressed in a white robe, but there's dark brown stain on her chest. Old blood. She's lit by flickering candles on a small table, which also holds a bottle of rum, the photo from their vacation, the humidor of cigars. There's a half smoked cigar burning in a metal dish, and the air near her is full of its earthy, bitter smell. They are too late to stop her from drawing a bone-handled knife across her palm, what is clearly a second cut. She smears the blood in a fresh streak over her heart. This is as far as she can go, this is where they have to stop her or face the consequences. Time speeds up. They both charge her, knock her to the floor, struggling to force the knife out of her hand. Writhing beneath them, Alex spits and kicks, punching at Mulder with her free hand. He throws his whole weight on top of her to keep her down. Scully pins the hand with the knife to the floor, snatches it away and tosses it into a corner. Cardenas is screaming every foul epithet she can think of as Mulder slams the other hand above her head. Before he clamps his hand over hers, he sees the time on her watch---11:59. Mulder looks over at Scully and she meets his questioning gaze. What they don't see the thickening shadow in the corner begin to move and take the shape of Naftali Gonzales. The candles blow out. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ 11:45---All Saints Cemetery Standing alone in the cold and dark, she gazes up at two sorrowful angels and wonders if they'll watch over her tonight. Directed to this place by Oshun, Iyalosha stoops in front of the granite entry of the cemetery and places nine pennies in the dirt, takes the bottle of red wine from her bag and pours a libation on the ground. "I ask permission, Yansa. Oshun sends me here, but it is only you who can give me passage." Out of nowhere, the wind begins to gust at her back, pushing forward. Gathering up her bag, she hurries to find the grave, robes the color of butter billowing behind her. She saw the headstone last night in another dream, and soon she's running to find the place where this tragedy started. Time is short, so when she sees the headstone and the words 'Naftali Rene Gonzales,' she begins her work in earnest. Setting her bag down, she pulls out covered dishes of cooked eggplant, black-purple grapes in thick clusters, the wine, a horsehair broom, a bunch of dried rue and a jar of orange-blossom honey. At the bottom of her bag is the most important thing, a photo brown with age, Alex when she was a little girl, all smiles and innocence, taken a lifetime ago. Reaching into the pocket of her robe, she takes out nine more pennies, walks around the grave whispering her pleas in the old tongue, placing the coins at the corners, on the side, and on the headstone. Taking the food, she places the dishes at the foot of the grave. "Yansa, hear me. I come to end this. He who walks must come back to this place, she who raised him must be undone." Lightening cracks once, twice, three times, streaking across the headstone. Iya covers her eyes from the blinding light, and when she takes her hand away, Yansa is standing before her in all Her fierce glory. For once, under this moonless sky, she allows a mortal to see Her face. Iya doesn't tremble, doesn't cry out, but what she sees brings tears to her eyes. Dark beauty so transcendent, it breaks her heart to witness it. This is the face that brings the final moment. But she does not come to claim Iya. "You will do this thing, daughter of Oshun?" "There is no one else. I give you my oath it will be done." "So be it. Prepare yourself, I will tell you when it is time." "Yansa!" "Yes, daughter." "You made a promise to her, didn't you?" It was the last thing Oshun revealed in her dream. "Keep your word Iyalosha, and I will keep mine." The winds swirl and blow, and now there's thunder in the distance. Kneeling in the dirt and leaning forward until she's almost prostrate, she takes the horsehair broom and brushes the grave dirt from right to left, all the way from the top to the bottom. The air grows heavier around her, and she sees the man and the woman in her mind's eye---sees her Alejandra--- sees the streaks of blood. It has begun. Iyalosha Adisanya does not allow herself to feel anything but grim determination. She will not falter. Pulling her self up into a kneeling position, she lays down the broom, reaches behind her for the honey and the rue. Carefully, she opens the jar, crumbles the herb into the thick golden mass and places it beside her. There is nothing to do now but wait. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Midnight---424 Diversey Parkway The dark becomes a shadow and the shadow becomes a man. The only light comes from the stars and the city at skyline. Time slows to a standstill. Naftali springs from the corner, his midnight coat flapping as he lunges himself onto Mulder. Pulling him away with a viscious force, they slam into one of the bookshelves. It falls, the shelving collapses, and the two of the are fighting and rolling over the debris. Gonzales is punching like a jackhammer, a brutal machine, unerring as he meets the mark. Mulder head snaps back each time he connects, he pulls the dead man away from Scully and Alex, landing as many blows as he can. Alex tries to scramble back up to get the knife, but Scully hurls herself on top of her. Smaller than the other woman, they're half-kneeling, half-lying. Alex spits and scratches, but Scully's able to find the pressure point at the base of her throat and uses it to drive Cardenas to the ground. They wrestle until Alex is finally on her back. Pulling out her cuffs she makes sure Alex is secure, and falls on her to hold her down. