All The Stories Vote for next months Story Of The Month! Recommend a story, use the message board to help find one, or just sign the Guestbook! Email me with a trusty form! Wanna submit a story? Heres the rules & answers! Author Interviews done by Satina and Shannon Kizzia! Links to Authors homepages! General links to other pages! XF and writers resources. Find out whats going on with Whispers. Also gives the date of the next update! Join other writers with our monthly challenge. Seven items in a NC-17 story! Check out the rules here. Story of the month! This is what you are voting for in the voting booth!

December Items
Thanks to Foxie Meg for this months items!

Dec 1, 2001 - Dec 31, 2001

Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • Mulder & Scully having phone sex while in the same room with each other.
  • Mulder in jeans, a Stetson, and no shirt.
  • A quote from The Princess Bride, either the book or the movie, OTHER THAN "As you wish" - and work in Humperdink somehow.
  • A swivel chair
  • Problems with a credit card *or* a problem solved by a credit card
  • A reference to one of the following S2 eps: Excelsis Dei, Our Town, Humbug, The Calusari, Soft Light, or Fearful Symmetry.
  • A quote from a religious text other than the Christian Bible

  • Foxie Meg : Bend Down and Whisper
    Summary: A story about meeting halfway. Answer to my own True Blue Challenge because I just couldn't pass it up.

    Virtie : The Clubhouse Turn
    Summary: In response to December's True Blue Challenge (thanks a lot, Meg!), Mulder and Scully spend a day at the races.

    November Items
    Thanks to Shannon Kizzia for this months items!

    Nov 1, 2001 - Nov 30, 2001

    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • Angry, horny Doggett (He can be horny for anyone, or *cringe* anything.)
  • M/S UST (Feel free to have either or both involved with someone else. I just want the tension and the flirting to still be pumping freely.)
  • A ferret
  • Mention of one of these three novels (You may pick just one or use any combo of the three.): Paradise Lost by John Milton, An Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality edited by Judith Barrington, and/or The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe.
  • Mulder's glasses
  • The suggestion of or actual act of rimming
  • An allusion to the Sam Houston Motor Lodge of Bad Blood fame.

  • Ann K : Reckoning
    Summary: Agents Scully, Mulder and Doggett finish their first field assignment together, giving Scully the opportunity to define her changing relationship with Mulder-only Doggett is caught in the middle.

    September & October Items
    Special Thanks go out to my dear friend Valorie. I told her that I had been having trouble with coming up with items for the challenge lately and she whipped a pen right out! So, this month and next month are items she gave us!

    Sept 1, 2001 - Oct 27, 2001

    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • Lei (flowered Necklace)
  • Ukulele (small musical instrument)
  • FBI Ball or a party that your Characters attend.
  • Roast pig with and apple in it's mouth
  • Masks, all characters must wear them at the party/FBI ball
  • Spiked Punch
  • One of the attendees of the party must have a rubber blow up doll as a date!

  • Ann K : Three's a Crowd
    Summary: "But, hell. The whole damn week had been foreplay. Their entire professional relationship had only been a preamble to this very moment."

    Carrie J. Smith aka DFantum : Aloha Puttytat
    Summary: Mulder, Scully and a wild Halloween party.

    RPcrazy aka AnneB : HawaiiSixty-9 - FBI Party
    Summary: Doggett and Scully leave on a long weekend together to Hawaii. What they get up to can only be imagined. Doggett has a secret that he must keep from Scully at all costs. Scully has her own skeletons in the closet.

    August Items

    Aug 5, 2001 - Aug 31, 2001

    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • A shelf that falls down.
  • Sex on a beach.
  • A "Loony ToonsŠ" coffee mug.
  • An unexpected phone call.
  • A porn magazine entitled "Do me with it BIG BOY" that DOESN'T belong to Mulder.
  • A character named "Jamie" (So I'm being vain this month...SUE
  • Black ribbon.

  • Donnilee : Hunt For The Werewolf
    Summary: An old college friend of Mulder's is in danger and while working the case, they are made to see how much they are missing.

    iceshiva16 : The Black Ribbon
    Summary: Krycek is sent looking for something that he believes Mulder has, but what he finds is much more than he ever dared to wish for.

    Lizzi Wareham : Everything Happened Today
    Summary: Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong!

    Lovesfox : Sex on the Beach
    Summary: A night out for Mulder and Scully

    Sister Spooky : April Fools Day
    Summary: Scully plays joke that gets her more than she thought she could ever get.

    Soleil Compeau : Filling the Void
    Summary: Scully can't bear the thought of another man ever touching her again after Mulder. But she's very lonely....

