1. Why did you start writing fic?

Well, I never had any specific grand reason. I had been a poet and had never tried writing any sort of real short story, but my poems were mostly story poems. My husband suggested I try writing short stories and it was right about the time when I was beginning to read X-fic and really into the show - and as I have always been a romantic... it seemed like a fun thing to do. That was the start of it all!

2. Where are you from? How has your location affected your writing?

I was born and raised in Upstate New York, in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. But I have lived in many places. Currently I live in Alaska, and would say that location really hasn't had much of an affect on my writing except to give me more knowledge of geographical background for my sto

3. What all kinds of genre and pairings are you interested in reading?

I am VERY narrow-minded, LOL! It's Mulder and Scully, in love. With or without child, married or unmarried... I've read it all. I like them to be happy but once in a while I have to see them sad. I dislike seeing them tortured, and when I write I usually don't hurt them unless I am writing a case file or creating post-col fic. I adore humor, cherish romance - absolutely love erotica. The naughty stuff is the most fun for me.

4. What kind of summary, keywords, pairing, etc. really gets your heart pounding before you even read the first line of the story?

Well, Answer number three should clue you in...! MSR. NC-17. Humor. Post-Col. Erotica. Married with child. Unmarried and in lust. First-time love, future tenderness - I'll take it all!

5. What is your secret strategy for writing good sex scenes?

First, keep them as genuine to the character as you can. That means really thinking about the way, say, Mulder would react to Scully, within the context of the scene you wish to create. Keep the scene something you know. In other words, if you know nothing about bondage, you might want to either give it a shot , or read up on it before you proceed. Second, know something about the way the human body operates, and remember that some positions are just about impossible regardless of what Kama Sutra tells you, LOL - and stamina is a lovely thing but we are dealing with a forty + year old man and a woman who has GOT to feel vaginal dryness, once in a while! It's only human. Third... have fun with what you are writing. If a sex scene is beginning to feel like a chore to write, maybe you should skip over it and write another scene until you're ready to give it a real shot. Otherwise you won't give it the attention it deserves and you may come up with something mechanical rather than loving and romantic, if that's what you're aiming for - or something boring rather than hot and smutty, if heat is what you're after.

6. What causes you the most difficulty while you're writing a story?

Usually dialogue. I blame my poetic background for that . I think I do a good job setting scenes, a part of the sort of poetry I used to write - which is why I adore writing vignettes. I think I am decent at getting into a character's head and displaying his thoughts. But dialogue doesn't always come easily to me. I think I've improved, and I have several wonderful betas that are capable of fabulous dialogue. When they beta my fic conversations, I listen to them!

7. What advice would you give someone who is thinking about writing their very first fic?

Before you even put a word on paper, secure the services of a good beta. Regardless of whether or not you think you need one. Believe me - you do. Nobody catches everything (typos, bad grammar or punctuation) - even if you're an English major. It's your fic - and every author has a natural blind spot where their literature is concerned. Make sure you have been watching the episodes, really watching them - because no matter what sort of fic you want to write, you HAVE to know and understand the show, the characters and their quest, first. Otherwise you are writing about Dick and Jane rather than Mulder and Scully, or Doggett, Reyes - any of them. Take your time. Think about what you want to say. Understand that you are writing for yourself, because you love the show and you want to express that love. If you write for any other reason you'll probably not be happy with the results. And if you have never written a thing in your life, and you want to cut your teeth on X-fic... then that in itself is scary and wonderful and heart-pounding. Know that once you have written it and have had it beta'd and have posted it - that there are readers who will read it and be very glad you wrote it. And if English is not your first language, and you are intending to write your fic in English... more than ever you need beta help. Don't be afraid to seek it out.

8. With the XF now over, how do you think that will affect you fanfic-wise? Do you think you'll still find the interest in it as much as you did when you first started?

Well, I anticipate a bit of a decline, but for me that would have happened anyway regardless of the finale in Season Nine. I am finding RL to be more and more pressured, and would also like to try writing a novel for publication. But I don't see myself stopping the fic writing completely, anytime soon. It's way too much fun and very fulfilling.

9. What music, if any, most inspires you to write? What do you like to listen to while writing?

Actually, I usually don't listen to music. I like to write either in silence or with the TV on for background noise. But music isn't necessary, unless I hear a song and it inspires a story. Then I'll write down the lyrics and listen to it over and over until I'm saturated - then I will turn it off, and write.

10. Where do you get your ideas or inspiration?

Well, as I mentioned above, sometimes it's a song. Sometimes it's an ep that I feel needs a different beginning or ending - sometimes it's nothing more complicated than a memory of something that happened in my own past, or in the past of a loved one. Sometimes I'll get email from a reader and they suggest a scene I can't resist.

11. Do you ever get writer's block, and how do you cope with it?

Oh, yes! Plenty of times. It varies as to the length of the block. When it happens I don't force it. If I force it then whatever I write just doesn't seem to work

12. Why did you originally get involved with the X-files? How did the show catch your attention enough to keep you watching?

Well, early on in the seasons I'd seen ep trailers on TV once in a while but had never thought to watch. I had seen DD on other things and thought he was very hot - and of course I watched Red Shoes faithfully. Believe it or not I thought Red Shoes was his primary star thing, and X-Files was the secondary! Then in Season 5, just before FTF hit, I saw the Rolling Stone cover - and being the romantic I am, my fancy and attention was immediately snared. I watched the rest of Season 5, saw FTF - and my fate was sealed! As for keeping my attention... I am a militant Mulderist. That's all it took up to Season 8 - and this year I didn't watch very much but I have had writing and reading fic to sustain me!

13. Have you found that your own relationships have altered your writing in any way? Has it helped it to become more detailed and thorough?

I have been very happily married for 27 years. That alone has strongly affected the way I write. I fall in love more, every day - and it also gets reflected in my writing. I am the mother of an adult daughter, and that also affects the way I write MSR with child. I write what I know and that's about it!

14. How much of a factor does characterization play in your stories? Do you find yourself drifting away from the original characters developed by Chris Carter and developing them into something more your own?

It's important to me to try staying as true to character as I can regardless of whom I write. That doesn't mean I keep them in a narrow field. I also love putting them into situations they've never been in before - that's what stretching yourself as a writer is all about - but still, their characteristics have to be recognizable or else it isn't worthwhile to me. I enjoy writing new characters as well - I like the enrichment they offer to the standard of the show and the way they open up all sorts of possibilities. But I still believe in maintaining characterization.

15. What else would you like people to know about your stories?

My X-stories are my way of expressing the love I have for the show. I write for others as well as for myself - I write what I feel and figure if someone reads them then they honor me, regardless if one or one hundred reads it. If one person emails me and tells me they like what I wrote, that makes everything worthwhile. Writing is a gift, I believe - but readers who read what you write and let you know they did - and that they enjoyed it - well, that's the greater gift.

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