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Midnight---All Saints' Cemetery Iyalosha is poised at the brink, when she finally hears Oya's command. "Now, daughter. Now is the time. Quickly, move quickly! Iya takes the photo, brushes her lips against that beloved face, then buries it under the grave dirt. Without hesitation she pours the honey over the the top of the mound. Rising slowly, Iya lets loose a wail, cries out to the silent sky. "Mi hija...my beautiful baby. Forgive me." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ 12:02---424 Diversey Parkway She can hear the fighting behind her stop, but it's still, too still. "Mulder," she yells without moving from her captive. "Mulder!" "Gonzales, Scully...Gonzales is gone." Scully begins to get up, reaching for her weapon, but is frozen in place as a shadow oozes under Alex. Mulder's hit the light and is already crouching at her side, together they roll Cardenas over. The inky darkness covers her like a film, enters her body, and Alex begins to gasp for air. Suddenly, sheet lightening hits the penthouse, shatters the windows, filling everywhere with blinding white. Neither of them move until it's over. As soon as they can see, the two of them maneuver around Alex's prone body, trying to start CPR. In the charred remains of what is left of her life, Alejandra Ruis-Cardenas closes her eyes and is gone. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ 12:05---All Saints' Cemetery Oya has left, the winds are still, all the necessary tools have been gathered up, with the food and wine left as offerings. Iyalosha sits on a stone bench across from the grave and waits. She has to see for herself, she has to know. Then she hears what seems like two people whispering, but so faint she can't make out the words. Peering into the darkness, she begins to make them out. Alejandra and Naftali, standing together at the foot of the grave. Sorrow and remorse are etched into their features, she thinks she sees her baby crying. Iya does not approach, she cannot. There is nothing to say, no way that this will ever be undone. They will never sees their ancestors, never sit at the table of the Seven Powers. There will be no rest for them, no joy. But Oya kept her promise, they will be together always. It is done, and Iyalosha Adisanya rises and leaves this place. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ 12:15---424 Diversey Parkway "It looks like a bomb blast site." Scully steps gingerly through the debris. She's really talking to herself, Mulder just happens to be in the vicinity. Both of them are still pretty shell-shocked as they follow the necessary protocol. A suspect died from respiratory failure while resisting arrest. Scully tells herself that's about the only thing they'll all agree on on once the reports are written. He has his back to her, finishing his calls to the 911 dispatcher and Jorgensen. "They'll be here soon." He's done now, and turns to face her. They've covered the body with a sheet from the bed, and now they're waiting for the coroner and the crime scene technicians. "Mulder, look at us." "Yeah, pretty amazing, huh?" Essentially miraculous would be a more apt description. There is nothing, virtually nothing wrong with either one of them, save for the blood stains they have on their clothes from struggling with Alex. "Amazing? It's...unreal...unbelievable. We have no discernible injuries whatsoever, no physical complaints, no symptoms of trauma, all of which should be present after the beating we took. How do you explain something like this?" He dangles his left wrist with its red band in front of her, trying to muster a half-hearted grin as he points to hers, "I got your explanation right here." "You can't be serious...There's no basis for it, no viable scientific rationale..." She was only partially unconvinced at this point, but she wanted to make him work for the rest. "OK," he sighed, as exhaustion began to claim him, "maybe it's 'cause we put the 'B' in badass." Listlessly rubbing her forehead, she caught his eye as she muttered. "Mulder, you're making your first explanation sound better all the time." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Chapter 9 Calm-eyed, Kris took in the scene before her without saying a word. Cardenas' formerly pristine apartment was wrecked. Furniture had been had been knocked over, magazines lay on the floor in heaps, several throw rugs had been shoved against the walls, all bearing some signs of scorch march. Zigzag burn marks raced across the walls, all the windows were shattered, and though she stepped carefully, glass crunched underfoot. She grimaced at the sound. Cardenas herself was on her back, arms still above her head. Fresh blood trailed from her mouth and her left hand, and it looked liked and there were old blood stains on her chest where Mulder and Scully desperately worked to revive her. Both of them looked tired, the bone-deep exhaustion Kris had seen time and time again on the faces of firemen and beat cops. A certain kind of shell shock that came only from living through trauma, knowledge of certain failure to save a life despite doing everything you could. "Excuse me - " Kris moved out of the way as the evidence tech behind her tapped her arm. The other tech