    July Items

    July 1, 2001 - Aug 5, 2001
    (extended for reasons)
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • An interruption in the middle of the sex scene. (i.e..phonecall, broken window, ect.)
  • A carnival visit.
  • Mulder and Scully see an actual fairy/sprite.
  • A bottle of Excedrin.
  • Glitter body paint that won't come off.
  • Mulder and Scully in an old fashioned photograph.
  • Dripping ice cream.

  • Carrie J. Smith aka DFantum : Tinkerbell Goes to Fair
    Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate a strange thing at a carnival.

    lovesfox : Carnival of Dreams
    Summary: I say again, smut. But if you must, Mulder and Scully at the carnival.

    Samantha1013 : Believing in More Than the Fairy
    Summary: A night at a carnival brings new revelations to Mulder and Scully's relationship.

    Mortis : Miracle on the Midway
    Summary: Mulder sets out to give Scully some fond memories of the carnival.

    June Items

    June 1, 2001 - June 30, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • A one bed fic. Mulder and Scully are trapped in one bed for the night. (Check out our "Tight Quarters" Section in Catagory to see what I'm talking about. Trying to build up more stories there 'GRIN')
  • A stuffed animal
  • A bottle of any drink...that WON'T open.
  • A really odd looking tree.
  • Mulder quoting rules that shouldn't be broken...AND agreeing with them.
  • A broken air conditioner.
  • A door that just won't stay closed.

  • Clair : Rules are there to be broken
    Summary: Mulder and Scully go on a trip to Texas and discover that some rules are meant to be broken.

    Lovesfox : Things Can Only Get Better
    Summary: Mulder and Scully and one hotel bed

    mimic117 : A Night With Murphy
    Summary: Murphy always said if something can go wrong, it will.

    May Items

    May 1, 2001 - May 31, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • A blacklight.
  • A web camera.
  • Sex in a confined space.
  • An extremely LOUD clock.
  • A red rose.
  • Black silk underwear for both characters.
  • Mulder and Scully wearing glasses.

  • Bee Sting : Boom
    Summary: Great fic....Loud and truly talented. ~~~Jamie~~~

    ficlady : Goin' to the Fair
    Summary: True Blue Challenge

    Lizzi Wareham : Heating System
    Summary: It's starts as a simple meal together, but it certainly doesn't end that way ;)

    April Items

    April 1, 2001 - April 30, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • Five Neon Candles. One of each of these colors: Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Orange.
  • Your characters playing a drinking game.
  • A videotape titled "Oh My's HUGE!"
  • A jar of oil (any type).
  • An ostrich feather
  • Mention or location of the city of Denver, Colorado (grin).
  • A broken VCR.

  • Cathy S. : Lying In Wait
    Summary: Scully is tired of waiting for Mulder to make his move.

    Clair : Birthday Surprises
    Summary: Mulder and Scully embark on a case in Denver. True Blue Challenge story.

    March Items

    March 1, 2001 - March 31, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • Disco Ball
  • A batch of onion rings
  • A kilt
  • A hanging chair
  • An original "Archie" Comic Book
  • A box of 12" x 12" vinyl tiles
  • A pair of Red Stiletto Heels

  • xenascully : The Impersonator
    No summary...but it's cute!

    Nichole aka scoob4u : Redrum on Vine St.
    Not gonna tell ya.. it's a surprise! Well okay, here's a hint: Mulder and Scully have a fight, Mulder does his usual solo drinking afterward, and meets a new friend.

    February Items

    Feb 1, 2001 - Feb 28, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • One can of Vienna Sausages
  • An original Peter Parker Action figure dressed as Spiderman, still in its original packaging
  • Mulder or Scully MUST share a story of a Valentines Day experience before they met
  • Alien head stickers (must be either glow-in-the-dark, sparkly, or both)
  • A cup of Irish cream Latte
  • A tarot card reading for either Mulder or Scully
  • A copy of "Exit To Eden", book, and/or audio tape.

  • Sandpiper : Ghosts & Other Christmas Delights
    Summary: So what exactly did Mulder and Scully give each other for Christmas?

    January Items

    Jan 1, 2001 - Jan 27, 2001
    Remember! The only thing you have to do to win is include all SEVEN items in your story!

  • A remote control
  • An autographed 8x10 glossy of Lee Majors as Colonel Steve Austin, The Six Million Dollar Man
  • A three-legged chair
  • A ripe red tomato
  • A calculator
  • A new pet
  • A roll of duct tape

  • Jaybird : A New Home For Tom
    Tension erupts when Scully brings home Tom.

    Elizabeth Archibeque : Cowboy (or Ever Thought of a VCR repairman?)
    Mulder's lost something very near and dear to him. To get it back...he has to go to extremes.

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