followed the first, setting up the print kit and collection bags. The coroner had came and went, pronounced Alex dead, and the wagon had already taken her to the morgue. Mulder stood up and watched Scully confer with the two men, unintentionally smearing blood across his forehead as he brushed the hair out of his eyes. Christ, what a mess. At least they wouldn't have to write up the reports for Lazarov. Time to tackle what had happened. "Agent Mulder," she called. "Could I speak to you for a moment?" He nodded, circled the trio surrounding Cardenas. "Yeah, sure. Ask away..." His voice trailed off. She shrugged apologetically. "You two okay?" "Cuts and scratches I think." "What happened here?" Kris hoped she sounded calm and collected, like she was trying to help, instead of how she felt, like a sneak thief trying not to get caught. Fuck, she thought, I better tell him now, better get it over with. "Agent Mulder," "Yes, Detective." He had a feeling where this was going after this morning. "Sgt. Lazarov' s instructed me to make the official report in this matter." "On our consult, our case." "He was crystal clear, and uh...he's calling his case as far as the CPD, the Superintendent and the mayor are concerned." Mulder mumbled something she couldn't make out and ground some of the glass on the floor with his heel. "Right. Fine, then." "I'm sorry, Agent Mulder, but I've got to get your statement. Lazarov did say you're free to write up your own report for the Bureau when you get back to D.C." Kris had to throw in her own assessment, "Listen, it's screwed up and we both know my boss is a tool. But this thing is over, and I have to do..." He managed a rueful smile, "...your duty. Then let's get this over with, Detective." "So, what happened?" "I..." Mulder shook his head. "Cardenas was performing a ritual that involved cutting herself. When we tried to stop her, she went after Scully. Someone else was here with her, because I was hauled off, ostensibly to have the shit beat out of me." "Someone else?" she asked quietly, wanting to know who whatever the answer. He licked his lips, staring her directly in the eye. Apparently, like he liked what he saw, because he didn't hesitate, "Gonzales, Detective. Cardenas raised Gonzales from the dead." "From the dead." "Cardenas practiced a bastardized form of Santeria, an arcane ritual that gives the undead the means to essentially become instrument of revenge. All of the victims, Breen, Michaels, Roberts, Coluko and Weinhoft, were in turn killed by the same methods with which they had killed their own victims. Gonzales had a history with all the deceased. One in which he had to witness the guilty go scot free...My guess is that all Alex wanted was Naftali back whatever that meant. " Kris resisted the urge to step back. "You can't be serious" she hissed, mindful of the evidence techs overhearing and running their mouths. "What you want me to believe is impossible...someone read the casefiles...someone..." Mulder smirked and leaned closer, voice equally soft as her own. "Casefiles? The information about this case had been leaked to every major news source. That narrowed the field down to just about anyone who read a paper or watched the news. Your boss didn't like those numbers, that's where we came in. Your version puts you back at square one. Is that what you really want to tell Lazarov?" Shit, he had her there. "Scully tells me you smelled the rum in the bodies yourself, saw the evidence of people doing impossible things to one another, to themselves. How else do you explain it?" She couldn't. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly. "I can't. You're saying Gonzales was here, and attacked you. So where is he now?" He hesitated briefly. "A Santeria priestess who knew Cardenas well. . .took her power away. Once she lost power, Gonzales had no choice but to return to the spirit world... She was bound to him," he glanced at Scully, now sitting back on her heels, and then at the techs, starting to collect additional samples, comparing notes, "and couldn't stay here. For what it's worth, Detective, I don't think she could've lived without him." "And now they're together for eternity?" Kris said. "Not exactly happily ever after, is it?" "I can see how it would appeal to a person, especially if they lost someone they loved greatly." "I guess," she murmured. The only person she loved that much was Hannah, but she wasn't going to dwell on the rest of it. "Well, I think the report will say something to the effect that as you attempted to apprehend the suspect, a struggle ensued, inadvertently Dr. Ruis-Cardenas to experience fatal respiratory distress." She called over to Joe Pettibone, one of the techs. "Doc Garrity said it was respiratory failure, right?" Pettibone laid aside the kit and pivoted toward her, "Yeah, Kris. He said to tell you the autopsy on this one'll be done my mid morning." Looking to Mulder again, "I think you two should head on over to the ER, just to be on the safe side. Mulder grinned, white teeth a shocking contrast to the dark red streak of Cardenas' blood above his eyebrows. "I'll get Scully to check me out. She's a doctor, y'know." He said it a little louder than he needed to. Scully turned to them and gave him a look that told Kris she wasn't all that bothered. She liked Mulder, she liked them both. And clearly, the two of them really liked each other. Like wasn't quite the right word, Jorgensen amended, something a little more...intense. Kris shook off that train of thought. She needed to get the hell out of here and start filling out paperwork before Lazarov had another meltdown. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~~X~X~ Mulder folded his arms and sat back in the hard plastic chair, letting his head rest on the wall. He yawned. A moment later he cracked another one. Jesus Christ, it had to be 5 am. He just wanted to go back to the Burnham, wash off the spectres of the dead detective, his dead lover, crawl into bed with his own lover and sleep for a couple of hours. Tomorrow they could fly back home, write their reports, and maybe have time enough to look for rings. A ring. He was honest enough with himself to realize he wanted to show he was claimed, and for her to be claimed, too. "C'mon, partner - " Something gently nudged his knee and he moaned a half-protest. "Let's get the hell out of Dodge before Dr. Singh finds some other way to poke or prod us. We've been good little patients, had our exams, our X-rays, our CAT scans. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the VIP-head-of-line treatment, but now it's time to go." He opened one eye, taking in the dried blood on her jacket. She looked rumpled, exhausted, but she didn't have a scratch on her. Just like him. She nodded. "I'm fine. You?" "Yup. Just tapped out," Mulder hauled himself to his feet, aware of just how much he wanted to stretch out right here and close his eyes. "How come the undead never have to worry about getting their beauty sleep? It just doesn't seem fair, Scully." The few other people in the waiting room eyed Mulder, surreptitiously leaned to one side, clutched handbags and magazines, and in one case, a child, as he and Scully left the area. "Well, Mulder, I guess you could chalk it up to their not needing food or water. Their bodies don't need to process products into energy, which of course takes energy." He looked down at her in amazement as she mumbled on. "If you're right, Gonzales was getting his strength from Cardenas, through her blood scarifice. Once that was interrupted, Gonzales no longer had a link to the living. So, in the end, it's the cycle of life and death and rebirth. Why are you looking at me like that?" "Ah, you, uh, aren't usually so enthusiastic about my theories." "Don't get used to it," she said. "I'm too tired to come up with anything better. Besides, it was hard enough trying to explain why nothing was wrong with me to Dr. Singh. I think he was personally affronted he couldn't find anything," Mulder chuckled mid-yawn, nearly walking into an empty gurney as they headed towards the ER walk-in exit. "I think Dr. Burrows was in the same frame of mind." "So you think the talisman protected us." "Got a better explanation? " His breath hung frostily in the cold air as they stepped outside the sliding doors. "We've seen stranger things, Scully. Maybe there's someone out there... something else besides random events emerging from chaos, maybe this time someone was watching out for us." Scully smiled up at him, "That almost sounds like faith." "Maybe I'm ready to believe..." Mulder's cel trilled in his pocket. He let it ring several times before he answered. "Yeah." "It's Kris Jorgensen. I just thought you and Agent Scully should know that a member of a Santeria house just confessed as the perp in the Gonzales case. "What?" He knew he was out of it, but he thought he heard correctly. "He walked into 11th and State with his written statement swearing he killed Coluko, Wienhoft, all of them as a favor to Alex Cardenas..." "Did you interview him? What did he say?" "He can't speak...He was brought to the station by a woman who said her name was Iya...she said to tell you the circle's complete now. I don't suppose you're going to explain what that means." "I don't think you really want me to." "No, I don't think I do." On the drive back to the Burham, as daylight began to emerge, Mulder told Scully about Kris' call and Iyalosha's message. She didn't say anything for a long time, then reached for his hand. "I think you're right about what's been at work here..." she whispered. "...and about what's kept us safe." "Are you serious, Scully?" "Maybe we're starting to believe the same things," sliding closer to him. He thought he what he said in the ER, about a force greater than themselves, "Maybe we are." ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Epilogue 10:30 am --- The next day---Various Locations ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Sgt. Lazarov leans back in his armchair, feet up on his desk, lazily going over a glossy catalogue of new office furniture he was sure he'd be needing when he got the call from the Superintendent. Oh, he'd be getting that promotion, he'd be the Mayor's new Liaison for Community Affairs. He's busted his ass for too long, and they had to toss him a bone after tying up the Gonzales case. The only thing he's waiting on to get the ball rolling is Jorgensen's goddamn report. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Kris Jorgensen's hunches over an old Selectric, hunting and pecking what she hopes will be the approved version of the most bizarre case she's ever had to deal with. Ostrowski and Clark were arguing about who was going to pay the tab at the Claddagh Ring, saying something about needing to cut back on the beers anyway. She's hasn't been to bed yet, drunk so much coffee that her teeth are chattering. Her phone rings and it's Hannah, all excited and chirping in her ear about baby names. No, she tells her, there will be no Brittany or Justin. Hanging up the phone, she wonders if there are any openings in the coroner's office. Somehow, the quiet seems really appealing right now. Going back to her typing, she hopes she's spelling that Adisanya woman's name correctly. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Iyalosha Adisanya waves off the gaggle of seekers, with their requests for love spells, healings, and divinations. She tells Osunrete to make her some hawthorn tea to lessen her sorrow, settles in to a chair in a small alcove in the rear of the temple. Murmuring ancient words she weaves a band of red and orange, a talisman for Omi. He will need to be kept safe from the predators in prison. She owes him her protection now, she will watch over him the rest of her life. Osunrete brings the steaming tea, and she reminds the girl to start gathering rose blossoms, myrhh and sweetgrass. There is a wedding gift to be made for the FBI man and his woman. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Walter Skinner doesn't know why, but he's feeling like odd man out when his phone assaults him with a blaring ring. It's a call from SAC Mitrovic who takes great delight in letting him know that his agents are a traveling freak show, and that they will be regaling him with details of their exploits. Walter takes great delight in telling Mitrovic what he can do with himself, hangs up on him, buzzes Kim and asks her to help him for his Mylanta. She cancels his appointments for today, asks him if he still wants to meet with Mulder and Scully. He shakes his head, and tells her tomorrow, late tomorrow. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Mulder's just finished stuffing himself, enjoying the hell out his breakfast in bed, and Scully's in the bathroom running the shower. He tries to call Skinner, but Kim tells him the A.D. isn't feeling too well, so he won't be meeting with them until late the next day. He seizes on the opportunity, makes another call and pushes back their flight until four. They're all packed, so they have the rest of the morning and good part of the afternoon... Scully's standing under pulsating streams of hot water, working out the kinks in her neck, eyes closed and blissfully not thinking of anything. She feels a slight draft and the looming presence of someone who starts soaping her back, working away the tightness running along her spine. "Just can't let me take a shower alone, eh, Mulder?" She leans back into his slippery grip. "I'm very ecologically concerned, Scully. Global reserves of water desperately need conservation." He rinses off a shoulder and starts licking a trail to the nape of her neck. "Unbelievable," she laughs. "Oh...right there... that's it," as his hand slides slick concentric circles over her breast. She's not laughing any more. "Say, Scully," his voice low and hypnotic, "studies recently show that men's sex drives do not decrease as they enter their forties," as he rubs the newly energized proof of his statement against the curve of her ass. Reaching around to verify the necessary empirical evidence, "I'll have to see that for myself." Spinning her around and pressing her to the tile, his mouth descends onto hers as he provides a very pointed illustration. ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ On a flight to Osaka---somewhere over the Pacific. Vanessa Muraski stretches like a lazy cat in her first-class seat, uncrosses her long legs and rubs her calves until she feels his hands begin to do the work. "I wondered what it would take to get your attention, Hiroshi." Teacher. Her pet endearment for Hector Shinoda. He's a brilliant instructor and she's been an apt pupil. Unfortunately,his tutelage involves things like garotting, suffocation, a Makarov with a silencer, and bad men who've begged for mercy that never came. "You've been reading a long time." She reaches for the sheaf of papers on his lap, sees the title, 'The Code of Bushido, and its Influence on Pathologic Knight-Errant Response.' "He wrote this?" "Yes, my love, this was written by one who knows the Way..." She regards him thoughtfully, "Are you planning on dealing with him?" Shinoda turns to gaze out the window, white clouds forming everything and nothing. "No, but perhaps he may want to deal with me one day. A man must prepare for death always." Settling back in his seat and closing his eyes, Shinoda hoped he would be ready if their paths crossed again. FIN ~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~ Author's notes: diehard's This has been a labor of love, impossible to complete without the foundation I received from dryad. To Dryad--I may have done more of the scribbling, but this story would've never happened without your bedrock. To the wonderfully encouraging XDKSFAN, Inya, Fran Weugel, Sherri Kelm, girlie_girl74, Little Spooky, Linda (aka/linc), fifee, Evie Whiting, and Beach 2329----you shored me up, got me through, got me going---and for that I'm so very grateful. For the wonderful sites, Ephemeral, Gossamer, WIPOL, WIP Nest, The Grove, Whispers of X, atxc, The Spookys, musea, Fran's Fanfic Addiction---I can only express my deep appreciation for creating worlds of wonderful fiction. To Ms. Suture--fellow traveler and brilliant writer--thank you for the glorious words! And to Mulder and Scully and David and Gillian---you continue to occupy the best part of my imagination, Feedback to: alvaradomccain@earthlink.net